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The power at the end of the economy

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  • Contents

  • 1. The Inmost End

    • The Market in Wonderland

    • System Distrust

    • Collapse of the Affective Wave Packet

  • 2. A Doing Done through Me

    • Deliberation without Attention

    • Jamming Rational Choice

    • The Primes of Life

    • Toward a Politics of Dividualism

    • Double Involuntary / Autonomy of Decision

    • Fielding the Event

    • Tribunals of Reason

    • Finessing the Event

  • 3. Beyond Self- Interest

    • Your Life for My Little Finger?

    • Contiguity, Most Distant

    • The Argument from Intensity

    • The Other as Sign of Passion

    • A Freedom of the Event

    • The Flashpoint of Sympathy

    • Toward an Anticapitalist Art of the Event

  • Supplements

    • I. The Affective Tasks of Reason

    • II. Keywords for Affect

  • Notes

  • Works Cited

  • Index

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www.ebook3000.com the power at the end of the economy www.ebook3000.com BRIAN MASSUMI The Power at the End of the Economy duke university press durham and london 2015 © 2015 Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper ∞ Typeset in Quadraat Pro by Westchester Book Group the author acknowledges the generous support of the social sciences and research council of canada (sshrc) Cover art: Photograph by Brian Massumi, Flashpoint Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Massumi, Brian The power at the end of the economy / Brian Massumi pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index isbn 978-0-8223-5824-4 (hardcover : alk paper) isbn 978-0-8223-5838-1 (pbk : alk paper) isbn 978-0-8223-7581-4 (e-book) Economics—Sociological aspects Economics—Political aspects Economics—Moral and ethical aspects I Title hm548 m37 2015 306.3—dc23 2014023497 www.ebook3000.com for art beyond interest joy beyond reason www.ebook3000.com contents The Inmost End The Market in Wonderland System Distrust Collapse of the Affective Wave Packet 10 A Doing Done through Me 19 Deliberation without Attention 21 Jamming Rational Choice 24 The Primes of Life 26 Toward a Politics of Dividualism 32 Double Involuntary / Autonomy of Decision 36 Fielding the Event 43 Tribunals of Reason 48 Finessing the Event 53 Beyond Self-Interest 57 Your Life for My Little Finger? 58 Contiguity, Most Distant 65 The Argument from Intensity 68 The Other as Sign of Passion 73 A Freedom of the Event 79 The Flashpoint of Sympathy 84 Toward an Anticapitalist Art of the Event 93 supplements I The Affective Tasks of Reason 97 II Keywords for Affect 103 Notes 113 Works Cited 121 Index 127 www.ebook3000.com The Inmost End The hypothesis of a calculable future leads to a wrong interpretation of the principles of behaviour which the need for action compels us to adopt, and to an underestimation of the concealed factors of utter doubt, precariousness, hope and fear —John Maynard Keynes, “The General Theory of Employment” (1973, 122) We are enjoined to rational choice We are taught that our freedom is one with the freedom of choice We are told we become who we are by how we choose We are assured that if we choose well, according to our own best interests, we will end up serving the interests of all We are told that there is a mechanism in place to ensure this convergence between our interests and others’ Market is its name Its “invisible hand” adjusts best choices to each other, its magic touch guided by the principle of competition Competition weeds out suboptimal choices, selecting for efficiency Efficiencies multiply each other, minimizing effort and maximizing profit for all The market, we are further led to believe, is self-regulating It has a natural inclination toward optimization As political subjects, we are enjoined to vote, rationally, in its interests so that we may pursue our own, for the general good Rationally, the political subject coincides with the economic subject of self-interest that we all are fundamentally, in private pursuit of happiness And what, if not that, gives meaning and motivation to our lives? We are all paying guests at the tea party of choice, spreading our favorite jam on our very own slice of the bread of life, served on the silver platter of efficiency by the invisible hand But on closer inspection, a rabbit hole appears at the heart of the market It plummets from the apparently solid ground of rational choice to a wonderland where nothing appears the same Affect is its name The “concealed factors” of doubt, precariousness, hope, and fear—and (why not?) love, friendship, and joy—tend to bubble back up to the 122 works cited Deleuze, Gilles 2007 “Immanence: A Life.” In Two Regimes of Madness—Texts and Interviews 1975–1995 Trans Michael Taormina and Ames Hodges Ed David Lapoujade New York: Semiotext(e), 388–393 Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari 1983 Anti-Oedipus Trans Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R Lane Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari 1987 A Thousand Plateaus Trans Brian Massumi Minneapolis : University of Minneapolis Press Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari 1994 What Is Philosophy? 