CONTENTS PART 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Thinking Like an Economist 1 Economics: Studying Choice in a World of Scarcity 2 Applying the Cost-Benefit Principle 3 Economic Surplus 4 Opportu
Trang 1Frank | Bernanke | antonovics | HeFFetz
A s t r e a m l i n e d A p p r o A c h
tHird edition
Trang 2Principles of
Trang 3A Streamlined Approach for:
Principles of Economics, Principles of
McConnell, Brue, and Flynn
Brief Editions: Microeconomics
Samuelson and Nordhaus
Economics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics
Nineteenth Edition
The Economy Today, The Micro Economy Today, and The Macro Economy Today
Fourteenth Edition
Economics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics
Register and Grimes
Economics of Social Issues
Twenty-First Edition
ECONOMETRICS Gujarati and Porter
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy
Eighth Edition
Brickley, Smith, and Zimmerman
Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture
Urban Economics
Eighth Edition
Labor Economics
Seventh Edition
McConnell, Brue, and Macpherson
Contemporary Labor Economics
Eleventh Edition
PUBLIC FINANCE Rosen and Gayer
Environmental Economics: An Introduction
Seventh Edition
International Economics
Eighth Edition
King and King
International Economics, Globalization, and Policy: A Reader
Trang 4Brookings Institution [affiliated]
Former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121 Copyright © 2017 by
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Robert H Frank is the H J
Louis Professor of ment and Professor of Eco-nomics at Cornell’s Johnson School of Management, where
Manage-he has taught since 1972 His
“Economic View” column
ap-pears regularly in The New
York Times. He is a guished Senior Fellow at Demos After receiving his B.S from Georgia Tech in 1966, he taught math and science for
Distin-two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Nepal He
re-ceived his M.A in statistics in 1971 and his Ph.D in economics
in 1972 from The University of California at Berkeley During
leaves of absence from Cornell, he has served as chief
econo-mist for the Civil Aeronautics Board (1978–1980), a Fellow at
the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
(1992–93), Professor of American Civilization at l’École des
Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris (2000–01), and the
Peter and Charlotte Schoenfeld Visiting Faculty Fellow at the
NYU Stern School of Business in 2008–09 His papers have
appeared in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the
Journal of Political Economy, and other leading professional
Professor Frank is the author of a best-selling intermediate
economics textbook—Microeconomics and Behavior, Ninth
Edition (Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2015) His research has focused
on rivalry and cooperation in economic and social behavior His
books on these themes include Choosing the Right Pond
(Ox-ford, 1995), Passions Within Reason (W W Norton, 1988),
What Price the Moral High Ground? (Princeton, 2004), Falling
Behind (University of California Press, 2007), The Economic
Naturalist (Basic Books, 2007), The Economic Naturalist’s
Field Guide (Basic Books, 2009), and The Darwin Economy
(Princeton, 2011), which have been translated into 22
lan-guages The Winner-Take-All Society (The Free Press, 1995),
co-authored with Philip Cook, received a Critic’s Choice
Award, was named a Notable Book of the Year by The New
York Times, and was included in BusinessWeek’s list of the 10
best books of 1995 Luxury Fever (The Free Press, 1999) was
named to the Knight-Ridder Best Books list for 1999.
Professor Frank has been awarded an Andrew W Mellon
Professorship (1987–1990), a Kenan Enterprise Award (1993),
and a Merrill Scholars Program Outstanding Educator Citation
(1991) He is a co-recipient of the 2004 Leontief Prize for
Ad-vancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought He was awarded
the Johnson School’s Stephen Russell Distinguished Teaching
Award in 2004, 2010, and 2012, and the School’s Apple
Distin-guished Teaching Award in 2005 His introductory
microeco-nomics course has graduated more than 7,000 enthusiastic
economic naturalists over the years
Professor Bernanke received his B.A in economics from Harvard University in 1975 and his Ph.D in economics from MIT in 1979 He taught
at the Stanford Graduate School of Business from
1979 to 1985 and moved to Princeton University in 1985, where he was named the Howard Harrison and Gabrielle Snyder Beck Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, and where he served as Chairman of the Economics Department
Professor Bernanke was sworn in on February 1,
2006, as Chairman and a member of the Board of nors of the Federal Reserve System—his second term ex-pired January 31, 2014 Professor Bernanke also serves as Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, the Fed’s principal monetary policymaking body He was ap-pointed as a member of the Board to a full 14-year term, which expires January 31, 2020 Before his appointment as Chairman, Professor Bernanke was Chairman of the Presi-dent’s Council of Economic Advisers, from June 2005 to January 2006
Professor Bernanke’s intermediate textbook, with
Andrew Abel and Dean Croushore, Macroeconomics, Eighth
Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2011), is a best seller in its field
He has authored more than 50 scholarly publications in roeconomics, macroeconomic history, and finance He has done significant research on the causes of the Great Depres-sion, the role of financial markets and institutions in the busi-ness cycle, and measurement of the effects of monetary policy on the economy
mac-Professor Bernanke has held a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Sloan Fellowship, and he is a Fellow of the Economet-ric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sci-ences He served as the Director of the Monetary Economics Program of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and as a member of the NBER’s Business Cycle Dating Committee In July 2001, he was appointed editor of
the American Economic Review Professor Bernanke’s work
with civic and professional groups includes having served two terms as a member of the Montgomery Township (N.J.) Board of Education Visit Professor Bernanke’s blog at
Professor Antonovics received her B.A from Brown Univer-sity in 1993 and her Ph.D in economics from the University
of Wisconsin in 2000 Shortly thereafter, she joined the fac-ulty in the Economics Depart-ment at the University of California, San Diego, where she has been ever since
Professor Antonovics is known for her superb teaching and
her innovative use of technology in the classroom Her highly
popular introductory-level microeconomics course regularly
enrolls over 450 students each fall She also teaches labor
eco-nomics at both the undergraduate and graduate level In 2012,
she received the UCSD Department of Economics award for
best undergraduate teaching
Professor Antonovics’s research has focused on racial
discrim-ination, gender discrimdiscrim-ination, affirmative action, intergenerational
income mobility, learning, and wage dynamics Her papers have
appeared in the American Economic Review, the Review of
Eco-nomics and Statistics, the Journal of Labor Economics, and the
Journal of Human Resources. She is a member of both the
Ameri-can Economic Association and the Society of Labor Economists
Although many millions of dollars are spent each year on introductory economics instruction in American colleges and universities, the return on this investment has been dis-turbingly low Studies have shown, for example, that several months after having taken a principles of economics course, former students are no better able to answer simple eco-nomics questions than others who never even took the course Most students, it seems, leave our introductory courses without having learned even the most important ba-sic economic principles
The problem, in our view, is that these courses almost always try to teach students far too much In the process, really important ideas get little more coverage than minor ones, and everything ends up going by in a blur The human brain tends to ignore new information unless it comes up repeatedly That’s hardly surprising, since only a tiny frac-tion of the terabytes of information that bombard us each day is likely to be relevant for anything we care about Only when something comes up a third or fourth time does the brain start laying down new circuits for dealing with it.Yet when planning their lectures, many instructors ask themselves, “How much can I cover today?” And because mod-ern electronic media enable them to click through upwards of
100 PowerPoint slides in an hour, they feel they’ve better served their students the more information they’ve put before them But that’s not the way learning works Professors should instead
be asking, “How much can my students absorb?”
