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Mastering market analytics business metrics practice and application

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MASTERING MARKET ANALYTICS Business Metrics À Practice and Application This page intentionally left blank MASTERING MARKET ANALYTICS Business Metrics À Practice and Application EDITED BY ROBERT KOZIELSKI University of Lodz, Poland United Kingdom À North America À Japan India À Malaysia À China Emerald Publishing Limited Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK First edition 2018 Copyright r 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited Reprints and permissions service Contact: permissions@emeraldinsight.com No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in the UK by The Copyright Licensing Agency and in the USA by The Copyright Clearance Center Any opinions expressed in the chapters are those of the authors Whilst Emerald makes every effort to ensure the quality and accuracy of its content, Emerald makes no representation implied or otherwise, as to the chapters’ suitability and application and disclaims any warranties, express or implied, to their use British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-78714-836-9 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-78714-835-2 (Online) ISBN: 978-1-78743-269-7 (Epub) ISOQAR certified Management System, awarded to Emerald for adherence to Environmental standard ISO 14001:2004 Certificate Number 1985 ISO 14001 CONTENTS ABOUT THE AUTHORS ix INTRODUCTION WHY, HOW, WHAT? Robert Kozielski 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 In the World of Chaos and Uncertainty Measurement À Trend or Necessity? Measurement Systems Stages of Construction and Guidelines Regarding Implementation of Measurement Systems Measurement Index À Features and Selection Criteria MEASURING MARKET STRATEGY RESULTS ´ Robert Kozielski, Michał Dziekonski, Jacek Pogorzelski and Grzegorz Urbanek 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 xiii Market Share Sales Growth Customer Satisfaction Index Retention Rate Customer Loyalty Ratio Churn RFM Index Customer Lifetime Value Brand Value Index (BVI) À Measured with the DCF Method NPS Share of Wallet SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT METRICS ´ Robert Kozielski, Michał Dziekonski, Michał Medowski, Jacek Pogorzelski and Marcin Ostachowski 3.1 3.2 15 18 23 24 29 36 46 51 60 66 75 84 95 103 113 114 119 Numeric Distribution Weighted Distribution v vi CONTENTS 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 MARKETING COMMUNICATION RATIOS ´ Robert Kozielski, Michał Dziekonski and Jacek Pogorzelski 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 MAT Index Share in Shops Handling Share of Shelf Index Product Turnover Average Sales per Point of Sale Price Index Purchase Intention Trial Repurchase Brand Usage Penetration Rate Market Coverage Index Sales Force Efficiency Index Cannibalisation Rate Unaided (Spontaneous) Brand Awareness Top of Mind Brand Awareness Aided Brand Awareness Unaided (Spontaneous) Advertising Awareness Aided Advertising Awareness Reach Effective Reach Frequency Effective Frequency GRP OTS/OTH CPP CPT Response Rate CPS Conversion Rate Affinity Index Share of Voice 125 131 136 141 146 151 156 160 165 170 175 182 188 194 201 202 207 212 217 222 227 234 241 247 253 259 263 269 277 282 289 298 305 E-COMMERCE AND SOCIAL MEDIA INDICATORS Robert Kozielski, Grzegorz Mazurek, Anna Miotk and Artur Maciorowski 313 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 314 320 325 330 Side Need Index Stickiness Formula Focus Index Freshness Factor vii Contents 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 Customisation Index First Purchase Momentum CTR CPA CPM CPC CR Exposure Index Engagement Rate Social Media Share of Voice Brand Strength Social Media ROI Social Media NPS Active Advocates 335 340 345 349 357 364 372 380 383 387 391 395 399 403 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 