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A Catalogue of New Taxa Desc~ibed by the Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India During 19161991

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OCCASIONAL PAPER No 208 RECORDS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA A Catalogue of New Taxa Desc~ibed by the Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India During 1916-1991 AMALENDU DAS Zoological Survey of India, 13th Floor, Nizam Palace, Kolkata-700 020 Edited by the Director, Zoological Survey of India Zoological Survey of India Kolkata CITATION Amalendu Das, 2003 A Catalogue of New Taxa described by the Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India during 1916-1991 Ree zool Surv India, Dec Paper No 208 : 1-530 (Published by the Director, Zool Surv India, Kolkata.) Published : March, 2003 ISBN 81-85874-93-X - © Govt of India, 2003 ALL RIGHT RESERVED • No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, phtocopying, recroding or other wise without the prior permission of tt:le publisher • This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be lent, re-old hired out or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published • The correct price of this publication is the price printed on this page Any revised price indicated by a rubber stamp or by a sticker or by any other means is incorrect and should be unacceptable Price India : Rs 700.00 Foreign : $ 50; £ 30 Published at the Publication Division by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, 234/4, Ale Bose Road, 2nd MSO Building, (J 3th Floor), Nizam Palace, Kolkata-700 020 and printed at East India Photocomposing Centre, 69, Sisir Bhaduri Sarani, Kolkata-7.00 006 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to take this opportunity to express my indebtedness and sincere thanks to Dr J R B Alfred, Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, for his constant encouragement, providing facilities to complete this work My sincere thanks are also due to Dr A K Ghosh, Ex-Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, for his kind permission to take up this work and also to Dr R K Varshney, Addl Director (Retd.), for providing me necessary guidence I express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr G K Srivastava, Addl Director (Retd.), Dr S K Mitra, Dr Q H Baqri, Dr A K Das, Dr A K Sanyal, Dr T K Pal, Dr G C Rao, Dr Bijan Biswas, Dr M Datta, Dr L K Ghosh and Dr Surya Rao and others for their help, offering me many valuable suggestions and doing necessary correction of the manuscript My sincere thanks are also due to all the Officers-in-Charge of the Regional Stations, who have extended their hand of co-operation, without which this work would have been impossible I wish to record my gratitutde and sincere thanks to Shri M Z Ansari, Asstt Zoologist (Retd.), Officer-in-Charge, Documentation Section, who has helped me in various ways during the course of preparation of this Catalogue I also want to acknowledge my deep and heartfelt thanks to Shri Asim Chakraborti and Shri P Parui, for their assistance in every step of preparation of this Catalogue My sincere thanks are due to Shri Rati Ram, Publication Production Officer, Publication Section, for providing all facilities to publish this "CATALOGUE of NEW TAXA" My thanks are also due to Shri Kumar Naskar for typing out a part of this manuscript Amalendu Das ABBREVIATIONS USED Dist District Loc Locality nr near m metre Mt Mountain fms fathoms Is Island E East W West N North S South N.W north west S.W south west C Central M Middle U Upper L Lower Stn Station Div Division Univ University Syn Synonym s sp nov ssp