Our approach to this text was inspired by our conviction that students will learn far more if we attempt to cover much less Our basic premise is that a small number of basic prin-ciples do most of the heavy lifting in economics, and that if
we focus narrowly and repeatedly on those principles, dents can actually master them in just a single semester.The enthusiastic reactions of users of previous editions
stu-of our textbook affirm the validity stu-of this premise ing excessive reliance on formal mathematical derivations,
Avoid-we present concepts intuitively through examples drawn from familiar contexts
Baumol’s cost disease refers to the tendency for costs to rise more rapidly for goods and services for which growth in labor productivity is either slow or nonexistent For exam-ple, it still takes four musicians to perform Beethoven’s String Quartet Number 14 in C-sharp Minor today, just as when the piece debuted in 1826, even though labor produc-tivity has risen hundreds-fold for many other goods during the same period It is thus no surprise that the cost of stag-ing live music performances has been rising so much faster than the cost of producing many manufactured goods
Professor Heffetz received his B.A in physics and philosophy from Tel Aviv University in
1999 and his Ph.D in ics from Princeton University
econom-in 2005 He is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Gradu-ate School of Management at Cornell University, where he has taught since 2005
Bringing the real world into the classroom, Professor
Heffetz has created a unique macroeconomics course that
intro-duces basic concepts and tools from economic theory and
ap-plies them to current news and global events His popular
classes are taken by hundreds of students every year, on the
Cornell Ithaca campus and, via live videoconferencing, in
doz-ens of cities across the U.S., Canada, and beyond
Professor Heffetz’s research studies the social and cultural
aspects of economic behavior, focusing on the mechanisms that
drive consumers’ choices and on the links between economic
choices, individual well-being, and policymaking He has
pub-lished scholarly work on household consumption patterns,
indi-vidual economic decision making, and survey methodology and
measurement He was a visiting researcher at the Bank of Israel
during 2011, is currently a Faculty Research Fellow at the
Na-tional Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and serves on
the editorial board of Social Choice and Welfare.
Trang 9To date, Baumol’s cost disease has applied with
con-siderable force in the case of classroom instruction, where
tuition increases have far exceeded even the rapid growth in
the cost of health care This is what we would expect if the
dominant teaching model remains as it was a century ago,
in which a learned instructor stands in front of a class
recit-ing truths cataloged in the assigned text
But as the late Herb Stein once remarked, “If something
cannot go on forever, it will stop.” And so it is with rising
tuitions Universities are already facing strong pressure to
moderate their rates of tuition growth An inevitable result
of this pressure will be that much of the content that
profes-sors have traditionally delivered in live lecture will instead
be delivered electronically Indeed, technological advances
have given today’s students an unparalleled ability to access
information via the Internet, YouTube, and social media
If early experience is any indication, the “flipped-
classroom” model is one of the most promising adaptations
to this new environment In this approach, students are
ex-pected to study basic concepts before coming to class and
then deepen their understanding of them through structured
classroom exercises and discussion The logic of the flipped
classroom is compelling because under this approach,
stu-dents have access to instructors precisely when stustu-dents are
engaged in those activities that students find the most
chal-lenging (for example, problem solving and policy
evalua-tion) Indeed, numerous studies have found that the
flipped-classroom approach increases both student
satisfac-tion and student learning
The streamlined approach of this text is aligned with
the goals of the flipped classroom Rather than trying to
bombard students with information they can easily access
online, our book seeks to promote a deeper understanding
of economics by focusing on core concepts In addition, one
of our central goals has been to create resources to help
instructors adopt the flipped-classroom approach, which
enables instructors to spend class time engaging,
facilitating, and answering questions related to higher-level
content and critical thinking Some instructors may find
these resources useful in completely overhauling the way
they teach, while others may be interested in using them to
make a few minor changes to their current courses In other
words, this edition is intended to support a variety of
teach-ing styles (and, indeed, our team of authors varies
consider-ably in our pedagogical approach)
The traditional approach has, of course, been to ask
students to read the relevant sections from the textbook
be-fore coming to class But instructors report that today’s
stu-dents are far less likely than their predecessors to complete
such assignments To ensure compliance, stronger incentives
are needed One effective approach has employed brief tests
administered at the start of class These might involve two
or three simple multiple-choice questions on the assigned
material that are administered and graded electronically Some professors have used purpose-built clickers (inexpen-sive handheld devices that enable students to transmit infor-mation to a server that tabulates it), while others use smartphone apps for this purpose
Perhaps the biggest hurdle to effective implementation
of the flipped-classroom approach has been a dearth of effective pre-class concept-delivery materials To help fill this gap, we have created a library of short videos that focus
on basic economic concepts Many students have found these videos and animations engaging enough to watch even if they’re not going to be tested on them, but we’ve also provided easily administered in-class questions that can boost compliance still further
The big payoff from the flipped-classroom approach comes from being able to use limited class time to actually apply and discuss the concepts that students have studied before coming to class One approach begins by asking stu-dents to answer a multiple-choice question requiring appli-cation of a concept, and then reporting the frequencies with which students selected the various multiple-choice op-tions Students are then given a few moments to discuss the question with their neighbors before having an opportunity
to change the answers they originally submitted Professors then call on students who’ve offered both correct and incor-rect answers to the question to defend their answers to the class and lead the ensuing discussion We’ve spent consid-erable effort drafting the kinds of questions that reliably provoke animated discussions of this sort
In summary, here are the resources we have developed
to support the flipped-classroom experience, all available within McGraw-Hill Connect® specific to the third edition:
Before Class (Exposure)
∙ SmartBook® Adaptive Reading Assignments: Book® contains the same content as the print book, but actively tailors that content to the needs of the individ-ual through adaptive probing and integrated learning resources Instructors can assign SmartBook reading assignments for points to create incentives for students
Smart-to come Smart-to class prepared
∙ Learning Glass Lecture Videos: A series of 3-5 minute lecture videos featuring the authors and utilizing excit-ing learning glass technology provide students with an overview of important concepts before coming to class These videos can be accessed as resources within SmartBook or are available for stand-alone assignments
In Class (Engagement)
∙ Clicker Questions: Classroom-tested by the authors, these multiple-choice questions are designed to facili-tate discussion and group work in class
Trang 10∙ Economic Naturalist Application-Focused Videos: A
known hallmark of this franchise, the Economic
Natu-ralist examples are now available as short, engaging
video vignettes within Connect and SmartBook
After Class (Reinforcement)
∙ Connect Exercises: All end-of-chapter homework
ex-ercises are available to be assigned within Connect
Many of these exercises include algorithmic variations
and require students to interact with the graphing tool
within the platform
∙ Test Bank Assessment: Hundreds of multiple-choice
questions are available for summative assessments of
the chapter content
All of the above assets can be implemented by
instruc-tors as preferred in order to satisfy as much or as little of the
flipped-classroom approach as is desired
We are pleased to announce that we have expanded the list
of authors In addition to Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke,
Kate Antonovics, University of California, San Diego, and
Ori Heffetz, Cornell University, have joined the team These
two younger-generation authors bring with them a fresh
touch, side by side with many years of classroom experience
using previous editions of Principles of Economics and
Con-nect in their microeconomics (Kate) and macroeconomics
(Ori) classes Our expanded team of authors has enabled us
to increase the quality and range of digital materials that
accompany the textbook, keeping us at the forefront of the
latest developments in educational technology
Economic Naturalism
In launching this new edition of a streamlined version of
our original text, we’ve doubled down on our efforts to
present concepts in narrative form Relying on examples
drawn from familiar contexts, we encourage students to
be-come “economic naturalists,” people who employ basic
economic principles to understand and explain what they
observe in the world around them An economic naturalist
understands, for example, that infant safety seats are
re-quired in cars but not in airplanes because the marginal cost
of space to accommodate these seats is typically zero in
cars but often hundreds of dollars in airplanes Scores of
such examples are sprinkled throughout the text Each one,
we believe, poses a question that should make any curious
person eager to learn the answer
These examples stimulate interest while encouraging
students to see each feature of their economic landscape as
the reflection of an explicit or implicit weighing of costs
and benefits Students talk about these examples with their friends and families Learning economics is like learning a language In each case, there is no substitute for actually speaking By inducing students to speak economics, the Economic Naturalist examples serve this purpose (For those who would like to learn more about the role of exam-ples in learning economics, Bob Frank’s lecture on this topic is posted on YouTube’s “Authors @ Google” series:; or search
“Authors @ Google Robert Frank.”)The economic naturalist sees mundane details of ordinary existence in a new light and becomes actively engaged in the attempt to understand them Some representative examples:
In Micro:
∙ Why do movie theaters offer discount tickets to students?
