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Occurrence of an enteropneust hemichordate in the Mangrove Swamp of Sunderbans, India. Bhrigunath Singha atlti Amalesh Ohoudhury 1 Experimental studies on effectiveness of the predatory leech, GlosBipAonia. weberi in the biological control of vector snail Lymnaea luteola. B. K. Raut and, N. G. Nand, 5 Studies on the food preference and consumption of Rattu8 rattUB (Linnaeus) Rodentia: Muridae in captivity. B. Ohakraborty anrl R. Ohakraborty 21 A new Hemilea (Diptera : Tephritidae) from Meghalaya, India 0. Radhakri8n,a,n 2 7 Two new species of P8eudenaestes Lawrence (Coleoptera : Colydiidae) from India. T. K. PaZ 31 A note on the Odonata (Insecta) from Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, with description of a new species. M. Pra8ad ancl8. K. GhosT. 37 Remarks on twelve species of newly recorded Grasshoppers (Order Orthoptera) from West Bengal. H. K. Bkowmilc and p. Haldar 45 Note on a small collection of fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) from Meghalaya A. R. Labiri, 57 Ixodid tick (Acarina : Metastigmata) fauna of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 8. K.De ana A. K. Sanyal 59 Zoogeography of Loaches of the Superfamily Cobitoidea (Cobitidae and Homatopteridae). A. (}. K. Menon 65 Nematodes from West Bengal (India) XIV. On the occurrence of ectoparasitic Nematodes of Longidoroidea and Trichodoroidea (Dorylaimida), with remarks on the validity of genus Bid,diqia (Longidoridae). A. JaM ana Q. H. Baqri 75 The application of variance analysis for the comparison of Spatiotemporal variation in Freshwater Zooplankton. Ra8kid A. Khan 81 Ecological studies on the Amphibians of Gujarat. A. K. Sarkar 87 A note on the Marine Borers of Mangroves of Little Andaman, India. A. K. Das and M. K. DefJ Roy 95

@ Governm.~t of Publi8hed India, 1984 Decembar, 1984 Price: Rs 50·00 £ 6-50 S 10-00 PRINT~D IN INDIA BY THB BANI PRESS, 16 HEMENDRA SEN STllE'BT, AND PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR, ZOOL~GICAL SURVBY 01' INDIA, 006, CALCUTTA 700 012 CALCUTTA-100 BtiLLETiN OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA OONTENTS Occurrence of an enteropneust hemichordate in the Mangrove Swamp of Sunderbans, India -Bhrigunath Singha atlti Amalesh Ohoudhury Experimental studies on effectiveness of the predatory leech, GlosBipAonia weberi in the biological control of vector snail Lymnaea luteola -B K Raut and, N G Nand, Studies on the food preference and consumption of Rattu8 rattUB (Linnaeus) [Rodentia: Muridae] in captivity -B Ohakraborty anrl R Ohakraborty 21 A new Hemilea (Diptera : Tephritidae) from Meghalaya, India -0 Radhakri8""n,a,n Two new species of P8eudenaestes Lawrence (Coleoptera : Colydiidae) from India -T K PaZ 27 31 A note on the Odonata (Insecta) from Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, with description of a new species -M Pra8ad ancl8 K GhosT 37 Remarks on twelve species of newly recorded Grasshoppers (Order Orthoptera) from West Bengal -H K Bkowmilc and p Haldar 45 Note on a small collection of fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) from Meghalaya -A R Labiri, 57 Ixodid tick (Acarina : Metastigmata) fauna of Andaman and Nicobar Islands -8 K.'De ana A K Sanyal 59 Zoogeography of Loaches of the Superfamily Cobitoidea '(Cobitidae and Homato-A (} K Menon pteridae) 65 Nematodes from West Bengal (India) XIV On the occurrence of ectoparasitic Nematodes of Longidoroidea and Trichodoroidea (Dorylaimida), with remarks on the validity