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WRITTEN TEST I.Choose the word in each line that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest(5p) 1.A.continue B.monitor C.commuter Deconomy 2.A.essential B.wilderness C.possession D.express 3.A.device B.entry C.emphatic D.electronic 4.A.unpleasant B.physical C.television D.deserve 5.A.tasty B.highland C.industrial D.delta II.Find the word whose stress is on the different syllable from the rest.(5p) 1.A.absence B.employ C.bargain D.rural 2.A.coziness B.position C.solution D.pollution 3.A.poisonous B.gallery C.heritage D.magazine 4.A.focus B.history C.approve D.balance 5.A.benefit B.attitude C.commercial D.chemical III.Circle the best answer A, B,C or D for each of the following sentences.(10p) 11………my utter astonishment, she refused to marry him. A.In B.On C.To D.At 12.Paul was so …… about his exam results that he did not smile all week. A.proud B.upset C.satisfied D.sad 13.She’s not unfriendly , she’s………talking to people she’s never met before is very diffecult to her. A.ashamed B.modest C.shy D.aggressive 14.It is very …….of you offer me your seat , but really I’m quite happy to stand. A.sympathetic B.grateful C.thankful D.considerate 15.I wish you wouldn’t keep ……me. Let me finish what I’m saying . A.interrupting B.disturbing C.intruding D.talking 16.Many local people object…… of the new airport. A.to build B.to building C.building D.of building 17………,I would come to see her immediately. A.Were I to be you B.Were I be you C.Were I you D.If I be you 18.We thought that we would be safe …….the storm if we sheltered under the tree. A.for B.from C.to D.of 19.Either you or she ………to go. A.have B.should C.must D.has 20.Don’t drive too fast,…… ? A.won’t you B.Will you C.do you D.shall you 21.Mary told me she ………that film two days before. A.saw B.was seeing C.has seen D. had seen 22.Up to now, they haven’t …… a decision yet. A.done B.finished C.made D.worked 23.Whenever I visit an interesting place , I have my photographs…………. A.taken B.took C.being taken D.taking 24.I left home early………I could do several errands. A.so as B.because of C. so that D.in order to 25.It was raining hard , so we couldn’t go to the cinema .We stay at home to watch television……. A.altogether B.as well C.stead D.instead IV.Circle the word or phrase among A,B,C or D that is incorrect in each sentence. (10p) 26.Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade while others were singing A B C D songs. 27.Now that they have suceesfully passed the entrance exam, the students were ready to begin A B C their classes at the university . D 28. The teacher explained the way of doing the home assignment for the students once again , A B since they had difficult in understand it. C D 29.The way people react with others , the educational training they receive, and the way they live in A B C the society are a part of their cultural heritage. D 30.Sumo is a competitive contact sport where two wrestlers attempt force one another out of a A B C circular ring or to touch the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet. D 31.After Mr.Peabody had died , the money from his estate was given back to the company which A B C he served as president for ten year. D 32.Although the weather was not fine enough, but there were lots of people going for a walk outside. A B C D 33.Many unpleasant situations such as bad weather, possible injury, or a crowded campsite will be A B less disappointed if the campers prepare for them carefully before going. C D 34.She has been asking him for help for many times , but he seemed to turn a blind eye for her A B C D request. 35.The most exciting time of a floating market is in the early morning , when boats arrive loading up A B C with various kinds of agricultural produce. D V.Read the following passage and choose the correct form of each word to complete the passage.(10p) Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species usage and (36.KNOW) ……. of tools and crafts , and how it affects a species’ ability to control and adapt to its environment .In human society , it is a consequence of science and (37.ENGINEER) ……, although several (38.TECHNOLOGY) …… advances pre-date the two concepts . Teachnology has affectd society and its (39.SURROUND) …… in a number of way .In many societies , technology has helped develop more advanced (40.ECONOMY) …… and had (41.ALLOW) …….the rise of the leisure class.Many technological processes produce (42.WANT) …… by-products , known as (43.POLLUTE) ………, and reduce natural resources to the detriment of the Earth and its environment .Various (44.IMPLEMENT) ……of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new enthical questions.Examples includethe rise of ideas of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term (45.ORIGIN) …….applied only to machines , and the challenge of traditional norms. 