∙ Why do we often see convenience stores located on jacent street corners?
ad-∙ Why do supermarket checkout lines all tend to be roughly the same length?
In Macro:
∙ Why has investment in computers increased so much in recent decades?
∙ Why does news of inflation hurt the stock market?
∙ Why do almost all countries provide free public education?
We are very excited to offer for the first time an entire video series based on Economic Naturalist examples not found in this edition A series of videos covering some of our favorite micro- and macro-focused examples can be used as part of classroom presentations, or assigned for homework within Connect All of these videos can be shared on social media to encourage students to share these fascinating and thought-provoking applications of economics in everyday life
Active Learning Stressed
The only way to learn to hit an overhead smash in tennis is through repeated practice The same is true for learning eco-nomics Accordingly, we consistently introduce new ideas in the context of simple examples and then follow them with applications showing how they work in familiar settings At frequent intervals, we pose concept checks that both test and reinforce the understanding of these ideas The end-of- chapter questions and problems are carefully crafted to help students internalize and extend basic concepts, and are avail-able within Connect as assignable content so that instructors can require students to engage with this material Experience with earlier editions confirms that this approach really does prepare students to apply basic economic principles to solve economic puzzles drawn from the real world
Trang 11Modern Microeconomics
∙ The cost-benefit principle, which tells us to take only
those actions whose benefits exceed their costs, is the
core idea behind the economic way of thinking
Intro-duced in Chapter 1 and employed repeatedly thereafter,
this principle is more fully developed here than in any
other text It underlies the argument for economic
effi-ciency as an important social goal Rather than speak
of trade-offs between efficiency and other goals, we
stress that maximizing economic surplus—that is,
tak-ing those actions whose benefits exceed their costs—
facilitates the achievement of every goal we care about
∙ One of the biggest hurdles to the fruitful application of
cost-benefit thinking is to recognize and measure the
relevant costs and benefits Common decision pitfalls
identified by 2002 Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman
and others—such as the tendency to ignore implicit
costs, the tendency not to ignore sunk costs, and the
tendency to confuse average and marginal costs and
benefits—are introduced early in Chapter 1 and
in-voked repeatedly in subsequent chapters
∙ There is perhaps no more exciting toolkit for the
eco-nomic naturalist than a few principles of elementary
game theory. In Chapter 8, we show how these
princi-ples enable students to answer a variety of strategic
questions that arise in the marketplace and everyday
life We believe that the insights of the Nobel Laureate
Ronald Coase are indispensable for understanding a
host of familiar laws, customs, and social norms In
Chapter 9 we show how such devices function to
mini-mize misallocations that result from externalities
Modern Macroeconomics
The severe economic downturn that began in late 2007 has
renewed interest in cyclical fluctuations without challenging
the importance of such long-run issues as growth,
produc-tivity, the evolution of real wages, and capital formation
Our treatment of these issues is organized as follows:
∙ A four-chapter treatment of long-run issues, followed by
a modern treatment of short-term fluctuations and
stabi-lization policy, emphasizes the important distinction
be-tween short- and long-run behavior of the economy
∙ Designed to allow for flexible treatment of topics, these
chapters are written so that short-run material
(Chap-ters 18–20) can be used before long-run material
(Chapters 14–17) with no loss of continuity
∙ This book places a heavy emphasis on globalization,
starting with an analysis of its effects on real wage
in-equality and progressing to such issues as the costs and
benefits of trade, the role of capital flows in domestic capital formation, and the links between exchange rates and monetary policy
eco-∙ An introduction to macroeconomics: In Chapter 3
we provide a sneak peak into macroeconomics, cially useful for students who won’t move on to take this portion of the course It provides some context around economics concepts that are widely discussed
espe-in media today like the causes and aftermath of the Great Recession and actions taken by the Fed
∙ Strong connection drawn between core concepts:
Chapter 6 makes strong connections among market librium and efficiency, the cost of preventing price ad-justments, economic profit, and the invisible hand theory
equi-∙ Using economics to help make policy decisions:
Chapter 10 features important policy decisions and uses economics to sort out the best options Health care, environmental regulation, international trade, and income redistribution are all discussed in this relevant and interesting chapter
∙ Flexible coverage of international economics:
Chap-ter 11 introduces the concept of comparative advantage
as a basis for trade Because international trade volves important micro principles and policy issues, this chapter is presented earlier in the book and is in-cluded in both the macro and micro splits
in-In Macroeconomics
∙ A preview of key macroeconomic material: Chapter
12 is new to this edition and serves to provide an view of core macroeconomic concepts that are to be discussed in further detail
over-∙ Flexible presentation: Part 6, “Macroeconomics:
Is-sues and Data,” is a self-contained group of chapters that cover definition and measurement issues This al-lows instructors to proceed to a discussion of either long-run concepts as discussed in Part 7 or short-run concepts as covered in Part 8 with no loss of continuity
Trang 12∙ Thorough discussion of labor markets: Trends in
employment, wages, and unemployment are covered
together in Chapter 15 to help students understand and
distinguish between long-term trends and short-term
fluctuations in the labor market
∙ Strong connection drawn between financial markets
and money: Chapter 17 brings together information on
financial intermediaries, bond and stock markets, and
money so that students can make the connections
among stock markets, bond markets, commercial
banks, and money
∙ Modular presentation of money and monetary policy:
Chapter 17 introduces students to the concepts of money
and financial intermediaries, which can be covered
sepa-rately or in direct conjunction with the discussion of
monetary policy in Chapter 19
∙ The presentation of aggregate demand and aggregate
supply: Chapter 20 has been completely rewritten The
AD-AS model is developed systematically (based on
con-cepts introduced in Chapters 18 and 19) using a graphical/
verbal approach, allowing students to better understand
the link among economic theory, real-world
macroeco-nomic behavior, and macroecomacroeco-nomic policymaking
∙ Flexible coverage of international economics:
Chap-ter 21 is a self-contained discussion of exchange rates
that can be used whenever an instructor thinks it best to
introduce this important subject
Changes Common to All Chapters
In all chapters, the narrative has been tightened and shortened
slightly Many of the examples have been updated, with a
fo-cus on examples that connect to current events such as the
fi-nancial crisis of 2008 and the Great Recession of 2007–2009
The examples and exercises from the previous edition have
been redesigned to provide more clarity and ease of use A
majority of the appendixes have been removed Several
num-bered examples in the macro portion of the book have been
turned back into Economic Naturalist examples as they were
originally intended Data have been updated throughout
Chapter-by-Chapter Changes
∙ Chapter 2: This is Chapter 3 from the previous
edi-tion The comparative advantage material that was in
the former Chapter 2 now appears in Chapter 11
∙ Chapter 3: New to this edition, this chapter serves as
an introduction to macroeconomics for those who will
not continue to take this course It provides context around economics concepts that are widely discussed
in the media
∙ Chapters 4–10: Content and data updates have been
added as needed
∙ Chapter 11: International trade material previously in
Chapter 10 has been moved here along with the tunity cost discussion that appeared in the former Chapter 2 on comparative advantage Production pos-sibilities curve material has been eliminated
oppor-∙ Chapter 12: New to this edition, this chapter serves to
provide a preview to the upcoming macroeconomic material that is to follow
∙ Chapter 13: Combining material from previous
