PTC Global Services - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - Consistent Innovation with Behavioral Modeling Release 2001 T854-320-01 Copyright Consistent Innovation with Behavioral Modeling Copyright © 2001 Parametric Technology Corporation All Rights Reserved This Consistent Innovation with Behavioral Modeling Training Guide may not be copied, reproduced, disclosed, transferred, or reduced to any form, including electronic medium or machine-readable form, or transmitted or publicly performed by any means, electronic or otherwise, unless Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) consents in writing in advance User and training documentation from Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) is subject to the copyright laws of the United States and other countries and is provided under a license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use of such documentation PTC hereby grants to the licensed user the right to make copies in printed form of this documentation if provided on software media, but only for internal/personal use and in accordance with the license agreement under which the applicable software is licensed Any copy made shall include the PTC copyright notice and any other proprietary notice provided by PTC This documentation may not be disclosed, transferred, modified, or reduced to any form, including electronic media, or transmitted or made publicly available by any means without the prior written consent of PTC and no authorization is granted to make copies for such purposes Information described herein is furnished for general information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a warranty or commitment by PTC PTC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION CAN RESULT IN CIVIL DAMAGES AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Registered Trademarks of Parametric Technology Corporation or a Subsidiary: Advanced Surface Design, CADDS, CADDShade, Computervision, Computervision Services, Electronic Product Definition, EPD, HARNESSDESIGN, Info*Engine, InPart, MEDUSA, Optegra, Parametric Technology, Parametric Technology Corporation, Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/HELP, Pro/INTRALINK, Pro/MECHANICA, Pro/TOOLKIT, PTC, PT/Products, Windchill, and the InPart logo Trademarks of Parametric Technology Corporation or a Subsidiary 3DPAINT, Associative Topology Bus, Behavioral Modeler, BOMBOT, CDRS, CounterPart, CV, CVact, CVaec, CVdesign, CV-DORS, CVMAC, CVNC, CVToolmaker, DesignSuite, DIMENSION III, DIVISION, DVS, DVSAFEWORK, EDE, e/ENGINEER, Electrical Design Entry, e-Series, Expert Machinist, Expert Toolmaker, Flexible Engineering, ICEM, Import Data Doctor, Information for Innovation, i-Series, ISSM, MEDEA, ModelCHECK, NC Builder, Nitidus, PARTBOT, PartSpeak, Pro/ANIMATE, Pro/ASSEMBLY, Pro/CABLING, Pro/CASTING, Pro/CDT, Pro/CMM, Pro/COMPOSITE, Pro/CONVERT, Pro/DATA for PDGS, Pro/DESIGNER, Pro/DESKTOP, Pro/DETAIL, Pro/DIAGRAM, Pro/DIEFACE, Pro/DRAW, Pro/ECAD, Pro/ENGINE, Pro/FEATURE, Pro/FEM-POST, Pro/FLY-THROUGH, Pro/HARNESS-MFG, Pro/INTERFACE, Pro/LANGUAGE, Pro/LEGACY, Pro/LIBRARYACCESS, Pro/MESH, Pro/Model.View, Pro/MOLDESIGN,Pro/NC-ADVANCED, Pro/NC-CHECK, Pro/NC-MILL, Pro/NCPOST, Pro/NC-SHEETMETAL, Pro/NC-TURN, Pro/NC-WEDM, Pro/NC-Wire EDM, Pro/NETWORK ANIMATOR, Pro/NOTEBOOK, Pro/PDM, Pro/PHOTORENDER, Pro/PHOTORENDER TEXTURE LIBRARY, Pro/PIPING, Pro/PLASTIC ADVISOR, Pro/PLOT, Pro/POWER DESIGN, Pro/PROCESS, Pro/REPORT, Pro/REVIEW, Pro/SCAN-TOOLS, Pro/SHEETMETAL, Pro/SURFACE, Pro/VERIFY, Pro/Web.Link, Pro/Web.Publish, Pro/WELDING, Product Structure