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caterpillars the 00elio

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Caterpillars and their moths Sâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúngSâu bướm và bướm đêm của chúng

HANDBOLND AT THE # UNIVERSITY' OF TORONTO PRESS Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/caterpillarstheOOelio CATERPILLARS AND THEIR MOTHS CATERPILLARS AND THEIR MOTHS BY IDA MITCHELL ELIOT AND ' CAROLINE GRAY SOULE WITH ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS OF LIVING CATERPILLARS AND SPREAD MOTHS BY EDITH ELIOT NEW YORK THE CENTURY 1902 CO Copyright, 1902, by The Century Co Published October, 1003 1-L THE DEVINNE PRESS Acronvctii aiuerii-aua XVII NOCTUINA FAMILY, SUBFAMILY, NOCTUI NA NOCTU'ID^ ACRONYCTA AMERICANA GENUS, ACRONYC'TA AMEBICA'NA SPECIES, THIS is pillar the cream-wliite or pale straw-colored cater- common on maple we have never trees also, but eat anything but maple It It is reported on other succeeded in making it is a very slow caterpillar both in motion and in growth, and is almost the same in that appearance from the earliest stage to the latest, except in size Sometimes is, from egg to cocoon, the larvae grow very large, measuring over two inches — — They spin cocoons The moths are white and gray, with black dots and in length dashes 297 ACRONYCTA HASTULIFERA GENUS, SPECIES, ACRONYCTA HASTULiF'EBA (" spear bearing " : from marks like spear-heads on the wingsl We have found hundreds of these caterpillars on alder, and some on willow They vary in color from pale chocolate-brown to deep chocolate, and are sometimes of a pale yellow-brown, always dark between the segments, and have dark pencils on the dorsum When disturbed they curl up and drop from the plant, like the " woolly bears." They many are subject to fungoid diseases which and kill may be found on branches of the alders, apparently unharmed, but they break at a touch and are filled with fungoid growth of them, Parasites kill many their of stiff them 298 bodies also They spin cocoons Acronycta bastulifera Harrisimemna trisignata HARRLSIMEMNA TRISIGNATA The first GENUS, HARKISIMEM'NA SPECIES, trisigna'ta ( " thrice-marked sight of this queer caterpillar leading, for the cast ") is masks which adhere usually misto the long hairs over the head are of a dirty orange-color, and look like drops of decayed animal matter, while the black, white, and dirty yellow of the caterpillar and shaking and waggling from side to side make it look like a mass of unpleasantness, and it needs a second look to show that it is alive It may be found on spiraea, lilac, and other shrubs When disturbed it hangs as in B, and gives its body a most peculiar motion, utterly unlike any other living thing we have ever seen Gibson gives an excellent description of it in one of his books or magazine articles The sketches given here were taken from the first caterpillar we found, just before it bored into a bit of its rotten wood to pupate 299 INDEX It is usual to add to the name of an insect the abbreviated entomologist who named the species name of the PAGE Acronycta americana Acronycta hastulifera Aetias luna Harr Linn 258 Ampelopbaga cbcerilus Ampelopbaga myron Cram Cram Cram 112 Amphion nessus Anisota senatoria Anisota stigma Apatelodes torref acta Attacus angulifera Attacus cecropia Attacus gloveri Attacus promethea Ceratomia amyntor Ceratomia undulosa Cimbex americana Citheronia regalis Cressonia juglandis Datana major Deidamia iiiscripta S S 296 282 &A 219 Walk 241 Linn Strk 251 Dru 236 Hbn Walk 164 Fabr 276 246 169 62 S G &A &R Deilephila lineata Dolba byljBus Dru Dryocampa Fabr rubiciiiida 79 Fabr S 298 115 &A Harr Fabr Eaclos impcrialis 297 &A 201 295 89 95 158 286 Dru .' Encmotylus 271 57 Eiiclca cippus Cram 293 Halesidota caryse Hak'sidota tessellata Harr 200 Harri.simemna trisignata Walk Bdv 299 Fabr 2G7 Hemai-is diffinis Hypercbiria I.sa iuoruata io S G &A &R 301 292 71 294 INDEX 302 PAGE Lagoa crispata Han 212 Leucarctia acrsea Liniacodes scapha Dru Harr Walk 291 Nerice bidentata Ophion 225 256 Paonias astylus Paonias excoecatus Paouias myops Pheosia rimosa Philampelus achemon Philampelus pandorus Protoparce Carolina Protoparce celeus Samia cynthia Smerintbus geminatus Sphinx Spbinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx 215 Dru S S &A &A Hbu 195 184 189 223 Dru 102 Hbn 102 Linn 129 Hbn Dru 231 22 Say 179 chersis Hbn 150 drupiferarum S gordius Cram kalmiae S luscitiosa Cram &A &A 139 143 135 147 257 Tachinidae Telea polyphemus Tenthredinidae Cram Thyreus abbotii Triptogon modesta Swains Harr 262 62 84 174 BiNDlNG SECT d JUL 12^ X ... their appendages are the first three behind the head The other segments are the abdominal segments In our descriptions of caterpillars the " first segment " is that next the head The head is made... before the young caterpillars begin to eat the leaves indeed, the tent -caterpillars often hatch before there are any leaves to eat and have to wait for ; them to open All the caterpillars we have... crawl out, looking altogether too large to have lain curled up in the egg-shell As their time soon as they are out of the sliell the different kinds ; 10 CATERPILLARS AND THEIR MOTHS show different

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2019, 19:57
