The thesis studies the nature of motivation within challenge and enjoyment; influence and impact level of challenge and enjoyment on creativity; The role of regulating leadership style empowerment.
24 INTRODUCTION management may have errors due to the exaggeration of viewpoint because the survey was conducted one way; Reason for the topic selection Thirdly, the new study can analyzes only the difference of each In terms of theory, intrinsic motivation is considered as a research factor among different target groups but has not considered predictor for creativity (Amabile, 1996) However, the review of the difference of the overall model with target groups researches over the past 30 years shows inconsistent results and the Finally, like most other studies on this topic, the research was changing relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity A conducted in one sector and needs to be further expanded to establish number of recent research directions have been conducted to explain the generality of the proposed findings this problem, typically by the studies of Grantt and Berry (2011), Leung et al (2014), and Logan and Tristan (2017) However, there CONCLUSION are not many direct studies but the relationship is placed in a series of The thesis was conducted to study the motivation to creativity in various factors, which can lead to discrepancy and unconvincing the viewpoint of organizational behavior, specifically: (i) in-depth arguments while interpreting the inconsistent results of this study on the nature of intrinsic motivation in challenge and relationship enjoyment dimensions as well as consider the relationship of each In order to study more about the relationship between intrinsic dimension with creativity; (ii) at the same time study the moderator motivation and creativity, it is necessary to consider the impact of role of the empowering leadership in these relationships Basing on contextual factors on this relationship, particularly the issues related this, the thesis explains the inconsistent results and the changing to leadership due to continuous and long-term influence on the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity, and suggests context as well as creative objects In fact, many studies have been synchronous and focused solutions to nurture motivation and further conducted to examine the influence of leadership on employee promote the employees’ creativity in the context of electricity performance However, most of the studies focus on issues such as generation enterprises in Vietnam, so as to improve operational leadership support or leadership styles in general, meanwhile not efficiency, flexibly meet the development roadmap of electricity many researches have mentioned leadership styles as a foundation to market as well as to develop stronger for international integration encourage creativity This shows the potential role as a regulator of empowering leadership in relation between challenge and enjoyment dimensions and creativity while there is a shortage of empirical evidences for the hypothesis of these relationships The production of electricity as well as enterprises in the field of electricity generation are the key component in the chain of 23 Geneation - Transmission - Distribution and Trading of electricity, 5.3 Recommendations to promote motivation for creativity especially when electricity generation accounts for the largest Firstly, review and redesign Job Descriptions focusing on the proportion of electricity production cost Moreover, the pressure of outcome requirements which are more challenging to nurture the competitive electricity market has forced power generation motivation, while considering the scope, powers and responsibilities to enterprises to innovate and restructure to achieve better efficiency appropriately empower so as to make employees be more proactive Thus, to meet the urgent needs of restructuring to improve and creative in their work; operational efficiency in the current period as well as to flexibly Secondly, empower employees by: promoting the sense of respond to changes and roadmap for the development of Vietnam's meaningful work; facilitating employees to take part in decision Electricity Market, with the key role in the power generation value making; showing confidence in high performance and giving chain, power generation enterprises must constantly innovate and autonomy to eliminate complicated procedures; maximize their autonomy and dynamic in production and business, Thirdly, insert leaders’ empowerment issues into competence especially to encourage employees passion, dedication and creativity framework and capacity dictionary of enterprises, in which developing because creativity is the most important factor creating innovation in clear criteria are built to assess leaders’ ability of empowerment After the organization and vice versa (Amabile, 1988) that, raise awareness of and provide training to improve empowering From the above-mentioned theoretical and practical needs, the leadership skills to leaders at all levels of the enterprise; thesis shall focus on studying The relationship of empowering Fourthly, it is necessary to pay attention and promply develop leadership, intrinsic motivation and creativity: Research in Generation companies of Vietnam Aims of research Firstly, to study the nature of intrinsic motivation in terms of 02 dimensions including challenge and enjoyment; Secondly, to study the impact and extent of influence of challenge and enjoyment dimensions on creativity; Thirdly, to study the moderator role of empowering leadership in the relationship between the 02 dimensions of intrinsic motivation and creativity; Lastly, to propose recommendations to promote employee’s motivation for creativity basing on the above-mentioned objectives in standards and measures to find out employees with outstanding intrinsic motivation, especially the challenge dimension Thereby, recruit employees with intrinsic motivation, and then