CULTURE 1- Cultural exchange /ˈkʌltʃərəl ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ : Trao đổi văn hóa With activities in festival, we hope to provide an opportunity that can benefit both Vietnamese students and a range of foreign tourists, as well as improving the cultural exchange between Vietnam and the world 2- Cultural integration /ˈkʌltʃərəl ɪntɪˈɡreɪʃn/: Hội nhập văn hóa Cultural integration eliminates conflicts arising from cultural differences by organizing events to connect the values of different communities 3- Cultural assimilation /ˈkʌltʃərəl əˌsɪməˈleɪʃn/: Sự đồng hóa văn hóa Cultural assimilation is when you adopt a culture as part of your own This usually happens when you move to another country, and sometimes even another state 4– Cultural difference /ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈdɪfrəns/: Sự khác biệt văn hóa It is essential for you to be aware of cultural differences in communication, for example, to know the correct way of addressing and greeting your business partners, your boss and your colleagues; always use last names and titles unless you are invited to otherwise 5- Cultural misconception /ˈkʌltʃərəl mɪskənˈsepʃn/ – Hiểu lầm văn hóa William Cruz showed how differences in non-verbal communication cause cultural misconceptions For example, Friendly touching is common in Latino culture, however it is not accepted in Northern European culture to touch another person while talking with them 6- Cultural specificity /ˈkʌltʃərəl spesɪˈfɪsəti/ – Nét đặc trưng văn hóa Trau Cau is one of Vietnamese cultural specificities The Vietnamese people use Trau Cau to worship ancestors at every wedding ceremony in the hope that the bride and the groom would live together forever 7- Cultural uniqueness /ˈkʌltʃərəl juˈniːknəs/ Nét độc đáo văn hóa A unique geographical position has given India a chance to develop a unique culture and this cultural uniqueness is a big ‘pull’ factor for travelers from different countries who visit this amazing country 8- Cultural festival /ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈfestɪvl/: Lễ hội văn hóa The annual cultural festival aims to honor the Cham people’s values and cultural identities and provide an opportunity for Cham ethnic minority groups to strengthen their solidarity 9- Cultural heritage /ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ Di sản văn hoá With a group of temple-towers of Cham people, an imperial city during the Champa kingdom, My Son Sanctuary is a cultural heritage and tourist attraction in Vietnam 10- Culture shock /ˈkʌltʃər ʃɑːk/ – Sốc văn hóa Culture Shock basically comes from a lack of understanding and builds up anxiety So it is very important to try to understand the culture religion and people of the country that you are travelling to and a little research before you leave will help tremendously 11- National identity /ˈnæʃnəl aɪˈdentəti/ – Bản sắc dân tộc National identity of Vietnam is very unique One of the most basic components is the Vietnamese language Many Vietnamese are tremendously proud of their language and its complexities Each Vietnamese need to know how to preserve and develop it 12- Civilization /ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃn/ – Nền văn minh The civilization of the Ancient Egypt was one of the most spectacular of the ancient world, with many demonstrations of their power including the Pyramids 12- Prejudice /ˈpredʒudɪs/ Định kiến, thành kiến After Vietnam War in 1975, Many South Vietnamese, who worked in the south government, were imprisoned in reeducation camps After being released from the prisons; they have had a lot of prejudice from people of the North 13- Ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ Lễ nghi Vietnam’s Hung Kings worshiping ritual in Phu Tho province becoming part of the world’s intangible cultural heritage reflects the importance to the Vietnamese people of ancestor worship 14- Acculturation /əˌkʌltʃəˈreɪʃn / – Sự tiếp nhận biến đổi văn hóa Acculturation refers to the processes that occur when different individuals or groups of people meet and exchange aspects of their culture Due to advances in technology, there has been a significant increase in the interactions among different cultures 15- Folk culture /foʊk kʌltʃər/ – Văn hóa dân gian The Vietnamese folk culture has always evolved on the basis of the wet rice civilization Thus, the lifestyle of the Vietnamese population is closely related to its village and native lands 16- Oral tradition /ˈɔːrəl trəˈdɪʃn/ – Truyền miệng Histories and stories of a people that come to us in a spoken and sung form are part of what is called an oral tradition 17- Ethical standard /ˈeθɪkl stændərd/ – Chuẩn mực đạo đức Teachers’ duty is to help foster civic virtues of students such as honesty, responsibility, cooperation, loyalty, and respect-for the law Therefore, teacher should act with conscientious effort to exemplify the highest ethical standard 18- Race conflict /reɪs kɑːnflɪkt/ – Xung đột sắc tộc Racial conflicts have become the serious challenge of many Companies in America To deal with racial conflict in the