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INTRODUCTION TO Signal Processing INTRODUCTION TO Signal Processing Sophocles J Orfanidis Rutgers University http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/intro2sp To my lifelong friend George Lazos Copyright © 2010 by Sophocles J Orfanidis This book was previously published by Pearson Education, Inc Copyright © 1996–2009 by Prentice Hall, Inc Previous ISBN 0-13-209172-0 All rights reserved No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author MATLAB R is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc Web page: www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/i2sp Contents Preface xiii Sampling and Reconstruction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Quantization 61 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Introduction, Review of Analog Signals, Sampling Theorem, 1.3.1 Sampling Theorem, 1.3.2 Antialiasing Prefilters, 1.3.3 Hardware Limits, Sampling of Sinusoids, 1.4.1 Analog Reconstruction and Aliasing, 10 1.4.2 Rotational Motion, 27 1.4.3 DSP Frequency Units, 29 Spectra of Sampled Signals∗ , 29 1.5.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, 31 1.5.2 Spectrum Replication, 33 1.5.3 Practical Antialiasing Prefilters, 38 Analog Reconstructors∗ , 42 1.6.1 Ideal Reconstructors, 43 1.6.2 Staircase Reconstructors, 45 1.6.3 Anti-Image Postfilters, 46 Basic Components of DSP Systems, 53 Problems, 55 Quantization Process, 61 Oversampling and Noise Shaping∗ , 65 D/A Converters, 71 A/D Converters, 75 Analog and Digital Dither∗ , 83 Problems, 90 Discrete-Time Systems 95 3.1 3.2 3.3 Input/Output Rules, 96 Linearity and Time Invariance, 100 Impulse Response, 103 vii viii CONTENTS 3.4 3.5 3.6 FIR Filtering and Convolution 121 4.1 4.2 4.3 Block Processing Methods, 122 4.1.1 Convolution, 122 4.1.2 Direct Form, 123 4.1.3 Convolution Table, 126 4.1.4 LTI Form, 127 4.1.5 Matrix Form, 129 4.1.6 Flip-and-Slide Form, 131 4.1.7 Transient and Steady-State Behavior, 132 4.1.8 Convolution of Infinite Sequences, 134 4.1.9 Programming Considerations, 139 4.1.10 Overlap-Add Block Convolution Method, 143 Sample Processing Methods, 146 4.2.1 Pure Delays, 146 4.2.2 FIR Filtering in Direct Form, 152 4.2.3 Programming Considerations, 160 4.2.4 Hardware Realizations and Circular Buffers, 162 Problems, 178 z-Transforms 183 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 FIR and IIR Filters, 105 Causality and Stability, 112 Problems, 117 Basic Properties, 183 Region of Convergence, 186 Causality and Stability, 193 Frequency Spectrum, 196 Inverse z-Transforms, 202 Problems, 210 Transfer Functions 214 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Equivalent Descriptions of Digital Filters, 214 Transfer Functions, 215 Sinusoidal Response, 229 6.3.1 Steady-State Response, 229 6.3.2 Transient Response, 232 Pole/Zero Designs, 242 6.4.1 First-Order Filters, 242 6.4.2 Parametric Resonators and Equalizers, 244 6.4.3 Notch and Comb Filters, 249 Deconvolution, Inverse Filters, and Stability, 254 Problems, 259 CONTENTS Digital Filter Realizations 265 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Signal Processing Applications 316 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Direct Form, 265 Canonical Form, 271 Cascade Form, 277 Cascade to Canonical, 284 Hardware Realizations and Circular Buffers, 293 Quantization Effects in Digital Filters, 305 Problems, 306 Digital Waveform Generators, 316 8.1.1 Sinusoidal Generators, 316 8.1.2 Periodic Waveform Generators, 321 8.1.3 Wavetable Generators, 330 Digital Audio Effects, 349 8.2.1 Delays, Echoes, and Comb Filters, 350 8.2.2 Flanging, Chorusing, and Phasing, 355 8.2.3 Digital Reverberation, 362 8.2.4 Multitap Delays, 374 8.2.5 Compressors, Limiters, Expanders, and Gates, 378 Noise Reduction and Signal Enhancement, 382 8.3.1 Noise Reduction Filters, 382 8.3.2 Notch and Comb Filters, 398 8.3.3 Line and Frame Combs for Digital TV, 409 8.3.4 Signal Averaging, 421 8.3.5 Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filters∗ , 427 Problems, 453 DFT/FFT Algorithms 464 9.1 9.2 Frequency Resolution and Windowing, 464 DTFT Computation, 475 9.2.1 DTFT at a Single Frequency, 475 9.2.2 DTFT over Frequency Range, 478 9.2.3 DFT, 479 9.2.4 Zero Padding, 481 9.3 Physical versus Computational Resolution, 482 9.4 Matrix Form of DFT, 486 9.5 Modulo-N Reduction, 489 9.6 Inverse DFT, 496 9.7 Sampling of Periodic Signals and the DFT, 499 9.8 FFT, 504 9.9 Fast Convolution, 515 9.9.1 Circular Convolution, 515 9.9.2 Overlap-Add and Overlap-Save Methods, 520 9.10 Problems, 523 ix x CONTENTS 10 FIR Digital Filter Design 532 10.1 Window Method, 532 10.1.1 Ideal Filters, 532 10.1.2 Rectangular Window, 