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Period 65 Unit 10: Nature In Danger

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Period 65 Date of preparation: 23/1/2015 Date of teaching: 26/1/2015 Unit 10: Nature In Danger Lesson 4: Writing I Aim Writing a description of a national park II Objective By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe a national park based on given information III Materials Textbook, pictures, Ao sized posters IV Anticipated problems Ss may have difficulty with writing descriptive essays, so T should be ready to help them V Tim e 2’ 5’ Procedure Content A.Warm up Questions: Where you often spend your summer holiday? Have you ever been to any national parks? B.Pre-writing - Vocabulary: island (n) /ˈaɪlənd/ đảo tropical forest (n) / ˈtrɒpɪkl ˈfɒrɪst/ rừng nhiệt đới coastal water (n) /ˈkəʊstl ˈwɑːtər/ vùng nước ven biển white sand beach (n) /waɪt sænd biːtʃ/ bãi biển cát trắng abundant natural resources (n) /əˈbʌndənt ˈnætʃrəl ˈriːsɔːrs/ nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên phong phú landscape (n) /ˈlændskeɪp/ phong cảnh đẹp T’s and Ss’ activities -T asks Ss some questions -Ss answer in front of class -T shows some pictures and asks Ss to guess the words -Ss answer and take note -T reads word by word -SS repeat in chorus stone tool ( n) /stəʊn tuːl/ đồ dùng làm đá human bone (n) /ˈhjuːmən bəʊn/ xương người -Checking vocabulary 1’ 5’ 15’ 15’ -Structures: +Where? (Location): X is located on/ in Y X is …km north/south/east/west from Y + How big? (Area): X is…square km +What geographical features? Scenic features? Historic features?): There is/are… X is characterized by… It is famous for… Many species/kinds of plants live here… Many rare animals can be found here… X is home to many kinds of rare animals C While-writing (Group work) Questions: Where is Cat Ba National Park located? What are the nature features of Cat Ba national park? How large is it? What you know about the animals and plants in Cat Ba national park? What are some of historic features of the parks? D Post-writing Cat Ba National Park is located in Cat Ba Island, Hai Phong It is 120 km from Hanoi and 20 km east of Hai Phong city center It is 15,200 square hectares in total The park is characterized by beautiful tropical forests and coastal waters It is famous for magnificent landscapes with white sand beaches and abundant natural resources Many kinds of rare and precious animals and plants live in Cat Ba National Park It is home to 300 species of fish, 40 species of animals, 150 species of birds and 620 kinds of plants Cat Ba National Park is also a historic site Archeologists found 6000-year-old stone tools and even human bones So the park is not only a tourist attraction but also a good place for historians and archeologists to study the past -T picks out some words and ask Ss to retell them -T gives some structures for descriptive essay -SS take note -T asks Ss to work in group T asks Ss some questions and asks them to answer -Ss answer and write it into a descriptive essay -T shows an example of the description on Cat Ba National Park -Check the description of each group and comment 2’ E Wrapping Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart Write a description of the city you visited Prepare next lesson : Unit 10- Language focus -Summarize the main points -Assign homework -SS take note

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2019, 19:09

