ELEVENTH EDITION Management LEADING & COLLABORATING IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD Thomas S Bateman McIntire School of Commerce University of Virginia Scott A Snell Darden Graduate School of Business University of Virginia MANAGEMENT: LEADING & COLLABORATING IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD, ELEVENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121 Copyright © 2015 by McGraw-Hill Education All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Previous editions © 2013, 2011, and 2009 No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States This book is printed on acid-free paper DOW/DOW ISBN 978-0-07-786254-1 MHID 0-07-786254-6 Senior Vice President, Products & Markets: Kurt L Strand Vice President, Content Production & Technology Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Managing Director: Paul Ducham Executive Brand Manager: Michael Ablassmeir Executive Director of Development: Ann Torbert Senior Development Editor: Laura Griffin Digital Product Analyst: Kerry Shanahan Marketing Manager: Elizabeth Trepkowski Senior Marketing Specialist: Elizabeth Steiner Director, Content Production: Terri Schiesl Manager, Content Production: Mary Conzachi Senior Buyer: Michael R McCormick Design: Lisa King Cover Image: © Thomas Vogel/Getty Images Senior Content Licensing Specialist: Jeremy Cheshareck Typeface: 10/12 Janson Text LT Std Compositor: Laserwords Private Limited Printer: R R Donnelley All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bateman, Thomas S Management: leading & collaborating in a competitive world / Thomas S Bateman, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, Scott A Snell, Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia.—ELEVENTH EDITION pages cm Includes indexes ISBN 978-0-07-786254-1 (alk paper)—ISBN 0-07-786254-6 (alk paper) Management I Snell, Scott, 1958- II Title HD31.B369485 2015 658—dc23 2013037450 The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites www.mhhe.com For my parents, Tom and Jeanine Bateman, and Mary Jo, Lauren, T.J., and James and My parents, John and Clara Snell, and Marybeth, Sara, Jack, and Emily This page intentionally left blank About the Authors THOMAS S BATEMAN SCOTT A SNELL Thomas S Bateman is Bank of America Professor and management area coordinator in the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia He teaches leadership courses and is director of a new leadership minor open to undergraduate students of all majors Prior to joining the University of Virginia, he taught organizational behavior at the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina to undergraduates, MBA students, PhD students, and practicing managers He also taught for two years in Europe as a visiting professor at the Institute for Management Development (IMD), one of the world’s leaders in the design and delivery of executive education Professor Bateman completed his doctoral program in business administration in 1980 at Indiana University Prior to receiving his doctorate, Dr Bateman received his BA from Miami University In addition to Virginia, UNC–Chapel Hill, and IMD, Dr Bateman has taught at Texas A&M, Tulane, and Indiana universities Professor Bateman is an active management researcher, writer, and consultant He serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, and the Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management His articles have appeared in professional journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Business Horizons, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Decision Sciences Tom’s current consulting and research center on practical wisdom in business executives, leadership in the form of problem solving at all organizational levels, various types of proactive behavior by employees at all levels, and the successful pursuit of long-term work goals He works with organizations including Singapore Airlines, the Brookings Institution, the U.S Chamber of Commerce, the Nature Conservancy, and LexisNexis Scott Snell is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business He teaches courses in leadership, developing organizational capability, and human capital consulting His research focuses on human resources and the mechanisms by which organizations generate, transfer, and integrate new knowledge for competitive advantage He is co-author of four books: Managing People and Knowledge in Professional Service Firms, Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, M: Management, and Managing Human Resources His work has been published in a number of journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Human Resource Management, and he was recently listed among the top 100 most-cited authors in scholarly journals of management He has served on the boards of the Strategic Management Society’s human capital group, the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation, the Academy of Management’s human resource division, the Human Resource Management Journal, the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Review Professor Snell has worked with companies such as AstraZeneca, Deutsche Telekom, Shell, and United Technologies to align strategy, capability, and investments in talent Prior to joining the Darden faculty in 2007, he was professor and director of executive education at Cornell University’s Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies and a professor of management in the Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University He received a B.A in psychology from Miami University, as well as M.B.A and Ph.D degrees in business administration from Michigan State University v Preface Welcome to our 11th edition! Thank you to everyone who has used and learned from previous editions We are proud to present to you our newest and most exciting edition Our Goals Our mission with this text hasn’t changed from that of our previous editions: to inform, instruct, and inspire We hope to inform by providing descriptions of the important concepts and practices of modern management We hope to instruct by describing how you can take action on the ideas discussed We hope to inspire not only by writing in an interesting and optimistic way but also by providing a real sense of the opportunities ahead of you Whether your goal is starting your own company, leading a team to greatness, building a strong organization, delighting your customers, or generally forging a positive future, we want to inspire you to take constructive actions We hope to inspire you to be both a thinker and a doer We want you to think about the issues, think about the impact of your actions, think before you act But being a good thinker is not enough; you also must be a doer Management is a world of action It is a world that requires timely and appropriate action It is a world not for the passive but for those who commit to positive accomplishments Keep applying the ideas you learn in this course, read about management in sources outside of this course, and keep learning about management after you leave school and continue your career Make no mistake about it: Learning about management is a personal voyage that will last years, an entire career Competitive Advantage Today’s world is competitive Never before has the world of work been so challenging Never before has it been so imperative to your career that you learn the skills of management Never before have people had so many opportunities and challenges with so many potential risks and rewards You will compete with other people for jobs, resources, and promotions Your organization will vi compete with other firms for contracts, clients, and customers To survive the competition, and to thrive, you must perform in ways that give you an edge over your competitors, that make the other party want to hire you, buy from you, and repeat business with you You will want them to choose you, not your competitor To survive and thrive, today’s managers have to think and act strategically Today’s customers are well educated, aware of their options, and demanding of excellence For this reason, managers today must think constantly about how to build a capable workforce and manage in a way that delivers the goods and services that provide the best possible value to the customer By this standard, managers and organizations must perform Six essential types of performance, on which the organization beats, equals, or loses to the competition, are cost, quality, speed, innovation, service, and sustainability These six performance dimensions, when managed well, deliver value to the customer and competitive advantage to you and your organization We will elaborate on all of these topics throughout the book The idea is to keep you focused on a type of bottom line to make sure you think continually about delivering the goods that make both you and your organization a competitive success This results-oriented approach is unique among management textbooks Leading & Collaborating Yes, business is competitive But it’s not that simple In fact, to think strictly in terms of competition is overly cynical, and such cynicism can sabotage your performance The other fundamental elements in the success equation are collaboration and leadership People working with, rather than against, one another are essential to competitive advantage Put another way, you can’t it alone—the world is too complex, and business is too challenging You need to work with your teammates Leaders and followers need to work as collaborators more than as adversaries Work groups