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Thông tin về giới nghệ sĩ biểu diễn việt nam trên báo điện tử từ góc nhìn văn hóa việt (khảo sát trên các báo điện tử vietnamnet vn, ngoisao net, news zing vn giai đoạn từ năm 2014 2016) tt tiengs anh

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM & COMMUNICATION HOANG NGOC VINH HANH THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE VIETNAMESE PERFORMANCE ARTIST IN ONLINE NEWSPAPERS: A PERSPECTIVE FROM VIETNAMESE CULTURE (Research on Vietnamnet.vn, News.zing.vn, Ngoisao.net period from 2014 to 2016) Specialization: JOURNALISM Code: 9320101 SUMMARY OF PHD DISSERTATION IN JOURNALISIM HANOI - 2019 The dissertation has been carried out at: ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM & COMMUNICATION HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS Science supervisor: Assoc Dr Nguyen Thi Minh Thai Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The dissertation will be defended at the Board of Examiners of Academy of Journalism & Communication, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Hanoi……at……….on The dissertation can be found at: - The National Library of Vietnam - The Library of Academy of Journalism & Communication INTRODUCTION Rationale: In any country, mass media is in charge of communicating the national culture Belonging to the agricultural Eastern (which is different from industrial Western), since being invaded by French colonialists, Vietnam has been Westernized as an inevitable trend leading to conflicts that being called “tragedy of development” by Dao Duy Anh The mission of the modern Vietnamese media is to communicate the development of Vietnamese culture according to the perception of “tragedy of development” In the modern society, Vietnamese performers are a type of person as well as a kind of cultural activities which express for the cultural exchange between the East and the West Recent years, besides spreading financial autonomy in press agencies, there is a significant development of mass culture as well as entertainment industry in Vietnam Thus, Vietnamese performance artist information has become outstanding news in online newspaper Apart from the undeniable effects, online newspapers have gradually exposed the negative aspects when focus on exploiting artist’s scandals for purpose of attracting the public Many articles were condemned and considered as a lack of media culture vision by the researchers and the public Due to this situation, Vietnamese performer information should be resolved by scientific researchs, be accurately evaluated and criticized from the perspective of culture If not, this will lead to the negative influences on the development of Vietnamese culture in the trend of global integration There were many works referring to Vietnamese performer information in the press, but there have been no studies of this issue from a cultural perspective in digital age context From that urgency, the author chose the topic “The information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers: a perspective from Vietnamese culture” as a PHD graduation dissertation Research aims and objectives 2.1 Research aims Systematize the theory of information, information on press, information about Vietnamese performers in online newspapers Apply theoretical on practical information about Vietnamese performers to evaluate the quality of information, indicating strengths and limitations From that, proposing solutions and effective communication models that help online newspaper to get higher quality of Vietnamese performer information 2.2 Research objectives: - Overview of the related researchs to clarify the reaserched issues Using the results to make the premise of the dissertation’s study - Clarifying the foundation concepts, the communication relationship between Vietnamese culture and mass media as well as between Vietnamese arts & culture and online newspapers; making specific contributions to theory and approach in researching the issues raised in the dissertation; - Analyzing and evaluating the practice of Vietnamese performer information in online newspapers through some specific case studies - Analyzing the obtained results, making scientific recommendations, pointing out urgent issues and proposing orientations and solutions to improve Vietnamese performer information in online newspapers Research object and scope: 3.1 Research object Research the issue of Vietnamese performer information on Vietnam online newspaper early 21st century 3.2 Research scope: Online newspapers: Vietnamnet.vn, Ngoisao.net and News.zing.vn Focus on studying the artist who participate in modern performing arts and associated with the cultural industry in three areas: music, film and fashion Survey period: from December 2014 to December 2016 Theoretical background and research methods 4.1 Theoretical background - The dissertation is based on the epistemology of theoretical issues of Marxism-Leninism; Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts about press and culture as well as the role of press in developing Vietnamese culture; - Applying the theory of "Vietnam's cultural value system" of Prof Tran Ngoc Them to build a Vietnamese cultural perspective - Applying the concept of "cultural hegemony" of Antonio Gramsci to explain the development trends of artistic culture and information of artistic culture (including performance artist) in the press - Applying the Stuart Hall’s Mass media model to analyze the involved factors in the communication process; - Applying research on "Ozone model" and "F factors" by Philip Kotler & Hermawan Kartajaya Iwan Setiawan to analyze the role and influence of Vietnamese performance artist (for both online newspaper and public) in the modern communication - Applying the theory of "Mechanism of press to the public" by Assoc Nguyen Van Dung to assess the impact of newspapers on public consciousness 4.2 Research Methods - Methods of analyzing text content - Methods of researching documents - Sociological survey methodology: The author distributed more than 500 questionnaires to online public to survey public’s opinion about the information about Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper; - In-depth interview methods: The results of in-depth interviews conducted with some leaders of The Ministry of Information and Communication, leaders of online publishers and some reporters, editors…is used to analyze articles and make the conclusions from the dissertation Research hypothesis - (1): The information about Vietnamese performance artist which has been appeared more and more in the press are vital informations of modern Vietnamese social life Characteristic of online newspaper have created a dominant advantage in the information about