Published 2013 • in the United States of America VOLUME • NUMBER AMPHIBIAN & REPTILE Editor Craig Hassapakis USA Berkeley, California, Associate Editors Raul E Howard Diaz University of Kansas, USA O Clark, Garcia and Associates, Erik R Wild Jr USA University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, USA Assistant Editors Daniel D Fogell Alison R Davis University of California, Berkeley, USA Southeastern Community College, USA Editorial Review Board David C Blackburn California C Bill Academy of Sciences, USA Kenneth Dodd, University of Florida, Harvey B Peter V Texas USA USA Jodi J L R Pakistan USA Rohan Pethiyagoda VENEZUELA Australian Rowley Museum, AUSTRALIA Virginia SAUDIA ARABIA Rafaqat Masroor Museum of Natural History, PAKISTAN Elnaz Najafimajd Ege University, TURKEY Mushinsky University of South Florida, A Ibrahim Ha’il University, Julian C Lee New Mexico, USA Henry Lindeman Jaime E Pefaur Australian Adel A&M University, USA Taos, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Universidad de Los Andes, Jelka Crnobrnja-Isailovc IBISS University of Belgrade, SERBIA SOUTH AFRICA Lee A Fitzgerald Jr USA Lillywhite University of Florida, Branch Museum, Port Elizabeth Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani Museum, AUSTRALIA Peter Uetz Commonwealth University, Razi University, IRAN Larry David Wilson USA instituto Regional de Biodiversidad, USA Advisory Board Aaron M Bauer Allison C Alberts Zoological Society of San Diego, Michael USA Villanova University, James Hanken Harvard University, USA B Eisen Public Library of Science, USA USA Royal Ontario Museum, Antonio W Salas Environment and Sustainable Development, R Erdelen Roy W McDiarmid USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, USA Robert W Murphy Russell A Mittermeier Conservation International, Walter UNESCO, FRANCE USA Eric R Pianka CANADA University of Texas, Austin, USA Dawn S Wilson AMNH Southwestern Research Station, USA PERU Honorary Members Carl C Joseph T Collins (1939-2012) Gans (1923-2009) Cover : Agalychnis lemur Amphibian (SMF 89959), Cerro Negro, PNSF, Veraguas [Reference this issue: 6(2): 9-30 (e46)] Photo by Arcadio Carrizo & Reptile Conservation — Worldwide Community-Supported Herpetological Conservation (ISSN: 1083-446X; elSSN: 1525-9153) is & Reptile Conservation as full issues at least twice yearly (semi-annually or more often depending on published by Craig Hassapakis/Amphibian needs) and papers are immediately released as they are finished on our website;; email: Amphibian & Reptile Conservation is published as an open access journal Please visit the official journal website at: Instructions to Authors : Amphibian & Reptile Conservation accepts manuscripts on the biology of amphibians and conservation, sustainable management, and biodiversity Topics in these areas can include: bution, conservation, species profiles, ecology, natural history, sustainable reptiles, taxonomy and phylogeny, species management, conservation breeding, with emphasis on inventories, distri- citizen science, social network- and any other topic that lends to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles worldwide Prior consultation with editors is suggested and if you have any questions and/or concerns about submissions Further details on the submission of a manuscript can best be obtained by consulting a current published paper from the journal and/or by accessing Instructions for Authors at the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation ing, important website: © Craig Hassapakis!Amphibian & Reptile Conservation © 2012 Copyright: Ibrahim This original author is an open-access article distributed which permits unrestricted use, Attribution License, and source are distribution, under the terms of the Creative and reproduction in Commons Amphibian & Reptile Conservation any medium, provided the 6(2):2-4 credited Short Communication New records of the Dice snake, Natrix tessellata, in the Suez Canal zone and Sinai ADEL A IBRAHIM Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal Abstract lata —Ten