The dissertation researches and systemize theories of state management on special national relics; practical analyzing, evaluating and building up scientific arguments in order to propose solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION QUACH NGOC DUNG STATE MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL NATIONAL RELICS IN THE THE RED RIVER DELTA Major: Public Management Code: 34 04 03 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT HANOI - 2018 The work has been completed at: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUPLIC ADMINISTRATION Scientific Supervisors: - Dr LE NHU THANH - Dr NGUYEN DANH NGA Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS AND ARTICLES BY THE AUTHOR RELATED TO THE TOPIC OF THE DISSERTATION Quach Ngoc Dung, (2015), “State management on cultural, historical relics – national culture”, State Management Journal, volume 234 (7/2015), pp.49 – 53 Quach Ngoc Dung, (2016), “State management on historical relics – national culture in the Red River delta”, State Management Journal, volume 241 (2/2016), pp.99 – 101 Quach Ngoc Dung, (2017), “State management on current special national relics in the Red River delta”, State Management Journal, volume 253 (2/2017), pp.89 – 92 Quach Ngoc Dung, (2017), “Factors influencing state management on special national relics”, State Management Journal, volume 256 (5/2017), pp.55 – 60 The dissertation is presented at the Academic-level Dissertation Assessment Council Venue: Meeting Hall floor National Academy of Public Administration No.77, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Hanoi Time: dated 2018 The dissertation can be found at the Library of National Academy of Public Administration or on the Website of the Post – graduate Department, National Academy of Public Administration 25 management on cultural heritage” in order to define state management on special national relics Extracted the definition of the concept “state management on special national relics” from such conceptual analysis Role and contents of state management on special national relics The research dissertation analyzed factors influencing state management on special national relics in the Red River delta and consulted experiences from nations in the world Chapter 3, from a practical perspective, the dissertation analyzed, interpreted and clarified the status of state management on special national relics in the Red River delta through specific issues including the creation and promulgation of strategies, schemes, plans and policies; the implementation and execution of legal regulation documents; the organization of management system and contingent of officials; the mobilization, management and utilization of resources; The inspection, examination and handling of violations The dissertation analyzed and evaluated the state management activities of special national relics practically, listing achievements, drawbacks and clarify causes of status Chapter 4, from clarifying and analyzing the theories and evaluating the status of state management on special national relics in the Red River delta, the dissertation introduced viewpoints and orientations to perfect state management on special national relics in the Red River delta; from research results, the dissertation recommended major solutions and additional solutions in order to overcome drawbacks in state management activities of special national relics in the Red River delta The solutions represented all issues need assessing and addressing within the state management activities of special national relics in the Red River delta in the time to come PREAMBLE Reason for choosing the topic Special national relics are remarkably valuable relics of the nation They include: constructions, locations linked to an exclusively important turning event of the national history or linked to a certain national hero, a well-known individual who has considerable impacts on the course of national history; architecture and artistic constructions, architectural complex, general urban architecture and exclusively valuable residential locations directly linked to stages of architectural and artistic development of Vietnam; notable archaeological locations marking important development stages of archaeological culture in Vietnam and the globe; either renowned natural sceneries or locations combining natural sceneries and both exclusively valuable architectural and artistic constructions of the nation, or natural locations whose values vary in geology, geomorphology, geography, biographical diversity and the unique ecosystem of Vietnam and the world Special national relics belong to tangible cultural heritage, being one of the decisive factor contributing to the unique characteristics of Vietnamese culture The The Red River Delta houses the largest proportion of the nation’s population, having an extensive history of development, holding a large number of special national relics including the capital city of Hanoi, constantly play the central role in politics, economy and culture of the nation Relics in the The Red River Delta is high in density and vary in forms, including historical relics, artistic and architectural relics, archaeological relics, scenic beauties Although the state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta has been taken notice in the past, there are still remaining drawbacks beside favorable outcomes and success in management, affecting the preservation, protection and promotion of special national relics’ values For the time being, along with the development of the market economy, major challenges for state management on cultural heritage, relics in general and special national relics in particular includes: the international integration trend creates opportunities to absorb cultural essence of the globe, but at the same time form risks of new lifestyles and conceptions penetrating and affecting traditional cultural values; the socio-cultural 24 lifestyles among the residents in urban and rural areas are distinctive, generally speaking, including in the The Red River Delta; state management activities on cultural heritage, relics in general and special national relics in particular are unable to meet practical demands In the process of establishing a socialist-oriented market economy, the nation must definitely preserve and promote positive factors of traditional culture whose foundations are tangible and intangible cultural heritage, in order to advocate national cultural identity State management on special national relics requires appropriate policies and solutions with the joined effort of the entire society and international community Based on said reasons, the author would like to choose the topic “State management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta” for