Project name Database Model a description of the persistent data storage perspective of the system. This view is OPTIONAL if there is little or no persistent data, or the translation between the Design Model and the Data Model is trivial.
[PROJECT NAME] Database Model Date [April 12, 2010] Version [1.1] Status [Approved] Author [Nguyen Hoang Son, BA] Reviewed by [Le Phi Hung, Project Manager] Approved by [Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Director] Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Revision History Date Version Description Author Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Introduction 1.1 Purpose [A description of the persistent data storage perspective of the system This view is OPTIONAL if there is little or no persistent data, or the translation between the Design Model and the Data Model is trivial.] 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations No 1.4 Term Description References 1.5 Overview Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Data Model Detail This document provides an overview of the data model. For simpler and more focused reports, simply copy this initial template and turn off the sections not required. 2.1 Data model Type: Package: Detail: Notes: Package Implementation Model (PSM) Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 10/15/2008 DDL Created By: btxuanngan on 5/11/2005 Last Modified: 4/23/2007, Version:1.0 Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: class DDL Data Modeling Enterpris e Architect supports full definition of data modeling using the UML Data Definition Language (DDL) EA supports data definition for a number of DBMS structures Below is a data definition for an Oracle DBMS For more information on Data Modeling in EA see: Data Modeling StockItem Order «column» Author: string *PK stockItemID: Integer catalogNumber: string costPrice: number listPrice: number title: string «column» date: Date FK lineItemID: Integer *PK orderID: Integer FK orderStatusID: Integer deliveryInstructions: String orderNumber: String «FK» + FK_Order_LineItem(Integer) + FK_Order_OrderStatus(Integer) +PK_Order «PK» + PK_StockItem(Integer) +FK_Order_LineItem «PK» + PK_Order(Integer) +PK_StockItem (lineItemID = lineItemID) (stockItemID = stockItemID) (orderID = orderID) Account +FK_Account_Order «column» *PK accountID: Integer billingAddress: String FK orderID: Integer FK shoppingBasketID: Integer closed: Boolean deliveryAddress: String emailAddress: String name: String +PK_LineItem +FK_LineItem_StockItem LineItem Transaction «column» *PK lineItemID: Integer quantity: Integer FK stockItemID: Integer «column» FK accountID: Integer date: Date FK lineItemID: Integer (accountID = accountID) *PK transactionID: Integer orderNumber: String +FK_Transaction_Account «FK» +PK_Account + FK_Account_Order(Integer) + FK_Account_ShoppingBasket(Integer) «PK» + PK_Account(Integer) +FK_Transaction_LineItem «FK» + FK_LineItem_StockItem(Integer) (lineItemID = lineItemID) «FK» + FK_Transaction_Account(Integer) + FK_Transaction_LineItem(Integer) «PK» + PK_LineItem(Integer) +PK_LineItem «PK» + PK_Transaction(Integer) +FK_Account_ShoppingBasket (lineItemID = lineItemID) ShoppingBasket (shoppingBasketID = shoppingBasketID) «column» FK lineItemID: Integer *PK shoppingBasketID: Integer shoppingBasketNumber: String +FK_ShoppingBasket_LineItem +PK_ShoppingBasket «FK» + FK_ShoppingBasket_LineItem(Integer) +PK_LineItem «PK» + PK_ShoppingBasket(Integer) Figure: 1 2.1.1 Account Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns PK True False False False Name accountID billingAddress orderID shoppingBasketID Type Integer String Integer Integer Not Null True False False False Unique False False False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: False False False False closed deliveryAddress emailAddress name Boolean String String String False False False False False False False False Constraints Name FK_Account_Order Type Public FK_Account_ShoppingBas Public ket PK_Account Public Columns orderID Initial Code Notes shoppingBasketID accountID Relationships Columns (shoppingBasketID = shoppingBasketID) (orderID = orderID) (accountID = accountID) 2.1.2 Association Account.FK_Account_ShoppingBasket ShoppingBasket.PK_ShoppingBasket Account.FK_Account_Order Order.PK_Order Transaction.FK_Transaction_Account Account.PK_Account Notes LineItem Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns PK True False False Name lineItemID quantity stockItemID Type Integer Integer Integer Not Null True False False Unique False