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Douglas e comer internetworking with TCP IP vol 1 principles protocols and architectures 4th ed

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Foreword xxiii Preface xxvii Chapter Introduction And Overview The Motivation For Internetworking The TCPIIP Internet Internet Services History And Scope Of The Internet The Internet Architecture Board The IAB Reorganization The Internet Society 11 Internet Request For Comments 11 Internet Protocols And Standardization Future Growth And Technology 12 Organization Of The Text 13 Summary 14 Chapter Review Of Underlying Network Technologies 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Introduction 17 Two Approaches To Network Communication 18 Wide Area And Local Area Networks 19 Ethernet Technology 20 Fiber Distributed Data Interconnect (FDDI) 33 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 37 WAN Technologies: ARPANET 38 National Science Foundation Networking 40 viii Contents 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 ANSNET 44 A Very High Speed Backbone (vBNS) 45 Other Technologies Over Which TCPIIP Has Been Used Summary And Conclusion 50 46 Chapter Internetworking Concept And Architectural Model Introduction 53 Application-Level Interconnection 53 Network-Level Interconnection 54 Properties Of The Internet 55 Internet Architecture 56 Interconnection Through IP Routers 56 The User's View 58 All Networks Are Equal 58 The Unanswered Questions 59 Summary 60 Chapter Classful Internet Addresses Introduction 63 Universal Identifiers 63 The Original Classful Addressing Scheme 64 Addresses Specify Network Connections 65 Network And Directed Broadcast Addresses 65 Limited Broadcast 66 Interpreting Zero To Mean "This" 67 Subnet And Supernet Extensions 67 IP Multicast Addresses 68 Weaknesses In Internet Addressing 68 Dotted Decimal Notation 69 Loopback Address 70 Summary Of Special Address Conventions 70 Internet Addressing Authority Reserved Address Prefixes 72 An Example 72 Network Byte Order 74 Summary 75 Index destination unreachable 134, 398 echo requestheply 133, 398 encapsulation 132 information requestheply 142 message encapsulation 131 message types 133, 135 parameter problem 140 protocol 129 redirect 137, 398 redirect message 137 router discovery 143 router solicitation 144 source quench 136 subnet mask 142 time exceeded 139 timestamp 140 type field 132 use with NAT 398 ICMPv6 618, 692 IEEE 20, 29 IEN 11, 692 IESG 10, 692 IETF 10, 692 IGMP 328, 692 IGMPv2 328 IGP 295, 692 IMAP4 522 IMP 38, 692 implementation see Volume 11 InATMARP 369, 692 inconsistencies in routing 257 incremental update 277 indirect delivery 117, 692 inet-addr procedure 429 inet-inaof procedure 430 inet-makeaddr procedure 430 inet-netof procedure 430 inet-network procedure 429 inet-ntoa procedure 430 infinity 302, 304, 343, 380,451 infmity (RIP) 298 information request 142 information security 582 inheritance 416 initial sequence numbers 239 INOC 693 inside 589 integrated 498 integrity of data 582 Intel 20 inter-autonomous system routing 307, 693 interface 21 Interface Message Processor 38 interior gateway protocol 295 interior router 293 International Organization for Standardization 693 International Telecommunications Union 40, 182,693 Internet 693 Architect Architecture Board Assigned Number Authority 71 Control Message Protocol 130 Engineering Notes 11 Engineering Steering Group 10 Group Management Protocol 328 Message Access Protocol 522 Protocol 95, 97, 600 Research Steering