throughout your organization need to cooperate with one another Business and government, often viewed as antagonists, can work productively together And today more than ever, companies that traditionally were competitors engage in joint ventures and find other ways to collaborate on some things even as they compete in others Leadership is needed to make these collaborations happen How does an organization create competitive advantage through collaboration? It’s all about the people, and it derives from good leadership Three stereotypes of leadership are that it comes from the top of the company, that it comes from one’s immediate boss, and that it means being decisive and issuing commands These stereotypes may contain grains of truth, but the reality is much more complex First, the person at the top may or may not provide effective leadership—in fact, many observers believe that good leadership is far too rare Second, organizations need leaders at all levels, in every team and work unit This includes you, beginning early in your career, and this is why leadership is an important theme in this book Third, leaders should be capable of decisiveness and of giving commands, but relying too much on this traditional approach isn’t enough Great leadership is far more inspirational than this and helps people both to think differently and to work differently—including working collaboratively with a focus on results Leadership—from your boss as well as from you— generates collaboration, which in turn creates results that are good for the company and good for the people involved As Always, Currency and Variety in the 11th Edition It goes without saying that this textbook, in its 11th edition, remains on the cutting edge of topical coverage, updated via both current business examples and recent management research Chapters have been thoroughly updated, and students are exposed to a broad array of important current topics As but two examples, we have expanded and strengthened our coverage of sustainability and social enterprise, topics on which we were early leaders and that we continue to care about as much as today’s students We have done our very best to draw from a wide variety of subject matter, sources, and personal experiences We continue to emphasize throughout the book themes such as real results, ethics, cultural considerations, and leadership and collaboration Here is just a sampling of new highlights in the 11th edition—enough to convey the wide variety of people, organizations, issues, and contexts represented throughout the text • New text example of collaborating with customers via social media, focusing on L.L Bean • New example of car makers expanding production in the United States • New In Practice about Mark Little, chief technology officer at GE • New example of the importance of people skills to management success, beginning early in one’s career • New In Practice about Anne Ackerley, chief marketing officer of BlackRock, a money management firm Chapter • New Management Connection about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg • New Figure 2.3 on employment trends following recent recessions • New examples throughout chapter on cola wars and efforts, especially at PepsiCo, to include more healthful products in the mix • New example of e-readers and eBooks as complementary products • New In Practice about the growth and challenges of using contingent workers • New In Practice about Google’s organizational culture Chapter • New Management Connection about decisions related to Boeing Dreamliner • New example of logistics decisions to help Toys “R” Us compete with online-only retailers • New Henry Ford example from The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time • New text describing the significance of big data for decision making • New In Practice about decision to launch Apple Maps • New In Practice about GE and Virgin Airlines using social media to gather ideas for a “social airplane” • New example of Pixar’s ideas for boosting creative thinking • New Concluding Case: Soaring Eagle Skate Company Chapter Chapter • New Management Connection about Jeff Bezos of Amazon • New Management Connection about Walt Disney Company Preface vii • New example of New York Community Bancorp Chapter • New In Practice about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation • New Management Connection about Popchips • New example of Procter & Gamble, including A. G. Lafley on importance of strategy • New example of Limor Fried, founder of Adafruit Industries • New example of Zappos.com • New examples of SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace • New example of QlikTech, including sample graphic for a SWOT analysis • New examples of itMD and Care at Hand—health care technology companies receiving grants in an area of new demand • New example of General Electric • New list of entrepreneurs in their 20s (Table 7.2) • New In Practice about Valve’s online distribution of video games at the Steam website • New In Practice about 3Cinteractive • New example of Bloomin’ Brands • Material on financial needs of a start-up collected in one section, with the addition of material about crowdfunding expansion under the JOBS Act of 2012 • New example of Spirit Airlines • New Concluding Case: Wish You Wood Chapter • New Management Connection about IBM (including Smarter Planet initiative) • New In Practice fictional example of an ethical dilemma at a sign company • New example applying ethical principles to decisions about fracking • New Table 5.2 with updated current examples of ethical issues in business, including health care, social media, and telework • New example of Zipcar • New In Practice about David Karp, founder of Tumblr • New example of Neema Bahramzad and Caitlin Bales, founders of Locabal • New Concluding Case: ScrollCo Chapter • New Management Connection about General Motors • New In Practice about Red Frog Events • New In Practice about Coca-Cola’s board of directors • New Table 5.4 of Unisys Corporation’s code of ethics • New example of outside directors helping companies during the Great Recession • New example of Siemens • New example of Time Warner Cable • New example of San Francisco Federal Credit Union Chapter • New In Practice about enterprise social networks • New Management Connection about Lenovo • New examples (e.g., General Motors) of Chinese manufacturing shifting toward more skilled manufacturing aimed at serving its growing middle class Chapter • South America information updated to include growth beyond Brazil • Updated Walmart example • New example of IBM finding opportunities in Africa • New example of Cinnabon in the Middle East and Russia • New In Practice about Starbucks • New example of Panasonic • New Management Connection about General Electric • New In Practice about Hewlett-Packard • New example of DreamWorks Animation • New In Practice about clothing customization by eShakti and Bow & Drape • New example of Toyota • New In Practice about Celtel • New example of Japanese companies revisiting their approach to just-in-time, following the earthquake and tsunami’s impact • New Concluding Case: Net-Work Docs • New example of R A Jones & Co • New example of U.S tariffs on Chinese solar panels viii Preface Chapter 10 • New example of Northeast Georgia Health System • Updated Management Connection about Google • New examples of Johnson & Johnson, Colgate • New In Practice about RescueTime auto-analytics for performance feedback • New example of Ford Motor Company • New example of Parasole restaurant group • Updated Figure 10.2 • New example of Plante Moran accounting firm • New In Practice about use of big data by Xerox and Catalyst IT Services • New In Practice about Mars Inc • Updated Table 10.1 • New example of Verizon • Updated Figure 10.4 • Updated information about CEO pay • New In Practice about Royal Dutch Shell Chapter 14 • New Management Connection about Whole Foods Market • New example of FLEXcon • New example of Game Freak • New example of Lockheed Martin Chapter 11 • New example of trend toward rapid team formation • New Management Connection about NASCAR • New In Practice about Menlo Innovations • New Figure 11.2 about extent of diversity initiatives • New example of National Information Solutions Cooperative • Updated information on gender gap in pay • New information for Tables 11.1 and 11.2 • New In Practice about Stand Up to Cancer Dream Teams • New Table 11.4 • New Concluding Case: Excel Pro Drilling Systems • New ranking of DiversityInc’s Best Companies for Diversity Chapter 15 • New In Practice about CVS Caremark • New Management Connection about Yahoo • New example of Etsy • New example of Cisco • New In Practice about Ingersoll Rand • New Concluding Case: Niche Hotel Group • New example of misperception when communicating with high-tech workers Chapter 12 • Updated emphasis on social media in discussion of electronic media as a communications channel • New Management Connection about Meg Whitman as leader of Hewlett-Packard • New IBM example of managing excessive e-mail • New example of Maria Green at Illinois Tool Works • New example of Exelon • New In Practice about Barbara Corcoran as leader of Corcoran Group • New In Practice about communications by Kaiser Permanente’s CEO • New example of Jeff Bezos as leader of Amazon • New example of listening • New In Practice about David Novak as leader of Yum Brands • New example of horizontal communication at National Public Radio • New example of John Heer as leader of Mississippi Health Services Chapter 16 • New In