research Objectives, tasks of research 2.1 Objectives of research The dissertation researches and systemize theories of state management on special national relics; practical analyzing, evaluating and building up scientific arguments in order to propose solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta 2.2 Tasks of research To summarize research situation related to the topic, identify research issues in the topic To study the theories of state management on special national relics, to consult cultural heritage and relics management experiences of several nations, from which learn and apply for state management levels on special national relics in the The Red River Delta Inspect, analyze and evaluate the situation of state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta Identify viewpoints and recommend solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta in the times to come Subject and scope of research 3.1 Subject of research State management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta and issue of the co-operating mechanism among the unified and effective management authorities and the establishment of an appropriate management system in the Red River delta; the creation of specific financial support policies and domestic investment opportunities to encouraging investment from the society, supporting the preservation and promotion of special national relics Based on scientific viewpoints and orientations, the fourth chapter of the dissertation focused on clarifying basic solutions in order to surpass mentioned obstacles and additional solutions aiming to perfect state management on special national relics in the Red River delta 23 CONCLUSION Special national relics are treasures passed on to the latter generation by the prior, they are valuable assets of the nation and mankind Preserving and promoting the values of special national relics amidst socio-economic development is the at most important mission primarily belongs to the government, the role of the community at the special national relics sites, the role of the society and the populace Reality shows that, there are multiple causes leading to the degradation of the relics such as nature’s severity, excessive exploitation and even destruction of relics caused by humans However, there is one crucial cause needs assessing and researching, which is the limitations and drawbacks of the state management activities of special national relics in general and within the Red River delta in particular Therefore, perfecting state management on special national relics in the Red River delta is an urgent requirement, both theoretically and practically Within the range of the dissertation, contents of basic research results are shown as below: Chapter 1, the dissertation summarized scientific research situation related to the topic, scientific research works of cultural heritage management and state management on special national relics From there, the dissertation identified research results which it has inherited, the analysis and assessments of state management activities of special national relics, the unfinished or continuing and perfecting researches Chapter 2, the dissertation focused on solving root theoretical issues relating to the topic such as: clarifying concepts and terms on “cultural heritage”, “relics”, “special national relics”, “state monitoring role of The Congress and The Vietnam Fatherland Front to special national relics; strengthen the role of communication agencies in detecting and reporting violations timely to execute inspection and examination at special national relics sites 4.2.7 Additional solutions Beside the solutions above, the dissertation recommends several additional solutions including: the application of the latest scientific technology which is Information Technology to state management on special national relics; Promoting communication, raising legal awareness about cultural heritage; promoting international cooperation Conclusion of chapter Chapter of the dissertation introduced viewpoints of The Party and The Government regarding to the management of heritage and relics The state management on special national relics in the Red River delta must comply with the viewpoints and strategic socioeconomic development goals of the Red River delta The preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values shape the future path to rely on steady development principle, preserving and promoting the nation’s cultural values while preserving the landscapes, protecting the environment and promoting tourism economy, utilizing resources appropriately and conservatively, minimizing waste and ensuring lasting effectiveness Preserving special national relics is the motivation for growth, upholding regional attractiveness, unique cultural characteristics of the relics and scenic beauties; all artifacts and exhibitions within the special national relics sites must be strictly safeguarded The state management on special national relics must uphold the accuracy of the relics’ historical birth, keeping their values and characteristics unchanged, keeping their constituent elements whole and intact, upholding the relics’ authenticity special national relics’ values must be protected and promoted through a community-reliant principle, encouraging self-consciousness and activeness of the community with the help of voluntary organizations of the populace The orientation to perfect state management on special national relics in the phase to come needs to focus on the following main orientations: the creation of a concretized legal document regarding to the special national relics is required; the construction 3.2 Limited scope of research - Contents: the topic focuses on the research of state management on special national relics contents, particularly: the construction, issuing and execution of strategies, schemes and plans, policies and the law on special national relics; inspection, examination and handling legal violations in state management on special national relics - Location: The inspecting areas in provinces and cities within the The Red River Delta - Time: Documentations for the inspection of state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta within the duration from 2010 to 2017, after the issuing of order number 32/2009/QH12 in 18/06/2009 which modifies and adds several articles of Cultural Heritage Law, taking effect as of 01/01/2010, written in item 3, article 29 with new implementation of special national relics Methodology and methods of research 4.1 Methodology of research The research of the dissertation is approached based on the methodology of Marxist-Leninist doctrine, Ho Chi Minh ideology from the dialectical materialism perspectives, historical