facilitate and develop them into the enterprise’s core team; Finally, create open administrative mechanisms that encourage creativity 5.4 Short coming and next research approach First, the study is of data slicing design, basing on representative samples and at a certain time; Secondly, data collected from technical staff, engineers and experts directly involved in system regulation and operation 22 clearer directions of intrinsic motivation, especially when placed in the context of power generation in Vietnamese electricity industry in the relationship with creativity Specifically, the challenge dimension general of the intrinsic motivation attaches importance to the cognitive Object and scope of research process, reflecting the motivation driven by a conscious focus on the Object of research: The impact of intrinsic motivation (in terms of upcoming challenges and the needs to address complex tasks On the challenge and enjoyment) on creativity at individual level; moderator contrary, the enjoyment dimension of the intrinsic motivation role of the empowering leadership in the relationship between attaches importance to personal feelings, reflecting the motivation intrinsic motivation (in terms of challenge and enjoyment) and driven by a conscious focus on the feeling of enjoyment when creativity at individual level performing the actions of the task, preferring to experience the Object of survey: Technical staff, engineers and experts directly problem rather than engaging to seek for ways to solve problems or participate in the regulation and management of system operation finding smart and appropriate solutions This indicates that if focus These are the ones whose work requires a high level of autonomy, on implications of the challenge dimension, performance of creativity flexibility and creativity to be effective shall improve and are suitable for all contexts including work or art Scope of research: environment - Research time: 2010 – 2018 In addition, the research focus and emphasis of this thesis is to - Research object: Vietnamese generation companies including consider the role empowering leadership with this relationship more than 451 power plants of 357 enterprises; in which, Vietnamese because previous studies have largely focused on the intermediary enterprises operating in the field of electricity generation (hereinafter role of intrinsic motivation between the contextual factors and referred to as electricity generation enterprises) are the ones granted creativity while few mentioned the important role of regulatory electricity operation license (Circular No 12/2017/TT-BCT, 2017) factors in the context of the changing relationship between intrinsic and owns power plants in the territory of Vietnam and its main motivation and creativity In which, empowering leadership is one of product is electricity the effective and basic method with regular and continuous influence New contributions of the thesis on the motivation promoting creativity as well as the ability to create - In theoretical terms: (i) Provide substantiation to reinforce the sustainable results for the future Therefore, the thesis has theoretical view that intrinsic motivation has molecular structure contributed to exploiting the other role of this factor, specifically: the including 02 independent components which are challenge and relationship between the challenge dimension of motivation and enjoyment dimensions; (ii) The key and new point of this research is creativity will be stronger in the context of empowerment leadership the moderator role of the empowering leadership in the relationship between the dimensions of intrinsic motivation and creativity; (iii) 21 Provide an additional indicator (observed variable) to the research An indicator is added for the usefulness of creativity variable variable "Creative" and have proved that this indicator is reliable and and proved to be highly reliable and consistent with the thesis’ consistent with the research context of the thesis research context - In practical terms: (i) Suggest new solutions to enhance Affirm that intrinsic motivation is not a single concept but a creativity focusing on the challenge dimension; (ii) Suggest that a molecular structure including 02 independent dimensions, challenge way to strengthen the relationship between intrinsic motivation with and enjoyment Prove that the challenge dimension has a positive creativity can pay attention to the issue of empowerment; (iii) The impact on creativity while the relationship between the enjoyment research model developed from Western doctrines tested in Vietnam dimension and creativity dimension is not statistically significant will consider whether the concept of Western empowerment, Thereby, suggest explaining the cause of inconsistent relationship motivation and creativity theories can be applied to various cultural between intrinsic motivation and creativity due to the tendency to use contexts (eg Vietnam, specifically power generation enterprises) Enjoyment dimension to measure or represent intrinsic motivation Structure of the thesis while considering in the relationship with creativity After the Introduction, the thesis consists of the following Assess the status of intrinsic motivation (Enjoyment and sections: Literature review; Theoretical basis; Research methods; Challenge dimensions), creativity, and empowering leadership of Research Vietnamese power generation enterprises At the same time, compare results; Comments on research results and recommendations and analyze the differences between businesses with different characteristics to make appropriate recommendations CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Assert the empowering leadership plays the role of a regulatory 1.1 Main approaches in studying creativity variable and has a positive impact on the relationship between The thesis applies Social Psychology approach and Organizational Challenge dimension and creativity; simultaneously, suggest some