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Summary of Doctoral thesis: Establishing an emission trading scheme in Vietnam

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  • Introduction: the NECESSARY of the thesis

    • 1. The necessary of the thesis

    • 2. Targets

    • 3. Objectives and scopes

    • 4. The science and practical means of the thesis, new points of the thesis

    • 5. Methodology

    • 6. Thesis’s structure

  • General Part: The current international and national publishes on the thesis

    • A. The current international research on the thesis:

    • B. The current national researches related to ETS:

    • C. Assessment on current ETS publishes related to the thesis:

  • Part one: Science fundamental on Emission Trading Scheme

    • 1.1. Theoretical and practical fundamental of Emission Trading Scheme

    • 1.2. Emission Trading Scheme Models and their operation

    • 1.3. International experiences in establishing Emission Trading Scheme and lesson leant to Vietnam

  • Part two: The current status and potential of establishing Vietnam’s Emission Trading Scheme

    • 2.1. Current status of Vietnam climate change

    • 2.2. Current status of mitigation climate change policies in Vietnam

    • 2.3. Assessment of potential and conditions for establishing Vietnam’s Emission Trading Scheme

  • Part Three: Propose Emission Trading Scheme model and design to Vietnam

    • 3.1. Trends of Emission Trading Scheme and Climate change

    • 3.2. Propose a Vietnam’s ETS model and design

    • 3.3. Solutions for establishing Vietnam’s Emission Trading Scheme

  • Conclusion and RECOMMENDATIONS

Nội dung

Identify cciential fundamental on emission trading scheme development. Study status and potential of emission trading scheme development in Vietnam. Propose ETS’s model and its design to Vietnam.