Chap-ters 11, 12, and 13 this new chapter is entitled suring Economic Activity: GDP, Unemployment, and Inflation.” Women’s labor participation data have been added in the GDP section Economic well-being mate-rial has been moved to Chapter 14 The “Unemployment and the Unemployment Rate” section from the previous Chapter 13 has been retained here “The True Costs of Inflation” section has been streamlined Hyperinflation and the inflation and interest rates sections of the pre-vious Chapter 12 have been moved to Chapter 20
“Mea-∙ Chapter 14: Economic well-being material from
the previous Chapter 11 has been moved here The
“Promoting Economic Growth” and “Costs of nomic Growth” sections have been switched
Eco-∙ Chapter 15: This chapter is now entitled “Workers,
Wages, and Unemployment in the Modern Economy” and features content primarily from the previous Chap-ter 13 A fifth labor market trend and discussion of Eu-ropean unemployment has been added back into this chapter The “Unemployment and the Unemployment Rate” section has been moved to Chapter 13 Material
on minimum wage laws and unions has been deleted
∙ Chapter 16: Previously Chapter 15, the financial
mar-kets discussion has been moved to Chapter 17 The
“Why Do People Save” and “National Saving and Its Components” sections have been switched A new Economic Naturalist on why Chinese households save
so much has been added A portion of the “Inflation and Interest Rate” section from the previous Chapter
12 has been included here to highlight real interest rates and nominal interest rates
∙ Chapter 17: Combining material from previous
Chap-ters 16, 19, and 21, this new chapter is entitled “Money, the Federal Reserve, and Global Financial Markets.”
Trang 13We start with a discussion of money and its uses,
fol-lowed by commercial banks and the creation of money
from the previous Chapter 16 We then turn to previous
Chapter 19 and the discussion of the Fed, controlling
the money supply through open-market operations, but
we delay the mention of discount window lending and
changing reserve requirements to Chapter 19 Then we
return to previous Chapter 16 and discuss the financial
system and the allocation of saving We finish the
chapter with a discussion of trade balance and
interna-tional capital flows from the previous Chapter 21
Im-provements to Economic Naturalist examples include a
discussion of Bitcoins and a new Economic Naturalist
that details what happens to national economies during
banking crises Velocity material has been deleted
∙ Chapter 18: Combining material from previous
Chap-ters 17 and 18, this new chapter is entitled “Short-Term
Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy.” A new
Eco-nomic Naturalist examines the effect of ecoEco-nomic
fluc-tuations on presidential elections Okun’s law coverage
has been removed The Economic Naturalist on menu
costs has been revised to include Uber and Lyft
Planned aggregate expenditure material has been
removed and replaced with a new section on aggregate
output and spending to help simplify the math
Con-sumption function coverage has also been streamlined
and shortened
∙ Chapter 19: This chapter has been renamed
“Stabiliz-ing the Economy: The Role of the Fed.” We start with
a discussion of the Federal Reserve and interest rates
which features new Examples 19.1 and 19.2 An
ex-ample of the effects of high inflation in Zimbabwe was
added to an Economic Naturalist example The section
on how the Fed controls the money supply has been
substantially revised A new subsection answers the
question “Do interest rates always move together?”
helps students understand what the Fed has been doing
“unconventionally” since 2008 Material on the zero
lower bound, quantitative easing, forward guidance,
and interest on reserves and monetary-policy
normal-ization has been added Planned aggregate expenditure
material has been revised to appear as aggregate
ex-penditure A discussion of the Fed’s policy reaction
function and the Taylor rule has been added
∙ Chapter 20: This chapter has been largely rewritten
and is now entitled “Inflation and Aggregate Supply.”
We have reverted back to the way this material was
pre-sented in the second edition of Principles of Economics.
∙ Chapter 21: This chapter is now entitled “Exchange
Rates and the Open Economy.” The section on
exchange rate determination in the long run has been moved toward the beginning of the chapter, with the real exchange rate material now appearing as part of the first section on exchange rates We then move to a discussion of exchange rate determination in the short run, followed by monetary policy and the exchange rate A new section on fixed exchange rates has been added Again, trade balance and international capital flow material has been moved to Chapter 17
Chapter Learning Objectives
Students and professors can be confident that the tion of each chapter surrounds common themes outlined by four to seven learning objectives listed on the first page of each chapter These objectives, along with AACSB and Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Categories, are connected to all test bank questions and end-of-chapter material to offer
organiza-a comprehensive, thorough teorganiza-aching organiza-and leorganiza-arning ence Reports available within Connect allow instructors to easily output data related to student performance across chapter learning objectives, AACSB criteria, and Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Categories
experi-Assurance of Learning Ready
Many educational institutions today are focused on the notion
of assurance of learning, an important element of some
accred-itation standards Principles of Economics, A Streamlined
Ap-proach, 3/e, is designed specifically to support your assurance
of learning initiatives with a simple, yet powerful, solution.Instructors can use Connect to easily query for learning objectives that directly relate to the objectives of the course and then use the reporting features of Connect to aggregate student results in a similar fashion, making the collection and presentation of assurance of learning data simple and easy
AACSB Statement
The McGraw-Hill Companies is a proud corporate member
of AACSB International Recognizing the importance and
value of AACSB accreditation, the authors of Principles of
Economics, A Streamlined Approach, 3/e, have sought to recognize the curricula guidelines detailed in AACSB stan-dards for business accreditation by connecting questions in the test bank and end-of-chapter material to the general knowledge and skill guidelines found in AACSB standards
It is important to note that the statements contained in
Principles of Economics, A Streamlined Approach, 3/e are
provided only as a guide for the users of this text
Ben Bernanke was sworn in on February 1, 2006, as
Chair-man and a member of the Board of Governors of the
Fed-eral Reserve System, a position to which he was reappointed
in January 2010 From June 2005 until January 2006, he
served as chairman of the President’s Council of Economic
Advisers These positions have allowed him to play an
ac-tive role in making U.S economic policy, but the rules of
government service have restricted his ability to participate
in the preparation of previous editions Now that his second
term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve is complete, we
are happy to announce that Ben has been actively involved
in the revision of the macro portion of the third edition
Our thanks first and foremost go to our brand manager, Katie
Hoenicke, and our product developer, Christina Kouvelis
Katie encouraged us to think deeply about how to improve
the book and helped us transform our ideas into concrete
changes Christina shepherded us through the revision
pro-cess with intelligence, sound advice, and good humor We
are grateful as well to the production team, whose
profes-sionalism (and patience) was outstanding: Harvey Yep,
con-tent project manager; Kristin Bradley, assessment project
manager; Matt Diamond, lead designer; and all of those who
worked on the production team to turn our manuscript into
the book you see now Finally, we also thank Virgil Lloyd,
marketing manager, and Dave O’Donnell, marketing
spe-cialist, for getting our message into the wider world
Special thanks to Per Norander, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, for his energy, creativity, and help in
refining the assessment material in both the text and
Con-nect; Sukanya Kemp, University of Akron, for her detailed
accuracy check of the learning glass videos; Anna Thompson
and Eric Schulman, Cornell University, for their efforts in
researching and collecting macro data updates; Alvin
Angeles and team at the University of California, San Diego,
for their efforts in the production and editing of the learning
glass videos; and Kevin Bertotti and the team at ITVK for
their creativity in transforming Economic Naturalist
exam-ples into dynamic and engaging video vignettes
Finally, our sincere thanks to the following teachers
and colleagues, whose thorough reviews and thoughtful
suggestions led to innumerable substantive improvements
to Principles of Economics, A Streamlined Approach, 3/e.
