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UNIT 11: TỔNG QUAN VỀ IELTS SPEAKING PART LINK VIDEO BÀI HỌC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u70e-2MOGGo Rất nhiều bạn cho phần thi Speaking part phần khó thi nói bạn phải độc thoại Bạn phải tự nói ngắn khơng có câu hỏi hay trợ giúp từ giám khảo Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, giám khảo đưa cho bạn cue card bao gồm câu hỏi câu hỏi nhỏ để gợi ý bạn phải nói Bạn có phút để chuẩn bị 1-2 phút để hồn thành phần thi nói Giám khảo đưa cho bạn card sau: Khi gặp phải chủ đề không quen thuộc, bạn dễ rơi vào tình trạng khơng có ý để nói khơng biết phải nói phải trả lời theo câu hỏi gợi ý 1 Chiến lược tận dụng phút chuẩn bị hiệu Hãy nói thứ bạn cảm thấy thoải mái bạn dễ đạt điểm Nếu bạn không cảm thấy quen trả lời câu hỏi gợi ý trả lời theo ý Khi nhận cue card, bạn có khoảng phút để chuẩn bị Hãy viết vào tờ giấy cho sẵn tiêu đề để chuẩn bị nói mình: • Introduction • Past • Description • Opinion • Future a Introduction Một mở mang tính “nghiêm túc” điều khơng cần thiết Bạn thằng vào câu trả lời cách sử dụng cấu trúc như: I would love to talk about… | I prefer talking about…because… Sau giới thiệu nói bạn nên đưa chút “background information” b Past Trong phần trình bày thêm kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm, chứng kiến, v.v… có liên quan đến chủ đề nói Để chuyển hướng nói kiện khứ cách trơi chảy, bạn sử dụng từ “anyhow” số cấu trúc q khứ như: • Q khứ đơn (Verb –ed) • Quá thứ tiếp diễn (was/ were + verb-ing) • Q khứ hồn thành • Could/Must/Should/Might/Must + Have+ Vp2 • Used to + verb • Would + verb c Description Bạn bắt đầu nói câu: “So let me tell you about (X) in a little more detail.” Từ bạn bắt đầu thỏa thích “khoe khoang” khả sử dụng từ vựng, ngữ pháp, ngữ đồng vị thành ngữ Các bạn nên nhớ, nhìn chung phần thi speaking, giám khảo chấm IELTS đánh giá tất kỹ bao gồm: phát âm, ngữ pháp, từ vựng, khả trơi chảy, độ mạch lạc nói Tuy nhiên phần này, có hai kỹ tập trung chấm điểm nhiều nhất, độ trơi chảy (fluency) tính mạc lạc (coherence) d Opinion Sau hoàn thành xong nội dung yêu cầu, bạn mở rộng câu trả lời cách nói: “If you ask me/In my view/I would say + (ý kiến chủ đề giao)” Ý kiến, quan điểm bao gồm cảm xúc (feelings) suy nghĩ (thoughts) e Future Bạn nên sử dụng nói để chúng tỏ bạn có khả sử dụng ngữ pháp linh hoạt Để bàn tương lai bạn sử dụng cụm: ‘With regards to the future… Kết hợp với số cấu trúc tương lai như: + To be going to Infinitive + Will/Won’t Verb infinitive + Tương lai hoàn thành: will have + past participle + Hiện tiếp diễn để nói lịch cụ thể Các chủ đề thường gặp Part Theo cựu giảm kháo IELTS tiếng thầy Simon, nên chuẩn bị ý tưởng từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề sau: Describe an object (a gift, something you use etc.) Describe a person (someone you admire, a family member etc.) Describe an event (a festival, celebration etc.) Describe an activity (e.g a hobby) Describe a place (somewhere you visited, a holiday etc.) Describe your favourite (book/film/advertisement/website) Trong phút chuẩn bị nói, ưu tiên tập trung vào từ vựng ngữ pháp liên kết câu Cố gắng ghi lại nhiều ý tốt Nếu may mắn, bạn sử dụng ý mà bạn chuẩn bị sẵn nhà Bạn không cần phải sử dụng hết gợi ý tờ đề thi, nhiên từ khóa giúp bạn xây dựng cấu trúc, thứ tự ý hợp lý Mở rộng thêm ý việc điểm thêm câu truyện nhân Cách thức giúp bạn khơng bị dư thời gian nói 3 Chủ đề miêu tả người : Describe a person a Introduction: Who the person is Hãy mở đầu phần trả lời hai mẫu câu sau • Well then to start with I’d like to talk about… • Right to begin with I’m going to tell you about… Tiếp đó, em chọn mẫu câu sau để giải thích ngắn gọn em lại ngưỡng mộ người (1) Whom I deeply admire for… (2) Whom I have great admiration for… (3) Who is widely admired for… Trong đó, (1) (2) thích hợp dùng cho nhóm người quen; (3)thích hợp dùng để nói nhóm người lạ doanh nhân, ca sĩ, người tiếng v.v… Example: Describe a person you know a lot Hãy mô tả người mà bạn biết rõ → Chủ đề thuộc nhóm người thân quen: Well then to start with I’d like to talk about Michael, my best friend whom I have deeply admiration for his great intelligence b Past: How you knew this person - Nếu chủ đề thuộc nhóm người