1 INTRODUCTION: THE NECESSARY OF THE THESIS 1. The necessary of the thesis ­   Emission   Trading   Scheme   (ETS)   development   has   been   expanding   significantly   both   developed   and   developing   countries.  The ETS is becoming a policy instrument to mitigate climate change  globally which was launched in all levels, including, international,  regional,   national   and   subnational   level   In   2017,   the   global   ETS  accounted for approximatly 15% of the universal GHGs emission ­ The dramatically changes of both global climate change and   Vietnam   climate   change   policies   show   that   it   is   time   to   take   a   consideration of Vietnam’s ETS  In 2017, Vietnam has signed Paris  Agreement on Climate Change with a pledge of mitigation 8% of  national GHGs emission in 2030 compared to 2010 baseline and up  to 25% under internaional supports. On the other hand, the country  has released National Green Growth Strategy in the period of 2011­ 2020 and a vision to 2050, National Climate Change that bring with  them national climate change mitigation targets which the ETS was  employed to achieve ­   Establishing   the   ETS   will   possible   support   Vietnam   to   transfer   the   economy   towards   low­carbon   economy   as   well   as   competitiveness capacity enhancement. Vietnam’s structure economy  depends deeply on high intensive GHGs emission industries such as  energy, steel, cerment, construction and transportation sectors which  play important roles of economic growth. So that, the country needs  to consider establishing an ETS to mitigate GHGs emission with least  cost in order to reduce the adverse impacts on competitiveness ­   However,   the   country   should   take   into   account   several   factors before establishing the EST to reduce its negative effects on   the ecomony such as the carbon price stability, the cost effectiveness,   impacts on enterprises competiveness, low income groups, available   ETS infastructure  Therefore, it is nesscery to carry out the thesis   “Establishing an Emission Trading Scheme in Vietnam” 2. Targets Clarifying   theoretical   and   practical   issues   on   establishing  emission trading scheme and propose an ETS model and design to  Vietnam in order to mitigate GHGs emission 3. Objectives and scopes ­   General   objective:   The   thesis   focuses   on  emission  trading  scheme contents related to Vietnam in the period of 2007 up to now ­ Detail objectives:  +  Identify cciential fundamental on emission trading scheme  development +   Study   status   and   potential   of   emission   trading   scheme  development in Vietnam + Propose ETS’s model and its design to Vietnam 4. The science and practical means of the thesis, new points of the  thesis ­ The thesis provides a full scenically fundamental of emission  trading scheme and suggest both solutions and recommendations that  match with Vietnam’s condition to mitigate GHGs emission target ­ The thesis systematizes fundamental theories and practices on  emission   trading   scheme   (ETS)   development;   the   design   and  operation   of   ETS,   international   experiences   and   lesson   learn   to  Vietnam ­ The thesis reviews current state of Vietnam’s climate change  and   policies;   the   status   of   the   carbon   market   development   in  Vietnam. It also provides assessments on ETS development potential  and condition requirement to establish ETS in Vietnam 3 ­   The   thesis   brings   with  it   both   analysis   and  assessment   of  carbon market development in the future; the proposed design ETS  model in Vietnam; solution and recommendations for establishment  and operation of ETS’ Vietnam 5. Methodology There are several methods employed to implement the thesis,  concerning:   Desk   research,   modelling   method   (SWOT   analysis),  deep   interview   method,   comparing   method,   historical   and   logical  method, and workshop method 6. Thesis’s structure Beside   of   parts   including:   introduction,   conclusion,   general  summary   of   international   and   national   researches,   list   of   author’s  publish and references, the thesis was divided into three parts: Part  one: Sciential fundamental on emission trading scheme development;  Part   two:   The   status   and   potential   of   emission   trading   scheme  development in Vietnam and Part three: Propose ETS’s model and its  design to Vietnam 4 GENERAL PART: THE CURRENT INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL  PUBLISHES ON THE THESIS A. The current international research on the thesis: ­ Carbon pricing under carbon tax or emission trading scheme  was   applied   theory   of   pollution   tax   (Pigou   tax)   due   to   its   cost  effectiveness  to deal  with externalities due to pollution  There  are  some   remarkable   researches,   such   as:  Kindleberger   (1986)   with  “International public goods without international government”; Pizer  (2012)   with   “Combining   price   and   quantity   controls   to   mitigate  global climate change”;  Nordhaus (2007) “To Tax or Not to Tax:  Alternative   Approaches   to   Slowing   Global   Warming”;  Weitzman  (2011) with “Fat­tailed uncertainty in the economics of catastrophic  climate   change”;  Stavin   (2008)   with  “Addressing   climate   change  with a comprehensive US cap‐and‐trade system” ­ Emission Trading Scheme was chose to price carbon due to  its flexibility comparing to carbon tax. There are some remarkable  researches, such as: Goulder (2006) with “The economics of climate  change”;  Neuhoff   (2008)   with   “Tackling   carbon,   How   to   Price  carbon for Climate Policy” ­ The ETS cause cost­pressures on enterprises and give market  signs to enterprises to choose a mitigation solution with least cost.  