Mark Abajian, San Diego Mesa College
Richard Agesa, Marshall University
Seemi Ahmad, Dutchess Community College
Chris Azevedo, University of Central Missouri
Narine Badasyan, Murray State University
Sigridur Benediktsdottir, Yale University Brian C Brush, Marquette University Giuliana Campanelli Andreopoulos, William Paterson
J Lon Carlson, Illinois State University Joni Charles, Texas State University Anoshua Chaudhuri, San Francisco State University Nan-Ting Chou, University of Louisville
Manabendra Dasgupta, University of Alabama at Birmingham Craig Dorsey, College of DuPage
Dennis Edwards, Coastal Carolina University Roger Frantz, San Diego State University Mark Frascatore, Clarkson University Greg George, Macon State College Seth Gershenson, Michigan State University Amy D Gibson, Christopher Newport University Rajeev Goel, Illinois State University
Susan He, Washington State University John Hejkal, University of Iowa Kuang-Chung Hsu, Kishwaukee College Greg Hunter, California State University–Pomona Derek Johnson, University of Connecticut
Sukanya Kemp, University of Akron Brian Kench, University of Tampa Fredric R Kolb, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire Donald J Liu, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities Ida Mirzaie, The Ohio State University
Diego Nocetti, Clarkson University Stephanie Owings, Fort Lewis College Martin Pereyra, University of Missouri Ratha Ramoo, Diablo Valley College Bill Robinson, University of Nevada–Las Vegas Brian Rosario, University of California–Davis Elyce Rotella, Indiana University
Jeffrey Rubin, Rutgers University Naveen Sarna, Northern Virginia Community College Sumati Srinivas, Radford University
Thomas Stevens, University of Massachusetts Carolyn Fabian Stumph, Indiana University and Purdue
University–Fort Wayne
Markland Tuttle, Sam Houston State University David Vera, California State University–Fresno Nancy Virts, California State University–Northridge Elizabeth Wheaton, Southern Methodist University William C Wood, James Madison University
Economic Naturalist
Each Economic Naturalist
ex-ample starts with a question
to spark interest in learning an
answer These examples fuel
interest while teaching
stu-dents to see economics in the
world around them Videos of
select Economic Naturalist
examples can be found within
Why don’t auto manufacturers make cars without heaters?
Virtually every new car sold in the United States today has a heater But not every car has a satellite navigation system Why this difference?
One might be tempted to answer that, although everyone needs a heater, people can get along without navigation systems Yet heaters are of little use in places like Hawaii and southern California What is more, cars produced as re- cently as the 1950s did not all have heaters (The classified ad that led one young economic naturalist to his first car, a 1955 Pontiac, boasted that the vehicle had a radio, heater, and whitewall tires.)
Although heaters cost extra money to manufacture and are not useful in all parts of the country, they do not cost much money and are useful on at least a few days each year in most parts of the country As time passed and people’s incomes grew, manufacturers found that people were ordering fewer and fewer cars with- out heaters At some point it actually became cheaper to put heaters in all cars, rather than bear the administrative expense of making some cars with heaters and others without No doubt a few buyers would still order a car without a heater if they could save some money in the process, but catering to these customers is just no longer worth it.
Similar reasoning explains why certain cars today cannot be purchased out a satellite navigation system Buyers of the 2015 BMW 750i, for example, got one whether they wanted it or not Most buyers of this car, which sells for more than $75,000, have high incomes, so the overwhelming majority of them would have chosen to order a navigation system had it been sold as an option Because
with-of the savings made possible when all cars are produced with the same ment, it would have actually cost BMW more to supply cars for the few who would want them without navigation systems.
equip-Buyers of the least-expensive makes of car have much lower incomes on average than BMW 750i buyers Accordingly, most of them have more pressing alternative uses for their money than to buy navigation systems for their cars, and this explains why some inexpensive makes continue to offer navigation systems only as options But as incomes continue to grow, new cars without navigation systems will eventually disappear.
The Economic Naturalist 1.2
The insights afforded by The Economic Naturalist 1.2 suggest an answer to the following strange question:
Why do the keypad buttons on drive-up automated teller machines have Braille dots?
Braille dots on elevator buttons and on the keypads of walk-up automated teller machines enable blind people to participate more fully in the normal flow
of daily activity But even though blind people can do many remarkable things, they cannot drive automobiles on public roads Why, then, do the manufac- turers of automated teller machines install Braille dots on the machines at drive-up locations?
The answer to this riddle is that once the keypad molds have been tured, the cost of producing buttons with Braille dots is no higher than the cost of producing smooth buttons Making both would require separate sets of molds and
manufac-The Economic Naturalist 1.3
Scarcity and the trade-offs that result also apply to resources other than money Bill Gates is one of the richest men on Earth His wealth was once estimated at over $100 bil-
lion That’s more than the combined wealth of the poorest 40 percent of Americans
Gates could buy more houses, cars, vacations, and other consumer goods than he could
possibly use Yet he, like the rest of us, has only 24 hours each day and a limited amount of
energy So even he confronts trade-offs Any activity he pursues—whether it be building
his business empire or redecorating his mansion or tending to his charitable foundation—
uses up time and energy that he could otherwise spend on other things Indeed, someone
once calculated that the value of Gates’s time is so great that pausing to pick up a $100 bill
from the sidewalk simply wouldn’t be worth his while.
In studying choice under scarcity, we’ll usually begin with the premise that people are
rational, which means they have well-defined goals and try to fulfill them as best they
can The Cost-Benefit Principle is a fundamental tool for the study of how rational people
make choices.
As in the class-size example, often the only real difficulty in applying the benefit rule is to come up with reasonable measures of the relevant benefits and costs
cost-Only in rare instances will exact dollar measures be conveniently available But the
cost-benefit framework can lend structure to your thinking even when no relevant
market data are available.
To illustrate how we proceed in such cases, the following example asks you to decide whether to perform an action whose cost is described only in vague, qualitative terms.
rational person someone with well-defined goals who tries to fulfill those goals as best he or she can
EXAMPLE 1.1 Comparing Costs and Benefits
Should you walk downtown to save $10 on a $25 computer game?
Imagine you are about to buy a $25 computer game at the nearby campus store
when a friend tells you that the same game is on sale at a downtown store for only
$15 If the downtown store is a 30-minute walk away, where should you buy the game?
The Cost-Benefit Principle tells us that you should buy it downtown if the efit of doing so exceeds the cost The benefit of taking any action is the dollar value
ben-of everything you gain by taking it Here, the benefit ben-of buying downtown is exactly
$10, since that’s the amount you’ll save on the price of the game The cost of taking
any action is the dollar value of everything you give up by taking it Here, the cost of
buying downtown is the dollar value you assign to the time and trouble it takes to
make the trip But how do we estimate that value?