subsp nov g gt!l nov sg subgen f fame nov sf subfam nov * ** Outside India + Changed generic name Preoccupied generic name Records of the Zoological Survey of India Occasional Paper 2003 No 208 1-530 CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION I II CLASSIFIED NEW TAXA 1-406 CLASSIFICATION Kingdom PROTISTA Subkingdom Phylum Phylum Phylum PROTOZOA I SARCOMASTIGOPHORA 1-5 APICOMPLEXA \ 5-8 MYXOZOA Phylum CILIOPHORA 9-12 Kingdom ANIMALIA Phylum PORIFERA 12 Class CALCISPONGIAE 12 Class DEMOSPONGIAE 12-15 Phylum CNIDARIA (COELENTERTA) 15 Class Class Phylum Class HYDROZOA 15-17 SCyPHOZOA· 17 PLATYHELMINTHES 17 TURBELLARIA 18 Class TREMATODA 18 Subclass MONOGENEA 18-19 Subclass DIGENEA 19-26 Class CESTODA 26-29 Phylum GASTROTRICHA 29-30, 396 Phylum NEMATHELMINTHES 31-46, 396-398 Phylum ACANTHOCEPHALA 46-49 Phylum SIPUNCULA 49, 398 Phylum MOLLUSCA 49-81 VI PAGE NO Class POLYPLACOPHORA ~ 49 Class GASTROPODA 49-66 Class BIVALVIA 66 80 Class CEPHALOPODA 80 Phylum ECHIURA 81 Phylum ANNELIDA 81-88 Class OLIGOCHAJ3,TA 81-87 Class POLYCHAETA 87-88 Class ARCHIANNELIDA 88 Phylum ARTHROPODA 88-348 Class CRUSTACEA 88-128 Subclass BRANCHIOPODA 88 Order ANOSTRACA 88 Order NOTOSTRACA 88 Order CONCHOSTRACA 88-89 Order CLADOCERA 89-91 Subclass OSTRACODA 91 Order PODOCOPIDA 91-94 Subclass COPEPODA 94 Order CALANOIDA 94-98 Order HARPACTICOIDA 99-105 Order CYCLOPOIDA 105-107 Subclass BRANCHIURA 107-108 Subclass CIRRIPEDIA 108 Order THORACICA 108 Subclass MALACOSTRACA 109 Order ISOPODA " 109-113 Order AMPHIPODA 113-114 Order DECAPODA 114-127 Order STOMATOPODA 127-128, 398 Class INSECTA 128-280 Order DIPLURA ~ 128 Order THYSANURA THYSANURA 128 Order COLLEMBOLA 128-131 Order EPHEMERO~ERA 131-133 VII PAGE NO Order ODONATA 133-135 Order PLECOPTERA 135 Order ORTHOPTERA 135-140, 398-400 Order DERMAPTERA 140-153,400 Order EMBIOPTERA 153 Order DICTYOPTERA 153-154 Order ISOPTERA 154- 163 Order PSOCOPTERA 163-165 Order PHTHIRAPTERA (Mallophaga) 165 Order HEMIPTERA 166- 191 Suborder HOMOPTERA 166-183 Suborder Order Order Order HETEROPTERA 183-191 THYSANOPTERA 191-194 NEUROPTERA 194-197, 401 COLEOPTERA ~ 197-234,401 Order SIPHONAPTERA 234 Order DIPTERA 234-268, 401-402 Order LEPIDOPTERA 269-270 Order TRICHOPTERA 270 Order HYMENOPTERA Class CHILOPODA u 06 • • • • • • 270-280 280-281 Class ARACHNIDA 281-348 Order SCORPIONIDA : 281-283 Order PEDIPALPIDA 283 Order PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA 284 Order ACARINA 284-306,402-405 Order ARANEAE 306-348, 405-406 Phylum PHORONIDA 348 Phylum BRYOZOA (Ectoprocta) 348-349 Phylum CHAETOGNATHA 349 Phylum ECHINODERMATA 349 Phylum CHORDATA 349-395 Subphylum UROCHORDATA (Tunicata) ~ 349 Class LARV ACEA 349-350 Subphylum CEPHALOCHORDATA 350 VIII PAGE NO Class Subphylum Class Class Class LEPTOCHORDII 350 VERTEBRATE 350-395 PISCES ~ 350-385 AMPHIBIA 385-388 REPTILIA 388-390 Class AVES 391-393 Class MAMMALIA 393-395 III NEW TAXA TO ADDENDUM,:-I 396-406 IV TAB LE-I 407 -41 V REFERENCES 411-500 VI REFERENCES TO ADDENDUM-II 501-502 VII INDEX TO FAMILY NOV and SUBFAMILY NOV 503 VIII INDEX TO GENERA 504-530 I INTRODUCTION Since the inception of Zoological Survey of India on 1st July, 1916 the scientists of ZSI have been carrying out taxonomic studies on different animal groups and described many new taxa in various Indian and foreign journals based on taxonomic studies of both Indian and foreign material Since published literature pertaining to these new taxa are very much scattered an effort has been made to prepare a catalogue of these new taxa which have been described by the ZSI scientists during July 1916 to June 1991, covering a period of 75 years The catalogue deals with 3929 new taxa comprising 10 family