BEFORE SCHOOLow iiiibn un pages 1 0 -1 9 Grammar 1: be, have got, there is / there are Vocabulary 1: Routines, family, clothes, school things Living together Understand the main ideas
Trang 1Campbe
M e tc a
ow iiiibn un
pages 1 0 -1 9
Grammar (1): be, have got, there is / there are Vocabulary (1): Routines,
family, clothes, school things
Living together
Understand the main ideas
Present continuous and present simple
Talk about things happening now, and about habits and routines
pages 3 2 -4 1
The natural world
Talk about landscapes and natural features
Inside the kitchen
Talk about food and cooking
Vocabulary (1):
Kitchen equipment and cooking verbs
Zach’s favourite recipe Expressions of quantity
Use headings to find specific Talk about quantity and
Identify the aim of a ter:
.es with prepositions +
Grammar (2): wh- questions, like + -ing Vocabulary (2): Classroom phrases, free-time
Raspberry Pi Articles a(n) and the Get organised: Say what you think
Listen for the main idea
Vocabulary (2):
Computer parts
Use a(n) and the to refer to things
Use lists to help you organise Ask for and give
Could you live without your mobile?
Talk about arrangements in the future
Identify the cause of
Use and, also and too
Wonderful wildlife photos Past continuous and Get organised: I’ve got a suggestion A holiday story
Use mind maps to organise Make and react to (holiday story)
Vocabulary (2): Wildlife
Talk about actions in progress and finished actions in the past
information for a talk suggestions
My favourite recipe (recipe)
Order ideas
Word stress in phrases © I’ll have salad
Where do 1 belong?
Recognise when speakers
need time to think
Use because and so
Stress changes in words © I ’ll help
an avatar
Talk about the human body
Vocabulary (1): Parts of the body
I ITrain your brain
Read quickly
Create an avatar UNIT REVIEW page 73
Zero conditional, should
Talk about results and the best thing to do
At work
Talk about jobs and workplaces
Vocabulary (1): Jobs and workplaces
Must and mustn't, have to
and don’t have to
Talk about things you need
Talk about experiences
Strange sports The power of football Relative clauses
Talk about sports and sports equipment
Vocabulary (1): Sports equipment
Understand pronouns Use relative clauses to
describe people, things and places
Present simple passive
Use the present simple passive to talk about facts and processes
© Science Museum UNIT REVIEW page 117
PROGRESS CHECK 9&10 pages 1 1 8 -1 1 9
rPBS page 140
GRAMMAR DATABASE pages 1 2 0 -1 2 9 WORDS & BEYOND pages 1 3 0 -1 3 9
Stretch! First conditional Communicate & cooperate: At the doctor’s What’s your advice?
Understand spoken Talk about possible Communicate your message Ask for and understand (forum post)
instructions situations in the when you give a talk advice at the doctor’s Give examples
Vocabulary (2): Word
Exercise verbs stress in sentences © What’s the problem?
An artist and app designer
Start and finish informal emails and letters
My radio
Use the audio type to help
you understand
Present perfect with
already, yet and just
Talk about things related to the present
Communicate & cooperate:
Talk about problems
1 know what you mean
Sports fans Comparisons Know yourself: Winners and losers My sports report
Listen for specific Compare people, Learn to deal with stress Congratulate and (report)
Everyday objects Past simple passive Get thinking: At the hardware store In my opinion
Understand new words Use the past simple Share and exchange Describe things when (opinion essay)
passive to talk about new ideas you don’t know the Present an
Vocabulary (2):
Everyday objects
completed actions in the past
© 1 need a thing
EXTRAS pages 141-142 PROJECTS page 143
Trang 7I'm Dylan I wake up at 7 o’clock and I get
up at 7.10 (OK, I don’t always get up then
b Work in pairs Ask and answer about your family
Use the words in Exercise 1.
Think of three activities you do before school
Compare with the class.
(►HO Read the story Are your activities in the story?
Read the story again Do the exercises below
Write the words for Dylan’s family members.
a (►BEEI Complete the sentences about Dylan.
Listen and check.
1 Dylan has got a mum and dad
2 H e two sisters He any brothers
4 Dylan and his siste rs _ any cousins
5 But the y four grandparents
a Underline eight words for clothes in the story Can you add four more words?
Have you got Yes, I have His name is / I’ve got
a brother? three brothers / No, I haven’t.
clothes? Tell the class.
Trang 8Then I get dressed.
I have breakfast with
my dad and watch TV
Have you g o t yo u r house
key and yo u r lunchbox?
H u rry up!
I meet my friend on the bus We get
to school at 8.30 - just in time
I pack my bag for school Yuck,
there are lots of horrible things!
I go to school by bus with my sisters
, , THINGS IN YOUR BAG 5 b Work in pairs Ask and answer
®0EE> Put the correct words together Listen and check questions about what’s in your
Yes, there are /
a Complete the sentences Use there is /is n ’t or
In my sister’s school bag
1 / there are five exercise books
Trang 9Hi M y name’s
4 please? / the / go / I / bathroom, / Can / to
5 a / borrow / please? / I / Can / pen,
6 How / say / English? / you / do / in / ‘pizarra’
3 the / don’t / I / question / understand
a (VIES Which activities does Dylan like doing? Write sentences Then listen and check.
1 / cook He Likes cooking.
in Exercise 2a you like and dislike What other activities do you like?
/ don’t like reading I like playing basketball
School finishes at 4 o’clock but I don't go home
This is Anna
She’s a new girl
at the school
3 Read the story again Do the exercises
below when you see this icon »>
V is a * Put the words in order to make
classroom phrases Listen and check
Then listen again and repeat.
1 24 / your / Open / at / books / page
Open, your books c\t page 24.
2 repeat / you / please? / Can / that,
words about your life.
My teacher s name is Miss Harris
I like her She’s always happy
1 Tick (✓ ) the things you usually do after
2 ®EEE> Read the story Which of the
things in Exercise 1 does Dylan do
Trang 10NOTICES Ik m tk u irn McnJalj
fo ri hour to keSuM t
5:15 in the School Library
0«ij; Tterstl^
Tkfc: BiOO-fcOO fkc&: ftxW |0|„
ftnse+or 8 % &ms
After school I usually go to a club There
are a lot of clubs in our school I like
doing lots of things I like swimming but I
don’t like acting I hate acting
my life I include some false information ha, ha!
| cooking a lot ^ B m f r
a , ►HU Complete the conversation with the question words in the box Then listen
and check Dylan doesn’t like acting but he says he loves drama Why?
How What When Where Who Why
Anna: (1) W lw t time is it?