Behavior to build a theoretical model to test hypotheses about additional issues related to the level of empowerment, empowered relationships and coordination between employee external and subjects and types of empowered work in the thesis research context internal factors to enhance creativity 1.2 Research on factor affecting creativity Basing on the above-mentioned factors affecting employees' 5.2 Comments on research results These empirical results plays an important role in reinforcing the theory of intrinsic motivation with molecular structure including two The results also creativity, it can be seen that intrinsic motivation and issues independent dimensions: challenge and enjoyment relating to leadership such as the encouragement, support and confirm the function of intrinsic motivation is to control the exchange of leaders/management to employees are claimed to be the conscious concentration and thus opening arguments about the 20 b Varification the empowering leadership impact on the relationship between the enjoyment dimension of intrinsic motivation and creativity Table 4.11: Analysis of factors influencing creativity coeff se t p LLCI ULCI Enjoyment 0340 1850 1839 8542 -.3294 3975 Empowerment 3952 1874 2.1082 0355 0269 7635 Enjoyment x 0566 0578 9794 3279 -.0569 1701 Empowerment Source: Summarized from AMOS data processing application Results indicate that: - The relationship between Enjoyment dimension of intrinsic motivation and creativity are not statistically significant (p-value > 0.05) - The relationship between the enjoyment dimension of intrinsic motivation and empowering leadership and creativity are not statistically significant (p-value > 0.05) In conclusion, the results indicate that Hypothesis H4 is not accepted two most important factors due to their frequent occurrence in many research results domestically and internationally 1.3 Some inconsistent results between intrinsic motivation and creativity In theorical terms, according to Amabile's Componential Theory of creativity (1983), intrinsic motivation is one of the most important and influential impact on employee's creativity (Amabile et al 1996; Shalley, 1991/1995) However, the results of experiments and field studies on this relationship have some inconsistent evidence 1.4 The potential of the moderator role of the empowering leadership in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity Although no direct study has examined the moderator role of the empowering leadership factor in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity, this possibility is comprehensively grounded In particular, in terms of internal meaning, the cocept of empowering leadership and intrinsic motivation are correlated when the implications of both concepts are to promoting autonomy and CHAPTER 5: COMMENT ON RESULTS AND enhancing the employees’ engagement to the task; these are the RECOMMENDATIONS necessary conditions to create creativity, thereby promoting the 5.1 Summary of research results In the context of electricity generation enterprises in Vietnam, positive impact of intrinsic motivation on individual creativity 1.5 Research gap and the focus of the thesis the usefulness is particularly emphasized more than the novelty, In theoretical terms, intrinsic motivation is a solid predictor of which indicate the interest in the relevance of creative results to creativity Review of researches over the past 30 years shows an organizations since the ultimate goal of creativity in work context is unstable relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity to create value for the organization; the novelty is necessary but not The existence of two different dimensions of intrinsic motivation enough; the important thing is the usefulness and contribution value can provide an important explanation for inconsistent results on the to the organization relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity However, this research direction requires more empirical evidence and should be considered in other contexts and areas to reinforce its argument Moreover, the context and the moderator role of this factor can provide an important explanation of the variable relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity even though this issue has not attracted attention from researches In addition, although there is no direct study that examines the moderator role of the empowering leadership factor in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity, this possibility is comprehensively grounded In particular, in terms of internal meaning, the cocept of empowering leadership and intrinsic motivation are correlated when the implications of both concepts are to promoting autonomy and enhancing the employees’ engagement to the task; these are the necessary conditions to create creativity, thereby promoting the positive impact of intrinsic motivation on creativity CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BASIS 2.1 Creativity Creativity is understood as the ability to create ideas, products, services or a new, useful process and apply those new, useful ideas into practice to create new products or new processes in organization (Amabile, 1988; Madjar, Oldham and Pratt, 2002; Shalley, Gilson and Blum, 2000; Zhou and Shalley, 2003; Shalley and Zhou, 2008) 2.2 Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation is the level of perseverance, enjoyment or concentration of an individual on his work and participation in that work for the purpose of each task to implement it (Utman, 1997) 19 Table 4.9: Analysis of factors influencing creativity coeff se t p LLCI ULCI Challenge 0.3515 0.0923 3.8104 0.0002 0.1702 0.5328 Empowerment 0.6973 0.1077 6.4733 0.0000 0.4856 0.9090 Challenge x 0.1164 0.0277 4.1984 0.0000 0.0619 0.1708 Empowerment Source: Summarized from AMOS data processing application Results indicate that: - The relationship between Challenge dimension of intrinsic motivation and creativity are statistically significant (p-value