407 BIBLIOGRAPHY 409 INDEX 415 This page intentionally left blank ABOUT THE AUTHORS AUTHOR/EDITOR Robert Kozielski À Fulbright Scholar, Chartered Marketer, Associate Professor À is leading authority on market strategies of enterprises, strategic analyses and the evaluation of marketing actions’ effectiveness in organisations He is the author of over 200 publications on market activities that have been published in both Poland and abroad During his 20-year training and consulting endeavour, he has cooperated with such companies as Unilever, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Merck, Abbott, Danone, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer and Teva He has delivered lectures and conducted training workshops (Executive MBA courses À University of Lodz with University of Maryland, University of Warsaw with University of Illinois) AUTHORS ´ Michał Dziekonski is General Director of Business Games Institute À a consulting company, based on practical experience in sales and marketing He has several years of experience in marketing management at the strategic level in the structures of large international companies, like the American part of the Siemens Group He is the creator of the plans and marketing strategies and systems to measure the effectiveness of marketing activities, both at the B2C market and B2B Artur Maciorowski is coach and consultant of e-marketing and e-business since 1998 in the Internet industry He is founder of eCode À the consulting and training company For 13 years he has provided workshops that have been attended by over 10,000 participants He is a certified IAB DIMAQ trainer, a lecturer at the Warsaw School of Economics and a CIM Digital Strategy tutor in questus He is the Managing Editor of ‘Online Marketing’ printed magazine He is the author of E-marketing in practice: Strategies for effective online promotion, Effective e-mail marketing and co-author of Marketing indicators and E-business bible ix 412 BIBLIOGRAPHY Nelly, A., Adams, C., & Crowe, P (2001) The performance prism in practice Measuring Business Excellence, Nelly, A., Richards, H., Mills, J., Platts, K., & Bourne, M (1997) Designing performance measures À A structured approach International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 17/11 Nicholls, B (May 1992) ABC in the U.K À A status report Management Accounting Nowak, W P (2001) Media planning Krakow: Wydawnictwo ProteusÀMarketingowy Dom Wydawniczy Obło´j, K (2002) Tworzywo skutecznych strategii Warsaw: Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne Pierce, N (1986) Marketing asset accounting À Scope and rationale European Journal, 20 Piwowar, B (1998) Komercyjne w 20 proc (Polskie Radio SA), “Aida”, no 10, p 14À16 Player, S (1998) Activity based costing analyses lead to better decision-making 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(January 1998) Market-based assets and shareholder value À A framework for analysis Journal of Marketing, 62 Stephany, A (2015) The business of sharing: Making it in the new sharing economy London: Palgrave Macmillan Stone, B (1997) Successful direct marketing methods Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books Tangen, S (2004) Performance measurement À From philosophy to practice International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 53(8) The Economist: The Rise of the Marketer; The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, London 2015 in R Kozielski: Jeszcze szybsze zmiany czyli przyszos´ c´ marketing; www.biznes.pl (Accessed on Bibliography 413 03 July 2015 http://biznes.pl/magazyny/marketing/jeszcze-szybsze-zmiany-czyli-przyszloscmarketingu/dhkket) Urbanek, G (2002) Zarzadzanie marka Warszawa: PWE Vorhies, D W., & Morgan, N A (January 2005) Benchmarking marketing capabilities for sustainable competitive advantage Journal of Marketing, 69 Watson, G (1993) Strategic benchmarking À How to rate your company’s performance against the world’s