Dylan: It’s 4.15 (2) do you want to know?
Anna: I want to go to the drama club (3)
Dylan: At 4.30
Anna: (4) does the club meet? Do you
Dylan: In the school hall
Anna: (5) long does it last?
Dylan: 45 minutes
Anna: ( 6 ) ’s the teacher?
Dylan: Miss Harris She's my class teacher
Anna: Do you like drama?
Dylan: Urn yes, I love it
b Work in pairs Ask and answer questions about
another school club in the story.
When does the cooking club start? It starts a t
false facts.
He Iwtsvitgot o[ brother.
b Write about your life and include three false
facts Show your description to a partner.
Can your partner find the false facts?
7 1 0 1 have breakfast with my mum School
s ta r ts a t 3 3 0 1 wearjeans and trainers to
school My teacher’s name is Miss Green I like her I also like swimming and listening to music
I always tell the tru th
Trang 11Talk about communication and technology
2 Match the icons (1 -1 2 ) in the photo to the apps.
IN THE PICTURE An app for everything
1 ■; iw jiw Work in pairs Make a list of the devices you can
see in the pictures Can you add more things connected to
communication and technology to your list? You have two minutes.
3 (SEES Listen and check your answers Then listen and repeat.
word maps.
b (►HE) Listen and underline the /ae/ sound in the words
Then listen and repeat the words.
app store calculator calendar camera laptop tablet
5 Which app(s) can you use to .
1 go on the internet? vJeb browser
2 find north?
3 write to other people?
4 chat online to your friends? _
5 do your maths homework?
6 find your location or destination?
7 organise your time?
8 get new apps?_
6 Do the quiz.
App is the abbreviation for A application.
Trang 127 Q Work in pairs Do one of the tasks.
1 Decide which three apps in Exercise 2 are the most useful
Explain why
2 Invent a new app What’s it called?
What can it do? Tell other students about it
THE MOVING PICTURE © Watch four teenagers talking about
apps Which ones do they use? What are their favourite apps?
Trang 13sentences Are they true
t explain why.
1 have lots of free time
2 I listen to music or watch TV when I do my homework
3 It's difficult for me to relax at home
2 »TB> Read the first paragraph of the magazine
article Underline the words you don’t know.
3 a Read the tips in the ■ iinvma box.
understand new wordsIdentify the type of word (verb, noun, adjective, adverb)
Compare it to your language Is there a similar word? Does its meaning help you?
Look at the words and sentences before and after the new word
4 Work in pairs Swap your definitions Can your partner find the
correct words in the text?
Do you need to »witctI c!>ff more?
How often do you do nothing? For a lot of young people the answer is never When
we sit down and relax, w e’re always doing something We watch TV, listen to music or
send text messages We sometimes do all three at the same time We hardly ever just
sit quietly and stop thinking But our brain uses a lot of energy during the day and gets
tired We need to stop thinking and switch off from time to time Switching off helps us
to relax completely and feel full of energy again
Do you need to switch off more? Answer the questions in the survey to find out
How often do you do these things? Tick your answers A B c D
0 0
0 0
8 Chat online with friends 0 0 0 O
10 Watch videos on the internet 0 O 0 o
31 Calculate your score (A == 3; B = 2; C = 1; D = 0)
Then read the explanation for your score
You do nothing once
8 or tw ice a week, but
P it’s good to switch off more often.
0 You rarely switch off
” Find 10 minutes a
” day to do nothing.
Do the survey in the magazine article and
calculate your score Then read the explanation
for your score.
5 w Work in pairs What do you think? Tell your partner.
1 Do you agree with the explanation? Why?/Why not?
2 Why is it difficult to switch off?
3 Is it possible to do your homework well if you listen to
music at the same time?
I agree / don’t agree with it I ofte n /n e ver
It’s difficult because
Of course it’s possible! t's impossible because
Put the 10 activities in the survey in order, with your favourite activity first Then compare your list th a oartner Talk about what’s similar and 'mat's different
» > Workbook, page 9
Trang 14GRAMMA! Present simple and expressions of frequency
READ » > Grammar in context
Read the conversation Why isn’t Dan happy?
Dan: Do you use the class blog?
Yes, I do But I only log on from time to time
How often do you use it?
I log on after school every day I always log
on at weekends too
I rarely log on during the week I don’t have
time I occasionally log on at the weekend,
but my brother uses the computer a lot
Right So that’s why you don’t see
l/you/w e/they + verb: / log on after school,
h e /sh e/it + verb + -s/-es/-/es:
My brother the computer.
don’t/doesn’t + verb: I time.
Questions and short answers
do/does + //he, etc + verb:
the class blog?
Yes, I do / No, he doesn't.
Sonia: So when you change your phone, you
Jude: No But that’s because my dad always
(6) (give) me his old phone
6 a Put the adverbs and expressions in the correct place in the sentences.
1 I check my emails, (often)
I often, check, my emails.
2 I can’t play video games, (every day)
3 I listen to music when I do my homework, (occasionally)
4 I watch videos on the internet, (from time to time)
5 My phone is switched on (rarely)
6 I send text messages to friends, (now and then)
Adverbs and expressions of frequency
Use: To say how often we do things.
Word order:
adverb + go/use/see
can/am /is + adverb
Expressions (from time to time, )
at the start or the end of a sentence
true for you.
7 Prepare a survey Write questions with How
often about these ways to contact your friends.
chat online phone send emails send text messages
How often
8 Work in pairs Ask the questions in your survey and note the answers Then tell another pair the results of your survey.
Pavel sends emails .
» > Listen for the main ideas
3 ►IS0 Listen and check your answers
Then listen and repeat.
printer USB port
Work in pairs Answer the questions.
1 How often do you study IT (Information
Technology) at school?
2 Do you like studying IT?
Why?/Why not?
Match the computer parts to things in the picture.
Which thing(s) do you use .
1 to write with? keyboard
2 to listen to things?
3 to see things? _
4 to connect things?
Choose the best summary of the report.
1 A school has a lot of new computers for its IT classes
2 A class is learning how to create computer games
3 A school is using a small computer to teach students how
computers work
6 Which tips in the HnWltH box did you use for help with
Exercise 5b? Tick ( / ) them.
listen for the main ideasDon’t worry if you can’t understand everything
Listen for words you already know.Use these words to help you understand important ideas
Students use the Raspberry Pi to
A learn to write code B watch TV.
The report finishes because
A the Pi stops working B it’s lunchtime.
B at his school C at a different school.
C a French invention
C play games on the internet
C Tom has no more questions
8 Q Work in pairs What do you think? Tell your partner.
1 Do you have a computer? What do you use it for?
2 Do you think it’s important for students to learn to
write code? Why?/Why not?