Vietnamese performance artist - (2): Information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers has partly fulfilled the task of cultural communication, however the process of information arises non-value which negatively affects Vietnamese culture - (3): The pressure of market economy, the phenomenon of commercialization of newspapers makes the online newspaper lose its orientation role which is an important reason leading to the non-value for Vietnamese culture in the information about the Vietnamese performance artist Scientific contributions of the dissertation - Systematize and clarify the issue of the information about Vietnamese performance artist on mass media from a cultural perspective; - Establish the relationship between culture and the press; analyze this relationship from a cultural perspective; build up an interdisciplinary research between the press – culture and sociology; - Provide positive solutions and communication model which ensure the mission of the modern Vietnam press: communicate Vietnames culture in a cultured way Dissertation structure Chapter 1: Overview of the research situation of information about the performane artist in the press Chapter 2: Theoretical basis of Vietnamese cultural perspective and information issues about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers Chapter 3: The situation of the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in vietnamnet.vn, news.zing.vn, ngoisao.net from a perspective of Vietnamese culture Chapter 4: Solutions for enhancing the quality of the information about Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH SITUATION OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE ARTIST IN THE PRESS 1.1 Research the relationship between Vietnamese culture and the Vietnam press Most of Vietnamese cultural and journalists researchs have stated that: the cultures and the press around the world are interrelated to each other Not only a cultural product, but the press also has the task of cultural communication However, the characteristics of the different culture will create different characteristics of the press in each country Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between Vietnamese culture and the Vietnamese press to explain the phenomenon of information on the Vietnam press, including the information about Vietnamese performance artist 1.2 Research the ralationship between Vietnamese artistic culture and the Vietnam press Many researchers have researched this relationships as well as the display of artistic cultural information in the Press, such as: Dr.Huynh Van Tong with “Vietnam press from its beginning to 1945”, Do Quang Hung with “History of the Vietnam press 1865-1945”; Ta Ngoc Tan with “Theorical background of the Press”; Tran Thi Nhu Quynh with the thesis “Research the disaster of the artistic cultural information”… In general, the researchs are at general level, not to mention the particular aspect of artistic culture as well as specific type of journalism from a cultural perspective with strong changes in the digital age This is a suggestive study for the dissertation 1.3 Research the information about Vietnamese performance artist in the press The Vietnamese performer artist that the dissertation referred to are associated with the appearance and strongly development of the popular culture 1.3.1 International doccuments which has studied the information about performance artist in the press + The strongly criticized perspectives about mass media in the age of cultural industry were shown by some researchers, such as: “Mass civilization and Minority culture” - FR Leavis; “The culture industry: Enlightenment as Mass deception” - Max Horkheimer & Theodor; “The crisis in Culture” - Hannah Arendt; “A theory of Mass Culture” – MacDonald…; + Some researchers have had more positive view about mass culture as well as cultural industry in the mass media, namely: Raymond Wiliams – a Birmingham school researcher; K.Tunner with “Mass media and Popular culture”; Douglas Kellner with “Media Culture”; and a number of other works, Eg: “Media, Culture & Society” – Collins (1986); “Journalism and popular culture – Gripsrub (1992); Understanding media cultures - (Stevenson, 2002)… + In the 21st Century, Philip Kotler in his book “Marketing 4.0 – moving from traditional to Digital” showed the relationship between enterprise - popular culture and the media in the digital age; explain the appearance of celebrities in modern media; The studies have shown that: popular culture and the performance artist are Western terms They were created by the emergence and dramatically development of modern media + Focusing on the performance artist, many researchers have recognized and analyzed this object as a phenomenon of the modern media, Eg: “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America” - Daniel Broostin, “Understanding Celebrity - Graeme Turner, “Simulacra and Simulation, The University of Michigan Press” - Jean Baurdrillard, “Celebrity Journalism: navigating the Stars” - Nathan Farrrell, “Outrageous Invasions: Celebrities’s Private Lives, Media, and the Law” - Robin Barnes; “Loss of Privacy the price of fame for Celebs” - Jamie Berkovitz, “Do celebrities deserve privacy?” Benjamin SiuJocelyn Heng… These studies have been conducted in the context of Western society, which is difficult to apply to Vietnam However, these are important suggestions to my dissertation 1.3.2 Research the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the Vietnam online newspaper In Vietnam, there were quite a lot of research on the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper from different aspects: + Book, dissertation, thesis, scientific works, research articles: “Vietnam mass media culture in the context of market economy and globalization” – Dang Thu Huong; the thesis of Le Thi Phuoc Thao; Graduation lecture of Vu Thi Ngoc Nga; The thesis of Nguyen Thi Linh Co; Research articles: “The celebrity phenomenon and its social function” – Nguyen Thu Giang; “Cultural communication and communication culture” – Nguyen Thi Minh Thai… + Articles in newspapers, magazines: the articles have reflected the mind and the critical viewpoints with the information about the Vietnamese performance artist following private life, scandal, sensationalism…; showed the cause that lead to the disaster works; from there, propose effective solutions Based on the studies mentioned above, this dissertation has built a theoretical background for topic: “The information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper: a perspective from Vietnamese culture” 1.3.3 Research situation overview of the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the Vietnam press The information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper