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Unit 3: A trip to the countryside (5 tiet)

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I.Objective: By the end of the lesson S will be able to know the basic characters of the countryside . II.Teaching aids: text book, extra board, cards, pictures, Tape & radio. III- Work arrangement: pairwork, groupwork, individual, T-W, W-T. IV-Procedure: Stages Time Students activities I. Warm up : Greetings 1. Do you usually to the countryside ? 2. Are you familiar with the countryside life ? 3. Do you like the countryside life ? 4.What activities do you see in the countryside ? - Call on some Ss to answers in front of the class. *Getting started: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and introduce In today , s lesson , We will study about countryside . Now you work with a partner and take turn to talk about activities in the countryside . 1. What do you see in the picture 1,2,3 ? 2. What is he/she doing ? 3. Where are they ? - Call on Ss to answers and correct - Give the correct answers : II. Pre- reading: * Vocabulary: - ly (lies) (v) nằm - have a rest (v) nghỉ ngơi - journey (n) chuyến đi - Bamboo forest (n) luỹ tre - Banyan tree (n) cây đa - Entrance to the village (n) cổng làng - Shrine (n) lăng, mộ - reply (v) = answer * Introduce Today we will listen and read about Liz , strip to the countryside with Ba , sfamily 5 15 - Ss greeting *Chatting about the city or countryside - Practice asking and answering the questions - Listen carefully . - Work in pairs to practice - Demonstrate in the front . *Answer key 1. Watering the vegetables . 2. Swimming in the river . 3. Feeding the chickens 4. Harvesting the crops . 5. Feeding the pigs . 6. Plowing in the field . 7. A buffalo boy is flying his kite . 8. Some children are playing football . - Listen carefully and repeat in chorus (translation) (translation) (translation) (explanation) (Explanation) (translation) (translation) ( synnonym) * Checking : Guessing words - Listen carefully and guess which English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) Planning date: . Teaching date: . Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Period 15: Getting started+ Listen and read - Ask Ss to listen and read then decide the statements are true or false . - Write their predictions on the board III. While- reading: - Turn on the tape (2 or 3 times ) - Call on Ss to read their answers aloud . - Remark and correct mistakes if any . - Give correct answers : - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions : - Ask Ss to exchange their roles to practice : - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Remark and give correct answers : - Call on some Ss to read the text aloud . - Correct mistakes , especially pronunciation IV. Post- reading: * Exercise : Fill in the gaps 1. Mai often comes back to her …… . village in summer . 2. …… Forests have been the symbol of Vietnamese countryside for ages. 3. When we have time , I usually have a picnic with my friends on the river 4. Many people like the countryside because they can enjoy the …… air . V. Home work: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Review structures and practice. ? Do home work: 1,2 (P. 20) 15’ 8’ 2’ sentences are true or false . - Report in the front - Ss listen to the tape - Read the correct answers and copy down . *Answer key 1. F ( Ba and his family had a day trip to their home village .) 2. T 3. F ( There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village ) 4. F (people had snack under the banyan tree) 5. T 6. F .People had a picnic on the river bank) 7. T 8. F ( Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents ) 9. T - Read the text again and answer the questions *Answer key 1. It is 60 kilometers to the north of Ha Noi 2. Ba and his family got to the village by bus . 3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to the village . 4. They saw the shrine of Vietnamese hero on the mountain . 5. They had a picnic on the river bank . 6. Liz took a lot of photo to show the trip to her parents . 7. Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again - Practice in pairs - Work individually . - Read the complete sentences aloud *Answer key 1. home 2. bamboo 3. bank 4. fresh - Ss review and practice. - Do home work. - Prepare the next lesson . English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) ? Prepare : Speak + Listen ( Unit 3 ). I.Objective: By the end of the lesson S will be able to talk about someone , scountryside and review the structures : How far ?