Do the Words & Beyond exercises on page
I use my/our computer at home to
I think / don't think it’s important because
Workbook, pages 1 2 -1
Trang 16GRAMMAR Articles: a(n) and the
» > Use a(n) and the to refer to things
READ » > Grammar in context
1 Read the description W hat’s unusual about
the school? Why?
We’re at (1) a school in (2) Silicon Valiev in
(3) the United States, the location of many
of (4) the biggest technology companies in
(5) the world It's called The Waldorf School
of the Peninsula, and many Silicon Valley
workers send their children here But when
you go into (6) the school, you get a surprise
There is no technology, ju st (7) books and
blackboards Why? As (8) the teachers say,
a computer is not (9) a teacher!
2 Match the underlined examples in Exercise 1
to the explanations.
Articles: a(n) and the
Use: To say if something is a general or specific
a{n) + one example of a thing 1
a job
the + a specific thing
the only example of a thing 5 superlatives and dates
something mentioned before G
plural place namesno
Ray: Yes, I have It’s in (2) a / the / - kitchen.
Pol: That’s (3) a / the / - strange place to keep it!
Ray: It’s (4) a / the / - laptop, and I always do my
homework there It’s (5) a / the / - quietest place in (6) a / the / - house!
5 Complete Ekin’s description with a, an, the or
lunch on (1 0 ) Tuesday (1 1 )
teacher also organises (12) extra class
at lunchtime on Mondays and I always go to it I’m not very good at other subjects, but I always get good marks in IT
3 Complete the sentences Write the if
necessary If not, write ( -).
1 At my school there a re computers in
learn things abo u t world
6 Work in pairs Take it in turns to choose a topic Can you speak for 30 seconds about the topic without stopping?
computers the USA
my school Sunday
the internet English breakfast
my birthday
Trang 17Work in pairs Look at Jasmin’s notice board above Copy
and complete her diary for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
2 Look at the diary Is it easy for Jasmin to do everything?
Why?/Why not?
1 Decide which activities on each day are more important than others
2 Decide which activities she possibly doesn’t have time to do
3 Find a time for her to buy a present
4 Discuss the questions with your class Do you agree with
the e H E ® ?
1 Was it easy or difficult to organise Jasmin’s time? Why?
2 Will it be easy or difficult for you to organise your time this week?
3 How do you feel when your time isn’t organised?
5 Make a list of the things you need to do over the next three
days Then put the things in the order, with the most important
ones first.
6 Work in groups Show other students your list and explain how
you decided on the best order to do things.
I think is/are more important than because
I agree / don’t agree
I don’t think she has time to She can if she has time
On Saturday maybe she can first and then
’.'a- ng a st helps you to : 'g a ' se your time and not get stressed
/// Workbook, page 17
Trang 18SPEAK!? Say what you think
» > Ask for and give opinions
Work in pairs Answer
the questions.
1 Do you watch videos
like these on the
Why?/Why not?
2 What do you think
happens next in each
Q S H D Watch or listen to the scene What do
the friends think about the video?
Marc: Hey guys Watch this! So, what do you
Vicky: I (2) it's good I don’t (3)
it’s very original, but it’s funny
Marc: What do you (4) , Kate?
Kate: I don't (5) I (6) it’s quite
funny, but it’s also a bit cruel
Marc: Cruel?
Kate: Yes Do you (7) the cat’s happy?
Marc: No, maybe not.
Ben: Hey, what are you doing with my tablet?
Vicky: We’re watching that video.
Ben: So what do you (8) about it? Just funny,
or really, really funny?
flfR U E l Complete the conversation with two verbs.
Then watch or listen again to check.
Make this opinion negative Use the conversation to help you.
I thin k it's very original.
to * W&ffi ’
Ask for opinions
What do you think?
Q Work in groups of three or four Ask for and give your opinions
about these things Give reasons.
computers IT classes mobile phone adverts
social networking sites the internet video games
Trang 19WRITING Could you live w ithout your mobile?
» > Use the correct word order
en views
& v i e w 5
home news reviews
The tech zone question
Could you live without your mobile? Here are some of your answers!
& forumm
1 Read the answers to the website question
Which one is closer to your answer? Why?
No X
I couldn’t live without my mobile
It’s the most important thing
I own I do everything with it
I use it every day to update my profile, go on the web, check mail, organise my time, and play games
I rarely call friends because I never have time, but I send text
messages about 20 times a day
Yes /
I could easily live without it I’ve
got a really old phone and I don’t
need another one I hardly ever use
it People sometimes ring me, but
I prefer to chat with friends face to
face Other people in my class play
with their mobiles all the time and
never actually talk to their friends
when they meet!
2 a Read the tips in the aiinvitiB box.
b Find two examples of each tip in the
website answers.
use the correct word order
■ Start sentences with subject + verb + object (SVO)
■ Put adverbs of frequency before the main verb
■ Put expressions of frequency after SVO
■ Put adjectives, including comparatives/
superlatives, before nouns
3 Put the words in order to make sentences.
Use the iilil'.'ii 1 box to help you.
1 games / all day / I / on my phone / play
I play tfeiwi&s ovt my phone- all deny.
2 send / rarely / text messages / I
3 every / my / I / call / friends / evening / best
4 I’m / at the moment / for browsing the web /
app / using / new / a
5 hardly / videos / watch / I / on my phone / ever
4 You’re going to write an answer to the question
in Exercise 1 Use the W riting plan to help you
1 Decide on your answer.
Could you live without a mobile phone
or not?
2 Think of reasons for your answer.
Why could you or couldn’t you live without
a mobile?
3 Think about word order _
Look at the tips in the I L i i ' 'l i i l box
5 Write your answer Then check it Tick ( / ) the things in the plan.
VOCABULARY Applications (Apps)
1 Complete the names of the apps.
The C o m p u t e r Museum The first apps
A: The Computer Museum How can I help you?
B: Hello (1) You / Do you open at lunchtime?
A: Yes, (2) we’re always / we always are open at
How much (3) do / does tickets cost?
It’s free for children and adults (4) pay / pays £5
Is there a restaurant? We’d like to have lunch
The museum (5) doesn’t / don’t have a
restaurant, but the cafe (6) normally has /
has normally some sandwiches.
A: Well, (7) from time to time we get / we from time
to time get a lot of visitors in the morning, and
we (8) run / runs out of sandwiches.
Articles: a(n) and the
4 Complete the description with a(n), the or no
article (-).