is a matter of timely research in Vietnam, but no breakthrough results, unspecified, no inter-branch approach…to indicate the nature This is the space for dissertion researching, explaining and proposing effective solutions Summary of chapter The information about the performance artist is not a new issue The Vietnamese performance artist which was appeared in the Western cultural exchange stage is the element that reflects the reception as well as the “tragedy of development” in the global cultural integration There are quite a lot of studies on the information about the Vietnamese performance in online newspaper from different views, however, there is no in-depth reseach systematizating this issue from theory to the practice as well as criticize this problem from the Vietnamese cultural perspective This fact sets a gap for my dissertation: research the information about the Vietnamese performance artist from Vietnamese cultural perspective CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BASIS OF VIETNAMESE CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE AND INFORMATION ISSUES ABOUT THE VIETNAMESE PERFORMANCE ARTIST IN ONLINE NEWSPAPER 2.1 Culture and Vietnamese cultural perspective 2.1.1 Culture Culture is a human’s product Culture is the behavior of people with natural environment (eating, wearing, staying, traveling…) to creat material cultural values, and behavior with the social environment (family, village, nation…) to creat intangible cultural values It should be based on the Vietnamese culture to research the Vietnam press 2.1.2 Vietnamese cultural perspective - perspective from Vietnamese cultural value system Value system and national cultural value system Value system “The value system is the entire value of an object in a defined spatial and temporal context along with their network of relationships.” – Tran Ngoc Them National cultural value system “The cultural value system of a nation consists of all the values that the subject of that culture has accumulated, including many elements, both physical and mental” – Tran Ngoc Them Cultural value system contains the cultural personality system and cultural identity (core subsystem in the cultural value system, dominates the entire cultural value system) Vietnamese cultural value system and Vietnamese cultural perspective Traditional Vietnamese cultural value system The formation and development of traditional Vietnamese cultural values system should be considered in three contexts: cultural space, cultural subjects and cultural time The space of Vietnamese culture: have been shaped on the cultural space Asian The close relationship with Asian and the unity in the diversity is the basic of the fundamental distinction of Vietnamese culture The subject of Vietnamese culture: Prof Tran Quoc Vuong identified the traditional Vietnamese culture by “three constants”: farmers – agriculture – rural When the featured farmer was invaded by Western culture, tragic conflicts between traditional values of Vietnamese agricultural culture and the novelties of Western culture have been appeared The time of Vietnamese culture: Vietnam has more than 4,000 years of history, divided into cultural classes (indigenous; interacting with China and the region; interacting with the West) In response to these cultural classes, the traditional Vietnamese value system has experienced four fluctuations: (1) From the indigenous cultural values system of Southeast Asia to the value system influenced by Chinese culture (2) From traditional cultural values in the Eastern style to the value system influenced by Western culture (3) From the traditional cultural value system under colonial yoke to a system of values influenced by socialist culture (4) From the traditional cultural value system in the process of socialism to the value system of the period of industrialization, modernization and international integration From the consideration of cultural subjects, cultural spaces, cultural times, Prof Trần Ngọc Thêm pointed out the five most core values that make up the original characteristics of traditional Vietnamese cultural identity: 1) Village community, 2) Harmorny, 3) Interested in Yin factors, 4) Integrity, 5) Flexibility Vietnamese cultural perspective Vietnamese cultural perspective is a viewpoint based on the basic characteristics of the Vietnamese cultural value system in the modern period On the way to industrialization and modernization, the traditional Vietnamese cultural value system is strongly fluctuated with both the derivative (consequential) and non-valuable (consequences) values created Therefore, many of the previous traditional cultural characteristics helped Vietnam build and protect the country, but now it gradually reveals its limitations… + Village community Derivative values (consequential): Spirit of the cross; Solidarity; Gratitude (with grandparents, parents, ancestors, neighbors ); Village democracy The non-value (consequences): The habit of relying on, relying on; Reckless, envious; Narrow, selfish, sectarian disease (interest group); Patient face, eager; Achievement obsession; The disease speaks ill behind the back; Insensitive disease + Interested in Yin factors: Derivative values: Stable preference; Harmony and tolerance; Emotional, sentimental; Poetic tendencies; Endurance, patience; Hospitality Non-values: passive, self-contained, conservative diseases; Slow disease, vague; The disease is loose and lacks vision; The disease lacks bravery, inferiority, weakness, weakness… + Harmorny: Derivative values: cavalier; happy and optimistic; practical… Nonvalues: unclear, indecisive views; there is no righteous opinion… + Integrity and Flexibility: Integrity: Derivative values are good coverage and good relations The non-values are: superficial, subjective, arrogant; Flexibility: Derivative values are: Adaptability, adaptability; Ability to create, improvise The non-values are: Arbitrary, indifferent; The disease lacks a sense of law; cunning… To exclude non-values, Prof Trần Ngọc Thêm selected 15 elite values that need to be supplemented and developed: Legal consciousness; Honesty and frankness; Responsibility; Personal domains; Professionalism; Spirit of cooperation and team work; Calculating fairness; Scientific; Democratic spirit; Loyalty; Self-esteem; Analytical, clear; Principal; Spirit willing to resign; Dare to risk Combining preserved traditional values and elite values that need to be added, Prof Tran Ngoc Them stated that the five traditional cultural characteristics tended to transform into four new features, namely: 1) Community and society; 2) Positive harmony towards positive; 3) Modern integrity; 4) Dynamics Vietnamese cultural perspective is a perspective based on preserved