Group 11 Service Provider 12, 72, 164, 617 Society 11 Task Force 8, 10 datagram 97 drafts 11 research group standard 626 worm 38, 408 internet 54, 55, 95, 693 access 589 address 64, 77, 89 architecture 96 control message 129 dotted decimal address 70 error messages 129 fiewall 589 Index layer 185 management 553 properties 55 router 56 routing 116 routing table 119 Internet address 693 internet address 78 Internet Architect Internet Draft 693 internet gateway 56 Internet Protocol 693 internet router '56 internet security 582 Internet Society 693 Internet worm 693 internetwork see internet interoperability 3, 693 interpret as command 491 interrupt 222 intranet 694 Inverse ARP 93 Inverse ATMARP 369 inverse query 478 IP 95, 694 address 64 encapsulation 101 IP (telnet) 491 IP address 64, 694 IP addressing 68, 97 IP checksum 107 IP data 107 IP datagram 97, 98, 694 IP destination address 107 IP dial-up 49 IP differentiated services 99 IP dotted decimal 70 IP encapsulation 102 IP FLAGS 105 IP forwarding 116 IP FRAGMENT OFFSET 105 IP gateway 56, 264,694 IP header length 99 IP IDENTIFICATION 105 IP mobility 68, 377, 378 IP more fragments 106 IP multicast 694 IP multicasting 68, 321 IP next generation 602 IP options 107 IP padding 107 IP payload 107 IP precedence 99 IP PROTOCOL field 107, 604 IP reassembly 103 IP record route option 109 IP reserved prefixes 72 IP router 56, 115, 694 IP routing 116 IP routing table 119, 254 IP source address 107 IP source route option 110 IP switching 116, 37 1,694 IP telephony 546, 694 IP time to live 106 IP timestamp option 111 IP type of service 99 IP version 99 IP-based technology 97 IP-in-IP 341, 378, 383, 386, 391, 588, 694 ipAddrTable 562 ipInReceives 562 IPng 602, 694 see IPv6 IPsec 584, 695 IPv4 99, 600,602,695 IPv6 584, 602,695 anycast 612 fragmentation 607 hop-by-hop header 609 IRSG 11, 695 IRTF 10, 695 ISDN 695 IS0 181, 559,695 IS0 model 181 Index ISOC 11, 695 isochronous 540, 695 ISODE 695 isolated network 389, 619 ISP 12, 72, 164,617,695 iterative name resolution 47 ITU 40, 182,547,559,695 J jitter 235, 541, 695 join request 344 Joint Picture Encoding Group 528 Jon Postel 11 P E G 523, 528 K K-out-of-N 306 k-out-of-n rule 266 Karn's Algorithm 229 Kbps 696 keepalive 283, 696 kerberos 597 kernel 340 key 583 L label 465 label switching 372 LAN 19, 696 LAPA 182 LAPB 40, 182 layer application 183, 184 internet 185 link 182 network 182 network interface 185 physical 182 presentation 183 session 183 transport 183, 184 layer address 29 layer classification 373 layer switching 116, 372 layer classification 373 layer switching 373 layering 177, 178, 184, 202, 217,234 IS0 181 TCPLP 183 layering principle 187, 361 leaf 337, 696 learning bridge lease 451 level compressed hie 172 LF 488 limited broadcast 66, 144 linefeed 488 link layer 182 link state routing 266, 308,696 link status 13 link status routing 266, 13,696 link-local address 619, 696 LIS 364, 697 listen function 424 little endian 74, 697 LLC 363, 697 load balancing 150, 309 local area network 19 local network broadcast address 66 locality of reference 384 locator 63 logging 596 Logical IP Subnet 364 Logical Link Control 363 login 521 long haul network 19, 697 longest-prefixmatching 171, 697 lookup algorithm 167 loopback address 70, 616,697 loose source routing 111 low-level name 462 LSR 697 M MABR 347, 697 MAC 697 MAC address 29 machine-to-machine 36 1, 587 Index magic cookie 448 mail alias expansion 513 mail bridge 15, 697 mail destination 13 mail exchanger 468, 17,697 mail exploder 13, 698 mail