, babysit Discuss the different between prefixes and suffixes prefixes are morphemes added before a word to form a new word.. Discuss the different between Finite and Non finite
Trang 1Discuss the different between free morphemes and bound morpheme give the example.
Bound morphemes cannot stand alone in
the language which only add the
meaning or grammatical function of a
free morphemes of a free morphemes
Eg.-ful in careful, -un in unhappy…
Free morphemes can stand alone as an independent word since they carry full semantic weight in careful , happy in unhappy Discuss the different between roots and stems
Root is the basic form to which other
morphemes can be attached In English
most roots are free morphemes ,but not in chronic(meaning time)
Stems are also forms to which other morphemes can be attached stems differ from roots in that they may be made up
of more than one morphemes
-all root are stems but all stems are not roots
-stems are sometimes created by the juxtaposition of two roots in a compound, babysit
Discuss the different between prefixes and suffixes
prefixes are morphemes added before a
word to form a new word
Eg.-re in restructure
suffixes are morphemes added after a
word in the formation of a new word eg.-tion in organization
Discuss the different between lexical and grammatical morphemes
lexical morphemes express meanings
that can be relatively easily specified by
using dictionary terms or by pointing
out example of things, events, or
properties which morphemes can be
used to refer to : tree, burp, above, red
Grammatical morphemes have one (or
both) of two characteristics
1. It expresses a very common meaning or is specific required in some context
Eg: -s, -ed, -ing, -er, -est,…
2. It expresses a relation within a sentence rather than denoting
Trang 2things, activities, etc in the world.
+it does not change either the grammatical
category or the type of meaning around in the
word (create anew form of the old) such as
singular/ plural, past/present tense
vd: he goes to school everyday went from go
are called inflectional
+there are 8 inflectional affixes (all suffixes)
-s plural,
-s possessive,
-s 3rd person singular ,
-ed past tense,
-ing progressive.,
-er comparative,
-est superlative
Derivation +it change the category and/ or the type of meaning the word, so it said to creat a new word
+create a new word when attached Vd: N->Adj : alcohol -> alcoholic Adj->adv :exact-> axactly
Adj->n : active-> activity N->N :FRIEND-> friendship N->V : Vaccine-> vaccinate
Discuss the different between direct object and indirect object
-A direct object usually refers to the
person who ‘benefits’ from the action
expressed in the
Mary threw me the ball
-indirect object can stand either after the
verb or after the direct object with a
preposition in between eg
I brought him a cup of tea
i brought a cup of tea for him
A direct object refers to the person or thing affected by the action of the verb
it come immediately after a transitive verb
Eg he opens the door
Discuss the different between Finite and Non finite
-Have tense distinctive
-A finite can also be called a tensed verb
Eg: the finite form of know are know as
in I know her, knows as in she knows
me, and knew as in we knew it
-The non-finites are the verb-forms without a tense
-They can also be called non-tensed or tense less
Eg: Non-finite of verb do are to do, do,
to have done, have done, doing, done
Discuss the different between transitive and intransitive verbs
Trang 3Transitive verb Intransitive verbs
-A Transitive verb in its active form
must be followed by a direct object
-Some transitive verbs can also be
followed by indirect objects
Mike found a kite
Mike found us a kite
- intransitive verbs are not followed by direct objects, by predicative adjective
or noun
He listens to music -It should be noted that a great number
of English verbs can be used both as transitive and intransitive
He ran to work this morning (intranet)
He runsva small business in town
Discuss the different between singular form and plural form of nouns
- Singular form of nouns is the
original form which indicates one
thing Both the countable nouns
and the uncountable nouns have
the singular form
- A book, a dog, a cat …
- Plural form of nouns is the form which serves to denote more than one thing It expressed by a
countable noun added with a biome expressing plural
- Noun + S(s/es) -> Noun plural
Discuss the different between Clause and Sentence.
The sentence, as well as being a combination of words, is also often defined by
traditional grammarians as the expression of a complete thought, which it can only
do if it contains both a subject and a predicate.
A sentence that cannot be subdivided into constituent sentences is known as a
simple sentence.
A complicated sentence contains in it combined simple sentences.
A sentence within a sentence is sometimes called in modern term an embedded sentence.
The traditional term for embedded sentence is clause.
The various units that makes up the structure of a clause are usually given
functional labels, such as Subject (S), verb (V), complement (C), object (O), and adverbial (A) a number of clause types can be identifined in this way, such as:
S +V The girl + is dancing
Trang 4S +V+O the girl+kissed+her dog
S +V+C The girl+ is+ sick
S+V+A The girl+ lay+ on the ground
S+V+O+O The girl+ gave+her dog+ a bone
S+V+O+C The girl+ called+ her dog+ Honey
S+V+O+A The girl+ bear+ her dog+yesterday
S+V+O+C+A The girl+ made+him+happy+often
Clauses are combined in two main ways to form more complex sentences; they may either be co- ordinate, as when a number of clauses of equal (grammatical) standing or importance are joined together
Ex: I ate stemmed rice and you ate fried rice
Main clause to which the rest is subordinate
Or one clause may be subordinate to another, which is known as the main clause The sentence can be defined by traditional grammars as a combination of words which expresses a complete thought
Ex: 1- an egg can be a thought but not a sentence
2- I shut the door, as it was cold is one sentence with 2 thoughts.
