... language learning beliefs: What language learners believe about their learning Language Learning, 49, 377–415 29 Neda Fatehi, R (2009) Evaluation of English students beliefs about learning English ... beliefs are “general assumptions that students hold about themselves as learners, about factors influencing language learning, and about the nature of language learning and teaching” (p 224) This ... different views about language learning result in different kinds of success 11 Park (1995) investigated 332 Korean university EFL students beliefs about language learning, their language learning...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:23
... beliefs about vocabulary learning held by a group of students in a specialized secondary school As revealed in the study that the students had positive beliefs about vocabulary learning in their learning ... language learning beliefs: What language learners believe about their learning? Language Learning, 49, 377- 415 39 Park, G (1995) Language learning strategies and beliefs about language learning ... “Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI)”, found that with respect to vocabulary learning, all groups of EFL students agreed that the important part of learning a language was learning...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 14:23
nguyen viet hong highschool students perceptions about collaborative learning in learning english as a second language
... (2) some students perceptions about collaborative learning in EFL such as students perceptions about academic benefits, students perception about social benefits, students perception about generic ... Collaborative Learning in Studying English 2.2 Some Students Perceptions about Collaborative Learning in EFL 2.2.1 Students Perceptions about Academic Benefits 2.2.2 Students Perceptions about ... school students perceptions about collaborative learning? How frequently Nguyen Viet Hong high school students apply CL in learning English? Nguyen Viet Hong high school Students' Perceptions about...
Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 11:38
... teaching and learning reading comprehension • How to help gifted students project work • How to teach vocabulary effectively HOW TO RAISE STUDENTS MOTIVATION AND INTEREST IN LEARNING GRAMMAR I ... able to bring grammar nearer to students, to instil interest and excitement in every lesson so that grammar will be easier for them to absorb and digest My aim is to inject the grammar learning points ... approach of grammar teaching can be ideal for not only students majoring in English but also for every student learning English at all levels We all know that grammar skills are essential to students' ...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2016, 15:42
... teaching and learning reading comprehension How to help gifted students project work How to teach vocabulary effectively HOW TO RAISE STUDENTS MOTIVATION AND INTEREST IN LEARNING GRAMMAR I ... able to bring grammar nearer to students, to instil interest and excitement in every lesson so that grammar will be easier for them to absorb and digest My aim is to inject the grammar learning points ... approach of grammar teaching can be ideal for not only students majoring in English but also for every student learning English at all levels We all know that grammar skills are essential to students' ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2016, 20:19
An investigation into Phuc Trach Upper Secondary School students’ difficulties in learning English pronunciation
... towards learning English ( Q1) - Students general attitude towards learning English pronunciation (Q2) - Students awareness of the importance of learning English pronunciation(Q3) - Do students ... categories to analyze: - Students general attitude towards learning English - Students realization of learning English pronunciation importance - Students common mistakes when learning English pronunciation ... out students attitude towards learning English in general and learning English pronunciation in particular - To investigate how difficult the English pronunciation learning towards the students...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:04
... the Students Difficulties in Learning Reading Skills? Question 5: What are the elements causing the students difficulties in learning reading skills? Causes to students difficulties in learning ... the Students Motivation in Learning the Reading Skill Students Factors Limited Background Knowledge When learning the reading skill, the non-English major first-year students ... improvable Thirdly, students will be fully aware of the value of their learning when the teacher ties class activities to students interests, arouses their curiosity, and makes the learning task fun...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:21
Topic1: your opinion about learning foreign languages
... Here are some opinions and experiences of me in learning English There’s only one way to change your life, to live the life you want In this way,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 02:15
An investigation into students demotivation in learning english speaking
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2014, 07:17
... collect information about students motivation in learning speaking English, students speaking ability as well as to find out possible ways for enhancing students motivation in learning speaking ... their students motivation in learning speaking English was low; similarly, 57.2% of the students also asserted that their motivation in learning speaking English was low In order to increase students ... school students motivation in learning speaking English? Do oral quizzes increase high school students speaking ability? Is there a correlation between high school students motivation in learning...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:36
the relationship between vietnamese efl students' beliefs and learning preferences and native english-speaking teachers' beliefs and teaching practices
... Folklinguistic theories of learning “Ideas that students have about language and language learning (Miller & Ginsberg, 1995, p 294) Learners‟ philosophy of language learning “Beliefs about how language ... to students about the subject, about learning, and can be perceived by learners as appropriate ways of dealing with the subject (Elbaum et al., 1993; Kern, 1995) Importantly, teachers‟ and students ... noted that "learning styles and learning strategies are often seen as interrelated Styles are made manifest by learning strategies." (p 315) Nevertheless, strategies differ from learning styles...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 06:26
