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Biological wastewater treatment 3rd ed c p leslie grady, jr et al (CRC, 2011)

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Cấu trúc

  • Front cover

  • Dedication

  • Disclaimer

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Authors

  • Part I. Introduction and Background

  • Chapter 1. Classification of Biochemical Operations

  • Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Biochemical Operations

  • Chapter 3. Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Aerobic/Anoxic Biochemical Operations

  • Part II. Theory: Modeling of Ideal Suspended Growth Reactors

  • Chapter 4. Modeling Suspended Growth Systems

  • Chapter 5. Aerobic Growth of Heterotrophs in a Single Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Receiving Soluble Substrate

  • Chapter 6. Multiple Microbial Activities in a Single Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor

  • Chapter 7. Multiple Microbial Activities in Complex Systems

  • Chapter 8. Stoichiometry, Kinetics, and Simulations of Anaerobic Biochemical Operations

  • Chapter 9. Techniques for Evaluating Kinetic and Stoichiometric Parameters

  • Part III. Applications: Suspended Growth Reactors

  • Chapter 10. Design and Evaluation of Suspended Growth Processes

  • Chapter 11. Activated Sludge

  • Chapter 12. Biological Nutrient Removal

  • Chapter 13. Aerobic Digestion

  • Chapter 14. Anaerobic Processes

  • Chapter 15. Lagoons

  • Part IV. Theory: Modeling of Ideal Attached Growth Reactors

  • Chapter 16. Biofilm Modeling

  • Chapter 17. Biofilm Reactors

  • Chapter 18. Fluidized Bed Biological Reactors

  • Part V. Applications: Attached Growth Reactors

  • Chapter 19. Trickling Filter

  • Chapter 20. Rotating Biological Contactor

  • Chapter 21. Submerged Attached Growth Bioreactors

  • Chapter 22. Fate and Effects of Xenobiotic Organic Chemicals

  • Chapter 23. Designing Systems for Sustainability

  • Appendix A: Acronyms

  • Appendix B: Symbols

  • Appendix C: Unit Conversions

  • Back cover

Nội dung

Biological Wastewater Treatment Third Edition Biological Wastewater Treatment Third Edition C P Leslie Grady, Jr Glen T Daigger Nancy G Love Carlos D M Filipe Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business MATLAB® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc and is used with permission The MathWorks does not warrant the accuracy of the text or exercises in this book This book’s use or discussion of MATLAB® software or related products does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship by The MathWorks of a particular pedagogical approach or particular use of the MATLAB® software Co-published by IWA Publishing, Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street, London SW1H 0QS, UK Tel +44 (0)20 7654 5500, Fax +44 (0)20 7654 5555 publications@iwap.co.uk www.iwapublishing.com ISBN 1843393425 ISBN13 9781843393429 CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2011 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4200-0963-7 (Ebook-PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint Except as permitted under U.S Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http:// www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com For Francisco, Jack, Matt, Rita, Ryan, Sophia, and all of the other children who will live in an increasingly crowded world We hope that the material in this book will make it less polluted and more sustainable Disclaimer This book has been prepared based on information presented in the technical and professional literature and the knowledge and experience of the authors The authors’ intention is to present, to the best of their ability, their profession’s current understanding of the design and operation of biological wastewater treatment processes The reader must recognize, however, that both the authors’ understanding of the current state of the art and the profession’s understanding of the principles on which the processes operate are unavoidably incomplete This book was prepared primarily for instructional purposes, and it is the knowledge and experience of the designer and operator that determine its success, not the use of any particular design or operational procedure Thus, while the information presented in this book may serve to supplement the expertise of a competent practitioner, it is not a replacement It is the user’s responsibility to independently verify and interpret information found in this book prior to its application Consequently, use of the information presented in this book does hereby release the authors, the publisher, and the authors’ employers from liability for any loss or injuries of any nature that may result from use of the information presented Contents Preface xxv Authors xxix Part I  Introduction and Background Chapter Classification of Biochemical Operations 1.1 1.2 The Role of Biochemical Operations .3 Criteria for Classification 1.2.1 The Biochemical Transformation Removal of Soluble Organic Matter Stabilization of Insoluble Organic Matter Conversion of Soluble Inorganic Matter 1.2.2 The Biochemical Environment 1.2.3 Bioreactor Configuration .7 Suspended Growth Bioreactors Attached Growth Bioreactors 1.3 