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6 Coralline Algae a first synthesis

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Coralline Algae, A First Synthesis Author H W Johansen, Ph.D Associate Professor of Botany Department of Biology Clark University Worcester, Massachusetts Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business First published 1981 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 Reissued 2018 by CRC Press © 1981 by CRC Press, Inc CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to 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Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Johansen, H William Coralline algae, a first synthesis Bibliography: p Includes index Corallinaceae I Title QK569.C8J64 589.4’1 ISBN 0-8493-5261-4 80-14028 A Library of Congress record exists under LC control number: 80014028 Publisher’s Note The publisher has gone to great lengths to ensure the quality of this reprint but points out that some imperfections in the original copies may be apparent Disclaimer The publisher has made every effort to trace copyright holders and welcomes correspondence from those they have been unable to contact ISBN 13: 978-1-315-89182-8 (hbk) ISBN 13: 978-1-351-07092-8 (ebk) Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com PREFACE As the title implies, this book is a first step at pulling together the voluminous but scattered information o n coralline algae Much can be said about these omnipresent plants of the sea, a n d the purpose here is to provide a coherent framework of data and discussion This is the time t o make this step, because research on coralline algae is now resulting in a surge of papers What was once a rather neglected group of seaweeds is now becoming relatively well-known Marine biologists are rapidly recognizing the important role that coralline algae play in the sea And, the old idea that coralline algae are a n extraordinarily difficult group to work with is also being dispelled More than most other seaweed groups, the Corallinaceae are well-defined Hence, it is easy to scan papers a n d quickly pick out information o n this group There are two types of papers: those in which the research is focused on coralline algae and those in which data o n these algae are part of a larger whole A great deal of important literature was published from 1700 to the early 1900s I have incorporated some o f this, that which seems pertinent, especially in the chapter o n taxonomy, but many others have been excluded Rather, the aim of this book is to give a state-of-the-art presentation and t o emphasize recent publications Therefore, have included as much information as possible up to and including 1979 Another facet that reflects the well-defined status of the coralline family is the specialized vocabulary that has crept into use hope the glossary will help in this regard This book is aimed a t marine biologists in general, and I have tried to keep the writing such that nonphycologists will not have undue difficulty with it I t is true, however, that some chapters, for example those o n interal structures and reproduction, will be most understandable by phycologists In selecting chapter topics I kept in mind coralline algae- the plants At the same time I recognize that of the wider interest t o marine biologists is the role that these plants play in the seas Hence, the 12 chapters form groups: (1) plant structure and organization, (2) ecology, a n d (3) taxonomy a n d phylogeny Hopefully, there is a n approximately even distribution in these three areas Coverage in the area of physiology is lacking, however T h e closest this book comes to physiology is in Chapter 6, on calcification - a must with coralline algae Many people have helped with this book, both in reading for content and grammar, and in logistics, such as typing, drawing, a n d procuring publications thank the following people for reading parts of the manuscript o r for exchanging ideas about coralline algae with me: W H Adey, V Ahmadjian, H Akioka, W Andrake, L F Austin, E A Boger, M A Borowitzka, J J Brink, J Cabioch, Y M Chamberlain, M Chihara, B J Colthart, G F Elliot, D J Garbary, B T Gittins, M H Hommersand, S E Johnson, L Irvine, P A Lebednik, M Lemoine, M M Littler, T Masaki, P J Matty, R E Meslin, J D Milliman, J N Norris, R F Nunnemacher, R B Searles, P C Silva, R A Townsend a n d W J Woelkerling And there are surely others that I have inadvertently omitted In spite of their help, it is possible that there are errors in the text, a n d for these I a m fully responsible Many thanks go to Elizabeth M Rogers a n d Inis C Cook, as well as Terry Reynolds, Rene Baril, Teri McCall, a n d Roxanne Rawson of the Secretarial Pool, Clark University, for hours of tedious typing Thanks also go to R B Parker, R E Levenbaum, Irene W Walch, a n d Marion Henderson for help with illustrations and references The Cooperation of C R C Press is much appreciated: Lisa Levine Eggenberger, Benita Budd Segraves, a n d B J Starkoff T h e initial days of work on this book in a lovely Montana cabin were possible because of Sylvia and Neil R Schroeder, and S S Cook, J r (Bud) I would like to express my sincere gratitude to G F Papenfuss for starting me off on my study of coralline algae and for his continued interest Much credit also goes to my family, Eric J , Brian F., Edith L., and Fredrik Johansen, as well as to Frances L Pedusey, Carolee A Virgilio, and Barbara J Johansen for their understanding and support during the years when I was devoted t o studying plants of the sea H W Johansen THE AUTHOR H William Johansen, Ph D., is Associate Professor of Botany, Clark University, Worcester, MA He obtained a B A degree from San Jose