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91–92, 119n20 action See activity activism, 88–89; event and, 95 activity, 2, 20–22, 33, 46, 48, 50, 61–62, 88–89, 100; affect and, 117n12; body and, 51; event, 82, 93; incipient, 14, 44, 69, 73; life-, 38; mind as, 118n5; priming and, 29–32; rationality and, 43, 63, 97; relation and, 58; sign and, 75 See also activism; bare activity; interaction actual: affect and, 106; contrast and, 110–111; potential and, 104–105; self and, 20 aesthetic: event, 119n19; intensity and, 70; life and, 93; politics, 71, 110–111 See also art affect, 1, 4, 10–19, 24, 61, 73, 103–112, 117n12, 118n12; choice and, 22, 116n3; decision and, 20, 68, 98; economy and, 22–23, 78; event and, 58, 74–75, 84–90, 94; individual and, 7, 21–22, 30, 33; perception and, 118n7; politics and, 54, 64, 70, 76, 79–80, 83; preemption and, 116n6; probability and, 114n2; rationality and, 2, 5–6, 8–9, 14, 25–28, 32–34, 36, 48, 53, 59–60, 63, 65, 71, 97–101; selforganization and, 114n13; self-relation and, 21; volition/will and, 46–48, 92, 120n20 See also emotion; intensity; nonconsciousness; sympathy; vitality affect alternatives, 44–47; infernal, 72, 79 anarchism, 87–88; event and, 90 Anti-Oedipus (Deleuze and Guattari), 116n8, 120n19 art, 70; affect and, 2, 113n1; micropolitics and, 120n21; politics and, 43, 93–95 See also aesthetic attunement, 52, 108–109; affective, 109–111; difference and, 50; transindividual and, 58 Ayache, Elie, 115–116n3 bare activity, 20–21, 32–33, 46–47, 70, 80–83, 88, 101, 108; capitalism and, 92; dividual and, 73; event and, 84; experience and, 43; perceptual judgment and, 44, 51; passion and, 64; rationality and, 100; sympathy and, 62, 85; transindividual and, 74 See also activity becoming, 20, 42, 79, 83, 98; human capital and, 38; dividual and, 35; event and, 69, 91; immanence and, 43; joy and, 71; mind and, 118n5; ontopower and, 15, 93; passion and, 63, 76; rationality and, 100–101; system and, 37 behavior, 1, 27, 45; condition and, 28–29; individual, 32; social, 76 belonging, 86, 110; sympathy and, 66 Birth of Biopolitics, The (Foucault), 37, 117n3 body, 45, 103–111; habits and, 51; intensity and, 68 bodying, 103–104 Bouazizi, Mohamed, 90 Bush, George W., 109, 119n17 calculation, 51–52, 57, 60; choice and, 37; economic, 4; irrationality and, 119n19; perceptual judgment and, 44–45; rational, 5–6, 8, 10, 17, 20, 22–23, 47, 77–78, 82–84, 92; subject of interest and, 36 capitalism, 5–7, 21, 57, 66–67, 79, 88, 94, 113n2, 119n16, 119n19, 119–120n20; anti-, 91–92; counterpower and, 42–43; enterprise and, 40; power and, 93, 119n13; 128 index capitalism (continued) process and, 16, 23, 49; satisfaction and, 72; surplus value and, 76–78 See also economy; human capital; neoliberalism causality: mind and, 118n5; rationality and, 98–101 Cavalcante, Hugo, 115–116n3 chaos: pattern and, 116n3; process and, 14; quasi-, 3–4, 8–9, 37, 39; theory, 21 choice, 11–12, 19–22, 26–27, 30, 45, 111–112; freedom and, 1, 33, 45, 54; gut feeling and, 41, 77, 114n1, 114n2; heroism and, 80–81; power of, 4, 15, 31–32; rational, 1, 5–6, 9, 13, 24, 32–35, 41, 47–50, 58, 64–65, 91, 114n2, 115–116n3; passion and, 63–64 See also decision; deliberation-withoutattention; priming choice blindness, 19, 24–26, 28–29, 40, 65; priming and, 31, 41 See also nonconsciousness cogitation, 21, 36; affect and, 79; conscious, 41; event and, 100; passion and, 63; perception and, 34; possibility and, 75; rationality and, 100; readiness potential and, 80 cognition, 43, 100; affect and, 106; conscious, 33; decision and, 17, 20; intuition and, 51–52; judgment and, 88; rationality and, 36; science and, 27 See also consciousness co-motion/commotion, 8, 107–109; affect and, 2, 12–13, 87; contrast and, 111; economy and, 14; infra-individual and, 15; intensity and, 20; micro politics and, 95; tendency and, 46 complexity, 21–22, 29, 34–35, 46, 48–49, 52; calculation and, 57; capitalism and, 120n20; choice and, 41; conditions and, 24; contrast and, 73; dividual and, 36; effect and, 50; event and, 47, 53–54, 62; field and, 85; infra-individual, 8, 40; political art and, 94; rationality and, 98; science and, 115n3; subject of interest and, 36–37; tendency and, 99; trust and, 16–17 compossibility, 69, 93 concern: event and, 101, 120n2 condition, 21, 27–29, 48, 66; abduction and, 99; affect and, 117n12; choice and, 34; decision and, 37; dividual and, 32; event and, 45, 49, 64–65, 79, 82, 85–88, 93–94; field of, 110; individual and, 33; perceptual judgment and, 44; priming and, 31–32; relation and, 84, 97; singularity and, 90; situational, 25–26, 35, 40; uncertainty and, 24 Connolly, William, 113n2 consciousness, 21, 36, 105; activity and, 100; calculations and, 84; choice and, 34; cogitation and, 41, 94; cutting and, 107; experience and, 33; intuition and, 45; microperception and, 107; perception and, 