years of herpetological surveys was most common in Citation: Ibrahim in in Sinai snake, Natrix tessellata, Suez Canal, Sinai, AA 2012 New EGYPT the Suez Canal zone revealed that Natrix tesselfresh water irrigation canals It is recorded herein for the first time in Port Said and Suez provinces and discovered Key words Dice 43527 Suez, University, records of the Diced snake, Natrix tessellata, new in the records Suez Canal zone and Sinai Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 6(2):2-4(e42) The Dice snake (Natrix known from long tessellata- Figs and 2) was Said and Suez provinces At Al-Ganayen of Suez, the northern part of the Nile Delta Red Sea proaches the well-known the River Nile as far as A1 Wasta in Bani Suef province (Baha El Din 2011) However, no record of A tessellata was known from Sinai, and its distribution in the Suez unnecessarily Canal zone was lacking west to east (Sinai) at Deversoir The Dice snake Natrix tessellata) was first reported from the Suez Canal zone by Werner (1983) referring to an individual collected by Tortonese in 1948 from Qas- now widely distributed ince, km west of the 35 Suez Canal many people still continue to The Dice snake was transported them kill to the east bank of the Suez Canal through the fresh water canal connecting At Meet Abul Koum AlJadidah, a road-killed snake was first observed in 2008 documenting its first occurrence in Sinai This species is newly cultivated lands in the Ismailia prov- in fresh east water canals irrigating of Bitter Lakes in Sinai and two other individuals, one found eight km south of Ismailia and the other, west of Bitter Lakes Recently, N tessellata ties in the Stein and was reported from Suez Canal area Acknowledgments several different locali- (all in of the Suez Canal) Two author from Ferdan (10 sain (15 km is located 35 km km N Ismailia), and deposited National d’Historire Naturelle, Paris Konrad Mebert and Ain Ghosin the which (MNHN 2000.5147 Anderson Simmons and Dr comments and sugges- for their valuable irrigation web documenting its first 1898 Zoology of Egypt Volume Reptilia ex- 18:385-387 Flower am- SS 1933 Notes on the recent reptiles and phibians of Egypt, with a along the Suez J tension of Natrix tessellata in Egypt Mertensiella wide-spread in fresh water irrigation canals, Canal west bank, from Port Said to Suez (Table Fig 3), thus Many and Batrachia Quaritch, London 370 p Baha El Din S 2011 Distribution and recent range A ten-year herpetological survey huge this manuscript Literature cited Suez Canal region by the author revealed that N constitute a of Museum Said; however, a locality at the stated distance actually tessellata is Here- tions west and 2000.5148) Baha El Din (2011) reported this species 48 km south of Port Said and associated it with Port in the Mohammad snakes were collected by the S Ismailia) in Ismailia province thank Dr thanks are due to the reviewers, John Baqar, a town in Sharqiya province, not Port Said prov- town I kis for editing the early draft Helmy (1994) reported the snake from Ismailia ince as they claimed (the — her for drawing the location map, and Craig Hassapa- the Ismailia region) gardens; they also recorded an individual from Balir A1 is is Suez Canal farmers as a non-venomous snake; however, ( sasin, ap- within five km The Dice snake (Anderson 1898; Flower 1933; Marx 1968; Saleh 1997), and its distribution extended in the lower extremes of to it list of the species recorded from that kingdom Proceedings of the Zoological Society ofLondon 103(3):735-851 and record from both Port Correspondence Email: 02 March 2012 Volume | | Number | e42 Ibrahim Figure Natrix tessellata, Ismailia Figure Natrix tessellata, Deversoir, 24 city, August 2007 Photo: Adel A Ibrahim May 2008 Photo: Adel A 03 Ibrahim March 2012 Volume | | Number e42 | New Marx H 1968 Checklist of the Reptiles Dice snake record and Amphibians of Egypt U.S Naval Medical Research Unit No 32°20'0"E 32°0'0"E 3, Cairo 51 p Saleh MA 1997 Amphibians and Reptiles of Egypt Publication of National Biodiversity Unit (Egypt) No 234 p Helmy Stein K, I