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Authors Preface Systematic Index Literature on the Oligochreta of British India nnd Page. v IX Ceylon • xv Other Literature referred to in the follo7jng pages . .: bLreviations of Titles of .T ournals, etc .. 11 ethods of Examination; Systelnatic Description. The (}eographicnl Distribut·ion of Indiull Oligochreta Bionolllics. . (i) Seasonal nriatiolls (ii) Habitat (iii) ComluensalisIH Classification Syst elnatic List of Indian Oligoehre( n .Add~nda Alpl,abeti~al Index xx .. XXll 1 12 33 34 35 37 40 509 511 Authors Preface Systematic Index Literature on the Oligochreta of British India nnd Page. v IX Ceylon • xv Other Literature referred to in the follo7jng pages . .: bLreviations of Titles of .T ournals, etc .. 11 ethods of Examination; Systelnatic Description. The (}eographicnl Distribut·ion of Indiull Oligochreta Bionolllics. . (i) Seasonal nriatiolls (ii) Habitat (iii) ComluensalisIH Classification Syst elnatic List of Indian Oligoehre( n .Add~nda Alpl,abeti~al Index xx .. XXll 1 12 33 34 35 37 40 509 511

THE FAUNA OF BRITISH· INDIA, INCLUDING AND BUR'MA PUBLISHED UNDER THE AlTTHOIUTY OF' THE SECllEl'AltJ" OF STATE FOR INDIA IN OOUNCIL EDITED BY SIR ARTHUR E SHIPLEY, G.B.E., F.R.S., M.A., Sc.D Cantu.b., HON D.So Princeton, HON LL.D Michigan, ASSISTED BY HUGH SCOTT, M.A., Sc.O Cantab., F.E.S oL~ GO ClIlE T A BY J S T E P HEN SON, M.B., D.Se., LIEUT.-COL I.M.S (Retired)~ LECTtJBER IN ZOOLOGY, EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LON DbN: 'TAYLOR ANI) FRANCIS; RED LION COURT, FLEET STREE'r June 1923 P It I N T I'~ D 1J Y T A Y IJ It AND PH A N CIS, R110 LION COURT, FLEET STREET TABLE OF CON'rENTS Author's Preface Page v Systematic Index IX Literature on the Oligochreta of British India nnd Ceylon • xv Other Literature referred to in the follo"7jng pages :\ bLreviations of Titles of Tournals, -etc 1\1 ethods of Examination; Systelnatic Description xx XXll The (}eographicnl Distribut·ion of Indiull Oligochreta 12 Bionolllics 33 (i) Seasonal \! nriatiolls (ii) Habitat (iii) ComluensalisIH 34 35 Classification 37 Syst elnatic List of Indian Oligoehre( n 40 509 Add~nda Alpl,abeti~al Index 511 present work follows in general the plan adopted for the other volulnes of the series to which it belongs The few relnarks which follow Inay facilitate its use The species of each genus are alTanged in alphabetical order It is true that within certain genera we can distinguish a nUlnber of groups of allied specie~; but this is by no Ineans al,vays so, and even where it is possible to this, the majority of the species of the genus not as a rule allow thelnselves to be thus grouped; an arrangement according to affinities is therefore for the most part illlpossi ble There seelned to be no particular advantage in a chronological order, according to the date of description of the several species; while the alphabetical arrangelnent has at least the merit of convenience In the synonymies which head the accounts of the species I have given a oOlnplete list of the Indian references,references to all the records fr9tH India, (~eylon, and Burlna, and to all accounts of anatolny etc based on J ndian Inaterial; in the case of species found only in India., therefore, the