best New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Węgrzyn, A (2000) Benchmarking À nowoczesna metoda doskonalenia przedsiębiorstwa Wrocław: Antykwa Wilson, A (2002) The marketing audit handbook London: Kogan Page Wongrassamee, S., Gardiner, P D., & Simmons, J E L (2003) Performance measurement tools À The balanced scorecard and the EFQM excellence model Measuring Business Excellence, This page intentionally left blank INDEX Absolute market share, 25, 27 Accounting, brand valuation in, 85 AC Nielsen, 25, 115 Active advocates, 403À406 application of, 404 basic formula, 403 calculation of, 404 case study, 405À406 illustration of use, 404À405 stages of implementation, 404 terms of use, 403À404 Active recipient, 183 Activity-based costing (ABC), 9À10 Adaptive organizations, Adidas, 204 Advertisement awareness, 156 Advertising agencies assessment, brand valuation in, 86 awareness indices, 172, 205, 217À227 direct response, 293À298 Affinity index (AFI), 298À305 application of, 300À301 basic formula, 298 calculation of, 299À300 case study, 303À305 illustration of use, 301À303 stages of implementation, 299À300 terms of use, 298À299 Afilo, 350 Agrip, 129À130 AIDA, 199n8 Aided advertising awareness, 222À227 application of, 224 basic formula, 222À223 calculation of, 223À224 case study, 225À227 illustration of use, 225 stages of implementation, 223À224 terms of use, 223 Aided brand awareness, 205, 212À217 application of, 214 basic formula, 212À213 calculation of, 213À214 case study, 215À217 illustration of use, 215 stages of implementation, 213À214 terms of use, 213 Alden, 67 Alfa, 33À36 Alfia, 402, 403 ALGIDO, 343À344 Altma, 225À227 Amber, 118À119 Amblerm T., Andersen, Arthur, Ansoff’s matrix, 46 Apple, Apros, 123À125 Arra, 149À151 AT&T, Attan, 145 Audit, marketing, 6, Automatic Company, 73À74 Automation, marketing, Average sales per point of sale, 146À151 application of, 148 basic formula, 146À147 415 416 calculation of, 147À148 case study, 149À151 illustration of use, 148À149 stages of implementation, 147À148 terms of use, 147 Babyfood, 149À151 Balanced Scorecard, 11À12, 14 Bank(s/ing), 55À57 relations with, brand valuation in, 85 Base, 286À289 Benchmarking, 8À9, 20n41 BEP analysis, 192 Berry, 169À170 Best, 186À188 Bet.com, 28À29 Betia, 402, 403 Biocosmet, 144À145 Black Grain, 205À207 Blast, 221, 222 Blue Connect, 210, 211 Blue Ocean, 382À383 ‘Blue Pomerania’, 274, 275 BMW, 109n1 Bonus, 36 Boston Consulting Group, 31 Brand attractiveness, 174 Brand awareness, aided, 212À217 indices, 156, 163 top of mind, 207À212 unaided, 202À207 Brandetta, 90À92 Brand-level competition, 108n1 Brand strength, 391À395 application of, 393 basic formula, 391À392 calculation of, 392À393 case study, 394À395 illustration of use, 393À394 stages of implementation, 392À393 terms of use, 393 INDEX Brandtex, 92À94 Brand Tracking Study, 156, 199n6 Brand usage, 156, 170À174 application of, 172À173 basic formula, 170À171 calculation of, 171À172 case study, 174 illustration of use, 173À174 stages of implementation, 171À172 terms of use, 171 Brand value index (BVI), 5, 84À94 basic formula, 84À86 case study, 92À94 illustration of use, 90À92 practice of use, stages of implementation, 89 terms of use, 86À89 Business analytics, Business measurement system, 15À18 Business-Prof, 275 Cannibalisation rate, 194À199 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 109n6, 109n9 Casgurt, 390, 391 Casius, 329 Caslione, J A., Cause and effect model, 16 Central Statistical Office, 175 Ceria, 402, 403 Chaos, 2À5 Churn, 60À66 application of, 62 basic formula, 60À61 calculation of, 62 case study, 65À66 illustration of use, 63À65 stages of implementation, 62 terms of use, 61À62 Click through rate (CTR), 345À348 Cold, 394, 395 Competition brand-level, 108n1 Index generic, 109n1 industry (sector) level, 108À109n1 levels of, 3À5 product form (substitutes) level, 109n1 Competitive advantage, 3, 5, 9, 19, 15, 18 Content Management System (CMS), 331À332 Conversion rate, 