Providing an unrivalled account of the law in this area, this book also examines the ethical and policy influences which have shaped its development providing you with a solid basis for further exploration of the subject.
Intellectual Property can be trusted to equip you with the best possible basis for study of this dynamic subject Providing an unrivalled account of the law in this area, this book also examines the ethical and policy influences which have shaped its development, giving you a solid basis for further exploration of the subject Particularly suitable for use on the LL.B or CPE/GDL, Intellectual Property contains a variety of features designed to support your study, including: diagrams and visual aids to support explanations of complex legal principles key point summaries to highlight essential points and provide a useful revision checklist discussion questions to put your knowledge into practice and refine your critical analysis skills annotated further reading lists to enable you to delve deeper into the academic literature surrounding the subject area a glossary to explain any unfamiliar terms commonly employed in intellectual property law Intellectual Property has also been fully revised to examine all recent developments in this rapidly evolving area of the law, including detailed discussion of: the implications of the Trade Mark Rules 2008 now that they are fully in force important new case law on patents including Generics v Lundbeck and Conor v Angiotech, and consideration of the first recorded case in which employees were awarded compensation of over £500,000 for an invention of outstanding benefit to their employer contemporary copyright cases including the authorship of the Procul Harum hit ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’, the copyright status of Star Wars Stormtrooper costumes, and the legality of encrypted broadcasts following the decision in Football Association v QC Leisure About the author David I Bainbridge is Emeritus Professor of Business Law at Aston Business School, Aston University and an honorary member of Hardwicke Building, Lincoln’s Inn He is a member of the Intellectual Property Bar Association and also has an extensive background in Engineering and Information Technology CVR_BAIN9286_08_SE_CVR.indd Intellectual Property David I Bainbridge Visit to access a number of additional resources to support you throughout your study, including interactive multiple choice questions, exam style questions and accompanying answer guidance, web links to useful sites for further information and regular updates on major legal developments to the law in this area Front cover image © Getty Images Bainbridge high profile privacy cases involving J K Rowling’s infant son, and former Formula boss Max Mosely Eighth Edition Intellectual Property “Without doubt this is the best IP book that there is Finely balanced and clearly written, it is the leading IP authority.” Dr James Griffin, University of Exeter Eighth Edition 14/5/10 11:35:58 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Get more support with study and revision than you ever thought possible … >H7C/.,-&)%-'(,-+& ‘You really feel that someone is trying to help you: ‘you’re not alone’! The tone is approachable, reader-friendly and empathises with the student It really is a helping hand.’ Sarah Bainbridge, law student Law Express: Understand quickly Revise effectively Take exams with confidence Other titles are available in this series ;dg[jgi]Zg^c[dgbVi^dcdgiddgYZgi]ZhZWdd`h! eaZVhZk^h^i/ mmm$f[Whied[Z$Ye$ka%bWm Eighth Edition INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY David Bainbridge BSc, LLB, PhD, Chartered IT Professional, MBCS Barrister, Emeritus Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Aston University Honorary Member of Hardwicke Building, Lincoln’s Inn Member of the Intellectual Property Bar Association Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: First published under the Pitman Publishing imprint 1992 Eighth edition published 2010 © David I Bainbridge 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2010 The right of David I Bainbridge to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland Law Commission Reports are reproduced under the terms of the Click-Use Licence ISBN: 978-1-4082-2928-6 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bainbridge, David I Intellectual property / David Bainbridge – 8th ed p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-4082-2928-6 (pbk.) Intellectual property–Great Britain I Title KD1269.B35 2010 346.4104′8–dc22 2010014006 10 14 13 12 11 10 Typeset in 10/11.5pt Minion by 35 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Ashford Colour Press Ltd, Gosport Brief contents Preface Table of cases Table of legislation Glossary List of bibliographic abbreviations Law reports references, etc xi xii xl lv lix lx Part One PRELIMINARY Introduction Background and basic principles Subsistence of copyright Authorship and ownership of copyright Authors’ rights Rights, infringement and remedies Defences to copyright infringement and the permitted acts Copyright and computer software Rights in performances 31 39 85 120 145 202 247 308 Part Three THE LAW OF BREACH OF CONFIDENCE 10 Law of breach of confidence 333 Part Five DESIGN LAW 16 What is a design? 