workplace, companies need to confront perceptions of racism; rather than ignore or pretend it doesn’t happen 19- Racism /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ – Chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc The Unites States government implemented a number of laws to ensure racism no longer affects society However, it still remains in many segments of the population in crime, job discrimination and especially education 20- Wonder /ˈwʌndər/ – Kỳ quan Ha Long Bay in the northern province of Quang Ninh has been named one of the world’s new seven wonders of nature, according to a global poll announced this morning by the New Wonders Foundation 21- Intangible cultural heritage of humanity /ɪnˈtændʒəbl kʌltʃərəl herɪtɪdʒ əv hjuːˈmænəti/ – Di sản văn hóa phi vật thể nhân loại At the 6th Meeting of the Inter-governmental Committee for the Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO held in Bali, Indonesia, Vietnam’s Xoan singing in Phu Tho was officially recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in need of urgent protection 22- Historic site /hɪˈstɔːrɪk saɪt/ – Di tích lịch sử Today Tallahassee is a vibrant and modern city The capital of one of the nation’s most progressive and largest states, it offers an array of historic sites that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Florida 23- Ancient monument – /ˈeɪnʃənt ˈmɑːnjumənt/ – Di tích cổ Besides visiting ancient monuments and tombs, coming to Hue, you can also have a chance to bathe and lying under the sun on the most wildly beautiful beaches in Vietnam 24- Show prejudice (against smb/smt) /predʒudɪs əˈɡeɪnst/ (v) – Thể thành kiến (với ai, gì) Most companies show prejudice against the obese and the peak is the decision of the Citizens Medical Center in Texas that is not to hire obese applicants 25- Assimilate /əˈsɪməleɪt/ v Đồng hóa The most prominent feature of the Vietnamese culture is that it was not assimilated by foreign cultures thanks to the strong local cultural foundations 26- Discriminate (against smb) /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt əˈɡeɪnst/ – Phân biệt đối xử (với ai) Once you have been accepted as a pupil or student at the school or college, it’s against the law for them to discriminate against you because of your religion or belief 27- Eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt / v Loại trừ Strong leadership can increase the level of connectedness students feel to each other while at the same time eliminate the cultural borders that may exist that serve to foster intergroup tension 28- Integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ v Hội nhập In this tendency of globalization, Vietnam has opportunity to integrate and exchange with other cultures in the world in order to enrich and affirm its own identity 29 – Exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ v Trao đổi To exchange culture between Vietnamese and regional and international students and youths, it is need to develop programs financed by the fund for Vietnamese artists, scholars, cultural activists, journalists, etc to participate in international cultural competitions on arts, painting, and music 30- To be well-preserved /´welpri´zə:vd/ – Được giữ gìn, bảo tồn tốt Thanks to rapid advancement in the field of archaeology and monument preservations, most of the historical edifices of Athens are very well preserved 31- To be derived from /dɪˈraɪvd frɒm/ – Được bắt nguồn từ Greek and Latin are the predominant sources of the international scientific vocabulary Over fifty thousand English words are derived from the Greek language 32- To be distorted /dɪˈstɔːrtid/ – Bị bóp méo, xuyên tạc If your thoughts and beliefs are distorted, your emotions will reflect these distortions For example, you feel guilty; you must have done something wrong 33- To be handed down: /tu bi hændid daʊn/ – Được lưu truyền Xoan singing is a vocal art of villages in the ancestral land of Phu Tho It has been handed down for generations and the oral tradition is still very much alive today 34- To be imbued with national identity – /tu bi ɪmˈbjuːd wɪθ ˈnæʃnəl aɪˈdentəti/ – Đậm đà sắc dân tộc The objective of the orientation is to promote the role of inhabitants and communities in the development of a modern architecture imbued with national identity and the creation of a sustainable living environment 35- To be at risk / tu bi æt rɪsk/ – Có nguy cơ, nguy hiểm The latest Heritage at Risk register revealed that 5,831 listed buildings, monuments, archaeological sites, and landscapes in England are at risk of being lost ... Thus, the lifestyle of the Vietnamese population is closely related to its village and native lands 16- Oral tradition /ˈɔːrəl trəˈdɪʃn/ – Truyền miệng Histories and stories of a... the rich cultural heritage of Florida 23- Ancient monument – /ˈeɪnʃənt ˈmɑːnjumənt/ – Di tích cổ Besides visiting ancient monuments and tombs, coming to Hue, you can also have... words are derived from the Greek language 32- To be distorted /dɪˈstɔːrtid/ – Bị bóp méo, xuyên tạc If your thoughts and beliefs are distorted, your emotions will reflect these distortions