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Butterflies and moths at home and abroad

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empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration soit par le second plat, salon le ces Tous les autras exemplaires origineux sont filmAs en comment ant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la darniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte 6 mAthode Mtaocan msouirioN tkt omit (ANSI ond ISO Tf ST CHART No 2) 125 1^ tit 12.2 _ ISi 2.0 fkm 1.25 ^ /1PPUEDJVHGE '653 £o»( Mam Slr««t (716) t»l - OJOO - Phone (716) 3aa - s9n - fo "^ Inc "^ BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS AT HOME AND ABROAD i >k i h X ^ J > Dasychia Unebraria, 217 Uasychira fascelina, 155 pudibunda, 155 „ Uead-lcal Buttcrtiies, 78 Death's Head, the, 234 December Moth, 60, 246 Deilemera aniinorii, 74 OeiUphila nerii, 240 Dendrolimus pint, 251 Dianthcfcia capsincola, 171 Diaphora mevdica, 159 Dtcranufa viiiula, 71, 74 185 Dilinia exanthemata, 212 pusaria, 212 „ Uiloba cccruleocephala, 73 Dimorpka verstcolora, 245 Dingy Skipper, 21, 58 149, iS'^ False Mocha, the, 20i Fan-Foots, the, 184, 222 Feathered Ear, the, 172 Festoon, the, 257 Figure-of-Eight Moth, 73 Footman Moths, 1O2 Forester, the, 257 Forester Moths, the, 256 Dot, the, 170 Dotted Footman, the, 162 Drepaua binaria, 218 falcataria, 21S Four-dotted Footman, the, 162 Fox Moth, the, 41, J ;> Frosted-green, the, 2^0 Fumea casta, 255 harpagula, 218 ,, Drinker Moth, 250 Dryas pandora, 05 paphia, 36, '57, 60, 105 „ Burgundy Fritillary, (w, Dusky-lemon Sallow, the, 178 Duke of Garden Carpet, the, 207 Garden Tiger, the, ibo Gastropacha i/nercifolia, 79, 250 Gatekeeper, the, 59, 89 Geometra papilinnaria, i(/> vernaria, 197 Ghost Moth, the, 194 Ear Moth, 149 Earias chlorana, 34, 164 Early Moth, the, 214 Elephant Hawk, 74, 242 Ematurga atomaria, 217 Emperor Moth, the, 214 EnMpia nigricana, 192 86 86 mfdu5a, 86 evias, ligea, „ Eriocranis sparmannella, 231 verbasci, i7, i"< Glaucous Shears, the, 70 Gnophos obscuraria, 217 267 Names Index of CxMt Moth, Hyb*mia the 17 181) Golden-bordered Purple, the, 198 Golden Gamma, the, 73, 182 ,, Golden Pygmy, the, 261 Gold Spangle, the, 18,: Gold Tail, the, 75, 157 Goniodoma limioniella 228 GonopUryx cUopatra, 65, loq ai} Uucophearia, 315 rupicapraria, 213 defoliaria, Hydriomena jurcata, 210 impluviata, 210 „ Hygrochroa syringaria, 213 Hyioicus li^ustri, 233 piHostri, 236 „ HylopkUa fhamni, 33, 39, 63, 108 Gortyna nictilans, 149 GraciUaria syringella, 22K Grass Emerald, the, iq Grayline, the, 39, 79, 90 Greasy Fritillary, the, 59, 71, loo Green-brindled Crescent, the, 73 Green Carpet, the, 207 lodis lacUaria, 198 IphieUd$i podalirius, 29, 6t, 6a, Issoria lalkonia, 61, 105 Green Hairstreak, 39, 13b Greet Oak Muth, the 17, 164, 191 Green Pug, the 211 Green Silver-lines, the, 34, 163 Jersey Tiger, the, 161 July Highflyer, the 210 Juniper Carpet, the, 206 „ Hypena bicolorana, 163 prasittana, 163 proboscidalis, 184 Hyria muricata, 198 Green- veined White, 59, 114 Grizzled Skipper, 38, 149, 130 Ground Lackey, the 24K KaUima Habfosyn* derasa, 219 Lace Border, Hamorrhagia ftutjormts, tityus, 39, Haltas prastnana 34 Hawk l^arge Copper, 61, b3 Large Emerald, 196 Large Heath, 59 86 77 