17 Community design and the UK registered design 18 The UK unregistered design right 19 Trade marks – introduction and background 20 The UK trade mark – registrability, surrender, revocation and invalidity, property rights and registration 21 The UK trade mark – rights, infringement, limitations and defences, remedies and criminal offences 22 Community trade mark and the Madrid System 23 Passing off and malicious falsehood 545 561 611 377 412 473 492 655 668 740 790 809 Part Seven EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON IPR 24 Freedom of movement of goods and EC competition law 25 IPR and conflict of laws Part Four PATENT LAW 11 Patent law – background, basic principles and practical aspects 12 Requirements for patentability 13 Ownership, dealing with patents, safety and security, and Crown use 14 Patents – infringement, remedies and criminal offences 525 Part Six BUSINESS GOODWILL AND REPUTATION Part Two COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS 15 Patents – defences, groundless threats and revocation Appendix – Trade mark classification for goods and services Appendix – Useful internet addresses for intellectual property information Bibliography Index 863 890 909 911 913 916 v Contents Preface Table of cases Table of legislation Glossary List of bibliographic abbreviations Law reports references, etc xi xii xl lv lix lx Part One PRELIMINARY Introduction What is intellectual property law? Nature of intellectual property Cross-cutting themes Practical considerations Commercial exploitation of intellectual property Framework for description of rights 3 10 14 18 22 25 Part Two COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS Background and basic principles What is copyright? Brief history Copyright and its relationship to other intellectual property rights Copyright as a means of exploiting a work 31 31 33 Subsistence of copyright Introduction Original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works Sound recordings, films or broadcasts Typographical arrangements of published editions Qualification Duration of copyright Publication right 39 39 Authorship and ownership of copyright Introduction Authorship Ownership 85 85 86 91 36 37 41 65 68 70 72 82 Dealing with copyright Collecting societies Licensing schemes Compulsory licences and licences as of right Copyright Tribunal 103 111 112 118 118 Authors’ rights Introduction Moral rights Right to be identified as the author or director of a work (the ‘paternity right’) Right to object to derogatory treatment of the work False attribution of a work Right to privacy in photographs and films Joint works Duration and transmission on death Consent and waiver Remedies Moral rights and revived copyright Artists’ resale right 120 120 120 Rights, infringement and remedies Rights of copyright owners The acts restricted by copyright Authorising infringement of copyright Secondary infringements of copyright Remedies for infringement of copyright Injunctions Presumptions Criminal offences 145 145 145 172 175 179 187 193 195 Defences to copyright infringement and the permitted acts Introduction Copyright owner authorised or consented to the act Acquiescence, delay and estoppel Public interest Non-derogation from grant The permitted acts General, including fair dealing Visual impairment Education Libraries and archives Public administration 122 128 134 137 138 138 139 140 141 141 202 202 203 205 207 210 211 212 221 224 227 228 vii CONTENTS Computer programs and databases Designs, typefaces and works in electronic form Miscellaneous – literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works Miscellaneous – other works Adaptations Statutory licence to use sound recordings in broadcasts Summary 229 229 230 231 233 233 233 Copyright and computer software Introduction Copyright protection for computer programs Computer programs – basic position Literal copying of computer programs Non-literal copying of computer programs Making an adaptation Permitted acts in relation to computer programs Computer programming languages Databases Computer-generated works Circumvention of protection measures Electronic rights management information Satellite broadcasting Scientific discoveries, genetic sequences and formulae 247 247 249 250 254 256 268 Rights in performances Introduction Rights granted by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as enacted Rights in performances – present position Common ground Performers’ non-property rights Performers’ property rights Performers’ moral rights Recording rights Transitional provisions and savings Offences Summary 308 308 269 276 277 295 296 301 303 305 309 310 312 315 316 319 321 324 325 326 Part Three THE LAW OF BREACH OF CONFIDENCE 10 Law of breach of confidence Introduction Development of the law of breach of confidence The modern law of breach of confidence Confidential quality Obligation of confidence Unauthorised use Remedies viii 333 333 334 337 340 353 367 369 Part Four PATENT LAW 11 Patent law – background, basic principles and practical aspects Introduction Brief historical perspective Justification for patent rights Practical considerations 12 Requirements for patentability Introduction Sufficiency Basic requirements Novelty Inventive step Industrial application Exclusions from patentability Exclusions in s 1(2) Computer programs Exclusions in s 1(3) Surgery, therapy and diagnosis of the human or animal body 377 377 380 381 388 412 412 413 417 418 430 444 446 446 450 467 470 13 Ownership, dealing with patents, safety and security, and Crown use Introduction Ownership of patents Dealing in patents Licences as of right Compulsory licences Safety and security Crown use 473 473 473 482 483 485 489 490 14 Patents – infringement, remedies and criminal offences Introduction Choice of court Non-binding opinions Infringement Interpretation of claims Declaration of non-infringement Evidence Title to sue for infringement Remedies Assessment of damages Criminal offences 492 492 493 495 496 500 510 511 513 514 520 524 15 Patents – defences, groundless threats and revocation Introduction Defences Groundless threats of infringement proceedings Revocation of patents 525 525 525 531 536 CONTENTS Part Five DESIGN LAW 16 What is a design? Introduction Brief history of design law up to 2001 Community design and the UK registered design