One way is to perform the following hypothetical auction Imagine that a stranger has offered to pay you to do an errand that involves the same walk down-
town (perhaps to drop off a letter for her at the post office) If she offered you a
pay-ment of, say, $1,000, would you accept? If so, we know that your cost of walking
downtown and back must be less than $1,000 Now imagine her offer being
re-duced in small increments until you finally refuse the last offer For example, if you’d
agree to walk downtown and back for $9.00 but not for $8.99, then your cost of
making the trip is $9.00 In this case, you should buy the game downtown because
the $10 you’ll save (your benefit) is greater than your $9.00 cost of making the trip.
But suppose your cost of making the trip had been greater than $10 In that case, your best bet would have been to buy the game from the nearby campus
store Confronted with this choice, different people may choose differently,
depend-ing on how costly they think it is to make the trip downtown But although there is no
uniquely correct choice, most people who are asked what they would do in this
situ-ation say they would buy the game downtown.
If Bill Gates saw a $100 bill lying
on the sidewalk, would it be worth his time to pick it up?
of an implicit or explicit benefit calculation
cost-PrEDiCtiNg AND ExPLAiNiNg ChANgES iN PriCES AND qUANtitiES 51
The following concept check asks you to consider a simple variation on the problem posed in the previous example.
D9 Q9 Q
S S9
Quantity (millions of bags/month)
What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the corn tortilla chip market if both of the following events occur: (1) researchers discover that a vita- min found in corn helps protect against cancer and heart disease and (2) a swarm
of locusts destroys part of the corn crop?
Why are some goods cheapest during the months of heaviest consumption, while others are most expensive during those months?
Seasonal Variation in the Air Travel and Corn Markets.
(a) Prices are highest during the period of heaviest consumption when heavy consumption is the result of high demand (b) Prices are lowest during the period
of heaviest consumption when heavy consumption is the result of high supply.
Why do the prices of some goods, like airline tickets to Europe, go up during the months of heaviest consumption, while others, like sweet corn, go down?
Seasonal price movements for airline tickets are primarily the result of seasonal tions in demand Thus, ticket prices to Europe are highest during the summer months because the demand for tickets is highest during those months, as shown in Figure 2.19(a), where the w and s subscripts denote winter and summer values, respectively.
varia-The Economic Naturalist 2.3
Concept Checks
These self-test questions in
the body of the chapter enable
students to determine whether
the preceding material has
been understood and reinforce
understanding before reading
further Detailed Answers to
Concept Checks are found at
the end of each chapter
The very idea of not being able to buy a pizza seems absurd, yet precisely such things happen routinely in markets in which prices are held below the equilibrium lev- els For example, prior to the collapse of communist governments, it was considered normal in those countries for people to stand in line for hours to buy bread and other basic goods, while the politically connected had first choice of those goods that were available.
If we know how the factors that govern supply and demand curves are changing, we can make informed predictions about how prices and the corresponding quantities will change But when describing changing circumstances in the marketplace, we must take care to recognize some important terminological distinctions For example, we must dis-
tinguish between the meanings of the seemingly similar expressions change in the
quantity demanded and change in demand When we speak of a “change in the
quantity demanded,” this means the change in the quantity that people wish to buy that occurs in response to a change in price For instance, Figure 2.10(a) depicts an increase in the quantity demanded that occurs in response to a reduction in the price of tuna When the price falls from $2 to $1 per can, the quantity demanded rises from 8,000 to 10,000
cans per day By contrast, when we speak of a “change in demand,” this means a shift in
the entire demand curve For example, Figure 2.10(b) depicts an increase in demand, meaning that at every price the quantity demanded is higher than before In summary, a
“change in the quantity demanded” refers to a movement along the demand curve and a
“change in demand” means a shift of the entire curve.
change in the quantity
demanded a movement
along the demand curve that
occurs in response to a
change in price
change in demand a shift of
the entire demand curve
An Increase in the Quantity
Demanded versus an Increase
in Demand.
(a) An increase in quantity
demanded describes a
downward movement along
the demand curve as price falls
(b) An increase in demand
describes an outward shift of
the demand curve.
2 4 6 8 10 12 1
2 3 4 5 6
Quantity (1,000s of cans/day)
D9 D
Increase in demand
Sprinkled throughout each chapter are Recap boxes that underscore and summarize the importance of the preceding material and key concept takeaways
Trang 16The following ancillaries are available for quick download
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ques-tions and problems
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PART 1 Introduction
PART 2 Competition and the Invisible Hand
PART 3 Market Imperfections
PART 4 Economics of Public Policy
PART 5 International Trade
11 International Trade and Trade Policy 249
PART 6 Macroeconomics: Issues and Data
18 Short-Term Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy 449
19 Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Fed 479
PART 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Thinking Like an Economist 1
Economics: Studying Choice in a World of
Scarcity 2
Applying the Cost-Benefit Principle 3
Economic Surplus 4
Opportunity Cost 4
The Role of Economic Models 4
Three Important Decision Pitfalls 5
Pitfall 1: Measuring Costs and Benefits as Proportions
Rather than Absolute Dollar Amounts 6
Pitfall 2: Ignoring Implicit Costs 6
Pitfall 3: Failure to Think at the Margin 8
Normative Economics versus Positive Economics 12
Economics: Micro and Macro 12
The Approach of This Text 13
Economic Naturalism 13
Summary 16 ∙ Key Terms 16 ∙ Review Questions 17 ∙
Problems 17 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 18 ∙ Appendix:
Working with Equations, Graphs, and Tables 19
Chapter 2 Supply and Demand 29
What, How, and for Whom? Central Planning
versus the Market 31
Buyers and Sellers in Markets 32
The Demand Curve 33
The Supply Curve 34
Market Equilibrium 35
Rent Controls Reconsidered 39
Pizza Price Controls? 41
Predicting and Explaining Changes in
Prices and Quantities 42
Shifts in Demand 43
Shifts in the Supply Curve 46
Four Simple Rules 49
Efficiency and Equilibrium 52
Cash on the Table 52
Smart for One, Dumb for All 53
Summary 54 ∙ Key Terms 55 ∙ Review Questions 56 ∙
Problems 56 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 57 ∙ Appendix: The Algebra of Supply and Demand 59
Chapter 3 A Brief Look at Macroeconomics 61
The Financial Crisis of 2008 62 Classical Macroeconomic Theory 64 The Keynesian Revolution and the New Deal 65 The Lessons of Post-Crisis Experience 68 Why Does the Dispute Linger? 69 Avoiding Protracted Downturns in the Future 70
Concluding Remarks 72
Summary 73 ∙ Key Terms 73 ∙ Review Questions 74 ∙
Problems 74 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 74
