Part A – Imagine you’re looking for a job. What do you want to do? First, check () your answers to the questions, then ask your partner the same questions. Follow the model (below). Do you want to .? Me My partner talk to people help people deal with people perform in front of people work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. a part-time job work at night use a computer use the telephone work at home work outdoors work in an office travel a lot wear a uniform wear a suit wear blue jeans have an exciting job have a relaxing job make things work with animals or plants Model: Student A: Do you want to talk to people? Student B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Part B – Think of a good job for your partner. See the model below. Student A: You want to perform in front of people, travel and wear blue jeans. So, Do you want to be a pop singer? Student B: No, I don’t think so. I don’t sing very well. OR I’d love to! Great idea! . use a computer use the telephone work at home work outdoors work in an office travel a lot wear a uniform wear a suit wear blue jeans have an exciting job. job have a relaxing job make things work with animals or plants Model: Student A: Do you want to talk to people? Student B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Part