Design right Community design, the UK registered design and the UK unregistered design right UK unregistered design right and copyright Particular examples Ownership – differences between rights International aspects 545 545 547 548 551 552 553 555 557 559 17 Community design and the UK registered design Introduction Community design Requirements for protection (RCD and UCD) Exclusions from the Community design Entitlement to a Community design Dealing with the Community design Rights and infringement Limitations and defences Remedies Offences Registration of Community design Invalidity and surrender Appeals from decisions at the OHIM Jurisdiction UK registered design Brief history of the UK registered design Implementation of the Directive Requirements for registrability Registration Cancellation and invalidity Duration Ownership and dealing with registered designs Rights of proprietor Infringement and exceptions Defences Remedies Groundless threats of infringement proceedings Offences Crown use and secrecy provisions 561 561 562 563 565 567 569 570 571 574 576 576 579 582 583 585 586 586 589 598 600 601 602 604 605 607 607 608 608 609 18 The UK unregistered design right Introduction Subsistence of right Originality Tangible form requirement Qualification Exceptions Duration of design right 611 611 612 615 622 622 624 631 Ownership Assignment and licensing Rights of owner and infringement Exceptions to infringement Defences to infringement actions Remedies Semiconductor topography design right 633 635 637 641 642 645 646 Part Six BUSINESS GOODWILL AND REPUTATION 19 Trade marks – introduction and background Introduction Rationale Brief history The Trade Marks Act 1994 The Act, the Directive and the Regulation Hierarchy of courts and trade mark offices Scheme and structure of the chapters on trade marks 20 The UK trade mark – registrability, surrender, revocation and invalidity, property rights and registration Introduction Registrable trade marks Capable of distinguishing Graphical representation Unregistrable signs Absolute grounds for refusal or invalidity Relative grounds for refusal Certification marks Collective marks Surrender of registered trade mark Revocation Invalidity Trade marks as property Registration 21 The UK trade mark – rights, infringement, limitations and defences, remedies and criminal offences Introduction Rights conferred by registration and infringement Comparative advertising Applying mark to material, etc Well-known marks – Paris Convention countries Trade marks and the internet Evidential aspects Limitations and defences Acquiescence Exhaustion of rights Groundless threats of infringement proceedings 655 655 657 658 659 661 662 664 668 668 669 670 672 679 680 702 720 721 722 723 729 730 733 740 740 741 753 758 758 759 765 767 774 774 776 ix INDEX infringement (continued) subconscious 159, 160 title to sue for 513–14 UK registered design 605–7 UK unregistered design right 637–45 vicarious see infringement, contributory see also remedies; right/rights, infringement and remedies; secondary infringement infringing article 321, 778–9 infringing goods 778–9 infringing material 778–9 initial interest confusion 762–4 injunctions 31, 187–93 accounts (of profits) 190–1 additional damages 191–2 defences to infringement and permitted acts 205 delivery up 192–3 freezing 180 interim (previously interlocutory) 184, 187–9, 208, 215, 643–4, 853 law of breach of confidence 366, 369, 371 mandatory 140 prohibitory 140, 141 quia timet 140, 369, 815, 831, 849 remedies for infringement 183, 184 remedies in patents 518–20 rights in performances 318 insolvency 570 insubstantiality 288–90 integrity right 128–9, 130, 131–2, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138 Intellectual Property Office 379, 388, 391, 394 –5, 400 intention 834–5 ‘interface’ exception 626 international aspects 17–18, 559–600 International Bureau of Industrial Property 559 International Patent Classification 401 international registration 806–8 internet 759–65 auction sites 764 –5 cybersquatting 10, 848 domain names 847–52 transmissions 66 acts restricted by copyright 170–1 webcasting 115 websites 68 invalidity absolute grounds for 803– Community design 579–82, 583–4 Community trade mark 803–4 relative grounds for 803–4 trade marks 729–30 UK registered design 586, 590, 592, 600–1 UK trade mark 767 invention, meaning of word 417–18 inventions 417–20, 490, 496 inventive step 412, 417, 430–44 non-binding opinions 493, 495 patents 417, 421, 450, 451, 453, 454, 456, 463 tests for 440–4 924 investment 282, 283 databases 288 Ireland 250 Isle of Man 282, 283, 284, 612 issuing copies of work to the public 165–6 Japan 274, 387–8, 450 Patent Office 388 Jersey 559 joint authorship 143, 193 joint designs 635 joint inventors 474 joint owners 104, 108, 603, 635 joint works 138 judgment 172, 217, 254 see also skill and judgment jurisdiction 891–901 Community design 583–5 Community trade mark 804–6 copyright 894–5 patents 895–901 jurisprudential character 11–12 ‘King Henry VIII’ clause 588 know-how 363 licensing agreement 878, 880–2 knowledge 187, 356–7, 359, 363 Kober, I 468 labour 347 acts restricted by copyright 147, 149, 156, 157, 164 computer software and copyright 252, 263, 277 subsistence of copyright 43, 44–5, 51, 52, 68 laches doctrine 369, 527 law of breach of confidence 7, 12, 333–73 acts restricted by copyright 160 development of 334–7 modern law 337–40 remedies 369–71 unauthorised use 367–8 see also breach of confidence; confidential quality; obligation of confidence Law Commission 339 law of confidence 5, 20, 37, 333 authorship and ownership of copyright 102 patents 378, 379, 381, 448, 481 and privacy 335–7 subsistence of copyright 50 lawful user, databases 283 ‘lay recognition test’ 155–6 Legal Deposit Libraries 228, 286 lending 231, 242 right 166–8, 316–17 