Practice about Automattic • New Concluding Case: Breitt, Starr & Diamond LLC • New Management Connection about Best Buy Chapter 13 • New example of BP • New Management Connection about SAS • New In Practice about McDonald’s • New example of QuikTrip convenience-store chain • New description of after-action reviews • New example of La-Z-Boy • New example of Virginia Mason Medical Center Preface ix • New description of sustainability audits and the triple bottom line • Updated In Practice about the Ritz Carlton • New example of Ethicon Chapter 17 • New Management Connection about Tesla Motors • New paragraph on disruptive innovation • New example of forces for innovation in higher education • New In Practice about Square mobile payments • New example of Rethink Robotics • New example of GE’s ultra-tiny electronics cooling system • New In Practice about manufacturing transformed by 3D printers • New description of innovations as competency enhancing or competency destroying • New example of acquisitions by Twitter • New example of open innovation at Elmer’s Products Chapter 18 • New Management Connection about Time Warner • New example of resistance to a change in banking: use of universal agents with broad job descriptions • New In Practice about change to open workspaces at American Express and other companies • New example of Envision • New paragraph updating Kotter’s model of change leadership for turbulent times • New Concluding Case: EatWell Technologies A Team Effort This book is the product of a fantastic McGraw-Hill team Moreover, we wrote this book believing that we are part of a team with the course instructor and with students The entire team is responsible for the learning process Our goal, and that of your instructor, is to create a positive learning environment in which you can excel But in the end, the raw material of this course is just words It is up to you to use them as a basis for further thinking, deep learning, and constructive action What you with the things you learn from this course, and with the opportunities the future holds, counts As a manager, you can make a dramatic difference x Preface for yourself and for other people What managers matters tremendously Acknowledgments This book could not have been written and published without the valuable contributions of many individuals Ingrid Benson and her colleagues at Words & Numbers were instrumental in creating a strong 11th edition Many thanks for their meticulous attention to detail, ideas, and contributions Ingrid has become a valued friend throughout the process; we couldn’t have done it, or had as much fun, without Ingrid Special thanks to Lily Bowles, Taylor Gray, and Meg Nexsen for contributing their knowledge, insights, and research to Appendix B: Managing in Our Natural Environment Our reviewers over the last ten editions contributed time, expertise, and terrific ideas that significantly enhanced the quality of the text The reviewers of the 11th edition are Laura L Alderson University of Memphis Daniel Arturo Cernas Ortiz University of North Texas Claudia S Davis Sam Houston State University Greg Dickens Sam Houston State University Michael Drafke College of DuPage Judson Faurer Metropolitan State University of Denver Shirley Fedorovich Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Randall Fletcher Sinclair Community College Rebecca M Guidice University of North Carolina-Wilmington Dan Hallock University of North Alabama Ivan Franklin Harber, Jr Indian River State College David Lynn Hoffman Metropolitan State University of Denver Cathleen Hohner College of DuPage Carrie Hurst Tennessee State University Jacquelyn D Jacobs University of Tennessee Donald E Kreps Kutztown University Christopher McChesney Indian River State College www.downloadslide.net Bordia, P., N-36 Bornstein, D., N-15 Borrelli, Christopher, N-6 Bossidy, Lawrence, N-35 Boudette, Neal E., N-1 Boulton, Clint, N-19, N-39 Boulton, Guy, N-20 Bourgeois, L J., III, N-6 Bowen, D., N-26, N-30 Bowen, H Kent, N-40 Bower, Joseph L., N-7, N-41 Bowie, Carol, N-22 Bowles, Tom, N-24 Boyatzis, R., N-2, N-29 Boyd, B., N-35 Bracker, J., N-6 Bradley, B., N-27 Bradsher, Keith, N-13 Brady, Diane, N-41 Brandt, David, N-32 Branson, Richard, 424 Breeden, Richard, 164 Brett, Jeanne M., N-14, N-33, N-35 Brewer, Rosalind, 375 Bricklin, Dan, N-14 Bridgman, T., N-3 Brief, Arthur, N-42 Bright, J E H., N-29 Brockner, J., N-30 Brodsky, Norm, N-15 Brodt, S., N-34 Brodzinski, J., N-25, N-26 Brookes, R., N-8 Brown, Bob, N-19 Brown, J., N-9 Brown, Lester, 186 Brown, M., N-9, N-26 Brown, Shona, 14 Brown, William, 400 Bruno, Antony, N-5 Bruyère, Susanne M., N-24 Bryant, A., N-22, N-27 Buchanan, Leigh, N-4, N-6, N-15, N-28, N-32 Buchholtz, Ann K., N-38 Buchko, Aaron A., N-4 Buck, Michelle L., N-25 Bucking, James W., N-21 Buckley, George, 407–408, 545 Bufe, Bill, 335 Bughin, Jacques, N-34 Buller, Paul, N-14 Burgelman, R A., N-38 Burgers, Willem P., N-4 Burkart, M., N-25 Burke, Doris, N-25, N-26, N-28 Burke, L., N-36 Burke, Tom, N-11 Burkitt, Laurie, N-13 Burnes, B., N-41 Burnham, Kristin, N-29 Burns, M S., N-16 Burns, Michael, N-19 Burns, Tom, 296, N-18 Burns, Ursula, 374, 375 Burr, J T., N-37 Burritt, C., 628 Busch, Elizabeth, 240 Bush, George W., 199 Bussey, J., 258 Bustillo, M., N-39 Butcher, V., N-27 Butler, T., N-36 Butterfield, K., N-29 Butts, M M., N-30 Buyens, D., N-6 Bykowski, John, 515 Byrd, M J., N-14 Byrnes, Brendan, N-7 Byron, K., N-35 IND-22 Name Index C Cackowski, David, N-17 Cahan, V., N-11, N-13 Cairncross, F., N-1 Caldwell, L., N11 Calhoun, David, 21 Callister, R R., N-34 Camden, Carl, 91 Cameron, Kim S., 29, 70, 108, N-4, N-27, N-42 Cammisa, Jason, N-38, N-39 Camp, Robert C., N-16 Campion, James E., 117, N-21 Campion, M A., N-20, N-21, N-30 Cancino, Alejandra, N-25, N-26 Candee, D., N-8 Cantalupo, James, 131 Capell, Perri, N-13, N-14 Cappelli, P., N-26 Cardon, M., N-15 Cardwell, Diane, N-13 Carey, A., N-2 Carey, J., N-11 Cariaga, Vance, N-31 Carlson, Ed, 515 Carlson, J R., N-35 Carnevale, A P., N-22 Carpenter, Steve, 300 Carr, K A., N-37 Carr, Linda, N-21 Carroll, A., 169, N-9 Carson, J., N-28, N-33 Carson, Rachel, 180, N-11 Carstedt, G., N-10 Cartwright, Mary Jo, 579 Carvajal, D., N-23 Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, N-40 Cascio, W F., N-19, N-23, N-28 Case, D., N-34 Case, J., N-2, N-36 Casert, R., N-12 Casnocha, B., N-31 Casselman, Ben, N-5, N-6, N-14 Casserly, Meghan, N-14, N-15, N-16, N-20, N-23 Castellani, J J., N-39 Catron, Philip, 230 Catz, Safra, 375 Cauchon, D., N-22 Cendrowski, S., N-1 Censky, A., N-19 Chafkin, Max, N-4, N-14 Chambers, G J., N-18 Chambers, John M., 4, 427, 508 Champion, John M., 629, 630 Champy, J., N-19 Chan, R Y K., N-11 Chandler, Alfred D., 302, N-2 Chang, Emily, N-34 Chao, Loretta, N-5, N-12, N-13, N-14 Chapman, Lizette, 229 Charan, Ram, 462, N-31, N-35 Chasan, Emily, N-30 Chase, Robin, 240–241 Chatman, J., N-33 Chau, Samantha L., N-37 Chaudhuri, Saabira, N-12 Chen, G., N-31, N-32 Chen, Z X., N-17 Chenault, Kenneth I., 385 Cheney, G., N-37 Chesbrough, Henry, N-40 Cheung, M., N-42 Cheung, S., N-6 Chiappinelli, C., N-19 Chilakapati, Rakesh, 83, 84, 86, 89 Cho, J H., N-29 Choi, H., N-33 Chouinard, Yvon, N-10, N-12 Chow, C W., N-37 Chozick, Amy, N-41, N-42 Christensen, Clayton M., 566, N-38, N-39 Christian, M S., N-33 Christie, R., N-12 Christoffersen, John, N-1 Chrysostome, Elie, N-13 Chu, C., N-35, N-36 Chua, CH, N-34 Chuanzhi, Liu, 187 Chugh, D., N-8, N-9 Chui, Michael, N-34 Chung, Chen H., N-20 Chung, Q B., N-17 Cianni, M., N-31, N-33 Ciulla, J B., N-9 Clark, K B., N-38, N-40 Clement-Holmes, Linda, 385 Cline, B N., N-24 Clough, M William, N-27 Cober, A B., N-29 Cochran, P L., N-9, N-11 Cocuzza, Frank, 552 Cohen, Don, N-4 Cohen, Jordan, 299, N-18 Cohen, Susan, N-31, N-32 Colao, J J., N-15 Colbert, A., N-27 Colbert, Janet L., N-37 Cole, M., N-2 Colella, A., N-22 Collins, D., N-22 Collins, Jim, 526, 602–604, 621–622, N-14, N-16, N-27, N-36, N-41, N-43 Collis, David J., N-3, N-7 Colquitt, J., N-27 Coltrin, Sally A., 30, 435, 520 Colvin, Geoffrey, N-1, N-2, N-10, N-18, N-32, N-39 Commoner, Barry, 180, N-11 Comstock, T W., N-34, N-35 Conger, J A., N-22, N-25, N-35, N-42 Conner, C., N-14 Conner, Daryl R., N-41, N-43 Connolly, T., N-29 Conti, R., N-29 Conway, Mckinley, N-42 Conway, R., N-15 Conyon, M J., N-22 Cook, Jessica, N-20 Cooke, B., N-41 Cooke, R A., N-9 Coon, H., N-29 Coons, Rebecca, N-37 Cooper, C., 211, N-5, N-28, N-33 Coors, C., 280 Copeland, Michael V., N-15, N-16 Corbett, C J., N-11 Corcoran, Barbara, 408–409, N-25 Cordeiro, Anjali, N-15 Cording, M., N-10 Correa, D K., N-16 Cortada, J W., N-1 Cortina, Jose M., N-21 Cory, Kenneth D., N-4 Cosier, R., N-6 Cotton, R., N-2 Courtney, M., N-42 Courtright, S., N-32 Cowell, J., N-36 Cox, B., N-7 Cox, T., N-24 Coy, Peter, N-19 Crabtree, S., N-22 Crane, A., N-8 Crant, J M., N-16 Creacy, Harold E., 550 Creech, Bill, N-19 Crisp, C B., N-34 Crispin, G., N-21 Crooks, Ed, N-20 www.downloadslide.net Cropanzano, R., N-31 Crosby, F J., N-24 Cross, F B., N-10 Cross, R., N-17, N-32, N-34, N-36 Crossan, M., N-27 Crossley, C., N-28 Crowley, Mark C., N-28, N-29, N-31 Crozier, Jen, N-10 Cullen, John B., N-8, N-18 Culpan, T., 258 Cummings, A., N-29 Cummings, S., N-3 Cummings, T., N-41 Cust, D., N-39 Cusumano, Michael A., N-4 D Dacin, M T., N-15 Dacin, P., N-15 Daft, Richard L., N-4, N-35 Dahl, D., N-21 Dahlin, K., N-33 Dahling, Jason J., N-37 Daily, C M., N-17 Dalrymple, J., 258 Dalton, D R., N-17 D’Amelio, A., N-41 Dantas, I., N-13 Darlin, D., N-22 Dasborough, M., N-2 Dash, Anil, 243 D’Aveni, Richard A., N-4 Davidson, M N., 