traditional values, new elite values are added and eliminates the non-value generated in the integration process, aiming at four core characteristics of the new Vietnamese cultural value system that Prof Tran Ngoc Them has researched and pointed out 2.2 Performance artist and Vietnamese performance artist 2.2.1 Performance artist Performance artist is an artist who performs works of art on the stage, on screen, on television… as a bridge between the author and the public, contributing to the propagation, preservation and development of valuable works of art…Performance artist might be a singer, an actor, a musician, a dancer… 2.2.2 The Vietnamese performance artist The concept of "artist" appeared in Vietnam in the nineteenth century in a culture of exchange with Western culture During the two resistance wars against France and the United States, this class of artists acts as cultural revolutionaries and propagandists Until Vietnam implemented the renovation policy in 1986 to set the stage for market economy logic to resonate with the idea of "cultural hegemony" and "mass culture" from the US, South Korea and Japan coming to Vietnam, the new Vietnamese art culture is once again strongly transformed From here, Vietnam's cultural and artistic activities have in the news for attracting the attention of the crowd, and online newspapers are their most powerful tool Performance artists wants to appear in newspapers for two purposes: 1, They create themselves as an attractive brand that can represent other brands; 2, Make personal communication to serve the interests of their personal professionalism However, many people pursue commercial value and forget that they are artists in the Vietnamese cultural environment, thus creating negative effects on the public It is worrisome that many online newspapers for economic benefits accept the compromise in information about the Vietnamese performance artist, creating news that distorts the value of Vietnamese culture + Online newspapers are dominated by the Vietnamese performance artist and enterprises in information about the Vietnamese performance artist Currently, many online newspapers have hand in hand with the KOLs to get high "view" for their articles Based on the "support" to get higher "view", many publishers must accept the concession with "stars" and following their arrangement This means that the press no longer plays the role of informationoriented There is a trend of "collaboration" between online newspapers - KOLs and businesses to increase the value and benefits for all three Brands and businesses connected to the press for publishing the information about the Vietnamese performance artist as well as product and brand in online newspapers, increasing the reliability, influence and spread for advertising Thus, there is a business link between the business - the Vietnamese performance artist and online newspapers, which in fact is the "disguised advertising" However, compared to direct advertising, it becomes much more "moral" in the public eye Remarkably, in this model, online newspapers are just advertising tools for "stars" and businesses This is a disturbing symptom when the online newspaper loses its role of orientation and subjectivity in communicating the Vietnamese culture 3.2.4 The public’s feedback to the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper Frequency and quantity of information Frequency and quantity of information have a great influence in attracting the public as well as the goal of "view" of online newspapers The content of information According to survey results: Most of the online public said that the propotion of behind-the-scenes information is too much more than art activity information, and this is not appropriate In addition, only 7% of the online public felt that the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in current online newspaper is suitable and have the cultural value, while 57% rated inappropriate Using titles and photos 55.4% of the online public said that the titles are not appropriate; only 5.08% evaluated that titles were suitable For photo usage, the online public ratio of unsuitability rating was also higher than the appropriate rating, 32.2% and 10.2% respectively In particular, nearly 14% of the online public felt offensive to the titles and used photos in current online newspapers and claimed that it had negative effects The online public’s response to the Vietnamese performance artist Regarding the level of identification: According to the survey: the Vietnamese performance artist who has the higher the frequency of appearing in online newspaper will be known by the more public Thus, appearing in newspapers is an effective way for the Vietnamese performance artist advertising and spreading their private image & brand to the public The level of sympathy and attitude: There are three types of the public’s responses to the Vietnamese performance artist when reading the information about them in the press: 1) Advocacy (positive); 2) objection (negative); 3) Other views (neutral or unrelated comment) About the articles related to art, the number of "comments" is low but positive, while the articles which exploit shocking information (adultery, scandal ) have more comments, but most of them are negative Thus, a performance artist with high communication index does not mean that they build a positive image in the public’s mindset 3.3 Evaluate the pros and cons of the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers 3.3.1 About the pros Providing abundant information about artistic culture in general as well as the Vietnamese performance artist in particular 81.7% of surveyed public have access to the information about the Vietnamese performance artist through online newspapers Online newspaper not only reflects the diversity of the modern Vietnam performance artistic activities, but also convey the elite of performance art through the information about a new class of artists, new ideas and art products, from that, helping the international integration of the Vietnam performance art in a comprehensive way Reflecting the good image and quality of the Vietnamese performance artist, contributing to building new cultural values; at the same time, criticizing the non-culture in art activities as well as the life of Vietnamese performance artist The online newspaper encourages and honors the contributions and talents of the the Vietnamese performance artist, evoking the fine cultural tradition of the Vietnamese people, creating positive thinking for the public Critical articles not only point out the limitations and negative of the Vietnamese performance artist but also give solutions for artists creating more than high-value works of thought, morality and art for the