list fornls a cOlnplete bibliography In the case of species found also in otper parts of the world I have often added to the Indian references, and separated from them by a line, other references to papers of importance,-£or exalnp]e, to such as contain accounts of the anatoluy or of import.ant structural details In the case of species which have been knO\VIl for a llulnber of years I have often given references to Beddard's Monograph and to M.ichaelsen's Tierreich Volume, ,where the older sources will be found But it would be impracticable in a \vork lil{e this THE · A U~'HOR'S PREF A.CE VI to gi ve a cOlllplete bibliography of the widely distributed species ; a nunl ber of species are practically worldwide, and the lllajority of the iteJllS would lnerely be records of occui·renee in various parts of the globe In the case of gen"era I have given references which appear likely to be of use; but for a· nun\ber of \videly distributed genera even this is unnecessary, since the lists in Michaelsen's l'ierreich volulne will supply what, is wanted It Inay be convenient, for bibliographical pl1rposes, to suhjoin a list of the changes in nOlnenclature, etc., proposed herein for the first tilne /Eolosonta henlp'richi (Stephenson, 1909) is renalned LE kashyapi I have emended the current diagnosis of the genus Slat,ina Slavina nlontana is -used for Slat,ina sp_ (Stephenson, 1916) Aulo}J7t01 11s 11lichaelselli is used for A.1Jalllst'ris (Stephenson, 1913) In accordance with Iny Vie\V8 on t,he significance 9f " tufted" nephridia (cf 1' 184), 111e.qascolides /l{lsiailiS Staph and 1'Totoscole r sa'l1asin01'lou Mich are transferreJ to J,lToodtca'rdia Me[!ascolide~ ·oneili Step~ becQlnes ~,roloscole(v oneili Jlegascolides tertlnalai, Mich yare ka1 akltla1Heilsis Steph beCOlnes J.1\:7otoscole r tel1'1nalai va r kara'l.'ulanlensis il1egascolp v phaseolus Stepll Lecoilles 1.1f coc/t'inensis Steph Val' phaseolus 111egascole:v p(~lltagollalis Steph becolnes J.lJ t1"aranco'l'ensis Mich "ar pentugonalis J.fe!Jascole~1J ell/rillS Steph disappears being united \\'ith 1.11 tOa'rians val' si1nplex Mich Pt!1'ionyx aho'rensis Steph disappears, being united with P depressus Steph Silnilarly Pefl'io'n!jt'v }Ja-rvulus Steph disappears, being united with P excal~atus E Perr Pe1 ionYt'C abo'l"ensis, var heterochcctus Stepll beeollles P hete1'oclu:etus Steph The name Periony v polythec(,t is to be substituted for Perionyx sp Stepll (liee Ind Mus xii, p 323, 1916) 1 l At!THOR~S PREFACE Vll The nalne Pe1'iony~v sikkirnensi.~ val' '1nicltaelseni is introuuced for certain speciIlleils of P sikki'111ensis Mich 1910 Eudichogaster killneari S~eph becoilles E as!t'wo1·tlti Mich val' kinnea1; Eut!Jplu~us koboen.~is and 1nugnltS Steph., and cltittago'ngianus Mich disappear, being Illerged in b ' !Ia'ln'nziei (Bedd.) Euty},lu1Jlls anna1ldalei Mich., var fulfJidus Steph becolues E ·inCOl1l1nodus (Bedd.) var lalgidus Eutypha~us oastianlls Mich dis'appears, being Iuergeu in E 1nasoni (A G Bourne) I-Ioploclu.etella affinis S teph beCOlll cs J~''1'!Jt hr((;od1'ilu s suctorius (Steph.) var a!finis I may lllention that.1 have gi \'en in the Introduction a section on Methods, ,vhicb I trust Inay be of sOlne use to those "' ho are beginn ing systematic ,,"ork Ol~ w bat will certainly prove to theln a very interesting group; I hope it may save SOllle of those ,vho Inay be obliged to ,vork at a distance £roln expert assistance frol11 'wasting titl1e on procedures which are not calculated to give the best results, and froln putting forth work \v hich could easilx be illlproved by auopting a more suitable technique My thanks are due to Sir Arthur Shipley for his ,interest in the progress of the ,york, for InallY useful suggestions and for lnuch kind help while the volullle wus passing through tIle press; to the authorities of th~ British Museuln £0r }{inuly allowing me to exanline a nUlllber of type and other specilnens; and to the Council of the Zoological Society for perlnission to make use of luaterial previously published in the l)roceedings of the Society Anu I have finally gratefully to acknowledge the help I have received in the course of the preparation of this volulne 1'1'0111 Dr Annandale, Director of the Zoological Survey of India He hus kindly lent a number of blocks for the text-figures, and giv~n permission for the reproduction of other figures, for "r hich blocks were not available, from the Mellloirs and Records of the Indian Muse,urn ; and he llas at various times sent 111e Inany type and other speciluens from the Museuln collections \,111 AUTHOR'S PREF.'CE for exalnination Indirectly, this ,vork is indebted to hinl for tar Illore t,han this; since Iny studies on the Oligochreta of India, which I have pursued during the lHst sixteen years, and which haye led up to the preparation of the present volulne, have Leen largely carri(ld out on the exten~ive collections of the Indian MUSeUll1, and have throughout o\\'ed Inuch to Dr Annandale's interest and kind encouragelnent l\lal'ch 1923 sysrI'I~MA'rIC I NI)EX Page Order OLI(lOCH.tETA Fanl JEOl.OSOMATIDlE Gen £010so111a Ekrbg bengalense Steplt l{ashyapi Steph viride Steplt ternarium Sch'lnarda Fam NAIDIDlE Gen Chretogaster K RaeI' flnnandalei Stel'h ' benga.lensis Annand lengi Bl'et,olcnel' linlnrei K Bae'J" ol'ien talis Steph spongillre Annalld sp Annand Gen Najs Milll eln Vejd comluunis Plguet var punjabensis Stepli val' creea Steph.: elinguis il1iill., Orst I!waliorensis Stepll htusa (Gerv.)- paraguayen~is M'I,·ch nar req ualis Steph lo'a1" bal'lnldensis Stepk pectinata Steph vai· inooqualiR Stepk i raviensis Steph , Gen N aidiunl O SCh1l1 breviseta(A.G.Bourne) minl1tulll StelJh Gen Pristina Ellrhg longiseta Ehl'bll" requlseta A E Bourne proboscidea Bed~ 'lJar pfU'aguayensls Mich Page 40 40 40 4t 41 42 43 43 47 49 49 , 50 50 51 52 / 53 53 ) I 5151 55 57 58 ! 59 60 61 62 63 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 I I Gen Br.lnchiodrilus J.V£clt senlperi (A G Bourne) 2, nlenoni Stepll hortt-'nsis Steph 13 Gen llremonals Bretsche'J· lnurentii Sfeph Gen.Sln,\-illa Ve.id.em.Steph appendiculata (Udek.) 1110ntalla Steph Gen Stvlaria LInk lacustris (L.) 1relllpi Steph Gen Dero Okel~ li,mosa Lelfly zeylullica Steph 10 Geu Aulophorus 8ch1nal'dtt tonkinellsis ( Vejd.) fUJ'catus (Oken) michaelseni Steph oxycepbalus Scll'luarda 78 79 80 82 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 fl3 91 Fam TUBIFICIDlE 95 Gen Limnodrilus Clap 96 socialis Steph 96 Gen Branchiul'a Bedd 98 sowerbyi ]Jedd 99 Gell Bothlioneurunl Stole ]02 his Bedd 102 Gen l\Ionopylephorus Leviru;en 103 pnryus Ditlevsen 104 Gen Ttl bifex L1nk 105 tubifex (Miill.) 