289À298 application of, 291À292 basic formula, 289À290 calculation of, 291 case study, 293À298 illustration of use, 292À293 stages of implementation, 291 terms of use, 290 CostÀbenefit analysis, 194 Cost of capital, 109n6, 109n9 Cost of debt, 109n6, 109n9 Cost of own (equity) capital, 109n6, 109n9 Cost-per-action (CPA), 349À357 application of, 352À353 basic formula, 349À350 calculation of, 352 case study, 354À357 illustration of use, 353À354 stages of implementation, 352 terms of use, 351À352 Cost-per-click (CPC) index, 355, 356, 364À372 application of, 367À368 basic formula, 364À365 calculation of, 367 case study, 369À372 illustration of use, 368À369 stages of implementation, 367 terms of use, 365À367 Cost per download (CPD), 350 Cost per effective reach point (CPERP), 264À267 Cost per lead (CPL), 349À351 417 Cost per mile (CPM) index See Cost per thousand (CPT) index Cost per order (CPO), 349À351 Cost per point (CPP), 263À269 application of, 266 basic formula, 263À264 calculation of, 265À266 case study, 267À269 illustration of use, 266À267 stages of implementation, 265À266 terms of use, 264À265 Cost per reach point (CPRP), 264À267 Cost per registration (CPR), 350 Cost per sale (CPS) index, 5, 272, 282À289, 349À351 application of, 283À284 basic formula, 282 calculation of, 283 case study, 286À289 illustration of use, 284À286 stages of implementation, 283 terms of use, 282À283 Cost per thousand (CPT) index, 230, 252, 269À276, 357À364 application of, 236À237, 360À361 basic formula, 269À270, 357À358 calculation of, 271, 360 case study, 275À276, 362À364 illustration of use, 273À275, 361À362 stages of implementation, 271, 360 terms of use, 270, 358À360 Creesp, 134, 135 Cross, K., 10 Crowdsourcing, Crust, 169À170 Culliman, George, 67 Cumulated reach, 230 Customer lifetime value (CLV), 14, 70, 75À84, 96 basic formula, 75À76 case study, 81À84 illustration of use, 79À81 practice of use, 78À79 418 stages of implementation, 78 terms of use, 76À77 Customer loyalty, Customer loyalty ratio, 51À60 application of, 54À55 basic formula, 51À52 calculation of, 53À54 case study, 57À60 illustration of use, 55À57 stages of implementation, 53À54 terms of use, 52À53 Customer relationship (CR), 372À380 application of, 375 basic formula, 372À373 calculation of, 375 case study, 377À380 illustration of use, 375À377 stages of implementation, 375 terms of use, 373À374 Customer relationship management (CRM), 4, 38, 61, 68, 69, 76, 277, 282, 290 Customer satisfaction index (CSI), 5, 36À46, 55 application of, 39À40 basic formula, 36À37 calculation of, 38À39 case study, 43À46 illustration of use, 40À43 stages of implementation, 38À39 terms of use, 37À38 Customer value, Customization index, 335À340 application of, 337À338 basic formula, 335À336 calculation of, 337 case study, 333À340 illustration of use, 338 stages of implementation, 337 terms of use, 336À337 Danone, 18 Deep, 394, 395 INDEX Deep Metrix, 321 Delgo, 124À125 Design thinking, DIPADA model, 199n8 Direct response advertising, 293À298 Discounted cash flow (DCF), 84À89 Drucker, P., DTN, 210, 211 Dubby, 169À170 Duet, 280À281 Duplication of entries, 183 Du Pont, Dynamo, 221, 222 E-commerce and social media indicators, 313 active advocates, 403À406 brand strength, 391À395 click through rate, 345À348 cost per mile index, 357À364 cost-per-action, 349À357 cost-per-click index, 364À372 customer relationship, 372À380 customization index, 335À340 engagement rate, 383À387 exposure index, 380À383 first purchase momentum, 340À344 focus index, 325À330 freshness factor, 330À335 site need index, 314À319 social media NPS, 399À403 social media ROI, 395À399 social media share of voice, 387À391 stickiness formula, 320À325 Economica, The, 262À263 Effective cost-per-mile (eCPM) index, 358À360, 363 Effective frequency (EF), 235, 247À253 application of, 249À250 basic formula, 247À248 Index calculation of, 248À249 case study, 252À253 illustration of use, 250À252 stages of implementation, 248À249 terms of use, 248 