A study on students' English language learning style preferences at Do Luong 2 High School, Do Luong district, Nghe An province
... understanding students learning styles 1.4 Mismatches between Teachers' and Students' perceptions of learning activities………………………………………………………… 1.5 The need to study students learning styles ... Table 6: Students and Teachers‟ opinion about the importance of learning styles………20 Table 7: Students and Teachers‟ opinion about useful activities…………………………21 Table 8: The activities students ... between students learning styles and teachers‟ teaching styles in our school, if any? 3) How to narrow the gap between teaching and learning so as to bring about students expected learning...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:26
A study on students' difficulties in learning English for special purposes at Faculty of Broadcasting Technology of College of Broadcasting I
... readers Chart 1: Students perception about the importance of reading skill in ESP reading Chart 2: Students views about the role of ESP reading for their future job Chart 3: Students interest ... of the students is about learning styles Students learning style is quite dependent on the teachers and the text books This one is tracked in learning vocabulary and grammar rules The education ... 15 questions is designed for students who are currently learning English for Broadcasting Technology to get information about difficulties of students at FBT in learning ESP reading Besides,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27
A study on second-year navigation students' difficulties in learning ESP vocabulary at Haiphong Poli-technical College
... teaching and learning 34 3.3.3 Encouraging the development of effective vocabulary learning strategies 35 3.3.4 Developing the effective ESP vocabulary teaching 36 3.3.5 Encouraging students to ... STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THÁI SƠN A STUDY ON SECOND-YEAR NAVIGATION STUDENTS Difficulties IN LEARNING ESP Vocabulary at Haiphong poly-technical college (NGHIÊN CỨU NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN ... 1.4.4 Prototypes 12 1.4.5 Contextualization 13 1.4.6 Learner autonomy 13 1.5 Strategies to enhance students vocabulary 14 1.5.1 Developing a variety of techniques for the teaching of meaning 14...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:36
A study on the teachers' application of task-based method and the 10th form students' use of learning strategies in their listening lessons at Tran Phu High Sch
... 27 II.1 The students performance in listening lessons 27 II.2 The students preparation for listening lessons 28 II.3 The students motivation before listening 29 II.4 The student’s learning strategies ... The students better preparation before listening 39 III.7 The students better learning strategies in listening lessons 39 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION REFERENCES 41 I Survey questionnaire (for students) ... TABLES AND CHARTS TABLES Table 1: The students performance in listening lessons Table 2: The students preparation for listening lessons Table 3: The students learning strategies used in listening...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:50
A survey on the first – year students’ English language learning style preferences at Hanoi University of Business and Technology = Khảo sát phong cách học tiến
... view on new words learning Graph 9: Students view on new words learning by age and gender Graph 10: Students and teachers‟ view on learning aids Graph 11: Students view on learning aids by age ... Graph 5: Students perceiving style preferences by age and gender Graph 6: Students' and teachers' view on learning mode Graph 7: Students view on learning mode by age and gender Graph 8: Students ... not aware of their students learning style preferences It is the teachers‟ unawareness of students learning style preferences that negatively affects the quality of students learning, their attitudes...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56
Adapting English 10 textbook towards promoting learner's autonomy and communicative competence in learning grammar = Điều chỉnh sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 10 theo
... autonomy Table 1: Grammar presentation in English 10 textbook Table 2: Students past learning experience Table 3: Students learning styles Chart 1: Students general judgments of grammar part in ... However, not many students really made an effort in learning For example, half students did not often use other materials in the lesson 28 Students learning styles A questionnaire about learning styles ... review I.1 Overview of grammar learning and teaching I.1.1 The importance of grammar in second language learning I.1.2 Approaches and methods in teaching grammar I.1.3 Grammar teaching in the...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:09
Factors affecting non-English major students’ motivation in learning English listening skills at College of Industrial Techniques hứng thú học kĩ năng nghe tiến
... de-motivated Learning conditions affecting students motivation in learning English listening skills Please put a tick (√) to show your ideas about your learning Percentage condition in learning ... de-motivated students in learning English In order to have a better situation in learning English listening skills, students should apply various learning methods Additionally, teachers should help students ... factors affecting non-English major students motivation in learning English listening skills 29 Learning conditions affecting students motivation in learning English listening skills...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:34
Factors affecting students' motivation in learning English listening skills at An Lao High School = Những nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến động lực học kỹ năng nghe Tiếng
... learning English listening 1) Students' motivation in learning listening *Students' interest in English listening learning To know how interested students are in learning English listening, let ... listening Moreover, the number of students in class was too crowded (about 46 students, 61.7% students agreed with this) 3.1.2 Students' expectations Students' expectations towards teachers' ... 0.0% Table 12: Students' expectations towards learning environment of listening Learning environment is external factor that affects students' motivation in learning listening So students showed...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:38