388, N-24 Davila, Antonio, N-36 Davis, Andrea, N-31, N-32 Davis, B., N-12 Davis, Edward W., N-3 Davis, Grant, N-37 Davis, I., N-42 Davis, Keith, 322, N-36 Davis, Nancy M., N-4 Davis, S., N-5, N-15, N-18 Davis, T R V., N-36 Davison, H K., N-21 Davison, S., N-31 Dawson, C., N-19 Dawson, Peter P., 494 Day, D L., N-40 Day, D V., N-26 Day, G S., N-17 De Cremer, D., N-30 De Dreu, C., N-6 De George, R T., N-9 de Janasz, Suzanne C., 29, 178, 465–466, 627 de Vise, Daniel, N-24 de WeerdNederhof, Petra C., N-17 de Wit, F R C., N-33 De Witt, R L., N-21 Dean, James W., Jr., 586, N-4, N-5, N-6 Dean, Josh, N-19 Deardorff, Julie, N-42 Dechant, K., N-11 DeChurch, L A., N-33, N-34 Decker, C D., N-35 Deegan, Shannon, 67 DeGaspari, John, N-3 DeGraff, Jeff, N-40 DeGroot, Christine, 373 Deimler, M., N-41 DeJoy, D M., N-30 Dekel, Elan, N-5 Del Rey, Jason, N-4 Deleeuw, Kevin, N-21 Dellana, Scott A., N-4 Demetrakakas, P., N-31 Deming, W Edwards, 8, 309–310, 591 DeNisi, A., N-36 Dent, E B., N-41 DeRue, D S., N-28, N-32 Desai, Ashay B., N-14 Desmidt, Sebastian, N-4 Dess, G G., N-16 Dessler, G., N-29 DeStrobbeleir, K., N-6 Deutsch, Claudia H., N-34 Devlin, D., N-12 Dewan, Rajiv, N-39 Diaz, George, N-25 Dickson, M., N-34 Dickson, W., N-2 Dickter, David N., N-21 Diener, E., N-31 Dienhart, J., N-9 Dieterich, Chris, N-40 Dietrich, H., N-15 Difonzo, N., N-36 Dingle, Derek T., 379 Dionne, S., N-26 Disney, Walt, 424 Dobbin, F., N-25 Donahue, L., N-31 Donlon, J P., N-27 Donnelly, J., Jr., 81 Donovan, Michelle A., N-36 Dooley, R., N-6 Doppelt, B., N-1, N-10 Dorfman, P., N-26 Dorn, R., N-40 Dorns, Mark, N-12 Douma, B., N-29 Dowd, Karen O., 29, 178, 465–466 Downes, Larry, N-36, N-37 Doz, Y., N-41 Drach-Zahavy, A., N-31 Dragija, Martina, N-37 Dreiling, Richard, 628 Drexler, Peggy, N-23 Drezner, Daniel W., N-12 Driver, Erica, 138, N-7 Driver, M., N-15 Drnovsek, M., N-17 Droge, Cornelia, N-17 Drucker, Peter F., 2, 24, 42, 242, N-2, N-15 Druskat, Vanessa Urch, N-33, N-37 Dudley, Renee, N-19 Duffy, John, 234 Duffy, M., N-33 Dumaine, B., N-1, N-15 Duncan, R., N-17 Dunfee, T., N-8 Dunnette, M D., N-33 Duran, M A., N-29 Durfee, D., N-29 Durham, C., N-32 Duryee, T., N-27 Dutton, J., N-2, N-6, N-27, N-42 Dvir, T., N-27 Dvorak, Phred, N-5 Dye, J., N-34 Dyer, Lee, N-18 E Early, P C., N-29, N-35 Eastman, Lorrina J., N-19 Eckes, G., N-37 Economides, Michael I., N-39 Eden, C., N-40 Eden, D., N-27 Edinger, S., N-32 Edison, Thomas, 97, 564 Edman, Nancy J., N-22 Edmondson, A C., N-31 Edwards, Cliff, N-1 Edwards, Jim, N-7 Edwards, M., N-22 Efrati, A., N-23 Ehrenfeld, John, N-1 Eichler, A., N-19 Eifert, Benn, N-2 Einhorn, Bruce, 258, N-12, N-14 Einstein, Albert, 97 Eisenberg, B., N-23 Eisenhardt, Kathleen M., N-6, N-39 Eisenstat, R A., 144, N-8, N-41 Eisenstein, Paul A., N-16, N-18 Ekegren, G., N-29 Elkington, J., N-11, N-12 Elliott, M., N-12 Elliott, S., N-13 Elliott-McCrea, Kellen, N-25 Ellis, A P J., N-17, N-33 Ellis, K M., N-17 Ellison, H., N-11, N-12 Ellison, J., N-10 Ellison, Lawrence, 610 Ely, R J., N-24 Emmer, Bob, 239 Enayati, Amanda, N-34, N-35, N-36 Enders, Tom, 79 Eng, Dinah, N-25 Epitropaki, O., N-27 Erdogan, B., N-31 Erez, A., N-27 Erez, M., N-32 Erickson, Tammy, N-4 Ertug, G., N-2 Esenhardt, K M., N-5 Esterl, Mike, N-3, N-17 Esty, D., N-10, N-11 Etter, L., N-9 Etternson, R., N-10 Ettkin, L P., N-20 Ettlie, John E., N-20 Evans, James R., N-19 Evans, R., N-5, N-6 Evanschitzky, Heiner, N-30 Ewanick, Joel, 279 Ewen, A J., N-22 Eyring, M J., N-3 F Fahrbach, Kyle, N-38 Falbe, C., N-26 Fanelli, A., N-27 Farh, C., N-33 Farh, J-L., N-32, N-33 Farmer, S M., N-6 Farnham, A., N-9 Farrell, G., N-19 Fay, Charles, N-22 Fayol, Henri, 36, N-2 Fear, R A., N-21 Fellermanns, F., N-6 Fenley, M., N-27 Fenn, D., N-15 Fenwick, Marilyn S., N-37 Ferguson, Eammon, N-21 Fernandes, Nuno, N-22 Ferndale, Elaine, N-13 Ferner, Anthony, N-18, N-37 Ferrari, Bernard T., 510, N-35 Ferraro, G., N-35 Ferreira, Miguel A., N-22 Ferrell, O C., N-8, N-9 Fiedler, F E., N-26 Field, A M., N-20 Field, H., N-22 Field, J., N-31 Fields, D A., N-40 Finegold, D., N-29, N-30 Finkelstein, S., N-15 Name Index IND-23 www.downloadslide.net Finz, Stacy, N-14 Fischer, K., N-1 Fisher, R., N-28, N-29 Fisher, S., N-5 Fisman, Ray, N-2 Fitzgerald, Drew, N-37 Fitzgerald, M., N-36 FitzGibbon, Mike, 234 Flandez, R., N-14 Fleischauer, E., N-31 Fleischer, J., N-38 Fleishman, E., N-26 Fletcher, Patricia, N-20 Flood, T., N-35 Florian, E., N-2 Florin, J., N-16 Floyd, Steven W., N-7 Flynn, Barbara B., N-18 Flynn, F J., N-18, N-33 Flynn, G., N-23 Foley, H., N-15 Foley, R T., N-21 Folger, R., N-30 Folkman, Joseph, N-25 Follet, Mary Parker, 36 Fong, M., N-11 Foos, Garson, 239 Foos, Richard, 239 Forbes, D P., N-33 Forbes, M., N-35 Ford, C M., N-29 Ford, Henry, 35, 65, 82, 138, 597 Ford, J D., N-41 Ford, L W., N-41 Ford, Lynda, N-25 Ford, M., N-31 Ford, R C., N-17 Forelle, C., N-22 Forrester, R., N-17, N-30 Fort, T., N-9 Foti, R., N-26 Fouts, P., N-10 Fowler, Geoffrey A., 213, N-14, N-39 Fowler, Tom, N-36 Fraedrich, J., N-8, N-9 France, Brian, 369–370 Francis, Suzanne C., N-16 Francoeur, C., N-24 Frangos, Alex, N-12 Frank, Kenneth A., N-38 Frankenthaler, Stan, 7–8 Frauenheim, E., N-21 Fredrickson, James W., N-7 Freeman, R Edward, Jr., N-7 Freeman, Sarah J., N-19 Freifeld, Lorri, N-22 French, J R P., 411, N-26 Freshley, D L., 511, N-35 Frey-Mott, Anne, 240 Fried, Ina, N-39 Fried, Limor, 231 Friedman, Milton, 169 Friedman, Thomas, 188 Frier, Sarah, N-13 Friesen, P., N-3 Fritz, Susan F., 400 Frost, P., N-6 Fry, Erika, N-31 Fuchs, Peter H., N-38 Fuhrmans, Vanessa, N-1 Fuld, Richard, 91 Fulk, J., N-35, N-36 Fuller, Joseph, N-3 Fuller, T., N-26, N-36 Fulmer, Robert M., N-22, N-28, N-36 Funkhouser, Mark, N-32 Furman, Matt, 555 Furness, Ashley, N-38 Furst, S., N-32 Fyxell, G., N-6 IND-24 Name Index G Gabarro, J., N-35 Gadiesh, O., N-30, N-42 Gaines, A., N-28 Galagan, Pat, N-27 Galbraith, Jay, N-3, N-17, N-18, N-21 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 560 Galbraith, Kate, N-3 Gale, S F., N-24 Gallagher, M., N-22 Gallagher, Thomas L., N-22 Gallo, Carmine, N-4 Gallo, J., N-17 Galunic, C., N-2 Galvin, B., N-27 Gambhir, Ashish, N-30 Gamble, James, 37 Gamer, D., N-15 Gangemi, Jeffrey, N-16 Ganotakis, Panagiotis, N-38 Gantt, Henry, 35 Gard, Larry, N-17 Gardella, A., N-14 Gardner, E., N-37 Gardner, H K., N-18 Gardner, Jim, N-35 Gardner, John W., N-26, N-36 Gardner, M., N-34 Gardner, N., N-20 Gargiulo, M., N-2 Garretson, R., N-30 Garvin, David A., N-1, N-6, N-18 Garza, A S., N-17 Gatewood, Robert, N-22 Gayle, Helene, 268 Gebert, D., N-24 Gehlen, F L., N-5 Gelbart, M., N-38 Gelles, David, N-8 Gentile, Tom, 320 George, Bill, N-8, N-9 George, C., N-2 George, G., N-16 George, William, 20, N-2 Gerhardt, M., N-26 Germain, David, N-1 Germain, Richard, N-17 Geroski, P A., N-39 Gersick, C J G., N-32 Gerstner, C R., N-26 Gerstner, Louis W., Jr., 427 Gerwitz, J L., N-8 Gettys, C., N-5 Ghoshal, Sumantra, 200, N-4, N-18, N-28, N-31 Giacalone, Robert, 168, N-9 Giard, Y., N-37 Gibbs, L., N-42 Gibbs, M., N-16 Gibbs, Philip A., N-22, N-28 Gibson, C., N-31, N-32, N-41 Gibson, D., N-29 Gibson, J., 81 Giffi, C., N-41 Gilbert, C., 35 Gilbert, Clark G., N-7, N-8 Gilbert, J A., N-25 Gilbert, James L., N-30, N-42 Gilbreth, Frank, 35 Gilbreth, Lillian, 35 Gillette, F., N-1 Gilliland, Stephen W., N-21, N-30 Gilmont, Ernest R., N-18 Gilmore, James H., N-19 Gilson, L., N-30, N-32 Gino, F., N-26 Gioia, D., N-8 Girdhar, Rohit, 90 Gjemre, Ken, 243 Glader, Paul, N-6, N-8, N-13 Glass, Jennifer L., N-35 Glassberg, B., N-35 Glater, Jonathan D., N-22, N-37 Glavas, A., N-9 Glover, S., N-9 Glueck, William F., 30, 435, 520 Glunk, U., N-2 Gobel, Reyna, N-7 Godfrey, P C., N-9 Gold, Russell, N-6 Goldberg, S Galloway, N-41 Goldenberg, Suzanne, N-3 Goldschmidt, Bridget, N-16 Goldsmith, Jill, N-41, N-42, N-43 Goldsmith, Marshall, N-22, N-28 Goldstein, N B., N-21 Goleman, D., N-2, N-26 Gomez-Mejia, Luis, N-22 Gong, Y., N-6 Goodheim, L., N-27 Goodnight, James, 5, 439, 449, 463 Goomas, David T., N-37 Gopalakrishnan, Shanthi, N-38 Gordon, Judith R., 32, 41, 105, N-22 Goshal, S., 18, N-2 Gottenbusch, Gary, 242 Gottlieb, R., N-11 Gover, S L., 155 Govindarajan, Vijay, N-40 Gowan, J A., Jr., N-38 Gradwohl Smith, W., N-26 Graebner, Melissa E., N-39 Graen, G., N-26 Graham, G., N-35 Grant, A M., N-26, N-27 Gray, P B., N-12 Green, Jeff, N-16, N-17 Green, Maria, 406 Green, Stephen G., N-1, N-39, N-40 Greenbaum, R., N-27 Greene, Jay, N-1 Greening, D., N-10 Greenleaf, Robert, 428 Greer, L., N-33 Griffin, Justine, N-15 Griffith, Terri L., N-40 Grimes, M., N-15 Groening, Christopher, N-30 Gross, S., N-22 Grossfield, E., N-22 Grossman, R J., N-38 Grote, D., N-21 Grove, Andy, 126 Grover, S L., N-8 Grow, B., N-37 Groysberg, Boris, N-34, N-35 Grynbaum, Michael M., N-3 Guilhon, Bernard, N-39 Guin, Kathleen, 628 Gulate, R., N-41 Gumbus, A., N-38 Gundry, Lisa K., N-40 Gunia, B., N-9 Gunther, Marc, N-10 Guo, C., N-1 Gupta, Amitabh, N-18 Gupta, Anil K., N-40 Gupta, Raj, 273 Gurchiek, K., 403 Guthrie, J P., N-22 Gutierrez, P R., N-38 Gutknecht, J., N-36 Guy, M E., N-8 Guzzo, R., N-42 H Haanaes, K., N-10, N-40 Hackman, J Richard, 454–455, N-30, N-31, N-32, N-33 Haden, Jeff, 341 www.downloadslide.net Hadley, C., N-6 Hagedoorn, John, N-39 Hagen, Abdalla F., N-4, N-5 Hagerty, James R., N-20 Hagey, Keach, N-40, N-41, N-42, N-43 Hai, Dorothy, 493, 626 Hale, J., N-8 Hall, D T, N-36 Hall, E., N-9 Hall, F., N-9 Halliday, Josh, N-16 Hall-Merenda, K E., N-27 Hallowell, E M., N-35 Hals, T., N-37 Halverson, K C., N-27 Halvorson, George, 508 Hambrick, Donald C., N-7, N-31 Hamel, Gary, 619, N-18, N-38, N-42 Hamermesh, R., N-7 Hamilton, Lynn, 507 