106 Gen A u]odl'ilus Bretsclzel" ] 06 relnex Steplt 107 1{ashi Mehra ' 509 stephensoni Mehra Fam PHREOl>RILIDlE Gen Phreodl'ilu8 Bedd 73 74 75 76 77 zeylnniclls (Stepl~.) 510 108 109 109 x SYS~'EMATIC Page 110 INDEX Drawida (con.) Paae 29 pellucida (A~ G.Bour1te) 1150 val' bournei (Mich.) 150 III 'va,r pallida Hiel" 151 III val' stewRl'ti Stepl, 162 112 30 ralnnadnna M'ich ] 52 113 31 l'angamatiana Stepn 158 113 32, l'obusta (A G Bourne) 154 114 va1" ophidioides 115 (A G Bour'ne) 154 33 rosea Steplt 1435 T-Ienlea lefroyi Bedd 11.5 34 rotungana Step/to 1:35 35 sapphirinaoides O !i'aill l\10NILIGASTRIDJE t6 (A G B01lrne) 156 A Subfanl Moniligasil'inm 117 36, scandens Rao If)U Gen Desnlog'aster Rosa 119! 37 shunl\arai Miclt 157 doriro Rosa 119 I 38 sOll1avarpatana Rao 158 Gen Eupolyg'aster M iell 120 39 sulcatit Miclt 158 browni Miclt 1:20 40 tl'avancorengis M£eh 15n Gen Moniligaster E Perl' 121 41 uniqua (A G Bourne) 160 deshayesi E Perl' 12] 42 willsi Mich 161 val' Ininor Mich 122 val' gravelyi Stepll 123 l\Ioniligaster papillatus perrieri Mich 123 A G Bourne 131 Gen Dl'a,vida Mich 1:24 I l\Ioniligaster l'u11el' affinis Stepll 132 : A G BOlt1·lle 1aI 132 annandalei Steph 1{,:? FaIll l\IEGASCOLRCIDlE barwelli Bedd lSa val' impel'tusa Stepl" 134 A Subfalu Acanlhodrilillce 16:3 brunnea Steplt 134 1: Gen Microscolex Rosa, bUl'cha,di Mt"ch 134eill Micl~ ] 64 G chalal{udiana Step", 135 phosphoreus(Ant.Dug.) 164 chlorilla (A.G.Bourne) 136 B Subfanl lJfegascolecince 10.1 decoul'cyi Steplt 130 Gen Plutellus E Perro 170 elegans Rno 137 I aborensis Stepll 171 10 fa){ir Cogn 137 aquntilis Stepll 17~ 138 11 fridel'ici (Mich.) dubariensis Micll 173 12 ghatensis M1·ch 138 ha.lyi (Mielt.) 174 13, grand is (A G Bourne) 189 il1dicu~ Mich " ] 74 14 hodgarti Stepk 140 val: silvestl'is J[ielt 175 15 jalpaigurensis Steph 141 palniensis Miell 176 16 japonica Mich 142 silddlnensis Micll 177 17 l{anal'ensis Sltph 143 (Miclt.) 17~ singhalensis 18 kempi Steph 144 timid us Co.qu ' 17U 19 Inatthaii Mick 144 Gen Pontodrilus E Perl' 179 20 nlinuta (A G Bou1'nt) 145 ] bel'mudensis Bedd 180 21 lllodesta Rao 145 nguesm Sfeph ] R2 22 nadu vatamensis Gen "Tood\val'dia M1.·clt 183 146 (A G Bourne) burkilli Mich 185 14G 23 nepalensis Mich hastnta (Steph.) ISH 24 nilA.mbUl ensi8 ~ sara ~inorum (M£ck.) 188 147 (.A G Boltl'ne) (}Jieh.) 188 uzeli 148 25 papillifer Step/t Gen COlllal'odrilus Steph 1~9 148 26 pal'adoxa Rao gl'avelyi Steph 190 27: parambikulamana Gen Spencel'iella Miel" 190 Steph 149 duodecimalis Mielt 191 28 parva (A G Bourue) 149 Fam ENCHYTR.tEIDJE 1: Gen Fridel'icia J.W£ch bulbosa (Rosa) carmichaeli Steph Gen Enchytroous Henle bar1rudensis Steph harUl'RIUi Steph indiclls Steph I I I I o n05 ALLOLOBOPHORA Key to the Indian species of the subgenus Biluastlls No tubercles 01' "walls" of puberty A (B.) ei,')eni l'ubercles or , walls" present "Walls" or tubercles on xxviii and xxix only " Walls" or tubercles beginning ouxxv or xxvi and extending to xxix or xxx Clitellunl on xxv-xxxii (= 8); ab=cd Clitellulll on xxiv-xxx (= 7); ab greater than cd A, (B.) constricla A (B.) indica A (B.) pa'l'va