Assuming you already have the universal external power module and beforeinstallation you need to remove the power IC and the power FET and make surethe below components are good:Main Fus
Trang 1Small Switch Mode Power Supplies
Modification Secrets
Brought to you by Jestine Yong
Trang 2Copyright@ All Rights Reserved
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Trang 3Small Switch Mode Power Supplies Modification
2 True Case Histories 1
3 True Case Histories 2
4 True Case Histories 3
6 Conclusion
Trang 4Small Switch Mode Power Supplies Modification Secrets
This small switch mode power supplies modification worked superb Iteliminates your headache in solving many different types of power suppliesproblems Check out the advantages again in solving the below problems:When there is lightning strike on the power supply, usually there will besome bad components In some cases the power side components couldburn beyond recognition If there is no schematic diagram or same model
of power supply to compare to locate the original parts value, it would betough to repair the power supply
The power IC and power FET in power supplies come with many
different types of part numbers If you can’t locate either one of the partsthis mean you will not be able to repair it
Save cost- In some power supplies the price of power IC and the powerFET can be quite expensive You no longer have to keep stock for varietypart numbers for power IC and power FET This modification method cantruly save the cost
Save time- Sometime we spent too much time in troubleshooting the
power supplies Problems like no power, low power, too high power,
power shut down, intermittent power problem and etc can be solved by
using the method that I’m going to show to you as you read on
Easy to follow- It can be done in less than 20 to 25 minutes if you follow
my steps
The most important thing is the parts are quite cheap and you can checkout where to buy the parts at page 39
Trang 5True Case Histories 1
A customer sent to me a 22” Benq LCD Monitor (G2220HD Model) with the
complaint of no power He told me someone had tried repair it before butunsuccessful The moment I opened the cover I saw the power IC was missingand I do not know what the original part number was The power FET shortedand part of the current sense resistor outer layer also came off (see the photobelow and next page)
Power/Inverter Board with missing Power IC- Figure 1
Trang 6Missing Power IC and Current Sense Resistor Cracked- Figure 2Finding the original schematic in order to look for the original part (power IC)will not be easy Even if you could find the power IC you still have to proceed
to buy the parts, replace the power FET and check all the primary side
components and make sure they are all good This also will not guarantee thepower supply will come back to life after it had been badly repaired by
someone Precious time will be lost doing a repair work that had been done by
others In my opinion the best solution is to modify with a universal external
power module onto it How this can be done? Check the photos in the next
page and read the step by step explanations
Trang 7Universal External Power Module- Figure 3
Universal External Power Module-Figure 4
Trang 8Assuming you already have the universal external power module and beforeinstallation you need to remove the power IC and the power FET and make surethe below components are good:
Main Fuse
Bridge Rectifier
Main Filter Capacitor
Power Transformer primary winding
Optoisolator IC
Secondary output diodes and
Secondary filter capacitors (made sure the capacitors are not bulged)Note: For main fuse, bridge rectifier, Optoisolator IC and secondary outputdiodes you can use a normal analogue multimeter to test Filter capacitors youcan useESR meterto test and Power transformer (primary winding) you canuseBlue Ring Testerto check it If you do not have a Blue Ring tester no
worries because usually the primary winding of power transformers are quite robust and rarely have problem.
The primary winding is the pins of the drain of power FET (center leg) and thepositive (+) leg of main filter capacitor and it should show 8 LED light as
shown in the photo in the next page:
Trang 9Identifying the Power Transformer Primary Winding Legs- Figure 5
Note: In some smaller power supplies the Blue Ring Tester only registered 5 to
7 LED lights on the transformer primary winding
Besides the above components, you are also required to check on the
corresponding components in the power supply especially the semiconductorslike diode, zener diode and transistor (if have) and made sure they are good Thereason to check all these components is to prevent the newly install universalexternal power module from not working or blowing caused by the shortedcomponent/s I just mentioned
Assuming all of the components mentioned above tested good, you now canbegin to install the universal external power module Apply some heat
compound to the module before fitting it to the heatsink See the photo in thenext page
Trang 10Apply heat compound before fixing the module to heatsink- Figure 6Since there is no extra hole for the 5 wires from the power module to passthrough, you may need to use a drill to make a hole on the circuit board as seenfrom the photo below:
Drill a small hole so that the power module wires can be inserted- Figure 7
Note: Make sure the drill did not break any circuit track behind the board.