WeAreFriends was one of (1) firstinternet websites It was (2) socialnetworking site for (3) teenagers,and when it closed in 1996 it had over 3,000 users around (4) world The creator of
called Steve Watzupi, ran WeAreFriends from (7) small Amstrong computer, and thesite closed when his computer stopped working
His house in (8) Oxford is now
Yes, I can No problem!
Yes, I can But I need a bit of help
Yes, I can But I need a lot of help
I can understand new words when I read
I can listen for the main ideas
I can use lists to help me to organise my time
I can ask for and give opinions
I can use the correct word order when I write
K K i g l l B
Trang 21IN THE PICTURE Three apartments
Talk about homes and household jobs
1 ■ n jftiii Work in pairs Make lists of words under the headings
Use the picture to help you You have three minutes.
Types of home Rooms Furniture Appliances Other
2 ►Hi Write the names of the people in the boxes in the picture
Then listen and check.
1 Ethan is making his bed
2 Linda is loading the dishwasher
3 Alyssa is laying the table
4 Nick is tidying his room
5 Tyler is doing the washing
6 Josh is cleaning the floor
3 (►HU What are the people doing one hour later?
Listen and write.
clear the table do the ironing do the washing-up
sort the recycling take out the rubbish vacuum
1 Josh is clearing the ta b le .
4 ►HSI Listen and check Then listen and repeat.
5 THE MOVING PICTURE Q Watch the video What is Tyler doing?
6 Work in pairs Mime one of the jobs in Exercise 2 or 3 Can your
partner say what you are doing?
Are you laying the table? Yes, I am / No, I'm not.
7 a (►TlsafliTihHiiUL'iH* Listen to the word Which letter is silent?
b ('►HU Listen and underline the silent letters in the words
Then listen again and repeat the words.
n i
cupboard hour island knife listen Wednesday
Trang 22SPEAK
Work in pairs Answer the questions.
1 How often do you make your bed?
never / rarely / sometimes / often / always
2 How often do you tidy your room?
never / rarely / sometimes / often / always
3 Who usually does these jobs in your home?
lay the table / do the washing-up / clean the floor /
do the washing / do the ironing / take out the rubbish / vacuum
Do the Words & Beyond exercise
on page 131
Trang 23READING Living together
1 Work in pairs Answer the questions
What type of building do you live in?
How many people live in your home? Who are they?
2 a Read the tips in the ■iinviHB box.
Read the article quickly and choose the
best description.
A A description of life in three New York apartments
B A teenage boy’s view of life with his family
C An official report on teenagers in New York
understand the main ideasRead the text quickly
Don’t try to understand every word
Think about the general topic
Look for important and repeated words and sentences
It's 6.15pm in Mew York City In a third-floor apartment on Broome Street,
Liyu Wang is cooking dinner for his family, his wife, Victoria, is laying the
table and their two sons - Ethan, age 15, and Nicholas, age 14 - are
tidying their room The boys' sister - Alexis, age 11 - is in the living
room, doing her homework, her grandfather is sitting on the sofa
watching television, while Felix the cat is watching the family's pet fish
In New York, it's common for several generations of a family to live
in the same home One in 10 households has three generations
or more As Ethan explains, living together has its advantages and
'We have a lot of relatives in New York and our home is like a meeting
place for everyone Every day we see our cousins, uncles, aunts It's
a fun place,' he says But communication can be difficult 'My dad is
originally from China and my grandad doesn't speak much English And
we're ju s t kids, you know We see life in a different way 5o sometimes
we argue But I think that's normal.'
Ethan doesn't only argue with his father and grandfather 'There isn't
a lot of space here and I share a bedroom with my brother, Nick 5o
sometimes it's hard, you know, to be alone to study And Nick
never tidies the room Mom says, "Now can you live in this mess?"
Mom and I argue a lot I forget to do things like feeding the fish or
sorting the recycling.'
/ Interview with a parent
The opinions of a teenage family member
Tick ( / ) the information in the article.
Description of a family
Facts about families in New York
Information about family life in China
Which tips in the lltn'.'IdB box did you use for help with Exercises 2b and 3?
Tick ( / ) them.
Read the article again to decide if each statement is correct (C) or incorrect (/).
1 The Wang family is similar to a lot of other families in New York C
2 The rest of the family lives in China
3 Ethan doesn’t like family life
4 The apartment is very large
5 Nicholas doesn’t help to tidy the bedroom
6 Ethan rarely argues with his mother
6 Work in pairs What do you think? Tell your partner.
1 Is the Wang home similar to your home? In what ways is it similar
or different?
2 Do you often argue with people at home?
Trang 24GRAMMAR Present continuous and present simple
» > Talk about things happening now, and about habits and routines
READ AND LISTEN » > Grammar in
conversation Why is Beth calling Jake?
Jake: Hi Beth What are you doing?
Beth: I’m revising for a maths exam.
Jake: You work too hard, Beth.
Beth: I need your help Where are you?
Jake: At the moment I’m standing outside the
swimming pool with Pete We’re waiting with
Mel and Sue We always swim on Thursdays,
remember? What’s the problem?
Beth: I don’t understand some of the calculations.
Use: For things in progress now or around now
Form: am /are/is + verb + -ing
Time expressions
now, right now, , today
State verbs
Don’t use these verbs in the present continuous:
like, know, need, _, want
3 Complete the conversation with the present
continuous form of the verbs.
Farhah: Hello, Jake What (1) cure, yon doing
(you / do) here?
Jake: (2)1 (look) for Kahil Is he
Farhah: No I think (3) (he / play)
football with the others
Jake: No (4) They (not / train)
this morning
Farhah: Maybe (5) he (shop) with
Nasrin in town
Jake: I don't think so She ( 6 )
(study) for an exam
4 Choose the correct options.
It’s 6am Adam and Shannon (1) wake up /
[are waking up)their brothers and sisters It’s not a
quick job - there are 11 of them!
With 13 kids in the house, the family (2) needs / is
needing good organisation The kids (3) usually take / are usually taking turns to do the chores It’s
now 7am and Mia (4) does / is doing the washing-up
At the same time, Adam and Shannon (5) vacuum /
are vacuuming and (6) clean / cleaning the house
The kids (7) spend / are spending weekdays at school and (8) come / are coming home at 4pm.
On Fridays the family (9) always has / is always
having a Pizza Night It’s now 7pm and everyone
(10) eats / is eating pizza together in the kitchen.
5 Tick ( / ) the correct option in the conversation Then underline the state verbs.
1 a ‘Mum? Are you liking doing the washing?’
b ‘Mum? Do you like doing the washing?’ /
2 a ‘I don’t understand the question.’
b ‘I’m not understanding the question.’
3 a ‘I’m needing a clean shirt to go to the
b ‘I need a clean shirt to go to the cinema.’