Allolobophora (Bimastus) constricta Rosa 1909 Helodr£lus (Bhnastus) constrictus, ~Iichaelsen, ~r en1 Ind ~Ius i, p 24u 1910 Helodrilus (Bimastu:~) constrictus, 1\fiehaelsen, A bh Vel' IIamburg, xix, p 104 1916 Helotlrillts JBi1Jlal~tu,.) const,.";clu.r.r, Stephenson, Ree Ind ~111S xii, p 352 1922 Helodrilus (Bi'lJlastus) constr1:ctus, Stephenson, Ree Ind ~Ius xxiv, p 442 1895 Allo~oho}JltOra constricta, Heddard, l\Ionog p 711 1900 Helodriltts (Bil/lastus) con,~trictus, l\Iiehaelsen, Tier x, p 503 Lengt.h 20-30 111m ; dialneter mnl Segments 90-105 Colour red dorsally, especially in the anterior part of t.he body Prostolnium epilobous i Sehe widely paired; be greater than cd, cd greater than abo Dorsal pores from 5/6 Clitellulu xxvi-xxxi (= 6) No tubercles of puberty Male pores with conspicuous glandular areas Setre ab of xvi usually 011 large broad indistinctly linlited papiUre Re'Jna1'lcs Some of Iny specilnens did not agt'ee very closely with the above diagnosis; the clitellum extended as far as xxxii behind, including the whole of ~he seglnent dorsally and half Ole two-thirds of it ventrally; there 'vas np pigmentation, and the papillre in the region of setre ab of xvi were ,vanting Distribution Simla Hills, W Hilnalayas; Darjiling, E Himalayas; Ootacalnund, Nilgiris Allolobophora (Bimastus) eiseni (Levins.) 1909 Helodl'ilu8 (Bi'mastu,s) eiseni, l\Iichaelsen, :\Iem Ind l\Ius i, p 246 1916 Helodl'ilus (Bi1nastus) eisen1', Stephenson, Ree Ind ~Ius p 3"") xu, 1895 AlloloholJ1LOl'a eisent", Beddrtrd, ~Ionog p 705 1900 Helodrilus' (Bimastus) eiseni, Michaelsen, Tier x, p 503 Length 30-48 Inm.; diameter 2-4 mm Seg.nents 75-110 Colour dorsally a bright violet Prostolnium tanylobous Dorsal pores from 5/6 Setoo closely paiL·ed Clitellum frorn xxiv or xxv to xxxii (= 8-9) No tubercles of puberty Male pores with -conspicuous glandular areas Distribution N aini Tal, Painsur (both in Kuulaon Dist., W Himalayas ) 506 r .UMBRICID.JE 10 Allplo bophora' (Bimastus) indica (Mich.) 1909 Helodrilus (Bi11zast'lts) in dicus, ~Iichae]sen, l\Ienl Ind Mus i, p 246 1907 Hclodrilus (B'l1nastus) t'nd-ieus, l\lichaelsen, l\It l\lus Hamburg, xxiv, p 188 Length 58-75 Inm.; InaxiIntul1 dialueter ea mIn Seg~ents 87 -107 Colour grey, unpigmeuted Pl'ostomium epilobous i; tongue not closed behind, lateral borders of tongue convergent behind Dorsal pores from 5/6 Setre closely paired; aa = bc= lclcl; ab cd=ca ~aa Cl~tellulll saddle-shaped, xx~-xxxii (=8~ ; on xxxiI only developed dorsally Glandular cushIons on XXVIxxx, internal to the ventral borders of the clitellum, extending froln internal to a to outside b (extending further out\vard beyond b than in\vards beyond a); smaller on xxvi Male pores as deep transverse clefts on xv, between band c but nearer b~ on hrond longitudinal glandular cllshions which includexiv and xvi Spel'luntophores mny be borne on the surface of the body lateral to the male pores; they are irregular discs sOlnewhnt longer than hl'oad Gizzard in xvii and xviii Calciferous gla.nds not set off froln the 10 AD:PENDA proximal part of shaft p thic]r ClitelhulJ includes seg!11ents vii and viii SperJniducal chamber' as a midventral depressIon quadrangular in shape on vii A large portion of the body-cavity of segment vi is