perspectives and system theories 4.2 Methods of research Specific research methods such as synthesis, statistic, analogy, interviewing, questionnaire survey Additionally, the topic adopts other approaches such as induction and interpretation Scientific hypothesis and research question 5.1 Scientific hypothesis State management of special national relics plays a decisive role in preserving and promoting special national relics’ values However, special national relics in the The Red River Delta are still being sabotaged and degraded stemming from drawbacks in state management activities on special national relics There must be a viable solution, unifying management and decentralization to local authorities, combining the Department management with local state management and regional association, at the same time socializing resources for the preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values, along with intensifying inspection, examination in 22 order to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta in the times to come 5.2 Research question The dissertation addresses several major research questions such as: What are special national relics? Roles and values of special national relics? Contents of state management on special national relics? Roles and necessity of state management on special national relics? Current situation of special national relics in the The Red River Delta? Advantages? Drawbacks and causes? What are the solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta? New contribution of the dissertation 6.1 For science Systemizing, clarifying concepts and fundamental issues of state management theories on special national relics Clearly identifying viewpoints, orientations and recommend solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta in the times to come 6.2 For practical affairs Research results contribute to raising awareness of practical activities from managing officials, cadres, officers and others who are involved or participated in the state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta The dissertation can be used as a reference for research and study of public management and public policies Research contents and recommendations included in the dissertation are data sources to create and issue policies, perfecting state management on special national relics Structure of the dissertation In addition to the preamble, conclusion, the dissertation consists of chapters: - Chapter 1: An overview on research situation - Chapter 2: Scientific foundation of state management on special national relics - Chapter 3: State management situation on special national relics in the The Red River Delta - Chapter 4: Viewpoints, solutions to perfecting state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta Provinces must be prepared for the use of highly-trained staff in order to meet demands in the preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values Create training, rewarding plans and drills for state management on special national relics officials in the formality of basic managing and preserving skills education The Department of Cultural Heritage starts state management on special national relics training courses and assign qualified specialists to aid and insstruct regional and urban MCST-owned cultural heritage management divisions within the Red River delta 4.2.5 Mobilizing, managing and utilizing resources to serve the preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values Propose to raise the preservation of special national relics in the Red River delta funds within provinces in near future Especially, the government needs to implement tax incentive policies to organizations and individuals that have made contributions to the restoration of the relics, preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values in the Red River delta Promote the implementation of socialization policy, encouraging residential participation in preservation and promotion of the relics’ values Advocate the monitoring of mobilized capital, ensuring that the capital is utilized in appropriate purposes, exclusively monitor the preservation, restoration and embellishment of special national relics thoroughly in accordance with the law 4.2.6 Inspecting, examining and handling legal violations in state management on special national relics Strengthen inspection, examination and monitoring for all phases such as project formation, design, construction coordination, construction monitoring at special national relics The Ministry and Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism reinforce regular inspections and examinations for the preservation, restoration and embellishment of special national relics The provincial and urban People’s Committee must perfect legal regulations for inspecting and examining such as: raise penalties for violations, combine cooperation with responsibility, handle violations timely and firmly; have in store effective plans and solutions to tackle existing prolonged land encroachment to their roots; continue to organize and lead the implementation of tracking and reacquiring lost artifacts and antiques Strengthen the role of state management officials and the 21 out as part of the overall preserving and promoting scheme approved by the Prime Minister; Executing technical infrastructure projects which lead to a steady development such as the protection of the environment; executing the investigation and examination of construction projects located beyond the protected areas which could possibly harm special national relics 4.2.2 Reviewing, completing legal documents for special national relics Completing special national relics regulations, reviewing, systematizing current legal documents in order to prevent overlapping, impractical regulations that are inappropriate with international commitment and custom of cultural heritage The issuing of a specific coordination statute is required between agencies and units, and the appropriate management criteria is also required; There must be clear regulations about definite responsibilities between different levels of authority, social responsibilities of citizens and organizations participating in the preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) needs to issue instructing documents, requiring a thorough and publicized report from state management agencies on special national relics which includes fundamental issues relating to the preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values, listing constructions and exhibitions at the relics site managed by the provincial and urban people’s committee 4.2.3 Consolidating state management system of special national relics Consolidating the organization of the state management system is a crucial factor, affecting