Hamilton, Martha M., N-3 Hammer, Michael, 547–548, N-19, N-38 Hampp, Andrew, N-5 Hananel, S., N-21 Handy, C., N-9 Haney, W V., N-34 Hanges, P., N-30 Hann, Christopher, N-25 Hannah, S., N-8 Hansen, F., N-21 Hansen, Morten T., N-1 Hanson, Angela, N-3 Hanson, J R., 297, N-18 Harback, H., N-19 Harbert, T., N-36 Hardin, Garrett, 180, N-11 Hare, Breeanna, N-16 Harmon, S., N-32 Harper, Stephen C., N-37 Harrington, B., N-35 Harris, E., N-26 Harris, R., N-42 Harris, W., N-15, N-16 Harrison, David A., N-9, N-23 Harrison, J Kline, N-27 Harrison, J S., N-7 Harrysson, Martin, N-6 Hart, S L., N-1, N-10, N-11, N-12, N-13 Harter, J K., N-30, N-31 Hartley, Darin E., N-20 Hartman, Nathan S., N-28 Hartung, Adam, N-1 Hartwick, J., N-42 Harzing, Anne-Wil, 200, N-13 Haspeslagh, P., N-7 Hassan, F., N-1 Hauenstein, N M A., N-26 Haughney, Christine, N-41, N-42, N-43 Hauser, Richard D., N-4 Hawken, P., N-10, N-11 Hayes, T., N-30 Hazel, Debbie, N-1 Healey, Melanie, 375 Heaphy, E., N-2 Hechinger, J., N-8 Hedlund, Marc, 392 Heer, John, 428 Heffernan, Margaret, N-17 Heftler, Jerry, 101 Heifetz, R., N-26 Heijltjes, M., N-2 Heineman, B W., Jr., N-9 Heiskanen, V., N-7 Held, Michael, N-20 Helft, Miguel, N-39 Hellofs, Linda L., N-19 Hellriegel, D., N-41 Helm, Burt, 229 Helms, Marilyn M., N-20 Hempel, Jessi, N-1, N-2 Hendricks, Ken, 239–240 Heneman, Herbert G., III, N-21 Henne, A., N-4 Henne, D., N-30 Henshaw, Caroline, N-5 Henshaw, Todd, N-37 Henwood, C., N-34 Hequet, Marc, N-22 Herbert, Theodore T., 558 Herbst, M., N-10 Herrmann, Pol, N-13 Herron, David, N-40 Herron, M., N-29 Hersey, P., N-26 Hersman, Deborah, 102 Herzberg, Frederick, 454, N-30 Hesketh, Beryl, N-21 Hesse, Dan, 353 Hesseldahl, Arik, N-3, N-19 Hessman, Travis, N-20 Heston, T., N-12 Hewlett, Bill, 231, 431 Hewlett, William, 405–406 Hewson, Marilyn, 375 Higginbotham, S., N-8 Higgins, E T., N-33 Higgins, Tim, N-16, N-17 Hightower, Robert, N-25 Hill, G W., N-6 Hill, L A., N-2, N-36, N-42, N-43 Hille, K., N-13 Hiltrop, Jean-Marie, N-21 Hiltzik, M., N-39 Hindo, B., N-37 Hinds, P., N-33 Hinshaw, John, 304 Hipskind, M., N-31 Hira, N A., N-24 Hisrich, R D., 244, N-16 Hitt, M A., N-7, N-14, N-18, N-19, N-26 Hodgetts, R M., N-36 Hoekstra, J., N-41 Hoever, I., N-32 Hof, Robert D., N-41 Hoffman, K., N-7 Hoffman, Reid, N-31 Hoffman, Robert C., N-22 Hoffman, T., N-24, N-40 Hofmann, D., N-26 Hofstede, Geert, 213, 215, 349, N-29 Hogg, M., N-28 Hollenbeck, G P., N-36 Hollenbeck, J R., N-17, N-32, N-33 Holliday, C., N-10 Holloway, Charles A., N-40 Holthaus, D., N-24 Holusha, J., N-6 Holzer, J., N-14 Hong, Nicole, N-14, N-18, N-19 Hong, Sehee, N-21 Horng, E., N-35 Hornik, R., N-11 Hosmer, L T., 165 House, Robert J., 421, N-26, N-27 Hout, Thomas M., N-20 Hovland, Kjetil Malkenes, N-36 Howard, J., N-1 Howell, J M., N-27 Howell, Jon P., N-26, N-27 Hsieh, Tony, 229, 247 Hsu, Tiffany, N-27 Huang, J., N-6 Huang, L., N-9 Huber, G., N-1 Huber, V L., N-22 Hudson, K., N-22 Hudson, Linda Parker, 410–411 Hudson, Peter J., Jr., N-21 Hull, Dana, N-40 Hummel, Edward, N-18 Humphrey, R., N-2 Humphrey, S E., N-17, N-32, N-33 Hunt, J G., N-26 Hunt, Sandy, 449 Hunter, J E., N-21, N-23 Hunter, L., N-10 Huppke, Rex W., N-35 Huseman, R C., 511, N-35 Hussey, Roger, 268 Hutton, A., N-36 Huy, Q Nguyen, N-2, N-42 Hymowitz, Carol, N-4, N-23, N-29 I Iacocca, Lee, 426 Ibarra, Herminia, N-1 Ibrahim, Mo, 216–217, N-14 Ibuka, Masaru, 231 Iger, Roger, 119 Ilgen, D R., N-17, N-26, N-32 Ilies, R., N-26 Imai, Masaaki, N-39 Immelt, Jeffrey R., 163, 171, 295, 306, N-1, N-41 Ingols, C., N-16 Inkson, K., N-2 Ireland, R D., N-7, N-14, N-18, N-26 Irving, Clive, N-6 Isdell, Neville, 170 Isenberg, D J., N-14 Ishikawa, K., N-19 Isumi, H., N-32 Ivancevich, John M., N-25 Iverson, R D., N-19, N-30 Iwata, Satoru, N-31 J Jackman, J., N-29 Jackson, T., N-30 Jacobs, Bert, 63 Jacobson, Robert, N-19 Jacoby, Ryan, N-40 Jadotte, Marcus, 389 James, Erika Hayes, N-24 James, J., 117, 629, 630 James, L., N-26 Jameson, Daphne A., 221 Janis, I., N-5 Jankiewicz, Beckie, 240 Jannarone, J., 628 Janson, Robert, 455, N-30 Jargon, Julie, N-13, N-37 Jariloswki, Chaire Stephen, N-13 Jarvenpa, S., N-34 Jarzemsky, M., 628 Jassawalla, A., N-32 Jauch, Lawrence R., 30, 435, 520 Jehiel, Philippe, N-17 Jehn, Karen A., N-24, N-25, N-33 Jennings, P., N-35 Jensen, Michael C., N-3 Jernigan, I E., N-34 Jesella, K., N-24 Jick, Todd D., N-20, N-36 Jimmieson, N., N-41 Jing, Bing, N-39 Jitpleecheep, P., N-13 Jobs, Steve, 3–4, 424, 581 Johnson, Abigail, 375 Johnson, Ben, N-1 Johnson, C K., N-23, N-25 Johnson, D E., N-27 Johnson, Dave, N-23 Johnson, Emma, N-28 Johnson, Gerry, N-41 Johnson, Jean L., N-8, N-18 Johnson, Keith, N-40 Johnson, Komichel, 241, 249 Name Index IND-25 www.downloadslide.net Johnson, Lauren Keller, N-22 Johnson, Linda A., N-17 Johnson, M., N-32, N-33, N-38 Joly, Hubert, 527, 544, 555, N-38 Jones, D., N-35 Jones, K., N-30 Jones, Peter, 484 Jones, Robert A., III, 241, 249 Jones, T., N-9 Jong-Yong, Yun, Josephson, Michael, N-8 Joshi, Aparna, N-24 Joshi, M., N-8, N-9 Joyce, W F., N-17, N-40, N-41 Joyner, April, N-4, N-15 Judge, T A., N-26, N-27, N-28, N-29, N-36, N-41 Jundt, D., N-32, N-33 Jung, D I., N-27 Juran, J M., Jurgens, J., N-10 Jusko, Jill, N-20, N-32, N-39 K Kacmar, Michele K., N-21 Kadlec, Dan, 21 Kagermann, H., N-38 Kageyama, Yuri, N-16 Kahn, Linda G., N-23 Kahn, R L., N-3, N-28 Kahneman, D., N-31 Kahwajy, J., N-6 Kaizen, Gemba, N-39 Kale, Prashant, N-18 Kalev, A., N-25 Kamdar, Rakesh, 230 Kammeyer-Mueller, J., N-8 Kanellos, Michael, N-7, N-39 Kang, S C., N-18, N-19, N-40 Kanov, J., N-6 Kanter, L., N-14 Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 301, N-15, N-16, N-18, N-41, N-42 Kaplan, David A., N-31 Kaplan, Gary S., N-37 Kaplan, Robert S., 128, N-5, N-6, N-7, N-36, N-38 Karam, E., N-32 Karp, David, 248 Katauskas, T., 584 Kato, Y., N-37 Katz, Daniel, N-3, N-28 Katz, Ian, N-5 Katz, J., N-42 Katz, R., N-2 Katzanek, J., N-9 Katzenbach, J., N-32, N-33 Kavilanz, P B., N-13 Kearney, E., N-24 Kearns, Ellen C., N-22 Keats, B., N-19 Keidel, R W., N-20 Kelleher, Herb, 426 Keller, R T., N-33 Keller, S., N-41 Kellerman, B., N-25, N-26, N-27 Kello, John, N-37 Kelloway, E K., N-30 Kelly, Aidan, N-14 Kelly, Caitlin, N-4 Kelly, Erin, N-25 Kelly, Keith J., N-42 Kelly, R E., N-26 Kemper, A., N-10 Kennedy, John F., 424 Kennedy, Joyce Lain, 21 Kenny, D., N-26 Kent, Muhtar, Keough, Donald, 268 IND-26 Name Index Kern, M C., N-14 Kernan, M., N-30 Kerr, S., N-20, N-26, N-28, N-29, N-36 Kessler, Eric H., N-38, N-40 Kethley, R Bryan, N-21 Kettering, Charles, 600 Kettinger, W., N-35 Keyes, C L M., N-31 Keys, J B., N-36 Kho, N D., N-17 Kickul, Jill R., N-40 Kiechel, W., III, N-2 Kilmann, Ralph H., N-4 Kim, J., N-34 Kim, Peter H., N-35 Kim, Susanna, N-34 Kim, Tae-Yeol, N-23 Kim, W C., N-30 King, A Wilcox, N-7 King, Art, 335 King, G E., N-42 King, Martin Luther, 424 King, Rachael, N-4, N-20 Kingsbury, Alex, N-24 Kinicki, A., 40 Kinlaw, Dennis C., N-10 Kinney, Monica Yant, N-25 Kirkland, J., N-42 Kirkland, Rik, N-18 Kirkman, B L., N-31, N-32, N-33 Kirkpatrick, David, N-11 Kirkpatrick, S., N-25, N-26 Klassen, R D., N-10, N-11 Klayman, Ben, N-16, N-17, N-18 Klein, Karen E., 260 Klein, Katherine J., N-23 Kleiner, A., N-1, N-10 Kleingeld, A., N-28, N-32 Klimoski, R., N-31 Knight, D., N-32 Ko, Albert, 241 Kobold, Michael, 303 Koehler, J W., N-36 Koepfer, C., N-12 Koh, Yoree, N-6 Kohlberg, L., N-8 Kohls, John, N-14 Kolk, A., N-11 Kolodny, H., N-18 Kolodny, Lora, N-16 Koob, John, N-5 Kopecki, D., N-13 Kopeikina, Luda, 89, N-5 Kopytoff, Verne, N-10, N-35 Korda, M., N-35 Korn, Melissa, 341 Korten, D C., N-9 Koster, Kathleen, N-21 Kotick, Robert, 268 Kotler, Philip, N-4 Kotter, John P., 611, 615, 616, 617, N-26, N-41, N-42, N-43 Kouzes, James, 406, N-25, N-26, N-28, N-30, N-35 Kowitt, Beth, N-1, N-19 Kowsmann, P., N-12 Krackhardt, D., 297, N-18 Kramer, M., N-15, N-43 Kramer, S., N-6 Krantz, Gene, 102 Krazit, T., N-39 Krebs, Robert, 288 Kreeger, D., N-1 Kreitner, R., 40, N-28 Krell, E., 280, N-22, N-34 Kristof-Brown, A., N-27 Krohe, J., Jr., N-6 Kroos, H., 35 Kucera, Danielle, N-3 Kuchera, Ben, N-8 Kuczmarski, Thomas, N-40 Kuenzi, M., N-27 Kullman, Ellen, 375 Kung-McIntyre, K., N-6 Kurland, N B., N-36 Kurtines, W M., N-8 Kurtzberg, T R., N-34, N-35 Kuvaas, Baard, N-37 Kwoh, Leslie, N-9, N-13, N-25 Kwon, S., N-2 L La, Aaron Ricade, N-25, N-26, N-28 LaBarre, Polly, N-6, N-18 Labelle, R., N-24 Laczniak, G., N-8 Ladd, Julie, 241 Lafley, A G., 125, N-7 LaGanke, J., N-34 Lagges, J., N-17 Lagorio, Christine, 229, N-15 Lahart, Justin, N-20 Lalicker, Greg, 514 Lam, S S K., N-34 Lamach, Michael, 396 Lamont, Bruce T., N-17 Lando, Mary Ann, N-38 Landro, Laura, N-1 Landsberg, H., N-11 Lane, Peter J., N-7 Lang, Derrik, J., N-7 Lang, Laura, 613, 623 Lange, J E., N-15 Langfred, C., N-31 Lanzolla, G., N-8 Lapchick, Richard E., 369, N-23, N-25 LaReau, J., N-28 Larkey, L K., N-34 Larson, Kyle, 369 Larson, L L., N-26 Lasar, Matthew, N-5 Lash, R., 280 Lashinsky, Adam, N-1, N-2, N-27 Latham, Gary P., N-22, N-28, N-29 Lau, James B., 291, 323, 400 Laufer, W S., N-11 Laundauer, S., N-28 Laurent, A., N-41 Laurie, D., N-26 Lawler, Edward E., III, N-17, N-19, N-25, N-26, N-28, N-29, N-30, N-31, N-32, N-33, N-36, N-37, N-38, N-41, N-42, N-43 Lawrence, P R., 265–266, 286, N-16, N-18 Lazarova, Mila, N-13 Lazenby, J., N-29 Le Breton-Miller, I., N-42 Leahey, Colleen, N-29 Leana, C F., N-42 LeBoeuf, Michael, 445 Lechner, C., N-6 Ledford, Gerald E., N-19 Lee, C., N-33 Lee, E., N-14 Lee, Hau L., N-3 Lee, Jeong-Yeon, N-23 Lee, Mary Dean, N-25 Lee, T., N-30 Lee, Thomas, N-36, N-37, N-38 Lee, Timothy, 279 Lee, Tony, 246 Lei, David, N-4, N-43 