liability of officers of corporate bodies 198 libraries and archives 227–8, 236–7, 245 licence agreement 816, 817 and assignment, difference between 110–11 authors’ rights 123, 125, 139 blanket (current) 116–17, 168 INDEX licence (continued) definition 204 express 530 sole 22 statutory 233, 244 see also compulsory; exclusive; implied; licences of right; non-exclusive licences of right 12, 118, 473, 483–5, 488–9, 643–5 UK unregistered design right 637, 645–6 licensing body 112–13, 223–4, 233 Community design 569–70 of copyright 108–10 schemes 112–17 statutory 233, 244 UK unregistered design right 635–7 Liechtenstein 73, 864 life of an invention 20, 21 life of a play 22 likelihood of association 707–8, 747, 829 likelihood of aural confusion 769, 770 likelihood of confusion 797, 798 passing off 819, 829–30, 836, 842, 843, 851 trade marks 703, 705–6, 707–11, 713, 714–15, 732 UK trade mark 747–50, 752, 761–2, 767 limitations and defences of trade marks 767–74 accessories and spare parts 771–3 certain characteristics of goods or services, indications of 770–1 confict of registered trade marks 773–4 earlier right in particular locality 773 honest practices 767, 768–9 own name and address 767, 768, 769–70 literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works 31, 32, 36 acts restricted by copyright 149, 151, 152, 157, 161, 166, 171–2 authors’ rights 122, 123, 128, 131, 135, 136 authorship and ownership of copyright 91, 92, 114, 116, 118 computer software and copyright 295–6 databases 277, 280 computer-generated 87 defences to infringement and permitted acts 216, 221, 223, 225–6, 227–8, 230–1, 241–2, 245 duration of copyright 73–5, 78, 84 exclusions from patentability 448 presumptions 193–4 publication right 179 rights in performances 308 subsistence of copyright 44, 49, 52, 62, 68–9, 71, 72, 76, 77, 80, 82 literary works 37, 256, 273 acts restricted by copyright 163, 168, 172 authors’ rights 123, 124, 125, 129 authorship and ownership of copyright 111 computer software and copyright 250, 252, 253, 254, 262–3, 264, 269, 278, 282, 286, 306 criminal offences 196, 197, 199 defences to infringement and permitted acts 223, 226, 233 law of breach of confidence 364 rights in performances 312 secondary infringement 177 subsistence of copyright 50, 51 UK unregistered design right 554 see also literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works lithographs 35 ‘look and feel’ 248, 257, 261, 266, 267–8, 880 Lord Chancellor’s Department 182 loss of opportunity, damages 523 ‘making available right’ 310, 317 making, dealing etc 196–7 Malaysia 397, 559 malicious falsehood 202–3, 656, 854–8 Malta 559 manufacture, compared with repair 528–9 mass-produced furniture, design rights 556–7 ‘master copy’ 222, 223 ‘material time’ 284 mediation 495 mens rea 195, 196 mental act 461 mental steps doctrine 457–9 mergers 24 –5 meta-tags 762– Mill, J.S 382 misrepresentation 811–12 misrepresentation in passing off 828, 829–37 acquiescence 832 by imputing authorisation 833–4 common fields of activity 835–7 intention 834–5 inverse passing off 833 parodies 8312 Moỗambique rule 894, 895 Monarchs Great Seal 381 Monopolies and Mergers Commission see Competition Commission monopoly 380–1, 382, 384, 390, 391, 416, 422, 888 Montserrat 559 moral rights 6, 32, 33, 36, 280 acts restricted by copyright 158, 172 authors’ rights 120–2, 125, 126, 127, 129–30, 131, 134, 138–41 authorship and ownership of copyright 103 patent law – background, basic principles and practical aspects 384 of performers 319–21 rights in performances 310, 311, 312, 326 subsistence of copyright 47 morality 566, 692–4 ‘mosaicing’ 435 ‘motivation’ strategy 387 motive, and fair dealing 215 musical works 35, 56–8, 111, 281, 312 acts restricted by copyright 159, 168, 169, 171, 172 authors’ rights 125, 129 criminal offences 196, 197, 199 defences to infringement and permitted acts 220, 222, 225, 226, 227–8, 233 secondary infringement 177 subsistence of copyright 50, 51, 68 see also literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works 925 INDEX ‘must-fit’ 549, 555, 556 Community design 562, 566 UK unregistered design right 612, 624, 626–7, 628–9, 640 ‘must-match’ 550, 555, 556, 561, 627–30 Community design 573 UK registered design 586, 605, 606 UK unregistered design right 612, 624, 626, 630, 640 mutilation 320 natural law theory 384 nature of employment 360 nature of information 360 nature of intellectual property 10–14 intellectual property as property 10–11 jurisprudential character 11–12 purchasers’ rights 12–14 nature of study of intellectual property 20–1 ‘Needletime’ 233 negative clearance 878 Netherlands 287, 383, 866–8 new uses for old inventions 428–30 New Zealand 35, 55, 56, 60, 63, 160, 412, 810, 842 NHS Trust 92 Nominet UK 848, 851 non-binding opinions 495–6 non-Contracting State 904 non-derogation from grant 154, 202, 210–11, 527, 548, 866 computer software and copyright 275–6, 282, 285 non-exclusive licence 22, 103, 109, 204, 636, 731–2 remedies for infringement 183, 185 non-infringement declaration 510–11 non-literal copying 161–5, 247, 248, 307 non-literal copying of computer programs 256–8 idea and expression merger doctrine 260–1, 266–7 ‘look and feel’, limits of 267–8 new test for 259–60 spreadsheets 258–9 United Kingdom 261–6 United States 256–7 non-obviousness 436–7 non-property rights 310–11, 312, 315, 321 non-solicitation clause 361–2 Norway 73, 662, 864 novelty 549, 591–3, 621–2 Community design 562, 563, 564–5, 580 patents 412, 417, 418–30, 435, 443, 444, 450, 451, 454, 456, 463, 465, 475, 493, 495 numbers 826 objective similarity 159 obligation of confidence 338, 339, 347, 349, 351–2, 353–67 express contractual term 354–6 third party recipients 364–7, 371 see also employer/employee relationship observing 273–5 obviousness 431–2, 433, 435–6, 438–9, 440, 441, 443, 512 offences 325–6, 