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Heuristic algorithms construction to compensate reactive power distribution network for the ray

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About a Heuristic search methods for reactive power compensation for radial distribution networks, which receive cost savings is maximized. The method is a technique that is done from the technical concept of the present and Heuristic for better results. The method was developed and applied to three-phase system. The results of this method are compared with previous methods to show its advantages. New algorithm is implemented through technical change to obtain the position, the optimal capacitor size.

Journal of Thu Dau Mot university, No2 – 2011 HEURISTIC ALGORITHMS CONSTRUCTION TO COMPENSATE REACTIVE POWER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FOR THE RAY Võ Trà Nam(1), Trương Việt Anh(2) (1) Thu Dau Mot University (2) University of Technical Education of Ho Chi Minh City ABSTRACT About a Heuristic search methods for reactive power compensation for radial distribution networks, which receive cost savings is maximized The method is a technique that is done from the technical concept of the present and Heuristic for better results The method was developed and applied to three-phase system The results of this method are compared with previous methods to show its advantages New algorithm is implemented through technical change to obtain the position, the optimal capacitor size Keywords: heuristic algorithm, reactive power compensation, cost savings is maximized, the optimal capacitor size, the optimal capacitor position * Introduction experience and evaluation Heuristic algorithms for fast and relevant results, this The installation of capacitors on dis- leads to reduce the search space and can tribution level is essential for controlling lead to a near-optimal solutions with high power flow, improve system stability, adjus- reliability [4] table power factor, power management and minimum pressure loss in system There- Heuristic algorithms are applied to fore, the need to find solutions to locate and reduce the loss of distribution system [6], install capacitors capacity aims minimum [8] In the document [6] have given methods losses (power loss, power) for maximum to evaluate the change in loss in net savings function The solution to determine restructuring Document [8] also provides the position can be classified as follows: methods of reconstruction algorithms heu- Analysis, Programming of, Search and ristic system overload wired route basic artificial intelligence (AI-based) Materials [2] introduced heuristic algo- Artificial intelligence algorithms including rithm to reduce the loss by the method of genetic algorithms, expert systems, neural identifying the download button The button networks and fuzzy logic [9], [10], [11], is determined by identifying the first [12], [13], [14] branch in the system on which the loss Heuristic techniques [6], [5] that the caused the greatest resistance First button rules were developed through intuition, is the button to download the most inf- 58 Tạp chí Đại học Thủ Dầu Một, số - 2011 x: distance is measured along the most copper luential causes of losses in that branch (this button is selected) The capacity of a Q(x): reactive power in x capacitor bank is worth making the loss of The function of normalization F(x) F( x) the system is minimal The above process will be implemented for the next button reactive power f ( x) 2.2 Construction of reduced power until the loss reduction achieved within the loss range allowed This method does not gua- From the graph distribution of reactive power, we assume that the function of reactive power is a continuous function as shown in Figure 10 rantee cost function is minimum or maximum saving function Document [3] introduced a method was developed from the literature [2] to over- Power loss caused by the reactive component should be calculated using the formula: 1 PQ Q F(x) r.dx