forwarding 13 mail gateway 515, 698 mail processing 13 mail queue 12 mail relay 15 mail spool area 12 mailbox 513, 522 mailing list 13 MAN 698 managed configuration 620 management agent 555 Management Information Base 556, 698 manual bypass 593 manual configuration 450 mapping of IP address 78 martians 698 mask 165, 698 masquerade 400 maximum segment lifetime 241 maximum segment size 223 maximum transfer unit 102, 698 MBONE 342, 698 Mbps 698 MCI 46 media access address 29 MEDIA TIMESTAMP 543 message authentication 572 message header 278, 310 method 531 metric 305 metric transformation 308 MIB 556, 572,698 MIB-I1 557 mid-level network 41 military network MILNET 6, 38,698 MIME 522, 577,698 mixed subtype (MIME) 523 mixing 543 MMDS 50 mobile IP 378, 699 mobility 68, 377 mobility agent 380 mobility support 378 monitoring 596 more fragments 106 Mosaic 699 MOSPF 343, 347,699 MOTIS 183 MPLS 372, 699 rnrouted 340, 699 MSL 241, 699 MSS 223, 699 MTP 518 MTU 102, 223,607,699 multi-address NAT 396 multi-homed host 65, 699 Multi-Protocol Label Switching 372 multicast 29, 68, 144, 319, 320, 340, 347,612,613,699 address 29, 323 data-driven 339 demand-driven 343 group 321 router 322, 326 tunnel 340 Multicast Area Border Router 347 Multicast Backbone 342 Multicast extensions to OSPF 343, 347 multimode 354 multipart type (MIME) 523 multiple access 28 multiplex 192, 699 multiplicative decrease 233, 699 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 522 mutable fields 587 N NACK 348, 366, 700 Nagle 234 Nagle algorithm 249, 700 Index name 55, 63,462 abbreviation 477 domain 461, 465 recursive resolution 47 resolution 47 resolver 469 server 8, 469 translation to address 461 name caching 473 name resolution 700 namespace partition 464 NAP 287, 617,700 NAPT 396 NASA NAT 389, 394,700 NAT box 394 National Institute for Standards and Technology 560 National Science Foundation 40 NBMA 353, 363,700 NBS 560 negative acknowledgement 348 negotiation 534 neighbor 264 neighbor discovery protocol 618 Net 10 address 700 NetBIOS 700 netstat 70, 411 network 18 address 20, 63 anonymous 162 capacity 26 point-to-point 48 unnumbered 162 Network Access Point 287 Network Address Port Translation 3% Network Address Translation 394 network byte order 700 Network File System 507 network interface 184 Network Interface Card 19 network interface layer 185 network layer 182 network management 556, 701 network MTU 102 network security 582 Network Service Access Point 366 network services network standard byte order 74 Network to Network Interface 354 network virtual terminal 486, 488, 502 NETWORLD+INTEROP 15 news traveling 299 next generation 602 NEXT HEADER 585, 606,701 next hop 119, 122, 159,277 NFS 507, 701 NIC 19, 462,701 NIST 701 NLA 701 NNI 354 NOC 39, 701 node 337 Non-Broadcast Multiple-Access 353 non-selfreferential 741 nonauthoritative 473 noncore router 257 nomoutable address 172, 620, 701 notification mechanism 322 notification message 288 NSAP 366, 368,701 NSF 2, 7,40, 701 NSFNET 7, 41,42,701 nslookup 482 ntohl procedure 429 ntohs procedure 429 null 572 number of hops 264, 297 NVT 488, 502,701 object identifier 559 OC series standards 701 OC-3 48 octet 30, 702 on-line access 498 one-armed firewall 593 one-armed router 702 Index open (TCP) 218 open message 279 Open SPF protocol 308 open standard 308, 601 open system interconnection open-read-write-close 414 operating system boundary 192 optical fiber 354 options 107, 457,492 Organizationally Unique Identifier 363 oscillation 305 OSI 702 OSPF 293, 308,702 Hello