106; potential and, 111; priming and, 32, 43 See also cogitation; cognition; nonconsciousness; thinking-feeling contagion, 5–6, 66–67, 69, 109, 114n5; event and, 86, 89, 91, 94; intensity and, 84; passion and, 62; tendency and, 72 content, 74, 108; the other and, 74; singularmultiple, 93; subjective, 75, 105 contiguity, 65–68; human and, 83; interest and, 79; militant and, 87; the other and, 76; politics and, 79; relational field and, 86; sympathy and, 74 contrast, 70, 110–111; complexity and, 73; mutual exclusion and, 69, 93; mutual inclusion and, 88; satisfaction and, 72; tendency and, 87 control, 66; field and, 48; modulation and, 40; society, 37–39, 42, 117n13 co-operation, 51; choice and, 37; rationality and, 99–101 corporation: choice and, 22; personhood and, 91, 114n1 corrective: rationality as, 63, 99–101 creativity, 21; art and, 70; capitalism and, 92; choice and, 19, 22; consumption and, 72; contrast and, 111; destruction and, 28; economy and, 3, 16, 113n1; excess and, 107; fabulation and, 35, 54; memory and, 27; power and, 93; rationality and, 99–101; science and, 51; self-, 28; trust and, 16 Critchley, Simon: on dividual, 114n9 critique: perceptual judgment and, 97; self-, 97, 99; rationality and, 101 cueing, 97, 108–109; expectation and, 25; priming and, 29, 31, 41 cut, 47, 58, 107–109, 111; decision as, 37, 40, 46, 85; event and, 80, 85; flow and, 68–69; life and, 83; subject of interest and, 38 www.ebook3000.com index decision, 9, 17, 19–24, 31, 41, 58, 64; autonomy and, 17, 32–42, 46–48, 68, 91, 92, 94, 98, 119n19; cutting and, 46, 85; event and, 37, 82–85, 87, 94; indecision, 108; individual, 3, 50; nonconscious, 80, 114–115n2; self-, 63, 87, 92, 119n19; undecidability, 11, 25, 85 See also choice; rationality Deleuze, Gilles, 117n11, 118n5; control society and, 37–39, 42 Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari, 14, 19, 37, 107, 113n2; capitalism and, 119–120n20 deliberation-without-attention, 21–24, 28, 34, 40, 65; priming and, 31, 41 See also decision denizen: market and, 36; neoliberalism and, 22–23, 31–32, 42, 53, 57, 65; system and, 15 See also human capital desire, 31, 38, 46, 104–105; capitalism and, 67, 93, 120n20; infra-trans and, 92; rationality and, 34, 59; tendency and, 98 difference: action-path and, 69; affective politics and, 109; attunement and, 50; contrast and, 111–112; event and, 86; oscillatory process and, 7; potential and, 20, 37; sympathy and, 65–66 discipline: enterprise and, 39; power and, 7, 29, 37–40, 66; priming and, 41; rationality and, 100, 117n13; system and, 27, 29–30 See also control distrust, 7–8, 10–14, 17, 19, 36; expression of, 13; rationality and, 99 See also trust dividual, 8–10, 15, 19, 25, 32, 46, 64, 114n9; activism and, 88; affirmation and, 30; condition and, 32; economy and, 13; enterprise and, 40; event and, 81; happiness and, 78; heroism and, 80; the other and, 74; politics and, 32–36, 76; tendency and, 29; tension and, 73; and transindividual, 35–36, 40–42, 46, 58, 68, 71–72, 74, 83, 86–87, 92–93, 95 See also individual; infra-individual doubt, 1, 47; rationality and, 49 Durcrot, Oswald, 44 economy, 1–17, 20–22, 33–35, 53, 59, 65, 113n2, 114n4, 115–116n3, 119n17; alter-, 82, 93; counterpower and, 43; happiness and, 77–79; human capital and, 38, 113–114n3; neoliberalism and, 30, 58, 66, 80, 82; preemption and, 114n10; rationality and, 129 23–24, 48, 67, 115n2; relation and, 72, 78; shock and, 113n1; subject of interest and, 38 See also market; neoliberalism; system effect: affective-, 16; complexity and, 50; decision and, 40; microperception and, 107; modulation and, 108; system and, 41; taking-, 84; trust-, 16 See also multiplier effect Egypt: event and, 85, 89 Einstein, Albert, 13 embodiment, 105; and decision, 46–47; and thinking-feeling, 45 emergence, 85, 108, 110; capitalism and, 120n20; contrast and, 111; dividual and, 35; effects, 41; passion and, 62; priming and, 43; process and, 14; self-organization and, 16 emotion: affect and, 32–33, 61, 75–76, 105–107; intensity and, 80; joy and, 71; rationality and, 24, 48, 53, 101 endpoint, regressive: dividual and, 64; economy and, 10, 15–16, 32–33, 35; life and, 100–101; regressive and, 13–15, 19–20, 60, 82; subject of interest and, 81 See also infra-individual Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (Hume), 59 enterprise, 21–22, 40, 117n11; control and, 38–39; power and, 117n13; -subject, 67, 91 environment: activity and, 30; affective, 108; closed, 28; discipline and, 39–40; economy and, 9; externality and, 119n19; life and, 34; market, 3–4, 37; neoliberal, 31; ontopower and, 117n9; open, 28; power and, 66, 117n13; uncertainty and, 23 See also field environmentality, 113n2, 115n3; and control, 38 event, 35–36, 43–48, 53–55, 68–69, 79–85, 115–116n3; aesthetic, 119n19; affect and, 57–58, 104–106, 109–112; concern and, 120n2; condition and, 49, 64–65; decision and, 20, 37; micropolitics and, 120n21; the other and, 74, 76; of perception, 70; priming and, 30; readiness potential and, 75–76, 100; relation and, 101; thinkingfeeling and, 62; vitality