/ How long does it take .? And listen to fill the places in the correct positions on the map. II.Teaching aids: text book, extra board, cards, pictures, Tape & radio. III- Work arrangement: pairwork, groupwork, individual, T-W, W-T. IV-Procedure: Stages Time Students activities I. Warm up : Greetings ?Where do you live ? ?How far is it from your house to school? ?Where is your village home?Country or City? II. Pre- activities: * Vocabulary: - home village (n) quê hơng - To the of : về h ớng của - gas station (n) trạm xăng dầu - pond (n) ao, hồ - high way (n) quốc lộ - Dragon Bridge (n) Cỗu Rồng - Parking lot (n) Khu vực đỗ xe * Introduce the aims of the lesson and ask Ss to do the exercise Matching A B_______ 1. Where is your school ? a. It takes 30 minutes . 2. How far is it from your home? b. I go there by bus 3. How do you get to school ? c. It is opposite the post office . 4. How long does it take to get there ? d. Yes, I do 5. Do you like it ? e. It is about 4 kilometers. - Call on Ss to read their answers aloud . III. While- activities: * Speaking: Introduce You have reviewed the commonly used structures . Now you work with a partner . Read the questions . 5 15 15 - Ss greeting * Networks - Work in group . - Representatives demonstrate their ideas about the city or the country . - Listen carefully and repeat in chorus (translation) (translation) (translation) (explanation) (Explanation) (translation) (translation) * Checking : Guessing words *Answer key 1.c , 2.e , 3.b 4.a 5.d - Listen carefully - Work with a partner to practice speaking about their home village . English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) Planning date: . Teaching date: . Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Period 16: Speak + Listen CityCountr y Then play the role of A and B , ask and answer about your partner , s home village using the information in the boxes “ - Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class. - Remark and correct mistakes - Have Ss ask and answer about your real home village . - Go around class and provide help if necessary . * Listening: - Introduce the aims of the lesson and some words in the listening ( using the subordinate board ) airport / gas station / pond / highway / banyan tree / store / bamboo forest / Dragon Bridge / parking lot *Introduce: We will listen to a passage which describes the way from Ba , s house to his home village - Ask Ss to predict the names and the places in the map . - Write their predictions on the board . - Turn on the tape ( 2 0r 3 times ) - Ask them to exchange and compare their answers . - Call on some Ss to report their answers in front of class. - Remark and correct mistakes . Then give correct answers : parking lot - Turn on the tape once more and ask Ss to check their results . IV. Post- activities: - Ask Ss to work in groups to describe some way they know . - Call on Ss to describe the way one knows . - Correct mistakes if any . V. Home work: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Review structures and practice. 8’ 2’ - Demonstrate in front of class. - Speak about their own home village - Work individually and read their complete aloud - Listen and repeat all the words in chorus and individually . - Work in groups to describe the way they know . - Demonstrate in front of class. - Listen and copy . *Answer key C : High way No 1. D : Dragon Bridge E : Gas station F : Store G : Pond B : Air port H : Bamboo forest I : Parking Lot A : Banyan tree Example : The way from house to school On the way from my house to school , there is a big banyan tree and three bamboo forests . there are also rice paddies - Ss review and practice. - Do home work. - Prepare the next lesson . English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) ? Do home work: 3,4,5,6 (P. 20- 23) ? Prepare : “ Read” ( Unit 3 ). I.Objective: By the end of the lesson S will be able to know more about the country life in the USA and some farming words : grow maize , grocery story , feed the chickens .… II.Teaching aids: text book, extra board, cards. III- Work arrangement: pairwork, groupwork, individual, T-W, W-T. IV-Procedure: Stages Time Students activities’ I. Warm up : Greetings ( Using the words they have learnt about the countryside ) Suggested words : Tree , paddy , bank , home , bamboo , field , forest , fresh , banyan , air , river , village … II. Pre- reading: * Vocabulary: - exchange student (n) du häc sinh - maize (n) = corn - work part- time : lµm thªm giê - hot dog ( n) b¸nh m× kÑp xóc xÝch *Introduce Today we will study about the“ life on a farm of an American family” - Have Ss work in pairs and guess about the differences between life on American farms and Vietnamese ones , Using the suggested questions : 1. What trees / vegetables do farmers in America grow 2. What animals do they raise ? 3. What do they usually eat ? - Call on some pairs to demonstrate III. While- reading: ? Listen to the teacher and read the text - Now you read the text and do (Ex. a) ) ? Match the words in column A with the word or groups of words in column B having the same meaning: 5’ 15’ 15’ - Ss greeting * Matching - Work in groups - Demonstrate in front of class. - Listen carefully and repeat in chorus (translation) (synnonym) (translation) (translation) * Checking : R.O.R - Listen carefully - Work in pairs - Demonstrate in the front . - Listen and do the exercise English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) Planning date: . Teaching date: . Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Period 17: Read A B ____ 1. Maize a. bring things together 2. Feed b. where people buy food and small things 3. Grocery store c. give food to eat 4. Part – time d. corn 5. Collect e. shorter or less than standard time - Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud . - Correct mistakes if any and give correct answers • Checking their understanding by asking some questions : 1 .Where is the Parker family , s farm? 2. How many children do Mr and Mrs Parker have ? 3. What does Van do in the afternoon ? 4. What do the whole family do on Saturday afternoons - Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions - Call on some pairs to read their answers aloud . - Correct mistakes and give correct answers : - Ask Ss to read the text again and complete the summary . - Call on some Ss to read the complete passage aloud - Remark and correct mistakes if any . Then give answer keys : - Ask Ss to read the complete passage loudly . - Correct pronunciation . IV. Post- reading: - Ask Ss to read close their books and read the passage which is divided into four small pieces to order the logical passage . - Call on some Ss to read their passage aloud .Correct mistakes if any . V. Home work: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Review structures and practice. ? Do home work: 7,8 (P. 23- 24) 8’ 2’ - Read their results aloud *Answer key 1-d 2-c 3-b 4-e 5-a *Answer key 1. It is 100 Km outside Columbus Ohio . 2. They have two children : Peter and Sam 3. He feeds the chicken and collects their eggs . 4. Peter plays baseball , the Parker family and Van eat humbuggers and hot dogs - Complete the summary individually Exchange their answers to compare with a friend . *Answer key 1. Ohio 2. farmer 3. works part – time 4. Peter 5. Sam 6. after 7. farm 8.watch 9. baseball 10. member - Read the complete passage loudly • Ordering : - Listen and order the passage . - Read their ordered passage aloud . - Listen and copy - Ss review and practice. - Do home work. English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) ? Prepare : Write ( Unit 3 ). - Prepare the next lesson . I.Objective: By the end of the lesson S will be able to complete simple sentences to write a passage telling the things which happened in a picnic to the countryside . II.Teaching aids: text book, extra board, cards. III- Work arrangement: pairwork, groupwork, individual, T-W, W-T. IV-Procedure: Stages Time Students activities I. Warm up : Greetings Maize Feed Part time Chicken Collect Primary Humburgers Grow Nearby - Ask Ss to play games in groups . - Remark and lead in the new lesson . II. Pre- writing: *Introduce As we know , narrative writing is a very familiar in English . In this period , we will further practice this kind of writing . * Vocabulary: - picnic site (n) điểm tổ chức giã ngoại - blanket (n) chiếu , chăn - put (down) (v) đặt xuống, trải ra - lay (out) (v) bày, dọn (đồ ăn) ra - hurriedly gather : vội vàng thu dọn III. While- writing: - Introduce the aims of the lesson and ask Ss to write a passage , beginning with : It was a beautiful day . - Go around and provide help if any . - Tell them to exchange their writings and correct mistakes . - Call on some Ss to read their writings aloud 5 10 20 - Ss greeting * Noughts and crosses - Play games in groups - Listen and copy the title of the lesson . - Listen carefully and repeat in chorus - Guess its meanings and copy . (translation) (translation) (translation) (translation) (translation) * Checking : What & Where - Listen and write individually - Exchange their writings and correct mistakes . * Suggested writing It was a beautiful day , my friend and I decided to go on a picnic . We took a bus to the countryside and them we walked English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) Planning date: . Teaching date: . Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Period 18: Write - Correct common mistakes and give suggested writing - Call on some Ss to read the suggested writing again . IV. Post- writing: * Games : What song is it ? * Exercise : Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences : 1. We were enough lucky to catch the last bus yesterday . 2. Many people enjoy go a picnic to the countryside . 3. They have carefully arrangements for the holiday . 4. It took us 30 minutes getting to the airport . - Call on some Ss to read the correct answers and give the correct answers : V. Home work: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Review structures and practice. ? Do home work: 10 (P. 25-26) ? Prepare : “ Language Focus” ( Unit 3 ). 