state management on special national relics activities The organizational structure of the management system of special national relics clarifies that the responsibility between different authorities and sectors is to join hands in action Consolidate MCST-owned management of special national relics departments in provinces and cities within the Red River delta Clarifying responsibilities and assignment of cadres and civil officials to monitor and cooperate with special national relics management division in the region 4.2.4 Reinforcing capability of officials in the state management on special national relics It is essential to provide a monetary remuneration to raise the morale of the state management on special national relics officials 20 Chapter AN OVERVIEW ON RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 Research works related to the dissertation topic 1.1.1 Research works group on cultural heritage and special national relics There are 04 doctoral dissertations, 10 in-depth study articles which have referred to the following contents: Asserting that cultural heritage in general and special national relics in particular are priceless assets of the nation and mankind; cultural heritage including special national relics’ values must be preserved, embellished and promoted, serving the steady development of the nation; requiring a better, more appropriate management layout and intensifying responsibilities for these agencies; experiences of several nations regarding to the management and mobilization of resources to preserve and promote values of special national relics; responsibilities of state-owned agencies, social and political organizations and the populace 1.1.2 Research works group on state management on cultural heritage and special national relics There are 01 doctoral dissertation, 05 books and in-depth study articles that have referred to the following specific issues: The theoretical foundation of state management in general and state management on cultural heritage including special national relics; The lack of unification from central to local relics management system; The lack of thoroughness in management decentralization between Managing Department and local management within the province; Assignments and missions of government agencies are unclear and overlapping; insufficient legal system, limited resources, the inability of the workforce to meet management demands; Preserving, embellishing and promoting values amidst the international integration trend, relics preservation experiences from several nations (especially Japan and Korea); limitations, drawbacks and major solutions in order to advocate effectiveness and efficiency of state management activities of cultural heritage in general and special national relics in particular Conclusion of Chapter In Chapter 1, the dissertation offered the overall situation of researches related to the topic Domestic and foreign researches about requirements of the integration process To vanquish hardships and challenges in this process, it is urgent that we must perfect and renew the state management on special national relics 4.1.2 Orientation and goals: The following phase for the state management on special national relics in the Red River delta has to focus on the following main orientations: Firstly, the creation of a concretized legal document regarding to the special national relics is required Secondly, decentralization must be followed by conditions ensuring the execution, construction and issue of the co-operating mechanism among the unified and effective management authorities Thirdly, establishing an appropriate management system in the Red River delta, operating in synchronization, unified and effectively Fourthly, The Government continue to create domestic investment opportunities, encouraging investment, issuing specific financial support for the preservation and promotion of special national relics’ values; Encouraging participation from various social departments from central and local authorities to researchers, professors, artists and the community in planning and executing policies and strategies which ensure that such policies would satisfy the needs of all social classes and individuals Overall goal for 2020: Preserving and promoting values of unique cultural heritage of the nation; developing modern cultural constructions, signifying national symbolism, politics, history and unique traditions aiming at the strategic goal of creating a modern Vietnamese culture yet retains the sense of national identity Specific goal for 2020: Supporting the restoration and embellishment of 20 cultural world heritage, special national relics and several remarkably-valued national relics 4.2 Solutions to perfecting the State management on special national relics in the Red River delta 4.2.1 Constructing and issuing regional development-oriented strategies, schemes, plans and policies regarding to special national relics Linking the system of special national relics in the Red River delta, proceeding with the integration of overall scheme for each special national relics with tourism development scheme until 2020 and aiming further to 2030 in order to promote values of the special national relics in the Red River delta, serving regional socioeconomic growth Ensuring that project division groups are carried 19 1.2 Comments on overall results of the research situation Research works mentioned distinctive aspects of cultural heritage and special national relics However, the aspect in which the government is the main management with the role of deciding state management activities of special national relics in the The Red River Delta was not ubiquitously mentioned The research target in most of the researches above mainly adopt the following orientations: Researching state management activities of cultural heritage but not local relics management decentralization issues, provincial management was not indicated, none of the researches are systematic, in-depth and solution-oriented for perfecting state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta 1.2.1 Inherited dissertation research results Situation analysis and evaluations of cultural heritage and special national relics as well as the practicality of cultural heritage management in general and special national relics in particular; Several recommendations aiming to advocate management efficiency for special national relics; Cultural heritage and relics management experience of various nations 1.2.2 Research question for the dissertation topic Theoretical and practical basis to research state management on special national relics, characteristics of special national relics, the role of state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta; factors