535 10.1.3 Hamming Window, 540 10.2 Kaiser Window, 541 10.2.1 Kaiser Window for Filter Design, 541 10.2.2 Kaiser Window for Spectral Analysis, 555 10.3 Frequency Sampling Method, 558 10.4 Other FIR Design Methods, 558 10.5 Problems, 559 11 IIR Digital Filter Design 563 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Bilinear Transformation, 563 First-Order Lowpass and Highpass Filters, 566 Second-Order Peaking and Notching Filters, 573 Parametric Equalizer Filters, 581 Comb Filters, 590 Higher-Order Filters, 592 11.6.1 Analog Lowpass Butterworth Filters, 594 11.6.2 Digital Lowpass Filters, 599 11.6.3 Digital Highpass Filters, 603 11.6.4 Digital Bandpass Filters, 606 11.6.5 Digital Bandstop Filters, 611 11.6.6 Chebyshev Filter Design∗ , 615 11.7 Problems, 628 12 Interpolation, Decimation, and Oversampling 632 12.1 Interpolation and Oversampling, 632 12.2 Interpolation Filter Design∗ , 638 12.2.1 Direct Form, 638 12.2.2 Polyphase Form, 640 12.2.3 Frequency Domain Characteristics, 645 12.2.4 Kaiser Window Designs, 647 12.2.5 Multistage Designs, 649 12.3 Linear and Hold Interpolators∗ , 657 12.4 Design Examples∗ , 661 12.4.1 4-fold Interpolators, 661 12.4.2 Multistage 4-fold Interpolators, 667 12.4.3 DAC Equalization, 671 12.4.4 Postfilter Design and Equalization, 674 12.4.5 Multistage Equalization, 678 12.5 Decimation and Oversampling∗ , 686 12.6 Sampling Rate Converters∗ , 691 12.7 Noise Shaping Quantizers∗ , 698 12.8 Problems, 705 CONTENTS 13 Appendices 713 A B C D Random Signals∗ , 713 A.1 Autocorrelation Functions and Power Spectra, 713 A.2 Filtering of Random Signals, 717 Random Number Generators, 719 B.1 Uniform and Gaussian Generators, 719 B.2 Low-Frequency Noise Generators∗ , 724 B.3 1/f Noise Generators∗ , 729 B.4 Problems, 733 Complex Arithmetic in C, 736 MATLAB Functions, 739 References 758 Index 775 xi Preface This book provides an applications-oriented introduction to digital signal processing written primarily for electrical engineering undergraduates Practicing engineers and graduate students may also find it useful as a first text on the subject Digital signal processing is everywhere Today’s college students hear “DSP” all the time in their everyday life—from their CD players, to their electronic music synthesizers, to the sound cards in their PCs They hear all about “DSP chips”, “oversampling digital filters”, “1-bit A/D and D/A converters”, “wavetable sound synthesis”, “audio effects processors”, “all-digital audio studios” By the time they reach their junior year, they are already very eager to learn more about DSP Approach The learning of DSP can be made into a rewarding, interesting, and fun experience for the student by weaving into the material several applications, such as the above, that serve as vehicles for teaching the basic DSP concepts, while generating and maintaining student interest This has been the guiding philosophy and objective in writing this text As a result, the book’s emphasis is more on signal processing than discrete-time system theory, although the basic principles of the latter are adequately covered The book teaches by example and takes a hands-on practical approach that emphasizes the algorithmic, computational, and programming aspects of DSP It contains a large number of worked examples, computer simulations and applications, and several C and MATLAB functions for implementing various DSP operations The practical slant of the book makes the concepts more concrete Use The book may be used at the junior or senior level It is based on a junior-level DSP course that I have taught at Rutgers since 1988 The assumed background is only a first course on linear systems Sections marked with an asterisk (∗ ) are more appropriate for a second or senior elective course on DSP The rest can be covered at the junior level The included computer experiments can form the basis of an accompanying DSP lab course, as is done at Rutgers A solutions manual, which also contains the results of the computer experiments, is available from the publisher The C and MATLAB functions may be obtained via anonymous FTP from the Internet site ece.rutgers.edu in the directory /pub/sjo or xiii xiv PREFACE by pointing a Web browser to the book’s WWW home page at the URL: http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/intro2sp Contents and Highlights Chapters and contain a discussion of the two key DSP concepts of sampling and quantization The first part of Chapter covers the basic issues of sampling, aliasing, and analog reconstruction at a level appropriate for juniors The second part is more advanced and discusses the practical issues of choosing and defining specifications for antialiasing