public Creating leisure, entertainment for the online public Survey the purpose of reading information about the Vietnamese performance artist show that: 43% for entertainment purposes; 31% due to their interest in the field of artistic culture; 18% as a "fan" of an artist; 8% for other reasons Thus, the public read information about the Vietnamese performance artist for entertainment purposes accounted for a large proportion The information about the Vietnamese performance artist is a bridge between the artist and the public Thanks to updated information in the online newspaper, artists are exposed to the public on a broad scale, from that help the public to recognize them not only in terms of artistic activities but also in their life, their relationships… The cause of pros: Because online newspapers have many advantages in information about the Vietnamese performance artist; The newspaper offices pay attention to improving the quality, innovating the forms of news articles, changing the methods of operation, maintaining the categories, specializing in entertainment culture, maintaining public connection with editors; The team of enthusiastic, young journalists, hard to update new newspaper trends, quickly grasp the trend of contemporary art 3.3.2 About the cons Restrictions on humanity and quality of information, lack of respect for personal privacy, contrary to the rules of Vietnamese behavior Most of articles about the Vietnamese performance artist on the current online newspapers show the wrong view of journalists, exploiting too deep into the story of shocking, stimulating the degradation of moral values in the public, affecting the souls of youth in the bad way Not fulfilling the mission of Vietnamese cultural communication Instead of recognizing the value of life, the elite of national culture, many articles in the online newspaper today builds for young people a misleading, more enjoyment than dedication Information is increasingly commercialized, losing direction For commercial purposes, journalists are ready to provide any information that the public likes: scandal, hot photos, love story regardless of the consequences or negative effects that it can bring to both the the Vietnamese performance artist and the recipient The cause of the cons: Online newspapers have not yet identified and have not yet promoted their Vietnamese cultural communication tasks; The pressure of financial autonomy causes newspapers to be dominated by businesses; Many journalists have a weak perspective, weak business, follow public tastes; There is no training on this sensitive and specific topic; The management of the authorities is still loose, incomprehensive, ineffective Summary of chaper From the actual survey results, the author describes, analyzes, compares and clarifies the real situation of information about the Vietnamese performance artsit in the online newspaper through the aspects involved in the information process: the online newspaper, the Vietnamese performance artist, the public and the relationship between these factors Based on Vietnamese cultural perspective, quantitative and qualitative analysis, the thesis has shown a vivid and diverse picture but no less complex of the process of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper The advent of foreign culture has made the performance art in the country has developed strongly in all areas: music, film, fashion And newspapers (specially online newspaper) have the task of communication of Vietnamese culture, promoting international cultural integration as well as preserving Vietnamese cultural identity However, the rapid development of the market economy, the pressure of financial autonomy of the publishers and the strong explosion of social networks has made the press’s role is shaken Newspapers are no longer the role of orientation, the "filter membrane" culture when it must follow the tastes of the public, accept the tabloid information about the Vietnamese performance artist; even become a tool of the Vietnamese performance artist to give information about them Therefore, the information about the Vietnamese performance artist is appearing more and more "disaster" CHAPTER 4: SOLUTIONS FOR ENHANCING THE QUALITY OF THE INFORMATION ABOUT VIETNAMESE PERFORMANCE ARTISTS IN ONLINE NEWSPAPER 4.1 The issue of the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper 4.1.1 The process of communicating the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper is a cultural process Through the press, the right, the wrong, the progress, the integration, the backward of Vietnamese artistic culture in general and the Vietnamese performance artist in particular are pointed out However, for many reasons, the good original goals of the newspaper did not go right "trajectory" and receive the consensus, advocacy from the public 4.1.2 The issue of online newspaper Professional level of journalists The qualified journalists will create articles with positive social effects Unfortunately, in the process of communicating about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspaper today, many journalists have forgotten their "mind" and lazy for their level Ethics of journalists Because of the demands of the market economy, there are very disturbing ways of doing journalism: focusing on sensational information and forgetting the humanity This made many artists feel uncomfortable with the press, and the public feel offensive Influences on the performance artist What the press has not done is: praise too much leading to the damaging of artists But critize artists too much, thus made them feel hopeless Both praise and criticism are distorting the image of the artist in the public eyes Influences on the public Many information about the Vietnamese performance artist exploit too private life with headlines, content and photos without matching with the Vietnamese custom, with Vietnamese language standard; harmful to the community as well as the reader 4.1.3 The issue of performance artists Performance artist is a special service product the process of creating art or creating a performance artist is different from the process of producing common products and services, so performance artist is a special service product The ultimate goal of a service product is to make a profit But the ultimate goal of art and art person is to deepen the experience of human existence Ethics and behavior of performance artist in the media and the impacts on the public The public knows performance artists base on their talent, more understand and admire them according to the articles in the media Of course, more or less, they are influenced by the artworks, speechs, action or lifestyle of performance artist Influence on traditional customs and traditional culture