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New records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) district

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As a result of taxonomic investigations carried out in the Mut (Mersin) district, 9 species belonging to 2 families (Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae) are recorded for the first time for the macrofungi flora of Turkey. These species are Psathyrella badiophylla(Romagn.),...

Turk J Bot 28 (2004) 449-455 © TÜB‹TAK Research Note New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District Gyasettin KAfiIK, Hasan Hỹseyin DOAN, Celõleddin ệZTĩRK, Sinan AKTAfi Selỗuk University, Science and Art Faculty, Biology Department, 42031 Campus, Konya - TURKEY Received: 28.07.2002 Accepted: 17.10.2003 Abstract: As a result of taxonomic investigations carried out in the Mut (Mersin) district, species belonging to families (Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae) are recorded for the first time for the macrofungi flora of Turkey These species are Psathyrella badiophylla(Romagn.) Park.-Rhodes, P bifrons (Berk.) Smith, P cernua (Vahl: Fr.) G.Hirsch, P murcida (Fr.) Kits van Wav., Agrocybe splendida Clỗ., Conocybe subpubescens P.D.Orton, C fuscimarginata (Murr.) Sing., C tenera (Schaeff.: Fr.) Fay and Pholiotina aporos (Kits van Wav.) Clỗ Key Words: New records, Basidiomycetes, macrofungi, Mut, Turkey Mut (Mersin) Yöresinden Coprinaceae ve Bolbitiaceae’den Yeni Kay›tlar Özet: Mut (Mersin) yöresinde yap›lan taksonomik araflt›rmalar sonucu, iki familyaya (Coprinaceae ve Bolbitiaceae) ait dokuz tỹr Tỹrkiye makrofungus floras iỗin ilk kez kay›t edilmifltir Bu türler Psathyrella badiophylla(Romagn.) Park.-Rhodes., P bifrons (Berk.) Smith, P cernua (Vahl: Fr.) G.Hirsch., P murcida (Fr.) Kits van Wav., Agrocybe splendida Clỗ., Conocybe subpubescens P.D.Orton, C fuscimarginata (Murr.) Sing., C tenera (Schaeff.: Fr.) Fay., Pholiotina aporos (Kits van Wav.) Clỗ dur Anahtar Sửzcỹkler: Yeni kaytlar, Basidiomycetes, makrofunguslar, Mut, Türkiye Introduction Materials and Methods Turkey has a very rich plant flora and its deciduous and coniferous forests are in particular very productive and suitable for macrofungi growth Macrofungi species grow in saprofitic, parasitic and mycorrhizal forms in these forests Approximately 1000 macrofungi species have so far been identified in Turkey However, there are many regions which have not been studied yet For this reason the macrofungi flora of Turkey is not complete The aim of this study is contribute to this macrofungi flora In this respect Basidiomycetes species belonging to families (Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae) collected during field trips in 1999-2001, have been investigated In the light of the literature on Turkish macrofungi flora (IflloÔlu & Watling, 1992; IflloÔlu & ệder, 1995; Kaflk & ệztỹrk, 2000; Kafl›k et al., 2000; Öztürk et al., 2000), these species have been identified as new records for the Turkish macrofungi flora The materials for this study were collected on field trips carried out in the environs of Mut between 1999 and 2001 The habitat and morphological characteristics of the macrofungi in the localities were recorded and photographed for diagnosis Spore prints were obtained and microscopic studies were made using a research microscope in the laboratory Spores were drawn with 10 x 40 enlargement For each species, a diagnosis was prepared using the habitat, morphological and microscopic characteristics Species were identified with the help of the literature (Watling, 1973,1982; Phillips, 1981; Michael et al., 1983-1987; Moser, 1983; Grünert & Grünert, 1984,1991; Hennig & Kreisel, 1987; Breitenbach & Kränzlin, 1991,1995; Dähncke, 1993; Pacioni, 1993; Pace, 1998) The specimens are kept at the Selỗuk University Mushroom Application and Research Centre Fungarium in Konya 449 New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District Distribution Results Coprinaceae Psathyrella badiophylla (Romagn.) Park.