affect and, 73 experience, 25, 34, 43, 104, 107, 116n5; affect and, 71, 73; of change, 105; contrast and, 70; incipience and, 69; individual, 33, 41; intensity and, 67; joy and, 71; life and, 23, 70, 76; lived, 104; nonconscious, 61; 130 index experience (continued) perception and, 26, 61–62; potential and, 74–75; rationality and, 99–100; satisfaction and, 78; situation and, 97; subject and, 110 expression: emotional, 106; event and, 54; joy and, 71; macroeconomic, 14; movements of, 32; nonhuman, 83; nonpersonal, 83; potential and, 8, 14, 101; tendency and, 11; of trust, 13 externalities, 12, 91; 119n19 fabulation, 25–26, 93, 116n5; capitalism and, 92; choice blindness and, 28; event and, 54; freedom and, 91; perception and, 27; power of, 35 failure, 4, 11–15, 19, 23; economic, 14–15, 115n3; macropolitics and, 89; multiplier effects and, 36; objective illusion and, 97 See also success fascism, 26–27, 94; contagion and, 66 fear, 1, 4–5, 19, 109; activity and, 77; of future, feedback, 32, 98; economy and, 16; feedforward and, 11, 33, 42, 86, 99; positive, feedforward, 111; feedback and, 11, 33, 42, 86, 99; objective illusion and, 97; tendency and, 98 feeling, 25, 41, 97, 107–109; contagion of, 64; human, 60; perceptual judgment and, 116n4; transition and, 104–105; system and, 12 See also affect; emotion; thinking-feeling field, 2–4, 41, 50, 55; of activity, 88; of complexity, 22; economic, 11, 14, 16; -effect, 49; environment and, 66; of immanence, 36–37; of life, 7, 20, 31, 42, 46, 58; neoliberalism and, 40, 77; potential and, 44–45, 53–54, 73; of power, 39; rationality and, 48–49 See also environment; relational field flow, 39, 57, 59; affect and, 107; complexity and, 49; cutting and, 68–69; economic, 38; life and, 83; machine and, 116n8; relational field and, 86 force, 27, 53, 58, 97; affect and, 47, 61, 83; enterprise and, 39; event and, 69; of existence, 72; intensity and, 68; passion and, 62; perception and, 117n4; on discipline, 117n13; on enterprise, 21; on individual, 9; on neoliberalism, 2–4, 27, 113n2; on subject of interest, 36–37 freedom, 106; activity and, 88; choice and, 1, 33, 45, 54; degrees of, 32; event and, 81–83, 91, 93; fabulation and, 91; impersonal, 35; invention of, 86, 89, 94; market and, 2; personal, 32; potential and, 104–105; of speech, 114n1 future, 4, 6, 9, 16, 104; body and, 108; capitalism and, 57, 76–77; economy and, 15; event, 25; human capital and, 38; possibility and, 75; potential and, 106; relation and, 101; satisfaction, 22; self-relation and, 95; tendency and, 99, 103 See also past; present Gates, Bill, 83 generality: and rationality, 97–101 gesture, 53–54; contiguity and, 83; invention and, 55 government: and laisser-faire, 3, 16, 21; and markets, 113n2; regulation, 115n3 Greenspan, Alan, 6, 113n1 Giulianni, Rudolph, 119n17 gut feeling, 21–23, 51, 78, 81; and choice, 41, 77, 114n1, 114n2 See also affect; decision; deliberation-without-attention; feeling; nonconscious habit, 60, 104–105, 120n1; body and, 51; perception and, 74; presupposition and, 97; rationality and, 99; taste and, 34 happiness, self-interest, and, 81 happiness economics, 77–79 hate, 74–75 hero, “ordinary,” 79–80, 81, 83, 87 hope, 1, 6, 19, 31, 109 human, 59–60; activity and, 79, 82; affect and, 60; contiguity and, 83; humanism, 36–37; nature and, 68; self-interest and, 93 See also dividual; human capital; individual; nonhuman human capital, 22–23, 27, 35–37, 113–114n3; becoming and, 91; capitalism and, 77–78; economy and, 38; neoliberalism and, 82, 91, 117n10; priming and, 31 See also subject of interest Hume, David, 118n7; choice and, 47; experience and, 71; intensity and, 68; interest and, 70; knowledge and, 118n5; mind and, 118n5, 118n6; passion and, 61, 69, 85; www.ebook3000.com index rationality and, 53, 57, 59–60, 63, 97–98; self-interest and, 64–65; sympathy and 73–74; tendency and, 118n6 hypothesis, 1, 52; abduction and, 46–47; lived, 69 idea: impression and, 68, 117n4, 118n6; perception and, 61 illusion, objective, 97–99 immanence, 3, 19, 43; event and, 35, 47, 55; infra-individual and, 10, 13, 20; intuition and, 45; limit and, 17, 119n19; plane of, 14, 16; potential and, 107; rationality and, 101; subject of interest and, 36–37 impression, 61, 118n5; affect and, 80; idea and, 68, 117n4, 118n6 in-bracing, 107–109 incipience, 116n3; action and, 14, 44, 46, 62, 73; experience and, 69 See also preemption individual, 3–4, 8–11, 20, 23–25, 27, 29, 32–33 46, 50, 58, 74; action, 13–14; choice and, 22, 27, 33, 35; control and, 38; economy and, 13–15, 23–24, 59; enterprise and, 21–22, 40; neoliberalism and, 76, 91; personhood, and 114n1; priming and, 30–31; relation and, 15, 19, 23–24; self-interest and, 60, 79; subject of interest and, 19, 21, 36–37, 54; trust and, 7, 12; volition and, 118n9 See also dividual; infraindividual; preindividual; transindividual individuation, collective, 110 induction: activism and, 88; priming and, 30, 41; tendency and, 32 infra-individual, 8–11, 13–16, 19, 32, 35–37, 40–41, 99; individual and, 20; oscillatory process and, 58; readiness potential