Effectiveness-oriented approach, Effective reach (ER), 234À241 application of, 236À237 basic formula, 234À235 calculation of, 236 case study, 239À241 illustration of use, 237À239 stages of implementation, 236 terms of use, 235À236 Efficiency-oriented approach, Elfia, 402, 403 Engagement rate, 383À387 application of, 385À386 basic formula, 383À384 calculation of, 385 case study, 386À387 illustration of use, 386 stages of implementation, 385 terms of use, 384À385 Era Biznes, 258 Era Moja, 258 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), E-TV, 310 European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model, 11 European Quality Award, 11 Expected brand-related expenditure, 109n8 Exposure index, 380À383 application of, 382 basic formula, 380À381 calculation of, 381 case study, 382À383 illustration of use, 382 stages of implementation, 381 terms of use, 381 419 External investors relations with, brand valuation in, 85 Facebook, Fashion-Y, 405, 406 Fast-Connect, 339À340 Fast Movie, 309À310 First purchase momentum, 340À344 application of, 342 basic formula, 340À341 calculation of, 342 case study, 343À344 illustration of use, 343 stages of implementation, 342 terms of use, 341 Fleet, 225, 226 Focus index, 325À330 application of, 327 basic formula, 325À326 calculation of, 327 case study, 329À330 illustration of use, 327À329 stages of implementation, 327 terms of use, 326 Ford, 9, 108n1, 109n1 Four-leaf clover model, Fourwheel, 221, 222 Franchising, brand valuation in, 86 Frequency, 241À247 application of, 243 basic formula, 241À242 calculation of, 242À243 case study, 245À247 effective, 235, 247À253 illustration of use, 244À245 stages of implementation, 242À243 terms of use, 242 Freshness factor, 330À335 application of, 331À332 basic formula, 330À331 calculation of, 331 case study, 333À335 420 illustration of use, 332À333 stages of implementation, 331 terms of use, 331 GameX, 225, 226 Gemius DirectEffect, 374 General Motors, Generic competition, 109n1 Genius Traffic, 321 Ghalayini, A., 14 Gizz, 139, 140 Google, 307 Google AdWords, 354, 365, 366, 369, 372, 376, 377 Google Analytics, 373, 374 Gregor, W., Gross profit margin, 109n7 Gross rating point (GRP) index, 229, 253À259, 241, 242, 244À247 application of, 255À256 basic formula, 253À254 calculation of, 255 case study, 257À259 illustration of use, 256À257 stages of implementation, 255 terms of use, 254 GWSBiZ, 273À274 Hair, 154, 155 Hale, Mark, 382, 383 Harley-Davidson, 54 Hash index, 384 Health, 394, 395 Hierarchy of Effects Model, 199n8 HighLeasing, 377À380 Home Video, 310 Honda, 108n1 HORECA market, 186À188 Houston, N., Hypermarket, 189 IAS, 28 Idea Meritum, 258 INDEX Industry (sector) level competition, 108À109n1 Innovation, open, Institutional marketing, 36 Internal communication, brand valuation in, 86 ISO, 9001, 40 Jack, 134, 135 Jogo, 390À391 KAIZEN system, Kaplan, R., 11, 12, 14 Klout index, 384 KMAT (Knowledge Management Assessment Tool), Kodak, 3, Kofea, 186À188 Komp.com, 28 Kotler, Ph., 3, KPMG, 11 Lane, 293À298 LCI Bank, 100À102 Leader Price, 60 Leaflets, 293À298 Learning organisation, Legal disputes, brand valuation in, 86 Lemarx, 318À319 Lenskold, J., 14 Licensing, brand valuation in, 86 Lider, 398À399 Lieff, 145 LIM, 164 development, evaluation of, 165 Lovett, J., 385, 403, 404 Loyalty, customer, Lukson, 245À247 Lynch, R., 10 Magna, 28, 29 Mantra, 329, 330 Mapping, 183 Index Market behavior, 161 Market coverage index, 182À188 application of, 184 basic formula, 182À183 calculation of, 183À184 case study, 186À188 illustration of use, 184À186 stages of implementation, 183À184 terms of use, 183 Marketing audit, 6, automation, institutional, 36 management, brand valuation in, 86 metrics, productivity, ROI, 13À15 word-of-mouth, 400 Marketing communication ratios, 201 affinity index, 298À305 aided advertising awareness, 222À227 aided brand awareness, 212À217 conversion rate, 289À298 cost per point, 263À269 cost per sale index, 282À289 cost per thousand