4 a ‘There’s a clean shirt in the basket You
know how to iron.’
b ‘There’s a clean shirt in the basket You’re
knowing how to iron.’
5 a ‘I’m hating ironing.’
b ‘I hate ironing.’
6 Work in pairs Say a day and a time to your partner Can your partner describe what he
or she is doing or normally does?
It’s 7 o’clock in the morning on Tuesday
What are you doing?
Do you always have breakfast at
7 o’clock?
I’m having breakfast and getting ready for school.
I normally have breakfast
at 7 on school days At the weekend I have breakfast at 9.
Workbook, pages 2 2 -2 3
» > Understand a situation
1 Work in pairs Answer the questions.
1 A soap opera is a television series about the imaginary lives of a
group of people Which soap operas are popular in your country?
2 Do you watch any soap operas? If so, which ones? If not, why not?
3 Choose a soap opera or other TV drama Where does the story
take place? Who are the people in the story?
2 a Read the tips in the ■mi'.'mB box.
b ►BED Listen to an extract from a
soap opera and answer the
1 Who are the people? K E IR A : H iy a S a l
2 Where are they?
you use for help with Exercise 2b?
JA C K : W h a t 's up?
v e r y h a p p y
(►MB Listen again and match the
is leaving the group
isn’t going out with Sal
is playing in two weeks
is going ice skating on Saturday morning
is hanging out with Lizzie and Sharn inthe afternoon
has some good news
understand a situationListen for important and repeated words
Listen to how people talk
Do they know each other?Listen for names and sounds
Work in pairs What do you think? Tell your partner.
1 What do Keira, Tom and Jack say to Mr Gibbons next?
2 What happens at the concert?
6 a Match the free-time activities to the
hang out with friends
watch online videos
7 Work in pairs Talk about your weekend free-time activities.
On Saturdays I usually I always go ice skating
do judo on Saturday morning.
Drkbook, pages 2 4 -2 5
Do tr-e .Vords & Beyond exercise
on page 131
Trang 26GRAMMAR Present continuous for future arrangements
» > Talk about arrangements in the future
READ AND LISTEN » > Grammar in
1 (►HH Read and listen to the conversation.
What are Mario and Fiona doing at the
Mario: What are you doing at the weekend? The
football team’s playing on Saturday
Fiona: Where are you playing? Is it a home game?
Mario: No We’re playing away in Newtown Can you
Fiona: I can’t I’m helping dad clean the house this
weekend My cousin is coming to stay next
Mario: How long is he staying?
Fiona: He's a she actually And she’s leaving at the
end of the month
2 Complete the explanations with the time
expressions from Exercise 1.
Present continuous
For things in progress now or around now
For arrangements at specific times in the future
Time expressions tomorrow, at the weekend,
Write the questions about the conversation in
Exercise 1.
1 What / day / Mario / play / at the weekend?
Wkott dory is M etric pLoiying ott trie weekend?
2 Where / the team / play?
3 Who / Fiona / help / on Saturday?
4 Why / they / clean / the house?
5 When / Fiona’s cousin / leave?
4 Answer the questions in Exercise 3.
5 Write sentences about Mario’s plans for next week.
On Mondoiy he's going ice skating ott half potst five.
Thu acting class PZOpm
Fri meet Fiona + cousin afternoon
Sat judo
6 Order the time expressions starting with the most recent.
this weekend next year
at 7 pm this afternoon next week tomorrow
1 at the moment
in two weeks’ time
7 Complete the sentences with your arrangements.
8 Work in pairs Complete the tasks.
1 Student A looks at the plans on page 141
Student B looks at the plans on page 142
2 Ask and answer questions about the days Find
a time to go to the cinema together
What are you doing
on Friday afternoon?
i’m going to the Science Museum.
i’m free on Saturday morning.
I'm having a guitar lesson and then I’m going to Sal’s party
What about you?
I’m not free I’m going shopping with
Workbook, page 26
Sometimes we don’t understand a problem because we only see one point
of view When you can see the different points of view, it’s easier to find a solution
4 Work in groups Answer the questions.
1 Which of the sisters has a problem - Grace, Lauren or both?
2 Do they understand each other’s problem(s)?
3 In what way are the problems similar?
5 Work in groups Think of solutions to the problems.
They can take it in turns to Lauren/Grace can .
3 Explain the point of view you read to your partner.
Lauren’s unhappy because Grace says th a t
6 Discuss the questions with your class Do you agree with
t h e d m ?
1 Share your suggestions from Exercise 5 with the rest of the class
Which suggestions are most helpful and why?
2 Do you know people in a similar situation? What are their problems?
3 Do you find it easy to talk about problems you have with other people?
can find a solution to his problems.
‘There isn’t a lot of space here and I share a bedroom with my
brother, Nick So sometimes it’s hard to be alone to study And
Nick never tidies the room Mom says, “ How can you live in this
mess?” We argue a lot I forget to do things like feeding the fish
or sorting the recycling.’
1 Work in pairs Look at the pictures above W hat’s
the problem?
2 Work in pairs Student A reads Lauren’s point of view
and Student B reads Grace’s point of view.
’ s point of view
M m a-ad dad ^iye ute
all blr-e koiAse-tnold jobs bo do. Wkife x W
de-aoA I -ho- bine- bloors,
LaiAre.'idV; pre-be^diK a
bo do lne.r Ia.ovk£-i/\joyY^
aiAd ab w,e
X b ’s -nor -fair.
Trang 28SPEAKING On the phone 9
1 Work in pairs Answer the questions.
1 Do you have a family phone at home?
2 If so, what type of phone is it - a landline, a mobile phone or an internet phone?
3 How often do people call the family phone?
Kate: Outside the Treetop coffee shop At 8 o’clock Sorry
You're breaking up I can’t hear you Could you repeat that?
Matt: (6)
Kate: 555 348 779 OK
Matt: (7)
Kate: Bye
Listen and check Then listen and repeat.
1 Sorry? Can you say t h a t a g a in ?
What does M att say? Complete the conversation in
Exercise 2 with the sentences.
Can I leave a message?
Hi It’s Matt Can I speak to Keith?
If there’s a problem, he can call me on 555 348 779
Thanks, Kate Bye
I’m calling from the train I said we’re all meeting at 8 outside the
Treetop coffee shop
Tell him we’re
fMVHEE! Watch or listen to the complete scene Then read it
aloud with a partner.
Write Kate’s note for Keith.