State University, an M.A Degree from San Franciso State University in 1961, and a Ph.D degree from the University of California in Berkeley in 1966 From 1966 to 1968 he had an N.I.H postdoctoral fellowship, part of which was spent in South Africa and Europe, and part in Berkeley From 1968 to the present, he has held a position at Clark University in the Department of Biology Dr Johansen has been actively involved in teaching plant and marine-oriented courses His research deals with coralline algae, particularly systematics and ecology Recently he has traveled to the Gulf of California, Japan, and Canada to study these algae He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the International Phycological Society, the American Phycological Society, the British Phycological Society, Sigma Xi, and the Western Society of Naturalists Since his career in research began, Dr Johansen has published more than 30 papers and abstracts, mostly on coralline algae Coralline Algae, A First Synthesis is his first book This book is dedicated to my parents, Edith and Fredrik and my sons, Eric and the late Brian TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter ScopeandDiversity Introduction Basicstructure R o l e i n t h e o c e a n s Classification I0 Sunimary 10 Chapter Vegetative Cytology 13 Introduction 13 C e l l w a l l s 13 Primary Pit.Connections 16 Secondary Pit.Connections 16 CellFusions 19 Nuclei 20 Organellesand Inclusions 20 SporeGermination 23 Sporeling Growth and Development 25 Meristems 27 Epithallia 29 TrichocytesandMegacells 33 Summary 36 Chapter Structure of Nonarticulated Coralline Algae 39 Introduction 39 Lithophylloideae 41 Lithophyllum Series 42 Dermatolithon Series 42 Mastophoroideae and Melobesioideae 44 T h i n c r u s t s 44 Ribbon Corallines 46 T h i c k c r u s t s 47 Unattached Coralline Algae 48 Epiphytic Coralline Algae 48 Parasitic Coralline Algae 52 Summary 55 Chapter Structure of Articulated Coralline Algae 57 Introduction 57 Corallinoideae 57 Intergenicula 57 Genicula 60 Branching 63 FrondInitiation 65 Amphiroideae 66 Amphiroa 67 Genicula Lithothrix Metagoniolithoideae Summary 68 72 74 76 Chapter Reproduction 79 Introduction 79 Vegetative Reproduction 79 Conceptacles 79 Tetrasporangial Conceptacles 84 Tetrasporangia and Bisporangia 91 MaleConceptacles 92 Spermatangia 97 Carpogonia 98 Carposporophytes 101 LifeHistories 106 Summary 108 Chapter Calcification 111 lntroduction 111 Cell Wall composition 111 The Calcification Process 112 Summary 117 Chapter Phytogeography 119 Introduction 119 Cold Northwestern Atlantic 119 Cold Northeastern Atlantic 124 Cold Northwestern Pacific 127 Cold Northeastern Pacific 129 TropicalRegions 129 Below 30" South Latitude 133 Summary 133 Chapter Growth a n d Environment 135 Introduction 135 Spores and Substrates 135 Seasonality 136 Temperature 137 Light 138 Desiccation 139 WaterMotion 140 Seawater Ingredients 142 BioticInteractions 143 Summary 147 Chapter Production 149 Introduction 149 Growth Rates 149 Colonization and Succession 150 OrganicProduction 151 InorganicProduction 152 Unattached Coralline Algae 153 F a t e o f t h e C a l c i t e 154 Summary 157 Chapter 10 Reef Building 159 Introduction 159 Basic Reef Structure 159 Grazing and Coralline Development 161 Indo-Pacific Reefs 162 Porolithon in the Pacific 163 CaribbeanReefs 164 Coralline Ridge-Formers in the Caribbean 168 Summary 170 Chapter 1 Fossil Coralline Algae 173 Introduction 173 Solenoporaceae 173 Ancestral Coralline Algae 175 Appearance of the Corallinaceae 176 Summary 177 Chapter 12 Taxonomy 179 Introduction 179 History 179 Recognizing the Genera 183 Current Schemes of Classification 187 Adaptations in Coralline Algae 188 Summary 191 References 193 Glossary 209 Appendix1 215 Appendix2 225 Index 227 Coralline Algae, A First Synthesis Table SUBFAMILIES AND GENERA OF ARTICULATED CORALLINACEAE Subfamilies and Main Features Genera Amphiroidea Genicula one tier or more often, several tiers of cells; direct secondary pit-connections present between cells; conceptacles on lateral surfaces of intergenicula Corallinoideae Genicula single tier of long cells; cells joined laterally by fusions, no direct secondary pit-connections present Amphiroa Lithothrix Alatocladia Arthrocardia Bossiella Calliarthron Cheilosporum Chiharaea Corallina Haliptilon Jania Marginisporum Serraticardia Yamadaea Metagoniolithoideae Genicula of many layers of cells, and producing branches; cells joined laterally by fusions, no direct wcondary pit-connection\ prewnt; concepracle\ on lateral surfaces of intergenicula The family Corallinaceae is placed in the order Cryptonemiales, class Florideophyceae and phylum Rhodophyta Numerous useful characteristics enable phycologists to group coralline algae into subfamilies containing about 43 genera Four of these subfamilies contain nonarticulated species and three of them articulated species References Abbott, I A and Hollenberg, G J , Marine Algae of California, Stanford University Press, Calif., 1976 Abbott, I A and North, W J , Temperature influences on floral composition in California coastal waters, in Proc 7th Int Seaweed Symp Nizizawa, K , Ed., University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1972, 72 Adey, W H , The genus Phymatolithon in the Gulf of Maine, Hydrobiologia, 24, 377, 1964 Adey, W H , The algal tribe Lithophylleae and its included genera II, Q Colo Sch Mines, 60, 67, 1965 Adey, W H , The genus Clathromorphum (Corallinaceae) in the Gulf of Maine, Hydrobiologia, 26, 539, 1965 Adey, W H , Distribution of saxicolous crustose corallines in the northwestern North 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Ngày đăng: 18/10/2019, 14:52

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