index, 269À276 effective frequency, 247À253 effective reach, 234À241 frequency, 241À247 gross rating point index, 253À259 opportunity to see/opportunity to hear, 259À263 reach, 227À234 response rate, 277À281 share of voice, 305À310 top of mind brand awareness, 207À212 unaided advertising awareness, 217À222 unaided brand awareness, 202À207 Market share, 62, 108n1, 109n1 421 absolute, 25, 27 application of, 26 basic formula, 24À25 calculation of, 25À26 case study, 28À29 illustration of use, 26À28 relative, 25, 28 stages of implementation, 25À26 terms of use, 25 by value, 25, 26, 29 by volume, 25, 26, 29 Market strategy results, measuring, 23 brand value index, 84À94 churn, 60À66 customer lifetime value, 75À84 customer loyalty ratio, 51À60 customer satisfaction index, 36À46 market share, 24À29 net promoter score, 95À102 retention rate, 46À51 RFM index, 66À74 sales growth, 29À36 share of wallet, 103À108 Marlex, 329 Mask, 145 MAX, MaxCoffee, 186À188 Maxi, 154, 155 Measurement productivity, as trend/necessity, 5À7 Measurement index features of, 18À19 selection criteria for, 18À19 Measurement systems, 7À15 construction and guidelines, stages of, 15À18 MEMRB (Synovate), 25, 115 Mercedes, 109n1 Milkovit, 139, 140 Mine, 394, 395 Moda-Z, 405, 406 Morgensztern, A., 237 422 Motorola, Moving annual total (MAT) index, 125À130 application of, 126À127 basic formula, 125 calculation of, 126 case study, 129À130 illustration of use, 127À129 stages of implementation, 126 terms of use, 125À126 MS Access, 68 MSAT (Measurement Systems Assessment Tool), MS Excel, 97 Murdoch, Rupert, 85 My Stat, 321 NACÀUSA, 43À46 Napoleoncat, 384 Net asset value (NAV), 85 Net numeric distribution, 115 Net present value (NPV), 77 Net promoter score (NPS), 95À102 application of, 97À99 basic formula, 95À96 calculation of, 97 case study, 100À102 illustration of use, 99À100 social media, 399À403 stages of implementation, 97 terms of use, 96À97 NetSales, 350 Net weighted distribution, 120 News Corporation, 85 Nielsen Audience Measurement, 307 Noble, J., 14 Nokia, 3, 54 Nolan Norton Institute, 11 Norton, D., 11, 12, 14 Novem, 350 Numeric distribution, 114À119 application of, 116 basic formula, 114À115 INDEX calculation of, 115 case study, 118À119 illustration of use, 116À117 stages of implementation, 115 terms of use, 115 Numeric handling distribution, 114À115 Numeric selling distribution, 115 Nutral, 149À151 Off-the-shelf sales, 143, 146 Olimp, 50À51 Olly, 134, 135 management team, recommendations for, 136 OneClick Internet, 106À108 Onto, 215À216 Opel, 108n1, 109n1 Open innovation, Opportunistic organizations, Opportunity to see/opportunity to hear (OTS/OTH), 259À263 application of, 261 basic formula, 259 calculation of, 260 case study, 262À263 illustration of use, 261À262 stages of implementation, 260 terms of use, 260 Oracle, 68 Pack’s, 239À241 Palmtops, 189 Paradigm shift, Passive organisations, Pastre, 139, 140 Pay-per-action (PPA) See Cost-per-action (CPA) Penetration rate, 175À182 Performance prism, 13 Performance pyramid, 10À11 PESO model, 380, 384, 387, 400 Peugeot, 108n1 423 Index PIMS, Planning fusions, brand valuation in, 85 Podlasianka, 369À371 Point of sale, 157 Pone, 149À151 Pop-Rock Music Radio, 274, 275 Popular Play, 310 Pretty, 154, 155 Price index, 151À155 application of, 153 basic formula, 151À152 calculation of, 152À153 case study, 154À155 illustration of use, 153À154 stages of implementation, 152À153 terms of use, 152 Problem identification, 18 Producer’s price, 152, 153 Product form (substitutes) level competition, 109n1 Productivity marketing, measurement, Product range policy, 35 Product turnover, 141À146 application of, 142À143 basic formula, 141 calculation of, 142 case study, 144À146 illustration of use, 143À144 stages of implementation, 142 terms of use, 141À142 Pro forma valuation accounting, 85 Prompted advertising awareness See Aided advertising awareness Prompted brand awareness See Aided brand awareness Purchase intention, 156À160 