nov., 12 subfamily nov., 216 genus nov., 29 subgenus nov and 3662 species and subspecies nov., out of which 696 new taxa belong to foreign countries, comprising family nov., subfamily nov., 42 genus nov., subgenus nov and 637 species/subspecies nov The summary of these new taxa is presented in a Table (Table 1) for the convenience and quick perusal of the readers New taxa published in the year 1991 and others omitted in the catalogue have been included in ADDENDUM-I & II The taxa have been arranged according to the Zoological classification by Parker (1982) The title of the papers are arranged authorwise under each phylum and a detail of 75 years classified account of new taxa with Type localities of different animals from Protozoa to mammalia have been put together, which is expected to have immense value and will be useful to the scientists and research scholars of various institutions in India and abroad The original name of the new taxa have been maintained through out the manuscript The synonyms and current status of the species are also provided, wherever necessary The number in bracket in bold latter on the right side of each new taxa refer to the serial number of references II CLASSIFIED NEW TAXA Kingdom A Subkingdom I Phylum PROTISTA PROTOZOA SARCOMASTIGOPHORA Class ZOOMASTIGOPHOREA Order HYPERMASTIGIDA Family HOLOMASTIGOTIDAE I Holomastigotoides emersoni Das, 1976 (4) Type Loc : INDIA: WEST BENGAL: S 24 Parganas, Falta 1976 Acta Protozool., 15(2):105 Holomastigotoides hollandi Das, 1976 (4) Type Loc : INDIA: WEST BENGAL: N 24 Parganas, Barrackpore 1976 Acta Protozool., 15(2) : 103 516 Rec zool Surv India, Occ Paper No 208 Kotegeharia Kraemericus 84 374 KRISHNIERIELLA (n gen.) 278 Kryptopterus 381 L Labeo Labidocera Labidostoma Labienus Labiocapritermes Labronemella Labulla Lacconectus (s str.) Lachnus Laeccophilus 359 97 285 206 162 397 323 201 168 201 LAGUVIA (n gen.) 384 Laimydorus Lamellidens Lanceonotus 34, 35, 397 72 180 LANGIA (n gen.) 103 Laophontina Laphria Larinia Lasiochilus Lasioptera Lasioseius Laterorchites Lathridius Latona Latonopsis Latreutes Leander Lecithocladium 104 LECYTHOCONCHA (n gen.) Leiocassis 247, 248 309 184 239 287 28 223 91 91 ) 16 119 22 60 379 Leiognathus 374 LEIOMENE (n gen.) 377 Lema Lembos Lemdana Lennogaster Lensia Leof Lepas Lephthyphantes Lepidocampa (Lepidocampa) Lepidocephalichthys Lepidocephalus Lepidocephalus (Syn.) Leptastacus Leptaulax Leptestheria Leptochirus (Strongylochirus) Leptocimex Leptopharynx Lepturichthys Lestes Lestodiplosis Lestremia Leucauge Leucocytozoon" Leucopis Leucosia Leucospis Leucothoe Liba Lichenomima Lima (Lima) Lima (Limaria) Lima (Limatula) Limnaea Limnaea (Pseudosuccinea) Limnocletodes Limopsis Linstowiella 231 113 44 84 1-6, 11 176 108 323 128 352 352, 353 352 100 206 89 204 184 10 363 134 239 239 309,310 261 118 277 114 149 165 70 10 70 51,52 S2 100 69 4S DAS : A catalogue of new taxa during /916-/991 517 • Linyphia Liodrassus Liomyrmex Liothrips Liparura Liponyssoides Lissocarcinus Lissonema Lithacrosiphon Lithoglyphus Litoterphus Livalia Lobonemoides Lobopteromyia Lobus Loligo Lonchoptera LONGlTEREBATES (n subgen.) Longtarsus Lorryia Loxoblemmus Loxosceles Lucicutia Lutica L YCASTONEREIS (n gen.) 323 317 271 192, 193 151 292 124 43 398 55 276 231 17 239 401 80 259,260 275 231 404 136 334 96 347, 348 87 Lychas (Alterotrichus) 282 282 Lychas (Endotrichus) 390 Lycodon 324,325,326 Lycosa 79 Lyonsia 80 Lyonsiella 20 Lypersomum (Lypersomum) 231 Lypnea 327 Lyssomanes 26,27 Lytocestoides 226 LyUa M Mabuya 390 Macandrewella Machimus Macrocheles Macrodasys Macrolinus Macronemurus MACRONOIDES (n gen.) Macrosiphoniella Macrosiphum Macrosiphum (Sitobion) Macrosteles