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FINAL 12 CHỦ ĐỀ TỪ VỰNG IELTS CHO BAND 7-đã chuyển đổi (1)

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IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu 12 CHỦ ĐỀ TỪ VỰNG IELTS CHO BAND 7.0 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu Contents CHỦ ĐỀ 1: SPORT 1.Các môn thể thao 2.Danh từ người & trận đấu Động từ Ứng dụng trả lời IELTS Speaking Chủ đề 2: EDUCATION 1.Danh Từ Động từ Tính từ: Một số cụm từ: Ứng dụng trả lời IELTS Speaking 10 CHỦ ĐỀ 3: HOLIDAY 11 1.Danh từ liên quan đến kỳ nghỉ - chuyến bay - nơi 11 Động từ hoạt động du lịch 12 Ứng dụng trả lời IELTS Speaking 13 CHỦ ĐỀ 4: TECHNOLOGY 14 CHỦ ĐỀ 5: SCIENCE 16 CHỦ ĐỀ 6: ENVIRONMENT 18 CHỦ ĐỀ 7: WORK 21 CHỦ ĐỀ 8: HEALTH, FITNESS & DIET 24 CHỦ ĐỀ 9: CRIME 27 CHỦ ĐỀ 10: FOOD 29 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu CHỦ ĐỀ 11: RELATIONSHIP 31 CHỦ ĐỀ 12: FILM 33 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu CHỦ ĐỀ 1: SPORT Các môn thể thao PLAY DO GO • play soccer • exercise • go swimming • play basketball • gymnastics • go bowling • play badminton • martial arts • go biking • play tennis • yoga • go surfing • play golf • aerobics • go fishing Danh từ người & trận đấu • professional athletes: VĐV chuyên nghiệp • goalkeeper: thủ mơn • spectator: khán giả • opponent: đối thủ • race: đua • competition: trận đấu • stand: khán đài • score: tỷ số • result: kết • football pitch: sân bóng đá • running track: đường chạy • golf course: sân golf • tennis court: sân chơi tennis IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu Động từ • win/lose/tie the game: thắng/ thua/ hịa trận đấu • to play away: chơi sân khách • to play at home: chơi sân nhà • to take up exercise: bắt đầu tập luyện E.g: I’m trying to take up exercise to get into shape • to take regular exercise: tập luyện thường xuyên • to have a try at: cố gắng, nỗ lực vào… E.g: A swimmer has a try at practicing a lot to become a strong one • to blow the competition away: chiến thắng cách dễ dàng E.g: Thanks to their experience, The Williams blow the competition away • to enhance/ to improve their performance: E.g: Practicing regularly is a key to enhance athletes’ performance before a sport event • to set a record = to achieve the best result in a sport E.g: Ronaldo sets a record of a football player who gains more Golden Ball Tittles than any players in the world • to break a record = to set a new record E.g: Anh Vien is a Vietnamese swimmer who broke a record of 100 – metre race • to get into shape = to keep fit: E.g: I try to take up exercise to keep fit but I still don’t seem to get started yet • to build muscle: E.g: Weightlifting athletes eat on a diet rich in protein to build their muscle • To score a goal: A goal in a football match: Ghi bàn E.g: Cong Phuong who is the youngest football player in National Football Team scored a goal yesterday in the football match with Japan • to reduce stress and depression: giảm căng thẳng trầm cảm • to make every possible effort to achieve their goals: cố gắng để đạt mục tiêu họ • to maintain a healthy weight: trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu Ứng dụng trả lời IELTS Speaking Q1 What kind of sport you prefer? A1 I don't prefer a specific kind of sport, but I really like working out in the gym… That helps me to keep my body in a good shape… A few years ago I had a sports coach, but now I developed my own fitness program and train alone Q2 Do you prefer playing to watching sport? A2 Of course I will go for playing sport, especially swimming You know, I’m trying to take up it regularly in order to keep fit and improve my height IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu Chủ đề 2: EDUCATION Danh Từ • Assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt /: luận • research report /rɪˈsɜːrtʃ rɪˈpɔːrt/ báo cáo khoa học • academic transcript/ grading schedule/ results certificate ˈtrỉnskrɪpt /- /ˈɡreɪdɪŋ ˈskedʒuːl /- /rɪˈzʌlt sərˈtɪfɪkət / • • qualification /ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ cấp /ˈkredɪt ˈmeɪniə / bệnh thành tích credit mania • ministry of education /ˈmɪnɪstri əv ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ • bảng điểm certificate/ graduation certificate - /sərˈtɪfɪkət/ -/ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn sərˈtɪfɪkət / bằng, chứng • • /ˌỉkəˈdemɪk syllabus /ˈsɪləbəs / curriculum giáo dục chương trình (chi tiết) /kəˈrɪkjələm/ chương trình (khung) • distance education • vocational training • credit / ˈkredɪt/ tín • request for leave /ˈdɪstəns ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / đào tạo từ xa /voʊˈkeɪʃənl ˈtreɪnɪŋ / đào tạo nghề /rɪˈkwest fər liːv / • tutor /tuːtər/ giáo viên dạy thêm • school records /skuːl ˈrekərd/ học bạ • performance /pərˈfɔːrməns / học lực • campus /ˈkỉmpəs/ • hall of residence đơn xin nghỉ (học, dạy) khuôn viên trường /hɔːl əv ˈrezɪdəns / • graduation ceremony /ˌɡrỉdʒuˈeɪʃn ˈserəmoʊni/ • nursery school /ˈnɜːrsəri skuːl/ mầm non • kindergarten /ˈkɪndərɡɑːrtn/ mẫu giáo • primary /ˈpraɪmeri / ký túc xá lễ tốt nghiệp tiểu học • lower secondary school /ˈloʊər ˈsekənderi skuːl/ • upper-secondary school /ˈʌpər ˈsekənderi skuːl/ trung học phổ thơng • Post-graduate courses / poʊst ˈɡrỉdʒuət kɔːrsɪ/ • Ph.D (doctor of philosophy trung học sở nghiên cứu sinh /ˈdɑːktər əv fəˈlɑːsəfi / tiến sĩ IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu • post graduate /poʊst ˈɡrỉdʒuət/ • extra curriculum • enrollment /ɪnˈroʊlmənt / nhập học • day school /deɪ skuːl/ trường bán trú • state school /steɪt skuːl/ trường cơng lập • boarding school /ˈbɔːrdɪŋ skuːl / trường nội trú • private school /ˈpraɪvət skuːl/ trường tư thục • socialization of education • tutorial /tuːˈtɔːriəl / • • /ˈekstrə kəˈrɪkjələm/ ngoại khóa /ˌsoʊʃələˈzeɪʃn əv ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ xã hội hóa giáo dục dạy thêm, học thêm /ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / bổ túc văn hóa Complementary education Service education sau đại học /ˈsɜːrvɪs ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / Tại chức Động từ drop out (of school) • /drɑːp aʊt/ mark /mɑːrk / học sinh bỏ học chấm bài, chấm thi /treɪn/ đào tạo • train • plagiarize • pass (an exam) /pỉs/ đỗ • take an exam /teɪk ən ɪɡˈzỉm/ • accredit /əˈkredɪt/ • /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/ đạo văn dự thi kiểm định chất lượng cheat /tʃiːt/ quay cóp (trong phịng thi) • fail (an exam) /feɪl / trượt • Cut class /kʌt klỉs/ trốn học /ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/ tích hợp Tính từ: • integrated • optional • elective /ɪˈlektɪv/ /ˈɑːpʃənl / tự chọn tự chọn bắt buộc IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu Một số cụm từ: • To fall behind with your studies (phrasal verb): to progress less quickly than others – tụt lại việc học hành E.g: I would imagine more people fall behind with their studies now • give feedback (v): to offer guidance on a student’s work – đưa đánh giá E.g: They should give feedback quickly to help their students enhance knowledge of subjects • To keep up with your studies (phrasal verb): to not fall behind – bắt kịp với việc học hành E.g: I’m keeping up with my studies • To learn something by heart (phrasal verb): to memorize it – học thuộc lòng E.g: I find it quite easy to learn things by heart which is useful when learning a language • To meet a deadline (phr.v): to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed – hoàn thành thời gian quy định E.g: I’m pretty good at meeting deadlines • To play truant (v): to stay away from classes without permission – trốn học E.g: I had lots of friends and I never played truant like some pupils there • To sit an exam (v): to take an exam – làm kiểm tra E.g: Sitting exams at the end of each year was a new experience for me as well • To take a year out (v): to spend a year working or travelling before starting university – nghỉ năm trước học đại học E.g: Some people take a year out but I’d been away from education for years • To work your way through university (v): to have a paid job whilst studying to support yourself financially – làm để học E.g: I had to work my way through university so I was very busy • To set a goal (v): To set the target – đặt mục tiêu E.g: Setting a suitable goal