for the snakes 1994 Some new distribution records of Egypt (Squamata: Serpentes) Bul- of the Maryland Herpetological Society 3: 15-26 Werner YL 1983 Lizards and snakes from eastern lowletin er Egypt in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University, with range extensions Herpetological Review 14(1):29-31 Manuscript received: 27 January 2012 Accepted: 26 February 2012 Published: 13 Table and March 2012 Locations of Natrix tessellata in the Suez Canal zone Sinai Date Coordinates Said 25.5.2009 31° Location km S Port 10' 54"'N, 32° 18' 12' 'E Abu Khalifa Ezbet Attawwab 31.7.2002 30° 46’ 30"'N, 32° Km Ismailia 13.5.2009 30° 44’ 00"'N, 32° Qaryat Assama’ana 9.5.2005 30° 43’ 23"'N, 32° Ferdan 11.5.2000 30° 39’ 42"'N, 32° Km 8, N.W Ismailia 25.5.2009 30° 39’ 41"'N, 32° Km 6, N.W Ismailia 24.6.2008 30° 38’ 35"'N, 32° 23.7.2004 30° 37’ 43"'N, 32° 14' 30' 'E Ismailia City 7.8.2007 30° 35’ 19"'N, 32° 16' 56' 'E 10 Al-Manayef 5.3.2006 30° 33’ 13"'N, 32° 11' 11 Ain Ghosain 16.7.1999 30° 30’ 45"'N, 32° 18' 13' 'E 12 Meet Abul 25.5.2008 30° 25’ 28"'N, 32° 24' 47' 'E 17, N.W km N.W Ismailia Koum Al-Jadidah, S 15' 41' 'E 13' 42" E 15' 34' 'E '19' 49"E 15' 31' 'E 15' 07" E 54”'E “ 13 Al-Aqqadah 1.6.2001 30° 26’ 01"'N, 32° 20' 13' 'E 14 Deversoir 24.5.2008 30° 25’ 33"'N, 32° 20' 49' 'E 15 Jeneeva 8.5 16 Al-Ganayen, Suez 31.5.2001 30° 2002 12’ Figure and 29° 59’ 53"'N, 32° 33' 07' 'E ADEL IBRAHIM is 32°20'0"E 32°0'0”E 23"'N, 32° 25' 43' 'E 1 Distribution of N tessellata in the Suez Canal zone Sinai associate professor of zoology (herpetologist), was previously head of the De- partment of Environmental Sciences, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt, and is currently a visiting professor at Ha’il University, Saudia Arabia Adel has published 33 scientific papers (all in the field of and Amphibians of Libya (In press) 1987 and the Suez Canal zone for more than 10 herpetology), and currently two chapters in Amphibians of Egypt Adel has researched the herpetofauna of Sinai since years Adel is an avid photographer having contributed about 40 photos of reptile species to the Reptile Database: He is member of the mittee Advisory Board 2005-2012 (elected at the 04 th International Herpetological Com- World Congress of Herpetology, South Africa) March 2012 Volume | | Number e42 | Copyright: © 2012 Hassapakis This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, original author which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in Amphibian & Reptile Conservation ( ): - any medium, provided the and source are credited Books to Read “Books to Read” is Amphibian and Reptile Conservation's recommended book section that presents and publicizes books related to the “Sustainable Management of Amphibian and Reptile Biodiversity” and related topics Information given is on author(s) or editor(s), publisher, copyright, dimensions, cover art, and International Serial Book Number (ISBN) Short descriptions and book reviews will be presented where possible For potential book reviews and listing in “Books to Read” address email to Craig Hassapakis at: To assist our tracking please email subject heading as“Book Review” with date as “dd/mm/yyyy.” Postal mail book(s) for review and publicity to: Craig Hassapakis, 2525 Iowa Avenue, Modesto, California 953589467, USA An Reptile Biodiversity: Standard Amphibians and Reptiles: Methods for Inventory and Introduction to Their Natural Monitoring History and Conservation Editors, Roy W McDiarmid, Mercedes Foster, Craig Guyer, J By Marty Crump The McDonald & Wood- S ward Publishing Company, Whitfield Gibbons, and Granville, Ohio September 20,2011 Neil Chemoff University of California Press, Berkeley, California First edition, January 12, Product dimensions: 8.9 x 6.9 x 0.7 inches 2012 Children 5th to 8th grade and older, ix Product dimensions: 11.1 x 8.4 x xii 13: + 412 + 249 pages Paperback: US$29.95 ISBN-13: 978-1- 1.1 inches, pages Hardcover: US$67.00 ISBN:- 935778-20-2 978-0-520-26671-1 005 April 2012 Volume | | Number e40 | Hassapakis Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians GLOBAL PUSFIt A I t I ! B William E Duellman Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians (Biological Diversity Handbook) Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: a Global Perspective Editor, William Duellman The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland First Editor, edition, July 20, 1999 W Ronald Heyer Smithsonian Books, Washington, D.C First edition, February 17, 1994 Product dimensions: 10.3 x 7.4 x 1.5 inches 648 pages Hardcover: US$90.00 ISBN- 13: Product dimensions: 6.9 x 0.8 x 1.0 inches 978-0-8018-6115-4 364 pages Paperback: US$23.87 ISBN-13: 978-1-56098-284-5 006 April 2012 Volume | | Number e40 | Books to Read THE BIOLOGY OF ANURAN LARVAE Edited by Roy W MeDiarmid and Ronald Altig Tadpoles: The Biology of Anuran A Natural History of Larvae Amphibians Editors, By Robert C Roy W MeDiarmid and Ronald Altig University of Chicago Press, Chicago, First edition, October 1, W Cohen Stebbins and Nathan Princeton University Press, Princeton, Illinois New Jersey January 6, 1997 2000 Product dimensions: 10.9 x 8.4 x 1.0 inches Product dimensions: 9.1 x 6.0 x 0.8 inches Hardcover: US$90.00; Paperback: US$47.50 332 pages Paperback: US$31.95 ISBN- 13: ISBN-13: 978-0-226-55763-2 978-0-691-10251-1 007 April 2012 Volume | | Number e40 | Hassapakis The Chromosomes of Terraranan Frogs Insights into Vertebrate Cytogenetics Editors The Iguanid Lizards of Cuba By Lourdes Rodriguez The Chromosomes of Terraranan Frogs: Insights into Vertebrate Schettino University Cytogenetics Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida First edition, December 31, 1999 Editors, Product dimensions: 9.5 x 6.4 x M Schmid, Wiirzbur, J.P Bogar, and S.B Hedge S Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland 1.5 inches First edition, 448 pages Hardcover: US$85.00 ISBN-13: October 25, 2010 978-0-8130-1647-4 Product dimensions: 11.1 x 8.6 x 1.2 inches 568 pages Hardcover: US$797.00 ISBN-13: 978-3-8055-9607-7 Citation: Hassapakis C 2012 Books to Read Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 6(2):5-8(e40) Published: 11 April 2012 008 April 2012 Volume | | Number e40 | Agalychnis lemur (SMF 89959), Cerro Negro, PNSF, Veraguas Photo by AC 009 April 2012 Volume | | Number e46 | Threatened amphibian species Amphibian species reported for Panama IUCN Category B bramei DD B colonnea LC B compacta EN B lignicolor DD DD DD VU B magnifica EN B copia B cuna B gomezi B marmorea EN B medemi VU B minutula EN B robinsoni DD DD DD B robusta LC B schizodactyla LC B phalarosoma B pygmaea B sombra B taylori Oedipina alfaroi transect western EN/CR detected during this study Panama Distance of detected population to nearest PA (km) Name of nearest PA X PNVB X X X X PNVB PNVB X X X X 33 18 PILA; PNVB VU DD VU O alleni LC O collaris DD complex LC O cyclocauda LC O fortunensis NE O gracilis EN O grandis EN O maritima CR O pacificensis LC O parvipes LC O EN/CR known from in PILA Order Gymnophiona Family Caeciliidae Caecilia isthmica DD C leucocephala LC C nigricans LC C volcani Dermophis glandulosus DD DD D gracilior DD D parviceps LC Gymnophis NE multiplicata Oscaecilia elongata DD O ochrocephala LC Total 206 026 April 2012 Volume | | Number e46 | Hertz et APPENDIX al III Representative species Agalychnis annae (SMF 89791), Cerro Colorado, Comarca Agalychnis lemur Ngobe-Bugle Photo by SL Atelopus varius (AH guas 218), Cerro Negro, PNSF, Veraguas Chiriqul Chiriqul PNVB, (SMF 89849), Volcan Barn, PNVB, Photo by AH marmorea (SMF 89850), summit of Volcan Barn, PNVB, Chiriqul Photo by AH Duellmanohyla uranochroa (SMF 89824), western slope of Cerro Pata de Macho, RFLF, Chiriqul Photo by AH 89855), valley of Jurutungo, southern slope of Cerro Pando, PILA, Chiriqul Photo by AH (SMF Bolitoglossa Photo by AH Bolitoglossa minutula 89959), Cerro Negro, PNSF, Vera- Photo by AC Bolitoglossa compacta Photo by AH Bolitoglossa magnified (AH323), Volcan Barn, (SMF 027 April 2012 Volume | | Number e46 | Threatened amphibian species in western Tadpoles ofDuellmanohyla uranochroa (AH 195) showing complete loss of keratinized