The artist is to sum up all the values of works of art to convey to the public Therefore, positive or negative message depends heavily on the artist 4.1.4 The issue of the online public Taste, capacity for appraisal of the online public In the entertainment industry, the key exchange factor is not money, but the public However, the taste and ability to enjoy information as well as the artwork of a large section of the public are problematic Public awareness At present, the general public is the majority, while the elite ones are small Impact of the public on performance artist The public understands that they "own" the "stars." Without the public, there is no "star" So the crowd may be disappointed and angry when the "star" does not live up to their expectations Formation of public feedback culture on information about performnce artist in online newspapers Public feedback indicates the level of their attention as well as attitudes and behaviors when receiving information Anyone can respond, and feedback is also a cultural process, so cultural responding is a matter to be considered 4.1.5 Management issues, legal policies for information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers The loosening of management has created the conditions for articles which lack of journalism, lack of humanity was born Most of the public believe that need to have a separate law in the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers to manage this activity 4.2 Solutions to improve the quality of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers 4.2.1 For online newspapers Policy and law on information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers + Renewing the leadership of the Party, the state management and the law on information about performance artists in online newspapers: The leadership of the Party, the law of the State for information activities about the Vietnamese performance artist should be more specific by the practical documents, decisions + Raising the awareness of the Party and State leaders on the press’s task about communication of Vietnamese culture: Leaders of the Party and the State need to have full and deep awareness and coordinate to create a good condition for the press performing this task + Strictly punish the wrong publishers, posting negative information about performance artists: Need to raise the administrative sanction framework to increase deterrence With the publishers that have continuous heavy violations, it is necessary to make a decision to close the door and deprive the operation license Solution for online newspaper editorial board a) Raising the quality of human resources of online newspapers + Leaders, editorial board should be trained to understand the Vietnamese performance artistic activities as well as the life of performance artists, from that having clear message orientation, command reporters to select meaningful topics, both meet the needs of the public and bring the values of professional, human and entertainment + Journalists and editors: It is necessary to have people working in the field of artistic culture in a professional manner Reporters and editors should be trained and fostered the basic knowledge to decode the Vietnamese culture b) Content and form of information + Content: actively exploit information; reduce the amount of information about behind the scenes, scandal; Increase the content of artistic activities, professional analysis + Formal: Multilateralize the message form, enhance the type of indepth analytical articles c) Journalistic ethics: Journalists need to return to the traditional and core values of journalism: the orientation, the humanity, and the sympathy as well as sharing of writers with life and people 4.2.2 For the Vietnamese performance artist Renew the Party's perspective, the state management in arts and media activities of the Vietnamese performance artist The State should have the view of suggesting convenient legal corridors for the development of artistic culture in the new period, suitable to the market economy, but also need to have strict management policies and sanctions It is a deterrent for artists who go beyond limits, violate Vietnam’s customs and traditional culture The approach to the press and the public of performance artists + + Approach to the press: Artists need to establish relationships with journalists, actively provide information about their projects and art products; It needs to set a unique and consistent image on the media + Approach to the public through media: Artists need to use artistic peaks to take over the public instead of capturing the public with the tricks 4.2.3 For the online public Enhancing the public’s information tastes The public should have a smart choice to receive information, otherwise they can easily be "tricked" by media campaigns of artists, entertainment companies, even online newspapers Improve public behavioral culture State regulators should establish codes of conduct for the protection of the honor and dignity of individuals in the media; Publishers need to set up comment filters, avoiding offensive commentary on the artist that appears after each article Summury of chapter 4: The information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers has been achieved some certain effects in communication of Vietnamese culture, however, there are still limitations exist Based on the research, the dissertation propose some solutions to improve the quality of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers: 1) Renew the leadership of Party and State for the operation of online newspapers in general, information about the Vietnamese performance artist in particular; 2) Raising professional skills of journalists and artists; 3) Raising the level of awareness and receiving information from the public; 4) Educate the awareness, sense of responsibility of both journalists, artists and the public; 5) Contents and forms of articles about the Vietnamese performance artist From theory and practice of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers, the author think that: these solutions are suitable and feasible for the conditions in our country CONCLUSION From the research results can be concluded: The information about the Vietnamese performance artist is a communication process to carry out the task of communication of Vietnamese culture of the Vietnam press As a medium of communication, a cultural product, the Vietnam press is in charge of communication of Vietnamese artistic culture In which, online newspaper is one of the most capable means of accomplishing this task The survey results of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers VNN, Ngoisao, Zingnews show some positive signs: Online newspapers have promoted