There are some remarkable researches, such as:   Smale (2006) with  “The impact of CO2 emissions trading on firm profits and market  prices”;   Garnaut   (2008)   with  “The     Garnaut   Climate   Change  Review”;  Diekman (2013), with “EU Emissions Trading: The Need  for Cap Adjustment in Response to External Shocks and Unexpected  Developments” 5 ­ Although the ETSes have the same impacts on the economy  but   they   are   different   in   term   of   the   models   and   design   through  economies. There are some remarkable researches, such as:  Fuessler  (2012)   with   “Chile   PMR   Activity     MRV,   Compliance   and  Registry”;   Kachi   (2013)   with “Carbon   Market   Oversight   Primer”;  Goes   (2010)   with   “New   and   old   market­based   instruments   for  climate   change   policy”;   Aldy   (2012)   with   “The   promise   and  problems of pricing các­bon: theory and experience”;  Haites (2013)  with   “Lessons   learned   from   linking   emissions   trading   systems:  General   principles   and   applications”;  Kachi   (2015)   with “Linking  Emissions   Trading   Systems:   A   Summary   of   Current   Research”;  Schneck (2011) with “Financial Market Reform and the Implications  for Carbon Trading”; Kindleberger (1986) with “International public  goods without international government”; Gilbert (2014) with “Cap­ Setting,   Price   Uncertainty   and   Investment   Decisions   in   Emissions  Trading   Systems”;  Ellerman   (2010)   with   “Pricing   các­bon:   the  European Union emissions trading scheme”, reports containing: “An  Introduction to Emission Trading Schemes” and “Emissions Trading  Worldwide ­ ICAP Status Report” from ICAP (2015, 2016, 2017) ­   The   ETS   development   has   contributed   to   GHGs   emission  mitigation globally  There are some remarkable researches, such as:  Newell   (2012)   with   “Carbon   Markets:   Past,   Present,   and   Future.  Resources for the Future”; Kopp (2015) with “Allowance allocation:  Assessing   U.S   Climate   Policy   Options”;   Lopomo   (2011)  with “Carbon Allowance Auction Design: An Assessment of Options  for   the   U.S”,  Scotney   (2015)   with   “Carbon   Markets   and   Climate  Policy in China” ­ The ETS establishment should be employed with a policy  package  including   renewable   energy  policy,   energy   saving  policy,  climate   change   regulation   and   standards   in   order   to   provide   an  effective legal and policy framework to mitigate GHGs emission and  prevent unintented impacts of the ETS  There are some remarkable  researches,   such   as:      Pizer   (2008) with   “Scope   and   point   of  regulation   for   pricing   policies   to   reduce   fossil   fuel   CO2  Emissions. Resources   for   the   Future”;  Nordhaus   (2001)   with  “Climate change: Global warming economics” ­ However, there are no perfect ETS’s model and its design  that fit with all all countries. There are some remarkable researches,  such   as:      Laing   (2013)   with   “International   Experience   with  Emissions   Trading   Climate   Strategies”;   Schneck   (2011)  with “Financial   Market   Reform   and   the   Implications   for   Carbon  Trading”,   Trotignon   (2011)   with “Combining   cap­and­trade   with  offsets: Lessons from the CER use in the EU ETS in 2008 and 2009”;  Fuessler   (2012)   with   “MRV,   Compliance   and   Registry,  Infrastructures and Perspectives”.  B. The current national researches related to ETS: The   national   researches   on   ETS   has   developed   slowly  comparing   to   international   researches  There   are   some   related  remarkable researches, such as:      Pham Huong Giang (2011) with  “Assessement of current participantion of Vietnam into international  emission trading scheme; trend, market potential of Vietnam’s ETS  under post­Kyoto scheme”; Tran Huu Buu (2013) with “Assessement  on potential of carbon credit project in waste treatment sector and  propose   solutions   to   support”;  Pham   Thi   Nga   (2014)   with   “GHG  trading   mechanisms   in   the   world”;   Bui   Hoai   Nam   (2015)   with  “General   issues   on   Emission   Trading   Scheme”;   Pham   Thi   Hien  (2016) with “Essential required factors to establish Emission Trading  Scheme in the future”; Vi Thuy Linh (2017) with “Emission Trading  Scheme   and   its   development   potential   in   Vietnam”;  Tran   Hoan  (2017)   with   “International   experiences   in   ETS   development   and  learnt lessons to Vietnam” C. Assessment on current ETS publishes related to the thesis: The   international   and   national   publishes   related   to   ETS   are  important references to the thesis, however, they were employed for  different research purposes that not clearly related the whole content  of the thesis. On the other side, those publishes are out state of art  under   current   trends   of   global   climate   change   context   as   well  Vietnam   context   Therefore,   the   thesis,   namely,   “Establishing  Vietnam Emission Trading Scheme” contributes new issues on idea,  scope, methodology and results both theories and practices. It does  not overlap with old international and national publishes 8 PART ONE: SCIENCE FUNDAMENTAL ON EMISSION TRADING  SCHEME 1.1. Theoretical and practical fundamental of Emission Trading  Scheme ­   Concept   and   history   of   Emission   Trading   Scheme   development:  Emissions   trading   is   a   market­based   instrument   for  climate change mitigation. In an emissions trading scheme (ETS), a  regulator   defines   an   upper   limit   (cap)   of   greenhouse   gas   (GHG)  emissions   that   may   be   emitted   in   clearly   defined   sectors   of   an  economy (scope and coverage). Emission permits or allowances are  given out or sold (allocated) to the entities that are included in the  ETS. By the end of a defined time­period, each covered entity must  surrender a number of allowances corresponding to their emissions  during   that   period   Installations   that   have   emitted   less   than   the  number   of   allowances   they   hold   can   sell   any   excess   to   other  participants in the scheme. Entities with low abatement costs thus  