is my priority • To achieve a goal (v): To reach the target – đạt mục tiêu E.g: After receiving the score, I know I can achieve my goal • To make one’s dream come true (phr.v): To accomplish one’s dream – biến giấc mơ thành thực IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu E.g: I know that I have to work my ass off to make my dream come true • To have good facility (v): To supply enough facilities on purposes – có đầy đủ sở vật chất E.g: I chose this university because it has good facilities such as air-conditioner to deal with the heat of the summer • To deal with something (v): To solve something – giải E.g: I work in a bank so dealing with customers is my daily mission • To work against the clock (id): Work or study very hard despite limited time – học hành chăm E.g: Due to time limited, we need to work against the clock to finish the assignment • To work one’s fingers to the bone (id): Work very hard – làm việc/học tập chăm E.g: Auntie can work her fingers to the bone, but it’s Miss Green that gets the thanks Ứng dụng trả lời IELTS Speaking Q What kind of school did you go to as a child? A I have studied in a public school from pre-school till 6th grade It used to be the most popular and the best elementary school during my time Q Did you go to a co-educational school? A Yes, I did I had good memories in that school I gained a lot of friends, both boys and girls Q What’s your university/college like? A It’s one of the best universities in my country It has a huge campus with approximately 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students of different courses/major 10 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu CHỦ ĐỀ 7: WORK • Employee - Người làm cơng Ex: The company has several hundred employees • Employer - Người sử dụng lao động Ex: Employers monitor their employees very carefully these days • Employment - Việc làm Ex: Due to the recession, there are thousands of people looking for employment • Unemployment - Thất nghiệp • Ex: Levels of unemployment in the economy have been rapidly increasing • Commute - Di chuyển (từ nhà đến chỗ làm ngược lại) Ex: It is taking longer for people to commute to work because of traffic problems • Occupation - Nghề nghiệp (= job) Ex: What is your occupation? • Career - Sự nghiệp Ex: He is retired now but he had an amazing career (= successful working life) • Profession - Tính chuyên nghiệp Ex: The teaching profession is not as good as it used to be because salaries have decreased • Salary / Wage - Mức lương, tiền lương Ex: Public sector salaries are not keeping up with inflation He receives a good wage because he works for a prestigious company • Public Sector - Khu vực cơng Ex: You get a good pension if you work for the public sector, but the salary is not always so good • Private Sector - Khu vực tư nhân Ex: Most graduates hope to work in the private sector when they finish university as there are more opportunities and the pay is better than the public sector • Retire - Nghỉ hưu Ex: The retirement age in most countries is 65 He had to retire early due to ill health 21 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu • Flexitime - Thời gian làm việc linh hoạt Ex: They have introduced flexitime at my work place so I usually start at 10am now and finish at 6pm • Resign / Quit - Từ chức, bỏ việc Ex: He resigned from his job yesterday Don't quit your job unless you have another one to start • Fire / Sack / Dismiss - Đuổi việc Ex: He was fired / sacked / dismissed because he was late for work every day • Vacancy - Vị trí cơng việc cịn trống Ex: I spoke to the company and they said they had several vacancies • Overtime - Ngồi Ex: The employees often work overtime but they are not given extra money so it is not fair • Shift - Làm theo ca Ex: She is a nurse so she has to work in shifts One week she does the morning shift, and then the next week she will the night shift Why did you choose that job? I was previously a lawyer and found it to be really stressful and never had any free time, so after quitting that job I thought teaching might be the complete opposite of being a lawyer, you know not as