Heliaca tetubrata, 180 Skipper, 58, 138 l.argc Tortoiseshell 60 I arge 98 Large White, 16, 37 39 115 I^rgc Yellow Underwing 168 Lasiocampa calluna, 249 humiili i()4 var IkuUnsis, 194 , lupulina, 17 133 194 Herald Moth, the, 180 Htrse convolvuii, 71, 233 Hesptria aliens, 61, 149 , ,, v.ir , ., , qturcKS, 248 I,eaf Butterflies, 78 Least Carpet, the, 199 I-eopard Moth, 193 I^ptosia sinapis, bo 1 Lesser Broati-bordered Yellow Underwing, 169 armoricanus, 61 58 niaivoides, 149, 131 HtUrogtnea cruciafa, 260 HeUrogynis penella, 239 High Brown Fritillary, 37 57 60 103 Highflyer, the, 210 Hifocrita jacobacr 162 Htpparckia semele, 39, 79, 90 Holly Blue, the, 3b 38 130 Hook-Tips, the, 218" Hop-Dog, the, 135 Hornet Clearwing, Humming Bird the, 79, 229 the, 239 Hawk, 199 Latentia testata, 203 T^rge Blue, 40, 41 60 120 Hemitkta strigata, i9i> Htodes virgauretB bi Hepiaius alticota, 152 194 malvu the Lackey Moth, the, 71, 248 Lampides baiicus, 60, 131 Lappet Moth 79 238 huttoni, 78 Lachneis lanesttis, 43 39, 238 lucina, 6o, Moths, the 232 Fritillary, the, (x), 95, 100 Heath Hebrew Character, the HecUera serena, 70 19 Kentish Glory, the, 243 m Hanuaris 1-esser Swallow Prominent, 188 Leucania pollens, 73 Light Emerald, the, 212 Light Orange Underwing, 221 Lilac Beauty, 213 Lime Hawk, the, 236 Limenilis Camilla, 94 populi, ttq, 94 , Sibylla, 60, 93 ,, Lita marmorea, 228 Lithosia complana, 163 268 Index of Names Lebepkora carpiiuUa J04 i;ir«.'a(a, 204 ,, Lolxter Moth, the 183, 186 Long Horns, the, 231 Mullein Shark, the, i7, 59, 63 114 „ l*inc Beauty, the 76 IHne Hawk, the, ^30 I'mk-barred Sallow, the 178 PUbeius argui, 58, 128 Plusia brccUa, 182 „ ehrysitis 182 , gamma HhyParia purpur at a, 160 Riband Wave the 200 Ringlet Butterfly 59, 88 Ringlets, the, 77 Rivulet, the 2^9 Royal Mantle, Ruby the, 211 Tiger, the, i ')9 Rumiciaphltras, 5S 137 Rusty Wave the 198 Sallow, the, 178 Sallow Kitten 185 Sallow Moths, the, Sandy Carpet, 77 the Satellite, the 179 Satin Moth 17, 157 Satumia pavoma, 244 py** 244 spir „ 244 Satyrus hermione, 79, 90 Scalloped Hazel, 76 Scarce Dagger, the, 166 Scarce Footman, 163 Scarce Hook-tip 218 Scarce Swallow-tail 29, 61, 119 Scarce Vapourer the 154 Scarlet Tiger 162 Scoliopleryx libatrix, 180 Scotch Argus 59 85 ', 63, 75 181 „ moneta, 63 i8i Pcecitocampa populi, jo, 246 Polygonia c-album, 60, 78 97 Polyommatus hylas, 57 icarus 30 58, 123 , Polyploca ridens, 220 Pontia daplidice bi 113 (•oplar Grey the 168 I'oplar Hawk the 237 Portkesia similis, 75, 157 I'rivet Hawk, the 235 l^ominents, the, 187 Pseudophia lunaris, 183 Pseudoterpna pruinata, 196 Psodos coracina, 217 PterophoTus monodactylus, 253 Pterosoma palpina, 187 Fugs the 211 Purple Clay the 168 Purple Emperor, the, 32 60 66, 68, 92 Purple Haiistreak, 33, 59 68, 133 93 Scotosia vetulata, 204 Seaside Plume 252 Selenia lunaria, 213 Sharks, the, 179 Shoulder-stripe, the, 211 Silver-spotted Skipper, 60, 140 Silver-striped Hawk 242 Silver-studded B'ue, 57, 58, 128 Silver- washeu Fritillary, 36, 37, 60, 105 Silver Y 181 Six-spot Burnet, 65, 258 Small Black Arches, 164 Small Blood Vein, 200 Small Blue, 58 129 Small Brindled Beauty, 216 270 Index of SauOl C«btage White, i6, 63 7i 7* I

Ngày đăng: 14/07/2019, 06:29



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