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Unit 6- 12Cb+ Test yourself B

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Date of preparing:……/ /200… Date of teaching:……/ …./200… Class:……………… Unit 6 Future jobs ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 29 - Lesson 1: Reading I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students should know about preparing for a job interview. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students know about future jobs - New words: Words related to future jobs 3. Skills: - Guessing meaning from context - Reading for specific information II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book and pictures showing farmers’ daily routines, etc. IV. Procedure: Time 5 5 2 10 Teachers activities - ask Ss to write a list of jobs in two minutes. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give suggested answers. - ask Ss a question. - ask Ss to work in groups and tick the factors that they think would help them succeed in a gob interview. - lead in the new lesson. - read word by word. - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and write them on the blackboard. - say some words in English and ask Ss to speak them out in Vietnamese. - ask Ss to read the passage in silence and do task 1. - ask Ss to compare the answer with a partner. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - comment and give correct answer. Content A. Warm- up: write down a list of jobs in two minutes. Suggested answers: a waiter, a nurse, a teacher, a doctor, a farmer, a worker, a computer programmer, a reporter Question: What job would you like to be in the future? Why? Lead- in: Today, the reading passage will provide you with some information about future jobs B. Pre- reading I. Vocabulary: - vacancy (n) ['veiknsi] : (explanation): một vị trí hay chức vụ còn bỏ trống - résumé (n) ['rezju:mei] : (realia): bản ly lịch - letter of recommendation (n) ['let v ,rekmen'dein] : (translation): th giới thiệu - to jot down (v): [dt daun] :(explanation): ghi lại tóm tắt - keenness (n) ['ki:nnis] :(synonym): sự say mê, nhiệt tình - qualification (n) [,kwlifi'kein] : (explanation): văn bằng, bằng cấp - shortcoming (n) [':t,kmi] : (translation): khuyết diểm - to dress neatly and formally [dres 'ni:tli nd 'f:mlli] : ăn mặc gọn gàng và trang trọng II. Check vocabulary C. While- reading I. Task 1: Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the word in the box Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B II. Task 2: True or False Students activities - write a list of jobs in two minutes. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - answer the teachers question. - work in groups and tick the factors that they think would help them succeed in a gob interview. - listen carefully - repeat after the teacher in chorus and individual and write down. - do the task individually. - read the passage in silence and do task 1. - compare the answer with a partner. - some Ss answer in front of the class. Date of preparing:……/ /200… Date of teaching:……/ …./200… Class:……………… Unit 6 Future jobs ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 30 - Lesson 2: Speaking I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students should know to giving opinions about jobs 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn about opinions about jobs - Language: Talking about opinions about jobs. - New words: words related to opinions about jobs 3. Skills: - Talking about opinions about jobs II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - pictures, textbook……… IV. Procedure: Time Teacher’s activities Content Students’ activities 4’ 10’ - divide the class into 2 groups. - read 8 sentences that farmers, doctors, teachers… often say. - tell Ss to listen and guess the job. - ask Ss to work in pairs to match a job in A with at least two descriptions in B. - go around the class to offer help if necessary. - call some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. A. Warm- up: Game: What s my job?’ Sentences teacher read: 1. Take two tablets a day after meal. 2. You will have a test next week. 3. Here’s your key. 4. We have to bumper crop this year. 5. Please fasten your seatbelt before the plan takes off. 6. You’ve passed the red light. You have to pay a fine. 7. It’s rather cold inside Phong Nha Cave so you should bring warm clothes. 8. What would you like to order? Answers: 1. doctor 5. air- hostess 2. teacher 6. traffic warden 3. receptionist 7. tour guide 4. farmer 8. waiter B. Pre- speaking: Task 1: Match a job in A with at least two descriptions in B. Answers: 1. a doctor: - take care of people’s health - help save people’s lives 2. a farmer:- construct irrigation systems - apply new farming techniques 3. a tourist - find good and safe hotels for guide customers - take people to places of interest 4. a writer: - create imaginary characters - work in 2 groups. - listen to the 8 sentences read by the teacher and guess the job. The first group to speak out the name of the job will get one point. The group with more points is the winner. - work in pairs to match a job in A with at least two descriptions in B. - Some Ss answer in front of the class. 