of genus Bid,diqia (Longidoridae) -A JaM ana Q H Baqri 75 The application of variance analysis for the comparison of Spatiotemporal variation in Freshwater Zooplankton -Ra8kid A Khan 81 -A K Sarkar 87 Ecological studies on the Amphibians of Gujarat A note on the Marine Borers of Mangroves of Little Andaman, India -A K Das and M K De'fJ Roy 95 A new Fly Nigritmnyia andamanen8i8 (Dipteta : Stratiomyidae) from the Andatnans -B O Das, R M Sharma and M Dev Roy 99 Studies on Indian Calanoids I Descr~ption of a new Oalanoid Copepod, Neodi ttp,tom/u8 tiw arii sp nov (Calanoida : Diaptomidae) from the Nilgiti District with Ecological observations -Tusharendu Roy 101 Report· on a collection of Orthopter'a (Insecta) from the districts of Purulia and Bankura, West Bengal, India -H K Bhowmik 109 [ iv ] On the occurrence of Haemogregarina nucleobi8ecan3 Shortt, 1917 in toads of West Bengal -R Ray Description of six new species of Spiders of the Families Clubionidae, Gnaphosidae and Salticidae from India -Bijan Bi8wa8 115 119 Description of two new species of Jumping Spiders of the genus Marpissa (Family: Salticidae) from India -Bijan Biswa8 and Kajal Bi8Was 129 Description of a new species of Spider (Araneidae : Laninia) from India -Bijan Biswas 133 New records of Host-Plants and distribution of some Coccids from India (Homoptera : Coccoidea) -R K Var8kney Additions to two species of Grasshoppers (Acrididae : Orthoptera) -H K Bkowmik and, p Halder 137 143 A new species of Trypanosome from an Indian Microhylid Frog, Kaloula p1tlchra taprobanica Parker -R Ray and, A Ohoudhury 151 Taxonomic status of the Indian subspecies of the Kelaart's Pipistrelle, Pipistrellu8 -J P Lal ceylonicus Kelaart [Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae] 159 A new freshwater fish of the genus Danio Hamilton (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Assam, India, with the key to the Identification of the Indian species of the subgenus Dania -R p Barman 163 Acro8Bocheilus manipuren8is sp nov (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Manipur, India -A K Datta, A K Karma1car and, Laishram 167 A new species of Treatia Krantz and Khot (Acari: Otophe Idomenidae) with a new record of Amblyseiu8 Berlese (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from India -Swaraj Ghai and S K Gupta 171 On variations of Heleopera sylvatica Penard (Protozoa: Hyalospheniidae) in India and its causative factors -K N Nair 177 On some collections of Cicadellids (Homoptera : CicadeUidae) -B Datta and Maya Dnar 181 On the status of some Digenetic Trematodes of Marine Fishes of India -M Hafeezullak 209 Notes on the study of three species of River Turtles in Orissa -B BiswM and L N Aoharjyo 219 Two new species of Oribatid Mites (Acari) from Darjeeling, India -B K Mondal and B G Kunilu 223 A new species of the genus lAremobelba, (Acari: Oribatei) from Darjeeling, West Bengal, India -B K MondaZ and B G Kunau 23\ [ v ] On a collection of Tetranychoid Mites from Tamil Nadu with description of a new species of Aponychu,8 (Acari: Tetranychidae) -Y N Gupta 237 Three small, little-known genera of Asilidae (Dlptera) from India -A N T Joseph and p Parui 247 Discovery of the genus Pentyrina Reitter (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from India with description of a new species -G N Baka 253 Occurrence of fossil Panthera pardu8 Linn from the Pleistocene deposits of Susunia, Bankura, Wes~ Bengal -K D Saku, S Banerjee and B Talukder 257 On a small collection of Stomatopoda (Crustacea) from Goa 