prefilters and anti-image postfilters Chapter discusses the quantization process and some practical implementations of A/D and D/A converters, such as the conversion algorithm for bipolar two’s complement successive approximation converters The standard model of quantization noise is presented, as well as the techniques of oversampling, noise shaping, and dithering The tradeoff between oversampling ratio and savings in bits is derived This material is continued in Section 12.7 where the implementation and operation of delta-sigma noise shaping quantizers is considered Chapter serves as a review of basic discrete-time systems concepts, such as linearity, time-invariance, impulse response, convolution, FIR and IIR filters, causality, and stability It can be covered quickly as most of this material is assumed known from a prerequisite linear systems course Chapter focuses on FIR filters and its purpose is to introduce two basic signal processing methods: block-by-block processing and sample-by-sample processing In the block processing part, we discuss various approaches to convolution, transient and steady-state behavior of filters, and real-time processing on a block-by-block basis using the overlap-add method and its software implementation This is further discussed in Section 9.9 using the FFT In the sample processing part, we introduce the basic building blocks of filters: adders, multipliers, and delays We discuss block diagrams for FIR filters and their time-domain operation on a sample-by-sample basis We put a lot of emphasis on the concept of sample processing algorithm, which is the repetitive series of computations that must be carried out on each input sample We discuss the concept of circular buffers and their use in implementing delays and FIR filters We present a systematic treatment of the subject and carry it on to the remainder of the book The use of circular delay-line buffers is old, dating back at least 25 years with its application to computer music However, it has not been treated systematically in DSP texts It has acquired a new relevance because all modern DSP chips use it to minimize the number of hardware instructions Chapter covers the basics of z-transforms We emphasize the z-domain view of causality, stability, and frequency spectrum Much of this material may be known from an earlier linear system course Chapter shows the equivalence of various ways of characterizing a linear filter and illustrates their use by example It also discusses topics such as sinusoidal and steady-state responses, time constants of filters, simple pole/zero designs of first- and second-order filters as well as comb and notch filters The issues of inverse filtering and causality are also considered 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bit reversal, 510 block convolution, 143, 515 block diagram, 111 for canonical form, 274 for cascade form, 278 for direct form, 267 for FIR filter, 154, 155 for second-order section, 272 for transposed form, 181, 313 block processing, 95, 121, 122 overlap-add method, 143, 520 overlap-save method, 520 A/D converter, 53, 61 delta-sigma, 67, 698 flash or parallel, 83 subranging, 83, 93 successive approximation, 75, 83 adaptive signal processing, 95, 100, 361, 379 ADC, see A/D converter aliased frequency, 11 aliasing, 5, 8, 10, 34, 500 examples of, 12–26 in rotational motion, 27 alternating-step response, 239 amplitude modulation, 345 analog Bessel filters, 677 Butterworth filters, 58, 594, 675, 685 Chebyshev filters, 615 dither, 83 frequency response, impulse response, linear filtering, linear system, postfilter, 46 prefilter, 38 reconstructor, 11, 42, 633 anti-image postfilter, see postfilter antialiasing prefilter, see prefilter attenuation, 22, 39, 47 dB per decade, 39 dB per octave, 22, 39 of window sidelobes, 467 audio effects processor, 256, 349, 377 autocorrelation, 713, 715 of white noise, 714 sample, 715 C routines: I0, modified Bessel function, 554 adc, A/D conversion, 79 allpass, allpass reverb, 365 bitrev, bit reversal, 512 blockcon, overlap-add, 145 can2, canonical form, 276 can3, canonical form, 294 can, canonical form, 275 cas2can, cascade to canonical, 291 cas, cascade form, 280 ccan2, circular canonical, 303 ccan, circular canonical, 297 ccas2, circular cascade, 304 ccas, circular cascade, 302 cdelay2, circular delay line, 176 cdelay, circular delay line, 173 cfir1, circular FIR filtering, 171 cfir2, circular FIR filtering, 175 cfir, circular FIR filtering, 169 cmplx, header file, 738 complex, complex arithmetic in C, 737 conv, convolution, 139 corr, correlation, 715 csos2, circular SOS, 304 csos, circular SOS, 301 dac, D/A conversion, 74 delay, delay operation, 151 