Maculifer Madasumma Madiza Maera Maevia MAGNENTIUS (n gen.) Maira 98 248,249 292 30, 396 207 196 379 168 168 168 176 25 398264 113,114 330 176 249, 250 MALABICA (n gen.) 211 MALAGA SALUS (n gen.) 207 MALINICA (n gen.) 211 MALLEHULLA (n gen.) 84 Malletia Manningia Margariit9thrips Marpissa Mastacembelus Mastochilus (Pharochilus) 66 127 193 331,332 370 207 MAULIKA (n gen.) Maupasella Mazocraeoides Mazocraes Medalinema 232 11 18 18 37 Rec zool Surv India, Occ Paper No 208 518 Mediorhynchus Megalaima Megalestes Megamyrnnecion Megoura 47 392 133 317 168 MEHDINEMA (n gen.) 37 MEHRARHYNCHUS (n gen.) 49 Meijerella Meinertomyia Melanagronnyza Melae Melania Melanoides Melanoides (Melanoides) Melanopsis Meliscawa Merista Merochlorops Merodontina Mescoelium Mesonoemacheilus Mesothrips Mesotritia Meta Metaphelenchus Metapone Metepeina 264 239 261, 262 226 58,59 59 59 59 260 232 401, 402 250 19 353 193 305 310 31 271 310 Microcerata Microceroternnes Microchironomus Microcreagris Microdiplosis Microdytes Microgamme Microhyla Micromyia Micromyzus Micronecta Micronecta (Dichaetonecta) Microphallus Microphis 239 159 234 284 239 201 223,224 386 239 168 189 189 24 369 359 MICRORASBORA (n gen.) Microstylum Microtermes Microvelia Millardia Miltochrista Mimemodes Minous Misospatha Misumena Misumenoides Misumenops 250,251 159 189, 190 394 269 211 378 239 337,338 338, 339 339 MIXOHYBOELLA (n gen.) 399 METEROCOROPSIS (n gen.) 189 MIXOMICROMUS (n gen.) 195 Metiochodes Metopolophium Metopus Metrocoris Miagrammopes Micaria Michotamia 136 190 347 317 250 MICRAPOCRYPTES (n gen.) 373 Micrixalus 386 Modicogryllus Modiolus Moina Mollitrichosiphum (Metatrichosiphon) MolJitrichosiphum (Moll itrichosiphum) Monaeses Monanus (Monanops) Monascus Monobazus Montacuta 136 70 91 169 169 339 214 22 176 74 168 II DAS : A catalogue of new taxa during 1916-1991 519 Montacuta (Myella) Morasia Mus Musca (Pseudomusca) Muttioppia Myadora Mycale 74 35 395 268 305 79 14 Neocamallanus Neocatolaccus 44 278 NEOCENTRUS (n gen.) 181 Neochalcis Neoechinorhynchus Neocollyris 277 48 197 MYERSGLANIS (n gen.) 384 NEOCOPTOTETHIX (n gen.) 140 Mylabris Mylonchulus Myonera 226, 227 39 79 MYOPILUMNUS (n gen.) 126 Myopsocus Myotolepis Myremeleon Myricomyia Myrmarachne Mystus (Mystus) Myxobolus 165 29 196 240 332 379 Neocunaxoides Neocypholaelaps Neodacty lopus Neodiaptomus Neodiplostomum NEODIXOTHRIPS (n gen.) 194 Neogaster 149 NEOHOLOPOGON (n gen.) 251 Neoitamus NEOLALLUM (n gen.) N Nabis Namalycastis Nannisolabis 187 88 145 NANNOCAMPICHTHYS (n gen.) 369 160, 161 Nasutitermes 77, 78 Nausitora 279 Neanastatus 66,67 Neilonella 363, 364, 365 Nemachilus 225 Nematidium 137 Nemobiodes 36 Neoactinolaimus Neoacyrthosiphon (Neoacyrothosiphon) 169 Neoacyrthosiphon (Pseudoacyrthosiphon) 169 169 Neobetulaphis 285 287,403 105 95,96 20 243, 251 28 NEOLAPETHUS (n gen.) 217 Neolasioptera 240 NEOLESTREMIA (n gen.) 240 Neolobogynium Neomachtherus 289 252 NEOPAGURUS (n gen.) 127 NEOPLATYNECTUS (n subgen.) 201 NEOPTERYGIDA (n gen.) 151 Neoscona Neotermes 310 154, 155 NEOTHALAMITA (n gen.) 124 Nephila Nephridiacanthus 310 48 520 Rec zool Surv India, Occ Paper No 208 Nephus Neptosternus Neritina Nerocila Nerthus Netelia Neurogenia Neuroleon NICHOLLSIA (n gen.) Nigritomyia Nigronirmus Nihonogomphus Ninus Nirvana Nitocra Nodocion Noemacheilus Noodliella Nothocriconema Notocoty Ius Notodromus Notopteroides Nucula Nucula (Nucula) Nuculana Nuculana (1 Ledella) Nuculana (Nuculana) Nuculana (Poroleda) Nuculana (Thestyleda) 220 201 50 112 186 275 275 196, 197 112 242 165 134 186 176 99 317 365, 366, 367 103 40 24 93 46 68 68, 69 67 67 67 68 68 NUKTA (n subgen.) 