Common “Named” Biochemical Operations 1.3.1 Suspended Growth Bioreactors Activated Sludge Biological Nutrient Removal 17 Aerobic Digestion 20 High-Rate Suspended Growth Anaerobic Processes 22 Anaerobic Digestion 23 Fermenters 24 Lagoons 24 1.3.2 Attached Growth Bioreactors 26 Fluidized Bed Biological Reactors 26 Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) .26 Trickling Filter (TF) 27 Packed Bed 28 Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Systems 29 1.3.3 Miscellaneous Operations 30 1.4 Key Points 30 1.5 Study Questions 30 References 30 Chapter Fundamentals of Biochemical Operations 33 2.1 2.2 Overview of Biochemical Operations 33 Major Types of Microorganisms and Their Roles 34 2.2.1 Bacteria 35 2.2.2 Archaea 37 2.2.3 Eucarya 37 vii viii Contents 2.3 Microbial Ecosystems in Biochemical Operations 38 2.3.1 Aggregation and Bioflocculation 38 2.3.2 Aerobic/Anoxic Operations 41 Suspended Growth Bioreactors 41 Attached Growth Bioreactors 45 2.3.3 Anaerobic Operations 46 General Nature of Methanogenic Anaerobic Operations 46 Microbial Groups in Methanogenic Communities and Their Interactions 48 Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation 50 2.3.4 The Complexity of Microbial Communities: Reality versus Perception 50 2.4 Important Processes in Biochemical Operations 51 2.4.1 Biomass Growth, Substrate Utilization, and Yield 51 Overview of Energetics 51 Effects of Growth Environment on ATP Generation 52 Factors Influencing Energy for Synthesis 55 True Growth Yield 56 Constancy of Y in Biochemical Operations 57 2.4.2 Maintenance, Endogenous Metabolism, Decay, Lysis, and Death 58 2.4.3 Formation of Extracellular Polymeric Substances and Soluble Microbial Products 61 2.4.4 Solubilization of Particulate and High Molecular Weight Soluble Organic Matter 62 2.4.5 Ammonification 62 2.4.6 Phosphorus Uptake and Release 62 The Modified Mino PAO Model 63 Filipe–Zeng GAO Model 66 2.4.7 Overview 66 2.5 Key Points 67 2.6 Study Questions 68 References 68 Chapter Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Aerobic/Anoxic Biochemical Operations 75 3.1 3.2 Stoichiometry and Generalized Reaction Rate 75 3.1.1 Alternative Bases for Stoichiometry 75 3.1.2 Generalized Reaction Rate 78 3.1.3 Multiple Reactions: The Matrix Approach 79 Biomass Growth and Substrate Utilization 80 3.2.1 Generalized Equation for Biomass Growth 80 Half-Reaction Approach 80 Empirical Formulas for Use in Stoichiometric Equations 83 Determination of fs 84 ix Contents 3.2.2 Aerobic Growth of Heterotrophs with Ammonia as the Nitrogen Source 85 3.2.3 Aerobic Growth of Heterotrophs with Nitrate as the Nitrogen Source 86 3.2.4 Growth of Heterotrophs with Nitrate as the Terminal Electron Acceptor and Ammonia as the Nitrogen Source 87 3.2.5 Aerobic Growth of Autotrophs with Ammonia as the Electron Donor 88 3.2.6 Kinetics of Biomass Growth .90 3.2.7 Effect of Substrate Concentration on μ 91 The Monod Equation 91 Simplifications of the Monod Equation 93 Inhibitory Substrates 93 Effects of Other Inhibitors 94 3.2.8 Specific Substrate Removal Rate 95 3.2.9 Multiple Limiting Nutrients 95 Interactive and Noninteractive Relationships 96 Implications of Multiple Nutrient Limitation 97 3.2.10 Representative Kinetic Parameter Values for Major Microbial Groups 99 Aerobic Growth of Heterotrophic Bacteria .99 Anoxic Growth of Heterotrophic Bacteria 100 Aerobic Growth of Autotrophic Bacteria 101 3.3 Maintenance, Endogenous Metabolism, Decay, Lysis, and Death 104 3.3.1 The Traditional Approach 104 3.3.2 The Lysis:Regrowth Approach 106 3.3.3 Endogenous Respiration with Storage 108 3.4 Soluble Microbial Product Formation 109 3.5 Solubilization of Particulate and High Molecular Weight Organic Matter 110 3.6 Ammonification and Ammonia Utilization 111 3.7 Phosphorus Uptake and Release 112 3.8 Simplified Stoichiometry and Its Use 116 3.8.1 Determination of the Quantity of Terminal Electron Acceptor Needed 116 3.8.2 Determination of Quantity of Nutrient Needed 117 3.9 Effects of Temperature 118 3.9.1 Methods of Expressing Temperature Effects 119 3.9.2 Effects of Temperature on Kinetic Parameters 120 Biomass Growth and Substrate Utilization 120 Maintenance, Endogenous Metabolism, Decay, Lysis, and Death 121 Solubilization of Particulate and High Molecular Weight Soluble Organic Matter 122 Phosphorus Uptake and Release 122 Other Important Microbial Processes 122 3.10 Key Points 122 3.11 Study Questions 125 References 127 949 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used rs,XOC rSA rSMP rSNH rSNS rSO rSO,i rSNO rSPO4 rSPO4,anx rSS rv,XOC rXB rXBPAO rXBPAO,anx rXC rXcomp Rate of loss of an XOC from an activated sludge system by sorption Reaction rate for acetate Reaction rate for soluble microbial products Reaction rate for ammonia-N Reaction rate for soluble organic-N Reaction rate for dissolved oxygen Volumetric oxygen transfer rate in tank i Reaction rate for nitrate-N Reaction rate for soluble phosphate Anoxic reaction rate for soluble phosphate Reaction rate for readily biodegradable substrate Rate of loss of an XOC by volatilization Reaction rate for active biomass Reaction rate for PAO biomass Anoxic reaction rate for PAO biomass Reaction rate for composite particulate material Reaction rate for a given biochemical