7 Q In groups of four, complete the tasks.
1 In pairs, prepare a message to leave in a phone conversation
2 Take it in turns to phone a student in the other pair Ask to speak to
someone who isn’t there and leave a message
3 Can the other student write the correct message?
Workbook, page 27
check you understand on the phone
■ Be polite
■ Explain the problem
■ Ask the other person to repeat
if you’re not sure
She/He can call me on
Check you understand
Could you repeat that?
Can you say that again?
How do you spell that?
Trang 29WRITING My status update
» > Use and, also and too
1 @ Work in pairs Look at the photos and describe them Are
they photos of New York in the USA or York in England?
in the updates?
This is a photo o f
I think it's the USA/England because
Four hours ago
It’s Sunday and we’re getting
ready to go home 1 really like
staying in a hotel Someone
makes your bed for you and does
the cleaning too York’s a fantastic
place but 1 also like home
1 ]
Yesterday at 11:42It’s Day two of our weekend in York and we’re sitting in a boat
on the river Dad is taking me to the National Railway Museum this afternoon We’re going to the shops too
Friday at 19:18I’m away with my family in York We’re staying in a small hotel near the centre York has a castle and lots of old houses Click here to see some photos You can also watch a video
Like ■ Comment • Share Q Like • Comment • Share M l J L~l Like • Comment • Share C^j
3 a Read the tips in the ■Ui.YIM box ^ Get it right
the status updates in Exercise 2.
use and, also and too
m Use and to link two parts of a sentence.
■ Use also and too to add another fact.
■ Use too at the end of a sentence
■ Use also after be and can, and before other verbs
2 I like travelling I like staying at home, (too)
3 It’s raining The bus is late, (and)
4 I love reading Jacquie loves books, (also)
5 This evening I’m meeting friends We’re going to
the cinema, (and)
6 New York is an amazing city York is an interesting
place, (too)
Use two for the number 2.
Use to as a preposition (/ go to school by bus) or before a verb (/ like to sing).
Use too to add another fact.
1 Write about what you’re doing.
2 Describe how you’re feeling.
3 Talk about your arrangements for later.
1 hour ago Sunday at 11:30 Saturday at 13:00
6 Write your updates Then check them.
Tick ( / ) the things in the plan.
Trang 30VOCABULARY Homes and household jobs
Write the missing words.
Meet Harry, your new household helper
Harry does all those horrible household jobs
Hecan(1)m your bed in the
morning and (2) t the rooms He
can (3) v and (4) c
the floors When you need clean clothes,
he can do the (5) w and the
(8) c the table, and do the
(10) d And before you go to
bed, he can sort the (11) r and
take out the (12) r Put a Harry
in your life and have more free time
Free-time activities
2 Complete the free-time activities you can do while Harry is cleaning Use the verbs in the box.
collect do go hang out go play read use visit watch
Complete the postcard with the
present simple or present continuous
form of the verbs.
H i Harry!
How arc you? (1)
(I / write) this postcard in
Barcelona The ( 2 )
(sun / shine) and (3)
Present continuous for future plans
4 Put Harry’s words in order to make a phone conversation.
(she / come) here every year.
(6) (dad / shop) at the
moment He's sad because Barcelona
Football Club (7) (not /
play) here this Week How are things at
home? (8) (you / do) all
the household jobs?
Jenny: Harry? Is everything OK? Why are you phoning me?
Harry: you / home? / When / coming / are
(2) .
Jenny: We’re flying to London on Saturday and then we’re
taking the train Why?
Harry: to / going / tonight / back / factory / the / am / I
Jenny: Why, Harry?
Harry: problems / are / some / fixing / They
(4 ) _ '
Jenny: Can you say that again? The line is bad.
Harry: is / tomorrow / starting / robot / work / Another
(5 )
Jenny: Harry? You’re breaking up I can’t hear you.
Harry: arriving / at / He’s / 9am / His / too / Harry / is /
name (6 )
v / / Yes, I can No problem!
Yes, I can But I need a bit of help
Yes, I can But I need a lot of help
I can understand the main ideas when I read
I can understand a situation when I listen
I can help identify the cause of a problem
I can check I understand on the phone
I can use and, also and too.
1 Read the text and the questions below For each question, choose A, B, C or D.
The Family Solutions a p p - a g re a t solution
Do you argue w ith your parents a b o u t clearing the table o r doing the washing-up, making
your bed or tid yin g your room? Do your parents find it hard to understand th a t you use social
netw orking sites or hang o ut w ith friends all the tim e? If you can't see th e ir p o in t o f view, then
our new Family Solutions app can help.
W ith the Family Solutions app, teenagers and parents loo k at typical fam ily argum ents from
b oth sides - and find a goo d solution The app gives you tip s and helps you make b e tte r
choices, b u t it also helps your parents to see situations from your p o in t o f view.
How does it work? You read d iffe re n t types o f problem s and then choose an answer from
d iffe re n t options The app explains why one answer is th e best and why th e other answers
a re n't so good.
Just im agine this situation: yo u're g e ttin g ready to go o ut w ith friends b ut your parents want
you to go to your grandparents Do you say 'W e always go there at the weekend I'm m eeting
my friends today.' O r do you say 'O K we can go there today, b ut I'd like to hang o u t w ith my
friends to m o rro w '? The first o p tio n d oe sn't make your parents or you feel goo d - b u t the
second o ptio n makes everybody happy.
You can buy the Family Solutions app in the A p p Store You can also fin d the Family Solutions
app online - just typ e 'Family Solutions A p p ' into your w eb browser and then fo llo w the
instructions on the screen.
1 What does the text do?
A It tells a funny story about an app
B It explains how to make an app
C It tries to sell an app
D It says if an app is good or bad
2 Who is the app for?
A teenagers
B parents of teenagers
C parents and teenagers
D parents and grandparents
3 What does ‘argument’ mean?
A a family party
B a discussion between people with different opinions
C to talk about something in front of the class
D a friendly chat with family members
4 How does the app work?
A You choose an answer for a situation
B You think of a lot of problems
C You play a card game
D You find information about your family online
5 Which of the following is the best description of the app?
A It finds a solution for all life’s problems
B It gives families ideas for new free-time activities
C It helps families understand each other better
D It explains how to make your family angry
■ Read each question again and read all the choices.Decide which choices are definitely wrong
Look at the text again to help you choose the correct answer
Q nderstand the main ideas See page 22
Q derstand new words See page 12
Reading: /1 0
►H£> Listen and choose the correct picture for each question
Put a tick ( / ) in the box below it.
1 How much is the computer?
3 Where are the speakers and what are they talking about?
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as
the first Use no more than three words.
1 I read a book two or three times a year
2 I watch online videos after school every day
I online videos after school
3 My mum teaches maths
4 I have an arrangement to meet my friend tomorrow
Write a message to your new online friend Angelo about your
free-time activities (3 5 -4 5 words).