PART 2 Competition and the
Invisible Hand
Chapter 4 Demand and Elasticity 75
The Law of Demand 76
The Origins of Demand 76 Needs versus Wants 77
Applying the Law of Demand 78
Substitution at Work 78
The Importance of Income Differences 80
Individual and Market Demand Curves 81
Horizontal Addition 81
Elasticity 82 Price Elasticity of Demand 83
Price Elasticity Defined 83 Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand 84
Some Representative Elasticity Estimates 85 Using Price Elasticity of Demand 86
Trang 21xx CONTENTS
A Graphical Interpretation of Price Elasticity 88
Price Elasticity Changes along a Straight-Line
Demand Curve 90
Two Special Cases 91
Elasticity and Total Expenditure 92
Income Elasticity and Cross-Price Elasticity of
Demand 96
Summary 96 ∙ Key Terms 97 ∙ Review Questions 97 ∙
Problems 97 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 99
Chapter 5 Perfectly Competitive Supply 101
Thinking about Supply: The Importance of
Opportunity Cost 102
Individual and Market Supply Curves 103
Profit-Maximizing Firms in Perfectly
Competitive Markets 105
Profit Maximization 105
The Demand Curve Facing a Perfectly
Competitive Firm 106
Production in the Short Run 106
Choosing Output to Maximize Profit 107
Price Equals Marginal Cost: The Seller’s Supply Rule 110
Graphing Marginal Cost 111
The “Law” of Supply 113
Applying the Theory of Supply 113
Determinants of Supply Revisited 116
Technology 117
Input Prices 117
The Number of Suppliers 117
Expectations 117
Changes in Prices of Other Products 117
The Price Elasticity of Supply 118
Determinants of Supply Elasticity 120
Unique and Essential Inputs: The Ultimate Supply
Bottleneck 124
Summary 125 ∙ Key Terms 125 ∙
Review Questions 125 ∙ Problems 126 ∙
Answers to Concept Checks 127
Chapter 6 Efficiency, Exchange, and the
Invisible Hand in Action 129
The Central Role of Economic Profit 130
Three Types of Profit 130
The Invisible Hand Theory 134
Two Functions of Price 134
Responses to Profits and Losses 134
The Effect of Market Forces on Economic Profit 136
The Importance of Free Entry and Exit 137
The Invisible Hand in Action 137
Economic Rent versus Economic Profit 139 The Distinction between an Equilibrium and a Social Optimum 141
Smart for One, Dumb for All 142
Market Equilibrium and Efficiency 143
Efficiency Is Not the Only Goal 146 Why Efficiency Should Be the First Goal 146
The Cost of Preventing Price Adjustments 147
Summary 149 ∙ Key Terms 150 ∙
Review Questions 150 ∙ Problems 150 ∙
Answers to Concept Checks 151
PART 3 Market Imperfections
Chapter 7 Monopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic Competition 153
Perfect and Imperfect Competition 154
Different Forms of Imperfect Competition 154 The Essential Difference between Perfectly and Imperfectly Competitive Firms 155
Five Sources of Market Power 157
Exclusive Control over Important Inputs 157 Patents and Copyrights 157
Government Licenses or Franchises 157 Economies of Scale and Natural Monopolies 157 Network Economies 158
Economies of Scale and the Importance of Start-Up Costs 158
Profit Maximization for the Monopolist 162
Marginal Revenue for the Monopolist 162 The Monopolist’s Profit-Maximizing Decision Rule 165
Being a Monopolist Doesn’t Guarantee an Economic Profit 166
Why the Invisible Hand Breaks Down under Monopoly 167
Using Discounts to Expand the Market 168
Price Discrimination Defined 169
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 7.2 169 How Price Discrimination Affects Output 170 The Hurdle Method of Price Discrimination 172
Is Price Discrimination a Bad Thing? 174 Examples of Price Discrimination 175
Summary 177 ∙ Key Terms 178 ∙
Review Questions 178 ∙ Problems 178 ∙
Answers to Concept Checks 179
Trang 22CONTENTS xxi
Chapter 8 Games and Strategic Behavior 181
Using Game Theory to Analyze Strategic Decisions 182
The Three Elements of a Game 182
Nash Equilibrium 183
The Prisoner’s Dilemma 185
The Original Prisoner’s Dilemma 186
The Economics of Cartels 187
Tit-for-Tat and the Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma 190
Games in Which Timing Matters 193
Credible Threats and Promises 195
Monopolistic Competition When Location Matters 196
Commitment Problems 198
Solving Commitment Problems with Psychological
Incentives 200
Summary 202 ∙ Key Terms 203 ∙ Review Questions 203 ∙
Problems 203 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 206
Chapter 9 Externalities and Property
Rights 207
External Costs and Benefits 207
How Externalities Affect Resource Allocation 208
The Coase Theorem 209
Remedies for Externalities 213
Property Rights and the Tragedy of the Commons 216
The Problem of Unpriced Resources 216
The Effect of Private Ownership 219
When Private Ownership Is Impractical 220
Positional Externalities 222
Payoffs That Depend on Relative Performance 222
Positional Arms Races and Positional Arms
Control Agreements 223
Social Norms as Positional Arms Control Agreements 224
Summary 227 ∙ Key Terms 227 ∙ Review Questions 227 ∙
Problems 228 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 229
PART 4 Economics of Public Policy
Chapter 10 Using Economics to Make Better
Policy Choices 231
The Economics of Health Care 232
The Case for Mandatory Immunization Laws 232
Explaining Rising Health Care Costs 232
Designing a Solution 234 The HMO Revolution 235
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 10.1 235 The Problem with Health Care Provision through Private Insurance 236
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 237
Using Price Incentives in Environmental Regulation 238
Taxing Pollution 238 Auctioning Pollution Permits 240 Climate Change and Carbon Taxes 241
Methods of Income Redistribution 243
Welfare Payments and In-Kind Transfers 243 Means-Tested Benefit Programs 243 The Negative Income Tax 244 Minimum Wages 244 The Earned-Income Tax Credit 245 Public Employment for the Poor 245
A Combination of Methods 245
Summary 246 ∙ Key Terms 247 ∙ Review Questions 247 ∙
Problems 247 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 248
PART 5 International Trade
Chapter 11 International Trade and Trade Policy 249
Comparative Advantage as a Basis for Trade 250
A Supply and Demand Perspective on Trade 254
Winners and Losers from Trade 256
Protectionist Policies: Tariffs and Quotas 258
Tariffs 258 Quotas 260
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 11.1 262 The Inefficiency of Protectionism 263
Summary 264 ∙ Key Terms 265 ∙
Review Questions 265 ∙ Problems 265 ∙
Answers to Concept Checks 266
PART 6 Macroeconomics: Issues and
Chapter 12 Macroeconomics: The Bird’s-Eye View of the Economy 267
The Major Macroeconomic Issues 268
Economic Growth and Living Standards 269 Productivity 270
Recessions and Expansions 272 Unemployment 272
Inflation 274 Economic Interdependence among Nations 275
Trang 23xxii CONTENTS
Macroeconomic Policy 276
Types of Macroeconomic Policy 276
Positive versus Normative Analyses of
Macroeconomic Policy 277
Aggregation 278
Studying Macroeconomics: A Preview 281
Summary 282 ∙ Key Terms 282 ∙ Review Questions 282 ∙
Problems 283 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 283
Chapter 13 Measuring Economic Activity:
GDP, Unemployment, and Inflation 285
Gross Domestic Product: Measuring the Nation’s
Output 286
Market Value 286
Final Goods and Services 289
Produced within a Country during a Given Period 292
Different Methods for Measuring GDP 293
The Expenditure Method for Measuring GDP 293
GDP and the Incomes of Capital and Labor 297
Nominal GDP versus Real GDP 299
Real GDP, Economic Growth, and Economic
Well-Being 301
Unemployment and the Unemployment Rate 302
Measuring Unemployment 302
The Costs of Unemployment 304
The Unemployment Rate versus “True”