• Linguistic approaches:
Linguists aim to analyze the linguistic constructions that occur, recognizing the most independent of them as sentences
Sentences are allowed to part of their structure and thus are dependent on a
previous sentence Sentences of this kind are known as elliptical sentences
A: where are you going?
B: to town
Trang 5Adjunct
+an adjunct is an optional,
or structurally dispensable, part
of a sentence, clause, or phrase
that, when removed, will not
affect the remainder of the
sentence except to discard from
it some auxiliary information
Adverbial +the adverbial can be expressed by a word (an adverb)a phrase,or a clause
e.g: she cooks well she like white cat because it looks very lonely +thse phrase and clase are called adverbial phrase and clauses
+adverbial clause is subordinate to the main clause adverbs ,they answer the question when? Where? Why?
e.g answer her as soon as she go to school +there are 9 adverbial :
_adverbiaal clause of the comparison(as as),concession(although,while) manner(like as,in the way),place,purpose(what for),reason(as,
because),result,time(when,after,as soon as),condition
The simple
+the smallest
sentence unit
+has one
finite verb,it
has a subject
and predicate
+there are
The compound +CONSIST of two or more independent sentense
connected by means of co-ordination ,each independent sentence is called an
independent clause +co-ordinative conjunctions connect the clause of the compound :
+copulative conjunctions:
and ,not only but also, +disjunctive :or .otherwise,else +adversative :but ,yet ,still,however
+causal:for +resultatative: so therefore,then
The complex +is a sentence which consist of a main clause and one or more subordinate clause
+the subodinate clause may either follow or precede the main clause,
+they can be classified into: noun clauses(s/predicative/object).attri butive
,clause and adverbial clauses e.g however hard i tried,i couldnt remember her name
Trang 612,empty
+we often use
it in sentence
referring to
time , the
+it carries no
+it is present
because every
E sentence
has to contain
a subject
e.g: it’s 3
o’clock,it’s 30
Preparatory subject +the true is the infinitive ,gerund,noun clause and it is preparatory to the subject E,g: it’s easy to lie a something
Its easy doesnt matter how he use to do
Cau1: what is phrase ,how many types of phrase are there in E.give
construction of each types.
+phrases are an extension of the single word parts of speech named accordingly: noun phrase,adj phrase,adverbial phrase,a group of words that does not contain a verb and its subject and is used as a single part of speech phraes are not introduced
by conjunctions, nor do they contain a finite verb
+phrases are trasitional defined as a cohesive group of words containing no finite verb but making a unit
e.g: eating at restaurant gives me indigestion (as a noun,subject of the sentence)
in considering word classes (parts of speech)contemporary syntax classifies E phrases into:
+noun phrase,verb,adjective,adverb,prepositional
+noun phrase:- head of an noun phrase is usually a common or an proper noun
Trang 7e.g i like coffee,this is my car
- determiners:->pre determiners:specify quantityin the noun : all,both,
->central determiners: articles (a
->post-determiners:cardinal numerals(two,three),ordinal(first,second),genaral
ordinals(next,last),quantifiers(much,many,a lot of,alittle)
-post-modifier:->relative clause e,g: the girl who is playingon the ground is my
->preposionalphrase:e,g i love the monitor in your class
->non-finite clause: e,g the girl playing on the ground is my daughter
->appositive clause:the fact that she is rich
->adverb : e,g the girl over there is my sister
*verb pharse: (auxiliary+ head+(object /complement)+modifier
e.g: i run (head alone)
iam running(aux+head)
she cuts tree(head+object)
i get up very late (head +modifier)
*adjective phrase : (intensifier)+ head+complement
E,g: easy exercise(head alone)
E,g:rather amazing ai his behavior(intensifier+head+complement)
*adverb phrase: intensifier+ head
*preposinal phrase : head +object
Trang 85,blends
Two words
merge into
each other e.g:
chunnel( chan
nel + tunnel)
6.clippings The process creates an informal shortening of word often to single syllable e,g ad, flu,telly
7.extending the domain
of derivational morphemes
Is making a derivational morpheme more peoductive than it was .e.g –ize to create forms such as prioritize and containerize
This kind of word
creation is found frequently
in a childs first
language acquision
+two or more
words joined
together to form
a new word
containing ai
least 2 roots:e.g
Alist of E
componds :
+ nouns
2,conversio n
Aword changes its class
without any change of form e,g:
3,acronyms + another word-formaton process turns word intinital letter sequences into
ordinary : e.g WTO->
4 BRAnd names +this word formation process turns band names into common nouns ,sometimes verb E,g xerox(n.v)
Trang 9+compound
Cau 4: dicuss complement and types of complement
+the complement can be defined as a sentence element that gives futher
information about the subject or the object
+in other words,the complement completes the meaning of subject or the subject E,g: i am a student
+the subject complement can be expressed by a word,a phrase,a clause
E,g: he is the chairman
She seems an honest person
+object complement can be expressed by a word,a phrase,a clause
e.g; they made sam the chairwoman
they have proved me wrong