and, 12 See also dividual; individual; microeconomics; transindividual infra-trans, 75–76, 79–80; desire and, 92; event and, 86 See also infra-individual; transindividual intensity, 7–9, 67–73, 76, 103, 105–106, 110–111; activity and, 92; contagion and, 84; content and, 75; decision and, 20; discipline and, 39; dividual and, 10, 35; event and, 45, 80, 83, 112; externality and, 119n19; immanence and, 19; life and, 76, 93; passion and, 84; politics and, 78–79; power and, 89; quasi-chaotic, 37; situation and, 34; thinking-feeling and, 73 See also affect; resonance 131 interaction, 28, 48; body and, 106; intraaction and, See also activity interest, 70, 89, 120n20; affect and, 58; capitalism and, 93; contiguity and, 79; event and, 81; neoliberalism and, 91 See also choice; intensity; self-interest intuition, 21–23, 41–43, 45, 50–51, 114–115n2; abduction and, 52–53; complexity and, 85; physical, 51–52; political art and, 93–94; politics and, 54; priming and, 31; rationality and, 99–100; sympathy and, 119n19 See also perceptual judgment; thinking-feeling invention, 54; abduction and, 79, 85, 92, 99; capitalism and, 120n20; event and, 87; freedom and, 86, 89, 94; gesture and, 55; interest and, 70; life and, 71; ontopower and, 85; passion and, 62, 73; rationality and, 63, 101; science and, 51; tendency and, 98– 99 invisible hand, 1–3, 5; and market, 65, 67 See also laisser-faire irrationality, 32–33, 48–50, 99; calculation and, 119n19; capitalism and, 57; exuberance and, 6, 116n3; and passion, 64 See also emotion; rationality James, William, 107, 110; on terminus, 98 joy, 1, 71–75, 95, 118n12, 119n19; capitalism and, 92; invention and, 101; rationality and, 100 judgment, 33–35, 43, 47; affect and, 117n12; love and, 75; militant and, 88; rationality and, 48, 100; taste and, 71–72 See also perceptual judgment Keynes, John Maynard, knowledge, 21, 29, 118n5; decision and, 20 Lacan, Jacques, 114n9 laisser-faire, 3, 16, 21 See also invisible hand; neoliberalism Latour, Bruno, 48 law, 5; power, 115n3; subject of, 114n4 liberalism, 113n4; economic, 3–4; and rationality, 49 See also neoliberalism Libet, Benjamin, 43 life, 38, 50, 54, 71, 97, 80–81 100–101, 104, 107–108, 110–111; affect and, 117n12; body and, 51; dividual and, 33; economy and, 4, 20, 58, 83; enterprise and, 22, 39; 132 index life (continued) environment and, 34; externality and, 119n19; immanence and, 43; individual and, 22; intensity and, 76, 105; multiplicity, 44; neoliberalism and, 30–32, 42, 55, 72; nonhuman and, 66–67; priming and, 30–32; surplus value and, 23, 35, 69–70, 77–78, 87, 90, 92, 95; vitality and, 34; will and, 46 limit, 19–20; capitalism and, 120n20; of dividual, 64; of economy, 10, 14–15; human capital and, 82; immanence and, 17, 119n19; rationality and, 53 See also threshold love, 74, 75 Luhmann, Niklas, 17, 20; on readiness potential, 11; on trust, 6, 9–11, 15–16 machinic: decision and, 91; flow and, 116n8; life and, 40; subject of interest and, 37 macroeconomics, 9, 115n3; and complexity, 35; and expression, 14; indicator, 23; and readiness potential, 11; and transindividual 37 See also economy; microecomomics; transindividual macropolitics 79–80, 87, 94; failure and, 89– 90 See also micropolitics; politics Maple Spring (Quebec), event and, 85, 89 Margulis, Lynn, 50 market, 1–4, 14, 28, 32, 37, 113n2, 114n5, 115–116n3, 119n19; enterprise and, 40; invisible hand and, 65, 67; neoliberal, 21; shock and, 113n1; sympathy and, 67 See also economy Marxism, 36, 87 Maxwell, James Clerk, 52 McClintock, Barbara, 51 memory, 26–27, 104–105 metastability, 48; capitalism and, 57; economy and, 16–17; enterprise and, 40 microeconomics, 8–9; choice and, 35; individual and, 37 See also economy; infraindividual; macroeconomics micropolitics, 109; capitalism and, 92; commotion and, 95; event and, 94, 120n21 See also macropolitics; politics militant, 87–89, 94 See also macropolitics; politics mind, 118n6; becoming and, 118n5 modulation, 36, 40–42, 52–54, 64; activism and, 88; affect and, 108; becoming and, 35; behavior and, 28–29; contrast and, 111; economy and, 9; priming and, 30, 32; tension and, 112 See also oscillation; resonance mood: analysis, 13; of economy, 11, 13; weather and, 8, 39 movement, 20, 103, 120n20; affect and, 117n12; of becoming, 42; body and, 105, 110; capitalism and, 57; decision and, 47; enterprise and, 39; of expression, 32; relation and, 73, 76, 84; subject of interest and, 40; tendency and, 46, 98–99; thinkingfeeling and, 45 multiplicity: activity and, 44–46, 73; body and, 111; fielding and, 33; singularity and, 91, 93, 119n19 multiplier effect, 3–6, 9–10, 58; economy and, 14, 16; enterprise and, 40, 67; event and, 90–91; externality and, 119n19; neoliberalism and, 91; success and, 36 mutual exclusion: contrast and, 69, 93, 111; decision and, 20; invention and, 51; micropolitics and, 89 mutual inclusion, 61, 114n7; affect and, 73, 91; contrast and, 88; event and, 45, 47, 51, 81–82; intensity and, 69; potential and, 20, 37; rationality and, 50, 100; regressive endpoint and, 32; sign and, 75 natural sentiment, 