359 Nusa Nychia Nyctibatranchus Nyctixalus 252 188 387 388 Oceanapia Ochotona Octodiplosis 15 394 240 OCTONOCHAETA (n gen.) 85 Ocypoda 118 ODINADIPLOSIS (n gen.) 240 Odonteucoila Odontotermes Oecobius Oedignatha Oenopia Oesophagostomum OILEOIDES (n gen.) Oithona Okiseius Oldroydia Olelaelaps Oligoaeschna Oligodon Oligolepis Oligonychus Oligotoma Olios Ommatius Ommatobrephus Oncomelania Oniscopsis Oniticellus Onthophagus Onychogomphus Onychotrechus Ope as Opegaster Ophidascaris Ophiocelaeno Ophiocephalus Ophiola Ophrygonius Ophthalmophagus Oppia Oratosqui II a Orbione Orectochilus 280 161, 162 327 406 221 40 207 107 297,405 252 291 135 390 372 286 153 322 252,253,254,255 24 55,56 104 209 209,210 134 190 58 24 42 289 351 176, 177 207 20 305 128 110 202 DAS : A catalogue of new taxa during 1916-1991 Orinithoctonus Orius (Heterorius) Oriverutus Ornebius Orolestes Orosius Orseoliella Orthaltica Orthochirus Orthogonis Oscinella Oscinimorpha Osphybothosus 334 185 36, 397 137 134 177 240 231,232 282 207 264 265 18 521 Palaemonella Palaemonetes Paleosepharia Palingenia Palingenia (Anagenesia) Pal pares Paludomus Panagralaimus Paraamblyseius 121 121 232 133 133 401 59 39 297 PARAASCODIPTERON (n subgen.) 268 Parabolocratus Paracalanus 177 96 OSTEOBAGRUS (n subgen.) 379 PARACAMAROTA (n gen.) 402 Osteobrama 359 PARACLYPEUS (n subgen) 201 OSTEOCHILICHTHYS (n subgen.) 359 Osteochilus Ostrincola Otostigmus Otus Oulema Oxylobus Oxymonas Oxyopes Oxyptila Oxyspirura (Cramispirura) Oxytelopsis Oxytricha Oxyurella Oxyurichthys 359 106 280 391 232 198 328, 329 339, 340 46 205 12 91 373 p Pachylabra Pachylaelaps Pachytomus Paederus Paederus (Pseudopaederus) Palaegyge Palaemon 57 293 276 205 205 110, 111 119, 120, 121 Paracryptogonimus Paractaea Paractinolaimus Paradasys Paradohrnia Paradoxurus Paraechinus Paraeuchaeta PARAFOSSARULUS (n subgen.) Parafossarulus Paragry lIodes Parahemiurus Paralabis 20 126 32 29 151, 152 394 393 96 54 54 137 22, 23 145, 146 PARALACCONECTUS (n gen.) 201 PARALATREUTES (n gen.) 116 Paralepas Paraleptomesochra 108 99 PARALIBAVIUS (n gen.) 187 Paralimnus Paralongidorus Paramacrochiron 177 33 106 Rec zooI Surv India, Occ Paper No 208 522 PARAMACROLECTITHUS (n gen.) 19 PARATAGES (n gen.) 149 Paramazocraes 19 Paratan ytarsus Paratelphusa (Barytelphusa) Paratelphusa (Paratelphusa) Paratimomenus 235 124 124 152 PARATITANOLABIS (n gen.) 146 PARAMEIJERELLA (n gen.) 402 PARAMERISTASPIS (n gen.) 302 Parameschra Paramesodes Paranamixis Parapandalus Paraphanolaimus Paraphytoseius (Tropieoseius) Parapilumnus 99 177 113 123 31 297 126 PARAPLATYNECTUS (n subgen.) 201 PARAPLEUROCRYPTA (n gen.) 111 Paraplotes Parapronematus 232 404 PARAPROSOSTHENIA (n gen.) 56 Paraprososthenia (Parapyrgula) 56 PARAPSEUDECHENEIS (n gen.) 384 Parapseudoleptomesochra 99 PARAPYRGULA (n subgen.) 56 Pararenosetella Paratrichosiphum Paraturbanella Paratya Parayasa Pardosa Parendaeustes Pareuglypha Parevansula Parhomoloptera Parieterotaenia Parosmylus Parus Paryphostomum Parreyssia Pasias Pasilobus Passalus Patella (Patellidea) Paternus Paussus Pediaeus 169 30,396 114, 115 181 326, 327 137 99 367 29 194 393 21 71 340 311 207,208 50 177 197 213 103 PEGOTHRIPS (n gen.) PARASILORHYNCHUS (n gen.) 368 Parasilorhynchus (Syn.) 368 PARASITODES (n gen.) 177 Parasitus 293 PARASONDAX (n gen.) 152 PARASPHAERICHTHYS (n gen.) 371 Parasteatonyssus Parastcnhelia Paratac hard ina 292 104 183 Peleeinotus Pellogaster Pentanchus (Parapristurus) Pentapedilum Perieapritermes Perieharax Perielimenes (Aney loearis) Perielimenes (Perielimenes) Perionyx Peripsoeus Perl odes Perittopus 194 140 85 370 235 158, 162 12 121, 122 122, 123 86, 87 163, 164 135 190 DAS : A catalogue o/new taxa during /9/6-1991 Petalocephala Petaurista 177 395 PETRUICHTHYS (n subgen.) 