thân quen: I remember really vividly that I first met him/ her years ago at/ when … - Nếu topic rơi vào nhóm người lạ: I remember really vividly that I first read about him/ her on the Internet … years ago at/ when… Example: Describe a businessman that you admire I remember really vividly that I first read about him on the Internet about years ago when I was at the second year of college c Description: WHAT kind of person he/she is Để trả lời cho cue “WHAT”, tốt nên theo hướng ‘smart’/ thông minh ‘kind’/ tốt bụng - Giải thích người “smart”/ thơng minh, bạn sử dụng mẫu câu đây: And what I would just like to say that I think he’s really intellectually smart and quick-witted, possessing/ with a good sense of humor - Giải thích người “kind”/ tốt bụng, bạn nói sau: Furthermore/ On top of that, he was well-known/ held in great regard by all in the community for his kind, considerate and generous nature Example: Describe an interesting person from another country And what I would just like to say that I think he’s really intellectually smart, quick-witted, with a good sense of humor Furthermore, he was held in great regard by all in the community for his kind, considerate and generous nature d Opinion: WHY you admire this person Với cue cuối này, bạn sử dụng ba mẫu câu sau • Eventually, as regards the question why… • What I have to mention here is that… • I would like to explain that… • I suppose I should really highlight the fact that… • I learned a lot of important/ valuable/ useful lessons from him about (patience and perseverance) - Whenever facing/ running into/ experiencing any difficulties and challenges at work/ in life, I would look to him/ her for inspiration and guidance (or) for quality (career) advice and encouragement - Nhóm người quen: Therefore/ That’s why/ More importantly, I have great affection and a profound sense of respect/ a deep respect/ a huge amount of admiration and respect/ develop deep respect for the work he had done over the last decade/ for his achievements as a manager/ leader - Nhóm người lạ: Therefore/ That’s why/ More importantly, there is almost universal/ world-wide/ international respect for his abilities as a leader (*) Các bạn thay leader danh từ khác cho phù hợp với topic UNIT 12: TỔNG QUAN VỀ IELTS SPEAKING PART LINK VIDEO BÀI HỌC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9B9NZEk7Yc&t=21s Trong Part đề thi nói, bạn giám khảo hỏi câu hỏi có liên quan đến chủ đề part Ở phần thi này, giám khảo để bạn thảo luận ý kiến vấn đề trừu tượng Đây đối thoại hai chiều, kéo dài khoàng từ 4-5 phút Example: - Is it faster to get around by bike or on foot in your city? Biking is much faster than walking because we have special bike lanes for cyclist - How has public transport improved? For as long as I remember the only public transport was busses, but a few years ago they started building a metro - Will Uber change anything? It’s foreseeable that Uber will take over from normal taxis because thery are much more affordable - What you think about the new ferry? I suppose it’s a good thing because it will cut journey times significantly, but I’m not so sure about the environmental impact it might have - What would happen if they introduced transport passes? If they brought those in, it would make paying for transport much easier and could also lead to more people using buses and trains more often 1 Chiến lược trả lời câu hỏi Part Theo cựu giám khảo IELTS Simon, cách tốt để trả lời cho câu hỏi phần Part đưa ý sau: - Answer – Trả lời - Reason – Giải thích - Example – Ví dụ - Alternative – Ý kiến trái chiều (phần có khơng) Example: - How important is customer service for you? (Answer): Customer service is really important for me because I like to feel welcome and valued as a customer (Explain) If companies want us to use their products or services, I believe they should treat us well and therefore encourage us to return (Example) For example, I have a favourite cafe where I like to go, and the friendly staff are the main reason that I’ve become a loyal customer - What can companies to improve their customer service? (Answer): I think managers need to train their employees to deliver great customer service (Explain) There are lots of things that