60, 64, 65–66, 68; event and, 82; sympathy and, 73 nature: bare activity and, 83; human, 60, 68; laws of, 115n3; participation and, 66, 82, 118n10 Negri, Antonio, and Michael Hardt, 119n19 neoliberalism, 2, 6, 40, 42, 49, 55, 70, 72, 89, 115n3; becoming and, 20; denizen and, 53, 57; economy and, 3, 12–13, 21–23, 58, 66, 78–80, 113n2; human capital and, 91, 117n10; individual and, 76; oscillatory processes and, 36; ontopower and, 43; paradox and, 34–35; priming and, 30–32; relation and, 77, 82; relational field, 27; self-interest and, 59, 65; subject of interest and, 58; zone of indistinction and, 33 See also capitalism; liberalism Nietzsche, Friedrich, 118n12 www.ebook3000.com index noise, 10, 115–116n3 nonconsciousness, 33, 43, 52, 99–100; activism and, 88; choice and, 19, 22, 24; decision, 20, 22, 24, 80, 114–115n2; economy and, 17; event and, 25, 61; passion and, 64; perception and, 106; politics and, 94; potential and, 75; presupposition and, 45; priming and, 32, 78 See also consciousness; deliberation-without-attention; priming nonhuman, 66–67; expression, 83 nonpersonal: decision and, 58; event and, 101; expression, 83; heroism and, 83; intuition and, 21; knowledge and, 118n5; nonconsciousness and, 19; relational field and, 82 Obama, Barack, 109 object, 69, 97; consumption and, 72; intuition and, 45; subject and, 110; taste and, 71 objective illusion, 97–99 See also rationality Occupy Wall Street, 85, 89, 90 occurrence, 97; affect and, 117n12; commotion and, 15; event and, 70; infra-, 8; perceptual judgment and, 52 ontopower, 15–16; alter-economy and, 82; bare activity and, 81; biopower and, 117n9; capitalism and, 66, 93; choice and, 19; intensity and, 69, 89; invention and, 85; neoliberalism and, 35, 42–43; passion and, 63–64, 76; priming and, 30; rationality and, 34, 100–101 See also power; preemption oscillation: complexity and, 82; dividual and, 46; economy and, 9, 11; environment and, 66; event and, 47; field and, 85; neoliberalism and, 32–33, 42; oscillatory point, 37; relational field and, 86; system and, 115n3; trust, and 10 See also modulation; resonance oscillatory processes, 7, 28, 36–37, 41, 77; capitalism and, 120n20; dividual and, 64; infra-individual and, 58; neoliberalism and, 91 See also oscillation; process; subject of interest other (the): passion and, 76, 81, 93; sign and, 73–80 See also passion pain: affect and, 60–61, 118n12; intensity and, 68; interest and, 70; joy and, 71; plea- 133 sure and, 63–64, 75–77; rationality and, 59; satisfaction and, 38; volition and, 118n9 paradox, 25–26, 49; choice and, 27, 30, 35, 91; counterpower and, 42–43; decision and, 65; happiness and, 78; natural sentiment and, 82; neoliberalism and, 34–35, 71; of self-interest, 77, 82; subject of interest and, 21 passion, 61, 63, 68–70, 95; invention and, 85; joy and, 71; market and, 67; the other and, 81; rationality and, 97–101; sign of, 72–76, 84, 86, 93–95; tendency and, 62–64, 85 past: of the body, 104; occasions, 99; and potential, 106; sensation, 24 Peirce, Charles Sanders, 43, 46 perception, 33–34, 43, 51, 61–65, 69–71, 117n4, 118n7; activity and, 50, 62, 74, 100; affect and, 85, 106; contrast and, 111; event and, 106; fabulation and, 26–27, 35; intuition and, 45; micro-, 107–109; the other and, 74; priming and, 24; rationality and, 63, 99–100; thinking-feeling and, 73 See also idea; passion; perceptual judgment; sympathy perceptual judgment, 44–47, 68, 97, 118n7; abduction and, 50–53, 61, 69, 75–76, 100; activism and, 88–89; feeling and, 116n4; potential and, 93; rationality and, 63 See also intuition; judgment; perception personal See nonpersonal perturbation, 9–10, 27–28, 36, 48, 52; counter-, 116n3; economy and, 12–13; system and, 16 philosophy, 32; activist, 62; management, 21; moral, 59, 64, 71 Pixley, Jocelyn, 4, 5, 9, 24, 48 pleasure: affect and, 59–61, 118n12; happiness and, 78; intensity and, 68; interest and, 70; joy and, 71–72; pain and, 63–64, 75–77; sympathy and, 73; volition and, 118n9 politics, 59, 67, 71, 78–80, 108–111, 118n8; affect and, 64, 70, 84; bio-, 37, 117n3; capitalism and, 57, 82; of dividuality, 32–36, 76; fabulation and, 54; intuition and, 43, 93; neoliberalism and, 42; nonconsciousness and, 94; sympathy and, 73, 83 See also macropolitics; micropolitics possibility, 109, 115n3; the other and, 75; passion and, 73; potential and, 76, 119n15; preemption and, 116n6 See also potential; probability 134 index potential, 19–20; affect and, 104, 108; body and, 106; contrast and, 111; event and, 44, 94, 100, 111; expression and, 8, 101; field of, 44–45; invention and, 54; life and, 81, 107; nature and, 83; the other and, 73–76, 79; perceptual judgment and, 93; politics and, 109; possibility and, 76, 119n15; pure, 88; revolution and, 92 See also freedom; readiness potential power: activity and, 25; affect and, 46, 79–80, 103–104; bio-, 37; capitalism and, 93, 119n13; choice and, 4, 15, 31–32; control and, 38–39; counterpower, 42–43, 82, 91; decision and, 22, 34, 44; discipline and, 7, 29, 37–40; enterprise and, 117n13; event and, 69; joy and, 71; law