-Rhodes Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon, 21: 155 (1952) Macroscopic features Pileus 0.5-2 cm across, conical-campanulate when young, then campanulate to campanulate-convex (Figure 1), surface smooth, dull, reddish-ochre, brown when young, pallid-tawny to almost whitish when dry Flesh light to dark brown, thin, odour pleasantly polyporoid, taste mild Lamellae whitish grey when young, then turning deep brown to tobacco brown-cinnamon brown, broadly adnate Stipe 2-5.5 x 0.1-0.2 cm, cylindrical, whitish-cream, surface thin longitudinally fibrillose, fragile Sertavul village, in walnut orchard as gregarious, 1500 m, 04.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 553 Psathyrella bifrons (Berk.) Smith Contr Univ Mich Herb., 5:40 (1941) Macroscopic features Pileus 1.3-3 cm across, conical-campanulate when young, then campanulate to campanulate-convex (Figure 3), surface smooth, dull, hygrophanous, ochre-brown with a faint purple or grey tint when moist, with an (orange) ochre-brown centre, pale ochre to cream-beige when dry, marginal zone paler to whitish, margin acute, with fugacious velar fibrils attached to it when very young Flesh light to dark brown, thin, odour pleasantly polyporoid, taste mild Lamellae grey-white when young, dark purple-brown when old, ascending and broadly adnate, edges whitish-ciliate Stipe 4-8 x 0.2-0.4 cm, cylindrical, slightly tapered toward the apex, solid when young, hollow when old, fragile, surface indistinctly longitudinally white-fibrillose on a whitish background, satiny, apex white-powdered, base slightly whitetomentose Microscopic features Spores 11-14.5 x 6-8 µ, elliptic (Figure 4), dark redbrown, with a germ pore Distribution Figure Basidiocarps of Psathyrella badiophylla (1/1 life size) Microscopic features Sertavul village, in walnut orchard as gregarious, 1500 m, 04.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 554 Spores 10-14 x 5-6 à, elliptic, smooth (Figure 2), dark red-brown, with a germ pore 10µ Figure Basidiospores of Psathyrella badiophylla 450 Figure Basidiocarps of Psathyrella bifrons (1/1 life size) G KAfiIK, H H DO⁄AN, C ÖZTÜRK, S AKTAfi cylindrical, often bent, solid when young, hollow when old, rigid, fragile, surface smooth, satiny, finely longitudinally white-fibrillose on a whitish to light dingy yellowish background, apex white-powdered Microscopic features Spores 7-8 x 4-5 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 6), reddish-brown, with a germ pore 10µ Figure Basidiospores of Psathyrella bifrons Psathyrella cernua (Vahl: Fr.) G Hirsch Wiss Z Friedrich-Schiller-Univ.Jena, Math.-Naturwiss Reihe, 33:815 (1984) Macroscopic features Pileus 1.5-3.5 cm across, hemispherical when young, then convex to plane and sometimes irregular in shape (Figure 5), centre with an obtuse umbo, surface strongly hygrophanous, dull, smooth, dark grey-brown with a reddish tone and translucent-striate up to halfway to the centre when moist, light cream-coloured to almost whitish when dry, margin smooth when young, undulating when old Flesh whitish to grey-brown, thin, odour spicy, taste mild Lamellae whitish when young, then light grey-brown to dark red-brown, broadly adnate, some with a small decurrent tooth, edges finely whitish-to brownish-floccose Stipe 2.5-7 x 0.2-0.5 cm, 10µ Figure Basidiospores of Psathyrella cernua Distribution DaÔpazar village, under poplar stumps, 1500 m, 25.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 712 Psathyrella murcida (Fr.) Kits van Wav Persoonia, Suppl., 2: 281 (1985) Macroscopic features Pileus 2-4 cm across, conical-campanulate when young, then convex to almost plane, with an obtuse umbo (Figure 7), surface dull, smooth to somewhat radially wrinkled, when moist dark red-brown, sometimes with a grey-blackish tinge, margin paler and translucent-striate up to halfway to centre, with white velar fibrils when very young, pileus becoming a warm, pale ochre-brown from the centre outward when drying Flesh whitish to greybrown, thin odour faintly polyporoid, taste mild to slightly astringent Lamellae beige-brown when young, then increasingly dark grey-brown, broadly, adnate, edges smooth Stipe 2-8 x 0.2-0.8 cm, cylindrical, enlarged toward the base, hollow, rigid, fragile, surface white to yellowish and entirely white-fibrillose, apex white-pruinose Figure Basidiocarps of Psathyrella cernua (1/1 life size) 451 New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District Figure Basidiocarps of Psathyrella murcida (1/2 life size) Microscopic features Spores 8.5-12 x 5-7 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 