mouthparts (A) and deformation Back view of Duellmanohyla uranochroa (SMF 89825) with large nematode under the skin, BPPS, Comarca Ngobe-Bugle Photo by AH of oral disk (B), western slope of Cerro Pata de Macho, RFLF, Chiriqui Ecnomiohyla fimbrimembra (SMF 89857), Bajo Mono, eastern slope of Volcan Barn, PNVB, Chiriqui Photo by AH Hyloscirtus colymba (SMF 89831) cosis, note reddish coloration Panama Photo by AH through dissecting microscope Hyloscirtus colymba guas infected with chydridiomy- (AH 547), Alto de Piedra, PNSF, Vera- Photo by AH Isthmohyla angustilineata (MHCH 483), El pianista, PILA, Bocas del Toro Photo by MP through vascular dilatation, Alto de Piedra, PNSF, Veraguas Photo by AH Isthmohyla debilis (AH 347), La Nevera, Comarca Ngobe- Isthmohyla graceae Bugle Photo by AH (SMF 89837), Cerro Sagui, Comarca Ngobe-Bugle Photo by AH 028 April 2012 Volume | | Number e46 | Hertz et Isthmohyla rivularis (SMF 89843), northern slope of Cerro Isthmohyla tica Pando, PILA, Bocas del Toro Photo by AH Oedipina grandis (SMF 89846), Rio Hacha, slopes of Cerro Pando, PILA Bocas del Toro Photo by AH View of the Cerro Colorado area looking westward along the continental divide, from La Nevera Note road from San Felix 89863), Santa Clara, Chiriqul Photo by AH and cone-shaped peak of Cerro Sagui Fig Comarca Ngobe- Pristimantis museosus (SMF89859), Rio Changena, northern slope of Cerro Pando, PILA, Chiriqul Photo by GK (SMF (SMF Bugle Photo by AH 85076), valley of Jurutungo, southern Ptychohyla legleri froglet al 029 in Myers and Duellman April in the background (cp 1982) Photo by SL 2012 Volume | | Number e46 | Threatened amphibian species Andreas Hertz western Panama Marcos Ponce Arcadio Carrizo Sebastian Lotzkat Bruno Gunther Kohler in 030 Streit April 2012 Volume | | Number e46 | Copyright: Creative © 2013 Hosseinian Yousefkhani et al This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported for non-commercial and education purposes only provided the Amphibian & Reptile Conservation License, which permits unrestricted use original author 6(2):31-34 and source are credited and conservation of Eremias Habitat associations acutirostris (Boulenger, 1887) in the Sistan region, Zabol, Iran r Seyyed Saeed Hosseinian Yousefkhani, Hamzeh Oraei, 1>3 Azar Khosravani and Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani Arnnian Plateau Herpetology’ Research Group (IPHRG), Faculty of Science, Razi University, 67 14967346 Kermanshah, IRAN ^-Department of IRAN 3Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Razi University, 6714967346 Kerman- Zoology Faculty of Biology, Tehran University, Tehran, shah, IRAN ^Department ofBiology, Faculty of Science, >, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, IRAN — During a field survey in the Sistan region of Iran in October 2011, habitat of Eremias acutirostris was surveyed and four specimens of the species were collected We report a locality situated along the road from Zabol to Doost Mohammad, near the town of Bonjar The fragile habitat, consist of immobile sand dunes, is situated in proximity to an industrial zone, placing this remnant population under threat of pollution and other anthropogenic edge effects We call the Zabol Environmental Protection Agency to act and insure the species’ future in Iran Abstract Key words Eremias Citation: tris acutirostris Zabol, sand dune, , Hosseinian Yousefkhani SS, (Boulenger, 1887) in Hamzeh Doost Mohammad, conservation O, Khosravani A, Rastegar-Pouyani E 2013 Habitat associations and conservation of Eremias acutiros- the Sistan region, Zabol, Iran Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 6(2):31-34(e60) Introduction The habitat consisted of immobile sand dunes with large shrubs Eremias is a widespread Lacertid genus that uted from China to eastern Europe and southward to the 2007) Iran Eremias acutirostris istan, IUCN As The genus comprises approximately 15 species and Pakistan, and (Fig 1) occurs in Iran, listed as tus known tion its (Fig 2) This particular habitat, characterized same habitat (Goode et al 1995) Lizards in