Factors affecting adoption of learning management system among faculty members in Iraq By: Sulaiman Twana Tahseen Sulaiman (GS54902) TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) Davis et.al (1989) Variables and components of tam • Perceived Usefulness (PU) refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his/her job performance • Perceived ease of use (PEOU) refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort • Attitude toward using refers to the human attitudes towards the use of either technology effectively in their daily lives • Behavioral Intention reflects the extent to which a person purposes to purchase particular products or services • Actual usage behavior refers to the frequency, time, and money which an individual devotes to online shopping • External Variable and daily life refers to the external factors impact of effective technology and ease of use and easy to use for daily work Evaluation of tam The evaluation in general can be obtained from: (1) user response based questionnaire (2) Questions which was not disclosed and will be missed when users interact directly with the software (3) Evaluating by measuring the level of error that has been made by the user and assume the results are as disruption or interruption which will ultimately result in a negative effect is referred to as cost of interruptions TAM IMPLEMENTATION How the theory has been used relating to my research title Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw (1989) E-Ticketing E-Government TAM E-Learning Online Shopping Internet Stock Trading Internet Banking Article 1: MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE ACCEPTANCE OF MICROBLOGGING SOCIAL NETWORKS (Guardia, 2001) SUBJ ETIVE NORMS (SN) 0,18 H4+ R2=0,45 PERCEIVED USEFULNESS (PU) 0,64 H3+ H6+ 0,58 0,45 H5+ H1+ BEHAVIOURAL INTENTION(BI) 0,22 IMAGE (IMAGE) R2=0,69 H2+ 0,35 R2=0,33 PERCEIVED EASE OF USE (PEOU) R2=0,45 RMSEA: 0.021, P-VALUE: 0,34884, CHI SQUARE: 61,59 • The model extended TAM model for explaining the acceptance of web-based teaching tools as well as the validity of microblogging networks in combination with face-to-face classes Article 1: Reuse of End-User Code is an Adoption Process (Safadi, 2009) • The model extended TAM model with some external variables that related to the computer system for explaining the adoption process Theoretical framework THANK YOU ... MODEL (TAM) Davis et.al (1989) Variables and components of tam • Perceived Usefulness (PU) refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his/her... daily work Evaluation of tam The evaluation in general can be obtained from: (1) user response based questionnaire (2) Questions which was not disclosed and will be missed when users interact... the user and assume the results are as disruption or interruption which will ultimately result in a negative effect is referred to as cost of interruptions TAM IMPLEMENTATION How the theory has