influencing the efficiency of state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta Major issues that the dissertation need to research and address: further clarifying connotations of special national relics concepts, state management on special national relics; factors influencing state management activities on special national relics in the The Red River Delta; experiences of various nations Recommend scientific arguments as foundation for orientations and solution systems to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta, meeting the current developmental requirements and international integration in the region, dispersed organizational apparatus, unequal qualification of cadres and civil servants, lack of high quality human resources, ineffective use of resources On the basis of these shortcomings, the dissertation also pointed out the causes behind restrictions The findings of analyzing and evaluating current status of the state management of special national relics in the The Red River Delta is an important basis for the author to propose solutions to improve the state management of special national relics in the The Red River Delta in the coming time cultural heritage, special national relics and the state management on cultural heritage, special national relics On that basis, the dissertation identifies research results which can be adopted, analysis and evaluations of state management activities on heritage and relics Research results also unveiled orientations, aiding the dissertation to go deeper and to clarify relevant concepts, the role of State management on special national relics, factors influencing the state management on special national relics, national experiences of cultural management Chapter VIEWPOINTS, SOLUTIONS TO PERFECTING STATE MANAGEMENT ON SPECIAL NATIONAL RELICS IN THE RED RIVER DELTA 4.1 Viewpoints and orientations towards the perfection of state management on special national relics in the Red River delta 4.1.1 Viewpoints to perfect state management on special national relics in the Red River delta: State management on special national relics in the Red River delta must be in accordance with the viewpoints and strategic development goals aiming to establish prioritized policies of special national relics, serving to effectively preserve and develop the value of such relics, contributing to socio-economic growth of the Red River delta State management on special national relics must uphold the accuracy of the historical birth of the relics, keeping their values and characteristics unchanged, keeping their constituent elements whole and intact, upholding the authenticity of the relics State management on special national relics must tie preservation to the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural values, to the local socio-economic growth, creating harmony between economic advancement, urbanization and the preservation of the relics; Preventing land encroachment and the construction of inappropriate establishments in protected relics areas Special national relics values as a whole must be protected and promoted through a communityreliant principle, encouraging self-consciousness and activeness of the community, preserving and promoting values of the relics with the help of voluntary organizations of the populace The current state management on special national relics must be oriented towards the Chapter SCIENTIFIC GROUNDS IN STATE MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL NATIONAL RELICS 2.1 Basic concepts related to the dissertation topic 2.1.1 Special national relics The dissertation clarifies the concepts related to cultural heritage, relics and special national relics Special national relics is defined to be a relics having specialy typical values of the country, highly important and valuable for Viet Nam and the world Special national relics are classified into four main types including historical relics, art architectural relics, archaeological relics and beauty spots Special national relics bear special typical hallmark of national construction and defense, historical impression and Vietnamese national identity 2.1.2 State management and state management of special national relics The dissertation clarifies and analyses the concepts related to state management and state management of special national relics Special national relics belong to tangible heritage; therefore, state management of special national relics must be based on the fundamental ground of cultural heritage management State management of special national relics is ongoing and purposeful impact of the State on all agencies, organizations and relevant individuals by management means (policies, laws, plans and planning) and the establishment of management apparatus aiming at preserving and developing cultural heritages From the analysis of concepts, the author defines the concepts of state management of special national relics as follow: “State management of special national relics is a specific field of 18 management, known as the ongoing, organizational and purposeful influence of the state, by various ways and means, to the object of management to preserve, protect and exploit the values of national relics, serving for socio-economic development, meeting material and spiritual need of the society.” 2.1.3 Role of state management of special national relics Special national relics play a special role, leading to important position of state management of special national relics in state management of culture in particular and in state management in general Firstly, it contributes to orienting, adjusting the development of national culture, implementing policies and directions on culture Secondly, it is conducive to preserving and promoting special national relics Thirdly, state management of special national relics is also a contributory factor in promoting local socio-economic development and improving people’s spiritual life 2.1.4 Factors affecting state management of special national relics Fundamental factors determining the state management methods on culture, cultural heritages in general and special national relics in particular such as factors of politics, economics, traditions and culture, legal factors and influences of international intergration are preserved and promoted These factors affect state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta area in such perspectives as developing, promulgating and implementing strategies, planning, plans, policies, laws on special national relics; organizing state managerial apparatus and officers; inspecting, examining and handling law violation related to special national relics 2.2 Contents of state management of special national relics 2.2.1 Form, promulgate and implement strategies, planning, plans, policies