Navigator, PTC i-Series, Shaping Innovation, Shrinkwrap, The Product Development Company, Virtual Design Environment, Windchill e-Catalog, Windchill e-Series, Windchill ProjectLink, CV-Computervision logo, DIVISION logo, and ICEM logo - 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For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - Training Agenda Consistent Innovation with Behavioral Modeling Day One Module Introduction to Behavioral Modeling Module Pro/ENGINEER Analysis Capabilities Module Analyzing Pro/ENGINEER Models Module Creating User-Defined Analyses Module Analyzing Motion Module Sensitivity Analysis Module Feasibility and Optimization Studies Day Two Module Optimizing Designs with Graph Matching Module Running Multi-Objective Design Studies Module 10 Running Customized Analyses Module 11 Advanced Multi-Objective Design Studies Module 12 Advanced Exercises Module 13 Applying BMX: Final Course Project - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - PTC Telephone and Fax Numbers The following is a list of telephone and fax numbers you may find useful: Education Services Registration in North America Tel: (888)-782-3773 Fax: (781) 370-5553 Technical Support (Monday - Friday) Tel: (800) 477-6435 (U.S.) (781) 370-5332 or (781) 370-5523 (outside U.S.) Fax: (781) 370-5650 License Management Tel: (800) 216-8945 (U.S.) (781) 370-5559 (outside U.S.) Fax: (781) 370-5795 Contracts Tel: (800) 791-9966 (U.S.) (781) 370-5700 (outside U.S.) In addition, you can find the PTC home page on the World Wide Web can be found at: The Web site contains the latest training schedules, registration information, directions to training facilities, and course descriptions, as well as information on PTC, the Pro/ENGINEER product line, Consulting Services, Customer Support, and Pro/PARTNERS - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - Table of Contents Consistent Innovation with Behavioral Modeling INTRODUCTION TO BEHAVIORAL MODELING 1-1 OVERVIEW .1-2 Behavioral Modeling Features 1-2 BEHAVIORAL MODELER EXTENSION .1-4 Behavioral Modeler Components 1-9 MODULE SUMMARY 1-14 PRO/ENGINEER ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES 2-1 OVERVIEW .2-2 TAKING MEASUREMENTS 2-2 ANALYZING MODELS 2-3 ANALYZING CURVES 2-5 ANALYZING SURFACES 2-8 Analyzing Curves and Surfaces 2-14 USING OTHER ANALYSIS TOOLS .2-15 Analyzing Models with Microsoft Excel 2-16 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 2-18 EXERCISE 1: Analyzing Surfaces and Curves 2-18 MODULE SUMMARY 2-30 ANALYZING PRO/ENGINEER MODELS 3-1 OVERVIEW .3-2 USING SAVED ANALYSES 3-3 MAINTAINING PERSISTENT DISPLAY OF ANALYSES 3-3 COMPARING ANALYSIS FEATURES 3-4 Types of Analysis Features 3-5 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 3-9 EXERCISE 1: Measuring Mass Properties 3-9 EXERCISE 2: Analyzing Fluid Volume 3-13 MODULE SUMMARY 3-16 - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - CREATING USER-DEFINED ANALYSES 4-1 Objectives 4-1 OVERVIEW 4-2 Creating a UDA 4-4 Applying UDA to your Designs 4-5 UDA COMPONENTS 4-5 CONFIGURING FIELD POINTS 4-6 APPLYING UDA 4-6 Creating UDA Analysis Features .4-7 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 4-8 EXERCISE 1: Creating Field Points and Analysis Features 4-8 EXERCISE 2: Running UDA with Persistence Display .4-14 EXERCISE 3: Creating UDA-driven Geometry 4-17 MODULE SUMMARY 4-20 ANALYZING MOTION 5-1 OVERVIEW 5-2 Motion Analysis Feature Components .5-2 Viewing Motion Analysis Feature Results 5-3 Creating Motion Analyses 5-3 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 5-5 EXERCISE 2: Analyzing Simulated