message 10 area 309 link status routing 13 link status update 13 message header 10 OUI 363, 702 out of band 492, 544 out of band data 222, 702 outside 589 overlapping segment problem 25 P packet 18, 702 packet delivery service packet filter 578, 590, 702 packet radio 50 packet switching 18 Packet Switching Node 38 PAD 183 page (Web) 528 paradox see non-selfreferential parallel subtype (MIME) 524 parameter problem 140 PARC 296 parent domain 472 partial routing information 255 passive 297 passive monitoring 596 passive open 218 password 521 path attributes 282 path message 550 path MTU 223, 607,702 PATRICIA tree 172 PCM 48, 540,702 PDN 46, 702 PDP 550 PDU 567, 702 peer 276 peer backbone networks 260 peering arrangement 46, 702 PEM 703 PEP 551 perimeter security 703 permanent virtual circuit 356 persistent connection 532 PF-DIET 415, 418 physical address 29, 78, 703 physical layer 182 piggybacking 21 PIM 343, 344,703 PING 133, 146,398,703 pipe 416 pipeline 532 playback 541 playback point 703 Point to Point Protocol 189 point-to-point network 48, 49, 162, 163, 703 pointer query 478, 479 poison reverse 300, 703 policy 550 policy constraint 282 Policy Decision Point 550 Policy Enforcement Point 55 POP 703 POP3 521 port 39, 135,404, 703 PORT command (FTP) 505 port redirection 401 port unreachable 204 positive acknowledgement 21 1, 703 positive feedback cycle 306 Post Office Protocol 521 Index Postel, Jon 11, 71 POTS 703 PPP 189, 704 pragma 528 preamble 30 preference level 535 prefix extension 380 presentation layer 183 primary address 378 primary server 92 privacy 389, 572,582 private 389, 391 private address 172, 620 private network 389, 390 process 197, 404 promiscuous ARP 150, 704 promiscuous mode 704 proNET 49 proposed standard 626 protocol 3, 704 ARP 77, 85 BGP 276 BOOTP 443 CBT 343 DHCP 443 DVMRP 339 FTP 500 GGP 264 HELLO 293, 305 ICMP 129 IGMP 328 IGP 295 IP 95, 97 IPV4 602 IPV6 602 Internet 95 MOSPF 343, 347 MTP 518 OSPF 293, 308 PIM 343, 344 RARP 89, 90 RIP 293, 296 RTCP 544 RTP 542 SMTP 518 SNMP 556 ST 602 TCP 209, 215 TELNET 486 TFTP 505 UDP 197, 198 application 6, 184 data link 184 datagram 197 internet 184 layering 177, 178, 184 mobile IP 377 neighbor discovery 18 network management 556 port 198 reachability 286 standards 12 stream 209 protocol data unit 567 protocol family 177 protocol independence 345 Protocol Independent Mu1ticast 343 protocol port 216, 243,404, 704 protocol standards protocol suite 177 provider prefix 704 provisioned service 356, 704 proxy 592, 704 proxy ARP 150, 370, 385, 704 proxy server 530, 535, 548 prune 339, 344, 704 pseudo header 200, 224,615,705 pseudo terminal 488 PSN 38, 705 PSTN 546, 705 Public Data Networks 46 public key encryption 705 Public Switched Telephone Network 546 public topology 617 Pulse Code Modulation 48, 540 PUP 705 push 11, 243,705 PVC 356, 705 Index Q Quality Of Service 548, 705 R RA 287, 705 Random Early Discard 235, 349 range 326 RAFW 89, 90, 142,444,705 RARP server 91 rationalized routing 287 rcp RDP 705 reachability 286, 705 Read Only Memory 89 read request 506 read system call 421 readv system call 421 real-time 540 Real-Time Transport Protocol 542 reassembly 103, 104, 361, 607, 706 reassembly timer 105 Receiver Report message 545 receiver SWS avoidance 246 record route option 109 recursive name resolution 471 recv function 421 recvfrom function 422 recvmsg function 422 RED 235, 349,706 redirect 137, 398, 706 redirect server 548 reference model 181, 706 regional network 1, 706 registration request 382 relative 529 relay (mail) 15 relay agent 45 reliable multicast 347, 706 reliable stream service 96 reliable transfer 211, 706 remote configuration 572 remote login 4, 486 Remote Procedure Call 508, 591 Rendezvous Point 345 renumbering 620 repeater 1, 706 replay 265, 582, 706 Request For Comments 11, 623 reserved prefixes 72, 706 reset 241, 706 resolution 706 resolving addresses 78 resolving names 47 resource records 476 Resource Reservation Protocol 549 res-init procedure 43 res-mkquery procedure 43 res-send 431 retransmission 211, 212, 225, 226, 265 RETURN 489 revalidation 536 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol 90 Reverse Path Broadcasting 334 Reverse Path Forwarding 161, 334 Reverse Path Multicast 338 RFC 11, 623,706 RFC editor 11 RFNM 39 ring network 34 RIP 293, 296,707 default route 302 version 300 version 303 RTE 707 rlogin 494, 707 ROADS 164, 707 ROM 89 root node 337 round trip time 226, 707 route 63, 137, 707 default 121 host-specific 121 route advertisement 264 route aggregation 277, 303, 707 route metric 305 route server 287, 707 route table search 168 routed 296, 340,707 Index router 56, 57, 115, 118, 137, 707 core 257 designated 309 stub 257 router advertisement 380, 620 router alert 550, 707 router discovery 143, 380 router requirements 708 router solicitation 144, 380,620 routing 97, 115 SPF 266 extra hop problem 272 link state 266 size of group 27 routing arbiter 287, 708 routing core 256 routing cycle 139 routing hierarchically 153 routing hops 264 routing inconsistencies 257 Routing Information Protocol 296 routing loop 261, 282,708 routing metrics 305 routing peers 260 routing policy 282 routing table 119, 254 routing table search 167 RP 345, 708 RPB 334, 708 RPC 508, 577,591,708 RPF 334, 708 RPM 338, 708 RS 287, 708 RS232 708 rsh 494 RST 708 RSVP 549, 708 RTCP 544, 708 RTO 709 RTP 542, 709 RTP Control Protocol 544 RTT 226, 709 ruptirne 409 S SA 585, 709 SACK 709 sample round trip time 226 SAR (ATM) 361, 709 scheme 528 scope 326 SDP 548 search algorithm 167 secondary address 378 Secure Sockets Layer 589 security 121, 581,582 security association 585 security parameters index 586 security perimeter 589 segment 219, 221,709 segmentation 361 select function 425 selectable link 528 selective acknowledgement 709 self clocking 248, 709 self-healing 34, 709 self-identifying 167, 277 self-identifying address 65 self-identifying frame 30, 39, 362, 709 send function 420 Sender Report message 545 sender SWS avoidance 248 sendmsg function 420 sendto function 420 sentinel value 532 sequence number 265 Serial Line IP 189 server 90, 403, 446, 710 RARF' 91 example 437 primary 92 time of day 404 web 404, 528 server-driven negotiation 534 serverless autoconfiguration 620 service connectionless packet delivery reliable stream Index reliable stream transport 209 unreliable packet delivery 97 SERVICE TYPE 604 Session Description Protocol 548 Session Initiation Protocol 547, 548 session layer 183 setdomainname function 427 sethostent procedure 433 sethostname function 426 semetent procedure 433 setprotoent procedure 434 setservent procedure 435 setsockopt function 423 seven-layer reference model 10 SGMP 573, 710 shared 34 shared bus 27 shared tree 344, 10 shortest path algorithm 266 Shortest Path First 266 shortest path routing 10 shortest path tree 345, 10 SIGCOMM 15 signaling 356, 546, 710 Signaling System 546 silly window syndrome 246, 710 Simple lP 601 Simple IP Plus 601 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 18 Simple Network Management Protocol 556 simplex 550 