Leifer, Richard, N-4, N-38 Lencioni, P., N-33 Lengel, R., N-35 Lengnick-Hall, Mark L., N-25 Leonard, Dorothy, N-39, N-40 Leonard, H., N-41 Leonard-Barton, D., N-40 Leopold, Aldo, 180 www.downloadslide.net Lepak, D., N-1 LePine, M A., N-27 Leske, Nicola, N-28 Leslie, Mark, 407 Lesova, Polya, N-13 Lesser, E., N-36 Leung, A., N-12 Levi, Michael, N-38, N-39, N-40 Levin, D., N-36 Levine, J M., N-33 Levin-Epstein, Michael D., N-22 Levinson, Marc, N-3 Levit, Alexandra, N-14 Levitt, T., N-6 Lev-Ram, Michal, N-18, N-19 Levy, P., N-12 Levy, Steven, N-40 Lewicki, R., 104 Lewin, D., N-23 Lewin, Kurt, 610, N-41 Lewin, T., N-21 Lewis, Katherine Reynolds, N-32 Lewis, M., Jr., N-37 Li, Julia Juan, N-13 Li, Ming, N-14 Lichtenthaler, Ulrich, N-40 Liden, R C., N-30 Liechti, S., N-27 Liedtke, M., N-20, N-23 Lifei, Z., 258 Light, J., N-20, N-21, N-22, N-23 Liker, J K., N-20 Likert, Rensis, 38, N-3, N-26 Lilius, J., N-6 Limpaphayom, Wanthanee, N-21 Lindorff, D., N-34, N-35 Lindsay, William M., N-19 Linebaugh, Kate, N-18, N-19 Ling, Y., N-16, N-27 Lingle, J., N-19 Link, Albert N., N-39 Liodice, B., N-9 Lippitt, R., N-26 Lippman, Jamie, 373 Litchfield, R C., N-29 Litterick, D., N-12 Little, Mark M., 11–12, N-1 Liu, D., N-30 Liu, L A., N-34 Liveris, Andrew, 175 Livingstone, P., N-42 Llovio, Louis, N-23, N-24, N-25 Llvne-Tarandach, R., N-2 Locher, M., N-35 Locke, E A., N-2, N-15, N-25, N-26, N-28, N-30, N-32, N-33 Lockwood, C., N-11 Lockwood, N R., N-29 Logan, J., N-35 Logue, C M., 511, N-35 Lohr, Steve, N-8, N-29 Lombardi, Candace, N-12 Lombardo, M., N-35 Longenecker, Clinton O., N-17, N-33 Longnecker, J G., N-14 Lord, R G., N-26 Lorinkova, N., N-30, N-32 Lorsch, J W., 265–266, 286, N-16 Loten, Angus, N-7, N-14, N-39 Lott, A., N-33 Lott, B., N-33 Love, James H., N-38 Lovelle, Hilary, 21 Lovins, Amory, N-10, N-11 Lovins, L Hunter, N-11 Low, M., N-15 Lubatkin, Michael, N-16, N-19, N-27 Lubber, M., N-12 Lubin, D., N-10, N-11 Lublin, Joann S., N-2, N-5, N-6, N-13, N-17, N-26, N-29, N-35, N-43 Luccock, Halford E., 470 Ludwig, Robi, N-23 Ludwig, Timothy D., N-37 Lukas, Bryan A., N-13 Lumpkin, G T., N-15, N-16 Lunde, Joyce, 400 Lussier, Robert N., 237, N-15, N-38 Luthans, F., N-27, N-28, N-29 Lutilsky, Ivana Drazic, N-37 M Maak, Thomas, N-15 Mabus, Ray, 582 Macadam, S., N-35 MacDermid, Shelley M., N-25 Macdonell, Robby, N-35 Machalaba, D., N-11 MacKenzie, Angus, N-38, N-39 Mackey, John, 471, 476, 490, N-31, N-32, N-34 Mackintosh, T., N-35 MacMillan, I., N-15 MacPherson, Robert, N-39 Macy, B., N-32 Maddux, William W., N-35 Madigan, C., N-42 Madison, Adam, N-29 Magasin, M., N-5 Mah, Jessica, 229 Mahajan, Aprajit, N-2 Maher, Kris, N-1, N-22, N-23, N-25, N-26 Mahoney, Janet D., N-14, N-17 Mahoney, Joan D., 212 Maidique, Modesto A., N-38 Maier, N R F., N-6, N-7 Maignan, Isabelle, N-13 Mainicro, L., N-29 Mair, J., N-15 Maishe, A., N-32 Majchrzak, A., 474 Makhani, Sanya, N-28 Makridakis, Spyros, N-4 Maldegen, Robyn, N-21 Malhotra, A., 474 Malone, Michael S., N-12 Malone, Scott, N-7 Maltby, Emily, N-39 Mandel, M., N-12 Manjoo, Farhad, N-3, N-4, N-5, N-20, N-23 Mankins, M., N-5 Mann, Jennifer, 463, N-31 Mann, L., N-5 Manning, R L., N-4 Mannix, E., N-33 Manyika, James, N-34 March, J G., N-5, N-18, N-19, N-40 Marchese, Kelly, N-20 Markman, G D., N-16 Markowitz, E., N-13 Marks, M., N-1, N-32 Marriott, J Willard, 231 Marriott, William, 138 Marrone, J., N-28, N-33 Marsh, George Perkins, 180 Marshall, D R., N-9 Marsick, Victoria J., N-18 Marti, I., N-15 Martin, Andrew, N-7 Martin, K., N-8 Martin, Robin, N-26 Martin, Roger, 125, N-7, N-10 Martin, Thomas J., 584 Martinez, A., N-22 Maslow, Abraham H., 37, 450–451, N-2, N-29 Mason, Andrew, Massey, A., N-34 Matear, M., N-15 Mathieu, J., N-30, N-32 Mathieu, R G., N-38 Matos, Pedro, N-22 Matten, D., N-9 Matthews, Christopher M., N-9 Matthews, G., N-17 Mattioli, Dana, N-25, N-26 Matusak, L R., N-25, N-26, N-27 Matuson, Roberta, N-31 Mauborgne, R., N-30 Maucker, Earl, 515 Maul, Kimberly, N-38 Maule, Amy, 274 Maurer, Steven D., N-21 Maxim, Jim, N-42 May, D., N-8 Mayer, D M., N-27 Mayer, Marissa, 375, 497–498, 505, 517–518 Mayes, Michele Coleman, 374 Maylett, Tracy, N-3 Maynard, M T., N-30, N-32 Mayo, Elton, 36–37, N-2 McCall, Morgan W., 212, N-5, N-6, N-14, N-28, N-35 McCanse, Anne Adams, 416 McCarthy, Ryan, N-4 McCaskey, M B., N-35 McCauley, C D., N-28 McClelland, David, 452, N-29, N-30 McClendon, J A., N-23 McCollum, J K., N-17 McCormack, M., N-34 McCoy, Sherilyn, 375 McCracken, Mike, 536, N-37 McCullen, Peter, N-20, N-37 McDaniel, Jonathan, 533 McDaniel, M., N-21 McDermott, Christopher M., N-38 McDonald, Joe, N-12 McDonald, John, 78 McElhatton, Noelle, N-31 McEnroe, Paul, N-36 McFarland, Lynn A., N-21 McGee, Jeffrey E., N-4 McGill, Chris, 239 McGill, M., N-43 McGinn, D., N-15 McGinnis, Leon F., N-20 McGranahan, D., N-20 McGrath, R R., Jr., 148, 220, 291 McGrath, Steve, N-4 McGregor, Douglas, 38, N-3 McIlvaine, Andrew R., N-17 McKay, B., N-9 McKee, A., N-2 McKibben, B., N-10 McKinney, Joseph A., N-14 McLaughlin, Kevin, N-25, N-26 McMahan, Gary C., N-21 McMillan-Capehart, A., N-21 McMullen, J., N-15 McNeal, Marguerite, N-29 McNerney, James, 90, 102 McPherson, S., N-31 McQueen, M P., N-24 McShane, Steven L., 76 McWilliams, A., N-10 McWilliams, Gary, N-1 Megginson, L., N-14 Megginson, W., N-14 Mehler, M., N-21 Mehrabian, A., N-35 Meiland, D., N-1 Meinert, Dori, N-21, N-42 Meister, Jeanne, N-41 Mellnik, Ted, N-23 Mendenca, L., N-42 Menz, M., N-1 Merchant, K A., N-36, N-37 Mesmer-Magnus, J R., N-33, N-34 Messick, D., N-5, N-9 Metayer, Estelle, N-6 Meyer, C., N-32, N-33 Name Index IND-27 www.downloadslide.net Meyers, D W., N-22 Meyers, G., N-6 Meyrowitz, Carol, 375 Meznar, Martin B., N-4 Michael, D C., N-40 Michael, David, N-10 Michaels, Daniel, N-5, N-6 Micou, Tripp, 242 Miel, R., N-20 Mifflin, Kenneth E., N-38 Miles, R H., N-4, N-42 Miles, Raymond E., 282, N-18 Milkovich, G T., N-22 Miller, Claire Cain, N-23 Miller, Danny, N-3, N-38, N-42 Miller, Stephen, N-22 Miller, T., N-15 Milliken, F J., N-33 Millington, Kent, 211 Millington, Linda, 211 Mills, P K., N-4 Milner, C., N-27 Milstein, M B., N-10, N-11 Minter, Steve, N-31, N-36, N-40 Mintz, H K., N-35 Mintzberg, H., 19, N-2 Misangyi, V F., N-27 Mishel, Lawrence, N-22 Mishra, Aneil K., N-19 Misumi, J., 414, N-26 Mitchell, R., 584 Mitchell, T., N-28 Mitroff, I I., N-6 Mittal, Vikas, N-30 Mlot, Stephanie, N-34, N-36 Mobley, William H., N-14 Moe, John, N-5 Moeller, Sara B., N-37 Moffett, S., N-3 Mohammed, S., N-34 Mohapatra, Aditi, 373 Mohrman, Susan Albers, N-18, N-19 Mol, Michael J., N-38 Molina, Alfonso, N-40 Molinski, Michael, N-13 Montgomery, Cynthia A., N-3, N-7 Montoya-Weiss, M., N-34 Moon, Chang H., N-13 Moon, J., N-9 Moore, C W., N-14 Moore, S., N-6 Moores, Ken, N-38 Moran, Frank, 460 Moran, P., N-31 Morello, Carol, N-23 Morgan, E., N-16 Morgan, J M., N-20 Morgan, J P., N-24 Morgan, N., N-35 Morgeson, F P., N-21, N-32 Morrill, David, N-5 Morris, Betsy, N-1 Morris, Shad S., N-13, N-18 Morris, T., N-18 Morrison, A., N-35 Morrison, C., N-1 Morrison, Denise, 375 Morrison, E W., N-2 Mortensen, R., N-14 Moskakowski, E., N-35 Moss, S., N-29 Moss, T., N-15 Mott, Randy, 279 Mouawad, J., N-3 Mount, Madison, 583 Mouton, Jane S., 416, N-26 Moxley, R., N-28 Mozur, Paul, N-12, N-13 Muczyk, J., N-26 Muir, John, 180 IND-28 Name Index Mula, J., N-38 Mulally, Alan, 79, 90, 429 Mullainathan, Sendhill, N-23 Mullaney, Timothy J., N-41 Mullen, B., N-33 Mullins, L., N-31 Mullins, R., N-20 Multon, Robert, 90 Murnighan, K., N-9 Murphy, Kevin J., N-22 Murray, A., N-7 Murrell, A J., N-24 Musk, Elon, 561–562, 577, 587 Myers, R., N-21, N-38 N Nadeau, Y., N-37 Nadkarni, Sucheta, N-13 Nadler, D A., N-31, N-32, N-42 Nagarajan, N., N-27 Nahavandi, A., N-32 Najdawi, Mohammad K., N-17 Nambisan, Satish, N-40 Nanus, Burt, N-25, N-26, N-27 Naquin, C E., N-34, N-35 Nash, J., N-1 Nash, R., N-11 Nash, Sarah, N-39 Needleman, Sarah E., N-15, N-16 Neeleman, David, 426 Nefer, B., N-17 Nelson, Katherine A., N-14 Neubert, M., N-33 Nevin, Joe, 407 Newcombe, Robert, N-38 Newman, Dan, N-37 Newman, J M., N-22 Newstrom, J W., 322 Ngak, Chenda, N-5 Nicas, Jack, N-8 Nichols, Ralph G., 511 Nidumolu, R., N-10, N-11, N-12 Nielsen, Kara, 243 Nielson, S., N-13 Nigam, Roli, N-13 Nisbett, R., N-5 Nixon, R., N-19 Noguchi, Yuki, N-34, N-35 Nohria, N., N-17, N-35, N-41, N-42 Noonan, Mary C., N-35 Nooyi, Indra, 5, 52, 54, 66, 374 Nordell, J D., N-24 North, M., 280 Norton, David P., 128, N-7, N-38 Novak, David, 427–428 Novakovic, Phebe, 375 Novotny, Patrice, N-20 Nugent, P S., N-34 Nunes, S., 489, N-34 Nur, Y A., N-26 Nystedt, D., 258 O Obama, Barack, 424 O’Brien, J M., 403 O’Connor, Gina Colarelli, N-38 O’Dowd, Karen, 627 Oesch, Amy, 393 Ogawa, Susumu, N-5 Ogilvy, J., N-11 Ohmae, Kenichi, 306–307 Okhuysen, G., N-6 Okie, Francis G., 583, 584 Okumura, Tetsushi, N-35 Oldham, G., 454–455, N-29, N-30 O’Leary, Michael, 10 Oligney, Ronald E., N-39 O’Malley, Alison, N-38 Omidyar, Pierre, 236, N-15, N-43 O’Neill, Hugh M., N-38 Ones, D S., N-21 Orden, Erica, N-8, N-19 Ordonez, L., N-29 Oreg, S., N-41 O’Reilly, C., N-18 O’Reilly, Tim, Organ, D., 420, 450, N-30 Orlik, Tom, N-12, N-13 Orlitzky, M., N-10 Ortner, Michael, 83, 84, 86, 89 Ortutay, B., N-20, N-23 Osawa, Juro, N-13 O’Shea, J., N-42 Osit, Dan, 201 Osnos, E., N-10 Ostdick, J H., N-15 Oster, S., N-13 Ostgaard, Daniel J., N-21 Ostrower, Jon, N-5 Otazo, K L., N-36 O’Toole, James, N-10, N-11, N-33 Ouchi, William G., 529, N-36 Overmyer Day, Leslie E., N-25 Owen, R., N-15 Owocki, Kevin, 201 P Paauwe, Jaap, N-13 Packard, David, 231, 405–406, 431 Paehlke, R., N-11 Paetzold, R L., N-22 Page, Larry, Page, Scott E., N-23 