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Unit 7 PBFandV

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Unit - P and B, F and V Sounds Hello and welcome to Unit number Now in this unit we're going to practice four different sounds Now these sounds are quite close actually That's why we're practicing them together because they're very similar sounds and you need to learn how to say them differently Some people from some languages have difficulty with these sounds Maybe you will, maybe you won't, we'll see The main thing is, when you practice these sounds, exaggerate the differences, right? So in all our training in this course, I want you to exaggerate Do it more strongly than you think you need to All right, so, make these sounds very, very strong Just like in the last unit, we made the TH sound very, very, very, very strong Well that's the way you get better, that's the way you practice and train When you speak in a normal conversation, of course it probably won't be quite so strong but as you're training (claps), make these sounds very very very clearly and strongly, exaggerate And again, let me remind you, if these sounds are very easy for you, still follow the five day Effortless English process Just focus on rhythm, focus on the pitch, focus on the music Okay, let's start with P, the P sound Puh, puh, puh, as you can hear the P sound is a soft sound, Puh, puh, puh Now it's also a very relaxed sound When you make the P sound, your throat should be quite relaxed, you don't want to (struggle noise), right, everything is pretty relaxed when you make the P, so relax your throat, get your face nice and relaxed Okay? Then all you're going to do, is you're going to close your lips and you're going to put air into your mouth but keep it closed, so like this If we it really big it'd be like this I'm exaggerating, okay, but let's practice it really big And then all you need to to make that strong P sound, is you have to pressure, push the air, so there's some pressure in your mouth, right, there's air pressure Then you just open your mouth and it comes out very quickly, so it's like this, Puh, puh That's a very strong P sound If you had a candle, right, if you had a little candle in front of you, you should blow out the candle You should blow it out, the flame is gone, the fire is gone when you make the P sound Puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh And you can exaggerate you can even put your lips together and really, like that and then air pressure, and then release, Puh it's a popping sound Pop Let's practice some words with P Make it very strong Pain, pain, pain, pain Past, past, past Patient, patient, patient Remember, everything else is relaxed, just, it's just here, where you're feeling a lot of pressure behind your lips, then you release it When you release, everything relaxes Persistent, persistent, persistent Peak, peak, peak Play, play, play Power, power, power Now let's it at the end of the words Now this is where a lot of people have problems Cause a lot of people, when they say a P sound at the end, it's too soft So if the P is at the end of the word, you have to make it extra strong, right, this is a quiet sound So if it's too soft, nobody will hear it and it'll sound weird For example, the word, hop Hop, hop It means to jump Hop, hop Well if you say it too soft, it sounds like this, Ho, ho, it sounds weird because it's not correct You have to make the final P sound, make it very strong Hop, hop, hop We're exaggerating Up, up, up, up Top, top, top Step, step, step All right that is the P sound Now let's learn B, like boy, B Now the B and the P are very, very, very, very, very close, they're basically the same sound, there's just one difference With the B, you need to vibrate, remember vibration? I told you it was important Okay, so it's the same action, you close your lips, you create pressure, the air pressure behind your lips You suddenly explode the sound, Buh just like a P So how we make it sound like a B, like boy? You've got to vibrate, you can vibrate your lips even but especially your throat Your throat and your lips will vibrate, B, B, buh, buh, buh, buh Let's hear the difference First is the P, Puh, puh, puh, very soft Now the B, with some vibration, Buh, buh, buh You can even put your fingers here if you need to, a P Puh, puh, puh, puh No vibration, you should feel nothing here in your throat No shaking, no vibrating in your throat for the P Puh, puh Now the B, you should feel it Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh Vibration, that's what makes the difference Let's practice some words Baby, baby, baby Two B sounds you should feel the vibration in your throat, you can even vibrate your lips a little Baby, baby Back, back, back Bad, bad, buh, buh, bad, bad (laughs) Now at the end of a word Lab, lab, lab, lab Beginning of a word Beach, beach Let's go to the beach and swim Beach, buh, buh, beach Absorb, two B's Absorb, absorb, absorb, absorb, absorb Vocab, vocab, vocab, vocab (claps) Very good, you got it, that's the B sound That's our first little pair, our first little group Now let's go to our next group, F and V, F and V These are also very close and again vibration will make the difference The F sound, you're going to bite your lower lip, just the lower one, the bottom one, like this See that, kind of biting it You're throat with F is very relaxed, totally relaxed, just like the P sound, right, very relaxed throat, you're biting your lower lip Then you're just going to blow air and release So it's like this Fah, fah, fah, fah It's actually similar to the P, the P, your lips are together, but in the F, you're biting the lower lip, so a little air comes out Fah, fah, fah Again it's a soft sound Let's practice some words