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Internet and digital economics principles, methods and applications

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This page intentionally left blank Internet and Digital Economics Principles, Methods and Applications How are our societies being transformed by Internet and digital economics? This book provides an accessible introduction to the economics of the Internet and a comprehensive account of the mechanisms of the digital economy Leading scholars examine the original economic and business models being developed as a result of the Internet system, and explore their impact on our economies and societies Key issues are analyzed, including the development of open source software and online communities, peer-to-peer and online sharing of cultural goods, electronic markets and the rise of new information intermediaries, e-retailing and e-banking The volume examines how Internet and digital economics have transformed the organization of firms, industries, markets, commerce, modes of distribution, money, finance, and innovation processes, and provides the analytical tools to understand both these recent transformations and the likely future directions of the “New Economy.” ERIC BROUSSEAU is Professor of Economics at the University of Paris X serves as Commissioner for the French Regulation Commission for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (ARCEP) He is also Professor of Economics at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, Paris NICOLAS CURIEN Internet and Digital Economics edited by Eric Brousseau and Nicolas Curien CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521855914 © Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2007 eBook (EBL) ISBN-13 978-0-511-28895-1 ISBN-10 0-511-28895-6 eBook (EBL) hardback ISBN-13 978-0-521-85591-4 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-85591-8 paperback ISBN-13 978-0-521-67184-2 paperback ISBN-10 0-521-67184-1 Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate To Delphine Contents List of figures List of tables Notes on contributors Acknowledgements Internet economics, digital economics ERIC BROUSSEAU AND NICOLAS CURIEN Part I Toward a new economy? Part II On-line communities 142 171 173 Online consumer communities: escaping the tragedy of the digital commons NICOLAS CURIEN, EMM ANUELLE FAUCHART, GILBERT LAFFOND AND FRANC ¸ OIS MOREAU 114 Information goods and online communities MICHEL GENSOLLEN 59 The Internet boom in a corporate finance retrospective ´ BASTIEN MICHENAUD ULRICH HEGE AND SE 57 Discourse on the new economy – passing fad or mobilizing ideology? PA T R I C E F L I C H Y Evolution of the new economy business model WILLIAM LAZONICK page x xiii xiv xxv 201 Network cooperation and incentives within online communities G O D E F R O Y D A N G N G U Y E N A N D T H I E R RY P E´ N A R D 220 vii viii Contents Part III Network externalities and market microstructures The Internet and network economics NICHOLAS ECONOMIDES 10 ALEX GAUDEUL AND BRUNO JULLIEN 268 The economics and business models of prescription in the Internet P I E R R E - J E A N B E N G H O Z I A N D T H O M A S PA R I S 291 13 14 16 17 MARC BOURREAU AND VIRGINIE LETHIAIS 345 Open software: knowledge openness and cooperation in cyberspace D O M I N I Q U E F O R AY , S Y LV I E T H O R O N A N D J E A N - B E N O Iˆ T Z I M M E R M A N N 368 Simulating code growth in Libre (open source) mode J E A N - M I C H E L D A L L E A N D PA U L A D AV I D 391 423 Economic insights from Internet auctions PAT R I C K B A J A R I A N D A L I H O R TA C ¸ SU 425 Consumer search and pricing behavior in Internet markets M A A R T E N C W J A N S S E N , J O S E´ L U I S M O R A G A ´ L E Z A N D M AT T H I J S R W I L D E N B E E S T GONZA 460 Are neighbors welcome? E-buyer search, price competition and coalition strategy in Internet retailing J A C Q U E S L AY E A N D H E R V E´ TA N G U Y 18 313 Pricing information goods: free vs pay content Part V How e-markets perform 15 311 Bundling and competition on the Internet YA N N I S B A K O S A N D E R I K B RY N J O L F S S O N 12 239 E-commerce, two-sided markets and info-mediation Part IV Producing, distributing and sharing information goods 11 237 484 Bidding and buying on the same site MARC BOURREAU AND CHRISTIAN LICOPPE 510 766 References Resnick, Paul, Richard Zeckhauser, John Swanson, and Kate Lockwood 2006 “The Value of Reputation on eBay: A Controlled Experiment,” Experimental Economics, 9:2, pp 79–101 Rezende, Leonardo 2003 “Auction Econometrics by Least Squares,” mimeo, University of Illinois Urbana-Champeign Rheingold, Howard 1993 The Virtual Community – Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier New York: Addison-Wesley Rice, Tara and Kristin Stanton 2003 “Estimating the Volume of 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42, 314–15, 338 shops 486 see also bundling; coalitions of Internet sites alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 