staff members can do, such as ensuring that customers are greeted in the right way, their problems are handled quickly, and they are asked for feedback (Example) For example, the staff in my favourite cafe greet customers as soon as they come through the door, and they always check that we are happy before we leave - Why you think employees sometimes don't provide good customer service? (Answer): When employees’ treatment of customers isn’t good, I think it’s usually because they are unhappy doing their jobs (Explain) This might be because they are treated badly by their managers, or because they haven’t been encouraged to take pride in their work (Example) I remember in my first ever job, for example, I didn't like the work that I was given, and so I probably wasn’t as thoughtful or attentive as I should have been when I had to speak to customers - Do you think that it's better to have clear aims for the future, or is it best to take each day as it comes? (Answer): I think it’s best to have a good idea of what you want to with your life, especially in terms of studies and career (Why) Having aims allows you to plan what you need to today and tomorrow in order to achieve longer-term objectives (Example) For example, if you want to become a doctor, you need to choose the right subjects at school, get the right exam results, and work hard at university (Opposite) Without a clear aim, it would be impossible to take the necessary steps towards a career in medicine, or any other profession 2 Các kiểu câu hỏi Part gợi ý trả lời Đề Part có kiểu câu hỏi sau: • Opinion– What you think about ‘this’? Remember to say why you think that way and give examples • Evaluate– What you think about someone else’s opinion? • Future– What you think will happen in the future? • Cause and Effect– What caused ‘this’ and/or what effects has ‘it’ had? • Hypothetical– Talk about imaginary or unreal situations • Compare and Contrast– Talk about the difference and/or similarities between two things • Past– How were things different in the past and how have they changed? a Opinion – Ý kiến Khi hỏi ý kiến mình, bạn nên bắt đầu cụm từ “I think ” “In my opinion ” , hay bạn sử dụng cụm từ khác sau: - As I see it, - Personally, - For me, Hoặc bạn cảm thấy chắn thứ đó, bạn nói: - I’m convinced that - I’m certain that - I’m sure that Nếu không cảm thấy chắn lắm, bạn nói: - I guess that - I suppose that - I’d say that Example: How you think life in big cities coul be more easier? In my opinion cities need to be well-planned Good public transport can definitely make life easier because there are so many people and it can be really stressful just to move around Public areas like parks are also important because people need space to relax, and I think cities should be made into healthier places to live and work (Nguồn: www.ielts-simon.com) b Evaluate – Đánh giá Ở dạng này, bạn phải đưa ý kiến đánh giá quan điểm cho trước Vì chuẩn bị cho câu trả lời thể đồng tình hay khơng đồng tính Để thể đồng tình, ta nói: • I couldn’t agree with you more • That’s so true • That’s for sure • That’s exactly how I feel • No doubt about it • I suppose so • I guess so • You/they have a point there Để thể ý kiến khơng đồng tình, ta nói: • I don’t think so • I’m afraid I disagree • I totally disagree • I beg to differ • I’d say the exact opposite • Not necessarily • That’s not always true • That’s not always the case Example: Some people say that people helped others more in the past than they now Do you agree or disagree? I don’t think so When it comes to my parent’s generation I think they are quite skeptical about helping other people in the community, but my generation are regularly doing things to improve it, such as volunteering for various environmental and charitable organisations Young people are actively encouraged to help out in the community and I don’t think this happened in the past, so I’m afraid I’d disagree c Futre – Tương lai Đây dạng câu hỏi mà bạn phải đưa dự đoán tương lai Khi đưa dự đoán tương lai, ta dùng cấu trúc “will + verb” Tuy nhiên cấu trúc đơn giản Để ăn điểm bạn sử dụng cấu trúc phức tạp hơn, ví dụ: • X plans to… • It is predicted that… • X intends to… • I foresee… • It is foreseeable… • Conditionals- If