and, 115n3; macropolitics and, 89; priming and, 24, 30, 41; rationality and, 34, 99; relation and, 50; of self-modulation, 35; transindividual and, 79; of volition, 118n9 See also ontopower; preemption practice: affect and, 79; collective, 72; ecology of, 111–112; event-conditioning and, 49, 93; everyday, 51; minority, 7–8; perception and, 100; priming and, 30; science and, 50 prediction, 15, 115–116n3 See also forecasting preemption, 115–116n3; economy and, 12–13, 114n10; politics and, 80, 116n6; power and, 30 See also incipience preindividual, sign and, 75 See also dividual; individual; infra-individual; transindividual present, 25; choice and, 4; perception, 26, 99 See also future; past presupposition, 28–30, 44, 65, 70; choice and, 72; cueing and, 41; event and, 90; habit and, 97; nonconscious, 45; politics and, 54; priming and, 31; relational field and, 93 priming, 29, 43, 75; affect and, 66, 79; body and, 109; compossibility and, 93; condition and, 64; cueing and, 41; cutting and, 107; decision and, 32; deliberationwithout-attention and, 31, 40; microperception and, 108; nonconsciousness and, 32, 78; ontopower and, 30; passion and, 76; power of, 24; relation and, 84; relational field and, 94; self-interest and, 65 probability, 115–116n3; affect and, 114n2; gut feeling and, 23; intuition and, 51; risk and, 4, 16, 20; science and, 52–53 See also possibility process, 14–15, 30, 62–63, 110, 114n12; autonomy and, 41; capitalism and, 5, 16, 23, 49, 67, 120n20; decision and, 20; economy as, 11, 17; neoliberalism and, 27, 33, 42; rationality and, 99–100; satisfaction and, 70; science and, 51 See also oscillatory process rationality, 59; affect and, 8–10, 14, 25, 27–28, 36, 53, 63–65, 71, 89, 97–101; calculation and, 5–6, 17, 20, 22, 47, 77–78, 82–84, 92; choice and, 1, 5–6, 24, 32–35, 41, 45–48, 50, 58, 91, 114n2, 115–116n3; control society and, 117n13; decision and, 21, 35–36; doubt and, 49; economy and, 2–3, 13, 15–17, 23–24, 67; event and, 47; externality and, 119n19; intuition and, 43, 99; life and, 55; passion and, 64; science and, 51; sympathy and, 62; tenancy and, 98 See also irrationality readiness potential, 11–15, 17, 20, 26; bare activity and, 46; choice and, 19, 25; contagion and, 80; contrast and, 70; event and, 75; passion and, 62; perception and, 43; satisfaction and, 77; sign and, 84; sympathy and, 85 See also potential; superposition reason See rationality regressive endpoint, 13–15, 60; economy and, 10, 16, 20, 32; event and, 47 relation, 4, 7, 27, 32, 40, 42, 50, 54, 81, 97, 104, 116n6, 119n19; affect and, 14, 53, 59; economy and, 14, 58, 72, 78; event and, 80, 83, 92, 101; individual and, 8–10, 15, 19, 23–24; intuition and, 43; movement and, 74, 76, 84, 120n20; neoliberalism and, 77, 82; politics and, 35; rationality and, 59, 99; subject and, 110; technique of, 94, 99 See also relational field; self-relation relational field, 30, 54, 58–59, 79; capitalism and, 120n20; decision and, 68; economy and, 14; event and, 82–86, 90; heroism and, 80; neoliberalism and, 27, 33; ontopower and, 43; presupposition and, 93; priming and, 94; technique and, 100 See also field; relation www.ebook3000.com index representation: affect and, 90; memory and, 27; perception and, 33 resonance, 7–8, 32; contrast and, 111; event and, 57; ontopower and, 15; potential and, 108; system and, 19; transindividual and, 13, 16 See also affect; intensity; modulation; oscillation revolution, 87–88; militant and, 94; potential and, 92 risk, 6, 16; calculation and, 23; life and, 80; probability and, 4, 20 Romney, Mitt, 114n1 Ryle, Gilbert, on moods, satisfaction, 4–5, 8, 16, 25, 27, 75; activity and, 92; affect and, 6; choice and, 58–59; consumer, 22, 41; experience and, 78; expression of, 13; future, 22; individual, 35; joy and, 70–72; life-, 23, 38, 78; politics and, 80; self-interest and, 27, 77, 92; sympathy and, 76 Schultz, Theodore W., 37 science, 49–53, 117n13; choice and, 24; cognitive, 27; economics and, 53; techno-, 48–50 self-interest, 1–6, 23, 25, 58–65, 68, 77–83, 93; choice and, 27, 30, 34–35; intensity and, 69; satisfaction and, 71, 92 See also choice; dividual; interest; subject of interest self-organization, 31, 114n13; economy and, 3–5, 9, 16; effects and, 10; process and, 11, 36 self-relation, 20–22, 40, 99, 119n19; future and, 76, 95; the other and, 78, 81 See also relation shock, 5, 106–109, 113n1 See also affect sign, 69–70; activity and, 88; of the other, 73–80; of passion, 72, 76–86, 93– 95 Simondon, Gilbert, 76, 86, 88; affect and, 117n12, 118n12; preindividual and, 75 singularity, 49, 51, 90, 97–99; emergence and, 120n20; multiplicity and, 91, 93, 119n19 situation, 28, 45–46, 105, 107, 109–111; condition and, 25, 35, 40, 44; cueing and, 41; everyday, 24; intense, 34; politics and, 35, 54; priming and, 29–30; singularity of, 97, 99 Smith, Adam, 2, 59 social: behavior, 76; category, 21; economy and, 113–114n3; externality and, 119n19 135 society, 5; capitalist, 7; civil, 22; control, 37–39, 42, 117n13; and enterprise, 21; networked, 67 Spinoza, Benedictus de, 71, 74, 103, 105, 