and laws on special national relics These are important means for implementing state management of special national relics, specifying ideas and directions of Party and State’s perspectives and directions, setting goals, tasks and major solutions for realization 2.2.2 Organize the state managerial apparatus and personnel for the management of special national relics Organise the state managerial apparatus in accordance with the regulations at sector and locality levels on organization, civil servants in charge of cultural management in localities is constantly changing, remain abortive in number, capacity, expertise, practical experience in management activities and professionalism; Several provinces failed to attract and utilize qualified specialists Fifthly, there is no reserve for special national relics in the localities, resulting in asynchronous mobilizing and attracting investment resources and the socialization of conservation and promotion of the value of the monument; Socialization attracting resources to protect, restore and embellish relics fails to preserve the original element of the relics Sixthly, the authorities in some places have insufficient awareness of the role of the value of the special national relics, and lack actively propaganda and dissemination of the law on cultural heritage; There is a lack of clear responsibility assignment among authorities at different levels and sectors to coordinate and take responsibility for protection, repair, anti-degradation; exploitation of special national relics remains ineffective There remains delay in resolving and handling violations, penalty sanctions fail to prove deterrence 17 Conclusion of Chapter In Chapter 3, the dissertation analyzes current status of the State management of special national relics in The Red River Delta in specific perspectives: present overview of the The Red River Delta in terms of geographic location, natural conditions, population, socioeconomic, cultural heritage, including the network of special national relics Analyze and clarify current status of the state management of construction, promulgation and implementation of strategies, plans, policies and laws on special national relics; the management apparatus and personnel for the special national relics; mobilization, management and use of resources to protect and promote the value of special national relics; inspection, examination and handling violations in the State management of special national relics Review and evaluate the status of state management of special national relics in the The Red River Delta, show the achievements as well as shortcomings in the state management of special national relics in the The Red River Delta such as the lack of legal documents on special national relics, the absence of connection among provinces and cities The fifth is that there is a lack of close coordination between professional agencies and authorities, and effective funding spending in some places, infrequent mobilization of resources The sixth is inspection, examination and handling of violations Local authorities are not really active in inspecting, examining but delay handling violations, sanctions give little deterrent The specialized inspection team is inadequate, causing lateness reaction in case of violations and many cases of theft relics, antiques and worship objects to occur at special national relics without detection, and recover the artifacts 3.3.3 Causes of restrictions in state management of special national relics Firstly, the preservation of special national relics has not been implemented in accordance with the master plan; there is no synchronous coordination between relics preservation and socioeconomic development planning of other sectors in the same area Secondly, during the implementation of the Cultural Heritage Law, due to the lack of guidance from the regulators, there are situations beyond the scope of regulation or not included in law when handling problems related to special national relics; the negative impact of economic development causes degradation, damage and unsustainable exploitation of the value of special national relics Legislation on the protection of cultural heritage has been delayed to be applied; the system of legal normative documents on special national relics is not specified Some provinces had failed to issue regional relics management regulations Thirdly, there is a lack of coordination mechanism among management agencies at all levels to implement, affecting management effectiveness and causing the resources to fail to focus on resolving difficult and complicated issues; there is not yet a fully-managed management mechanism consistent in the State management of special national relics; the organization of the management apparatus has changed due to the process of separation and merger of local administrations; relics profiles are stored and managed ineffectively and information technology application is absent Fourthly, training and fostering specialized officials and public employees fail to meet requirements; The contingent of cadres and responsibility and authority to ensure professional activities Attach personnel to state managerial apparatus of special national relics 2.2.3 Mobilize, manage and utilize all resources for preservation and promotion of special national relics Identifying, balancing managing and utilize effectively resources are required to preserve and promote the values of special national relics 2.2.4 Inspect, examine and handle the violations of law on special national relics Inspecting and examining are essential steps in state management of special national relics Performing inspection and examination aim to set up the sequence for state management of special national relics 2.3 Experience of different countries in state management of world heritage, special national relics and reference value for Viet Nam 2.3.1 Experience of South Korea, Japan and Germany South Korea: Approximate cultural policies have been already developed; therefore, the harmony and connection between economic development and cultural heritage are promoted Reforming management mechanism was carried out to in order to meet development requirement Policies shall reflect the expectation of all social classes and individuals instead of imposing top-down mechanism Japan: There are strict regulations on preservation of cultural heritage Repairing valuable relics shall be in accordance with authority’s tough regulations and cause no damage to historical and cultural landscape Germany: all administrative levels have attached importance to preserving and protecting heritage through national programs Responsibility is clearly allocated to authority at all levels 2.3.2 Reference values for Viet Nam Experiences