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Unit 1- 12Cb

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Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: . ……………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 1 - Lesson 1: Reading I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students should know about International Red Cross 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: + Students read and guess the meaning of new words from the con text. + Read the passage and complete the tasks of the lesson. - Language: Students could understand and use new words after reading - New words: Words related to home life 3. Skills: - Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book and pictures, Board, tape, cassette player, chalks, etc. IV. Procedure: Time 5 7 3 8 12 Teacher s activities - ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the picture on page 12. - lead in the lesson. - read word by word. - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and write them on the blackboard. - say some words in Vietnamese and ask Ss to speak them out in English. - ask Ss to read the passage and do task 1 - ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner. - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class. - give feedback and correct answers. - ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answers the questions on page 14. - call on some pairs of Ss to ask and answer in front of the class. - comment and give correct answers. Content A. Warm- up: Ask and answer about the picture on page 12: Suggested answers: 1. The family is at home. 2. The mother is helping the daughter with her studying and the father is playing with the son. 3 Lead-in: Our reading lesson today is about home life and the responsibility of each person in the family. B. Pre- reading I. Vocabulary - to take/ assume responsibility for something/ doing something [teik/ 'sju:m ri,spns'bilti f: 'smi/ 'du:i'smi]: m nhận trách nhiệm làm gì/ đối với . - to give a hand [giv hổnd]: giúp một tay - to win a place at university [win pleis t ,ju:ni'v:sti]: đỗ vào trờng đại học - to be under pressure [bi: 'nd 'pre(r)]: chịu sức ép - household chores(n) ['haushould t:z]: việc nhà, việc vặt trong nhà - supportive(adj) [s'p:tiv] thông cảm - secure(adj) [si'kju]: yên tâm, an tâm II. Checking vocabulary: C. While- reading I. Task 1: Choose the sentence A, B or C that is nearest in meaning to the sentence given Answers: 1.B: until(pre)[n'til]: cho tới khi 2. C (Đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm) 3.A: join hands [ din hổndz]: kết hợp, hợp sức lại 4. B: mischievous(adj) ['mistivs]: tinh nghịch, tinh quái 5. A: close- knit(adj) ['klousnit]: quan hệ khăng khít II. Task 2: Questions and answers: Suggested answers: 1. Very busy. They have to work long hours and sometimes they have to work at night. 2. She is always the first one to get up in the morning to make sure that her children leave home for school having eaten breakfast and dressed in suitable clothes. She always makes dinner before her husband comes Students activities - work in pairs to ask and answer about the picture on page 12. - listen carefully. - listen carefully - repeat after the teacher in chorus and individual and write down. - do the task individually. - read the passage and do task 1. - compare their answers with a partner. - some Ss answer in front of the class. - work in pairs to ask and answers the questions on page 14. - some pairs of Ss ask and answer in front of the class. Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: . …………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 2 - Lesson 2 : Speaking I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students can talk about their family and other families + Students can ask and answer about household chores and family + Students discuss their ideas about the true of a happy family 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson students can practise a dialogue about a happy family - Language: asking for and giving information from a passage - New words: words related to the topic 3. Skills: - talking about Home life and their activities in the family II. Method: - integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - pictures, textbook, IV. Procedure: Time 3’ 5’ 8’ 15’ Teacher s activities’ - ask Ss in just one minute to write down on a piece of paper a list of things considered as household chores. - ask each student to read the sentences and check the ones that apply to her/ him and her/ his family. - put Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking about their families, base on the sentences in Task 1. - call on some Ss to speak out their ideas. - make comments - ask Ss to work in pairs to prepare a list of questions to ask another student to find out whether his/ her family life is like theirs - call on some pairs to present their questions. - make comments and give suggested questions. - ask Ss to work in pairs and ask him or her about his or her family life. - ask Ss to note down the answers in the table. - model with a student. Content A. Warm- up: Write down a list of things considered as household chores Suggested answers: - to clean the floor - to cook - to do the washing up - to wash clothes - to tidy the kitchen - to iron clothes - to hang dry the clothes - to repair/ mend things - to take care of the baby - to take out the garbage B. Pre- speaking: Task 1 C. While- speaking I. Task 2: Suggested