576, 608–9 see also criminal offences Office for the Harmonisation of the Internal Market 16, 545, 662, 676, 680 926 Administration of Trade Marks and Legal Division 804 appeals from decisions 582–3 Boards of Appeal 582–3 Community trade mark 791, 792–3, 804 graphical representation 678 hierarchy of Courts and trade mark offices 663, 664 Cancellation division 791, 804 Community design 562, 566, 567, 569, 573, 575, 576, 577, 578 Community trade mark 790, 791, 796, 800–1, 802, 803, 804, 805–6, 808 Invalidity Division 564, 565, 582, 595 invalidity and surrender 579–82, 584 Opposition division 791, 804 Office of Origin 807–8 olfactory marks 660–1, 673, 675–7 ‘Olympic association right’ 741 Olympic symbol 625 omnia praesumuntur contra spoliatorem doctrine 512 one-meaning rule 857 oral disclosure 420 Order in Council 71, 72, 92, 313, 612, 623 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 92 original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works 41–65 artistic works 58–65 de minimis principle 49–50 dramatic works 55–6 idea and expression 48–9 literary works 52–5 musical works 56–8 originality 41– shifting standards of copyright subsistence 51–2 tangibility 50–1 ‘work’, meaning of 44 –8 original works 135 originality 41–4, 615–22 commonplace 615, 618–22 design field 616–18 test 39, 619–20 own name and address 767, 768, 769–70 owner authorised or consented to the act 203–4 ownership beneficial 93–8, 107, 570 of design 557–9, 602–4, 633–5 rights 637– 41 ownership of copyright 85–6, 91–103 beneficial ownership and implied licences 93–8 employees 98–102 fiduciary, work created by 98 rights, complexity of 102–3 packaging 563 Pantone system 674 –5 parallel importing 20, 866, 869–70, 873 Parliamentary copyright 73, 76–8, 84, 91–2, 128, 133, 193 Parliamentary database right 284, 286 parodies 158, 245–6, 750, 831–2 passing off 5, 9–10, 12, 20, 21, 183, 660, 667, 809–54 basic requirements 811–14 character merchandising 837–42 INDEX passing off (continued) claimant’s goodwill 814–19 classical 833 in the course of trade 823–4 damage to goodwill 843–7 defences 852–3 descriptive words and geographical names 819–22 extended 833 geographical range 827–9 internet domain names 847–52 inverse 833 post-sale confusion 842–3 protection of marks, extent of and ‘get-up’ 824–6 remedies 853– trade marks 656, 717 see also misrepresentation in passing off patent law – background, basic principles and practical aspects 7–8, 355, 377–411 abstract 393 agents 401 claims 390–3 classification system 400–1 cost of application for patent 400 divisional applications 399–400 example patent application and specification 401–11 filing date 388 historical perspective 380–1 patent rights, justification for 381–8 patents after grant 395–9 priority date 389 procedure for United Kingdom patent 393–5 early publication 394, 395 file application 393 file claims 393 flowchart 395 preliminary examination and search 393–4, 395 substantive examination 394 time taken 394 renewal fee 395–7 specification 389–90 Patent Office 345, 381, 506, 524, 611 court, choice of 493 Library 381 Seal 381 patentability requirements 412–72 basic requirements 417–18 industrial application 412, 417, 444–5 inventive step 412, 417, 430–44 novelty 412, 417, 418–30 sufficiency 413–17 surgery, therapy and diagnosis of the human or animal body 470–2 see also computer programs; exclusions from patentability patents 5, 21, 185, 345–6, 525–39 advantages and disadvantages 452 breach of confidence 427 compulsory licences 473, 485–9 Crown use 490–1 dealing in 473, 482–3 defences 525–31 dominant trading position, abuse of 886–9 first to file system 379–80 grant of, and disclosure 377–8 groundless threats of infringement proceedings 531–6 identifying inventor 474 joint ownership 473, 475–6 jurisdiction 895–901 law of breach of confidence 333– 4, 368 licences as of right 473, 483–5, 488–9 ownership 473–82 and compensation 480–2 registrable transactions 23 and restrictive agreements 878–80 revocation 536–9 safety and security 489–90 withdrawal of application 421 patents – infringement, remedies and criminal offences 492–524 court, choice of 493–5 criminal offences 524 damages assessment 520–4 evidence 511–13 infringement 496–500, 513–14 non-binding opinions 495–6 non-infringement declaration 510–11 remedies 514 –20 see also claims, interpretation of Patents County Court 493–5, 583, 585, 804 reform proposals 494–5 Patents Court 493, 494, 496, 506, 509, 510, 900 Patents Form 23 paternity rights 138 peer to file sharing software 174–5, 212 performances see right/rights in performances Performing Right Society 102, 111, 115, 168, 169, 312 Performing Right Tribunal 36, 111, 118 see also Copyright Tribunal period of grace 592, 593 permitted acts 6, 127–8, 145, 282, 301 see also defences to copyright infringement and permitted acts permitted acts and computer programs 269–76 back-up copies 270, 273 copying and adapting 275–6 decompilation 271–3 lawful users 270–1 observing, studying and testing 273–5 ‘person aggrieved’ 533–4 Peter Pan (Barrie, Sir J.M.) 78 pharmaceutical patents 20 ‘phishing’ 843 Phonographic Performance Ltd 111, 112, 233 photographs 41–2, 43, 59, 137, 149 authors’ rights 134, 138–9 computer software and copyright 282–3 defences to infringement and permitted acts 220, 222, 231, 232 and privacy 335–7 piracy 196, 200–1, 247, 249 ‘pith and marrow’ test 501, 509 927 INDEX plant varieties 470 Plant Variety Rights Office 470 porcelain figurines, design rights 555–6 post-sale confusion 842–3 potentially defamatory publication 349–50 practical considerations 18–22 combination of intellectual property rights 20 nature of study of intellectual property 20–1 rationale and justification for intellectual property law 18–20 preparatory design material 253– presentation of information, exclusions from patentability 449–50 