Unemployment 305
The Consumer Price Index: Measuring the Price
Level 305
Inflation 308
Adjusting for Inflation 309
Deflating a Nominal Quantity 309
Indexing to Maintain Buying Power 310
Inflation Measurement and Quality Change 312
The Costs of Inflation: Not What You Think 314
The True Costs of Inflation 315
Summary 318 ∙ Key Terms 318 ∙ Review Questions 319 ∙
Problems 319 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 321
PART 7 The Economy in the Long Run
Chapter 14 Economic Growth, Productivity,
and Living Standards 323
The Remarkable Rise in Living Standards:
The Record 325
Why “Small” Differences in Growth Rates Matter 326
Why Nations Become Rich: The Crucial Role of Average
Real GDP and Economic Well-Being 340
Real GDP Isn’t the Same as Economic Well-Being 341
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 14.4 341 But GDP Is Related to Economic Well-Being 343
The Costs of Economic Growth 345 Promoting Economic Growth 346
Policies to Increase Human Capital 346
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 14.6 346 Policies That Promote Saving and Investment 347 Policies That Support Research and Development 347 The Legal and Political Framework 348
The Poorest Countries: A Special Case? 348
Are There Limits to Growth? 349
Summary 350 ∙ Key Terms 351 ∙ Review Questions 351 ∙
Problems 352 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 353
Chapter 15 The Labor Market: Workers, Wages, and Unemployment 355
Five Important Labor Market Trends 356
Trends in Real Wages 356 Trends in Employment and Unemployment 357
Supply and Demand in the Labor Market 357
Wages and the Demand for Labor 358 Shifts in the Demand for Labor 360 The Supply of Labor 363
Shifts in the Supply of Labor 364
Explaining the Trends in Real Wages and Employment 365
Large Increases in Real Wages in Industrialized Countries 365
Real Wage Growth in the United States Has Stagnated since the Early 1970s, While Employment Growth Has Been Rapid 366
Increasing Wage Inequality: The Effects of Globalization and Technological Change 368
Unemployment 372
Types of Unemployment and Their Costs 373 Impediments to Full Employment 374
Summary 376 ∙ Key Terms 377 ∙ Review Questions 377 ∙
Problems 378 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 379
Trang 24CONTENTS xxiii
Chapter 16 Saving and Capital Formation 381
Saving and Wealth 382
Stocks and Flows 383
Capital Gains and Losses 384
Why Do People Save? 386
Saving and the Real Interest Rate 388
Saving, Self-Control, and Demonstration Effects 391
National Saving and Its Components 393
The Measurement of National Saving 394
Private and Public Components of National Saving 395
Public Saving and the Government Budget 396
Is Low Household Saving a Problem? 398
Investment and Capital Formation 399
Saving, Investment, and Financial Markets 403
Summary 406 ∙ Key Terms 407 ∙ Review Questions 407 ∙
Problems 408 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 409
Chapter 17 Money, the Federal Reserve, and
Global Financial Markets 411
Money and Its Uses 412
Measuring Money 414
Commercial Banks and the Creation of Money 415
The Money Supply with Both Currency and Deposits 418
The Federal Reserve System 420
The History and Structure of the Federal Reserve
The Financial System and the Allocation of Saving to
Productive Uses 425
The Banking System 425
Bonds and Stocks 427
Bond Markets, Stock Markets, and the
Allocation of Savings 432
The Informational Role of Bond and
Stock Markets 432
Risk Sharing and Diversification 432
International Capital Flows 434
Capital Flows and the Balance of Trade 435
The Determinants of International Capital Flows 437
Saving, Investment, and Capital Inflows 438 The Saving Rate and the Trade Deficit 440
Summary 443 ∙ Key Terms 444 ∙ Review Questions 444 ∙
Problems 445 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 446
PART 8 The Economy in the Short Run
Chapter 18 Short-Term Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy 449
Recessions and Expansions 451
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 18.2 454 Some Facts about Short-Term Economic Fluctuations 455
Output Gaps and Cyclical Unemployment 457
Potential Output and the Output Gap 457 The Natural Rate of Unemployment and Cyclical Unemployment 458
Why Do Short-Term Fluctuations Occur?
A Preview and a Tale 461
Al’s Ice Cream Store: A Tale about Short-Run Fluctuations 461
Recessions and Proposed Solutions: Keynes’s Analysis 463
Keynes’s Crucial Assumption: Firms Meet Demand at Preset Prices 464
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 18.4 464 Aggregate Output and Spending 465 Hey Big Spender! Consumer Spending and the Economy 466
The Multiplier 467
Stabilizing Spending: The Role of Fiscal Policy 468
Government Purchases and Spending 469
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 18.5 470 Taxes, Transfers, and Aggregate Spending 471
Fiscal Policy as a Stabilization Tool:
Three Qualifications 473
Fiscal Policy and the Supply Side 473 The Problem of Deficits 474 The Relative Inflexibility of Fiscal Policy 474
Summary 475 ∙ Key Terms 476 ∙ Review Questions 476 ∙
Problems 477 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 478
Chapter 19 Stabilizing the Economy: The Role
of the Fed 479
The Federal Reserve and Interest Rates: The Basic Model 480
The Demand for Money 480
Macroeconomic Factors That Affect the Demand for
Money 484
The Money Demand Curve 485
Trang 25xxiv CONTENTS
The Supply of Money and Money Market Equilibrium 487
How the Fed Controls the Nominal Interest Rate 489
The Role of the Federal Funds Rate in Monetary
Policy 491
Can the Fed Control the Real Interest Rate? 491
The Federal Reserve and Interest Rates: A Closer
Look 493
Can the Fed Fully Control the Money Supply? 493
Do Interest Rates Always Move Together? 496
The Effects of Federal Reserve Actions on the
Economy 499
Aggregate Expenditure and the Real Interest Rate 500
The Fed Fights a Recession 502
The Fed Fights Inflation 504
The Fed’s Policy Reaction Function 508
Monetary Policymaking: Art or Science? 510
Summary 511 ∙ Key Terms 512 ∙ Review Questions 512 ∙
Problems 512 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 514
Chapter 20 Inflation and Aggregate
Factors That Shift the Aggregate Demand Curve 518
Shifts of the AD Curve versus Movements
along the AD Curve 520
Inflation and Aggregate Supply 522
Inflation Inertia 522
The Output Gap and Inflation 524
The Aggregate Demand–Aggregate Supply Diagram 526
The Self-Correcting Economy 529
Sources of Inflation 530
Excessive Aggregate Spending 530
Summary 544 ∙ Key Terms 545 ∙ Review Questions 545 ∙
Problems 545 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 546
PART 9 The International Economy
Chapter 21 Exchange Rates and the Open Economy 549
Exchange Rates 550
Nominal Exchange Rates 550 Flexible versus Fixed Exchange Rates 552 The Real Exchange Rate 553
The Determination of the Exchange Rate in the Long Run 556
A Simple Theory of Exchange Rates: Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 556
Shortcomings of the PPP Theory 559
The Determination of the Exchange Rate in the Short Run 560
The Foreign Exchange Market: A Supply and Demand Analysis 560
Changes in the Supply of Dollars 562 Changes in the Demand for Dollars 563
Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate 564
THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST 21.2 565 The Exchange Rate as a Tool of Monetary Policy 565
Fixed Exchange Rates 566
How to Fix an Exchange Rate 566 Speculative Attacks 570
Monetary Policy and the Fixed Exchange Rate 571
Should Exchange Rates Be Fixed or Flexible? 576
Summary 577 ∙ Key Terms 578 ∙ Review Questions 579 ∙
Problems 579 ∙ Answers to Concept Checks 581
Glossary G-1
Index I-1