s'epara,ted ,off laterally and ventrally fropl the Blualler peripher~l 1?ortion, and contaius all the organs belonging to the segment; It IS fiUed ,\\7ith a huge mass of developing sperlns 'l'he dorsal vessel runs -on the left side, near the ventral vessel, except in the first six segments; comlnissural vessels are present throughout the body; in segment vi It pair of hearts bet,,'een dorsal and ventral vessels; no cutaneous plexu8; no supra-intestinal 01' sub-intestinal vessels'l'he cerebral ganglion is d~eply 'cleft in front, slight,iy so behind 'The testes are in vi, the ovaries in vii Vas deferens in vii, short, 8lightly curved, opening behind into the ntriUDJ AtriuUl an ovoid chan} ber, passing into the atrial duct, which is lnuch ·convoluted and enclosed in the coolonJic sac, a chalnber surrounded by a nluscular sheath; terminal portion of the atrial duct evaginable as a penis The prostate, a solid Inass surrounding part of the vas deferens and most or all of the ventral and part of t.he dorsal surface of the- atriuJn, conlmunicntes ,vith and dis-cllarges into the atrium Sperlu-sac n1edian and dorsal, occupying vii and viii; ovisac in viii Sperll1athecre in vi; ampu}]u sac-like; ·duct narro,v, about, one-third the lengt.h of the anlpulla, opening to the exterior about the middle of t be length of the segulent Distribut'ion Benares; found li ving in tubes Aulodrilus stephensoni "Melu-a ] 922 Al~lod1'ilU8 stel?hens()ni, l\lehra, P Z S 1922, p 963, p.l iii, fig 13, text-tigs 8, Length 17'5 mm Segments 56 Dorsal setre begin in ii, ,3-9 per bundle, 2-3 hair satre and 1-6 needles; the needles singly pointed, short~r than the hairs, the nodulus distal (1 : 2) ,Tentrnl setre similar to tlle dorsal needles Penial setre the Inodified ventrnl setre of x, 1-2 per bundle, resembling those of A kashi Sperlllid.ucal c~amber very shallo,,', on x Spermathecal apertures OlllX Chtellum Includes segments x and xi Hearts in viii; later~l comIuissures throughout the body S~xunl organs three segments further back than in the' previous species; tpe peripheral portion of segment ix separated off by a partition, as that of vi i'n A kashi Re1nal'lcs Desoribed from a single specimen, found along with the last Distribution Benares ALPHABE'rlCAL INDEX All names printed in italics are synonyms abOl'ensis (Plutelllls), 171 aborianus (Eutypboous), 428 .Aca1~th()drilidlB, 479 Acantbodl'ilillre, 163 acanthodriloides (l\legascolex), ~28 achencoili (Glyphidrilus), 491 acyst-is (Perickceta), 298 ad ami (~{egascolex), 229 JEolosonla, 40, Eolosomatidre, 40 requalis (Nais paraguayensis v~r.), 62 requiseta (Pristina), 71 amnis (Benhamia), 471 affinis (Dichogas~er), 471 affinis (Dl'awida), 132 affinis (Erythrreodrilus Elnctorius val'.), 466 affi,n.is (Hoplocluetella), 466 a.f!iuis (llfegafcole:c), 309 amnis (Perionyx pokhrianus var.), 350 agnesre (Pontodl'ilus), 182 aitkeni (Benham,ia), 373 aitkeni (Octochretus), 373 aitkeni {Octochretus (Octocbretoides»; 373 alatus (Perionyx), 323 albida (Nais), 111 ulexandri (Amyntas), 291 nlexandri (Pheretima), 291 Allolobophorn, 498, 500, 50:!, 503, 504 Allolobopkora, 498, 501 Allur'lts, 498 Amyntas, 288 andamanensis (Phel'etima),292 andersoni (Eutyphreus), 442 audel'soni (Pheretima), 29:l anllaudalei (Chretogaster), 49 annandalei (Drawida), nrboricola (ferionyx), 326 are'tte (l'ontodrilns)t 180 armata (PericklBta), :!59 armat'lts (Megascolex), ~59 (Eudicho.ga5tel·), 40.5 a8pergillum (Pel'ichlBta), 30! Aulodrilus, 106; Au!ophorus, 90 ashwOl'thi 132 annanc1alei (Eutyphoous), 430 annandalei (Glyphidrilus), 4~1 annandalei (Megascolex), 282 annandalei (Mt»gascolides), 195 annandalei (Perionyckella), 324 annandalei (Perionyx), 324 annulatus (Perionyx), 325 anomala (HoplocltlBtella) , 458 anOlll ala (Phel'etima), 294 anomalus (Ery1brroodrilus), 458 appendiculata (Nail~), 82 nppendiculata (Slavina), 82 aquatilis (Pllltellus), 172 bakamensis (Drawida), 1.:12 halealnensis (Monili.qaster),142 bainii (Perionyx), 326 ba'rhadensis (Peric1tlBta), 301 bm'badensis (Pheretima), 300 barbadensis (Pheretir;na hawuyana subsp.),300 bnrkndensis (Enchytl'reus), 113 barkudensis (Eudichogaster), 40~ barkudensis (Nais paragunyensis Val".), 63 barkudensis (Octochretus), 373 barkudensis {Octocbretns (OctoclJretoides»,373 barodensis (Eudicbogaster) 409 banvelli (Drawida), 183 512 AL.PHA:BETIOAL bal"welli (Moniligaster), 133 bastian us (Eut.y pI HIm s), 442 beatrix (Octochretus), 376 beatrix (Oclochretus (Octochretoides)),37(i beddardii (ltloniligaster), 133 bengalense (~olosoma), Botbrioneurum, 102 bourllei (A1nyntas), :l96 bO'lt'l''JIei (Drnwida), 150 bournei (Drawida pellucida var.), 15.0 bournei (Drnwida peUucidus var.) 150 bournei (Moniligastc'r) , 150 bournei (Pm-icllteta), 296 bournei (Pheretima), 296 Brackiodril'lts, 74 brachycycla (Pe'rick~ta), 231 braehycyclus (Megascolex), 231 Bl'anchiodrilus, 74 Brancbiura, 98 breviseta (Naidium), 67 breviseta (Pristilla), 67 browni (Eupolygaster), 120 brunnea (Drawida), 134~ bulbosa (Fridericia), Ill burchardi (Drawida), 134 lyurkillii (Woodwardia), 185 burkilli (Woodwardia), 185 burliarensis (Perichteta) , 297 burlial'ensis (Pheretimn), 297 4L bengnlansis (Chreto- gaster), 49 bengalensis (Eudichogaster),410 bengalensi~ (EuLyphreus), 455 Benha1nia.,402 Benkarninte, 363 bergtheili (Megascolic1es), 196 (Pontobermudensis drilus), 189 bicincta (Pheretima), 294 bidens (Howtlscolex), 366 bifoveata(Hoplocntetella), 462 bifoveatus (Erythrreodrilus kempi var.), 46~ bifoveatus (.\'1 egnscolex), 230 Bilil1lba,490 Binlast,u~, 504 birmnnica (Periclueta), 295 birmanica (Pheretima), 295 birmanicus (A11t!Jlltas), 295 biserial'is (A11lyntas), 298 hiseriaUs (Pe1'ic}uet a), 298 bisfrialis (Pheret hno.), 298 bishanlbari (Eut.yphreus), 431 bisbalnbal'j (Oct()Clltet'lIS;, 398 bisbanlba)'j (Rnmiella), 398 bivaginata (Pericllteta) , 269 boeckii (Allo1obophorll), 503 bolaui (Dichognster), 472 bonaccordensis (J\fegu- scolex travnncorensis 'fnr.), 277 INDE~ crecn (Nais COlllluunis var.),57 creruleus (Megascolex), 23:! caliginosa (Al101obophOI'S), [)OU, 50) • culiginosa (Allolobophora(.A.Holobophora) ), f t.ypica, 500 caliginoS'us (Relod1-il1.ts), 501 caligillos'lls (He lodril21 s (Allolobophol"a)), f typica, 500 caliginos1.6s (Helodrilus (Allolobophora») (t!Jpictts),500 canlpa1l'lelata (Pe1'ichteta), 304 cam pf'ster (Megascolex), 233 cnrinellsis (Anzylltas), 297 cnl·ine~sis (P61'ic}ueta), 297 carinensis (Pheretima), 207 • cal'michaeli (Fridericia), 112 casteJlnnus (Octochretits), 376 cnstellanus (Octochretus (Octochretoides)),376 cay lanensis ( Crt/pto d1iluS), 206 ' ceylunensis (N otoscqlex), 206 ceylanensis (PerichfBta indica var.), 302 ceylanensis (Perionyx) 828 ce,1flonica (Pe1ichceta), 235 ceylonica (Perichteta indica var.), 302 • ceyloniclls (Megascolex), 235 Cluetoln-anckus, 74 Chretogaste.r, 47 chalakudiana (Drnwida), 135 cbaperi (Octochretus (Oetochret oides) ruaind roni var.),383 chaperi ( Octochretus maindroni var.), 383 cbittagongensis (Eudichogaster), 411 cllittagol1gian1.ts (Eutyphreus),434 chlol'ina (Drawida), 136 cblorina (Molliligaster), 136 cillg'ltlata (Peric/ueta), ~36 cingulatus (Megascolex), ~36 cochinensis (Megascolex» 237 cochinensis (~l egasco~ides), 198 crerulea (Pe1-ic}ueta), 232 creruleus (Megascolex), 232.256 Comai'odrilus, 189 comillahnus (Eutyphrells), 432 comm'unis (Nais), 55 constriQta (Allolobophora), 505 constl'icta (Allolobopbora(Bilnnstus),505 constrictus (Helod1-il'lls (Bimastus)), 505 corethrurus (Hownscolex), 367 513 AL1.>ltABE'l'!CAL iNDlilX cot'ethrnrns (Pontoscolex), 489 c)'assicystis (C1'.lJpto- drilus),207 crassieystis (Notoscolex) 207 era wi (Dichogaster), 474 crcscentt"ca (PerickfBta), 304 orescentica (Pheretima), 304 C"iodrili1lfE, 490 Oriodrilinre, 4U5 Criodrilus, 495 CryptodrilidfB, 470 clf,pulijera (Periclueta) , 300 eurgensis (DichogasLer), 474 curgensis (Megascolex), ~39 Curgia, 481 cu,rtus (Megascolex), 282 dambullaensis (Crypto- drilus), 207 dam bullaensis (N otoscolex), 207 dasi (Octochretus), 376 decipiens (Cryptod1'illts), 208 decipiens (Notoscolex), 208 decourcyi (Druwida), 1;36 Dendrobrel1u, 502 depressus (Perionyx), 328 Dero,87 flero,90 deshayesi (Mon iligaster), 121 DesIDogaster, 119 Dicboguster, 470 Dichogaster, 402 Diplocardiinoo, 468 Di porochreta, :315 fliporockfBta, 318 ditheca (Howascolex corethrurus f.), 368 dorire (DeslUogaster), 119 Drawida, 124 dubariensis (Plntellus), 173 dubius (Lampito), 240 dubius (Megascol~x), ?40 dllodecimalis (Megascolides), 198 duodecimalis (Spenceriella), 191 Eiseuia, 498 fretidu (Eisenia), 499 Eisenia, 498 j'tztidus (Helodrilus (Eisenia)), 499 f'ossu~ (Perionyx), 331 eiseni (Allolobnphora), 5U5 eiseni (Allolobophol'a (Bimastus»,505 Eiseniclla, 408 eiseui (Hetodrilus (Bimastu8 ), 505 elegans (Drawida), 137 elegaw; (Glyphidrilus), 491 elinguis (Nais), 58 elongata (PerichfBta), 298 elongat.a (Pheretium), 2u8 Emholocepkalus, 105 Ellchytl'reidre, 110 Encb}'trwus, 113 Eophila, 503 epltippiger (Pontodrilus), f'oveatlls 433 (Eutyphreus), fove~tus (Perionyx), 332 foveatus (T,ypkreus), 433 foveatus ( Typkrxu;s), 433 Fl'idericia, Ill friderici (Drawida), 138 friderici (Moniliqaster), 138 fulgidus (Eutyphreus ",nnandalei var.), 43v fulgidus (Eutyphams incommodus var.), 439 fulvus (Perionyx), 333 funis (Megascolex), 245 ,llwcata (lJero), 92 furcatus( Aulophorus) ,02, 180 epldppige1' (Pontodrilus bermudensis f.), 180 eqltiseta (Pristina), 71 ]~ yth)'reodrilus, 457 escherichi (l\legascolex), 241 Eudichognste)', 402 Eudritidce, 162, 485 Elldl'ilinre, 485 Eudrilus, 486 el1genire (Elldl'ilu.s), 486 eugenia (Eudrilus), 486 el1l1ephrus (Megascolex), 2-13 gammiei 434 (Eutyphreus), ,qa17lmii (Typhreus), 434 gammii (TypluJ!us), 434 ganeshre (Octochretus), 379 ganeshro (OctochroLllS (Octochootoides», 379 Geoscolicid

Ngày đăng: 20/07/2019, 09:50