540, 543 arbitration 50, 542 automated 543 mediation 542 see also online dispute resolution (ODR) Amazon 49, 150, 153, 160, 163, 217, 269, 270, 298, 485 online auctions 428, 430, 431, 442 America Online (AOL) 152, 313, 315, 577 American Research & Development (ARD) 82 anonymity electronic stock trading and 590 online auctions 441 anticommons, tragedy of 37, 44 antitrust legislation 24 Apache 368, 399 Apple Computers 88 application service providers (ASPs) 26 arbitration 50, 542 automated 543 Archipelago 597 Ariba 152 Armstrong, Arthur 125, 126, 127 ARPANet 12 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 313 asymmetry asymmetric technologies 253–4 information 523 online auctions 426–7 winner’s curse 427, 434–40 AT&T 69, 70–1, 72–3, 74, 135, 240, 246 attention goods 20 auctions see online auctions authorship 191–2 automated arbitration 543 automated negotiation 540 availability information 681 backbone 11, 241 banks 51, 570, 577, 578, 581–2, 583, 584 bargaining power 158 Barlow, John 121, 128–30 Barter Trust 574 Bayers, Chip 136 bazaar model 368, 397–8 beta-testing 119 Bigvine 574 blackboard model 28, 37 boo.com 158 bottlenecks 240–1 Boursorama 352 Brand, Steward 115, 128 branding 181, 556 777 778 Index Brazil digital divide in 704 electronic commerce in 678, 684, 690 globalization and 672 bribes 285–6 Brin, David 124 broadband 132, 241 Browning, John 134–5 browsers Internet Explorer 149 Netscape 130, 135, 149, 377 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and 571 bubble, Internet boom/bubble 15, 35, 39, 45, 59, 136–8, 142–3, 168–9, 669 incentives and financial policies of Internet start-ups 148–54 initial public offerings (IPOs) and 165–8 network effects and 148–54 valuation of Internet companies 153–6 venture capital and 143–8 bug testers 25 bundling 20, 42, 314, 315–17, 339 acquisitions and 333–4 competition 339, 341 downstream competition for consumers 324–32 upstream competition for content 321–4 coordinated entry by offering rival bundle 335–6 entry barriers and 316, 332, 334–5 incentives for innovation and 337–8, 339 monopoly and 316, 317–21, 331, 332, 342 predation and exit and 336–7 business models 63 Internet 121–8 advertising 121–2, 124–5 new marketplace 123 push media 123–4 virtual communities 125–8 New Economy business model (NEBM) 59–60, 63, 65, 103 employment in 61–2, 64–5, 112 evolution 65–74, 75–102 future 111–13 R&D in 63 start-ups 25, 64 vertical specialization and 63 Old Economy business model (OEBM) 60, 63, 65, 112 employment in 60, 64 R&D in 63 start-ups 63 vertical integration and 63 prescription 306–9 certification services and reviewers 308 distributors/distributor-consultants 307 experts 308 programmer 307 referral providers/shop bots 307 Buy.com 316 call centers 510 Canter, L 121–2, 123 capital ICT industries 81–94 reputation 372 venture capital 25, 64, 81–2, 83–4, 85–6, 87, 88–9, 338 exits 145–6, 147, 166 Internet 142, 143–8 pension fund investments 87–8 players in market 147 scarcity of experienced venture capitalists 146 capital gains tax 87, 95 Cassidy, John 59 centralization 627, 632 certification services 308 chat areas 127 China, electronic commerce in 678, 684 Chipper 575 churn 133 Cisco 89–94, 96 Clark, Jim 130 ClickNSettle 544 client-server model 4–5 clubs 13 club effects 21, 149, 153 coalitions of Internet sites 500–4 price competition and 496–7 price equilibria 504–6 search costs and 486–7, 491, 501 search within 489–91 structure 487, 494–6, 506 welfare analysis 497–500 Coase pricing 22 collusion 487 infomediation and 285–8 online auction bidding 431–2 see also coalitions of Internet sites Comcast 69 Commerce One 691 commoditization of basic goods 20 common value auctions 433, 437, 439 commons informational 20–1 legal framework to protect the commons 373 Index copyright/patents 374–5 source-code accessibility 375–8 tragedy of 37, 38, 120, 201 online communities and 202, 210, 216 communities 17 marketing 174 online see online communities compatibility, networks 245 externalities and 251–2, 255–9 compensating variation (CV) 652–4, 659–60 competition 39–40, 148, 151, 152, 153, 154 agency problems and 158 bundling 339, 341 electronic commerce 484–6, 487, 488, 674, 686 price competition 496–7 electronic stock trading and 588 intermediation and 272, 275, 276–9, 285 networks externalities and 249–52 online communities and 30 prescription and 298–302 competition based on acquiring customers 301–2 competition over supply of services and products 300–1 price competition 299–300 price competition 41 coalitions of Internet sites and 496–7 prescription and 299–300 step-by-step approach to design of regulatory frameworks 645–8 complex goods 179, 184 dissemination of knowledge 184–5 limits of technology-push innovation model 185 confidence, trust in online communities and 210–11 conflict resolution 50, 539–40, 647 arbitration 50 courts 50, 539 see also online dispute resolution (ODR) consumers 511 bundling and downstream competition for consumers 324–32 