delta, delta function, 142 dftmerge, DFT merge, 513 dft, DFT, 480 bandpass filters, 606 bandstop filters, 611 biasing, 484 775 776 dir2, direct form, 270 dir, direct form, 268 dot, dot product, 161 dtftr, DTFT range, 478 dtft, DTFT, 477 fft, FFT, 511 fir2, FIR filtering, 161 fir3, FIR filtering, 164 fir, FIR filtering, 160 gdelay2, generalized delay, 334 gran, Gaussian random generator, 724 ifft, inverse FFT, 514 lowpass, lowpass reverb, 368 modwrap, modulo-N reduction, 494 plain, plain reverb, 364 ran1f, 1/f noise generator, 730 ranh, hold random generator, 725 ranl, linearly interpolated, 726 ran, uniform random generator, 722 shuffle, shuffling in FFT, 511 sine, sinusoidal wavetable, 342 sos, second-order section, 277 square, square wavetable, 342 swap, swapping in FFT, 512 tap2, circular tap outputs, 176 tapi2, interpolated delay, 356 tapi, interpolated delay, 356 tap, circular tap outputs, 174 trapez, trapezoidal wavetable, 343 u, unit-step function, 80 wavgeni, wavetable generator, 341 wavgenr, wavetable generator, 341 wavgen, wavetable generator, 340 wrap2, circular index wrapping, 175 wrap, circular pointer wrapping, 169 canonical form, 220, 271 difference equations of, 274 sample processing algorithm, 274, 326 cascade form, 277 coefficient matrices, 279 internal states, 279 pipelining of, 296 processing time, 295 sample processing algorithm, 280 cascade to canonical, 284, 290 causality, 112, 718 and finitely anticausal filters, 113 and interpolation filters, 113 and inverse filters, 113, 116 and off-line processing, 114 and real-time processing, 114 and smoothing filters, 113 and stability, 116, 257 in z-domain, 186, 193, 223 central limit theorem, 723 chorusing, 357 chrominance signals, 412 circular INDEX addressing, 122, 162, 165, 297 buffer, 165 buffer in signal averaging, 425 canonical form, 298 cascade form, 302 convolution, 515 delay, 165, 173, 176 direct form, 169 pointer, 166 pointer index, 166 state vector, 167, 168, 174, 176 wrapping, 169, 170, 173, 175 coefficient quantization, 305, 311 comb filters, 249, 253, 310, 406, 590 3-dB width, 406 complementarity property, 398 design, 406, 590 for digital reverb, 353 for noise reduction, 254 for signal averaging, 421 for signal enhancement, 254 in digital audio effects, 350 in digital TV, 409 sample processing algorithm of, 351 complementarity, 398, 406, 416, 534, 545, 550, 572 complex arithmetic in C, 737 complex poles, 2, 284, 318 compressors, see dynamics processors computational resolution, see resolution computer music amplitude modulation, 345 frequency modulation, 332 musical instrument models, 332, 373 physical modeling, 332, 373 wavetable generators, 332 convolution, 111, 121, 122 circular, 515 direct form of, 104, 122, 123 fast via FFT, 515 flip-and-slide form of, 131 for discrete-time systems, 104 in z-domain, 184 in continuous-time, 3, 43 in frequency domain, 201 LTI form of, 104, 122, 127 matrix form of, 129 of finite sequences, 123 of infinite sequences, 134 overlap-add method, 143, 520 overlap-save method, 520 table form of, 122, 126 coupled form generator, 320 cutoff frequency, 566 D/A converter, 46, 53, 71 and reconstruction, 46 delta-sigma requantizer, 698, 704 INDEX natural binary, 71 offset binary, 72 two’s complement, 72 DAC, see D/A converter data smoothing, see smoothing filters DC gain, 139, 239 DCC compact cassette, 553 decibels, dB, see attenuation decimation, 632, 686 and delta-sigma quantizer, 699 and oversampling, 24, 686 averaging decimators, 689, 702 downsampled spectrum, 687 filter design, 688 filter specifications, 688 hold decimators, 689, 702 ideal, 688 Kaiser designs, 688, 702 multistage, 689 prefilter specifications, 690 sample processing algorithm, 689 deconvolution, 254, 520 of noisy data, 256 delay, 101, 146, 174 circular, 165, 173, 176 linear, wrapped, 165 linearly interpolated, 356 tapped, 153 update, 150, 165, 170 delta-sigma quantizer, 67, 698 decimator filter, 699 first-order model of, 698, 710 MASH architectures, 712 requantizer, 698, 704 second-order model of, 306, 710 DFS, see discrete Fourier series DFT, 464, 479 N-point DFT of length-L signal, 479 and DTFT, 479 and periodic signals, 499 biasing in computation of, 484 frequencies, 479 matrix, 486 matrix form of, 486 merging, 504, 513 modulo-N reduction, 489 negative frequencies, 474, 476, 483, 501 time wrapping, 489 twiddle factor, 487 zero padding, 481 DFT frequencies, 479, 481 difference equation, 111, 224, 267 differentiator filter, 532, 559 digital audio effects, 175, 256, 349 chorusing, 357 comb filters, 350 delays, 350 dynamics processors, 378 777 echoes, 350 flanging, 355 linearly interpolated delay, 356 multitap delays, 374 phasing, 359 reverberation, 362 