8’ 2’ about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river . We put down the blankets and laid out the food . After the meal we played the games …. What song is it ? and blind man , s bluff . Late in the afternoon we went fishing . We enjoyed our picnic . When we looked at the time , it was nearly 6.30 pm . We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop . we were luckily to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late that evening . - Read the correct writing aloud - Play games in 4 teams - Work in groups to complete the sentences . *Answer key 1. lucky enough 2. going 3. careful arrangements 4. to get . - Ss review and practice. - Do home work. - Prepare the next lesson . English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) I.Objective: By the end of the lesson S will be able to grasp and consolidate the preposition of time , and how to use Wish with modal could and Adverbs clauses of result . II.Teaching aids: text book, extra board, cards. III- Work arrangement: pairwork, groupwork, individual, T-W, W-T. IV-Procedure: Stages Time Students activities’ I. Warm up : Greetings Hang man ( Using some learned words ) II. Review & Practice: *Language Focus 1: Modal Could with “Wish” - Explain the use of “Wish” -> To talk about a wish/ want for unreal present. a) S + wish + (Past subjunction) Eg: I wish I were a millionair. ( Because at present I m not a millionair)’ - Explain the use of “Wish” used with could :-> Expressed the unreality in the present . b) S + wish + could (V-infinitive) Eg : Ba wishes he could have a new car . ( This is Ba , s wish because he does not have a new car now ). - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the suggested words Discuss what these people wish . Then complete the wishes . - Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud . - Correct mistakes and give the correct answers : *Language Focus 2:Preposition of time : -In : - in the summer 5’ 30’ - Ss greeting - Play games - Listen and copy down . - Read the example aloud - Work individually and compare with a friend . - Read the answers aloud - Repeat and copy - Listen carefully and do the exercise . *Answer key a)Ba wishes he could have a new bycycle b)Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c)I wished I passed the exam . d)We wish it did not rain . e)He wishes He could fly f)They wish they stayed in Hue . - Repeat and copy . English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) Planning date: . Teaching date: . Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Period 19: Language Focus - in January - in 2009 - in the morning * On : - on Monday - on Mon, 6 th November - on Sunday morning * At : - at 6 oclock - at the age of - at night / midday / midnight * for/ since/ before/ after/ between/ till ? Look at Mr Thanhs itinerary for his business trip to Singapore . Base on the information in the itinerary , you complete the sentences (a ) by using the prepositions in the box . - Have Ss compare with a friend and read their complete sentences aloud . - Now revise the use of some prepositions of time by doing exercise 3 . complete the sentences with on , at , in and for . - Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud . *LanguageFocus3: Adv clauses of result - Ask Ss to read the example aloud : Eg:Hoa worked hard , so she passed exam (Main clause) So (adverb clause) -> So ( vì vậy , nên ) : Từ nối giữa hai mệnh đề chỉ kết quả . Eg:She is so lazy that she doesnt do any -> So that ( đến lỗi) S + be/V + so + adj/adv + that (clause) Eg: She runs so fast that I cant catch her. ? Now you match the half sentences in (A) with the ones in (B) - Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud . III.Production: ? Talk about the lesson again IV. Home work: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Review structures and practice. ? Do home work: 9 (P. 24- 25) ? Prepare : Getting started ( Unit 4) 8 2 - Listen carefully and do the exercise . - Compare with a friend .Read the correct answers loudly - Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition *Answer key 1. at 2. on 3. between 4. till 5 . after 6. up to *Answer key a. on b. at in c. in d. for e. in f . at - Ss listen and review - match the half sentences in (A) with the ones in (B) read the complete sentences aloud . *Answer key 1-e , 2-a , 3-d , 4-b , 5-c - Ss listen and talk about the lesson. - Ss review and practice. - Do home work. - Prepare the next lesson . English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) [...]...English 9 ( Teacher : Hoang Thi Lan Anh _ Cam Son Secondary School) . - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions : - Ask Ss to exchange their roles to practice : - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the. north of Ha Noi 2. Ba and his family got to the village by bus . 3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to the village . 4. They saw the shrine of Vietnamese

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2013, 06:10