SIP 547, 548,601,710 SIPP 601, 710 site 616 site-local address 619, 710 size of datagram 102 size of routing group 27 slash notation 166 sliding window 213, 219, 710 SLIP 189, 710 sllrp 399 slow convergence 298, 299,7 11 slow-start 233, 234, 711 small infinity 298 SMDS 362, 711 SMI 558, 711 SMTP 518, 711 SNA 711 SNAP 363, 711 SNMP 556, 577,711 SOA 711 sockaddr 418 socket 7, 415 socket API 11 socket function 415 socket interface 14 socket library 44 socketpair function 416 soft state 81, 143, 265, 711 soft-start 234 Sorcerer's Apprentice Bug 507 source authentication 583 source port 198, 199 source quench 136, 12 source route 110, 135, 608, 712 source route option 110 source tree 346, 12 SP tree 345 span 304 spanning tree 33 sparse mode 344 spatial locality 384 SPF 266, 712 SPI 712 split horizon update 299, 12 spoofing 151 spooling 512 SPREAD 295 SS7 546, 712 SSL 589, 712 SSR 712 ST 602 stale 536 standard byte order 74, 712 standard YO 495 standardization 12 standards 6, 48 Index stateless autoconfiguration 620 states of TCP FSM 242 STD 712 store-and-forward 12 stream 5, 210 strict source routing 111 Structure of Management Information 558 STS standards 48 stub network 594 stub router 257 subnet addressing 67, 152, 713 subnet broadcast 161 subnet mask 142, 156, 159,713 subnet routing 152, 158 subnet rule 158 subnetting 152 SubNetwork Attachment Point 363, 13 subscriber 617 subtype 523 suite of protocols 177 supernet addressing 164, 713 supernetting 67, 164 SVC 356, 713 Switched Multimegabit Data Service 362 switched virtual circuit 356 SWS 246, 713 SWS avoidance 246 symbol 36 symbol (FDDI) 36 symmetric 493 SYN 238, 241,713 SYNCH 492 synchronization error 279 synchronize 545 system call 414 T T1 48 T3 45, 713 tag 528 tag switching 372 tail drop 235, 713 tap 21 task 197, 404 TCP 194, 209,215,713 3-way handshake 237 FIN 239 Nagle algorithm 249 RST 241 RTT 226 SYN 238 acknowledgements 225 adaptive retransmission 226, 230 ambiguity of acknowledgements 228 characteristics 210 checksum 224 clumping 248 code bits 222, 241 congestion control 220 ~ ~ e c t i close o n 239 connection establishment 237 finite state machine 24 1, 242 flow control 220 full duplex 21 graceful shutdown 239 header 221 initial sequence 239 maximum segment 223 out of band data 222 port numbers 216 protocol port 243 pseudo header 224 push 211, 243 reset 241 segment format 22 sequence number 219 silly window syndrome (SWS) 246 urgent data 222 window 245 window advertisement 220 zero window 220 TCP protocol 209, 215 TCP/IP TCPIIP Internet Protocol Suite 13 TDM 714 TDMA 714 technology independence Index telephone system 464 TELNET 70, 486,502,577,714 options 492 TERM 495 TFTP 505, 714 thick Ethernet 23 thicknet 23, 714 thin-wire Ethernet 23 thinnet 23, 714 this network 67 three-way handshake 237, 714 threshold 306 time exceeded message 139 time service 406 time to live 106, 139, 189, 325, 326, 340, 473, 587, 604 time-of-day server 404 timed wait state 241 timeout 225, 226, 370 timeout and retransmission 445 timer 81 reassembly 105 timer backoff 229 timestamp 111, 141, 541, 543 TLA 714 TLI 14, 441,442,714 TLV encoding 448, 609, 14 tn3270 496, 714 token ring 34, 49, 715 TOP 526 top level aggregation 617 topology 347 TOS 99, 715 TP-4 209, 715 traceroute 146, 15 traffic class 604, 15 traffic monitor 27 traffic policing 549, 715 traffic shaping 550, 715 trailer encapsulation 15 transceiver 21, 715 transient multicast group 323 translation 543 Transmission Control Protocol 209, 215 transparent 1, 394 transparent access 498 