stereo imaging, 355, 458 digital reverberation, see reverberation digital signal processor, 1, 53 digital TV, 409 direct form difference equations of, 224, 267 for FIR filter, 153–155 for IIR filter, 217, 265 internal states, 266 sample processing algorithm, 267, 323 direct form I, see direct form direct form II, see canonical form discrete cosine transform, 464, 529 discrete Fourier series, 19, 499 discrete Fourier transform, see DFT discrete time convolution, 104 filter, 53 Fourier transform, see DTFT linear filtering, 55 linear system, 96 system, 95 system I/O rules, 96 dither, 65, 83 and noise shaping, 698 example of, 87 Gaussian, 85 non-subtractive, 84 rectangular, 85 subtractive, 89 triangular, 85, 86 Dolph-Chebyshev window, 543 downsampler, 687 DSP chips, 55, 162, 293, 306 examples of, 171 instruction time, 162 MACs, 162, 293, 296, 306 MFLOPS, 163, 296 MIPS, 164, 295, 296 processing time, 164, 171 quantization effects in, 306 wordlengths, 306 DSP system building blocks of, 146 components of, 53 with oversampling, 70, 690 DTFT, 31, 196, 466 computation by Hă orners rule, 477 and DFT, 479 and unit circle, 477, 481 and windowing, 466 at single frequency, 475 778 computation, 475 geometric interpretation of, 198, 199 magnitude and phase, 201 negative frequencies, 474, 476, 483, 501 of length-L signal, 475 of rectangular window, 466 of windowed sinusoids, 469 over frequency range, 478 periodicity of, 31 DTMF, 317, 479 dual-tone multi-frequency, see DTMF dynamics processors, 378 attack/release times, 379 compression/expansion ratio, 378 compressor/expander model, 379 compressors, 378 envelope detector, 379 expanders, 381 gain processor, 379 limiters, 381 noise gates, 382 peak detector, 379 ECG processing, 399, 401–403 equalizer channel, 255 comb, 590 for multistage interpolation, 678 for staircase DAC, 671 graphic, 548, 581 parametric, 244, 581 postfilter, 47, 674 prefilter, 38 room acoustics, 255 shelving, 589 error spectrum shaping, 306, 698 expanders, see dynamics processors exponential smoother, 389 fast convolution, 464, 515 fast Fourier transform, see FFT feedback system, 314 FFT, 464, 504 bit reversal, 510 computational cost, 505 decimation in time, 506 fast convolution, 464 merging, 504, 509, 513 of real-valued signals, 528 shuffling, 509, 511 Fibonacci sequence, 260 filter as state machine, 95 equivalent descriptions of, 111, 214 group delay, 231 internal state of a, 95 magnitude response, 230 phase delay, 231 INDEX phase response, 230 Q-factor, 360, 400 filter banks, 553 filter design analog filters, 594 by pole/zero placement, 201 comb filters, 249, 406, 590 first-order, 242 for noise reduction, 383 for sampling rate conversion, 691 for signal enhancement, 383 frequency sampling, 558, 672, 676 notch filters, 248, 249, 360, 403 of FIR filters, 532 of IIR filters, 563 of Savitzky-Golay smoothers, 427 parametric equalizers, 581 parametric resonators, 244 peaking filters, 577 second-order, 244, 248 window method, 532 filter scaling, 306 filter sharpening, 453 filtering, 3, 35, 55 adaptive, 95 by block processing, 95, 121 by sample processing, 95, 121 in direct form, 105, 106 in LTI form, 104 of random signals, 717 FIR averager, 391, 702 FIR filter, 95, 105, 121 block diagram, 154, 155 circular buffer, 169, 171, 175, 177 coefficients, 105 difference equations for, 224 direct form of, 152 in steady-state form, 133 length, 105 linear phase property of, 232 order, 105 sample processing algorithm for, 152, 154, 155, 160 taps, 105 weights, 105 window method, 532 FIR filter design, 532 approximation properties, 538 examples, 546–553 frequency sampling, 558, 672, 676 Gibbs phenomenon, 538 Hamming window, 540 ideal filters, 532 Kaiser window, 541 linear phase property, 537 Meteor design program, 558 Parks-McClellan method, 558 rectangular window, 535 INDEX window method, 532 first-order IIR smoother, 386 flanging, 355 Fourier transform, discrete-time, DTFT, 31 of sampled signal, 31 frequency aliased or perceived, 11, 27 and unit circle, 200 biasing, 484 DFT, 479 digital, 27, 197 leakage, 32, 466, 471 modulation, 332, 347 negative, 29, 474, 476, 483, 501 Nyquist, resolution, 464, 469, 716 response, 3, 111, 197 spectrum, 1, 196 units used in DSP, 29 frequency sampling design, 558, 672, 676 generator, see waveform generators geometric series finite, 37, 71, 135, 190, 237, 352, 394 infinite, 17, 36, 115, 186, 187, 190, 192, 322, 353, 364, 367, 387, 493 Gibbs phenomenon, 538 graphic equalizers, 548, 581 group delay, 231 guard band, 34 Hamming window, 51, 470, 540, 640, 664 hardware realizations, 162, 293 hermitian property, 201 highpass filters, 603 Hilbert transformer, 532 hold interpolators, 657 Hă orners rule, 91, 477 I/O rules, 