X + verb… • It is likely that… • It is probable that… • It is unforeseeable that… • I envisage… Example: Some people say that working from home will be quite common in the future Do you agree? It is foreseeable that more people will work from home in the future If the internet becomes faster and there are more programs, such as Skype, that allow people to work from home more easily, I’d predict that more people will stay at home If you think about it, most people don’t need to be physically present to their jobs and I envisage that face to face meetings will be a thing of the past d Cause & Effect – Nguyên nhân & Kết Các bạn yêu cầu thảo luận nguyên nhân tình hay vấn đề đó, sau đưa kết tương ứng Bạn sử dụng cụm từ sau để nói nguyên nhân vè kết quả: • …because… • …as a result… • …resulted in… • …as a consequence… • …due to… • …caused… • …led to… • …means that… Example: How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? I think advertising has a big influence on what people purchase and often leads to them always sticking with the same brand For example, I always drink Coca Cola and I believe this is because I grew up watching all those ads on TV and I instinctively buy it as a result I mean, why would companies spend so much money on adverts, unless it led to more sales? e Hypothetical – Giả định Để trả lời câu hỏi giải định, ưu tiên sử dụng cấu trúc câu “If” Example: - If you could choose any country to live in, where would you choose? If I could live in any country, I would probably choose Australia The weather is great; the people are super friendly and just imagine living beside all those beaches If I could choose another country, it would have to be Italy, for the architecture, the culture and its fascinating history g Comparre & Contrast – So sánh & Đối chiếu Chúng ta áp dụng câc cấu trúc câu so sánh để trả lời cho câu hỏi Example: How is life different in cites compared to rural areas? Firstly, the cost of living in cities is much higher Housing is much more expensive in cities compared to rural areas; everything costs more I think life in cities is more difficult There are more people, so there's more competition for jobs Life is a lot slower in rural areas, everyone knows each other and there's a sense of community I don't think rural areas experience the social problems that you find in cities, like crime and homelessness h Past – Quá khứ Các câu trúc miêu tả khứ: • Sử dụng Hiện hồn thành tiếp diễn để nói việc bắt đầu khứ kéo dài đến • Used to + infinitive để nói thói quen việc thường xuyên xảy khứ kết thúc • Would + infinitive để nói thói quen q khứ • Thì đơn để nói việc xảy kết thúc khứ • Thì q khứ tiếp diễn để nói việc xảy thời điểm cụ thể q khứ • Thì q khứ hồn thành để miêu tả việc xảy trước việc khác khứ Example: How has teaching changed in your country over the past few decades? In the past, teachers simply lectured students and the students just listened to what they said We were given lots of facts to learn and there was no room for creativity or freedom of expression I remember learning lots of things without thinking about the theory behind it Now, there’s been a movement towards students thinking for themselves Phụ Lục: Nguồn tham khảo ielts-simon.com (2018) ielts-simon.com [online] Available at: http://ieltssimon.com/ [Accessed Aug 2018] Home (2018) IELTS Preparation - IELTSAdvantage.com [online] Available at: https://www.ieltsadvantage.com/ [Accessed Aug 2018] Home (2018) IELTS Preparation - IELTSAdvantage.com [online] Available at: https://www.ieltsadvantage.com/ [Accessed Aug 2018] ... Lục: Nguồn tham khảo ielts- simon.com (2018) ielts- simon.com [online] Available at: http://ieltssimon.com/ [Accessed Aug 2018] Home (2018) IELTS Preparation - IELTSAdvantage.com [online] Available.. .UNIT 11: TỔNG QUAN VỀ IELTS SPEAKING PART LINK VIDEO BÀI HỌC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u70e-2MOGGo Rất nhiều bạn cho phần thi Speaking part phần khó thi nói... [online] Available at: https://www.ieltsadvantage.com/ [Accessed Aug 2018] Home (2018) IELTS Preparation - IELTSAdvantage.com [online] Available at: https://www.ieltsadvantage.com/ [Accessed Aug

Ngày đăng: 08/12/2018, 21:45

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