Tell Angelo about at least three of your free-time activities
Say how often you do these activities and when you do them
Ask Angelo what activities he does and how often he does them
Use the correct tenses: past, present and future
Use the correct number of words - count them
Q use the correct word order See page 18
Progress check score /3 0
Q use and, also and too
See page 28
W » Download extra speaking activities from
Trang 33IN THE PICTURE The natural world
; - ■Talk about landscapes and natural features
Work in pairs Complete the words with vowels (a, e, i,
o, u) Use the photos to help you You have one minute.
Use the words in Exercise 2 to complete the sentences.
1 The Taiga is the largest f orest in the world
2 Ninety Mile Beach is on the south-eastern of Australia
3 The Sahara is the second largest in the world
4 The Serengeti is in Africa
6 A giant covers Antarctica
Read the clues and write the name of the places from
Exercise 3.
1 From end to end it is 151 kilometres (94 miles) long Ninety M ile Beach
2 The island on the west side of the lake is called Wizard Island
3 It has the lowest temperature on Earth
4 The name means ‘the great desert’ _
5 It inspired the film The Lion King.
6 It has a third of all the trees in the world
THE MOVING PICTURE Q Watch the video and check your
answers to Exercises 3 and 4.
6 ►HD Match the words
to the letters in the
picture Then listen
Trang 34► 1 3 Complete the description of the picture from Exercise 6 Then listen and check.
The (1) countryside near my home is very beautiful I often go to a big (2) and lie
down on the (3) I close my eyes and listen to the water in the (4) and
smell the (5) Sometimes I walk up the (6) to look at the view
_ Work in pairs Think of a natural feature in your country or
a place near your home Describe the place to your partner
Can they draw a picture of the place you describe?
Do the Words & Beyond exercise on page 132
There are some mountains
is beside a river
Next to the beach there’s a
Trang 35READING An environmental superstar
» > Find specific information
1 yr Work in pairs Answer the questions.
1 How often do you give presentations to your class? What
was the last one about?
2 Do you like speaking in front of other people? Why?/Why not?
I hardly ever/often give presentations The last presentation was a b o u t
I like / don’t mind / hate speaking in public because
Look at the title of the article
and the photo Can you guess
the answer to these questions?
1 How old is the boy?
2 Where is he?
3 What’s he doing there?
4 What exactly does he want
people to do?
W hen Felix Finkbeiner was 13 years old, he made a speech at the United Nations in New York He spoke in English and his message was simple — save the w o rld ’s forests H ow did a boy from Germany become ‘an environmental superstar’?
The story starts in 2007 when Felix did a project on climate change at his primary school in Starnberg, near Munich in Germany He saw some information online about Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan woman She started a tree-planting campaign in
1977 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 Felix thought her campaign was interesting and he decided to talk about it in class His presentation was a success, and he gave the same
presentation to other classes.Two months later Felix planted his first tree and started a campaign to plant a million trees He called his campaign Plant fo r the Planet
Students at other schools joined the campaign.Together they planted 50,000 trees in Germany.They made a website fo r the campaign and soon other countries began taking partT hey wanted to meet Felix, so he started to give presentations outside the country In November 2008 he spoke to the European Parliament
A t the beginning of 2 0 1 I , the International Year of Forests, Felix made his speech at the United Nations He asked w orld leaders
to ‘stop talking - start planting’ In the same year his campaign reached its goal of planting one million trees in Germany He also travelled to Kenya and met Wangari Maathai And it all began with
a school project
b ►H2> Read the article quickly to check or find
the answers to the questions in Exercise 2.
Read the article and put these events in order.
find specific informationDon’t read all the text
Read the start of each paragraph
Students created a website for Felix’s campaign
Felix gave a presentation to his class
Felix spoke at the United Nations
People from other countries joined his campaign
Felix started a tree-planting campaign
1 Felix read about a Kenyan woman’s campaign.
Does it have the information you need? If not, read the next paragraph
Look for words connected to the information you need
6 Work in pairs What do you think? Tell your partner.
1 What do you think about Felix’s campaign?
2 Do you want to join his campaign? Why?/Why not?
What verb comes before these words in the article?
a speech, a projec: the Nobel Prize, the same
presentation, a cs^oaign 50.000 trees
Trang 36/IMAR Past simple
» > Describe completed events in the past
READ » > Grammar in context
Read the conversation Why
is Severn famous?
Jana: This is Severn
Cullis-Suzuki She talked at the
United Nations’ Earth
Summit in 1992 She was
only twelve
Stig: Was she on TV?
Jana: Yes, she was, but I didn’t see her I saw the
video later She told adults to stop destroying
the environment and create a better world
Stig: Did she look nervous?
Jana: No, she didn’t She wasn’t nervous at all.
didn’t + verb: / her.
a asn’t/weren’t : She wasn’t nervous.
Questions and short answers
did + l/she, etc + verb: nervous?
Yes, I did / No, she didn’t.
■■as/were + //you, etc: on TV?
•es, she was / No, you weren’t.
See srammar oatabase, page 122.
4 a O E I ■uwKinmw Listen to the past simple verbs What sound do all the underlined vowels have?
saw thought talked taught bought
b ►HEE> Listen and repeat the verbs.
Pay attention to the h i / sound.
5 Complete the biography with the past simple form of the verbs.
Wangari Maathai was born
in Kenya in 1940 She (1) s ta rte d (start)
primary school whenshe (2 ) (be)eight She (3)
(come) top in her class when she (4)
(complete) her primary studies She then(5) .(go) toone of the only high schools for girls in Kenya After high school she (6) (study) biology atuniversity in the USA and then (7) (do)
a master’s degree In 1977 she (8)(begin) the Green Belt Movement It organises women in rural Kenya to plant trees In 2004 she(9) (win) the Nobel Peace Prize Wangari(10) .(die) in 2011
6 Correct the sentences about Wangari Maathai.
1 Wangari Maathai was American
S k t w asn't A m erican S k t was Kenyan-. _
2 There were a lot of high schools for girls in Kenya
3 She studied history at university
4 She started the Green Tree Movement
5 Wangari won the Nobel Prize for Literature
Complete the sentences with the past simple
form of the verbs.
1 Severn Cullis-Suzuki’s father ta aejk t (teach)
genetics at university in Canada
2 He (be) also an environmental activist
and TV presenter
3 Severn (become) an environmental
activist at primary school
4 She (start) ECO, an environmental
organisation, at the age of nine
5 When th e y _ (be) twelve, four members
of ECO (travel) to the United Nations’
Earth Summit in Brazil
6 They (buy) their plane tickets with the
money that they (make) from ECO
7 Write questions in the past simple.
1 What / the name of your first school?
W k a t Was th e nam e o f your f ir s t school?