96 IIR filter, 95, 105, 106 circular buffer, 298, 302 difference equations for, 106, 111, 224 transfer function of, 223 IIR filter design, 563 analog filters, 594 bandpass filters, 606 bandstop filters, 611 bilinear transformation, 563 Butterworth, 594 Chebyshev filters, 615–627 comb filters, 590 first-order filters, 566 higher-order filters, 592 highpass filters, 603 lowpass filters, 599 notch filters, 573 779 parametric equalizers, 581 peaking filters, 577 second-order filters, 573 specifications, 593 impulse response, 2, 103, 111, 214, 215, 223, 246, 254, 256, 258 input-off transients, 132, 154, 372 input-on transients, 132, 154, 372 instruction time, 162, 164, 171, 294 interference 60 Hz noise, 251, 254 periodic, 254 internal state, see state interpolation, 632 4-fold, 636, 661 computational rate, 641 cutoff frequency, 639 DAC equalization, 671 filter design, 638 filter specifications, 635, 645 ideal, 646 in direct form, 638 in polyphase form, 632, 640, 642, 665 Kaiser designs, 647 linear and hold, 657 multistage designs, 649, 667 multistage equalization, 678 postfilter equalization, 674 postfilter specifications, 634, 674 sample processing algorithm, 644 inverse z-transforms, 202 inverse DFT, 496, 498, 514 inverse DTFT, 31, 197, 231, 232, 468, 496 and Fourier series, 31, 197 for power spectrum, 713 inverse FFT, 514 inverse filters, 254 stable and causal, 257 inverse Fourier transform, 2, 498 Kaiser window, 470 for filter design, 541 for interpolator designs, 647 for spectral analysis, 470, 555 in data smoothing, 453 parameters, 544, 555 resolution, 555 Karplus-Strong string algorithm, 373 Laplace transform, lattice form, 305 leakage, 466, 471 limiters, see dynamics processors linear filtering, 3, 35, 55, 230 linear interpolators, 657 linear phase property, 232, 386, 537 linear superposition, 3, 230 linear system, 780 in matrix form, 96 state space realization, 98 Linear time-invariant, see LTI system linearity, 100, 230 linearly interpolated delay, 356 loudspeaker crossover filters, 548 lowpass differentiator, 559 lowpass filters, 599 lowpass Hilbert transformer, 559 LTI system, 95 anticausal, 112 causal, 112 double-sided, 112 equivalent descriptions of, 111, 214 FIR, 95 frequency response, IIR, 95 impulse response, 2, 103 luminance signal, 411 MAC, 162, 164, 293, 296, 306 magnitude response, 201, 230 marginal stability, 196, 199, 240, 718 MATLAB functions: I0, modified Bessel function, 746 bpcheb2, bandpass Chebyshev-2, 755 bpsbutt, bandpass/stop Butterworth, 752 bscheb2, bandstop Chebyshev-2, 756 cas2can, cascade to canonical, 742 cas, cascade form, 741 cdelay2, circular delay, 740 cfir2, circular FIR filtering, 740 combeq, comb equalizer, 751 dbp, ideal bandpass, 749 ddiff, ideal differentiator, 749 delay, delay operation, 739 dhilb, ideal Hilbert transformer, 750 dlh, ideal lowpass/highpass, 748 dtft, DTFT computation, 742 ecg, simulated ECG, 745 fir, FIR filtering, 739 kbp, bandpass Kaiser design, 748 kdiff, Kaiser differentiator design, 749 khilb, Kaiser Hilbert transformer, 750 klh, lowpass/highpass Kaiser design, 747 kparm2, Kaiser window parameters, 747 kparm, Kaiser window parameters, 746 kwind, Kaiser window, 746 lhbutt, low/highpass Butterworth, 751 lhcheb1, low/highpass Chebyshev-1, 753 lhcheb2, low/highpass Chebyshev-2, 754 parmeq, parametric equalizer, 751 sgfilt, Savitzky-Golay filtering, 745 sg, Savitzky-Golay smoother design, 743 sigav, signal averaging, 743 sos, second-order section, 741 wrap2, circular wrapping, 740 MFLOPS, 163, 296 INDEX MIPS, 164, 295, 296 modified Bessel function, 543, 554 modulo addressing, see circular modulo-N reduction, 489 moments in smoothing filters, 445 moving average filter, see FIR filter multi-delay audio effects, 374 multiplier/accumulator, see MAC multirate filter banks, 553 multirate signal processing, 100, 632 multistage equalization, 678 multistage interpolators, 649 multitap delay audio effects, 374 musical instrument models, 332, 373 negative frequencies, 29, 474, 476, 483, 501 noise gates, see dynamics processors noise reduction, 254, 382, 713 comb filters for, 398 filter design for, 383 FIR averager, 390 first-order IIR smoother, 386 noise reduction ratio, 385 notch filters for, 398 SNR in, 385 transient response, 386 noise reduction ratio, 385, 718 noise shaping, 65, 698 dithered, 698 error spectrum shaping, 306, 320, 698 quantizer, 68, 698 quantizer comparisons, 69 requantizer, 698, 704 non-rectangular windows, 470 nonlinear signal processing, 100 notch filters, 248, 249, 360, 573 3-dB width, 360 for ECG processing, 399, 401, 403 phasing audio effects, 359 Q-factor, 360 notch polynomial, 250 NRR, see noise reduction ratio Nyquist frequency, interval, 6, 