8), dark reddish-brown, with a germ pore 10µ Figure Basidiospores of Psathyrella murcida Figure Basidiocarps of Agrocybe splendida (1/1 life size) margin with whitish velar fibrils when young, acute, smooth Flesh whitish, thin, odour farinaceous, taste mild, faintly rancid Lamellae beige when young, then increasingly dark tobacco-brown, ascending broadly adnate with a small decurrent tooth, edges whitishfloccose Stipe 4-7 x 0.2-0.4 cm, cylindrical, base at times somewhat enlarged, solid when young, hollow when old, stiff, elastic, entire surface whitish-fibrillose-floccose on a beige to light brownish background, without an annular zone, apex white-powdered, base sometimes with white mycelium Microscopic features Spores 13.5-16.5 x 8-10.5 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 10), light red-brown, thick-walled, with a germ pore Distribution Ten kilometres along the Gülnar road, in mixed oak and pine forest, 1050 m, 10.04.1999, DoÔan, Aktafl 82, Gửksu village, in pine forest, 450 m, 18.05.2001, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 1216 Bolbitiaceae Agrocybe splendida Clỗ Nova Hedwigia, 28: 1, (1976) Macroscopic features Stipe 0.5-2(3) cm across, hemispherical when young, then convex to plane, centre sometimes depressed or slightly umbonate (Figure 9), surface lubricous and ochre- to gold-yellow when moist, silky and creamcoloured to light yellow with a darker centre when dry, 452 10µ Figure 10 Basidiospores of Agrocybe splendida G KAfiIK, H H DO⁄AN, C ệZTĩRK, S AKTAfi Distribution DaÔpazar village, on grass outside pine forest, 1500 m, 18.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 120 Conocybe subpubescens P.D.Orton Trans of British Mycol Soc., 43: 195, (1960) Syn: Conocybe cryptocystis (Atk.) Sing Macroscopic features Pileus 1-2.5 cm across, conical campanulate (Figure 11), surface smooth, hygrophanous, bright ochre-rust brown, strongly sulcate Flesh cream whitish, thin, odour or smell not distinctive Lamellae cream-coloured when young, then cream-ochre to rust-brown, finely adnexed, edges smooth to whitish-flocculose Stipe 8-10 x 0.1-0.2 cm, cylindrical, stipe base bulbous and base with whitish mycel, very heavily downy-hairy, rust brown 10µ Figure 12 Basidiospores of Conocybe subpubescens Macroscopic features Stipe 1-3 cm across, hemispherical when young, then campanulate-convex (Figure 13), surface smooth to finely radially veined-wrinkled, dingy beige to grey-beige when moist and yellowish-cream when dry, sometimes with a somewhat darker centre and a tinge of salmon, dull to satiny, margin acute Flesh ochre-brown, thin, odour herbaceous, taste mild Lamellae cream-coloured when young, then cream-ochre to rust-brown, finely adnexed, edges smooth to whitish-flocculose Stipe 4-8 x 0.15-0.3 cm, cylindrical, at times somewhat enlarged toward the base with a small bulb, fragile, hollow, surface white to cream-coloured, pale brown in age, especially toward the base, satiny, slightly longitudinally fibrillose Microscopic features Figure 11 Basidiocarps of Conocybe subpubescens (1/1 life size) Microscopic features Spores 10-16(17) x 6-9 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 12), rust-brown, thick-walled, with a germ pore Distribution Gửkỗetafl village, SumakkuflaÔ plateau, in cedar forest, 1700 m, 04.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 543 Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murr.) Sing Nova Hedwigia, 29: 210, (1969) Spores 10.5-12.5 x 6.5-8 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 14), rust-brown, thick-walled, with a germ pore Distribution DaÔpazar village, on goat manure, 1500 m, 25.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 721 Conocybe tenera (Schaeff.: Fr.) Fay Annales des Sciences Naturelles, series, 79: 357, (1889) Macroscopic features Pileus 1-2 cm across, conical when young, then campanulate to convex (Figure 15), surface smooth, dull, rust-brown and translucent-striate almost to the centre when moist, ochre with a darker centre when dry, margin 453 New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District acute, sometimes dentate Flesh cream-coloured to ochre, thin, almost odourless, taste mild, not distinctive Lamellae cream-coloured when young, rust-brown when old, narrowly adnate, edges whitish-floccose Stipe 4-8 x 0.1-0.2 