the advantages of multimedia journalism and the internet platform to implement communication activities about the Vietnam artistic culture in general and information about the Vietnames performance artist in particular in a timely manner Content and forms of information display are rich and diverse Through this communication process, online newspapers have attracted a large number of people to participate in reading and understanding information about the Vietnmamese performance artist as well as Vietnamese artistic culture The online newspaper is also a forum for public access to exchange, expressing attitudes and views on the change of Vietnam artistic culture with the introduction of foreign cultural waves Analyzing the process of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper shows that: the public has a great demand for entertainment cultural information, especially information about the Vietnamese performance artist Meanwhile, the online newspaper is increasingly involved in communication activities Vietnam artistic culture in general and information about the Vietnamese performance artist in particular The press works are increasingly in the language of type and are expressed in many different forms The online newspaper increasingly shows its role and affirms its importance in connecting the performance artist with the public, as a bridge to transmit messages and values of both traditional and modern In fact, online newspapers are the first choice of the Vietnamese performance artist when they want to reach their public The public also highly appreciated the ability to convey attractive, quick and timely information about the Vietnamese performance artist of online newspapers The survey shows that a large part of the public receives information about the Vietnamese performance artist via online newspapers, selecting online newspapers is the most effective means of communication to satisfy their cultural and entertainment information needs The survey also showed that the communication process of the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper shows many advantages in the type of journalism In which the ability of online communication, application of web 2.0 technology with instant interoperability, multimedia information package, multi-dimensional links, non-recurring updates on the internet environment is promoted in a positive way Through online newspapers, the public has more favorable conditions to learn about the Vietnames performance artist, about art activities as well as behind the scene stories Erasing the unrealistic gap between artists and the public Online newspaper is also an important factor in receiving and updating foreign cultural waves, new types of performing arts, being a bridge for Vietnam artistic culture to integrate with the world, forming and developing the entertainment industry, promoting the commercialization and development of personal brand for the Vietnamese performance artist Conclusions 1, 2, and prove the first research hypothesis: "Information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the media is increasing and is a source of information that the public is interested in the modern social life; Characteristics of the online newspaper has created superior advantages in information about the Vietnamese performance artist" is confirmed Although information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper has obtained initial achievements, however, there are still many limitations Vietnam has unique cultural characteristics that lead to conflicts, cultural errors, tragedies of artistic development, especially performing arts when foreign cultural waves enterted Farmer identity is a major barrier to the reception of essences and the elimination of trash in the process of socializing with Western culture Besides, when the traditional cultural value system is no longer suitable for modern society, both the online newspaper, the Vietnamese performance artist and the public have not identified new values to rely on as a guideline for ways of life, behavior, work These factors pursue new trends and lifestyles that may conflict with old standards, leading to conflicts and tragedies Meanwhile, the authorities have not yet had specific sanctions systems, enough to deterrence press activities in general and the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper in particular For this reason, the information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspapers has appeared many cultural "disasters" and "garbage" The newspapers only focus on following the public tastes, neglecting the task of guiding ideology, cultural communication and finding new values for their Vietnamese culture The quality of information mainly depends on the sense of self-awareness, social responsibility of online newspapers, performance artists and the public, without a clear criteria or legal corridor This allows to conclude that the second research hypothesis: "Information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspapers has partly fulfilled the task of cultural communication, but the process of information arises non-values negatively affecting Vietnamese culture” is correct The survey results show that: 1) Due to the pressure of the market economy, newspapers have to face financial autonomy, therefore they must be commercialized, must find ways to get revenue from advertising and PR Because of this pressure, many editorial offices defied all, ignoring the journalist's morality, bending the pen to run after exploiting and producing "tabloid" news, behind the scene stories, shocking statement of the Vietnamese performance artist to attract readers The press is willing to link with the Vietnamese performance artist, accept the dominance of the Vietnamese performance artist and businesses, accept the loss of its information-oriented role in exchange for revenue 2) Because of the pressure of the entertainment industry, many Vietnamese performance artists commercialize themselves to become valuable products in the market For these artists, online newspapers are an important tool to polish their names and build popularity with the public, creating attention to the public, collecting performance contracts, representing brands, advertising contracts The modern Vietnamese performance artist pay attention to the popularity in the press rather than the true artistic talent In addition, there is a trade link between the Vietnamese performance artist - Business and the online newspaper in information about the the Vietnamese performance artist, and in fact it is the "disguised advertisement" that brings benefits to all three parties Because of this trade association, the online newspaper has no longer maintained its leading role