197 rate, oscillator, see waveform generator overlap-add method, 143, 520 overlap-save method, 520 oversampling, 24, 65, 632, 635 and decimation, 24, 686 and interpolation, 632 and noise shaping, 65 and quantization, 67 digital filter, 635 DSP system, 70, 690 in CD and DAT players, 70, 633 INDEX in postfiltering, 53, 634, 674 in prefiltering, 25, 39 ratio, 67 parallel form, 212, 219, 553 processing time, 296 parametric equalizers, 244, 581–590 design, 581 parametric resonators, 244, 577 parametric spectral analysis, 472, 717 Parks-McClellan method, 558 Parseval’s equation, 198 partial fraction expansion, 202, 233 of z-transforms, 202 remove/restore method, 204 peaking filters, 577 Pell’s sequence, 261 perceptual coding, 553, 698 periodic interference, 254, 383 periodogram averaging and smoothing, 471, 716 resolution, 716 spectrum, 715 PF, PFE, see partial fraction expansion phase delay, 231 phase response, 201, 230 phasing, 359 physical modeling of instruments, 332, 373 physical resolution, see resolution pipelining of cascade form, 296 Poisson summation formula, 34 pole/zero designs comb filters, 249 first-order filters, 242 notch filters, 248, 249 parametric resonators, 244 second-order filters, 244, 248 pole/zero pattern, 111, 199 polyphase filters, 632, 637, 640, 642 postfilter, 46, 53, 634 and oversampling, 49, 634 Bessel, 677 Butterworth, 675, 685 equalized digitally, 47, 51, 674 specifications of, 46, 674 power spectral density, 714 power spectrum, 713 of white noise, 714 periodogram, 715 prefilter, 35, 38, 53, 633 and oversampling, 25, 39, 690 attenuation, 39 Butterworth, 58 equalized digitally, 38 ideal, 7, 38 practical, 19, 38 specifications of, 38, 690 processing time, 8, 164, 171, 294 781 Q-factor, 360, 400, 403, 408, 574 quantization, 61 and dithering, 65 and oversampling, 67 by rounding, 62, 77 by truncation, 62, 76 error, 62 granulation noise in, 65 noise, 64 noise shaping, 65 process, 61 signal-to-noise ratio, 63 width, 61 quantization effects coefficient quantization, 305, 311 coupled form, 320 error spectrum shaping, 306, 320 poles near unit circle, 320 roundoff error, 285, 305 quantizer dB per bit rule, 63 delta-sigma, 67 dynamic range of a, 63 error spectrum shaping, 698 error, average, 63 error, maximum, 63 error, root-mean-square, 63 full-scale range of, 61 noise model of a, 64, 81 noise shaping, 68, 698 noise shaping comparisons, 69 number of levels of a, 61 probabilistic interpretation of a, 63 resolution, 61 uniform, 61 random number generators, 358, 719 1/f noise, 729, 730, 734, 735 Gaussian, 719, 723, 724 general interpolator, 729, 734 hold interpolator, 725 linear congruential, LCG, 720 linearly interpolated, 358, 726 low-frequency, 358, 724 portable, 721 uniform, 719, 722 random signals, 713 autocorrelation, 713 filtering of, 717 power spectrum, 713 random walk, 718 rate compressor, see downsampler rate expander, see upsampler reconstructor, 11, 42, 633 and D/A conversion, 46 ideal, 11, 43, 634 ideal impulse response of, 44 in interpolation, 44 782 staircase, 42, 45, 633 truncated impulse response of, 44, 639 rectangular window, 51, 465 in FIR filter design, 535 in spectral analysis, 466 sidelobes, 467 width, 467 region of convergence, 186, 188, 192 and causality, 193 and stability, 194 resolution, 464, 469, 716 and leakage, 466, 471 and mainlobe width, 467, 469, 471 and windowing, 464 computational, 482 of Kaiser window, 555 of non-rectangular windows, 471 physical, 466, 467, 471, 482 uncertainty principle, 466 resonators, see parametric resonators reverberation, 175, 254, 362 60 dB time constant, 355, 362 allpass, 365 and comb filters, 353 early reflections, predelay, 362 gated and reversed, 363 late reflections, 362 lowpass, 367, 368 lowpass, time constants, 369, 372 plain, 353, 363, 364 plain, time constants, 369, 372 sample processing algorithm, 364 Schroeder’s reverberator, 365 ROC, see region of convergence roots of unity, 212, 329, 353, 369, 399, 481 and DFT, 481 roundoff error, 285, 305, 306 sample autocorrelation, 715 sample processing algorithm, 111, 121, 146 for allpass reverb, 364 for canonical form, 221, 274 for cascade form, 280 for circular canonical form, 298 for circular cascade form, 302 for circular FIR filter, 169, 177 for compressor, 380 for decimation, 689 for direct form, 217, 267 for FIR filtering, 152, 154, 155, 160 for interpolation, 644 for lowpass reverb, 368 for multi-delay, 375 for multitap delay, 376 for parallel form, 220 for ringing delay, 374 for sample rate conversion, 695 for Schroeder’s reverb processor, 366 INDEX for signal averaging, 425 for transposed form, 222 for variable notch filters, 361 sampled signal, 30 flat-top sampled, 30, 59 ideally sampled, 30 