presumptions 193–5 principles see ideas and principles prior art 419, 426, 431–4, 440, 442, 563–4 prior publication 426 prior use 572–3 priority date 421–2, 425, 432 patents 389 privacy 335–7 right 121, 137, 138, 334–7, 349, 350 private international law see conflict of laws privilege against self-incrimination 182–3 process inventions 490, 496 product inventions 490, 496 profits available approach 115, 488 lost 186–7 unfair 186–7 see also accounts of profits programming languages 276 proof of use 719–20 property rights 310, 311, 312, 316–18, 321, 326, 801–2 property, trade marks as 730–3 proportion, and fair dealing 215 proprietary rights 6, 604 –5 proprietorship 656 pseudonymous works 88, 128, 230 public administration 228–9, 238–9 public domain 343–4, 346–8, 365 public interest 207–10, 307, 336–7, 348–53, 680–1 conflict of differing 351–3 public performances 168–70, 197 publication 297, 298, 345–8 fee 577 right 82–3, 84, 179 of trade marks 734 in various types of publications 128 purchasers’ rights 12–14 purpose 215 qualification 70–2 by reference to author 70, 71 to commissioner 633 to country of first publication or transmission 70, 71–2 to designer 633 to employer 633 to first marketing of articles made to design 633 UK unregistered design right 622–4 928 qualifying body 143 qualifying country 623 qualifying individual 623 qualifying person 623 quality 146, 153 quantity 146 quia timet injunction 140, 369, 815, 831, 849 rationale and justification for intellectual property law 18–20 re-utilisation, databases 283–5, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293–5 ‘reason to believe’ 176 reasonable care test 397 recording 315 incidental 231–2 rights 321– see also sound recordings records (databases) 280–1 refusal, absolute grounds for 729–30, 793–6 refusal or invalidity of trade marks, absolute grounds for 679, 680–702 acquired distinctiveness 687–8 application made in bad faith 697–702 contrary to public policy or accepted principles of morality 692– customary signs or indications 687 deceptive marks 694–5 descriptive of characteristics, etc of goods or services 684 –7 devoid of any distinctive character 682– emblems, specially protected 696–7 not a trade mark 681–2 relationship between the grounds 681 shape marks 688–92 use prohibited by law 695–6 register of designs 603– Register of Patents 229 Register of Trade Marks 229 registered Community design 549–50, 562, 565, 567–73, 575, 578 appeals 582–3 invalidity and surrender 579–82 jurisdiction 583 novelty 593 registrability requirements for UK registered design 589–98 contrary to public policy or immoral designs 597 ‘design’, meaning of 589–91 emblems 597–8 individual character 593–5 novelty 591–3 refusal of registration 595–6 technical function, designs dictated by 596–7 Registrar 610, 733, 737–9 registration Community design 576–9 Community trade mark 800–1 design 546 duration 801 fee 577 requirements and Community trade mark 792–8 trade marks 733–9 UK registered design 598–600 see also registration and infringement of trade marks INDEX registration and infringement of trade marks, rights conferred by 740–53 identical sign, identical goods or services 746–7 incomplete identity of mark and goods or services 747–50 protection against use other than for purpose of distinguishing goods or services 753 saving 753 unfair advantage or damage to repute 750–3 use in course of trade 742–4 use as a trade mark 744–6 registration of transactions 23 relative grounds for invalidity 803–4 relative grounds for refusal of trade marks 679–80, 702–20 bad faith 717 Community trade mark 796–8 consent 717 earlier trade mark 702, 703–6 expiry 717 honest concurrent use 718–19 identical trade mark, identical goods or services 705–6 incomplete identity of mark and goods or services 706–11 other grounds for refusal 717 proof of use 719–20 summary table 704 unfair advantage of or damage to repute of trade mark having a reputation 712–16 use may be prohibited by earlier unregistered trade mark or other earlier right 716–17 relief 776–7 remedies civil 183–5, 300–1, 308–9 Community design 574–6 Community trade mark 798–800 law of breach of confidence 369–71 passing off 853–4 patents 514–20 UK registered design 607 UK trade mark 778–80 UK unregistered design right 645–6 see also rights, infringement and remedies; remedies for infringement remedies for infringement 179–87 civil remedies 183–5 damages 185–7 evidence for civil proceedings 180–2 search orders and privilege against self-incrimination 182–3 rental 231 right 166–8, 316–17, 318 repackaging 868–71 repair compared with manufacture 528–9 see also restoration reporting current events, works made for purpose of 128, 132 reproduction right 316 reputation 134 acts restricted by copyright 172 authors’ rights 129, 130, 132, 141 damage to 750–3, 767 passing off 809, 810, 814, 827–8 rights in performances 320 trade marks 712–16 research and private study 245 restoration and design 601–2, 606, 607 restraint of trade covenants 361–3 restricted agreements 876–80 ‘restricted acts’ see acts restricted by copyright reverse engineering 153– revocation 536–9 Community trade mark 803–4 trade marks 723–9 UK trade mark 767 reward theory 384 right/rights 11 cable re-transmission 118 Community design 570–1 Community trade mark 798–800 Community-wide 16 complexity of 102–3 databases 282–95, 297, 298 distribution 316 equitable remuneration 317–18 exploitation of sound recording 317–18 false attribution 121, 134–7, 138, 139 framework for description of 25 in rem 802 infringement and remedies 145–201 authorising infringement of copyright 171–5 presumptions 193–5 secondary infringements of copyright 175–9 see also acts restricted by copyright; criminal offences; economic rights; injunctions; moral rights; remedies for infringement integrity 128–9, 130, 131–2, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138 