2 How old / you / when you started there?
3 you / like your first school?
4 When / you / start secondary school?
5 Who / your first new friend at secondary school?
8 Work in pairs Use the questions in Exercise 7
to interview your partner about his/her early school years.
» > Workbook, pages 3 4 -3 5
Trang 37LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Wonderful wildlife photos
» > Take notes
1 Work in pairs Tell your partner how often you take
photos and what you take photos of.
2 Look at the photo website and the three photos
Where are the snake, the penguins and the ants?
Do you have a wonderful What was the animal doing when you took the photo? w ild life photo? Upload your photo here and record your story.
in Exercise 2 Think of Where? When? What? Listen
again and complete your notes Compare in pairs.
4 Which tips in the f Wl'.'ltiB box did you use for help with
Exercise 3b? Tick ( / ) them.
HOWTOtake notesOnly write the most important words and ideas
Use symbols - © for great/fantastic,
® for horrible, & for and.
Don’t worry about spelling and grammar You can check later
wildlife Listen and repeat.
and guess the animal Which
animals don’t have a sound?
7 Work in pairs Write lists using
the words opposite Do you know
other words? Add them.
Animals / Sea animals frog
Trang 38« AVIMAR Past continuous and past simple
» > Talk about actions in progress and finished actions in the past
READ » > Grammar in context
Look at the photo and read the story What is
the man in the photo ‘wearing’? Why?
While I was visiting a show in
the countryside last summer,
I saw something very strange
In the afternoon I was getting
a bit bored, when I heard
something about a ‘bee beard’
competition I went to look
There were seven or eight
people in the competition and
hundreds of bees were sitting
on their faces, necks and shoulders But the bees
weren’t hurting them The judge weighed the people
while the bees were sitting on them The person with
the most bees won the competition
4 Complete the conversation with the past continuous form of the verbs.
(you / do) when you took this photo?
My sister and I (3)(watch) an owl from our window
It (4) (fly) in the sky
We were very quiet We (5 )
(not talk) and we (6) (not move)
Positive and negative
■■as(n’t)/were(n’t) + verb + -ing
a show.
Hundreds of bees
Questions and short answers
•■•as/were + l/you, etc + verb + -ing
■es, I was / No, you weren't.
State verbs Don’t use the past continuous with know,
see, realise, etc.
See g r a m m a r d a t a b a s e , page 122.
Read the explanations and example Write the
correct verbs on the timelines.
5 Work in pairs Ask and answer with your partner about what you were doing at different times yesterday.
I live near the beach in New Zealand One day I
( l Xwas~fishing) / fished with my brother While we (2) were standing / stood in the sea, we
(3) were seeing / saw something black near us
What was it? We (4) weren’t knowing / didn’t know
It (5) was swimming / swam towards us while we (6) were watching / watched it It came nearer and nearer We (7) were getting / got really scared when
we (8) were realising / realised it was only a dolphin
What were you doing yesterday at 7am / 10am / 10pm / ?
Were you sleeping
a t ?
continuous or past simple?
_se the past continuous for actions in progress
,se the past simple for completed actions
Ahile + past continuous
» -en + past simple
W hile I was visiting a show, I saw something strange
I was visiting
Student A looks at the monkey photo on page
141 Student B looks at the elephant photo on page 142.
Make notes for a short story about it: Where
were you? When was it? What was the animal doing? What happened? Show your photo to a
partner Tell him /her the story about it.
is' ^
Trang 393 Read Ryan’s notes and match each point
(1 -6 ) to a thinner branch on the mind map.
4 a Read the tips for making a mind map.
■ Start with a main word or picture Draw lines
from the word or picture
■ Lines start thicker and become thinner, like
branches on a tree
■ Write one or two key words on each line
■ Use CAPITAL LETTERS for important words
■ Use different colours, symbols and images
to make things clear
b Copy Ryan’s mind map in your own style
Then add lines and key words for the
information in Exercise 3.
1 are, n e a rly 2.0,£>££>
2 C re a -te a b e e -frie n J ly garden u/rth
p la n-ts and -floipers.
3 T he num ber o-£ Lees in -the ujorld is
going io tu n e v e ry y e a r
4 Bees a r e -flying in se e -ts T h e y a re
usually ye I low and blaok — -_
£ g v p e r-ts do no-t know e.xac,-tly ruha-t
is oausing -the p r o b l e m *
-to y /e need! looney bees -fo r o n e -T h ir^
o-f owr -fo o d _
6 You need to give a talk to your class Work in groups Choose one
of the topics below Create a mind map to organise your ideas.
Work in pairs Answer the question.
How do you usually remember information?
2 Ryan is making a mind map to plan a school
talk about bees Write the missing words on
the red lines.
description problem what
5 Discuss the questions with your class Do you agree with
th e i n n s o s ?
1 What are the good things about mind maps?
2 What do you like / not like about mind maps?
Trang 40SPEAKING I’ve got a suggestion
» > Make and react to suggestions
Your school wants to organise a Green Day, with
activities connected to the environment.
Work in pairs Make a list of ideas.
1 "Pick up rubbish around the school and recyck i£.
r ^ -: i z z :
2 ► © 1.40I Watch or listen to the scene What ideas
do the students have for Green Day?
Are they on your list?
Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box
Then watch or listen again and check.
We could We could What about What could
What shall we Why don’t we
»2E9 Listen and repeat the sentences from the conversation.
PHRASEB00K © i 43
Make suggestions
What shall we do ?What could we make/wear?
school - green socks or a green hat
No way! I’m not going to wear green
Yes Or cycle here
I don’t know I live really far away and I don’t
have a bike Let’s do a survey and ask people
their opinions about the environment
That’s a bit serious (4) making
something from recycled materials?
That’s a nice idea
Yes, but it doesn’t really help the environment
(5) we do to really make a
I know! (6) collect money for
Save the Dolphins
That’s a great idea!
►E© Decide if the reactions are positive (P) or negative (/V)
Then listen and repeat the reactions.
We could m ake/w ear
Let’s do/organise
1 No way! P/N 4 That’s a nice idea P/N
2 I don’t know P/N 5 That’s a great idea! P/N
3 That’s a bit serious P/N
Why don’t we walk/cycle ? What/How about doing/making ?
React to suggestions
6 u You are deciding what to do for a Green Day in your school
Work in pairs Prepare a conversation Include at least three
suggestions and choose one.
Present your conversation to another pair, or to the class.