sampling aliasing due to, and Poisson summation formula, 34 as modulation, 33 frequencies introduced by, function, 33, 708 guard band, 34 hardware limits in, ideal and practical, 30 Nyquist frequency, Nyquist rate, of periodic signals and DFT, 499 of sinusoids, 9, 35, 49 process, rate, 5, spectrum replication due to, theorem, 5, 6, 10, 44 time interval, sampling rate conversion, 632, 691, 709 filter design for, 691 sample processing algorithm, 695 Saramă aki windows, 543 Savitzky-Golay smoothing filters, 427–453 scaling, 306 Schroeder’s reverberator, 365 second-order section, 265, 272, 277, 301, 304 circular buffer form of, 301, 304 SG, see Savitzky-Golay shelving filters, 589 sigma-delta, see delta-sigma signal averaging, 421 and comb filtering, 421 using circular buffers, 425 signal enhancement, 254, 382, 713 comb filters, 398, 408 comb filters for TV, 409 filter design for, 383 noise reduction ratio, 385 notch filters, 398 of periodic signals, 408 SNR in, 385 transient response, 386 signal generators, see waveform generators signal-to-noise ratio, 385 sinusoidal generators, 316 sinusoidal response, 3, 229, 233 of FIR filters, 242 smoothing filters, 390, 391, 427 exponential, 389 in spectroscopy, 427, 446 least-squares, 427 moment constraints, 445 INDEX polynomial data smoothing, 427 Savitzky-Golay, 427 SNR, see signal-to-noise ratio SOS, see second-order section spectrum, 1, 196 analysis, 464, 471, 717 and z-transform, 32, 196 and pole/zero pattern, 199 and time windowing, 32 and unit circle, 196 computation, 32, 464 DTFT, DFT, 464 hermitian property of, 201 numerical approximation of, 32 of analog signal, 1, of oversampled signal, 634 of periodic signal, 328 of sampled signal, 31, 196, 633 of video signal, 410 of windowed sinusoids, 469 parametric methods, 472 periodicity of, 31, 35, 197 periodogram, 715 power, 713 replicating transformation, 405 replication, 4, 7, 10, 33, 687, 708 statistical reliability of, 471, 717 SRC, see sampling rate conversion stability, 112, 114, 718 and causality, 116, 257 and inverse filters, 116, 254 condition, 114 in z-domain, 186, 194, 223, 234 marginal, 196, 199, 240 of multitap delays, 377 state circular, 165–168, 174, 176 initialization, 151 internal, 98, 131, 147, 150, 165, 217, 266 machine, 95 state space realization, 98, 121, 305 steady state, frequency response, sinusoidal response, steady state response, 132, 134, 141, 229, 233 alternating-step response, 239 DC gain, 139, 239 for FIR filters, 132 for IIR filters, 229 unit-step response, 239 tapped delay line, see delay time constant, 234, 283, 355, 369, 372, 393 time delay, 101 time invariance, 100, 101 time window, see windowing transfer function, 111, 215, 223, 266 transient response, 132, 134, 141, 232 783 in noise reduction filters, 386 in reverberation, 363, 372 input-off transients, 132, 154, 161 input-on transients, 132, 154 of FIR filters, 132, 242 of IIR filters, 232 time constant, 234 transposed form, 181, 305, 313 for FIR filter, 181 for IIR filter, 221 transversal filter, see FIR filter twiddle factor, 487 unit circle and DTFT, 477, 481 unit-step response, 239 upsampler, 638 vertical detail enhancement, 416, 420 video signal, 383, 411 video spectrum, 410 waveform generators, 111, 316, 321 periodic, 111, 254, 321 sinusoidal, 316 wavelets, 553 wavetable amplitude modulation, 345 circular, 316, 330 frequency modulation, 347 fundamental frequency of, 333 generator, 175, 316, 330, 336, 342 in computer music, 331, 332 linearly interpolated, 336 offset index, 334 oscillator, 342 synthesis, 175, 316, 331, 332, 342 waveshaping, 332, 373 white noise, 714 windowing, 32, 464, 465, 471 Hamming window, 51, 470, 471, 540 in frequency domain, 466 Kaiser window, 470, 541 leakage, 32, 470, 471 rectangular, 465 sidelobes, 467, 470 width, 470 wrapping in DFT, 489 z-transforms, 32, 183 and causality, 193 and power spectra, 714 and stability, 194 basic properties of, 183 modulation property of, 213 pole/zero pattern of, 199 region of convergence, 186, 188, 192 zero padding in DFT, 481, 518 ... find the aliased signal xa (t) = (b1 − b7 + b9 − b1 5 + · · · )sin(2πt)+ + (b3 − b5 + b1 1 − b1 3 + · · · )sin(6πt) = B sin(2πt)+C sin(6πt) where ∞ b1 +8k − b7 +8k = B= k=0 ∞ C= b3 +8k − b5 +8k = k=0 π... 4, the aliased signal will be xa (t) = b1 sin(2πt) b3 sin(2πt) +b5 sin(2πt) b7 sin(2πt)+ · · · = (b1 − b3 + b5 − b7 + b9 − b1 1 + · · · )sin(2πt) = A sin(2πt) where ∞ A= b1 +4k − b3 +4k = k=0 π ∞... available from the publisher The C and MATLAB functions may be obtained via anonymous FTP from the Internet site ece.rutgers.edu in the directory /pub/sjo or xiii xiv PREFACE by pointing a Web browser

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