the genus Eremias in- which are threatened mainly industrial development Human activity and an industrial park has recently been constructed along the road between the vil- and provide sug- The construction of the industrial township, with all its accompanying structures, inevitably destroyed some of the fragile habitat Drought conditions result- conservation, in association to these ing in loss of vegetation have deteriorated the habitat, as lages we ex- shrubs are viable resources for food (via insect attraction) environmental problems and shelter (refuge presume Materials and in the be sensitive to habitat destruction and degrada- in the study area is evident is species’ habitat preferences its to by grazing and by veg- overgrazing and industrial activities In this study, gestions about and collected habit xeric habitats in Iran, occur- consumedly degraded by the high human population density in the area; main threats are amined the also observed Reptiles inhabit a diverse array of habitats, but are 2008) limited to a small area (Zabol region) etated sand dunes, were Results and discussion critical for its survival is The sp.) (Fig 3) in Afghan- et al Within the distribution range of the species, rence in Iran and Haloxylon al a specialist species, E acutirostris requires a suitable perhaps sp “Least Concern” by the (Anderson 1999, Rastegar-Pouyani habitat, Tamarix snake Echis carinatus and the gecko Bunopus tubercula- is distrib- Iranian plateau (Anderson 1999; Rastegar-Pouyani et ( from predators) that these recent modifications are negatively affecting the species’ population within the area and methods We for the lizards may possibly lead to extinction of this lizard in Iran, if not During a three day field Iran in October 2011, we survey in the Sistan region of restricted Conservation of E acutirostris and other rare species observed 12 specimens of E acutirostris in the field; four were collected and depos- that Hakim Sabzevari Zoological Museum (SUHC 1084, 1085, 1086, and 1087) The locality was in an arid Hamoon basin, approximately 20 km may occur in the studied habitat are significantly depended on the decision making of the Department of ited in the area of the and protected Environment of the region, and the establishment of pro- W of tected area(s) Bonjar on the road between Zabol and Doost Mohammad ( N 31° 05’ 15.6”, E 061° 37’ 32.8”, elevation 440 m) will its We hope that publication improve the conservation of of our findings this rare species, with restricted distribution in Iran Correspondence Email: 031 July 2013 Volume | | Number e60 | Hosseinian Yousefkhani et for Sonoran Desert rock outcrops Nongame and En- Zabol region and John D Willson dangered Wildlife Program Heritage Report Arizona Acknowledgments field assistance in the —We thank Naser Sanchooli for editing the manuscript for English go out to Roy al Our Talbi, for kindly providing helpful ments on the manuscript Game and Fish special thanks com- Department, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 25 p Rastegar-Pouyani N, Johari M, Rastegar-Pouyani E We thank Craig Hassapakis for 2007 Field Guide to the Reptiles of Iran (Volume helping to improve parts of the manuscript Lizards) Razi University Press, 298 Literature cited Kennanshah, IRAN p Rastegar-Pouyani N, Kami HG, Rajabizadeh M, Shafiei Anderson SC 2008 Annotated checklist of amphibians and reptiles of Iran Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 4(l):43-66 S, Anderson SC 1999 The Lizards of Iran Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA 137 25 text-figs., distribution col pis., 442 maps [unnumbered], p Goode MJ, Howland JM, Received: 07 December 2012 Sredl MJ 1995 Effects of Accepted: 21 February 2013 microhabitat destruction on reptile abundance in Published: 09 July 2013 Figure Adult male Eremias acutirostris from the Zabol region, Iran 032 July 2013 Volume | | Number e60 | Habitat associations and conservation of Eremias acutirostris " 45 * 55 * 50 * 60 65 ’ RUSSI GEORGIA UZBEK STAN 40 ‘- " 40 - TURKEY TURKMENISTAN Tabfiii * tI ** \ ake Urmia * i T