367 Petrus Peucetia Phaeocedus Pharoscymnus Phidippus Philautus Philodicus Philodromus Philoscia Phlogiodes Phlogotettix Pholcus Phoronis Phragmataecia Phrynocephalus PHYCOCARIS (n gen.) Phy llhermann ia Phyllobothrium Phyllopodopsyllus Phyllotreta Physaloptera Physastra Physopleurella Physoschistura Physunio Phytoseius (DubinineIlus) Phytoseius (Pennaseius) Phytoseius (Phytoseius) Picus Pila 376 329 317,318 221 332, 333 387, 388 255,401 340,341 112 334 178 329 348 269 389 116 304 29 104, ]05 232 46 53 185 353 72 297, 298 299 297, 298, ,299 392 57 PILLAIA (n gen.) 375 PILOROSTRIS (n gen.) 169 Pilumnus 126, ]27 523 Pinnotheres Pinniwallago Pipistrellus Pisaura Piscoides Pisidium Pisodonopsis Pistius Placonotus Plagiorchis Plagiotoma PLANODASYS (n gen.) 123, 124 381 393 330 392 75 350 341 213 26 11 30 Planorbis Plantambus Platolenes Plator Platycephala Platylepas Platylabia Platymetopius Platyseius Platythomisus 53 202 229 330 265 ]08]46 178 287 341 PLATYTROPIUS (n gen.) 380 Plea Pelecinotus Pleciobates Plectus Plesiphrictus Plumatella (Afrindella) Plumatella (Hyalinella) Plutellus Podocinum Poecilochora 188 140 19] 32 334, 335 348 348 82 301 318 POGONOTUS (n gen.) 181 Polenchus Polistes 398 270 Rec zool Surv India, Occ Paper No 208 524 277 311 132 194 97 123 lIS 208 112 79, 80 80 42,43 ISS 124 124 12S 202 202 393 280 205 205 205 Pol istomorpha Poltys Polymitarcys Polyphemothrips Pontellopis Pontonia Pontophilus Popilius Porcellia Poromya (Cetoconcha) Poromya (Poromya) Porrocaecum Postelectrotennes Potamon (Geotelphusa) Potamon (Patamiscus) Potamon (Potamon) Potamonectes Potamonectes (s str.) Presby tis Prestwichia Priochirus (Cephalornerus) Priochirus (Piastus) Priochirus (Plastus) PRIONOCANDONA (n gen.) 93 Prismatolaimus 38 269 PROACI1AS (n gen.) Probopyrus Procryptotermes Proctolaelaps Proctophyllodes Prodorylaimus 111 155 287, 288, 289 303 35 PROEUTROPICHTHYS (n gen.) 380 PROGASTROMYZON (n gen.) 361 Prolas~tera Promachus Pronematus Propalticus Proprioseius 241 255, 256 PROPSEUDECHENEIS (n gen.) 384 Proreus Prorhinotermes Proscyllium Prosotocus Prosthogonimus Protanura Protohermes 150 156 369 23 26 130 401 PROTOMYZON (n gen.) 361 Protoopalina 14 PROTORASPAILIA (n gen.) Protosilvanus 214 PRUTHIDIPLOSIS (n gen.) 241 Psalydolytta Psammastacus Psammoecus Psammotermes Psechrus Pseudan thessi us Pseudaspidimerus Pseudendes les Pseudione Pseudocaecolius Pseudocapri terrnes Pseudochaleis Pseudocrocodilicola Pseudocyclops Pseudodiaptomus Pseudodiplostomum Pseudogaurax 227 100 214,215 156 330 106, 107 221 225 111 164 162 277 26 107 97,98 21 265 PSEUDOMACROHIRON (n gen.) 107 PSEUDOMERODONTINA (n gen.) 256 PSEUDOMUSCA (n subgen.) 268 PSEUDOMYSTUS (n subgen.) 379 287 225 299 Pseudonenia (Pseudonenia) 64 DAS : A catalogue of new taxa during 1916-1991 525 PSEUDONOMBA (n gen.) 265 RAOGOBIUS (n gen.) PSEUDONUSA (n gen.) 256 RAOSENTIS (n gen.) Pseudoparasitus 291 Rasbora Rattus Recilia Regillus 360 395 178 342 RENUKA (n gen.) 211 PSEUDOSALINA (n gen.) Pseudaspidimerus Pseudostomella PSEUDOSYBARIS (n gen.) PSEUDOTHORACAPHIS (n gen.) PSEUDOTRICAPUS (n gen.) 129, 130 221 30 227, 228 169 275,276 Pseudovermis Psilorhynchus Psittacula Psococerastis Psylla Psylloneura Pteria 63 368 391 164 183 163 70 PTEROKROHNIA (n gen.) 349 Pterotricha Ptychostomum Pullus Puntioplites (Syn.) 318 10 221 354 360 25 ~untius Pycnadena PYGMAEONASSA (n gen.) 63 Pyrsonympha Pyrula 55 RIVULARIOIDES (n subgen.) R Rachodrassus Raillietina (Paroniella) Ramiella Rana Rana (Paa) Ranatra Raninoides Reticuli termes Rhabdochona (Globochona) Rhabdometra Rhabdophaga Rhabditis (Indorhabditis) Rhacophorus Rhadinorhynchus Rhantus Rhantus (s str.) Rhene Rhinoptera Rhizophagus