transparent router 149 transparent service 486 transport layer 183, 184 Transport Layer Interface 14, 441 transport service tree 337 triangle forwarding 384 trie 169 triggered updates 300, 715 Trivial File Transfer Protocol 505 TFWB 334, 715 TFWF 334, 715 truncated RPF 334 trusted hosts 486 TTL 106, 326,340,716 tty 488 tunnel 340, 341, 378 tunneling 46, 591, 716 twice NAT 401 twisted pair Ethernet 25, 16 two-crossing problem 384 two-stage oscillation 305 type 362, 363 type field 30, 107, 132, 194 type of name 468 Type Of Service 99 type of service routing 309, 716 U UART 716 UCBCAST 716 UDP 194, 198,716 echo server 404 encapsulation 201 message format 199 port 198 protocol 197 pseudo header 200 semantics 198 unacknowledged packet 14 unconnected socket 41 UNI 354 Index unicast 612, 716 unicast address 29, 320 unicast delivery 68 Uniform Resource Identifier 528 Uniform Resource Locator 528 universal assignment 204 universal communication service 63 universal interconnection 5, 55 universal time 112, 406, 716 UNIX 414 unnumbered network 162, 716 unreachable destination 134 unreliable delivery 96, 97, 198, 17 unspecified address 16 update message 280 urgent data 222, 492,496,717 URI 528, 717 URL 528, 717 URN 717 user agent server 548 user datagram 197, 199,443 User Datagram Protocol 198 user level process 197, 404 User to Network Interface 354 UUCP 518, 717 v v3MP 568 VAN gateway 47 variable-length subnetting 155, 303, 717 variance 230 vBNS 45, 717 VC 47, 717 vector-distance 262, 717 video 539 view-based access control 572 virtual channel 356 virtual circuit 47, 210,356,717 virtual circuit identifier 357 virtual network 95 virtual path identifier 357 Virtual Private Network 391 VLSM 718 vocodec 540 voice coder / decoder 540 voice over IP 546 VPWCI 357, 718 VPN 389, 391,718 W w3c.org 15 WAN 19, 718 waveform coder 540 weak authentication 583 weakest link axiom 589 web 4, 404, 528 weighted average 237 well-known address 323 well-known port 204, 243,7 18 whole-file copying 498 wide area network 19 wildcard 424 wildcard receiver 347 WILL (TELNET) 493 window 214, 245,718 congestion 233 window advertisement 220, 18 window size 214 Windows Sockets 413 Windows Sockets Interface 14, 718 WINSOCK 413 wireless network 50 working group 10, 718 World Wide Web 4, 12, 527, 718 worm 38, 408 write 248 write request 506 write system call 419 writev system call 419 WWW 527, 718 www.isoc.org 15 X X 718 X-Window System 719 X.121 47 X.25 40, 46,47, 182,718 X.400 183, 719 Index X25NET 46, 719 XDR 508, 577,719 Xerox PARC 20 X N S 114 z zero compression 61 zero window 220, 719 zone of authority 481, 719 1 Fourth EdCtian m VOLUME l PRINCIPLES,PROTOCOLS,AM)ARCHITECTURES DOUGLAS E, COMER ISBN 0-13-OL8380-b Prentioe Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ 0'7458 http://www.~.com ... Service (TCP) 13 .1 13.2 13 .3 13 .4 13 .5 13 .6 13 .7 13 .8 13 .9 13 .10 13 .11 13 .12 13 .13 13 .14 13 .15 13 .16 13 .17 13 .18 13 .19 13 .20 13 . 21 13.22 13 .23 13 .24 13 .25 13 .26 13 .27 13 .28 13 .29 13 .30 13 . 31 13.32... Chapter 15 Routing: Exterior Gateway Protocols And Autonomous Systems (BGP) 15 .1 15.2 15 .3 15 .4 15 .5 15 .6 15 .7 15 .8 15 .9 15 .10 15 .11 15 .12 15 .13 15 .14 15 .15 15 .16 15 .17 15 .18 15 .19 15 .20 15 . 21 15.22... And ACK Implosions 347 17 .30 Summary 349 Chapter 18 TCPnP Over ATM Networks 18 .1 18.2 18 .3 18 .4 18 .5 18 .6 18 .7 18 .8 18 .9 18 .10 18 .11 18 .12 18 .13 18 .14 18 .15 18 .16 18 .1 18 .18 18 .19 18 .20 18 .21

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2019, 21:39