making available 310, 317 non-property 310–11, 312, 315, 321 Olympic association 741 ownership 637–41 Parliamentary database 284, 286 in performances 6–7, 22, 297, 298, 308–26 assignment 318 common ground 312–15 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 309–10 duration 311–12 exceptions to infringement – summary 323 moral rights of performers 319–21 non-property rights of performers 315 offences 325–6 present position 310–12 property rights of performers 316–18 recording rights 321– summary 311 transitional provisions and savings 324 privacy 121, 137, 138, 334–7, 349, 350 property 310, 311, 312, 316–18, 321, 326, 801–2 proprietary 6, 604 –5 purchasers’ 12–14 recording 321–4 rental 166–8, 316–17, 318 reproduction 316 929 INDEX right/rights (continued) semiconductor topography design 646–9 statutory subsistence 612–15 sui generis 8, 13, 53, 78, 284, 288 to be identified as author/director of a work (‘paternity right’) 121, 122–8 exceptions 127–8 identification method 126–7 scope of the right 124–5 to be identified as a performer 319–20 to object to derogatory treatment of the work 121, 128–34 exceptions and qualifications 132–3 infringement by possession of or dealing with an infringing article 133–4 scope 131–2 unregistered design 545–6, 546, 548 see also authors’ rights; registration and infringement of trade marks ‘ring-fencing’ invention 387 ‘Robin Hood test’ 698 Royal arms 789 Royal Assent 77 royalties 853, 879 authors’ rights 141– authorship and ownership of copyright 110, 115 damages assessment in patents 520–1 defences to infringement and permitted acts 231, 232 patents 488–9 remedies for infringement 185–7 safeguards 65 safety 489–90 scheme, rule or method for performing any mental act, playing a game or doing business, or a program for a computer 448–9 Schlosser Report 901 Schmookler, J 417 scientific discoveries 305–7 scientific prejudice 439–40 sculptures 35, 59–61 search orders (Anton Piller orders) 180–3, 343 search warrants 198–9 secondary infringement 145, 640–1 of copyright 175–9 criminal offences 195–6 defences to infringement and permitted acts 202 secondary loss 521–2 secrecy provisions 609–10 Secretary of State 301, 489, 641 authorship and ownership of copyright 113–14, 115, 118, 119 Crown use 490, 491 defences to infringement and permitted acts 223–4, 228, 231 for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 470 for Trade and Industry 587 UK registered design 593, 604, 609, 610 security 489–90 seizure 182 selection patent 443 930 semiconductor topography design right 646–9 serious crime prevention orders 20 shape 547, 551–2, 553, 555, 556 UK unregistered design right 612, 613–15, 624, 625, 628, 630 shape marks 677–9, 688–92 shape giving substantial value to the goods 691–2 shape necessary to obtain a technical result 690–1 shape resulting from nature of the goods 689–90 showing or playing a work in public 168–70 sign 741 similar 748–9 similar goods or services 749–50 similar sign 748–9 similarities 261–2 Singapore 559 skill 68, 615 acts restricted by copyright 149, 156, 157 computer software and copyright 251, 252, 254, 263, 277, 295 law of breach of confidence 347, 356–7, 359, 363 patents 413–15 see also skill and judgment skill and judgment 217, 357, 458, 517 acts restricted by copyright 147, 148, 151, 161–2, 163, 172 authors’ rights 132, 146–7 authorship and ownership of copyright 88, 90 computer software and copyright 255, 265, 277–8, 282, 291, 306, 307 subsistence of copyright 43–4, 46–8, 50, 51, 52 ‘Sleekcraft factors’ 761 Smit, D van Zyl 382 soft intellectual property 23, 24 sound marks 660, 673, 675 sound recordings 31, 35, 36, 37, 194 acts restricted by copyright 166–8, 168 authorising infringement 172–3 authors’ rights 126, 127 authorship and ownership of copyright 87, 88, 102, 106–7, 111, 113–14, 118, 119 computer software and copyright 296 criminal offences 197, 199, 200 defences to infringement and permitted acts 220, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232, 242–3, 245 duration of copyright 73, 75, 77, 79, 84 exploitation 317–18 rights in performances 308, 311, 312–15, 318–21, 324 secondary infringement 177 subsistence of copyright 40, 50, 51, 65–6, 71, 72 South Africa 35 spare parts 771–3 ‘must-match’ 550 specifications 381 patents 389–90 spreadsheets 258–9 ‘springboard’ doctrine 346–8, 369, 514 –15 stare decisis 459–67 Stationers’ Company 24, 34 status of other work, and fair dealing 215 statutory licensing 233, 244 INDEX statutory rights strict liability 781–2 studying 273–5 sub-licences 483, 487, 731–2 subsistence of copyright 39–84 broadcasts 66–8 films 65, 66 publication right 82–3, 84 qualification 70–2 sound recordings 65–6 typographical arrangements of published editions 68–70 see also duration of copyright; original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works subsistence of right 612–15 substantiality 69, 125 acts restricted by copyright 146–7, 151–3, 163 computer software and copyright 251–2, 253, 254, 255, 261, 262, 283, 284 databases 288–90, 293, 294 defences to infringement and permitted acts 213–14, 225 sufficiency 413–17 ‘sufficient acknowledgement’ 218 sui generis right 8, 13, 53, 78, 284, 288 supplementary protection certificates 484 ‘supplying the means’ infringement 498, 499 surface decoration 624, 630–1 surgery, therapy and diagnosis of the human or animal body 470–2 surveys 847 ‘sweat of the brow’ doctrine 45, 278 Sweden 287, 292, 662 Swift, J 34 ‘Swiss-type claim’ 393 Switzerland 383 symbolism 656 tables 53 tangibility 50–1 tangible form requirement 622 tariffs 115 tarnishing 712, 750, 751, 843 taxonomy of intellectual property rights technical contribution 415–16, 454, 459, 460–1, 462, 465 technical effect 445, 446–7, 457, 458, 460, 461, 464, 465, 466 technical function 562, 596–7 technical means 454–6 technological