have an incentive to reduce their emissions, while those facing higher  costs can elect to comply by purchasing allowances from the market Emissions trading provides greater environmental certainty in  controlling overall   emissions   compared to   an   emissions   tax,   which  defines   a   fixed   emission price   without   restricting the   quantity   of  GHG emitted from industries. In both cases, rules for compliance and  enforcement (MRV & enforcement) ensure that polluters pay for the  environmental   costs   of   their   actions   Allowing   installations   to  determine when and where to reduce emissions makes ETS a flexible  and   cost­efficient   policy   instrument   The   institutional   and   legal  framework in place should enable price discovery by fundamental  market forces free of fraud and manipulation (market oversight) 9 The   first   ETS   was   developed   in   American   of   United   State  which was applied from theoretical issues into practice in the 80s.  However, the year of 1997 is a turning point of ETS development  when   the   Kyoto   Protocol   on   climate   change   was   signed   globally  where climate change mitigation target was pledged by 37 developed  countries for the period 2008 – 2012  Since the introduction of the  first   regional   ETS   for   GHGs   emission   in   the   European   Union   in  2005, many other systems have emerged in North America, Asia and  the Pacific region at the regional, national, and local levels. Several  other jurisdictions are currently considering implementing their own  domestic   ETS,   while   some   established   ETS   have   taken   steps   to  reform and, in some cases, link their systems So far, ETS developments bring the global ETS count to 21  systems in operation, 5 systems in scheduled implementation and 9  systems  under  consideration  at  different  levels  of  government  and  geographies,   including   4  continents,   40  countries,   13   states   and   7  cities/provinces. With the launch of the Chinese national ETS, the  share of global emissions covered by a domestic ETS has reached  almost 15%. Now, economies with an ETS in place produce more  than 50% of global GDP and are home to almost a third of the global  population. These figures reflect the steady expansion of ETS policy  and the strengthening of implementation around the world The ETS  operations will  generate a common price for each  carbon unit and therefore provide market signals to firm's decision to  take an investment in long­term emission reductions where to invest  into low­carbon technology to increase energy efficiency or switch to  clean   energy,   create   energy­efficient   products   Moreover,   carbon  pricing brings with its an increase in price of carbon­intensive goods  and   services,   therefore,   consumers   will   move   to   lower­priced  substitutes and motivate firm to reduce emission in order to reduce  production   costs   Thus,   the   government   must   identify   long­term  10 emission reduction targets and develop low­carbon economy­driven  policies   to   bolster   business   confidence   to   switch   their   business  strategies towards low­carbon strategies 1.2. Emission Trading Scheme Models and their operation ­ ETS Model:  Thus far, there are two ETS models employed  by subnational, nationals, regional and global, including: (1)   The   uniform   ETS   Model:  A   model   in   which   the  determination   of   carbon   allowances   and   trading   activities   are  established   and   operated   from   the   beginning   This   is   the   general  model adopted by almost countries and regions in the world such as  EU­ETS, US­ RGGI, China­ETS (2) The hybrid ETS Model: This is a two­stage ETS, in which  the first stage of ETS acts as a carbon tax that the government setting  a fixed tax rate per carbon emissions unit and after that when the  market operates stably, the ETS will shift to “cap and trade” model ­ Required components of the ETS:  (1) Set Emission Target  (cap): (2) Select the scope, including the type of gases and the size of  total   emission   form   each   enterprises;   (3)   Establish   emission  allowance allocation mechanism: free allocation or through auction,  or a combination of both; (4) Set up sstock exchange rate market; (5)  Selection   flexibility   in   the   operation   of   the   ETS:   allow   emission  deposit,   borrow   and   loan   emission;   Set   ceiling   price,   floor   price;  allow using of emission credits obtained from outside the ETS; (6)  Form of MRV and Enforcement system (MRV & E); (7) Linking  among ETSs ­ Conditions for operating the   ETS:  The conditions for the  successful operation of the ETS include: (1) must have MRV system;  (2)  be fair  in  implementation;  (3)  connected between  policies  and  objectives; (4) be stable and predictable; (5) cost­effectiveness; (6) be  practicality and integrity of the environment; (7) be flexibility; (8)  11 match with the conditions of specific markets; (9) be compatibility  with   other   systems   in   the   economy   and   (10)   be   transparency   in  design and implementation ­ The sequence of steps to establish an ETS:  There are 10  steps   as   follows:   Step   1:   Determine   the   sector   scope   /   type   of  emissions included in the ETS; Step 2: Identify emission target (cap);  Step   3:   Determine   allowance   allocation   method;   Step   4:   Consider  using the offset emission rate implemented from outside the ETS;  Step 5: Select flexible operating mechanism for ETS; Step 6: Dealing  with price and cost of emissions in the market; Step 7: Control and  monitor the implementation of enterprises within the system; Step 8:  Encourage stakeholder, communication and capacity building; Step  9: Consider linking to external ETS; and Step 10: Implementation,  evaluation and improvement 1.3. International experiences in establishing Emission Trading  Scheme and lesson leant to Vietnam ­   EU   ­   ETS:  This   is   