Rhodesiella Rhombopsis Rhopalosiphoninus Rhopalosiphonium Rhynchocinetes Rhynchoplax Rhyncobedella Rhysida Ringicula Riopa 318 27 85 386, 387 387 187 125 Robertgurneya Robertsonia Rodolia Rohtee Rollogaster Ropalidia Runcinia 373, 374 48 156 46 29 241 39 388 49 202 202 333 377 211,212 265, 266 178 170 170 125 117 370 281 53 390 60 101 101 221 360 85 270 342 Rec zoo1 Surv India, Occ Paper No 208 526 S Saevadorella Salarias Salina Salmostoma Salticus Sandracattus Saphirella SAPTADANTA (n gen.) Sarcosolomonia (Parkerimyia) Saropogon Sastragala 397 371 130 360 333 202 ·105 57 268 256 186 SATARACYPRIS (n gen.) 94 SATARIA (n gen.) 54 SAWBWA (n gen.) 361 Scadra Scambicomus Scaperipedus Scaphiodon Scaphoideus Scapsipedus Scapteriscus Scelio Schedorhinotermes Scheloribates Schenklingia Schistometra Schistorchis Schizaspidia Schizodiplatys Schizodiplogynium Schizomus Schizomyia Schizopera Schizotetranychus Schizothorax Sciaena 187 107 137 361 178 137, 138 135 280 156 305 232 27 26 278 J43 289 283 241 101 286 361 376 Sclerocypris Sclerolabia Scleropterus Scoloposcelis Scombroclupea Scopodes Scorpaenodes Scorpiops Scorpiops (Euscorpiops) Scorpiops (Scorpiops) Scottocalanus Scotophaeus Scottiola Scottolana Scyliorhinus (Halaelurus) Scymnus Scytodes Segmentina Seinura Seira Sejus Selenocephalus Selenops Semiplotus Semisulcospira SENISETOTARSAPHIS (n gen.) Septaria Serenius Sergiolus Sericocampsomeris Serrasentis Sesarma (Parasesarma) Sessiluncus SEWELLESTHERIA (n gen.) 94 397 139 185 351 318 378 283 283 283 98 318,319 138 100 370 221 334 53 31 130 302 178 334 361 59 170 SO 127 319 271 49 116 302 89 SEWELLIA (n gen.) 362 Sicaguttur Sicameria Sicyopterus 37 99 374 DAS : A catalogue of new taxa during 1916-1991 Sicyopterus (Syn.) Silonia (Syn.) 374 381 SILONOPANGASIUS (n gen.) 381 Silurus Silvanoprus Silvanopsis Silvanus Simalio Simocephalus Simulium Simulium (Eusimulium) Simulium (Gomphostilbia) Simulium (Odagmia) Simulium (S.) Simulium (Simulium) Singa 381 215 215 215 406 90 235 236 236 236 236 236, 237 311 SINGHIKALIA (n gen.) 222 Sirtomegoura 170 SINONOV ACULA (n gen.) Siphuncu Ii na Sisypus Sitobion Sjostedtia Smaragdia Solamen Solariella Solecithrix Solindenia Sosticus Spadotettix Spaniocelyphus Spanurus Speculitermes Sphaerium Sphaerochthonuis Sphaerophoria Sphenanthias Spilochalcis 76 266 210 170 140 50 70 50 98 279 319,320 399 261 256 162, 163 75 306 260 374 277, 278 527 SPINAPHIS (n gen.) 170 Spinibedella Spinturnix Spironoura Spirotrichonympha Spondylus Spongilla Spongilla (Euspongilla) Spongilla (Stratospongilla) Spongovostox Squamofilaria Squilla Steatonyssus Stefaniola 284 303 43 70 13 13 13 149 45 128 292, 293 241 STEGOALPHEON (n gen.) 111, 112 Stegosoma Stelletta Stenares Stenepipsocus Stenhelia Stenhelia (Delavalia) Stenocranus Stenocypris Stenogaster Stenopogon Stenothyra Stenus (Hypos tenus) Stephanonympha Stephostethus Stethorus Sticholotis Stichopogon Stictodioplosis Stigmaeus Stigmatogobius (Syn.) 'Stigmothrips Stiliger Stiphropus Stolella Stolephorus 350 15 197 164, 165 101 101, 102 183 94 270,271 257 58 205 224, 225 222 222 257,258 241 286 373 194 63 342 348 351 Rec zool Surv India, Oce Paper No 208 528 Stomachicola Stomatoceroides Storena Strandcsia S treptopharagus Strigoplus Strobiderus Stroggylocephalus Stylifera Stylodactylus Stylotermes Stypiura Subulura Succinea 23 278 348 94 46 342 233 178 128 125 156, 157 278 43 65,66 SUNDA (n gen.) 178 Sybaris Sycanus Sychnostigma Symphyga Synaema Synenceja Syngnathus Syntonus Sysolus Systolederus 228 187 276 179 342 378 369 152 225 399 T Tabanus Tabanus (Tabanus) Taenioides Taharana TAlA (n gen.) Taia (Crassitaia) Taia (Rivularioides) Takecallis Tama Tamarus Tanytarsus TARUNIUS (n