36.A.knowledgeable B.knowing C.knowledge D.known 37.A.engineering B.engineers C.engines D.engine 38.A.technologists B.technologic C.techno D.tecnological 39.A.surrounded B.surrounding C.surroundings D.surrounds 40.A.economies B.economical C.economic D.economics 41.A.allowance B.allowed C.allowable D.allowing 42.A.wanted B.unwanting C.diswanted D.unwanted 43.A.pollution B.polluted C.polluters D.polluting 44.A.implemented B.implementations C.implements D.implementators 45.A.original B.orginally C.originated D.originality VI.Read the passage and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each blank(10p) There are many stories about sea . Some are legends , and some are true .One of the strangest is true story about the sailing ship named Marie Celeste. On November 5 th 1872,Marie Celeste , under the command of Captain Benjamin Briggs, set sail from Stalen Island, New York to Genoa, Italy . In addition to the Captain and a crew of seven she carried two (46)………., the Captain’wife , Saral E.Briggs , and two year-old daughter,Sophia Matilda, making 10 people in (47)……… After several days (48)………sea, Morehouse, the captain of the Dei Gratia, spotted the Marie Caleste , and he immediately(49)…….that something was strange about her appearance .She was not moving and there were no signof life on deck.The captain called out , but there was no (50)……… The Marie Celeste seemed deserted. Morehouse and a few of his man took a small boat to the Marie Celeste to inspect. They seached very part of the ship and found nothing –not a man , dead or alive , no (51) ………of illness or combat, no disruption .Nothing was missing there was no damage to the ship .In fact , every thing was in good (52)……… and strangely enough , the remnants of a recent meal were on the table .There was an unfinished letter home near it , a frestly washed atack of clothes in the laundry ,and plenty of food and water for six months. These signs of normal every day life on an empty ship were the strangest features of the (53)……… What had happened to the captain and its crew ?Did all of the crew decide to jump from the Marie Caleste at the same time ? Or did a monster come up from the sea onto the ship and take the captain and the crew (54)……….? If they had been (55)…… , why was every thing still in its place and there was no sign of violence?If they had died suddenly (56) ………a disease, where were their body? The captain of the Dei Gratia looked around for (57)………The last entry in the Marie Celeste’s diary was ten days earlier,when the ship was more than 100 miles away. However, the food on the table was only a few days old .If the crew were on the ship a few days ago, why weren’t there any later entries in the diary? No one was able to (58)……….the mystery of the Marie Celeste , but the public had many opinions .Investigators searched for the answers to these questions for years and years ,but they (59)…………up with nothing .The fate of the Marie Celeste remains one of the greatest mysteries of all times.Some people believe that Marien Caleste was under a curse, because it sank on a later(60)………….Now that the Marie Caleste lies somewhere at the bottom of the ocean , no ome can ever solve the mystery. 46.A.passengers B.tourists C.customers D.sailors 47.A.complete B.together C.general D.total 48.A.on B.around C.at D.in 49.A.realized B.recognized C.saw D.discovered 50.A.way B.response C.sentence D.reaction 51.A.signal B.signature C.sign D.sight 52.A.order B.way C.situation D.condition 53.A.mystery B.story C.myth D.tale 54.A.along B.under C.away D.for granted 55.A.damaged B.fought C.killed D.attacked 56.A.of B.for C.from D.in 57.A.clues B.proofs C.evidences D.witnesses 58.A.understand B.explain C.interpret D.reason 59.A.went B.caught C.dealt D.came 60.A.excursion B.trip C.voyage D.journey VII.Supply the correct form of the verb to complete the following sentences.(10p) 61.Since the beginning of the modern industry age , many of the natural habitats of plants and animals (61.destroy) ………………… by industrial development and pollution . 62-66.The Olympic Games (62.begin) ………………… more than 2,O00 years ago in Olympia ,a small town in Greece.At that time , only Greece men (63.allow) ……………… (64.complete) ……………………Woman (65.forbid) ……………… to set foot in the areas where the games (66.take place) …………………… 67-68.The Amazon valley (67.be) …………………… extremely important to the ecology of the Earth .Forty percent of the world’s oxygen (68.produce) ……………there. 69.I did’t enjoy (69.have) ………………… dinner with them at all. 70.When I came to see him , he (70.leave) …………………the house 2 hours before. VIII.Fil in each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage .(10p) Mobile phone:Hang up or keep talking? Millions of people are using mobile phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one .In many countries , cell phones are very popular with young people .They find that the phones are more than a (71)………………of communication-having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected. The explosion around the world in mobile phone use has (72)………….some health professionals worried .Some doctors are concerned that the future many people may suffer health problems (73) ……………… the use of mobile phone.In England , there has been a serious debate about this issue.Mobile phone companies are worried about the nagative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your (74)……………… (75)……………… the other hand , why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who (76)……………… mobile phones so regularly? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation . High-tect machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones.Mobile phone companies agree that there are some radiations,but the amount is (77)………………small to worry about . As the discussion about about their safety continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobile less often .Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a (78)…………….time .Use the mobile phone only when you really need it .They can be very useful and convenient ,especially in emergencies.Maybe (79)………………the near future , mobile phones will have a warning label saying that they are bad for your health.So for now ,it’s wise(80)………………….to use your mobile phone too often. IX.Read the text and circle the correct answer for each question below.(5p) Another Intelligence Emotion intelligence as a theory , was bought to public attention by the book Emotional Intelligence , Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman.According to Goleman , Emotional Intelligence consists of five key elements . The first is knowing one’own emotions :being able to recognize a certain emotional state and having the ability to identify which emotion is being experienced .Second, emotion awareness can then lead to managing one’s emotions .This involves dealing with emotions that are difficult to accept when one is feeling low .Many people do this by treating themselves ; others are able to wrap themselves in positive thoughts .But there are , of course, many people who are incapable of doing this , and so need to be taught. The third area is self motivation.Our emotions can either empower or hinder us , so it is important to develop the ability to control them .Strategies can be learnt whereby emotions are set aside to be dealt with at a later date.For example , when dealing with success or good fortune of others , it is better not too suppress any “negative” emotion that arises .What is more , one just needs to be extra careful when making decisions and not allowed one’s emotions to cloud the issues , by letting them show how one solves a problem with that person .The separation ofn logic and emotion is not easy when dealing with people . The last element is recognising emotions in other people .This means , having or developing “social radar” , liking learning to read the weather systems around individuals or groups of people .Obviously , leading on from this is the ability to handle relationships .If we can recognise , understand and then deal with other people’ s emotions , we can function better both socially and professionally . 81.Emotional Intelligence as a theory A.is found by Goleman. B.is more important than other intelligences. C.was unheard of until the 1970s. D. Was discussed in a book written by Goleman. 82.According to Goleman , Emotional Intelligence A.consists of five areas. B. has influence on our everyday lives. C.is most important to realising emotional states. D.is an awareness. 83.In order to get rid of the unpleasant feeling ,some people can A.wrap themselves in positive thoughts . B.go out to entertain C.teach themselves how to relax . D.do nothing. 84.One way of controlling emotions is to A.hinder them B.ignore the negative ones . C.put them aside to deal with later. D.forget every thing in a short time. 85.Recognising and understanding people ’s emotions A.lets us handle the relationships easily . B.is learning to predict weather conditions. C.empowers us . D.hinders us . X.Finish each of the following sentences using the given words . Remember touse between TWO and FIVE words for each sentence.(10p) 86.jim has been teaching French for 5 years now. (WORKING) ->Jim………………………………………………………a teacher of French for 5 years now. 87.It took me a long time to reover from my illness. (OVER) ->It took me a long time to get………………………………………………………………… 88.”Well done, Tony ! You have passed the exam”, said Joe.(CONGRATULATED) ->Joe……………………………………………………………… passing the exam. 89.Let’s go for a pizza.(GOING) ->How………………………………………………………………………….pizza? 90.It was a mistake for you to buy that car.(SHOULD’T) ->You…………………………………………………………………………that car. 91.If you hadn’t helped me , I wouldn’t have finished the task on time.(FOR) ->Had…………………………………………… help, I wouldn’t have finished the task on time . 92.I picked up the vase carefully , so as not to break it.(THAT) ->I picked up the vase carefully……………………………………………………… break. 93.Sam was so lazy that he lost his job.(WORKER) ->Such…………………………………………………………that he lost his job. 94.I think we should go home now.(ABOUT) ->It’s………………………………………………………………………………home now. 95.I wish I had gone to university.(REGRET) ->I………………………………………………………………………… to university. XI.Use the given cues in each line to write acomplete sentence.(5p) 96.The house/she/be born/grow/destroy/an earthquake/ten/year/ago. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 97.My/roomate/never/pick up after herself/which/irritate me/lot. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 98.Ms.Gray/spend/almost 2 hours/ travel/to/work/everyday. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 99.In spite/some/financial/problems/Joe/buy/new/car. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 100.The director/company/just/decided/that/smoking/no longer/allowed. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. -The end- . , under the command of Captain Benjamin Briggs, set sail from Stalen Island, New York to Genoa, Italy . In addition to the Captain and a crew of seven she. 23.Whenever I visit an interesting place , I have my photographs…………. A.taken B.took C.being taken D.taking 24.I left home early………I could do several errands. A.so

Ngày đăng: 03/09/2013, 14:10

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