the   second   largest   carbon   emissions  market in the world (behind China) with 31 participants from EU  member states and 11,000 energy intensive companies. According to  the   European   Environment   Committee,   CO2   has   fallen   by  approximately 19% between 2005 and 2013, closely to the EU target  of  21%   by 2020  There are a number   of  features   of   construction,  operation  and   improvement   of   the   EU­ETS   model   as   follows:   (1)  EU­ETS   model   and   allowance:   Total   allowance   emission   was  designed   to   decrease   annually  in  order   to  allow   enterprises   adjust  their business strategy accordingly to meet an increase in emissions  permit; (2) Auctions and price control mechanisms: trading activities  can take place directly between buyers and sellers, either through a  stock exchange, or through intermediaries in the stock market. The  (3)   adjustment   of   cap:   Allow   the   backdrop   emissions   in   case   of  supply surpluses and allow for the release a certain allowance in case  12 of deficit; (4) MRV system design and market oversign: The stock  exchanges take this process; (5) Establish flexible mechanism: allow  lending   and   borrowing   emissions   mechanism;   drawback   and   and  reserve   emission   limits   mechanism,   allow   use   external   emission  credits outside the system to achieve targets ­ The United State of American: The US ­ ETS is formed by  states   and   inter­states   RGGI   ­   ETS   is   a   regional   ETS   of   the  American of United States established in 2009 with the participation  of   09   states   in   the   Eastern   America,   focusing   on   reducing   CO2  emissions from fossil fuel ­ power companies. There are a number of  remarkable   characteristics   of   the   construction,   operation   and  improvement of the RGGI ­ ETS include: (1) Auction and pricing  mechanism: The auction is conducted with a one­way mechanism,  closed   ­   bidding   mechanism   to   form   a   common   price;   (2)   MRV  system and market oversign: RGGI monitor was implemented by an  independent   agency   to   ensure   effective   and   transparent   RGGI  operations;   (3)   Establish   flexible   mechanism:   allow   enterprises   to  deposit extra allowance to the bank, set a floor­price for the system;  allow enterprises use carbon offset; (4) Use of revenues: Used for  climate   change   adaptation   and   addressing   the   effects   of   rising  electricity prices ­ China:  So far, China is the largest greenhouse gas emitter  globally. The country is also the first developing country in the world  establishing ETS in order mitigate climate change. China has set up  ETS pilots for seven provinces/cities nationwide and has officially  established a national ETS for the power sector by the end of 2017.  There   are   a   number   of   the   remarkable   features   of   operation,  construction and improvement China­ ETS pilots containing: Each  ETS   is   designed   differently   which   depend   on   the   specific  characteristics of each locality and built by local authorities. (2) Set  cap   and   allocate   emission   allowances:   combine   between   free  13 allocation and auction that based on firm's past GHG emissions; (3)  Auctions and price control mechanisms: implemented at local stock  exchanges that managed by the Development and Reform Council at  each locality; (4) MRV and market oversign: each enterprises must  provide   reports   on   their   performances   that   was   certified   by   an  independent   third   party;   (5)   Punishment   for   violated   enterprises:  Mainly monetary penalties; (6) Establishment of flexible mechanism:  There are a number of ETSs allowed enterprises to lend overuse their  allowance for future use ­ Lessons learned for Vietnam:  There are 04 lessons learned  for Vietnam are as follows: (1) must establish an ETS pilots before  launching an official ETS with a number of carbon intensive sectors,  GHS   emission   measurable   and   can   be   easy   monitored;   (2)   MRV  system is a prerequisite to ensure ETS can operate transparently and  transparently. Penalties and control of market fraud should also be  considered to ensure the firm's credibility in the market; (3) Establish  flexible mechanisms to adjust the market cap to address the risks of  fluctuating   carbon   prices   and   the   cost   of   reducing   emissions   (3)  Promote the linking of ETS with other ETSs to create  opportunities  for lower emission cost; (4) A policy package should be developed  parallel   with   ETS   in   order   to   deal   with   complexities   of   climate  change issues with the following emphasis: (1) Invest into R&D for  low­carbon technologies as well as renewable energy technologies;  (2)   Design   an   electricity   price   support   programs   for   low   income  groups in society to compensate an increase in goods and service's  prices   and   (3)   Invest   in   modernizing   of   the   ETS   system   such   as  technological improvements. MRV system to improve the efficiency,  accuracy and transparency of the system 14 PART TWO: THE CURRENT STATUS AND POTENTIAL OF  ESTABLISHING VIETNAM’S EMISSION TRADING  SCHEME 2.1. Current status of Vietnam climate change In   Vietnam,   during   the   period   1994   ­   2010,   total   GHGs  emissions  of  the economy (including land use,  land use  change,  and   forestry   ­   LULUCF)   increased  sharply  from   103.8   Mt   CO2  equivalent   in   1994   to   246.8   million   tons   of   CO2   equivalent  (including   LULUCF)   and   266   million   tons   CO2   (excluding  LULUCF)   in   2010   According   to   Vietnam   National  Communication   Update   Report   (first   time)   in   2014,   Vietnam's  GHGs emissions was forecasted to increase around three times in  2020 and fivefold in 2030 compared to 2010. GHGs emissions in  energy sector keep increasing and account for more than 90% of   the   total   GHG   emissions   while   predicted   to   decline   in  manufacturing industry.  