application of, 157À158 basic formula, 156 calculation of, 157 case study, 159À160 illustration of use, 158À159 stages of implementation, 157 terms of use, 156À157 Purchases, brand valuation in, 85 PWC, 18 Random reach See Cumulated reach Reach, 227À234 application of, 229À230 basic formula, 227À228 calculation of, 229 case study, 232À234 effective, 234À241 illustration of use, 230À232 stages of implementation, 229 terms of use, 228 Regional sales policy, 35À36 Reichheld, Fred, 95, 399 Reinforced customer loyalty ratio, 51, 52, 54 Relative market share, 25, 28 Relativisation, Renault, 108n1 Reporting, brand valuation in, 85 Repurchase, 165À170 application of, 167À168 basic formula, 165À166 calculation of, 167 case study, 169À170 illustration of use, 168À169 stages of implementation, 167 terms of use, 166À167 Response rate (RR), 277À281 application of, 279 basic formula, 277 calculation of, 278 case study, 280À281 illustration of use, 279À280 stages of implementation, 278 terms of use, 277À278 Retail price, 152, 153 Retention rate, 46À51 application of, 48 basic formula, 46À47 424 calculation of, 47À48 case study, 50À51 illustration of use, 48À50 stages of implementation, 47À48 terms of use, 47 Return on investment (ROI), 13À15, 76, 84, 385 social media, 395À399 Reverse ROPO effect, 396 RFM index, 66À74 application of, 69À70 basic formula, 66À68 calculation of, 69 case study, 73À74 illustration of use, 70À73 stages of implementation, 69 terms of use, 68 Right price, 153 Rodger, W., ROPO effect, 396 Run-on-network (RON), 358 Safe, 402À403 Sales and distribution management metrics, 113 average sales per point of sale, 146À151 brand usage, 170À174 cannibalisation rate, 194À199 market coverage index, 182À188 MAT index, 125À130 numeric distribution, 114À119 penetration rate, 175À182 price index, 151À155 product turnover, 141À146 purchase intention, 156À160 repurchase, 165À170 sales force efficiency index, 188À193 share in shops handling, 131À136 share of shelf index, 136À140 trial, 160À165 weighted distribution, 119À125 INDEX Sales dynamics See Sales growth Sales force efficiency index, 188À193 application of, 190 basic formula, 188À189 calculation of, 190 case study, 192À193 illustration of use, 191À192 stages of implementation, 190 terms of use, 189 Sales growth, 29À36 application of, 31À32 basic formula, 29À30 calculation of, 31 case study, 33À36 illustration of use, 32À33 stages of implementation, 31 terms of use, 30 Sales increase dynamics, Sales level, 172À173 Sales volume, 30 Share in shops handling, 131À136 application of, 132À133 basic formula, 131 calculation of, 132 case study, 134À136 illustration of use, 133À134 stages of implementation, 132 terms of use, 131À132 Share of shelf index, 136À140 application of, 138 basic formula, 136À137 calculation of, 137À138 case study, 139À140 illustration of use, 139 stages of implementation, 137À138 terms of use, 137 Share of voice (SoV), 305À310 application of, 307À308 basic formula, 305À306 calculation of, 307 case study, 309À310 illustration of use, 308À309 social media, 387À391 stages of implementation, 307 Index terms of use, 306À307 Share of wallet (SOW), 103À108 application of, 104À105 basic formula, 103 calculation of, 104 case study, 106À108 illustration of use, 105À106 stages of implementation, 104 terms of use, 104 Sharing economy, Shaw, R., ShoeMax, 215, 216 Shortages of goods, Shuchman, A., Siemens, 18 SII, 384 Sima, 329 Site need index (SNI), 314À319 application of, 317 basic formula, 314À315 calculation of, 316À317 case study, 318À319 illustration of use, 317À318 stages of implementation, 317 terms of use, 315À316 Sixter, 221, 222 Slippery formula, 320À322 Smith, John, 382, 383 Snacky, 134, 135 Social interactivity index, 384 Social media net promoter score (NPS), 399À403 application of, 401 basic formula, 399À400 calculation of, 401 case study, 402À403 illustration of use, 401À402 stages of implementation, 401 terms of use, 400À401 Social media ROI, 395À399 