questions: - Could you tell me who works in your family? - By the way who in your family does the household chores? - What is your responsibility in your family? - What exactly do you have to do? - How do you share the household chores? - What about your brother/ sister? Does he/ she share the household chores? - What interests do your family members share closely? - Who do you often share your secrets with? - Who do you often talk to before making important decision? II. Task 3: Model: - Hi Lan. Could you tell me a bit about your family life? - Sure, no problem. - Who works in your family? - Both my parents. They work from 7.30 to 16.30 every day. - So they must be very busy. Do you help them with the household chores? Students activities’ - in just one minute write down on a piece of paper a list of things considered as household chores. - each student reads the sentences and checks the ones that apply to her/ him and her/ his family. - work in pairs to practice speaking about their families, base on the sentences in Task 1. - some Ss speak out their ideas. - work in pairs to prepare a list of questions to ask another student to find out whether his/ her family life is like theirs - some pairs present their questions. - Ss work in pairs and ask him or her about his or her family life. - note down the answers in the table. - listen carefully. Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: …………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 3 - Lesson 3 : Listening I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students can listen to get information to decide True or False statements - Students can improve their ability of listening to write down the main ideals of the lesson. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn more about a happy family - New words: Words related to family 3. Skills: - Listening and comprehension questions - Listening and deciding on True or False statements or no information II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book, pictures board, tape, cassette player, chalks. IV. Procedure: Time 5 5 20 Teacher s activities - ask Ss some questions about the picture on page 16. - call on some Ss to answers. - make comments and give suggested answers. - read word by word. - ask Ss to repeat them in chorus and individual. - explain their meanings. - say words in English and ask Ss to speak them out in Vietnamese - play the tape several times. - ask Ss to listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea talking about their family life to decide if the statements given are true or false. - let Ss read the statements carefully. - draw Ssattention to key words when they are listening. - have Ss compare their answers with a friend. - call on some Ss to explain their answers. - give feedback and correct answers. - ask Ss to listen again and note down two things that are different about Pauls and Andreas family. - call on some Ss to read their notes and check with the class. Content A. Warm- up: Asking and answering about the picture on page 16: Questions: 1. What is happening in the picture? 2. How many people are there? 3. How do they look like?/ How are they feeling? Suggested answers: 1. A family is having a big meal. 2. There are 9 people. 3. They are very happy. B. Pre- listening: I. Listen and repeat vocabulary: - to reserve (v) [ri'z:v]: đặt trớc - coach (n) [kout]: xe khách đờng dài - to spread out (v) [spred aut] : trải rộng - leftover (n) ['left'ouv] : thức ăn thừa - flight (n) [flait]: chuyến bay II. Checking vocabulary C. While- listening I. Task 1 Answers: 1.T 2. F (He hasnt decided yet. He is still considering.) 3. F (Pauls home is 180 kilometers from where they are now.) 4. T 5.T II. Task 2: Answers: Paul: - His family members are very not close. - The family often eat meal the mother cooks at home. Andrea: - His is a close- knit family. - The family often go out to eat when they get together. Students activities - answer the teachers questions. - some Ss answer. - listen carefully. - repeat them in chorus and individual. - do the task individually. -listen carefully to the conversation between Paul and Andrea talking about their family life to decide if the statements given are true or false. - read the statements carefully. -attend to key words when they are listening. - compare their answers with a friend. - some Ss explain their answers. - listen again and note down two things that are different about Pauls and Andreas family. - some Ss read their notes Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: ……………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 4 - Lesson 4 : Writing I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students can write a paragraph about family rules depending the given prompts 2. General knowledge: - Students learn how to write a description, stages of a description + Language: +New words: Words related to the topic 3. Skills: - Writing a narrative II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book, notebook, some pictures IV. Procedure: Time 5’ 9’ Teacher s activities’ - arrange Ss to work in 8 groups. - ask Ss to think of one thing they are allowed/ not allowed/ or have to do at school and write it on a slip of paper. - tell Ss that they have to use the following phrases - representatives from the groups take turn to act out the meanings with gesture and expressions (without speaking or writing). The others in the class guess what they are trying to communicate. Each correct answer gets one point. The group guessing the most phrases or sentences in the shortest time is the winner of the game. -put Ss to work in groups of four. Each student in group in turn asks the other three these questions and put their answers in the boxes. - tell Ss to put a tick for “yes” and a cross for “No” - ask Ss to write about the results when they have finished. - invite some groups to report the results of theirs to the class. - ask advanced Ss to discuss the following questions. Content A. Warm- up: Game: Charades: Think of one thing Ss are allowed/ not allowed/ or have to do at school and write it on a slip of paper. Useful phrases: - We aren t allowed to .’ ………… - isn t allowed/ .is required.……… ’ ……… - They won t let us ’ ……… - We have to ……… Suggested answers: - We are not allowed to ride motorcycles to school. - They won’t let us smoke. - We all have to show respect to teachers. - We aren’t allowed to swear/ fight/ cheat in exam. B. Pre- writing: Task 1 What Are You Allowed to Do? Questions: - Are you allowed to stay in bed late at weekend? - Are you allowed to come home late at night? - Are you allowed to watch TV after 10 pm? - Are you allowed to have a pet? - Are you allowed to have girls/ boyfriends? - Are you allowed to wear whatever you want? - Are you allowed to do household chores? - Are you allowed to invite your friends to your house without asking your parents? Suggested answers: - All of us have to …… - Three of us are allowed to……… - One of us is not allowed …… - None of us is allowed to . ……… Questions: 1. Were your parents strict with you when you were younger? 2. What rules did you have about: Students activities’ - work in 8 groups. -think of one thing they are allowed/ not allowed/ or have to do at school and write it on a slip of paper. - representatives from the groups take turn to act out the meanings with gesture and expressions (without speaking or writing). The others in the class guess what they are trying to communicate. Each correct answer gets one point. The group guessing the most phrases or sentences in the shortest time is the winner of the game. - work in groups of four. Each student in group in turn asks the other three these questions and put their answers in the boxes. - put a tick for “yes” and a cross for “No” - write about the results when they have finished. - report the results of theirs to the class. - advanced Ss discuss the following questions Date of preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: . ……………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 5 - Lesson 5 : Language focus I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students can pronounce the endings /s/, /z/ 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: + Students have to remind of tenses: past simple, past progressive and present perfect. + Students have to do some exercises of tense - New words: Words related to topic 3. Skills: - Intonation and phrasal verbs II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Student’s book, pictures, board, tape, cassette player, chalks. IV. Procedure: Time 5’ 10’ 10’ Teacher s activities’ - ask Ss to find out the mistakes in the following sentences. - ask Ss to work in groups. - give correct answers and leads in the new lesson. - elicit the spelling rules from Ss. - read the words and ask Ss to repeat. - ask Ss to work in pairs and practice reading the sentences on page 18. - call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud. - make some correction if necessary. - ask Ss what tenses are Content A. Warm- up: Find out the mistakes in the following sentences: 1. When I was a little girl, I often help my parents with household chores. 2. Unlike most men my father enjoyed cooking. 3. My brothers never worked long hours like this before. Suggested answers: 1. When I was a little girl, I often helped my parents with household chores. 2. Unlike most men my father enjoys cooking. 3. My brothers have never worked long hours like this before. B. Pronunciation: I. Presentation 1: How to pronounce the ending “s”: - We add –s or –es to a noun to make it a plural one It is pronounced [z]. [s] or [iz] Ex: a bird-> birds a hat-> hats a bus-> buses - We add –s/ -es to make the third person singular present. It is the same. Ex: to pass-> passes to go-> goes to do-> does to speak-> speaks (a). We pronounce the –es ending sound /iz/ when the word ends with the sounds /∫/,/ t∫/, /dʒ/, /s/, /ʒ/ or /z/ (b). We pronounce the –s ending sound /s/ when the word ends with the sounds /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/, /θ/ (c). We pronounce the –s ending sound /z/ when the words end with all the sounds except those in (a) and (b) II. Practice C. Grammar I. Presentation 2: Revision of past simple, past progressive and present perfect: Students activities’ - find out the mistakes in the following sentences. - work in groups. - do the task. - listen and repeat. - work in pairs and practice reading the sentences on page 18. - some Ss read the sentences aloud. - answer . preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: . ……………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 1 - Lesson 1: Reading. preparing: / /200 …… … Date of teaching: / ./200 …… … … Class: . …………… Unit 1 HOME LIFE ---------------oOo------------- Period N o 2 - Lesson 2 : Speaking

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013, 21:10

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