2.2   Current   status   of   mitigation   climate   change   policies   in  Vietnam In   order   to   cope   with   climate   change   and   reduce   negative  impacts of climate change to socio­economic development, Vietnam  has actively participated in and implemented international treaties to  cope   with   climate   change   as   well   as   promoting   priority   domestic  policies to dealing with climate change. Year of 2012 was a turning  point in Vietnam climate change policy to move significant to national  emissions   mitigation   strategy   which   was   officially   mentioned   in  national social­economic policies and strategies of the country 15 Vietnam policy framework on climate change mitigation On   September   25,   2012,   the   Prime   Minister   approved   the  "Vietnam's National Green Growth Strategy" in which an emission  climate   change   mitigation   target   was   released   for   the   first   time,  including: reducing GHG emissions in energy activities from 10% to  20% compared to BAU, with a voluntary mitigation of 10% and up  to 20% under international support. On April 22, 2017, Vietnam and  more than 170 countries signed the Paris Climate Change Agreement  that officially come into force on 4 November 2017 with a binding  commitment to reduce by 8% GHG emission and up to 25% under  international assistance. Previously, on 21 November 2012, the Prime  Minister  approved a Project,  namely,  "Management  of  greenhouse  gas emissions  and carbon credit  trading to the world market “and  then   approving   the   World   Bank's   technical   assistance   project"  Preparing for the Carbon Market Readiness in Vietnam ". The project  focus on piloting Vietnam's ETS in three sectors including coal­fired  power sector, steel sector and waste treatment sector; forming GHGs'  databases   and   reporting   system   for   GHG   emission   mitigation,  piloting NAMA for carbon credit, strengthen management capacity  on MRV of NAMA and NAMA carbon credits 16 2.3   Assessment   of   potential   and   conditions   for   establishing  Vietnam’s Emission Trading Scheme The   selected   method  is   SWOT   analysis   This   is   a   simple,  flexible and effective analytical tool that provides a comprehensive  assessment   compared   to   other   analytical   tools   that   provide  effectiveness in the case of lacking information. Moreover, SWOT  analysis is suitable for analyzing and evaluating a future scenario,  thus it was employed for assessing the potential of Vietnam's ETS SWOT analysis results on Vietnam’s ETS potential development Strengths Opportunities (1)   Viet   Nam   has   set   targets   for  emission   reductions,   especially   in  energy   intensive   sectors   which   is   a  prequite   condition   of   ETS;   (2)  Vietnam has experience in joining the  carbon   market   such   as   CDM,   REDD  +,   JDM;   (3)Vietnam   has   received   a  number   of   technical   and   financial  support   from   international  organizations   to   build   ETS;   (4)   The  ETS's revenue will be used to promote  renewable   energy   development,   low­ carbon technologies R&D,   assist the  poor   from   adverse   impacts   due   to  rising prices from ETS; (5) Vietnam's  energy   prices   are   among   the   lowest  country group in the world, so that an  increase in energy prices from the ETS  market   will   have   less   impact   on  countries than other high energy prices  (1)   Vietnam   has   the  opportunity   to   enhance  export   competitiveness   in  ETS­built   markets   such   as  the   EU,   South   Korea   and  the   US;   (2)   A   number   of  new industries and new job  opportunities   will   be  created   in   renewable  energy,   energy   saving  industries; (3) Vietnam has  the   opportunity   to  participate   in   international  ETS,   and   therefore,   can  achieve emission mitigation  with   a   lower   cost;   (4)  Vietnam   has   the  opportunity   to   improve  technology,   production  productivity   and  17 countries;   (6)   Vietnam   energy  saving  is   low;   (7)   Vietnam   has   developed  stock   exchange   that   providing  infrastructure for auction; competitiveness   in   energy  activities;   (5)   Provide  enterprises   options   to  reduce   emissions   at   the  least cost Weaknesses Threats (1)   Vietnam   is   lack   of   MRV   system  which   is   still   in   the   process   of  designing;   (2)   There   are   lack   of  options for reducing carbon emissions  due   to   financial   and   technological  issues;   (3).There   is   no   roadmap   for  reducing emissions for each industries  so   that   it   is   lack   of   confidence   for  businesses   to   make   decisions   in   the  long   run;   (4)   Key   industries   of   the  country   are   high   intensive   GHG  emission   so   that,   employ   ETS   will  cause   an   increase   in   goods   and  services' price of the economy (1)   Vietnam's   exports   will  be affected by rising export  prices,   thus   limiting   the  competition of products on  the international market; (2)  Vietnam's energy prices are  not   fully   market­based  mechanism   which   bring  with   it   difficultly   to   form  ETS that depend deeply on  demand   and   supply  relationships With   the   results   of   using   SWOT   analysis   to   assess   the  strengths,   weaknesses,   opportunities   and   challenges   for   building  Vietnam's ETS as mentioned above, some conclusions are given as  follows: 1. Vietnam has had a number of convergence conditions to  establish a ETS as it has had experience in this market and targets for  GHGs emission reduction. The development of the ETS provide also  an opportunity for the government to have more revenue to support  emission reduction activities. However, in the beginning stage, the  country   should   develop   ETS   pilot   scheme   for   specific   sectors,  18 especially some high intensive emissions sectors, which