application of, 397 basic formula, 395À396 calculation of, 397 case study, 398À399 425 illustration of use, 397À398 stages of implementation, 397 terms of use, 396À397 Social media share of voice (SMSoV), 387À391 application of, 389 basic formula, 387À388 calculation of, 389 case study, 390À391 illustration of use, 390 stages of implementation, 389 terms of use, 388À389 Sotrender, 384 Spectrum, 329 Spontaneous advertising awareness See Unaided advertising awareness Spontaneous brand awareness See Unaided brand awareness SPSS software, 97 Standard customer loyalty ratio, 51, 52, 59 Starline, 210À212 Stenegel, J., 13 Stickiness formula, 320À325 application of, 322 basic formula, 320À321 calculation of, 321À322 case study, 323À325 illustration of use, 323 stages of implementation, 321À322 terms of use, 321 Strefa Plus, 258 Syndicate research, 218 Tangen, S., 12 Target rating point (TRP), 264 Taxes, brand valuation in, 86 Telko, 386À387 Top of mind brand awareness, 207À212 application of, 209 basic formula, 207À208 calculation of, 208 426 case study, 210À212 illustration of use, 209À210 stages of implementation, 208 terms of use, 208 Total Quality Management (TQM), 4, Toyota, 108n1 TradeDoubler, 350 Trial, 160À165 application of, 162À163 basic formula, 160À161 calculation of, 162 case study, 164À165 illustration of use, 163À164 stages of implementation, 162 terms of use, 161À162 Trial purchase index, 166 Trisen, 124 Typhoon, 225, 226 Unaided advertising awareness, 205, 217À222 application of, 219 basic formula, 217À218 calculation of, 218À219 case study, 220À222 illustration of use, 220 stages of implementation, 218À219 terms of use, 218 Unaided brand awareness, 202À207 application of, 204 basic formula, 202À203 calculation of, 203 case study, 205À207 illustration of use, 204À205 stages of implementation, 203 terms of use, 203 Uncertainty, 2À5 Unilever, 18 Urchin, 321 Va Banque, 65À66 Value brand, INDEX building, 18 customer, delivery, 18 market share by, 25, 26, 29 Visionary organisations, 2À3 V-Moda, 405, 406 Voiant, 28 Volkswagen, 54, 108n1 Volume, market share by, 25, 26, 29 Water, 394À395 Waxie, 216 Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 109n6, 109n9 Weighted distribution, 119À125 application of, 121À122 basic formula, 119À120 calculation of, 121 case study, 123À125 illustration of use, 122À123 stages of implementation, 121 terms of use, 120À121 Weighted handling distribution, 120 Weighted selling distribution, 120 ‘What we can afford’ method, 254 Wholesale price, 152, 153 WIN, 164 development, evaluation of, 165 Word-of-mouth marketing, 400 Xerox, X-Moda, 405À406 Yogha, 390, 391 Yoghur, 390, 391 Yogi, 390, 391 Yogo, 57À60 Yorgi, 192À193 Zanox, 350 Zep, 134, 136 Zosia, 180À182 .. .MASTERING MARKET ANALYTICS Business Metrics À Practice and Application This page intentionally left blank MASTERING MARKET ANALYTICS Business Metrics À Practice and Application EDITED... plans and marketing strategies and systems to measure the effectiveness of marketing activities, both at the B2C market and B2B Artur Maciorowski is coach and consultant of e-marketing and e -business. .. insight, brand positioning, designing brand personality, brand planning in theory and in practice, brand culture modelling and brand archetype management He himself used to manage FMCG and OTC brands,

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2020, 09:12

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Mục lục

    1. Why, How, What? • Robert Kozielski

    2. Measuring Market Strategy Results • Robert Kozielski, Michał Dziekoński, Jacek Pogorzelski and Grzegorz Urbanek

    3. Sales and Distribution Management Metrics • Robert Kozielski, Michał Dziekoński, Michał Medowski, Jacek Pogorzelski and Marcin Ostachowski

    4. Marketing Communication Ratios • Robert Kozielski, Michał Dziekoński and Jacek Pogorzelski

    5. E-commerce and Social Media Indicators • Robert Kozielski, Grzegorz Mazurek, Anna Miotk and Artur Maciorowski