cm, cylindrical, base slightly bulbous, hollow, fragile, surface smooth, with pale powder toward the apex, light brown when young, then increasingly dark red-brown, especially toward the base Microscopic features Spores 10.5-14 x 5-7 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 16), thick-walled, red-brown, with a germ pore Figure 13 Basidiocarps of Conocybe fuscimarginata (1/1 life size) 10µ Figure 16 Basidiospores of Conocybe tenera 10µ Figure 14 Basidiospores of Conocybe fuscimarginata Distribution DaÔpazar village, SửÔỹtửzỹ district, in meadows, 1700 m, 25.05.2000, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 698 Pholiotina aporos (Kits van Wav) Cls Schweiz Z Pilzkunde, 54: 151, (1976) Macroscopic features Figure 15 Basidiocarps of Conocybe tenera (1/1 life size) 454 Pileus 1.5-3 cm across, hemispherical when young, then convex to expanded and somewhat undulating (Figure 17), slightly umbonate in centre, moist redochre-brown when moist, at times somewhat darker in the centre, striate halfway to the centre, somewhat butyraceous, beige-brown when dry, barely striate margin acute Flesh watery grey-to beige-brown, thin, odour like Pelargonium, taste mild Lamellae beige-brown when young, soon brown to dark ochre-brown, finely adnexed, edges white-ciliate Stipe 3-5 x 0.2-0.5 cm cylindrical, base at times somewhat enlarged or tapered, G KAfiIK, H H DO⁄AN, C ÖZTÜRK, S AKTAfi 10µ Figure 18 Basidiospores of Pholiotina aporos Figure 17 Basidiocarps of Pholiotina aporos (1/1 life size) hollow, rigid, elastic, surface above the annulus light beige-brown and faintly longitudinally striate, surface below increasingly brown to dark brown and in part somewhat pale-fibrillose, annulus membranoustomentose, pendent, white, upper side striate Microscopic features Spores 6.5-10 x 4-5 µ, elliptic, smooth (Figure 18), yellow-brown, thick-walled, without germ pore Distribution Göksu village, on grass, 450 m, 18.05.2001, DoÔan, ệztỹrk, Kaflk 1211 References Breitenbach J & Kränzlin F, (1991,1995) Fungi of Switzerland (Volumes 3-4) Lucerne: Verlag Mykologia Michael E, Hennig B & Kreisel H, (1983-1987) Handbuch für Pilzfreunde (Band 1-5) Stuttgart: Gustav Fisher Verlag Dähncke RM, (1993) 1200 Pilze Stuttgart: At Verlag Aarau Moser M, (1983) Keys to Agarics and Boleti Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag Grunert H & Grunert R, (1984) Pilze Munich: Mosaik Verlag Gmbh Grunert H & Grunert R, (1991) Field Guide to Mushrooms of Britain and Europe Wiltshire: The Crowood Press Ltd Hennig B & Kreisel H, (1987) Taschenbuch für Pilzfreunde Münich: Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena IflloÔlu M & Watling R, (1992) Macromycetes of Mediterranean Turkey Edinburgh Journal of Botany 49(1): 99-121 IflloÔlu M & Öder N, (1995) Contributions to the Macrofungi of Mediterranean Turkey Tr J of Botany 19: 603-609 Kafl›k G & Ưztürk C, (2000) Hadim ve Taflkent (Konya) resinin Makrofunguslar› SÜ Fen-Edb Fak Fen Dergisi 17: 1-6 Kafl›k G, Öztürk C & DoÔan HH, (2000) Ermenek (Karaman) Yửresinin Makrofunguslar Sĩ Fen-Edb Fak Fen Dergisi 16: 61-65 Öztürk C, Kafl›k G & DoÔan HH (2000) Beyreli (Hadim-Konya) Yửresinden Baz Makrofunguslar Sĩ Fen-Edebiyat Fak Fen Dergisi 1(16): 37-41 Pace G, (1998) Mushrooms of the World, Ontario, Canada: Firefly Books Ltd Pacioni G, (1993) Mushrooms and Toadstools London: MacDonald Ltd Phillips R, (1981) Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe London: Pan Books Ltd Watling R, (1973) Identification of the Larger Fungi Amersham: Hulton Educational Publications Ltd Watling R, (1982) British Fungus Flora (Bolbitiaceae 3: Agrocybe, Bolbitius, Conocybe) Edinburgh: HMSO 455 .. .New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District Distribution Results Coprinaceae Psathyrella badiophylla (Romagn.) Park.-Rhodes Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon, 21:... dull, rust-brown and translucent-striate almost to the centre when moist, ochre with a darker centre when dry, margin 453 New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District acute,... white-pruinose Figure Basidiocarps of Psathyrella cernua (1/1 life size) 451 New Records in Coprinaceae and Bolbitiaceae from Mut (Mersin) District Figure Basidiocarps of Psathyrella murcida (1/2 life size)

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