Fight, fight, fight Fantastic, fantastic Favorite, favorite Fun, fun, fun Half, not whole, not one, but half It's at the end of the word Half, half, half, half Fast, fast, fast, fast Very good, now the V sound, V Again, it's the same action as F, but we're going to vibrate You're going to vibrate your throat, you're going to vibrate your lip, actually vibrate your lip, this part, when you make the V sound So it's vibration, so again, bite the lower lip Again, you blow air and release Vuh, vuh But now we have to vibrate the throat and the lip V-V-V-V-V if you put your finger here, you should feel it shaking V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V Also put your finger on your throat, it's shaking V-V-V-V-V Right around here V-V-V-V, very, very Vuh, vuh, vuh, vuh, V-V-V, sounds like a little bee Vuh, vuh, vuh, The vibration is the important part Let's practice some words Very, very, very Vocal, vocal Vocal means voice Vocal Voice, voice, voice Make it very strong Now at the end of a word Believe, believe, believe, I'm exaggerating a lot so you can hear it and practice it Believe, get that vibration Believe, believe Very important to get the vibration Verify, verify, verify Let's practice another one at the end, a very common one, of, of, of It's spelled with an F, but it's actually a V sound It needs to vibrate, it's not Uff, it's OV, vibration, V sound Of, of, of, O-F, of And those are our four sounds for this unit And let me just mention because of that word, Of O-F, I'm going to tell you something that you probably know already but it's important as a conclusion Never trust English spelling, never English spelling will always lie to you Don't trust it, you cannot look at a word and know how to pronounce it Never, never, never, you cannot, don't trust it You have to learn pronunciation through listening That's why in our five day process, the first day is always listening, listening, listening, you have to hear the sounds Because English spelling is crazy Even Americans, Canadians, and British people, we have trouble spelling words If we hear a new word, we're not always sure how to spell it Or if we see a new word, we've never heard it before, we're not always sure how to say it Because the spelling rules are so crazy and there's always exceptions and we have all these words from different languages So never trust your eyes when learning pronunciation Do not learn pronunciation with your eyes, okay, or you will make a lot of mistakes You always must listen so that word we just learn, O-F, that's a good example If you look at it, you think it should be pronounced “OF” it should be an F sound but it's not, it's a V sound, right? You only know that if you listen and hear it So listen carefully, don't trust the text, don't trust your eyes, trust your ears Time to get to work, time to go to day Get over there, start listening very deeply listen to these sounds carefully and then you'll practice them with the five day process Time for the training audio, see you there! Unit – Practice Session Okay, time to practice P, B, F, and V Listen carefully, because even if you have these sounds in your language, they might be a little different in English Let's begin My past failures speaking English felt very painful Nobody wants bad pronunciation I can verify that, in fact, persistent pronunciation problems are very, very bad They feel very disturbing Perhaps that's why I feel fantastic now My voice is very powerful every time I speak I vibrate my lips and throat when saying B and V sounds My pronunciation power is improving fast My skill is going up and up and up I believe I believe I am developing my ability rapidly I believe the past is over The present is fabulous and the future is very bright I am patiently persistent as I develop this very valuable ability of fantastic pronunciation Now, at a medium speed My past failures speaking English felt very painful Nobody wants bad pronunciation I can verify that, in fact, persistent pronunciation problems are very, very bad They feel very disturbing Perhaps that's why I feel fantastic now My voice is very powerful every time I speak I vibrate my lips and throat when saying B and V sounds My pronunciation power is improving fast My skill is going up and up and up I believe I believe I am developing my ability rapidly I believe the past is over The present is fabulous and the future is very bright I am patiently persistent as I develop this very valuable ability of fantastic pronunciation Now a little faster My past failures speaking English felt very painful Nobody wants bad pronunciation I can verify that, in fact, persistent pronunciation problems are very, very bad They feel very disturbing Perhaps that's why I feel fantastic now My voice is very powerful every time I speak I vibrate my lips and throat when saying B and V sounds My pronunciation power is improving fast My skill is going up and up and up I believe I believe I am developing my ability rapidly I believe the past is over The present is fabulous and the future is very bright I am patiently persistent as I develop this very valuable ability of fantastic pronunciation CLICK HERE .. .Unit - P and B, F and V Sounds Hello and welcome to Unit number Now in this unit we're going to practice four different sounds Now these... you think you need to All right, so, make these sounds very, very strong Just like in the last unit, we made the TH sound very, very, very, very strong Well that's the way you get better, that's... not Uff, it's OV, vibration, V sound Of, of, of, O-F, of And those are our four sounds for this unit And let me just mention because of that word, Of O-F, I'm going to tell you something that

Ngày đăng: 07/01/2020, 22:14

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