110; affect and, 118n12 spontaneity, 3, 35, 85, 100, 119n18 See also intuition State (the), 49, 59, 113n2; and capitalism, 88 Stengers, Isabelle, 111 Stern, Daniel, 109 Strevens, Michael, 51, 52 subject, 3–4, 110, 118n5; body and, 105; of choice, 37; consumption and, 72; effects and, 41; enterprise-, 21, 67, 91; feeling and, 107; objective illusion and, 98; self-relation and, 20; sign and, 74; system and, 15 See also subject of interest subject of interest, 59–60; activity and, 11; calculation and, 6; capitalism and, 77; choice and, 41, 72; citizen and, 78; decision and, 3, 42; economy and, 5, 10, 14, 21, 36–38, 114n4; freedom and, 81; human capital and, 91; individual, 8, 19, 21, 54; machinic and, 37; neoliberalism and, 40, 58, 65, 115n3; rationality and, 62 See also human capital; individual; self-interest; system success, 11–14, 19, 23, 27, 30, 36, 70, 109; micropolitics and, 89–90 See also failure superposition, 11, 52; affect and, 12, 25, 61; bare activity and, 82; difference and, 37; economy and, 16; infra-individual and, 19; rationality and, 100; science and, 50 See also readiness potential surplus value, 5–6, 21; capitalism and, 16, 76–78, 92, 120n20; of experience, 76; intensity and, 69; of life, 23, 35, 70, 87, 90, 92, 95; neoliberal, Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect (Whitehead), 118n7 sympathy, 60–69, 72–74, 118n8; event and, 70, 84–85, 93; force and, 84; heroism and, 81; intuition and, 119n19; politics and, 73, 83; potential of, 76; rationality and, 101 See also passion; perception system, 19, 36–37; capitalism and, 57, 120n20; chaotic, 115n3; disciplinary, 27–30; economic, 5–17, 115–116n3; effects and, 41; memory and, 27; nonhuman and, 67; process and, 114n12; rationality and, 21, 98; 136 index system (continued) trust, 7–8, 15–16 See also economy; infraindividual; subject of interest Taleb, Nassim, 115n3 Tarde, Gabriel, 118n11 taste, 34, 41; aesthetics and, 71; joy and, 72 technique, 100; priming and, 31; rationality and, 99 technique of relation, 94, 99 technology, 40; communication, 31; and control, 38; and human capital, 37; science and, 48–50 tendency, 8–9, 11, 19, 62, 104; activity and, 31, 88; bare activity and, 33; body and, 105, 108–109; capitalism and, 91–92, 120n20; countertendency, 29, 72–73, 87; dividual and, 32–35, 41; event and, 47, 65, 90; intensity and, 68– 69, 103; joy and, 71; mind and, 118n5, 118n6; passion and, 62– 64, 73, 79, 85, 93; perception and, 70, 74; perceptual judgment and, 44, 46; presupposition and, 28–31; rationality and, 97– 99, 101; self-interest and, 81–82 See also intensity tension, 6, 73, 115n3; affect and, 12; choice and, 112; condition and, 70; intensity and, 111; relational field and, 86; satisfaction and, 72; sympathy and, 81; tendency and, Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 59 thinking-feeling, 71, 73–74, 111, 118n7; abduction and, 47, 85; event and, 62, 86; fabulation and, 54; movement and, 45; passion and, 64 See also intuition threshold, 10, 114n8, 119n19; affect and, 103; capitalism and, 120n20; forward, 9; macropolitics and, 89; perception and, 111; priming and, 29; relational field and, 86; sub-, 20–21 See also limit transindividual, 118n8, 119n19; decision and, 94; dividual and, 35–36, 40–42, 46, 58, 68, 71–72, 74, 83, 86–87, 92–93, 95; individuals and, 14; infra-individual and, 13, 37, 99; power and, 79; preindividual and, 119n15; sympathy and, 64, 84 See also individual; infra-individual; macroeconomics transition, 103–105, 107–108 trust, 5–17, 19, 23, 36–37, 68; choice and, 24; politics and, 80 See also distrust Tunisia, event and, 85, 89, 90 uncertainty, 9, 21, 46; affect and, 4; conditions of, 24, 34; environment and, 23; macroeconomics and, 35; relational field and, 87; self-interest and, 77 United States Supreme Court, 22, 114n1 virtual: affect and, 106; event and, 80, 88; potential and, 104; power and, 79; terminus and, 98, 111 vitality, 106, 118n11; intensity and, 69; life and, 34, 70 See also vitality affect vitality affect, 71, 83; event and, 73 See also affect; vitality volition, 63, 68; affect and, 69, 92, 120n20; heroism and, 81; passion and, 85; power of, 118n9 wave packet, 25; affect and, 10–17, 50, 70, 73, 75, 91, 100 Whitehead, Alfred North, 25, 71, 88, 97, 118n7; on aesthetics, 70, 93, 111; on contrast, 69, 110 will, 118n9; affect and, 46–48 worlding, 107–108, 110 zone of indistinction, 6–11, 14–15, 19, 24–25, 27–28, 32–33, 34–35, 46–47, 114n7 www.ebook3000.com ... mechanism of “soft power. ” The preemptive mode of power that characterizes the neoliberal field of life, at the hard and soft ends of the spectrum, in war and policing as much as in relation to the. . .the power at the end of the economy www.ebook3000.com BRIAN MASSUMI The Power at the End of the Economy duke university press durham and london... affective-relational Given the paradoxical bond between the affectivity of the relational process and the troubled rationality of its emergent orderings, the system that is the sum of the orderings is at

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