Họ tên : Vũ Anh Cường Lê Văn Hải Phạm Hồng Phái Nguyễn Văn Đại Đỗ Mạnh Cường Trần Văn Tuất Bài : Audio recording systems Vocabulary : Reflection: phản chiếu Revolve : xoay quanh Track: dấu, vệt Arrange: bố trí, xếp Distance: tầm xa Sampling: lấy mẫu Scratches: số it Due: quyền hưởng Static: tĩnh tại(không thay đổi) Direet: hướng chiếu Vinyl: nhựa vinyl Gramophone: máy hát Analogues: vật tương hệ Grave:rành Panttern: gương mẫu, kiểu mẫu Shapen: khn mẫu Represent: trình bày Side: mặt, cạnh, bên Reproduce: tái sản xuất Spinning: quay tròn Needle: kim Process: quy trình Prepare : chuẩn bị Digital : kĩ thuật số LPs 1.Rccording system 2.sound quality 3.Access 4.Audio pattern 5.Materlal 6.Playing mechanism 7.Durability 8.Size 9.playing time analogue Poorer than the original serial Long-playing Vinyl mechantcal Easily damaged 12 inches 45 minutes Spinning : quay tròn Side :bên Reproduce: tái sản xuất Task 1: a LP: long-playing đĩa vinyl LP b CD: Compact Disc Task 3: Task 4: 1-b Distortion - too high a recording level CDs Elestesnically Does not deteriorate Random Pist Perspex Laser New -faperfect 12 cm 74 minutes 2-e Noise generated within components - hiss 3-f Noise generated within components - damage 4-c Dirty heads - the tape rubbing against head 5-a A build-up of oxide on the head - interference on radios 6-d Jumping - scratches on records 7-g Unwanted signals - poor recordings Task : Recording system Sound quality Access Medium Playing time Advantages DCC (Digital Compact Cassette – băng từ) MD (MiniDisc – đĩa mini) magnetic tape quality is the same laser and a magnetic field magneto-optical quality is the same laser and a magnetic field can play again can play again it can immediately jump to any part of the recording rather than having to play from the beginning to the end backwards compatibility