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Unit 5- 12CB

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Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 24 - Lesson 1: Reading I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students should know about their first impressions of university life. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students know about higher education - Language: verbs in past tense - New words: Words related to higher education 3. Skills: - Vocabulary comprehension matching - Passage comprehension - Arranging the sequence of an event II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book and pictures showing farmers’ daily routines, etc. IV. Procedure: Time 5 5 2 10 6 Teacher s activities - ask Ss some questions. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - lead in the new lesson. - read word by word. - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and writes them on the blackboard. - say some words in English and asks Ss to speak them out in Vietnamese. - ask Ss to read the passage in silence and do task 1. - ask Ss to compare the answer with a partner. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - comment and give correct answer. - let Ss work in pairs to read the text again and find out what each person likes or dislikes about their first year at college. - have Ss compare their answers with another pair. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. Content A. Warm- up: Chatting: Questions: 1. What are you going to do after you finish upper school? 2. Which university would you like to attend? 3. Where will you live if you choose a university far from your home town? 4. What would you feel if you started a new life at a university? Lead- in: Today, the reading passage will provide you with some information about how to apply for a university in the UK. B. Pre- reading I. Vocabulary: - campus (n) 'kổmps] : sân và nhà của 1 tr- ờng đại học hoặc học viện - to challenge (v) ['tổlind] : thách thức - mate (n) [meit] : bạn bè - to blame (v) [bleim] : khiển trách - daunting (adj) ['d:nti] : làm nản lòng, làm lo lắng , khó khăn - scary (adj) ['skeri] : sợ hãi II. Check vocabulary C. While- reading I. Task 1: Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the word in the box Answers: 1. campus 2. blamed 3. scariest 4. challenges 5. amazing II. Task 2: Find someone who: Answers: - Sara :1a 2e - Ellen :3b 4c - Brenden: 5d 6f III. Task 3 : Answer the questions Students activities - work in pairs to answer the teachers questions. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - listen carefully - repeat after the teacher in chorus and individual and write down. - do the task individually. - read the passage in silence and do task 1. - compare the answer with a partner. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - work in pairs to read the text again and find out what each person likes or dislikes about their first year at college. - compare their answers with another pair. - some Ss to answer in front of the class. Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 25 - Lesson 2: Speaking I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talking about the application process to tertiary institutions in Vietnam 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students know how to talk about school; make an interview and reporting on results - Language: words related to higher education 3. Skill: - Speaking about school life of students fluently II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Textbook, board, rising questions, hand-outs IV. Procedures: Time 4 5 2 4 20 Teacher s activities - show Ss the copies of an application form, an identity card, a birth certificate, a certificate of the successful completion of an English course and a curriculum vitae and asks them what they are. - lead in the new lesson. - read word by word. - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and write them on the blackboard. - say some words in English and asks Ss to speak them out in Vietnamese. - put Ss to work in pairs to choose which are obligatory for Ss to be admitted to a university in Vietnam. - ask some Ss to give their opinions. - give feedback. - tell Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs about the Content A. Warm- up: Game: Name the things Lead- in: When we want to apply for a job or apply to a university .we need these things. Well talk about the application process to tertiary study in Vietnam. B. Pre- speaking: I. Vocabulary - tertiary (n): ['t:ri]: thứ ba theo thứ tự cấp bậc , tầm quan trọng - application form [,ổpli'kein f:m] : đơn xin nhập học - identity card [ai'dentti k:d] : chứng minh nhân dân - reference letter ['refrns 'let] : th giới thiệu - a copy of the originals of your school certificate [ 'kpi v 'ridnlz v j: sku:l] : một bản sao bản gốc bằng - a birth certificate [ b: s'tifikit]: giấy khai sinh - a copy of the records of your performance at school [ 'kpi v 'rek:d v j: p'f:mns t sku:l] : bản sao học bạ - scores of the required entrance examination [sk:z v ri'kwaid 'entrns ig,zổmi'nein] : điểm số các kỳ thi bắt buộc II. Check vocabulary III. Task 1: Read and tick C. While- speaking: Task 2 : Ask and answer the questions about the application process to tertiary study in Vietnam using the cues on page 55 Model: - I was wondering if you could tell me about Students activities - look at the copies of an application form, an identity card, a birth certificate, a certificate of the successful completion of an English course and a curriculum vitae and say what they are. - listen carefully - repeat after the teacher in chorus and individual and write down. - do the task individually. - work in pairs to choose which are obligatory for Ss to be admitted to a university in Vietnam. - some Ss give their opinions. - ask and answer the questions in pairs about the application process to tertiary Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 26 - Lesson 3: Listening I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students should know about the problems they may have when studying in a new school 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn more about the problems they may have when studying in a new school - New words: Words related to higher education 3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book, tape and cassette player IV. Procedure: Time 5 5 2 12 Teacher s activities - ask Ss to work in groups to choose the most important things for an oversea student to be successful in taking a course. - cal on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give suggested answers. - lead in the new lesson. - play the tape. - ask Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and individual. - explain the meaning of the new words. - rub out some words and ask Ss to remember. - play the CD for two times and get Ss decide whether the statements are true or false according to the conversation. - ask Ss to compare the results with their partners. - call on some Ss to give the answers. - play the CD one more time for Ss to check with each other. - give feedback on what Ss have. Content A. Warm- up: Choose the most important things for an oversea student to be successful in taking a course. Suggested answers: - attending all lectures - working with tutors - reading all the books assigned - attending extracurricular activities - joining all clubs activities - spending much money for reference materials Lead- in: Today, we will listen to problems when studying abroad B. Pre- listening I. Listen and repeat - proportion (n) [pr'p:n] : phần, tỷ lệ - majority(n) [m'driti] : phần lớn, đa số - tutorial (adj) [tju:'t:ril] : thuộc gia s (n) : thời kỳ hớng dẫn - international (adj) [,int'nổnl] : quốc tế - available (adj) ['veilbl] : có sẵn, có giá trị - appointment (n) ['pintmnt] : sự bổ nhiệm - agricultural (adj) [,ổgri'kltrl] : thuộc về nông nghiệp - rural (n) ['rurl] : thuộc về nông thôn - thoroughly (adv) : ['rli] : hoàn toàn, kỹ l- ỡng II. Checking vocabulary C. While- listening I. Task 1: True or False statements. 