261 -H O Ghosh Chromosomes of seven species of Aphids (Homoptera : Aphididae) -p p Kulkarni 267 On a giant-sized Chhirruh, Schizothoraichtkyt~ esocinU8 (Heckel) from Kashmir Valley (Schizothoracinae : Cypriniformes) -Raj T,lak 271 On a new species of N oemacheiZug (Pisces : Cobitidae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India -A K Datta and R p Barman 275 On the occurrence of Oreichtkys cosuatis (Ham.) in Kaziranga National Park, (Pisces: Cyprinidae) -Raj Tilak and, J p Sat; 279 On a new species of the genus Garra Hamilton (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Namdapha WUd Life Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India -A K Datta and R p Barman 283 Contribution to the study of Bagrid Fishes 17 The history and usage of the name "Mystus" -K O Jayaram and Ohalcrabarti A 289 On an abnormal catfish Myst'U8 vittatua (Bloch, 1794) (Pisces: Bagridae) with a forked Maxillary Barbel -M Babu, !lao and Y Siva Reddy 295 On the habitat and morphology of Maooma (Paammotreta) ala (Hanlev) (Mollusca: Bivalvia, Tellinidae) -K O Bose and A Dey 297 A note on the distribution of the little Indian field Mouse, M'U8 booduga (Gray) [Rodentia; Muridae], with an Altitudinal record -Ajoy Kumar Mandal 301 Shore Oommunication New name for Liothrip8 lorane"" Muraleedharan & Sen (Thysanoptera: Tubulifera : Phlaeothripidae) -8 Sen 305 Some new records of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Tripura -B, Mat16ew 307 [ vi ] Pipistrellu8 oeglonicu8 ckry8otkri,a; -J P LaZ and, D K Bi8was 309 Ufination by the Little Indian Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolopku8 lepidu8 Blyth, on intruders -J, p LaZ and D K, Biswas 311 A record of the Indian Flying Fox, Pteropu~ giganteu8 (Briinnich) in Sikkim -D K Ghosal and R K Gkose 313 Parental care in the Kelaart's (W roughton) Pipistrelle, Recent occurrence of the Haspid Hare, Oaprolagu8 kispid'lJ,s (Pearson), in -B K Ghose, D K Gkosal 315 Myriapods as the food of common garden Lizard, Oalote8 ver8icolor (Daudin) -Sf Ahmed 317 Record of PU8ana laevi8 (Uvarov) (Insecta: Orthoptera : Acrididae) from the -H K Bhowmilc, P, Haldar ani/, 8, Sur Himalayas 319 A case of albinism in the five-striped Palm Squirrel Funambulu8 pennanti Wroughton -Y Okaturvedi ana A K Gho8e 321 New records of Zoocecidia from Andaman Islands, India -B M Sharma 323 -S, Biswa8 325 Report on the Marine Wood Borers from the Mangroves of Neil, Havelock and Peel islands, Ritchie's Archepelago, Andaman, India -A K Das, M K Dev Roy 327 Defensive behaviour of the House Shrew, SunCU8 murinU8 (Linnaeus) towards -Ajoy Kumar MandaZ House Crow, OorVU8 8plenden8 Vieillot 331 Aggressive behaviour of the House Shrew, SunCU8 murinU8 (Linnaeus) towards Domestic Cat -D K Biswa8, Ajoy Kumar MandaZ 333 Studies on the Land Snail Gles8ula gemma (Reeve) [Mollusca; Gastropoda]-I growth rate -N V Subba Rao, S K Raut, S O Mitra 335 A case of Hyalomma Tick infestation in man -N O Nandi and S K De 337 Aleuror,anthu8 rugosa Singh (Aleyrodidae: Insecta) in -Sf K Raut and N O Nandi 339 In-vitro development of Daphnia lumholtzi Sars (Cladocera; Daphniidae) -Sumita Sharma, B K Skarm~ and R G Michael 341 Occurrence of the tail-less fruit Bat, M egaerops ecaudatus (Temminck, 1837), in Namdapha, Tirap District, Arunachal Pradesh: An addition to the Indian -Subhendu Sekhar Saha Fauna (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Pteropodidae)

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2019, 13:52

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