stressful and more time off Do you enjoy your job? Most of the time It’s very rewarding to be able to help people every day and the students here are very hardworking and fun to teach, but you sometimes have lessons that go so well and the money could always be better What responsibilities you have at work? All of the teachers main responsibility is to plan good lessons and then teach them to the best of our ability On top of that we have several admin tasks to carry out like mark homework, fill out attendance sheets and write reports 22 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu 23 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu CHỦ ĐỀ 8: HEALTH, FITNESS & DIET • Overweight - Mập Ex: 70% of the population is now overweight according to official figures • Obesity - Bệnh béo phì Ex: Obesity is now a real problems for teenagers • Eating Disorder - Rối loạn ăn uống Ex: Bulimia and anorexia are types of eating disorder Both are becoming more common • Nutrients - Chất dinh dưỡng Ex: A healthy diet should consist of all the essential nutrients • Diet - Chế độ ăn uống/ Ăn kiêng Ex: It is important to have a healthy diet People must eat plenty of fruit and vegetables • Overeating - Ăn nhiều, nhiều nhu cầu thể Ex: There is evidence that overeating is one of the main causes of obesity • Ingredients - Nguyên liệu nấu ăn Ex: The ingredients of the dish include nuts, raisins, and parsley • Allergy - Dị ứng Ex: Allergies are becoming more common, and this could be connected to diet If I eat nuts, I have an allergic reaction I can not breath properly • Additive - Gia vị chất bảo quản Ex: This food is full of additives so I'm not going to eat it • Prevent - Ngăn ngừa Ex: Lots of exercise will prevent a heart attack • Variety - Tính đa dạng Ex: When preparing meals, you need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value • Appetite - Thèm ăn, vị Ex: All that exercise has given me an appetite • Fibre - chất xơ Ex: A diet that is high in fibre is important in order to maintain a healthy body 24 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu • Regular - Thông thường Ex: Regular physical exercise is important for good health • Vitamin - Vitamin Ex: Many people take vitamin supplements these days in order to keep their body healthy • Diabetes - Bệnh tiểu đường Ex: Diabetes is becoming much more prevalent amongst children • Health - Sức khỏe Ex: Fruit has several health benefits Elderly people can have many health problems • Deteriorate: trở nên xấu Ex: The health care in the country is deteriorating • Medical cost: Chi phí y tế Ex: Health education is very important if we are to prevent illness and reduce medical costs • Exercise: Luyện tập thể thao Ex: Lack of exercise can lead to poor health How you exercise? • Personally, I alternate between hitting the gym or taking gentle exercise at home On days when I have more free time, then I like to exert myself by running on treadmills and lifting weights at the fitness centre, while on busier days, a simple morning jog or yoga at home would Do you have any plans for exercise in the future? • Actually, I have some in my mind right now Firstly, I’m considering taking up a sport, something like boxing, but only for leisure and not competitively Additionally, I plan to maintain my current fitness regime in order not to be out of condition Do young people in your country like to exercise? • I suppose yes Being fit rather than being skinny is a mindset that is recently catching on in my country Therefore, many young people are trying to incorporate physical activities 25 ... 18 CHỦ ĐỀ 7: WORK 21 CHỦ ĐỀ 8: HEALTH, FITNESS & DIET 24 CHỦ ĐỀ 9: CRIME 27 CHỦ ĐỀ 10: FOOD 29 IELTS Trang Nguyễn – ITN IELTS. .. 11 Động từ hoạt động du lịch 12 Ứng dụng trả lời IELTS Speaking 13 CHỦ ĐỀ 4: TECHNOLOGY 14 CHỦ ĐỀ 5: SCIENCE 16 CHỦ ĐỀ 6: ENVIRONMENT... Academy Fanpage: IELTS Trang Nguyễn Website : https://itn.edu.vn/ Group support học tập: Yêu IELTS Từ Đầu CHỦ ĐỀ 11: RELATIONSHIP 31 CHỦ ĐỀ 12: FILM 33 IELTS Trang

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2019, 11:26

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