Pagnamenta, R., N-19 Paine, Lynn S., N-9, N-41 Palmisano, Sam, 153, 606 Panos, Alex, 252 Panzarino, Matthew, N-8 Paramasivam, Siva, N-20 Parboteeah, K., N-8 Park, Alice, N-33 Parker, S., N-34 Parsaei, Hamid R., N-20 Pascual, Mig, N-7 Pasztor, Andy, N-6, N-15 Patel, L., N-22 Patel, P., N-33, N-36 Patterson, Fiona, N-21 Paul, Alan, 213, N-14 Paul-Chowdhurry, Catherine, N-20 Paulson, G., N-34 Pawar, K S., N-16 Payne, S C., N-21 Pearce, Al, N-23, N-24 Pearce, Craig L., N-17, N-28 Pearsall, M J., N-30, N-32, N-33 Pearse, Robert F., N-16 Pearson, C M., N-6 Pearson, J., N-6 Peborde, Monica S., N-28 Peers, Martin, N-41, N-42, N-43 Pegels, C Carl, N-17 Peiperl, M., N-43 Pelled, Lisa Hope, N-17, N-33, N-36 Peloza, J., N-10 Penley, L., N-34 Pepitone, Julianne, N-41, N-42 Perez, Nereida, 396 Perez, Pedro David, N-13 Perez, Sarah, N-40 Perkins, T., N-17 Perlmutter, Howard, N-18 Perlow, L., N-5 Perry, James, 456 www.downloadslide.net Perry, M L., N-17 Perry-Smith, J., N-6 Peters, B A., N-20 Peters, Lois S., N-38 Peters, M P., 244, N-16 Peters, Thomas J., N-2, N-30 Peterson, Kristina, N-20 Peterson, M., 414, N-26 Peterson, Richard B., N-23 Peterson, Robin R., N-4 Petrecca, Laura, N-14, N-18 Petrick, J., N-25, N-26 Petrocelli, William, N-23 Petulla, J M., N-11 Peyer, Urs, N-1 Pfeffer, J., N-1, N-5, N-17, N-29 Phelps, Corey C., N-40 Philip, S., N-3 Phipps, C., N-17 Piccolo, R., N-26, N-27, N-29 Pierce, Lisa McTigue, N-1 Pierre, Mathias, 134 Piet, Johan, 179 Pieterse, Anne Nederveen, N-24 Piller, Frank T., N-5 Pinchot, C., N-16 Pinchot, E., N-10, N-16 Pinchot, G., N-10 Pinder, C., N-29 Pine, B Joseph, N-19 Pink, D H., N-29, N-30 Pirsig, Robert M., 592, N-40 Pisano, Gary P., N-38 Pitaro, James, 129 Pittinsky, T., N-28 Plamondon, Kevin E., N-36 Pleasants, John, 129 Pless, Nicola, N-14 Ployhart, R E., N-21 Podmolik, M E., N-30 Podsakoff, P., N-26 Pofeldt, Elaine, N-20 Pogson, C E., N-29 Polansky, M P., N-11, N-12 Poll, Jack, 439 Polzer, J., N-34 Pond, Randy, 499 Poppo, Laura, N-13 Porath, C., N-42 Porras, Jerry I., 526, 602–604, N-14, N-16, N-36, N-41 Port, O., N-1 Porter, David, N-7 Porter, Michael E., 51, 59, 308, 309, N-8, N-11, N-13, N-15, N-19, N-39 Posner, Barry G., 406, N-25, N-26, N-28, N-30, N-35 Post, J., N-9 Potts, M., N-27 Pounder, Richard W., N-38 Power, Stephen, N-5 Prahalad, C K., 619, N-10, N-11, N-18, N-42 Prasad, Sameer, N-18 Prather, Charles W., N-40 Pratt, Mary K., N-33, N-35 Preidt, R., N-33 Premack, S., N-23 Prentice, C., N-3 Preston, L., N-9 Prestwood, Donna C L., N-38 Prewitt, M., N-13 Prial, D., N-30 Price, R., N-15 Priem, R L., N-7 Procter, William, 37 Proctor, R A., N-7 Pronovost, Peter, N-38 Prusak, Lawrence, N-5 Pruyn, A T H., N-36 Pucik, V., N-41 Pulakos, Elaine D., N-26, N-36 Pullin, John, N-38 Puranam, P., N-16, N-27, N-41 Purdum, T., N-39 Purdy, Kenneth, 455, N-30 Pyrillis, R., 403 Q Qian, C., N-9 Quinn, D., N-9 Quinn, J., N-25, N-26 Quinn, Robert E., 70, N-2, N-4, N-27, N-42 Quittner, Jeremy, N-15 R Rae, J., N-37 Raelin, J A., N-43 Raes, A., N-2 Rafferty, A., N-41 Ragir, A., N-13 Raice, Shayndi, N-4, N-14 Raichur, Pratima, N-41 Ramirez, G G., N-27 Ramsey, Mike, N-3, N-38, N-39 Rancour, Tom, 536, N-37 Randall, R., N-21 Randolph, W A., N-30 Rangan, S., N-10 Rangaswami, M R., N-10, N-11 Ranii, David, N-28 Rao, A R., N-5 Rao, K Srinivasa, N-20 Rappeport, Alan, N-3 Rasmus, Daniel, N-8 Rasst, D E., III, N-28 Rastello, S., N-12 Raths, David, N-1 Raven, B., 411, N-26 Ravikant, Naval, 240 Rawls, John, 165 Raykovich, Ben, 239 Raykovich, Cindi, 239 Ready, D A., N-42 Reagan, Ronald, 424 Rechheld, R., N-30 Reeb, D M., N-24 Reed, John, N-28 Reed-Woodard, M A., N-38 Reeves, M., N-32, N-41 Reingold, Jennifer, N-6, N-8 Reinsch, N L., Jr., N-34 Ren, C., N-1 Repa, Barbara Kate, N-23 Repenning, N., N-6 Reses, Jackie, 497, 518 Ressler, Cali, 555 Restubog, S L., N-41 Restuccia, P., N-12 Revelle, R., N-11 Reynolds, Joe, 162, N-9 Rhode, J., N-37, N-38 Rice, F., N-10, N-11 Rice, M., N-38 Rice, R., N-34 Rich, B., N-8 Richardson, H A., N-19 Richman, Alan, N-3 Ridgeway, R., N-10, N-12 Ridolfi, E., N-31 Riggio, R., N-26 Rijsdijk, Serge A., N-38 Riley, Charles, N-13 Ringseis, E., N-34 Ripp, Joe, 623 Risher, H W., N-22 Rittenburg, Terri, N-14 Rivkin, J W., N-17 Robbins, J., N-31 Roberson, B., N-17, N-41 Roberto, M A., N-6 Roberts, B., N-37 Roberts, L M., N-2 Robertson, Jordan, N-6 Robey, Richard D., 529 Robinson, Marie, 80 Robinson, S L., N-8, N-31 Rocco, Matthew, N-36, N-37 Rock, Arthur, 246 Rodriguez, Diego, N-40 Rodriguez, R., N-12, N-25 Roethlisberger, Fritz, 36, N-2 Rogers, E M., N-39 Rogers, J., N-10 Rogers, P., N-5 Roh, Hyuntak, N-24 Rohman, Jessica, N-31, N-32, N-34 Rokos, B., N-9 Rometty, Ginni, 153, 374 Rooney, Ben, N-40 Rosa, Fabio, 235 Rosedale, Philip, 282–283 Rosen, B., 474, N-25, N-31, N-32, N-33 Rosenberger, P J., III, N-11, N-12 Rosenbush, Steven, N-21 Rosenfeld, Irene B., 374, 375 Rosenthal, Stephen R., N-40 Rosnow, R L., N-36 Ross, Gerald H B., 555 Ross, L., N-5 Roth, Aaron, N-41 Roth, E A., N-38, N-39 Roth, K., N-10 Rothwell, Jonathan, N-20 Rotondo, D M., N-22 Roundy, Philip T., N-39 Rousseau, D., N-31, N-42 Rowland, F S., N-12 Roy, U., N-20 Royte, Elizabeth, N-39 Roznowski, Mary, N-21 Rubin, C., N-21 Ruch, W V., N-36 Ruddy, T., N-32 Ruiz, Neil G., N-20 Rupp, D., N-30 Rusjan, B., N-37 Russo, M., N-10 Ruthsdotter, Mary, N-23 Ryan, Ann Marie, N-21 Ryan, Katherine, N-24 Rynes, Sara L., N-10, N-25 S Sabadish, Natalie, N-22 Sabeti, H., N-15, N-43 Sachdev, Ameet, N-39 Sachs, Adam, 201 Sackett, P R., N-21 Sadowski, Michael, N-39 Safferstone, Todd, N-26 Sahin, Funda, N-20 Sahlman, W A., N-16 Sakano, Tomoaki, N-18 Sales, C A., 529 Salopek, Jennifer J., N-7 Salvador, R., N-27 Sambamurthy, V., N-17 Sampson, R C., N-18 Sanborn, G., N-30 Sanchez, J., 211, N-29 Sandberg, J., N-13 Sandberg, Sheryl, 9, 72, 374, 375 Sanders, Lorraine, 21, N-20 Sanders, Peter, N-12 Name Index IND-29 www.downloadslide.net Sandino, T., N-36 Sandler, N., N-12 Santamaria, J A., N-32 Sapienza, H., N-16 Saporito, Bill, N-33, N-38 Sarrazin, Hugo, N-6 Sashittal, H., N-32 Sashkin, M., N-30 Satarianao, A., N-4 Sauer, P J., N-15 Savitt, Kathy, 426 Sawhney, Mohanbir, N-38, N-40 Sawin, Linda L., N-21 Saxton, Mary J., N-4 Sayles, Leonard, 277, N-2, N-33 Scarborough, Melanie, N-29 Schachter, D., N-33 Schafer, Lee, N-36, N-37, N-38 Schaffer, B S., N-30 Schairer, George, 79 Schaubroeck, J., N-34 Schawbel, Dan, N-7 Scheck, Justin, N-8 Schein, E H., N-41 Schere, R., N-25, N-26 Schermerhorn, J., Jr., N-9 Schisgall, O., 37 Schlesinger, Leonard A., 611, N-41, N-42 Schlosser, J., N-2 Schmidt, Frank L., N-10, N-21, N-30, N-31 Schmidt, W H., 417–418, N-26 Schmulen, M., N-34 Schneider, Beth Z., 29, 178, 465–466, 627, N-42 Schoeff, M., Jr., N-24 Schoemaker, Paul J H., N-4 Schoenberger, Chana R., N-32 Schonberger, Richard J., N-20 Schot, J., N-1 Schreiber, M E., N-9 Schroeder, D M., 569 Schroeder, R., N-31 Schuler, D., N-10 Schuler, R S., N-22 Schultz, Howard, 204 Schulze, Richard, 527 Schulze, W., N-16 Schumacher, Steve, 616, N-42 Schumaker-Krieg, Diane, 452 Schumann, P A., N-38 Schuneman, Pam, 540, N-37 Schuster, J R., N-22 Schwartz, Devan, N-10 Schwartz, Peter, N-11 Schwarz, J L., N-24 Schwarz, N., N-31 Schweiger, D., N-36 Schweitzer, M., N-29 Schweitzer, T., N-30 Schwenk, C., N-6 Scott, A., N-42 Scott, K., N-33 Scott, S R., Jr., N-14 Seal, G., N-41 Searcey, D., N-14 Seashore, S E., N-33 Sedgwick, D., 524, N-20 Segaar, Peter, N-6 Segal, J., N-21 Segall, Laurie, N-5 Seggerman, T K., N-16 Seibert, J., N-19 Seibert, S., N-30, N-32 Seidmann, Abraham, N-39 Seijts, G., N-29 Seligman, M E P., N-2 Seligson, H., N-13 Selko, Adrienne, N-23, N-25, N-38 Sellers, Patricia, N-24, N-34, N-36 Selvin, M., N-37 Semadeni, Matthew, N-39 IND-30 Name Index Senge, P M., N-10, N-18 Serpa, Roy, N-4 Settle, M., N-20 Setty, Prasad, 327 Shafer, Scott M., N-37 Shaffer, David, N-36 Shaffer, Margaret A., N-13 Shah, P P., N-21 Shahani, Sudhin, 248 Shalley, C E., N-6, N-29, N-32 Shamir, B., N-27 Shane, S., N-14 Shani, A B (Rami), 291, 323, 400 Shao, R., N-30 Shapiro, D., N-32 Shapiro, E C., N-25, N-26 Sharfman, M., N-5, N-6 Sharifi, S., N-16 Sharma, P N., N-32 Sharp, A., N-28, N-29 Shaw, G B., 496 Shaw, J., N-33 Shaw, K N., N-28 Shellenbarger, Sue, N-29 Shen, Y., N-2 Shepardson, David, N-21 Sheridan, Richard, 478 Sherman, Arthur W., 338, 351–352, N-23 Sherman, M., N-34 Sherr, Ian, N-13, N-14 Shields, Mike, N-5 Shih, H A., N-33 Shin, Shung J., N-23, N-27 Shintaku, Junjiro, N-13 Shipper, F., N-22 Shippmann, Jeffery S., N-21 Shirouzu, N., N-13 Short, J., N-15 Shouraboura, Nadia, 25 Shrivastava, P., N-10, N-11, N-12 Shultz, S F., N-17 Shumaker, David, 274 Shurn-Hannah, Phyllis, N-25 Shute, Valerie J., N-21 Sidel, Robin, N-41 Sidhu, I., N-7 Siebold, D., N-5 Siegel, D., N-10 Siggelkow, N., N-17 Silver, S., N-30 Silver, W., N-28 Silverman, Rachel Emma, N-5, N-6, N-22, N-34, N-35, N-36, N-41 Silverman, Stanley B., N-29 Simmonds, Paul G., N-17 Simoes, C., N-13 Simon, B., N-28 Simon, Herbert A., 99, N-18 Simon, L., N-8 Simon, S., N-28 Simons, R., N-36 Simons, T., N-17, N-33 Sims, Henry P., Jr., N-17, N-30, N-32 Simsek, Zeki, N-16, N-27 Sinclair, Robert, N-23 Sinclair-Desgangné, B., N-24 Singh, Harbir, N-16, N-18, N-26 Singh, J., N-11, N-15 Singh, J V., N-26 Sinha, K., N-31 Siporin, Clifford, N-40 Sirkin, H L., N-40 Sirmon, D G., N-7, N-14, N-18 Sisodia, Raj, N-31, N-32, N-34 Skarlicki, D., N-30 Skinner, Jim, 131 Slater, Dan, N-39 Slind, Michael, N-34, N-35 Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 120, 262, 424 Sloane, A., N-23 Slocum, John W., N-14, N-41, N-43 Slowinski, Gene, N-18 Smidts, A., N-36 Smit, B., N-10 Smith, Adam, 34, 158, 