are easy to  measure and monitor emissions before employing an official ETS   In   order   to   successfully   build   ETS,   Vietnam   needs   to  develop comprehensive policy packages that can address full climate  change issues, especially policies in low carbon, energy saving areas  to provide businesses with optimum options for emission reduction;  At   the   same  time,   it   is   an   opportunity   to   develop  new   industries,  contribute to new job in order to promote economic growth. Policies  should also address the negative impact of rising goods and services'  prices, especially to the poor. Furthermore, Vietnam should take a  consideration on competitiveness of businesses, especially exporters  as well as improving the ETS system such as MRV system to control  the implementation of enterprises and the operation of the market 19 PART THREE: PROPOSE EMISSION TRADING SCHEME MODEL AND  DESIGN TO VIETNAM 3.1. Trends of Emission Trading Scheme and Climate change ­ Tripling the share of global emissions capped by ETS: ETS  has   advanced   both   in   established   markets   and   in   emerging  economies, now covering 15% of global emissions. The initial launch  of China’s national ETS for the power sector in 2017 is a remarkable  and rapid first  step for an emerging economy that is home  to the  world’s   largest   coal   fleet   This   development   alone   sends   a   strong  signal  to  the international  community as  the  trajectory  of  Chinese  coal consumption has recently been one of the key drivers of global  emissions. The next years give the national government time to build  the foundation for a robust, economy­wide carbon market that can be  ratcheted up in line with the ambition of the Paris Agreement Efforts to price carbon are also progressing in Latin America  and subnational in North America. Mexico, Latin America’s second  largest economy, will start piloting a mandatory ETS later this year.  In   addition,   Chile,   Colombia   and   Mexico   are   jointly   exploring  regionally   consistent   carbon   market   design   elements   such   as  Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV).  In North America,  subnational   jurisdictions   continue   to   lead   with   cap­and­trade   The  largest   Canadian   province,   Ontario,   linked   its   system   to   the   joint  carbon market of California and Québec as of beginning 2018. As  part of the Pan­Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate  Change, all Canadian provinces and territories will have a price on  carbon by the end of this year  Interest in several US States, like  Virginia and New Jersey, could also see an expansion of cap­and­ trade despite inaction on the federal level 20 ­ From policy pioneers to long­lasting mitigation tool:  The  world’s more established systems – the EU, California and Québec,  RGGI and New Zealand – have enacted major reforms to ensure their  systems can deliver on increasingly ambitious climate  targets post  2020   These   renewed   commitments   to  emissions   trading   give   low  carbon investors certainty and has resulted in rising carbon prices,  with the EU allowance price passing 10 EUR for the first time since  2011. These reforms have seen some common elements: Steeper cap  trajectories   aligning   with   2030   climate   targets;   market   stability  measures   are   becoming   standard   practice   with   continuing   design  innovation; offset policies focus on domestic abatement with direct  local environmental benefits.  Together, these two trends – the continual spread of ETSs and  reforms of major systems – will continue to change the landscape of  emissions   trading   –   widening   and   deepening   its   role   in   the   low­ carbon transformation process worldwide.  3.2. Propose a Vietnam’s ETS model and design ­ ETS Model selection: There are a number of suggestions on  the choice of the design of the market for emissions in Vietnam are  as   follows:   (1)   Vietnam   should   consider   selecting   a   two   ­phases  model, which will initially operate as a carbon tax scheme and after  that, when the market operate stability, the scheme will moves to a  "cap and trade" mechanism; (2) Vietnam should develop a road map  for   building   ETS   based   on   country's   GHG   emission   targets;   (3)  Vietnam   should   consider   building   pilot   ETS   in   high­intensive  industries in advance before moving to official Scheme; and (4) It is  necessary   to   call   for   stakeholder   participation   in   the   development  process of ETS in Vietnam.  21 Unsucess Unsucessful Adjust tax level Điều chỉnh  Initial phase: Tax scheme  for  some  sectors  (2­3  period of year) Phase  I:  Cap  and  Trade  scheme  to  some  sectors  (2­3 period of years) Sucess Phase  II:  Expand  to  whole economy Sucess A recommendation of ETS model to Vietnam Source: Author ­ Design Vietnam's ETS: (1) Vietnam needs to set a long­term  emissions reductions targets, at least for 10 years. The climate change  policies   need   to   be   consistent   in   long   term   in   order   to   create  confidence   for   the   business;   (2)   emission   allowance   should   be  combined between  free  allowance  and auction;  (3)  ETS  coverage:  CO2   is   main   GHG   emission   while   coal­fired   power   generation,  transportation,   high   energy­intensive   manufacturing   (iron,   steel,  chemicals,   cement   ),   waste   treatment   should   be   involved   in   the  Scheme;   (4)   Selection   of   flexible   mechanisms   for   the   market:  emission   permit   borrow,   emission   permit   lend,   floor   prices   and  celling price need to be developed; (5) Consider linkage with other  ETSs   in order  to achieve  lower  GHG   mitigation;  and (6)  develop  MRV system in order  to control the implementation of enterprises  and the operation of the market ­ Identification of the participating agencies: (1) Ministry of  Natural Resources and Environment will