of these countries draw reference values for Viet Nam as: Firstly, it is necessary to set up, promulgate legal documents, policies of culture and special national relics in particular with special concerns for typical areas and localities; government policies shall reflect all social classes and individual’s expectations instead of strictly top-down imposement Secondly, Secondly, the regulations on preservation and embellishment of monuments shall be strictly complied with, paying special attention 16 to the original elements of the relics, cultural traditions and national identity.Thirdly, regularly training and fostering cadres and civil servants professionally managing cultural heritages and special national relics shall be focus on Fourthly, financial fund shall be established to preserve special national relics Fifthly, value exploitation shall be combined with tourism development in order to promote local socio-economic to develop; while at the same time socialize financial resources for repair and embellishment Sixthly, the responsibility for heritage and relics management shall not only belong to state agencies but also social organizations and people in the area Seventhly, science research movement shall be promoted; science and technology shall be actively applied to heritage and relics management Conclusion of Chapter Chapter focuses on solving the core theories related to the dissertation, clarifying the concepts and terms of cultural heritages, relics, special national relics, state management and state management of cultural heritages The author therefrom draws the concept of “state management of special national relics”; evaluates the importance of special national relics, analyses the role of state management of special national relics as well as factors impacting on state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta area; understand and research on the experience of heritage and special relics from some other countries such as South Korea, Japan, Germany to draw lesson and reference value for state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta area Chapter CURRENT STATUS OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL NATIONAL RELICS 3.1 Overview of The Red River Delta area and special national relics in the area 3.1.1 Overview of The Red River Delta area The Red River Delta consists of 11 provinces and centrally run cities; its area is 23,336 km2, accounting for 7.1 percent of the whole country It is the most densely populated region in the country with the population 10 professional agencies Many special national relics in the The Red River Delta, after being repaired and embellished, have become appealing destinations which attract a large number of visitors, thereby contributing to the economic development of the locality where relics Fourthly, the inspection, examination of the protection and renovation of relics have been enhanced, contributing to overcoming the restriction and promptly handling the violations 3.3.2 Restrictions on state management of special national relics The first is the development, promulgation and implementation of strategies, planning, plans and policies on special national relics in the The Red River Delta The speed of implementation of such strategies as the Culture Development Strategy by 2020, the Tourism Development Strategy by 2020 with a vision toward 2030, including the The Red River Delta and the master plan for socio-economic development of the The Red River Delta to 2020 remain slow There is a lack of harmony between preservation and promotion; there is a lack of connected planning, linkage mechanism and coordination between the ministries, sectors and provincial People's Committees in the region The second is that at present, there remains a lack of regulations, separate management regulations on special national relics and coordination mechanism between the state management agencies at all levels The third is that the state management apparatus and personnel of special national relics There has not been a specialized and synchronous managerial apparatus in the State management of special national relics; the management model and the decentralization of management of special national relics remains ineffective as in many places, the management responsibility of special national relics is directly taken on by People's committees at commune level with people's custody contracts, and causing extremely low quality of protection and preservation of relics and antiques The fourth is that there remains the lack of high quality human resources in management apparatus; the number of professionally qualified officers is limited 15 authorities are detected and resolved Special national relics intrusion is a serious problem in the cultural sector today The investigation findings prove that the inspection and examination of special national relics in The Red River Delta are mostly reflected in individual letters and mass media The supervisory of the National Assembly and the Father Front and other political-social organizations have yet to be performed effectively The have been delay in handling of violations while penalty sanctions fail to prove their deterrence 3.3 General assessment of current status of state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta 3.3.1 Achievements in the state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta Firstly, legislation document system on cultural heritage continues being supplemented and completed, contributing to the enhancement of state management performance and raising the general awareness of personnel in cultural heritage sector and society as well as particular awareness of the value of special national relics Decree No 70/2012/NĐ-CP dated September 18, 2012 by the government and Circular No 18/2012/TT-BVHTTDL of December 28, 2012 by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism have been timely promulgated, contributing to quality improvement and minimizing violations in reparing and embellishment of the relics Provinces and cities in The Red River Delta have almost promulgated documents on special national relics management in the region Basically, special national relics have had master planned for preservation and promotion of its value Secondly, the organizational apparatus of the agencies involved in state management of special national relics is reformed toward lean and decentralized tendency in line with reality The training and fostering of cadres and civil servants in the field of cultural heritage has been increasingly standardized and the quality of the human resources of the cultural heritage sector has been gradually improved Thirdly, in terms of resource mobilization, some localities have performed good implementation of state management