169–170 Smith, Brad, 133 Smith, D K., N-32, N-33, N-42 Smith, Emily T., N-11 Smith, Ethan, N-8, N-12 Smith, Gerry, 206 Smith, Ken A., N-1, N-17, N-33 Smith, Mark, 234 Smith, N., N-11, N-37 Smith, Stuart M., N-37 Snell, Scott A., 338, 351–352, 377, 586, N-4, N-13, N-18, N-19, N-20, N-23, N-31, N-40 Snider, Mike, N-4 Snow, C C., 282, N-4, N-18, N-31 Snyder, W M., N-31 Solsman, Joan E., N-36, N-37 Somech, A., N-31 Sonfield, Matthew C., 237, N-15 Song, M., N-34 Song, Yong I., N-17 Sonnenfeld, J., N-27 Sparrowe, R T., N-30 Spector, Bert, N-41 Spector, P E., 211 Spekman, Robert E., N-4 Spell, Chester S., N-25 Spender, J C., N-40 Speros, Bill, N-23, N-24, N-25 Spicer, A., N-8 Spinelli, S., 228, 230, 245, 260, N-14, N-15, N-18 Spitzer, Q., N-5, N-6 Spors, K., N-15 Spreitzer, Gretchen M., 212, N-2, N-14, N-19, N-27 Srinivasan, D., N-27 Srivastava, A., N-33 Stack, Jack, 514 Stahl, G K., N-13, N-14, N-34 Stajkovic, A D., N-29 Stalk, George, N-15, N-20 Stalker, G M., 296, N-18 Stamps, David, N-14 Standifer, R., N-34 Stanford, Duane D., N-1, N-17 Stanislao, B C., N-41 Stanislao, J., N-41 Stansfield, Timothy C., N-17 Stark, Karl, N-17 Starvish, Maggie, N-32 Stata, Ray, 294 Stavins, R., N-10 Staw, B M., N-29 Steel, R., N-26 Steensma, H., N-9 Steinberg, D., N-39 Steinfield, C., N-34, N-35 Stengel, Richard, 613 Stephenson, E., N-1 Stern, P., N-10, N-12 Stevens, J M., N-9, N-11 Stevenson, W B., N-16 Stewart, Bill, N-17 Stewart, Colin, N-2 Stiles, Philip, N-13 Stinchcombe, A L., N-16 Stogdill, R M., N-26 Stoll, John D., N-4 Stone, Brad, N-34 Stone, Dan, 218 Strauss, George, 277 Strickland, A J., III, N-7 Strickland, O., N-27 Strober, M., N-29 Strom, Stephanie, N-3, N-4 Strong, B., N-40 www.downloadslide.net Stynes, Tess, N-17, N-39 Su, Andy, 229 Suarez, F F., N-8 Suarez, Luis, 503 Suddath, Claire, N-35 Sugarman, B., N-42 Sull, Donald, N-18 Sullivan, Eileen, N-6 Sullivan, W., 34 Sunnucks, Mike, N-34 Susanto, E., N-33 Suttle, J L., N-31 Sutton, R I., N-1, N-5, N-6, N-26, N-29 Sverdlik, N., N-41 Swaak, Reyer A., N-13 Swartz, Spencer, N-6 Sweeney, Anne, 375 Sweeney, P., N-9 Swiggett, Robert L., 407 Swinmurn, Nick, 229, 247 Swisher, Kara, N-34, N-35, N-36 Symon, Gillian, N-21 T Taft, Darryl K., N-18 Takahashi, Dean, N-25, N-26, N-28 Takahashi, Yoshio, N-6 Takla, Michael G., N-18 Talley, K., N-8 Tam, Pui-Wing, N-23 Tannen, D., N-34 Tannenbaum, A., 417–418, N-26 Task, Aaron, N-16 Tata, J., N-18 Tatikonda, Mohan V., N-40 Tatum, Doug, 241 Taylor, Alex, III, N-5 Taylor, Andrew, N-40 Taylor, Frederick, 34–35, 38, 514, N-2 Taylor, Jim, N-34 Taylor, L., N-16 Taylor, M S., N-1 Teerlink, R., N-41 Tercek, Mark, 174, N-10 Teresko, John, N-1 Terlep, Sharon, N-7, N-17, N-18, N-38 Terpstra, David E., N-21 Tesluk, P., N-28, N-30, N-31, N-32, N-33 Tetrick, Lois, N-23, N-31 Thatcher, S., N-33 Thier, Dave, N-5, N-8 Thomas, B., N-25 Thomas, G., N-26 Thomas, K W., 487, N-30, N-33 Thomas, L A., N-39 Thomas, R Roosevelt, Jr., N-24 Thomas, T., N-9 Thompson, Arthur A., N-7 Thompson, Brad Lee, N-16 Thompson, James D., N-3, N-15, N-18 Thompson, Jody, 555, N-38 Thompson, L., N-6 Thompson, Paul R., N-17 Thoreau, Henry David, 152 Thoresen, C J., N-41 Thorn, Ron, N-18 Thorndike, Edward, 443, N-29 Thurm, Scott, N-22 Tierney, P., N-6 Tierney, Tom, 431 Tijoriwala, S A., N-42 Tillema, Harry, N-17 Timmons, Jeffry A., 177, 230, 245, 255, 260, N-14, N-15, N-18 Tinsley, C H., N-33, N-34 Tishman, Francine, N-24 Tjosvold, D., N-33 Toegel, Ginka, N-22 Tomczak, Jimmy, 241 Totty, Michael, N-21, N-35 Towill, Denis R., N-20 Townsend, Robert, 410, N-25, N-26 Trahant, Bill, N-30 Trahms, C., N-14 Trevino, Linda K., N-8, N-9, N-14, N-26, N-29, N-35 Trevor, Jonathan, N-13 Tribble, S J., N-24 Trigaux, Robert, N-8 Trist, E., N-40 Troy, L., N-23 Trump, Donald, 446 Truxillo, D., N-31 Tsuruoka, D., N-40 Tucker, Heather, N-25 Tuckman, B W., N-32 Tugend, Alina, N-8 Tulgan, Bruce, 383 Tullberg, Jan, N-37 Tuna, Cari, N-15, N-20 Turban, D., N-10 Turner, J W., N-34 Turner, N., N-27 Turpin, Pat, 225, 252 Tushman, M., N-18 Tynan, D., N-33 U Uhl-bien, M., N-26 Ulrich, D., N-20, N-36 Unruh, G., N-10, N-11 Unruh, J., N-35 Upadhyay, A., N-24 Upton, D., N-35 Useem, M., N-26 Usher, John M., N-20 V Valdes-Dapena, Peter, N-38, N-39 van Agtmael, A., N-12, N-13 Van Alphen, T., 524 Van Buren, Mark E., N-26 Van de Ven, A., N-40 van den Ende, Jan, N-38 van Dierendonck, Dirk, N-24, N-28 Van Fleet, D., N-17 van Ginkel, W., N-32 van Knippenberg, Daan, N-24, N-28, N-30, N-32 Van Looy, Sara, N-24 van Mierlo, H., N-28, N-32 van Riel, C B M., N-36 Van Velsor, E., N-28 Van Wassenhove, L N., N-11 Vance, Ashlee, N-19, N-25, N-26, N-28, N-38 Vandebroek, Sophie, 581 Vandenberg, Robert J., N-19, N-30 VanderMey, Anne, N-31 Vara, V., N-19 Varadarajan, R., N-8 Varchaver, N., N-10 Vascellaro, Jessica E., N-15 Vasilash, G S., N-20 Veiga, John F., N-16, N-27, N-38 Velthouse, B., N-30 Venkataraman, S., N-14, N-15 Vera, D., N-27 Vermeulen, F., N-41 Veryzer, Robert W., N-38 Vesper, K H., N-14, N-15 Vickery, Shawnee, N-17 Viguerie, P., N-1, N-42 Viswesvaran, C., N-21 Vitasek, Kate, N-3 Voelpel, Sven C., N-24 Vogel, Bryan, N-13 Vogus, T., N-15 von Bertalanffy, L., N-3 Von Glinow, Mary Ann, 76 Von Hippel, Eric, N-39 von Oetinger, B., N-1 Vonortas, Nicholas S., N-39 Vroom, V H., 418–419, N-26, N-29 W Waalewijn, Philip, N-6 Wack, Kevin, N-41 Wacker, W., N-34 Waddock, Sandra, N-1, N-10, N-37 Wadhwa, Subhash, N-20 Wageman, R., N-33 Wagner, Cynthia G., 618, N-42 Wagner, J., III, N-26 Wahba, M., N-29 Wailgum, T., N-19 Wakabayashi, Daisuke, N-13 Wakayama, Toshiro, N-13 Waldman, D A., N-27 Waldroop, J., N-36 Walker, Anthony, N-38 Walker, Joseph, N-1, N-21 Walker, Lisa, 451 Walker, Rob, N-16 Wall, J A., Jr., N-34 Wall, James A., N-26 Walter, F., N-2 Walter, J., N-6 Walter, Laura, N-42 Walton, Mary Lu, 612 Walton, R E., N-31 Wamsteeker, Pete, 451 Wandel, J., N-10 Wang, G., N-32 Wang, H., N-9 Wang, J., N-9 Wang, L., N-9, N-30 Wang, M., N-6 Wang, P., N-24 Ward, Karla, N-1 Ward, R D., N-17 Warman, Matt, N-1 Warr, P B., N-31 Waters, R., N-20 Watkins, Karen E., N-18 Watson, Richard, 617 Watson, Thomas, 326, 328, 424 Wayne, S J., N-30 Weaver, G R., N-9 Webb, A., N-8 Webb, T., N-3 Webber, R., N-1 Weber, E., N-10 Weber, J., N-9 Weber, Lauren, N-21, N-22 Weber, Max, 37, 296, N-2 Weekley, J A., N-21 Weeks, Linton, N-34 Weier, M Hayes, N-20 Weingart, L., N-6, N-33 Weintraub, A., N-39 Weisman, R., N-15 Weiss, H., N-27 Welbourne, Theresa M., N-22, N-41 Welch, Jack, 118, 295, 320, 517, 592 Wellins, R., N-33 Wellman, Ne., N-28 Welsh, T., 37 Wenger, E C., N-31 Werdigier, Julia, N-7 Wernsing, T., N-28 Wessel, D., N-12 Wesson, M J., N-22 West, A., N-16 Name Index IND-31 www.downloadslide.net Westman, Mina, N-13 Wexley, Kenneth, N-22 Wheeler, J., N-33 Wheelwright, Steven C., N-38, N-40 Whetten, David A., 29, 108 Whetzel, Deborah L., N-21 White, B Joseph, 445 White, Erin, N-5, N-37 White, Joseph B., N-12, N-39, N-40 White, Martha C., N-3, N-37 White, R., N-26 Whitford, D., N-12 Whitman, Meg, 4, 375, 405, 423, 431 Whitney, John O., N-38 Whybark, D Clay, N-10, N-11 Wicks, A C., N-7 Wieczner, Jen, N-3 Williams, Christopher, N-3 Williams, Colin, 621, N-43 Williams, T., N-40 Willis, B., N-5 Wilson, A., N-28 Wilson, H James, N-29 Wilson, M G., N-30 Winblad, Ann, 184 Wincent, J., N-15 Wingfield, Nick, N-5 Winterberg, Bill, N-29 Wise, J M., N-36 Wiseman, Robert M., N-22 Witney, F., N-23 Witzel, M., N-9 Wnuck, D., N-31, N-33 Woehr, David J., N-21 Woertz, Pat, 375 Wojcicki, Susan, 375 Wolcott, R C., N-38 Wolf, W., N-20 IND-32 Name Index Womack, Brian, N-34 Wong, Vanessa, N-36 Wood, R E., N-29 Woodward, Joan, 313, N-19 Wooldridge, A., N-1 Wooten, Lynn Perry, N-24 Worley, C., N-41 Worline, M., N-6 Wright, M., N-15 Wright, Patrick M., N-13, N-18, N-20, N-21 Wright, R E., N-3 Wright, Sharon Anderson, 243 Wright, T A., N-31 Wunderlich, Maren, N-30 Wynn, Gregory, 241, 249 X Xavier, Stephen, N-2 Y Yammarino, F J., N-26, N-27 Yan, F., N-12 Yang, Baik, N-17 Yanouzas, J., N-38 Yasai-Ardekani, Masoud, N-4 Yeatts, D., N-31 Yen, C., N-31 Yerak, Becky, N-16 Yglesias, Matthew, N-39 Yi, Sang-Seung, N-39 Yorges, S., N-27 Youngblood, S A., N-22 Yuanqing, Yang, 187, 206, 218 Yukl, G., N-26 Yunus, Muhammad, 235 Z Zablow, R J., N-9 Zaccaro, S., N-26, N-32 Zahra, S A., N-15, N-16, N-39 Zald, M., N-9 Zappone, C., N-12 Zardkoohi, A., N-22 Zaslow, J., N-29 Zatzick, C D., N-19 Zeidner, R., N-21 Zeithaml, C., 62–63, N-4, N-5 Zeithaml, V., 62–63, N-4 Zeitz, G., N-16 Zell, D., N-41 Zemke, R., N-27 Zenger, Jack, N-25 Zetlin, M., N-11 Zhang, S., N-30 Zhang, X., N-30 Zhang, Yajun, N-12 Zhao, W., N-24 Zhou, J., N-27 Zhou, Kevin Zheng, N-13 Zhu, J., N-33 Zieminski, Nick, N-10 Zigarmi, P., N-41 Zilmer, Richard, 582 Zimmerman, Ann, 628, N-5, N-36, N-37 Zimmerman, M., N-16 Zingheim, P K., N-22 Ziobro, P., N-17 Zmud, R W., N-35 Zoellik, Robert, 175 Zollo, M., N-16 Zorabedian, J., N-37 Zuboff, Shoshana, N-42 Zuckerberg, Mark, 43, 72 www.downloadslide.net This page intentionally left blank www.downloadslide.net This page intentionally left blank www.downloadslide.net This page intentionally left blank www.downloadslide.net This page intentionally left blank ... Tom and Jeanine Bateman, and Mary Jo, Lauren, T.J., and James and My parents, John and Clara Snell, and Marybeth, Sara, Jack, and Emily This page intentionally left blank About the Authors THOMAS... journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Human Resource Management, ... knowledge and skills areas xv Outstanding Pedagogy Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World is pedagogically stimulating and is intended to maximize student learning With this in mind,