decision-making 298, 310 homepage proximity and two modes of commercialization 47–8, 510–14, 534–5 auction rules affected by proximity of traditional distribution channel 516–18 benefits of selling through two different mechanisms 525–34 779 commercial proximity and tele-operator’s autonomy 520–5 mediated constructions of the consumer 518–20 moral economy 523–5 perfect test of proximity 520–2 price discrimination and 513, 525–9, 530–4 travel agency case 510, 513, 514–15 uncertainty on demand 513, 530–4 impact of mobile telephony and Internet on consumer welfare 651–2, 659–60 compensating variation and 652–4, 659–60 consumer surplus change 655–9 methodology of study 652–5 network goods 654–5 market power 463 need for face-to-face interaction 675 online communities see online communities online content 353–4 prescription and 293, 295, 299, 301–2, 304–6, 309 surplus 506–9 “coopetition” model 21, 49 from “coopetition” to an economy of knowledge 23–4 copyleft 43, 44, 118, 369, 376 copyright 20, 191, 374–5 co-regulation approach 10 costs diffusion costs 372 file sharing 227 fixed 22, 41, 634 price competition and 299–300 search costs 47, 177, 460, 461, 486–7, 510 coalitions of Internet sites and 486–7, 491, 501 effects of reduction in 474–8 price dispersion and 464, 475 transaction costs 556 transport 460, 485, 502 courts 50, 539 credit cards 570, 571–2, 576, 577 crossing networks (CNs) 590, 591, 599 cross-licensing 104 cross-subsidization 40, 275, 276 CSNet 12 cultural goods 180, 181 customization model of information 190 matching and acculturation model of information 190 780 Index cultural goods (cont.) open source 189 physical model 189 servicization model 189 customers see consumers customization model of information 190 Cyber-COMM 572 Cybersell 122 Cybersettle 50, 540, 541, 544, 555, 557, 558 cyclicality, venture capital and 145, 147–8 data security, electronic commerce and 675 Debian 186 debit cards 570, 571–2, 576, 577 agency costs 163 decentralization 52, 627, 630, 637 file sharing 226, 231–2 Internet and 13–34 limits to fully decentralized enforcement 632–4 measurement operations 630–2 online communities and 29 sustainable monopolies in the digital era and 634–6 demand 22–3 compensated 652–4 online content 355–7 low-quality provider 356 uncertainty about 513, 530–4 dematerialization of information 19, 20–1, 179 limits of intellectual property and 188 productivity growth and 189–90 Denmark electronic commerce in 677, 682 globalization and 672 deregulation 135, 579 design issues online auctions 447–58 endogenous entry decisions of buyers 457–8 field experiments 449–52 prevalence of ascending auctions 455–7 property rights coding and tracking as way to design and enforce property rights 621–2 step-by-step approach to design of regulatory frameworks 645–8 development 25 economic see economic growth electronic commerce 14, 123 information and communication technology (ICT) 65–74 Internet 12–13, 15, 239 open source software (OSS) 45, 418–20 see also research and development (R&D) differentiation online communities 213 products 20, 24, 487–8 diffusion costs 372 digital divide and 715–16 electronic commerce 676–84 B2B and B2C e-business among firms 679–82 extent 676–8 patterns of use among economies 682–4 patterns of use among firms 678–9 digital divide 55, 693–4, 701, 717 between developed countries 702 between developed and developing countries 702 between regions within a country 703 between rural and urban areas 703–4 definition 696–7 ICT production and 704–6 institutional view 699–701 measurement 698–9 origins of notion 694–6 research issues 708–16 telecommunication networks and 706–8 digital economy see new (digital) economy digital rights management (DRM) 20 discounted cash flow (DCF) method of valuation 155, 156 discrimination age 107, 108 prices 320, 513, 525–9, 530–4 electronic limit-order books (ELOBs) 601 dispute resolution see conflict resolution distributed knowledge 187–8 divide, digital see digital divide dividends 73, 90, 108–9, 164 domain name systems (DNS) domain names 5, ICANN and 5–6, 7, 619, 640–1, 644 Verisign and Dow Jones 313 Dutch auctions (open descending price) 449–52 Dyson, Esther 115, 130–1 East Asian model of economic development 666 EasyCode 573 eBay 16, 23, 149, 152–3, 158, 271, 298, 425, 431, 451, 456, 459, 691 anonymity 441 bidding 429–30, 432, 433 ... page intentionally left blank Internet and Digital Economics Principles, Methods and Applications How are our societies being transformed by Internet and digital economics? This book provides... intellectual property rights and the economics of the Internet and digital activities On this last issue he works both on digital business models and on the governance of the Internet and of the information... Laboratory on Economics and Management of the Universities of Rennes and Caen She uses industrial economics and applied econometrics to study pricing on the Internet and to analyze diffusion and uses

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