of special national relics with the participation of the community Socialization acticities in forms of contributions and merit for the relics have attracted the attention and supervision of the local authorities and 14 No 10 11 12 13 14 density of 1.179 people /km2 The Red River Delta has a long-history development, consists of the capital city of Hanoi and such developed cities as Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, etc which are the leading regions in politics, economy, socio-culture of the country Overall natural, economic and sociocultural featuresof the area have a great influence on state management of special national relics 3.1.2 Special national relics in The Red River Delta area By December 31st 2017, Viet Nam had 3,447 national relics in total, 95 of them are recognized as special national relics Among them, there are 40 relics of various types including historical relics, artistic and architectural relics, and archaeological relics belonging to The Red River Delta area (accounting for 42.1%) Table 3.2 Special national relics in The Red River Delta area Province/ Recognized Special national relics municipalities year Historical archaeological relics of Central Sector Hanoi 2009 of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long – Hanoi Historical relics of Ho Chi Minh's Vestige In Hanoi 2009 The Presidential Palace Area Beauty spot relics Ha Long Bay Quang Ninh 2009 Historical and artistic architectural relics of Hanoi 2012 Temple of Literature Historical, artistic architectural and Hanoi 2012 archaeological relics of Co Loa Historical relics and beauty spot of Yen Tu Quang Ninh 2012 Historical relics of Bach Dang Quang Ninh 2012 Beauty spot of Trang An – Tam Coc – Bich Ninh Binh 2012 Dong Historical and artistic architectural relics of Hoa Ninh Binh 2012 Lu Ancient Capital Historical and artistic architectural relics of Con Hai Duong 2012 Son – Kiep Bac Artistic architectural relics of Keo pagoda Thai Binh 2012 Historical and artistic architectural relics of Tran Nam Dinh 2012 temple and Pho Minh pagoda Historical relics of Hai Ba Trung temple Hanoi 2013 Historical relics and beauty spot of Hoan Kiem Hanoi 2013 lake and Ngoc Son temple 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Historical relics of Hat Mon temple Historical and artistic architectural relics of Phu Đong altar Artistic architectural relics of Tay Dang temple Artistic architectural relics of But Thap pagoda Artistic architectural relics of Dau pagoda Historical relics of Tran Dynasty Beauty spot of Cat Ba island Artistic and architectural relics of Soc temple Historical and artistic architectural relics of Thay pagoda and Sai Son rock Artistic architectural relics of Tay Phuong pagoda Historical and artistic architectural relics of Phat Tich pagoda Historical relics relics of mausoleum and altars for kings of the Ly dynasty Historical relics of mausoleum and altars for kings of the Tran dynasty Historical and artistic architectural relics of Hien street Historical relics of Nguyen Binh Khiem altar Historical relics and beauty spot of Tay Thien Artistic architectural relics of Binh Son tower Artistic architectural relics of Tran Thuong temple Historical relics and beauty spot of An Phu Kinh Chu - Nham Duong vestige Art architectural relics of Keo Pagoda Historical relics and beauty spot of Huong Son vestige (Huong pagoda) Artistic architectural relics of Chem temple Historical relics of Cua Ong Temple Historical of Mao Dien temple Historical and artistic architectural relics of Xua temple – Giam pagoda – Bia temple Historical and artistic architectural relics Doi Son pagoda (Long Doi Son pagoda) 12 Hanoi 2013 Hanoi 2013 Hanoi Bac Ninh Bac Ninh Quang Ninh Hai Phong Hanoi 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 Hanoi 2014 Hanoi 2014 Bac Ninh 2014 Bac Ninh 2014 Thai Binh 2014 Hung Yen 2014 Hai Phong Vinh Phuc Vinh Phuc 2015 2015 2015 Ha Nam 2015 Hai Duong 2016 Nam Đinh 2016 Hanoi 2017 Hanoi Quang Ninh Hai Dương 2017 2017 2017 Hai Duong 2017 Ha Nam 2017 3.2 Analysis of current status of state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta 3.2.1 Formation, promulgulation and implemention of strategies, planning, plans, policies, law on special national relics in The Red River Delta Special national relics and special national relics in The Red River Delta in particular are subjected to the general regulation of state-issued law documents including laws, decrees, circulars and decisions There is also a law document system issued by local authority Basically, overall plans for preserving and promoting the value of special national relics in The Red River Delta approved by competent authorities have already existed Strategies, planning and plans are major means for controlling and state management of special national relics 3.2.2 Organization of the appatus and personnel for state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta Managerial organization of special national relics in The Red River Delta is asynchronous; there remains difference in organization among management agencies under various management levels Officials and civil servants are unequal in number with the majority concentrated in big cities; in addition, high-quality human resources are deficient The findings show that only 40% of officers at the heritage management office of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism have university degrees related to cultural heritage 3.2.3 Mobilizing, managing and utilizing resources for preservation and promotion of values of special national relics in The Red River Delta In the period 2010-2017, a huge resource was mobilized from national and local budget to carry out programs and projects Investment in preservation of special national relics was allocated 100% by the state budget Moreover, socialized resources have significant contribution as findings of the research show that social communities contribute 70% of the expenditure of relics preservation, repair and embellishment 3.2.4 Inspecting, examining and handling the violations of law in state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta Through inspection and examination, violations in several 13 ... assessment of current status of state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta 3.3.1 Achievements in the state management of special national relics in The Red River Delta Firstly,... towards the perfection of state management on special national relics in the Red River delta 4.1.1 Viewpoints to perfect state management on special national relics in the Red River delta: State management. .. on special national relics, characteristics of special national relics, the role of state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta; factors influencing the efficiency of