gen.) Tegcnaria 242 243 374 179 60,61 60 61 170 322 342, 343 235 212 306, 307 Telenomus Teleogryllus ~elingana Tellina (Peronidia) Tellina (Tellina) Telsima Tenacia Tenagogonus (Limnometra) Tentyrina Tephrella Teratobates Terebra Teredorus Tetragoniceps Tetragnatha Tetramorium Tetranchyroderma Tetraneura Tetranychus Tetraodon (Monotretus) Tettigoniella Thalassema Thamnotettix Thanatus Tharpyna Thatonia THAUMASTOCARIS (n gen.) Thaumatomyia Thelazia (Thelaziella) Theridion Theridula Thilibothrips Thilibothrips (Athilibothrips) Tholymis Thomisus Thonus Thor Thoracochirus 280 138 181 76 76 222 15 191 229 260 191 63 400 105 334 276 30, 396 170 287 385 179 81 179 343 343 81, 82 123 266 46 336 336 194 194 135 343, 344 35 116 205 Thoradont~ 400 Thornenema Thryssa 37 351 DAS : A catalogue of new taxa during 1916-1991 Thurauia Tibellus Timomenus Tinus Tipula (Schummelia) Titanolabis Tobrilus Tonoscolex Torglodytes TORTANUS (n subgen.) 241 344, 345 152, 153 330 234 146 38 87 392 98 Tortanus (Atortus) Trachycormocephalus Trapezoideus 98 281 72 TRAVANCORIA (n gen.) 367 Treatia Triaeris Tricecomitus Tricentrus Trichadenotecnum Trichthonius Trichuris Tricimba 293 328 181, 182 164 303 38 266, 267 TRICIMBOMYIA (n gen.) 267 Tricula Trigonomima Trilobodrilus Trinervitermes Trioza Tripecticus Trishormomyia Trochodota Trochosa Trochospongilla 56 258 88 163 183 203 241 349 327 13 TROCNADELLA (n gen.) 180 TROPICOSEIUS (n subgenus) 299 Tropodiaptomus Trypanoplasma 96 529 Trypanosoma Trypauchen (Syn.) Tuberculatus Tuckerella Turanogryllus Turbanella TURBINICOLA (n gen.) 2, 376 170 287 138 30, 396 57 Turbonilla 57 Turdus 392 Tylenchorhynchus 41 Tylothrips 194 Typhlamphiascus 102 180 Typhlocyba 299 Typhlodromalus 299 Typhlodromips 299, 300, 301 Typhlodromus 301,405 Typhlodromus (Amblydromella) Typhlodromus (Amblyseius) 301 Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) 405 Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) 301 U Uleiota Uloborus Uroleucon Uroleucon (Uromelan) Urotricha 215 347 171 171 V VACHONUS (n gen.) 282 Vaimosa Valdiviella 374 96 VANMANENIA (n gen.) 368 Varta Veigaia Velarifictorus Velia 180 303 138, 139,399 190 Rec zool Surv India, Occ Paper No~' 208 530 Venerupis Ventidius VERMATREMA (n gen.) Vermetus Verticordia Verticordia (Verticordia) Vesicomya Veturius Vindex VIVERRANISAKIS (n gen.) Vivipara Viviparus 77 191 21 60 80 80 77 208, 209 209 43 61, 62 62 1'30 Xenylla Xiphinema Xistrella Xuthea Xylariophilus Xyleborus Xylodiplosis Xylopertha Xylophaga Xylophloeus Xyloprista Xylopsocus Xylutes Xysticus 38 400 233 229 234 241 210 78 213 210 210 269 345, 346 y W Waitea Wak Wallagonia W ASHOSCOLEX (n gen.) Webbia Wenyonella YOSlIA (n gen.) 374 375 381 85, 86 234 X Xanthonia Xenocatantops Xenochironomus Xenomyza Xenopsylla Xenotrichula 233 140 235 258, 259 234 396 131' Z 377 320,321 269 392 10 31'1 180 333 135 Zebrias Zelotes Zeuzera Zoothera Zoothmnium Zygeilla Zygina Zygoballus Zyponyx ERRATA 81 Nos 455 and 468 (Reference) are not, dealing with sp.n ...OCCASIONAL PAPER No 208 RECORDS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA A Catalogue of New Taxa Desc~ibed by the Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India During 1916-1991 AMALENDU DAS Zoological Survey. .. Survey of India, 13th Floor, Nizam Palace, Kolkata-700 020 Edited by the Director, Zoological Survey of India Zoological Survey of India Kolkata CITATION Amalendu Das, 2003 A Catalogue of New Taxa. .. Soota, Pattanayak & Saxena, 1983 (66) Type Loc : INDIA: GUJARAT : Bhawanagar embankment about m away from Gorishankar Lake 1983 Rec zool Surv India, 81(1&2) : 255 DAS : A calalogue of new laxa

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