Marcus Heidmann The Role of Management Accounting Systems in Strategic Sensemaking GABLER EDITION WISSENSCHAFT Research in Management Accounting & Control Herausgegeben von Professor Dr Utz Schäffer WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar Die Schriftenreihe präsentiert Ergebnisse betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung im Bereich Controlling Sie basiert auf einer akteursorientierten Sicht des Controlling, in der die Rationalitätssicherung der Führung einen für die Theorie und Praxis zentralen Stellenwert einnimmt The series presents research results in the field of management accounting and control It is based on a behavioral view of management accounting where the assurance of management rationality is of central importance for both theory and practice Marcus Heidmann The Role of Management Accounting Systems in Strategic Sensemaking With a foreword by Prof Dr Utz Schäffer Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at Dissertation European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, 2006 D 1540 1st Edition 2008 All rights reserved © Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2008 Readers: Frauke Schindler / Anita Wilke Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag is a company of Springer Science+Business Media No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright holder Registered and/or industrial names, trade names, trade descriptions etc cited in this publication are part of the law for trade-mark protection and may not be used free in any form or by any means even if this is not specifically marked Cover design: Regine Zimmer, Dipl.-Designerin, Frankfurt/Main Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-8350-0633-1 Foreword V Foreword 7KHVWDUWLQJSRLQWRI0DUFXV+HLGPDQQ¶VGLVVHrtation thesis is the insight that managers need to identify and understand strategic issues in order for their companies to successfully cope with strategic change Information from management accounting systems (MAS) can be helpful in this process ±DVORQJDV0$6DUHGHfined as formal systems that provide information from the internal as well as the external environment Consequently, the desire to better understand the role of these systems in the process of strategic sensemaking comes to mind It is even intensified when considering the impression from management accounting practice that the tool box RIFRQWUROOLQJ±HV pecially the traditional one, usHGLQGD\WRGD\PDQDJHPHQW±UDWKHULPSHGHVVWUDWHJLF sensemaking Due to the explorative nature of the research questions, and the objective of studying strategic sensemaking in its natural setting, the empirical approach of this dissertation is based on a multiple-case study design und generates an array of interesting findings Heidmann shows, for example, that managers not primarily use MAS to identify VWUDWHJLFWRSLFV±DIDFWWKDWLVH[SOLFLWO\or implicitly assumed in most studies on strategic sensemaking: instead, they use management accounting systems to search for additional information that help them to make sense of these issues In addition, the study at hand underlines the relevance of communication several times This is true for the communication processes in the context of adaptation and preparation of management accounting systems as well as for their actual use (NNHKDUG.DSSOHU¶VSOHDIRUDQLQWHQVLILHd consideration of communication processes is thus impressively confirmed in the work of Heidmann FurthermRUH*LGGHQ¶VLGHD of the interaction between structure and agency is nicely illustrated when Heidmann hints at the link between interactive use and system design which facilitates and enables the former In summary, Heidmann proposes three guiding principles for the design of management accounting systems: x The use of systems as a platform for communication, x the regular system adaptation and VI Foreword x the provision of an adequate interaction between managers Moreover, this dissertation thesis is a rich source of interesting results that encourage further thought and hopefully stimulate future scientific work Utz Schäffer Preface VII Preface In order to be successful in the long-term, companies have to react to changing customer demand, increasing competition, and new technologies Top and middle managers need to make sense of strategic issues in order to prepare strategic decisions However, strategic sensemaking is a complex cognitive process that occurs permanently and, therefore, is difficult to control Companies cannot institutionalize strategic sensemaking through a dedicated process Instead they invest large amounts of resources in management accounting systems that help managers to control the existing business Unfortunately, not much is known about the role of management accounting systems in strategic sensemaking This is the starting point of this research which aims to provide academics and practitioners with a better understanding of how the design of management accounting systems affects their use for strategic sensemaking This research was accepted in November 2006 as a dissertation at the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel This work would not have been possible without the help of several people In particular I would like to thank: x Prof Dr Utz Schäffer for his dedication and support throughout all phases of this research I am grateful for intensive discussions that helped to shape my thoughts and encouraged me to consider different perspectives x Prof Dr Susanne Strahringer as my second assessor for challenging my findings from an information systems research perspective x Dr Herbert Pohl for providing advice and financial support that helped me during this research I would also like to thank McKinsey & Company, Inc for allowing me to complete this dissertation during a leave of absence x Dr Tanja Prinzessin zu Waldeck, Dr Manuela Stoll, and Dr Daniel Kauer for intensive discussions within our research team x My colleagues from the Chair of Management Accounting & Control for helpful advice during our monthly office days in Oestrich-Winkel VIII Preface x Special thanks go to my 34 interview partners for their time and interest in this research project Given their seniority in their firms, it is not easy to carve a minimum of two hours from their busy schedules for a project with an unknown outcome I hope that findings from my research help them to improve strategic sensemaking within their companies Most importantly I would like to thank my family and Anita Wiest Their continuous support not only throughout this research helped me to develop and to strive for the best possible results This work is dedicated to them Marcus Heidmann Contents IX Contents Foreword V Preface VII Contents .IX Tables XIII Figures XV A Introduction 1 Research Topic and Objectives Plan of the Study B Theoretical Foundation Adaptation to Change Organizational Learning 2.1 Level of Organizational Learning 10 2.2 Focus of Organizational Learning 11 2.3 Type of Organizational Learning 13 2.4 Context Factors of Organizational Learning 15 2.5 Organizational Information Processing 18 2.5.1 Organizational Environments and Strategic Issues 20 2.5.2 Information Processing Perspectives 23 Systems-Structural Perspective of Information Processing 24 Interpretive Perspective of Information Processing 27 2.6 Organizational Learning as Theoretical Foundation 30 Strategic Sensemaking as a Learning Process 31 3.1 Observation in Strategic Sensemaking 34 3.2 Interpretation in Strategic Sensemaking 38 3.3 Action in Strategic Sensemaking 41 Management Accounting Systems and Learning 42 4.1 Definition of Key Terms 42 4.1.1 Definition of Management Accounting Systems 42 4.1.2 Definition of Management Accounting Information 44 X Contents 4.2 Use of Management Accounting Information and Systems 46 4.2.1 Information Use and Learning 46 4.2.2 Interactive Use and Strategic Sensemaking 50 C Management Accounting Systems and Strategic Sensemaking 59 Impact of Management Accounting Systems on Strategic Sensemaking 59 1.1 Impact of Management Accounting Systems on Observation 61 1.2 Impact of Management Accounting Systems on Interpretation 67 1.2.1 Categorization of Strategic Issues 67 1.2.2 Awareness during Strategic Issue Interpretation 69 1.2.3 Short-term Orientation and Strategic Information Manipulation 71 1.3 Impact of Management Accounting Systems on Communication 75 Management Accounting System Dimensions and Strategic Sensemaking 77 2.1 Quality Dimensions in Information Systems Research 78 2.2 Information Quality of Management Accounting Systems 82 2.2.1 Scope 82 2.2.2 Timeliness 84 2.2.3 Format 85 2.2.4 Accuracy 86 2.3 System Quality of Management Accounting Systems 87 2.3.1 Integration 87 2.3.2 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