1. Christ has just finished his Master of Science (MSc) course. 2. He studied with many international students. 3. The thought the students from other countries got on well on the course. 4. Some of the overseas students were ready to take questions or problems to tutors. 5. He gave some pieces of advice to international students. Answers: 1T 2T 3T 4F 5T II. Task 2: Listen to the conversation between John and David and circle the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the Students activities - work in groups to choose the most important things for an oversea student to be successful in taking a course. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - listen carefully. - repeat in chorus and individual. - note down. - do the task individually. - listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true or false according to the conversation. - compare the results with their partners. - some Ss give the answers. Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 27 - Lesson 4: Writing I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students learn how to write a letter of request to UCAS to ask for the information about the admission requirements to the university 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students will be able to write a letter of request - New words: Words relating to higher education. II. Method: - Integrated mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Textbook, board markers IV. Procedure: Time 3’ 12’ 16’ Teacher s activities’ - ask Ss to rearrange given letters to make meaningful words. - call on Ss to give answers in front of the class. - give correct answers. - lead in the new lesson. - introduce useful expressions. - ask Ss to write a letter of request (about 150 words) to UCAS to ask for the information about the admission requirements to the university using information in the Reading and Speaking section on page 52 & 56 - go around the class to give help if necessary. Content A. Warm- up: Rearrange given letters to make meaningful words. 1. t e l e r t 2. q e u r t e s Answers: 1. letter 2. request Lead- in: In this writing lesson, you will practice writing a request letter. B. Pre- writing: I. Useful expressions: 1. Introduction: - I am writing this letter to……… - I am interested in applying to a course in in University.……… - I would like to apply …… 2. Request: - I would be grateful if you would provide me information about …… 3. Further information: - I have recently graduated …… - I have a good command of English. - I believe that my academic background and language skills would help me…… 4. Conclusion: - I am looking forward to hearing from you. - Would you please let me know as soon as possible whether .……… C. While- writing Sample writing: Customer Service Unit UCAS PO Box 28 Cheltenham GL 523 LZ 341 Phan Dinh Phung Da lat Viet Nam 15 th July 2008 Dear Sir/ Madam, I am interested in applying to an undergraduate course in Computer Science at the University of Birmingham in England so I Students activities’ - rearrange given letters to make meaningful words. - give answers in front of the class. - takes notes. - do the task individually. Information technology Finance Economics Fashion design MC Computer Science … Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 28 - Lesson 5: Language focus I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students know how to pronounce and mark the stress in words more than three-syllable. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn some information to fill in a form - New words: Words related to a form 3. Skills: - Pronunciation: Stress in words more than three-syllable - Grammar: Conditional sentences II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Text books, …… IV. Procedures: Time 3’ 4' 5’ 8’ Teacher s activities’ - greet Ss and ask them to do as directed. - ask Ss about the common of these words. - call on some Ss to give their ideas. - comment and give correct answers. - lead in the new lesson. - explain how to pronounce three syllable words. - play the CD. - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual. - ask Ss to work in pairs to practice reading the sentences in their textbook on page 49. - call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud. - make correction if needed. - explain the use and form of conditional sentences. Content A. Warm- up - sit down if you like studying a university. - sit down if you like studying information technology. - sit down if you like studying geography. - sit down if you like studying mathematics. -> these words are all subjects and are more than three –syllable words. Lead in: Today we’ll learn about the stress in more than three- syllable words. B. Pronunciation I. Presentation 1: Stress in more than three syllable words: II. Practice C. Grammar: I. Presentation 2: Conditional sentences 1. Type 1: Future/ Present possible (real possibility) Main clauses: will + verb If- clause: V (simple present tense) Eg: If I have enough money, I will help you. 2. Type 2: Present unreal (imaginary situations generally in the present) Main clauses: would/ could . + verb… If- clause: V (simple past tense) Eg: If I were you, I would study harder. 3. Type 3: Past unreal (imaginary situations in the past) Main clauses: would have/ could have +… P II If- clause: V (past perfect tense) Eg: I would have seen him if I had gone to the party. Notes: Sometimes we want to talk about the past and the present together. In this case we can “mix” these two forms Eg: If she hadn’t left the job, she wouldn’t see her children If she didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t have lent you all that money. Students activities’ - do as directed. - answer the teacher’s question. - some Ss give their ideas. - listen carefully and note down. - listen carefully. - repeat in chorus and individual. - work in pairs to practice reading the sentences in their textbook on page 49. - some Ss read the sentences aloud. - listen and take notes. . preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 24 - Lesson. preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 5 Higher education ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 25 - Lesson

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013, 21:10

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