This page intentionally left blank Building Party Systems in Developing Democracies This book addresses the question of why a party system with a modest number of nationally oriented political parties emerges in some democracies but not others The number of parties and nationalization are the product of coordination between voters, candidates, and party leaders within local electoral districts and coordination among candidates and elites across districts Candidates and voters can and coordinate locally in response to electoral incentives, but coordination across districts, or aggregation, often fails in developing democracies A key contribution of this book is the development and testing of a theory of aggregation incentives that focuses on the payoff to being a large party and the probability of capturing that payoff The book relies on in-depth case studies of Thailand and the Philippines, and on large-N analysis to establish its arguments Allen Hicken is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan, a Faculty Associate at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, and a Research Associate Professor at the Center for Political Studies He studies elections, parties, and party systems in developing democracies, with a particular focus on Southeast Asia He has carried out research and held research positions in Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Cambodia He is the recipient of a Fulbright Award and, with Ken Kollman, an NSF grant His publications include articles in the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, Electoral Studies, the Journal of East Asian Studies, and Taiwan Journal of Democracy Building Party Systems in Developing Democracies ALLEN HICKEN University of Michigan CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Allen Hicken 2009 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2009 ISBN-13 978-0-511-48078-2 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-88534-8 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate For BALANCER Contents Acknowledgments page ix Introduction A Theory of Aggregation Incentives Testing the Theory Aggregation, Nationalization, and the Number of Parties in Thailand Explaining Aggregation in Thailand 86 116 Term Limits, Aggregation Incentives, and the Number of Parties in the Philippines 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coordination, 9–15, 28 cross-district., See aggregation within districts, 10, 28 Corazon, 159 Cox, Gary, 10, 15, 28, 40 cross-district coordination., See aggregation Duverger, Maurice, 15 Duverger’s law, 10, 43 Estrada, Joseph, 170 Fearon, James, 54 Franzese, Rob, 61 Golder, Matt, 10, 40, 52, 57, 61 Golder, Sona, 30 Handley, Paul, 140 inflation, definition of, 13, 47–48 intra-district coordination., See coordination, within districts Kam, Cindy, 61 Kasuya, Yuko, 153, 165 Kollman, Ken, 15, 27, 34 linkage See aggregation Mỵ1 rule, 10, 43, 102 Magsaysay, Ramon, 152 205 Index 206 Mainwaring, Scott, 4, 92, 156 Marcos, Ferdinand, 150, 152 McCargo, Duncan, 140 Mongkut, 88 Ockey, James, 140 Pahonyothin, 88 party factionalism See political parties, cohesion party system, definition of, party system, inflation See inflation party system, nationalization, 2–3, 6, 8–9 consequences, 9, 184 party system, number of parties, consequences, 7–8, 184 effective number, definition, Phibun Songkhram, 88 Philippines, as a comparative case, 20–24 Philippines, election monitoring, 167 Philippines, electoral system, 160–63 House of Representatives, 160 Senate, 161 write-in ballot, 162 Philippines, party system, aggregation, 164–74, 165 bifactionalism, 166 characteristics, 152–56 counter-concurrency effect, 173 guest candidatures, 154 history, 150–52 party platforms, 155 party switching, 152–53 post-Marcos, 164 vote splitting, 154 Philippines, political parties, KBL, 157 LAKAS-NUCD, 152 Liberal Party, 151, 152, 155, 156 Nacionalista Party, 151, 152, 155, 156 Philippines, presidency, 160 Philippines, term limits, 174 Pinochet, Augusto, 38 political parties, party cohesion, 37, 52 purpose of, 4–6 political party, definition of, Prem Tinsulanonda, 118, 122 probability, 16, 39, 65 operationalization, 65 parliamentary systems, 44 presidential systems, 40 Quezon, Manuel, 160 Quimpo, Nathan, 156 Ramos, Fidel, 43 reelection, president, 42–44, 71 reserve domains, 38, 52 Riggs, Fred W., 90 Samuels, David, 40 Sanoh Thienthong, 138 Sarit Thanarat, 88 Sartori, Giovani, 15 Scully, Timothy, 92, 156 Shugart, Matthew Soberg, 4, 8, 10, 40, 53 size of the prize See aggregation payoff social heterogeneity, 33, 54, 78 strategic coordination, 102 assumptions, 103 strategic entry, 102 strategic voting, 102 Taagepera, Rein, 10 term limits, 42 See reelection, president Thailand, as a comparative case, 20–24 Thailand, constitutional history, 114 Index Thailand, constitutional reform, 1997, 127–29 2007, 140–44 implications, 129–33 party list, 147 Senate, 145 Thailand, elections, split district returns, 96 vote buying, 103 Thailand, electoral history, 114 Thailand, electoral system, block vote, 100–01 incentives of block vote, 102–05 Thailand, horizontal centralization, 118 bicameralism, 118 party cohesion, 118 reserve domains, 118 Thailand, monarchy, 119 Thailand, number of parties, 98 within-district coordination, 100–10 Thailand, party system, aggregation, 110–12 aggregation incentives, 122 characteristics, 91–94 history, 88–91 party cohesion, 138 regional patterns, 109, 125 Southern exception, 105, 124 vote differential, 94 207 Thailand, political parties, Chart Thai, 95, 122, 123 Democrat Party, 95, 105, 123, 125 factions, 91 Muon Chon, 96 New Aspiration Party, 92, 95, 105, 120, 123, 138 Palang Dharma, 96, 123, 138 Palang Prachachon Party, 143 Prachachon Party, 106 Thai Rak Thai, 120, 123, 136 Thailand, prime minister selection, 121 Thailand, social heterogeneity, 122 Thailand, vertical centralization, 117 Thaksin Shinawatra, 119 fall of, 139–40 rise of, 136–39 Thanom Kittikachorn, 89 turncoatism See Philippines, party system, party switching Ukrist Pathmanand, 140 volatility, electoral, 93, 154 Wallack, Jessica Seddon, et al., 53