be responsible for setting up  the ETS in Vietnam, identifying and selecting sector participation,  market   organization   model;   organization   of   MRV   activities;   (2)  Ministry   of   Finance   will   be   responsible   for   setting   up   a   carbon  auction operating mechanism, responsible for developing the process,  identifying the way the auction is conducted, and implementing the  22 MRV. with these activities; (3) Sector Ministries shall be responsible  for   sector   management,   coordinate   with   the   Ministry   of   Natural  Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Finance to carry out  their  assigned  tasks;  (4)  Other  Ministries  such  as  the  Government  Inspectorate,   the   State   Audit,   the   Ministry   of   Security,   and   the  Ministry   of   Justice   are   responsible   for   the   contents   related   to   the  guidance   to   ensure   the   implementation   of   market   operations   and  compliance   Comply   with   the   regulations   on   inspection,   audit,  inspection   and   legal   adherence   of   enterprises   participating   in   the  market 3.3   Solutions   for   establishing   Vietnam’s   Emission   Trading  Scheme ­ Comprehensive set of emission reduction policy package: It  is   necessary   to   combine   ETS   policy   with   other   policies   such   as  command and control instrument; education instrument and financial  incentives such as taxes, subsidies in renewable energy development;  soft instruments such as low ­ carbon labels or energy­saving labels  in order to sign customer awareness on low­carbon products in the  market. The ETS is just an indirect instrument to reduce emissions,  so direct emissions reduction instruments need to be developed to  enhance   the   development   of   low­carbon­   technology,   renewable  energy, energy saving sectors in order enhance energy efficiency as  well as shifting from fossil fuel ­ based energy towards renewable  energy based. Setting up a carbon market will have an impact on the  labor market, technology markets, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to  build   in   line   with   the   policy   packages   on   energy,   labor   and  technology ­ Design solutions for using ETS's revenues: ETS will bring  significant revenues to the Government from market trading, so that  the   Government   must   take   into   account   solution   for   effective  expenditure   such   as   re­invest   in   the   development   of   alternative  23 energies (renewable energy, low­carbon technology), to support low­ carbon   technology   R&D;   assist   social   groups   affected   by   rising  energy   prices   and   related   commodities;   design   electricity   support  programs   for   low   income   households   in   society,   invest   in  modernization   of   the   system   to   improve   efficiency   and   accuracy,  transparency of the system Linking to bank system and stock exchange: Building a new  independent   system   for   ETS   will   not   be   feasible   because   of   cost  issues. In addition, activities such as banking or borrowing will also  require the involvement of bank system 24 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ETS   revolution   to   support   GHG   emission   mitigation   has  emerged   significanlty   with   the   participation   of   both   developed  countries and developing countries, including Vietnam. In particular,  in   the   context   of   recently   change   in   international   climate   change  mitigation   policy,   Vietnam   needs   to   consider   building   an   ETS   in  order to provide incentives for businesses to reduce emissions at the  least  cost  so  as  to  achieve  international  climate  change  mitigation  commitment under Paris Agreement as well as participating in the  global carbon market. There are a number of remakble results of the  PhD thesis as follows: 1. The thesis result in three contributions as follows: Firstly,  systematize   the   scientific   fundamental   of   the   ETS   development;  ETs's   models,   design   and   operation   mecharnism;   international  experiences  and learnt lessons for Vietnam; Secondly,  it reviewed  Vietnam's climate change policies and implementation as well as the  process   of   joining   the   emissions   market   of   Vietnam;   carryout   an  analysis   and   assessment   of   potential   and  conditions   for   Vietnam's  EST; Propose a Vietnam's ETS model, design and provide solutions  and recommendations for Vietnam's ETS development  2. There are three remakble conclusions as follows: Firstly,  the   carbon   market   has   been   developed   and   implemented   in   many  countries and regions around the world, however, there is no model  fit all countries and territories. Furthermore, Base on  theoretical and  practical   fundamental   as   well   as   specifical   conditions   and  circumstances of the country, it is possible to build Vietnam's ETS to  mitigate GHG emission with lower cost. Finally, the country should  take into account hybrid ETS model with flexible mechanisms, while  in   the   begining   stage   must   employ   carbon   tax   model   to   reduce  unstable of carbon prices due tu uncertantly and after market operate  stabilty, moving to the "cap and trade" scheme./ ...  Ellerman   (2010)   with   “Pricing   các­bon:   the  European Union emissions trading scheme , reports containing:  An Introduction to Emission Trading Schemes” and “Emissions Trading Worldwide ­ ICAP Status Report” from ICAP (2015, 2016, 2017)... SCIENCE FUNDAMENTAL ON EMISSION TRADING SCHEME 1.1. Theoretical and practical fundamental of Emission Trading Scheme ­   Concept   and   history   of   Emission   Trading   Scheme   development:  Emissions   trading. .. accuracy and transparency of the system 14 PART TWO: THE CURRENT STATUS AND POTENTIAL OF ESTABLISHING VIETNAM S EMISSION TRADING SCHEME 2.1. Current status of Vietnam climate change In   Vietnam,

Ngày đăng: 07/01/2020, 18:52