Human Body Assembly Motions 5-5 EXERCISE 2: Analyzing Assembly Motions .5-8 Summary 5-13 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 6-1 Objectives 6-1 OVERVIEW 6-2 Creating Sensitivity Analyses 6-3 Viewing Sensitivity Analysis Results .6-5 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 6-6 EXERCISE 1: Running a Sensitivity Analysis .6-6 MODULE SUMMARY 6-10 FEASIBILITY AND OPTIMIZATION STUDIES 7-1 OVERVIEW 7-2 FEASIBILITY STUDY 7-2 OPTIMIZATION STUDIES 7-5 OPTIMIZATION FEATURES 7-6 - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - LABORATORY PRACTICAL 7-9 EXERCISE 1: Optimize the crankshaft part 7-9 EXERCISE 2: Creating Optimization Features 7-15 Goal 7-15 Method 7-15 Tools 7-15 MODULE SUMMARY 7-19 OPTIMIZING DESIGNS WITH GRAPH MATCHING 8-1 Objectives 8-1 OVERVIEW .8-2 OPTIMIZING DESIGNS WITH GRAPH MATCHING 8-2 USING GRAPH COMPARISON .8-3 Comparing Graphs with COMPAREGRAPH 8-3 SETTING UP FOR COMPAREGRAPH 8-4 Using Sampling with COMPAREGRAPH 8-6 MODULE SUMMARY 8-11 RUNNING MULTI-OBJECTIVE DESIGN STUDIES 9-1 OVERVIEW .9-2 CREATING MULTI-OBJECTIVE DESIGN STUDIES 9-2 Viewing Graph Results in Spreadsheets 9-7 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 9-9 EXERCISE 1:Optimizing Heat Transfer in Pipes with Multi-Objective Optimization 9-9 MODULE SUMMARY 9-15 RUNNING CUSTOMIZED ANALYSES 10-1 OVERVIEW .10-2 IDENTIFYING DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 10-2 TRANSLATING DESIGN RULES INTO PRO/ENGINEER TERMINOLOGY 10-3 Selecting Equivalent Terms for Feasibility Studies 10-3 Selecting Equivalent Terms for Optimization Studies 10-3 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 10-4 EXERCISE 1: Analyzing a Sailboat’s Righting Moment 10-4 MODULE SUMMARY 10-11 ADVANCED MULTI-OBJECTIVE DESIGN STUDIES 11-1 Objectives 11-1 Overview 11-2 - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - Applying Distributed Computing Technology 11-2 Setting up Distributed Computing 11-2 Selecting Hardware to use with Distributed Computing 11-3 Configuring Workstations 11-4 Specifying the Host Machine 11-4 Response Surface & Approximation 11-6 Applying Response Surface Concepts 11-6 APPROXIMATING SENSITIVITY VALUES 11-7 Using Approximation Tables 11-7 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 11-9 EXERCISE 1: Using Approximations in Design Studies .11-9 Goal 11-9 Method .11-9 Tools .11-9 MODULE SUMMARY 11-11 ADVANCED EXERCISES 12-1 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 12-2 EXERCISE 1: Locate a Pitcher’s Volume Indices 12-2 EXERCISE 2: Analyze and Optimize a Reflector 12-5 Exercise 3: Improve a Reflector 12-8 APPLYING BMX: FINAL COURSE PROJECT 13-1 Objectives .13-1 PROJECT SCENARIO 13-2 Identifying the Design Problems 13-2 Identifying the Design Objectives 13-3 REVIEWING THE DESIGN TASKS 13-4 Calculating Flute Surface Area .13-4 Calculating Air Velocity 13-6 Calculating the Rotor Temperature 13-6 Calculating Rotor Temperature Sensitivity 13-7 Optimizing Braking Force 13-8 Viewing the Brake Force and Rotor Optimization Results 13-9 LABORATORY PRACTICAL 13-12 EXERCISE 1: Optimizing the Braking System 13-12 MODULE SUMMARY 13-19 - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited - 7R DYRLG ZDUSLQJ \RX QHHG WR OLPLW WKH WHPSHUDWXUH WR EHORZ GHJUHHV ) - For University Use Only - Commercial Use Prohibited 3DJ H &RQV LVWHQW ,QQR YDWL RQ Z LW K %HK DYLR UDO 0RGHO LQJ 127(6 &DOFXODWLQJ 5RWRU 7HPSHUDWXUH 6HQVLWLYLW\ 7KHUH DUH VHYHUDO ZD\V WKDW \RX FDQ DWWHPSW WR ORZHU WKH URWRU WHPSHUDWXUH )RU H[DPSOH \RX FDQ WU\ WR LQFUHDVH WKH DLU YHORFLW\ +RZHYHU LQ WKLV H[DPSOH \RX ZLOO IRFXV RQ WKH URWRU IOXWHV