Trang 11Please refer to the diagram below on the connection of the 5 wires:
A typical power supply schematic diagram to show where the 5 wires need to be
connected- Figure 8Black wire- Connect to the negative leg of Main filter capacitor
Green Wire- Connect to the positive leg of Main filter capacitor
Red Wire- Connect to the Run DC circuit output (after the Run DC diode)White wire- Connect to pin 4 of Optoisolator IC (make sure the circuitline is cut-more details in the next page)
Yellow Wire- Connect to the drain pin of Power FET (Make sure youremove the power FET
Trang 12Note: Remember to remove the power IC and power FET from the power supply board
Next step is to cut the pin 4 circuit track of Optoisolator IC so that the externalcircuitry would not affect the operation of the Optoisolator IC
If you refer to the diagram in figure 8 again you will notice that the Optoisolator
IC pin 3 is not going to hot ground (some other circuits are going to hot groundlike the one below):
A typical SMPS Optoisolator IC pin 3 connected to hot ground- Figure 9
Since the board that I’m modifying, the pin 3 of Optoisolator IC did not go to
hot ground thus I have to cut away the circuit line and connect a wire betweenpin 3 and hot ground as seen from the photo in the next page:
Trang 13Connection of Optoisolator IC pin 3 to hot ground- Figure 10
Trang 14This is how the 5 wires are connected in the power supply board- Figure 11
Trang 15Modification Completed- Figure 12Once done soldering the 5 wires, please recheck your work Before you turn thepower supply On solder a 100 watt light bulb on the fuse points so that if there
is any error in fixing the wires, the power module would not blow If the powermodule blows you will waste your precious time and have to redo everythingagain
Note: Please refer to page 26 on how to connect the bulb
If the power supply is working the fuse would not light up and you will get tomeasure the two output dc voltages In this example the output voltages were 5
volt and 19 volt If you have confirmed the power supply is working fine
then you have to do a proper wiring work as seen in figure 36, 37 and 38.
Once done on the wiring work and powered On this is what I saw-see next page
Trang 16A dead power supply was brought back to life- Figure 13
Trang 17True Case Histories 2
A friend of mine who have some experience in electronics repair brought in a
LG 17” LCD Monitor and showed to me the burnt power IC of the power
supply He asked if I could repair it and I told him no problem He actuallywanted to repair the power supply himself but because of the burnt power IC hegave up
Note: It is not easy to repair the power supply especially if you can’t identify the
part number and can’t get the original schematic diagram
Burnt power IC found in this 17” LCD Monitor power board-Figure 14
For your information this power supply design does not have power FET This
means it only uses one power IC Even though it only uses one power IC, themodification method still works
Trang 18Note: This is why having this ebook you will have advantage over other repair
technicians that do not know this method of modification
A typical Power Supply schematic that uses one power IC (for your
reference)-Figure 15
Trang 19As usual, before you start to use the universal external power supply modulehere are the things that you need to check first:
Main Filter Capacitor
Power Transformer primary winding
Optoisolator IC
Secondary output diodes and
Secondary filter capacitors (made sure the capacitors are not bulged)
Note: Main fuse, bridge rectifier, Optoisolator IC and secondary output diodesyou can use a normal analogue multimeter to test Filter capacitors you can use
ESR meterto test and Power transformer (primary winding) you need to use
Blue Ring Testerto check it If you do not have a Blue Ring tester no worries
because usually the primary winding of power transformer rarely have problem.
In this model that never use power FET, the primary winding are the pins of thepositive (+) leg of main filter capacitor and the next pin It should show 8 LEDlight as shown in the photo in the next page:
Trang 20The burnt power IC also affected the back circuit track- Figure 17Blue Ring Tester showing 8 LED lights when checking on the transformer
Primary winding –Figure 16
Trang 21If there are parts that found to be bad, make sure you replace it first before youstart your modification work In this power supply, besides the burnt power IC, Ialso found the main fuse open circuit Once you have confirmed all the otherparts are good then start the modification work.
Drill a hole so that the 5 wires of the universal power module can pass
Trang 22First break the circuit track that is leading to the pin 3 and pin 4 of theOptoisolator IC.
You can use a pen knife to cut the circuit track- Figure 19
Trang 23Here are the 5 wires of the Power Module coming out from the hole that I have
drilled- Figure 20
Trang 24The function of each wires- Figure 21
Black wire- Connect to the negative leg of Main filter capacitor
Green Wire- Connect to the positive leg of Main filter capacitor
Red Wire- Connect to the Run DC circuit output (after the Run DC diode)White wire- Connect to pin 4 of Optoisolator IC (make sure the circuitline is cut)
Yellow Wire- Connect to the drain/output pin of Power IC (Make sureyou remove the power IC
Trang 25Modification Completed- Figure 22
In order to be in the safe side, once you have fixed in everything, please connect
a 100 watt bulb across the fuse (with the fuse removed) and power On A goodpower supply the bulb will go off and you will get the output voltages In the
test I’ve got 5.15 V and 12.60 outputs which indicate the power supply is
working If the bulb glows with full brightness this means there is somethingshorted or you have connected the 5 wires wrongly and you need to turn thepower supply off and recheck the connection again
Trang 2612.6 volt output- Figure 245.15 volt output- Figure 23
Trang 27Once you have tested that the power supply is working fine you can actually
redo all the 5 wires soldering and do a proper wiring before closing back the cover You can refer to figure 36, 37 and 38 to see how I have properly done
a nice work on a DVD player power supply
There you are, simple and fast modification that always work
Power supply working perfectly good- Figure 25
Trang 28True Case Histories 3
The complaint of the AKIRA DVD player was no power but the main fuse wasgood This power supply design use only one power IC and the power FET isbuilt into the Power IC
The Akira DVD Player Internal boards Figure 26
Trang 29The Akira DVD player power supply unit- Figure 27When I checked on the output diodes there was no output voltage even after allthe connectors from power supply to the mainboard were pulled out.
Sometimes a shorted component in the mainboard could cause no power
symptom so removing all the connectors is just one of the procedures in powersupply troubleshooting I did not check the bridge rectifier because the mainfuse did not blow
I proceeded to check on the main components The first thing I did was todischarge the main filter capacitor-see next page