False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Constraints Name FK_LineItem_StockItem Type Public Columns stockItemID PK_LineItem Public lineItemID Initial Code Notes Relationships Columns (lineItemID = lineItemID) (lineItemID = lineItemID) Association Transaction.FK_Transaction_LineItem LineItem.PK_LineItem Order.FK_Order_LineItem LineItem.PK_LineItem Notes Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Columns Association (stockItemID = stockItemID) LineItem.FK_LineItem_StockItem StockItem.PK_StockItem (lineItemID = lineItemID) Notes ShoppingBasket.FK_ShoppingBasket_LineItem LineItem.PK_LineItem 2.1.3 Order Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns PK False False True False False Name date lineItemID orderID orderStatusID deliveryInstruction s False orderNumber Type Date Integer Integer Integer String Not Null False False True False False Unique False False False False False String False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Constraints Name FK_Order_LineItem Type Public Columns lineItemID FK_Order_OrderStatus Public orderStatusID PK_Order Public orderID Initial Code Notes Relationships Columns (orderStatusID = orderStatusID) (lineItemID = lineItemID) (orderID = orderID) 2.1.4 Association Order.FK_Order_OrderStatus OrderStatus.PK_OrderStatus Order.FK_Order_LineItem LineItem.PK_LineItem Account.FK_Account_Order Order.PK_Order Notes OrderStatus Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 11/30/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: PK False True False False False False Name closed orderStatusID delivered dispatched new packed Type Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Not Null False True False False False False Unique False False False False False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Constraints Name PK_OrderStatus Type Public Columns orderStatusID Initial Code Notes Relationships Columns (orderStatusID = orderStatusID) 2.1.5 Association Order.FK_Order_OrderStatus OrderStatus.PK_OrderStatus Notes ShoppingBasket Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns PK False True False Name lineItemID shoppingBasketID shoppingBasketNu mber Type Integer Integer String Not Null False True False Unique False False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Constraints Name Type FK_ShoppingBasket_LineI Public tem PK_ShoppingBasket Public Columns lineItemID Initial Code Notes shoppingBasketID Relationships Columns (lineItemID = lineItemID) Association (shoppingBasketID = shoppingBasketID) ShoppingBasket.FK_ShoppingBasket_LineItem LineItem.PK_LineItem Account.FK_Account_ShoppingBasket ShoppingBasket.PK_ShoppingBasket 2.1.6 Notes StockItem Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns PK False True False False False False Name Author stockItemID catalogNumber costPrice listPrice title Type string Integer string number number string Not Null False True False False False False Unique False False False False False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Constraints Name PK_StockItem Type Public Columns stockItemID Initial Code Notes Relationships Columns Association (stockItemID = stockItemID) LineItem.FK_LineItem_StockItem StockItem.PK_StockItem 2.1.7 Notes Transaction Database: Detail: Notes: , Stereotype: «table», Package: Data model Created on 5/11/2005. Last modified on 11/30/2005 Columns PK False False False True False Name accountID date lineItemID transactionID orderNumber Type Integer Date Integer Integer String Not Null False False False True False Unique False False False False False Len Prec Scale Init Notes Constraints Name FK_Transaction_Account Type Public Columns accountID FK_Transaction_LineItem Public lineItemID PK_Transaction Public transactionID Initial Code Notes Relationships Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: Columns (lineItemID = lineItemID) (accountID = accountID) Association Transaction.FK_Transaction_LineItem LineItem.PK_LineItem Transaction.FK_Transaction_Account Account.PK_Account Notes Smart World Technology Co. ltd Address: 02 No Trang Long Street, ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC Vietnam Phone: 8486674 9024 Fax: 8486258 4459 Website: 10 ... Data Model Detail This document provides an overview of the data model. For simpler and more focused reports, simply copy this initial template and turn off the sections not required. 2.1 Data model ... This view is OPTIONAL if there is little or no persistent data, or the translation between the Design Model and the Data Model is trivial.] 1.2 Scope