15’ 15’ - give the model to ask and answer about jobs. - ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about jobs. - call on some pairs of Ss to ask and answer in front of the class. - give feed back and correct answers. - ask Ss to work in pairs to do task 2. - give the model. - go around the class to offer help if necessary. - call on some pairs of Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. - put Ss to work in groups of 4 or 5 to talk about the job they may do after they finish school. - go around the class to offer help if necessary. - invite the groups’ ideas. - make comment on what Ss have. and events. - tell stories through pictures Model: - What does a doctor do? - A doctor is the one who helps save people’s lives. / A doctor is the one who takes care of people’s health. Suggested answers: *- What does a farmer do? - A farmer is the one who constructs irrigation systems. / A farmer is the one who applies new farming techniques. *- What does a tourist guide do? - A tourist guide is the one who takes people to places of interest. / A tourist guide is the one who find good and safe hotels for customers. *- What does a writer do? - A writer is the one who tells stories through pictures. / A writer is the one who creates imaginary characters and events. C. While- speaking: Task 2: Discuss which of the jobs in column A you would/ wouldn’t like to do. Explain why/ why not The model: *- What would you like to be in the future? - I would like to work as a pilot. - Why? - Because working as a pilot would be a challenging job. I would have a chance to travel around the world and meet many interesting people. *- What wouldn’t you like to be in the future? - I wouldn’t like to be an electrician. - Why? - Because working as an electrician would be a dangerous job. I may be killed by electricity. D. Post-speaking: Task 3: Talk about the job you may do after you finish school, using the following cues: - Where you will work - Who you will work with - The salary you may get paid - The working condition Suggested answer: I would like to work as a tourist guide. It would be a challenging and fascinating job because I would have a chance to travel all over Vietnam and meet many interesting - work in pairs to ask and answer about jobs. - some pairs ask and answer in front of the class. - work in pairs to do task 2. - some pairs of Ss answer in front of the class. - work in groups of 4 or 5 to talk about the job they may do after they finish school. - The leader of each group presents the group’s ideas. 1’ - summarize the main points. - assign homework. people. If I work for a foreign tourist company, I can get high salary, useful experiences and improve my English speaking and listening skills. Also, I am a sociable and confident person and I can work hard for a long time so I want to work far way from home to know more about the world around me. E. Wrapping: - in not more than 80 words, write about the job you would like to work in the future you have just talked about. Date of preparing:……/ /200… Date of teaching:……/ …./200… Class:……………… Unit 6 Future jobs ---------------oOo------------- Period 31’ Lesson 3: Listening I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students should know about future jobs and recent changes in job market. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn more about jobs - New words: Words related to future jobs 3. Skills: - Filling in missing information - Deciding on True or False statements II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book, tape and cassette player IV. Procedure: Time Teacher’s activities Content Students’ activities 4’ - ask Ss to work in groups to find in the diagram with kinds of suitable jobs given in the box. - go around the class and offers help if necessary. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. A. Warm- up: Find in the diagram with kinds of suitable jobs given in the box. - work in groups to find in the diagram with kinds of suitable jobs given in the box. - some Ss answer in front of the class. washing cars, teaching, taking care of sick people, making cake, producing cars or planes, accounting, engineering, banking, driving cars, selling, financing, mining, electrical jobs, chemical jobs JOBS MANU FACTU RING JOBS SERVI CE JOBS 3 5 2 12 - explain service jobs and manufacturing jobs. - have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the question. - go around the class to offer help if necessary. - call some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. - read words by word. - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and write them down. - rub out some words and asks Ss to remember. - ask Ss to read through the information in the boxes. - play the CD player and let Ss to listen to the passage. - play the CD player the second time for Ss to fill in the missing words in the Answers: Service jobs: washing cars, teaching, taking care of sick people, accounting, engineering, banking, driving cars, selling, financing Manufacturing jobs: producing cars or planes, making cake, mining, electrical jobs, chemical jobs Explaining: - Manufacturing jobs are jobs in which people make something or produce things. - Service jobs are jobs in which workers provide services or do something. B. Pre- listening: I. Asking and answering the question: Which is the most popular job in Vietnam? II. Vocabulary: - to predict (v) [pri'dikt]: dự đoán - shift(n) [ift]: sự thay đổi vị trí, hình dạng, bản chất - work force (n) [w:k f:s]: lực lợng lao động - manufacturing (n) [mổnju'fổktri]: sản xuất - retail (n) ['ri:teil]: bán lẻ - economy (n) [i:'knmi]: nên kinh tế - wholesale (n) ['houlseil]: bán buôn - category (n) ['kổtigri]: phạm trù, lĩnh v- c, loại, hạng - goods (n) [gudz]: hàng hoá - job market (n) [db 'm:kit]: thị trờng việc làm II. Check vocabulary: C. While-listening: I. Task 1: Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words in the boxes. Answers: 1. manufacturing 2. service 3. transportation 4. finance 5. services - listen carefully. - work in pairs to ask and answer the question. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - listen carefully. - repeat in chorus and individual and write them down. - do the task individually - read through the information in the boxes. - listen attentively and fill in the missing 8’ 9’ 2’ boxes. - let Ss listen to the recording one more time if needed and check the answers with the whole class. - let Ss read the statements for about 1 or 2 minutes. - play the CD player again for Ss to listen. -call on some Ss to give the answers. - have the others listen and make correction if necessary. - give feedback. - ask Ss to work in 4 groups to summarize the passage using questions. - go around the class and offers help if necessary. - call on the leader of each group to summarize the passage. - comment. - summarize the main points. - assign homework. II. Task 2: Listen again and decide whether the statements are true or false. Answers: 1. T 2.T 3. T 4F (80 %) 5. F (nine out of every ten/ 90% workers will work in service jobs) D. Post-listening: Summarize the passage Question: 1. Is it easy for a high school student to find a job in the US? 2. Are there any changes in American workforce? 3. How has it changed? 4. What is the difference between manufacturing jobs and service jobs? 5. How many categories are service jobs grouped into? What are they? 6. Give the percentage of workers who produced goods one hundred years ago? 7. Give the percentage of workers who will supply service in 2020? E. Wrapping: words in the boxes. - read the statements for about 1 or 2 minutes. - listen again. - some Ss to give the answers in front of the class. - work in 4 groups to summarize the passage using questions. - the leader of each group summarize the passage. - answer the questions again Date of preparing:……/ /200… Date of teaching:……/ …./200… Class:……………… Unit 6 Future jobs ---------------oOo------------- Period 32 - Lesson 4: Writing I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students learn how to understand a formal letter 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students will be able to write a formal letter of job application - New words: Words relating to job application II. Method: - Integrated mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Textbook, board markers IV. Procedure: Time Teacher’s activities Content Students’ activities 3’ 5’ 10’ - ask Ss to imagine he/ she likes to work as a tourist guide in the future. What qualifications does he/ she need to become a tourist guide? - go around the class to offer help if necessary. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give suggested answers. - ask Ss to read the advertisement and fill in the notes. - go around the class to offer help. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. - explain how to write a formal letter of job application. A. Warm- up: Chatting To be a tourist guide in the future, What qualifications do you need? Suggested answers: Good English, good-looking, strong, smart, good manner, willing to work hard for a long time, having a good knowledge about history and geography……. B. Pre-- writing: I. Task 1: Read the following advertisement and fill in the notes. Answer: - Type of job: tour guide - Level of education needed: high school diploma - Work experience: Experience as a tour guide, fluent English - Character and interests: good manner, willing to work hard for long hours II. How to write a formal letter of job application 1. Your name, address and date of writing 2. Name and address of the company 3. Greeting: Dear Sir/ Madam, 4. Introduction: - I am interested in the job of…… - I am writing in reply to your advertisement in…….Times…… - I should be grateful if you should send me further details about………. - I would like to make an application for the post of……… - I saw your advertisement in the… and I would like to apply for the job of……. 5. Body: - I enclose a full curriculum vitae. As you can see, I have had considerable experience as an……. - You will see from the enclosed rÐsumÐ - imagine he/ she likes to work as a tourist guide in the future. What qualifications does he/ she need to become a tourist guide? - some Ss answer in front of the class. - read the advertisement and fill in the notes. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - listen carefully and note down. 15’ 10’ - get Ss to write a letter to Vinatour, applying for the job mentioned in task 1. - go around to control and give help with vocabulary. - collect Ss’ writing when they have finished. - choose on piece of writing and ask Ss to write on the board. - encourage Ss to give opinions. - give feedback and make that I have one year experience as… - I think I meet all the qualifications that you specify……. 6. Conclusion: - If you feel that my qualifications meet with your requirements, I shall be pleased to come for an interview…. - If you consider that my qualifications and experience are suitable, I should be available for interview at any time. 7. Closing C. While-writing: Task 2: Suggested letter: Ha Noi Vinatour 450- Nguyen Du- Hanoi 10 Cho Town Yen Phong- Bac Ninh 2 November, 2008 Dear Sir or Madam, I saw your advertisement on the local newspaper and would like to apply for the post of an experienced English- speaking local guide to company foreign visitors on trips throughout Vietnam. I think I meet all of the qualifications that you specify. I had school diploma tow years ago and attended an evening training course on tourism at Hanoi University. I have taken some groups of foreign tourists to visit places in Hanoi City so I have a basic knowledge of our local culture, history and geography. I speak English fluently. In addition, I am a friendly person and I can get on well with other people. I am willing to work hard and work far from home. I would be available for work at any tome. Enclosed is a copy of my rÐsumÐ. Please contact me if you require any further information. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Nguyen Quoc Anh D. Post-writing: - write a letter to Vinatour, applying for the job mentioned in task 1. - a student writes his / her letter on the board. 2’ comments - summarize the main points. - assign homework. E. Wrapping: - rewrite the letter. Date of preparing:……/ /200… Date of teaching:……/ …./200… Class:……………… Unit 6 Future jobs ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 33 - Lesson 5: Language focus I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students know how to pronounce weak/strong forms of some conjunctions & prepositions 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn some information to fill in a form - New words: Words related to a form 3. Skills: - Pronunciation: weak/strong forms of some conjunctions & prepositions - Grammar: Relative clauses II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Text books,………. IV. Procedures: [...]... their knowledge through the test < /b> yourself < /b> - Language: Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests 3 Skill: After this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing - Improve their knowledge through the test < /b> yourself < /b> II Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: - Textbook, board, hand-outs, cassette... yourself < /b> B Date of preparing:……/ /200… Date of teaching:……/ …./200… Class:……………… I Objectives: 1 Educational aim: - According to the TEST < /b> students can revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 4, 5 and 6 - Students can improve their techniques of doing passive voice and relative clauses 2 Knowledge: After this lesson, students will be able... destroyed by the storm last night is being rebuilt - some Ss give their answers in front of the class - listen carefully and note down - listen carefully - repeat in chorus and individual - work in pairs to practice reading the sentences in their textbook on page 70 - some Ss read the sentences aloud - listen and note down - listen and take notes - listen carefully and note down Period No 34: Test < /b> yourself.< /b> .. read them out in Vietnamese III Fill in each blank with a suitable word - have Ss work in pairs from the box to fill in each blank Answers: with a suitable word 1 final from the box 2 requirements - call on some pairs to 3 when ask and answer in front 4 courses of the class 5 subjects - give feedback and 6 qualification correct answers 7 graded 8 equivalent 9 count 10 who D Grammar I Finish each of... Ss to Answers: explain the answers in 1 The windows have been cleaned front of the class 2 A supermarket is going to be built in - give feedback and this area correct answers 3 Lan is said to have won a special prize 4 If you listen carefully, you will know what to do 10’ - read the statements carefully before listening - listen to the passage about children’s education and complete the sentences - some... some new I Vocabulary words - equivalent (adj) [i'kwivələnt] : t¬ng ®¬ng - intensive (aqdj) [in'tensiv] : tËp trung, chuyªn s©u - assessment (n) [ə'sesmənt] : sù ®¸nh gi¸ - Advanced Supplementary (AS) [əd'vɑ:nst ,sʌpli'mentri] : B ng A tr×nh ®é chuyªn s©u II Checking vocabulary - read some words in English and ask Ss to read them out in Vietnamese III Fill in each blank with a suitable word - have... has it changed? B Listening Answers: 1 sorts of things 2 learn at all 3 things for themselves 4 make them do 5 certain age - answer the teacher’s questions 3’ - ask Ss questions 10’ - ask S to read the statements carefully before listening - ask Ss to listen to the passage about children’s education and complete the sentences - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class - give feedback and correct... prepositions or conjunctions from the box can fit into the space of each sentence - ask Ss to work in pairs - go around the class and offers help if necessary - call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - give feedback and correct answers A Warm- up: Decide which of the following prepositions or conjunctions from the box can fit into the space of each sentence: and, but, at, for, from, of, to... from the box can fit into the space of each sentence 4' 5’ 10’ 1 It is small very heavy 2 Daisy her friend are eating icecream 3 He was looking the children in the park 4 They drove .Glasgow last night 5 He has a painting Rome 6 Do you like this picture? It is a present you 7 Where are you .? Answers: 1 but 2 and 3 at/ for 4 to 5 of 6 for 7 from - lead in the new Lead in: Today we’ll learn about the... listening - listen to the passage about children’s education and complete the sentences - some Ss answer in front of the class do the individually task - work in pairs to fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box - some pairs ask and answer in front of the class - work in pairs to discuss the answers - some Ss explain the answers in front of the class . giving opinions about jobs 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn about opinions about jobs - Language: Talking about opinions about jobs. - New words:. like to be in the future? - I wouldn’t like to be an electrician. - Why? - Because working as an electrician would be a dangerous job. I may be killed by electricity.

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013, 21:10

