CONFIDENTIAL (WHEN COMPLETED) REFERENCE CHECK FORM Introduce yourself and explain the reason for the call Inform the referee that you wish to collect reference check on the candidate and if they wish to participate in the interview The feedback collected shall be retained by the company and kept on file for future reference Confidentiality is guaranteed NOTE – If the referee says NO, please terminate the reference check QUALIFYING QUESTIONS Candidate’s Name and Position Title held: Referee’s Name and Position Title: Company Name: What is the relationship between the referee and the candidate? How long has the referee known the candidate? Please list the main responsibilities (the candidate) assumed in his/her position? Please describe the circumstances that led (the candidate) to leave his / her position and indicate whether this is VOLUNTARY or INVOLUNTARY JOB PERFORMANCE How would you evaluate the candidate’s job performance? Page of CONFIDENTIAL (WHEN COMPLETED) INTEGRITY Do you have any reason to question (the candidate)’s honesty or integrity? If yes, please give examples Did (the candidate) ever have any disciplinary records? If yes, please provide details WORKING ATTITUDE OPEN-MINDEDNESS To what extent did (the candidate) consider new ideas that were presented to him / her? Please provide details TEAMWORK How did (the candidate) work in a team? What were his/her behaviours towards supervisors and co-workers? Page of CONFIDENTIAL (WHEN COMPLETED) STRENGTHS & DEVELOPMENT AREAS What would you consider as (the candidate)’s key strengths? What would you see as (the candidate)’s key areas for further development? Thank you very much for your time and honest feedback Have a pleasant day Signature of Checker _ Name: Date: Page of ... development? Thank you very much for your time and honest feedback Have a pleasant day Signature of Checker _ Name: Date: Page of