U2 come the shortcomings in reducing losses and costs However, this method is not a desired result Document [5] provides a method to Among them: r - resistance of copper wire the entire route reduce losses to a minimum by installing a capacitor bank at the optimum position Power loss reduction by the reactive component causes Disadvantages of this approach are to ignore cost-benefit analysis that this will affect the PQ cost of capacitors and power savings The work in this paper is to develop the PQb technology to the previous heuristic Intro- U2 PQ Q F( x ) r dx k Q bj r dx j k xi k [Q F( x )] [Q F( x )] Q bj i xi ducing the Heuristic has been made, then PQb x1 r dx j i Q F( x ) r dx xk 2.3 Construction of reduced energy introduce heuristic algorithms that give loss better results, this technique can be viewed We have: as the sum of the previous Heuristic for the A Qht installation of capacitor banks in distri- PQ (t )dt bution networks the beam A heuristic capacity of the capacitor Among them: PQ (t) is the power loss caused by the reactive components change over time is the time average maximum To build the formula capacity; 2.1 Survey the distribution of reactive power So reducing the energy losses of the system when the reactive power varies with a cycle time of the survey are: algorithm is introduced through trans- formation techniques to locate, the optimal Density function normalization f(x) f ( x ) of reactive power Q( x ) Q 0,124 Tmax 104 AQb 8760 PQb (t )dt Change the value Among them: obtain: Q : total reactive power 59 PQb above we Journal of Thu Dau Mot university, No2 – 2011 Q ( t ).F( x) U2 A Qb x1 r dx k Q bj j xi i Locate the capacitor function S peak to set r dx KP P KA A KC the S Q bi Q bi 3.1 Locate the capacitor set  P xi At the component : K P P xi PQb Q bi with We are: PQb xi j i  Qbj k j i Q j k Q k U 2.r.Q Qbi K f F(x i ) j i Q bj k with j i S xi With KP P xi with Q bk x k Q bj j i Q Kp Kp A xi At the component : K A x n i 1 2.r K f Q F( x).dx 2.r x i Q bj 2.r Q bk x k j i k U i Qbk x k k Change the value expression: r.(Qbi ) Q S Q bi k P, P Q bi KP P, KA A Q bi x Q F( x).dx xi xi x i Q bi i A on the A on the KC n Q bj j i With i = 2÷n when i =1; n Q bj j i KA Q bi KP KA K P K A K f 2Q k Qbj j Q Change the value expression: F( x i ) P Q bi i A Qb Q bi A xi At the component : K A x n i 1 r Q F(x).dx 2.r.x i Q bj 2.r Q bk x k j i k U  r.(Qbi ) We are: A Qb xi KC We are: Q bj k A Q bi k 1 2.r.Q Qbi F(x i ) U2 with KA We are: A xi KA P Q bi KP At the component : K P  We do: KP .r dx dt 3.2 Determining the value of storage capacitor We do: i S xi xk n S Q ( t ).F( x ) Maximum saving function S r dx j k [Q ( t ).F( x )] i Q bj xi k [Q ( t ).F( x )] j A xi when j > n Q x F( x ).dx x1 n k j i Q b1 Q bj Q Kp Kp k; K A K f KA Q bj j ; x1 U K C 2.r [K p K A ] According to the above expression, we find the value of capacitor banks for maximum savings function S KA K A K f According to the above expression, we define the position of the capacitor bank to put maximum savings function S 3.3 Algorithm to determine how much and where to install capacitors to reduce power loss and power 60 Tạp chí Đại học Thủ Dầu Một, số - 2011 Step 1: From the diagram, the data of the system determine the length, the distance of each node in the routing wire load uniformly standardized „Step 8: Make turns as the above steps until the position x1.Then determine the n F(x1 ) Qb1 2.Q Qbj j Step 2: Determination of reactive power normalized F(x) n Step 3: Select a location for gathering xn, define F(xn) Step 4: Determine Qbn : 2.F(x n ).Q Q bn Step 5: Determine xn-1 to achieve optimal Qbn and xn value, this means that the target area between An, Bn are equal  Determination of the gn Q bn Q F(g n )  Draw lines (1) by gn and parallel to F(x)  Select the xn-1 for An = Bn area Identify gn-1: Q bn x1 Identify g1: F(g )  Drawlines (n) by g1 and parallel F(x)  Compare the last two areas A1 and B1, will be the case as follows: - If A1 = B1 or misleading in a given range, the algorithm