Project name Non Function Requirements provide a short description of the software being specified and its purpose, including relevant benefits, objectives, and goals. Relate the software to corporate goals or business strategies. If a separate vision and scope document is available, refer to it rather than duplicating its contents here.
[PROJECT NAME] Non Function Requirements Date [April 10, 2010] Version [1.0] Status [Approved] Author [Le Minh Vuong, BA] Reviewed by [Le Tat Hai, Project Manager] Approved by [Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Director] Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Revision History Date Version Description Author Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 PURPOSE 4 1.2 SCOPE 4 1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 4 1.4 REFERENCES 4 1.5 OVERVIEW 4 2 NON FUNCTION REQUIREMENTS 5 2.1 SECURITY 5 2.1.1 REQ101 Backup Server 6 2.1.2 REQ102 Information Security 6 2.1.3 REQ103 Log Order 6 2.1.4 REQ104 Synchronize Client Server 6 2.2 PERFORMANCE 6 2.2.1 REQ105 Meet arround 100 users to access concurrently 7 2.2.2 REQ106 System Fast Calculate 7 2.2.3 REQ107 System must be flexible 7 Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Introduction 1.1 Purpose Smart World technology is proud of being a leading IT company in Vietnam offering Smart Card and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology for Education, Banking, Government and Industry This is document describes the Non function requirements of Stock Control 1.2 Scope This is document describes the Non function requirements of Stock Control This document is used by development team 1.3 No 1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations Term SWT Enduro UAT SRS SAD PM QC QA Description Smart World Technology Co. ltd Client User Acceptance Test Software Requirement Specification Software Analysis & Design Project Manager Quality Control Quality Assurance References 1.5 Overview Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Non Function Requirements Audit History Date/Time: 20100415 Field:name Formal Requirements REQs document custom Non-Functional Requirements Security + Backup Server + Informati on Securi ty + Log Order + Synchronous Cl i ent-Server Performance + M eet around 100 user access + System fast cal cul ate + System m ust be fl exsi bl e 2.1 Security Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: custom Security Backup Server Information Security Log Order Synchronous Client-Server 2.1.1 REQ101 Backup Server Status: Validated Priority: Medium Admin can backup all orders on server REQ102 Information Security Difficulty: Medium Status: Validated Priority: Medium User authentication, decentralized users REQ103 Log Order Difficulty: Medium «Functional» 2.1.2 «Functional» 2.1.3 Status: Validated Priority: Medium Difficulty: Medium When dealer sends order information to server time, sender will be log on server REQ104 Synchronize Client Server «Functional» 2.1.4 «Functional» 2.2 Status: Validated Priority: Low The system must synchronize clientserver data Difficulty: Low Performance Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: custom Performance Meet around 100 user access System fast calculate System must be flexsible 2.2.1 REQ105 Meet arround 100 users to access concurrently «Functional» Status: Proposed Priority: Medium Difficulty: High Response system for about 100 dealer accesses 2.2.2 REQ106 System Fast Calculate «Functional» Status: Proposed Priority: Medium Difficulty: Medium The cost of the basic specification and options are always shown below the drawings Performance of render 2D, 3D is fast 2.2.3 REQ107 System must be flexible «Functional» Status: Proposed Priority: Medium Difficulty: Medium Ability to expand new functions, add new templates, add new options Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: ... Website: Non Function Requirements Audit History Date/Time: 20100415 Field:name Formal Requirements REQs document custom Non- Functional Requirements Security + Backup... 1.5 OVERVIEW 4 2 NON FUNCTION REQUIREMENTS 5 2.1 SECURITY ... and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology for Education, Banking, Government and Industry This is document describes the Non function requirements of Stock Control 1.2 Scope