and oriented information Information about the Vietnamese performance artist has no longer ensured the objectivity, authenticity and the necessary characteristics 3) The public of online newspapers are mostly people who are capable of using modern technology applications, able to quickly accept the introduction of foreign cultural waves Even so, their cognitive ability and artistic enjoyment have many limitations, not yet creating a solid, consistent "filter" The public of the online newspaper is often volatile, easy to dominate, even easily driven by the crowd's tastes This creates great impacts on both the Vietnamese performance artist and the press These analyzes confirm that the third research hypothesis is correct: "Market economy pressure, the phenomenon of commercialization of newspapers makes online newspapers lose their guiding role as an important reason leading to the non-value for Vietnamese culture in information about the Vietnamese performance artist" Although the process of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers in recent years is still limited, but when carrying out this activity, the online newspaper has actively implemented the task of Vietnamese cultural communication If there is no information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper, it is possible that the public will lose the opportunity to read information that satisfies their entertainment needs, approach and understand the types of new performing arts Besides, many information about the Vietnamese performance artist in online newspapers is still a useful reference source for the public, especially for researchers on Vietnam astistic culture In fact, the online newspapers increasingly appreciate the role of information about the Vietnamese performance artist, this is an important information field to contribute to increasing prestige and attracting the public Many newspapers have invested more in innovating the production process of news about the Vietnamese performance artist in both content and form… Sites such as Zingnews, VNN all attempt to bring to the public more quality articles, deep expertise, thorough analysis, mentioning hot issues in the field of artistic culture Of course, the ratio such intensive, orientated articles still account for a small percentage of the total news about the the Vietnamese performance artist, but it proves that there is a positive shift in the trend of information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper The actual process of information about the Vietnamese performance artist shows that the goal of the online newspaper is to propagate the Vietnam traditional cultural values and introduce the artistic values of the world The way to achieve this goal is to raise the awareness and management of the Party and State leaders at Vietnamese cultural communication tasks of the Vietnamese press; improve management capacity of newspaper leaders, continue to provide professional and ethical training for journalists, raise awareness of Vietnamese cultural communication tasks for the Vietnamese performance artist as well as educate consciousness of public … 10 The research results allow to conclude that: information about the Vietnamese performance artist in the online newspaper has created a forum for the public to express their attitudes and views towards the social phenomenon in society This is also an important measure to assess the quality of information about artistic culture as well as the effectiveness of current Vietnam artistic cultural activities 11 In the condition of increasing technology development, Vietnamese culture increasingly integrates deeply with the world culture, information about the Vietnamese performance artist is the need of the public itself and is a condition for development of the online newspaper With its strengths, the online newspaper needs to promote and better implement the task of Vietnamese cultural communication, thereby contributing to promoting the general development of Vietnamese culture, finding the new Vietnamese valuable systems, which are suitable for modern society 12 The author tried to collect data, survey, measurement and analysis of information about vpa in online newspapers from the perspective of culture, journalism and economics In which, the author has approached the study in the direction of research, synthesis and generalization of the general theory of communication relations between Vietnam's artistic culture and the Vietnam press, information, information in online newspaper and information about vpa in online newspaper From that theory, the author has illuminated the practice of information about vpa in online newspaper period 2014-2016 The dissertation has initially evaluated the quality and effectiveness of information about vpa in online newspapers At the same time, the author also proposed specific and effective solutions to improve the quality of information about vpa in the press in general and in online newspapers in particular There are still arguments, inconsistencies in both theory and practice in the issue information about vpa in online newspaper, so the research work “The information about vpa in online newspaper: a perspective from Vietnames culture” has just achieved initial results, it should be studied by the next scientific research with the other aspects, approachs, research objectives, research tasks and research limitations… LIST OF PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC WORKS RELATED TO THE DOCTORAL DISERTATION Hoang Ngoc Vinh Hanh (2017), “Scandal and the illusion of personal brand communications”, Journalists, No 397, 3/2017 Hoang Ngoc Vinh Hanh (2018), “KOLs and the collapse of advertising revenue "throne" of Vietnam online newspaper”, Vietnam integration, No 33, 1/2018 Hoang Ngoc Vinh Hanh (2018), “Vietnamese performance artist and multidimensional refraction of Vietnamese culture”, Vietnam integration, No 33, 1/2018 Hoang Ngoc Vinh Hanh (2018), Information about the Vbiz on mass media in the market economy, Media reports on key issues Episode 1, Hanoi National University Publisher (Page 253) ... newspapers, namely Vietnamnet. vn, News. zing .vn, Ngoisao. net concerning their establishment and development 3.2 Situation of organizing information about the Vietnamese performance artist in Vietnamnet. vn, . .. IN VIETNAMNET. VN, NEWS. ZING .VN, NGOISAO. NET FROM A PERSPECTIVE OF VIETNAMESE CULTURE 3.1 Overview of the surveyed online newspaper This section gives an overview of three surveyed online newspapers,... the issue of Vietnamese performer information on Vietnam online newspaper early 21st century 3.2 Research scope: Online newspapers: Vietnamnet. vn, Ngoisao. net and News. zing. vn Focus on studying

Ngày đăng: 21/08/2019, 06:59