stops The result is determined - If A1> B1: recording step 3, choose xn positions far more power and repeat the other steps - If A1 < B1: recording step 3, choose xn positions near the source over and repeat the other steps j Q to - Choose the location xn at the load end, Qbn to change the value F(gn) makes An = Bn Step 7: As Step 5, xn-2 defined as follows: F( g n ) Q bj   When changing the position xn toward the last load that can not find the optimal value is: Step 6: Determine: 2.Q F(x n ) Qbn 2.Qbn  Q b1 - Perform to step Q bn Results Q  Draw lines (2) by gn-1 and parallel to F(x)  Select the xn-2 for An-1 = Bn-1 area 4.1 Route wires first For such systems [26] The algorithm Capacitor placement Storage capacitor (kvar) The total capacity capacitor (kvar) Losses after compensation kW [2] 4; 7; 4050; 300; 600 4950 547.3 [3] 4; 8; 3750; 300; 600 4650 546.3 [22] 4; 5; 8; 3750; 1650; 300; 600 6300 587.8 [23] 4; 5; 3600; 1950; 750 6300 589.2 [24] 3; 4; 5; 3300; 2100; 1650; 600 7650 587.3 61 Journal of Thu Dau Mot university, No2 – 2011 [25] 2; 3; 5; 3900; 3300; 2100, 600 9900 580.5 [26] 4; 5; 1350; 1950; 450 3750 539.5 Proposed algorithm 4; 5; 2217; 802; 299 3318 524.9 The results of the proposed algorithm Position and size of the capacitor has been converted 4.2 Route wire second For such systems [26] The algorithm Capacitor placement Storage capacitor The total capacity Losses after (kvar) capacitor (kvar) compensation kW [2] 8; 22 450; 1350 1800 116.2 [3] 8; 22 450; 1200 1650 113.5 [22] 6; 8; 14 450; 450; 900 1800 111.6 [23]; [25] 4; 22 900; 900 1800 111.5 [24] 1; 22 900; 1200 2100 114.7 [26] 6; 14 600; 1200 1800 112.8 Proposed algorithm 7; 15; 22 646; 759; 277 1682 111.5 The results of the proposed algorithm 62 Tạp chí Đại học Thủ Dầu Một, số - 2011 Position and size of the capacitor has been converted Conclusion Using modern mathematical methods: Heuristic algorithms for the construction of new efficient than the current maximum profit for the installation of capacitors on radial distribution systems The results can be summarized as follows: - Can be used as a module heuristic algorithm for solving reactive power compensation - Solve the reactive power compen- sation by increasing the value of S function simply and efficiently - Heuristic algorithms can suggest practical applications for the examination of the power system Direction of future development: - Research complete algorithm to calculate the effect of voltage, installation costs with each capacitor - Further research on the ability to deliver medium voltage grid * XÂY DỰNG GIẢI THUẬT HEURISTIC ĐỂ BÙ CÔNG SUẤT PHẢN KHÁNG ĐỐI VỚI MẠNG PHÂN PHỐI HÌNH TIA Võ Trà Nam(1), Trương Việt Anh(2) (1) Trường Đại học Thủ Dầu Một, (2) Trường Đại học Sư phạm Kó thuật TP.HCM TÓM TẮT Bài báo giới thiệu phương pháp tìm kiếm heuristic để bù công suất phản kháng cho mạng phân phối hình tia, qua nhận chi phí tiết kiệm cực đại Phương pháp kó thuật thực từ khái niệm kó thuật heuristic cho kết tốt Phương pháp phát triển áp dụng vào hệ 63 Journal of Thu Dau Mot university, No2 – 2011 thoáng ba pha Kết phương pháp so sánh với phương pháp trước thấy ưu điểm Thuật toán thực thông qua kó thuật biến đổi để thu vò trí, dung lượng tụ bù tối ưu Từ khóa: giải thuật heuristic, bù công suất phản kháng, cực đại chi phí tiết kiệm, tối ưu dung lượng tụ bù, tối ưu vò trí tụ bù REFERENCES [1] Ho Van Hien, The system of electricity transmission and distribution, The Publisher of National University Ho Chi Minh City, 2005 [2] T S Abdel Salam, A.Y Chikhani, R Hackam, "A New Technique for Loss Reduction Using Compensating Capacitors Applied to Distribution Systems with Varying Load Condition", IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol 9, No2, 1994, p 819 - 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F(x) F( x) the system is minimal The above process will be implemented for the next button reactive power f ( x) 2.2 Construction of reduced power until the loss reduction achieved within the loss

Ngày đăng: 13/01/2020, 14:00