measures 296–301 and criminal offences 299–300 prevent permitted acts 301 telephone tapping 366–7 testing 273–5 third parties 371, 802 obligation of confidence 364–7, 371 three-dimensional work 153, 155–6 Thurow, L.C 385 trade libel see malicious falsehood trade marks 5, 9, 20, 21, 655–67 acceptance 734 Act, Directive and Regulation 661–2, 664, 665–6 capable of distinguishing 670–2 certification marks 720–1 collective marks 721–2 Courts, hierarchy of and Trade Mark Offices 662–4 duration of registration 736 examination 734 fees 736–7 file application for registration 734 hearing and appeal system for applications 737–9 historical background 658–9 invalidity 729–30 joint proprietorship 731 mark has become misleading through use 728–9 non-use 723–7 opposition 734 as property 730–3 protection of 824–6 rationale 657–8 registrable 669–70 registration 733–9 renewal 736 revocation 723–9 surrender 722–3 Trade Marks Act 1994 659–61 unregistrable 679–80 see also Community trade mark; graphical representation; limitations and defences; malicious falsehood; passing off; refusal or invalidity; registration and infringement; relative grounds for refusal; UK trade mark Trade Marks Registry 669, 672 Hearing Officer 662 Practice Notes 737 trade secrets 344 –5, 357, 359–60, 363 Trading Standards Officers 145 translation 171–2 trap orders 766–7, 847 trust, breach of 334, 366 trustee, designer as 634–5 two-dimensional work 153, 155–6 tying clause 888–9 type of work 127 typefaces 62, 127, 135, 229–30, 240–1, 563 typographical arrangements 22, 31, 36 acts restricted by copyright 147, 150, 151, 152, 161 authorship and ownership of copyright 87, 114 defences to infringement and permitted acts 216, 226, 245 duration of copyright 73, 76, 84 subsistence of copyright 68–70 UK Companies Registry 487 UK Design Registry 548 UK Intellectual Property Office 577 UK Patent Office 457, 459, 461, 473, 489 UK registered design 545, 546, 551, 552–3, 561, 585–610 assignment 604 cancellation 600–1 Crown use and secrecy provisions 609–10 defences 607 Directive, implementation of 586–9 duration 601–2 exceptions 605–7 931 INDEX UK registered design (continued) exclusive licence 604, 605 fees 599 groundless threats of infringement proceedings 608 historical background 586 infringement and exceptions 605–7 invalidity 600–1 offences 608–9 ownership and dealing with designs 602–4 ownership of patent 557, 558 proprietor, rights of 604–5 registration 598–600 remedies 607 see also registrability requirements for UK registered design UK registered trade mark 661, 666–7 UK trade mark 668–739, 740–89 acquiescence 767, 774 applying mark to material 758 comparative advertising 753–8 criminal offences 780–9 evidential aspects 765–7 exhaustion of rights 767, 774–6 groundless threats of infringement proceedings 776–8 and internet 759–65 remedies 778–80 well-known marks – Paris Convention countries 758–9 see also limitations and defences of trade marks; registration and infringement of trade marks UK Trade Marks Registry 800, 807 UK unregistered design right 552–5, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 611–49 assignment and licensing 635–7 defences to infringement actions 642–5 duration 631–3 exceptions 624 –31 infringement, exceptions to 641–2 ownership 633–5 ownership rights and infringement 637–41 prospective ownership 636 qualification 622–4 remedies 645–6 semiconductor topography design right 646–9 subsistence of right 612–15 tangible form requirement 622 see also originality unauthorised use 367–8 unconscionability 206 ‘under the bonnet’ components 562, 563, 593, 615 undue burden 423, 424 undue influence doctrine 482 unfair advantage 750–3 United Nations 17, 92 see also World Intellectual Property Organisation 932 United States 111, 213, 613, 904 authorising infringement 174 –5 computer software and copyright 251, 256–8, 260–1, 262, 270, 275, 276 Congress 35 databases 278–9, 435 declaration of non-infringement in patents 511 freedom of movement of goods 864, 885 interpretation of claims in patents 509 malicious falsehood 857 ownership of copyright 101–2 Patent and Trademark Office 388, 511, 520 patents 380, 386–7, 400, 425, 450, 467 damages assessment 522–3 semiconductor topography design right 647, 649 subsistence of copyright 45, 46, 48–9, 50, 51, 52, 73, 78 trade marks and the internet 761–3 Universal Indexing Schedule 401 unregistered Community design 545, 546, 549, 550, 562, 567, 568–73, 575, 612 invalidity and surrender 579, 580 jurisdiction 583 novelty 591 subsistence of right 613 unregistered design right 545–6, 546, 548 uplink station 65 Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 17 validity 526, 527, 528, 537, 579–80 vertical agreements 876, 879 video recordings 296 Vietnam 389 visual impairment 221–4, 234 waiver 139–40 Walton, A 383 webcasting 115 websites see internet well-known mark 715 Whitford Committee 249 Windsurfing test 440–3 ‘without due cause’ 752, 753 ‘without prejudice’ 535 witnesses, expert 252, 512–13 works in electronic form 241 ‘workshop variations’ 438 ‘work’, meaning of 44 –8 World Intellectual Property Organisation 17, 559, 807, 851 Gazette of Trade Marks 807 World Trade Organisation 17, 20, 485–6, 577, 648, 758, 779 wrappers, protection of 825 written instrument 122 written plan 42 ... for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bainbridge, David I Intellectual property / David Bainbridge – 8th ed p cm Includes bibliographical... under the Pitman Publishing imprint 1992 Eighth edition published 2010 © David I Bainbridge 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2010 The right of David I Bainbridge to be identified as author... Patents – infringement, remedies and criminal offences Introduction Choice of court Non-binding opinions Infringement Interpretation of claims Declaration of non-infringement Evidence Title to