component of particulate material Reaction rate for biomass debris Reaction rate for particulate organic nitrogen Reaction rate for PHA Anoxic reaction rate for PHA Reaction rate for stored polyphosphate Anoxic reaction rate for stored polyphosphate Reaction rate for slowly biodegradable substrate Gas constant Overall stoichiometric equation Half reaction for the electron acceptor Half reaction for cell material Half reaction for the electron donor Reynolds number Terminal Reynolds number Mass rate of electron acceptor utilization Rittmann number Maximum mass nitrification rate Mass rate of oxygen utilization Steady-state oxygen requirement for autotrophs Autotrophic oxygen requirement in the contact tank of a CSAS system Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay in tank i Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay in a selector Maximum mass rate of oxygen utilization by autotrophs Autotrophic oxygen requirement in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis MT−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−1T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 22.14 3.83 3.72 3.59 3.78 3.34 11.38 3.91 3.84 3.93 3.34 22.1 3.34 3.85 3.90 8.5 8.6 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 kJMole−1K−1 — — — — — — MT−1 — MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 3.57 3.66 3.83 3.91 3.84 3.92 3.65 3.95 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 17.13 18.10 10.5 16.34 11.35 5.42 6.2 Example MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 11.34 11.39 Example 11.15 Example MT−1 11.33 rXD rXNS rXPHA rXPHA,anx rXPP rXPP,anx rXS R R Ra Rc Rd Re Ret REA Ri RNA,max RO ROA ROA,C ROA,D ROA,D,i ROA,D,s ROA,max ROA,S ROA,SN (Continued) 950 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used ROA,SN,C Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis in the contact tank of a CSAS system Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis in tank i Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis in a selector Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Transient-state oxygen requirement for autotrophs Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from particulate organic nitrogen Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from particulate organic nitrogen in the contact tank of a CSAS system Autotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from particulate organic nitrogen in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Oxygen requirement in the contact tank of a CSAS system Steady-state oxygen requirement for heterotrophs Heterotrophic oxygen requirement in the contact tank of a CSAS system Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay in the contact tank of a CSAS system Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay in tank i Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay in a selector Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass decay in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Heterotrophic oxygen requirement in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from readily biodegradable substrate Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from readily biodegradable substrate in tank i Transient state oxygen requirement for heterotrophs Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from slowly biodegradable substrate Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from slowly biodegradable substrate in the contact tank of a CSAS system Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from slowly biodegradable substrate in tank i Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from slowly biodegradable substrate in a selector Heterotrophic oxygen requirement for biomass synthesis from slowly biodegradable substrate in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Oxygen requirement in tank i Peak oxygen requirement for a system Oxygen requirement in a selector Oxygen requirement in the stabilization basin of a CSAS system Input rate of inert organic solids MT−1 11.52 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 11.39 Example 11.53 MT−1 MT−1 11.13 11.54 MT−1 Example MT−1 Example MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 Example 10.10 Example MT−1 MT−1 11.26 Example MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 11.27 Example Example MT−1 Example MT−1 11.24 MT−1 11.39 MT−1 MT−1 11.12 11.25 MT−1 Example MT−1 11.39 MT−1 Example MT−1 Example MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 11.38 11.20 Example Example Equation 15.13 ROA,SN,i ROA,SN,s ROA,SN,S ROA,TS ROA,XNS ROA,XNS,C ROA,XNS,S ROC ROH ROH,C ROH,D ROH,D,C ROH,D,i ROH,D,s ROH,D,S ROH,S ROH,SS ROH,SS,i ROH,TS ROH,XS ROH,XS,C ROH,XS,i ROH,XS,s ROH,XS,S ROi ROP ROs ROS RXI,T 951 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used S Soluble constituent concentration ML−3 Section 5.1.1 SA Acetate concentration ML−3 3.82 SAA Amino acid concentration SALK SBAlk Alkalinity Bicarbonate alkalinity concentration ML−3 Mole Sc SC Schmidt number Soluble COD concentration SCO ML−3 — 8.11 Table 6.1 14.7 ML−3 17.13 Section 9.2.1 Influent soluble COD concentration ML−3 Section 9.2.1 SD Biomass associated product concentration ML−3 Section 2.4.7 SEPS Extracellular polymeric substance ML−3 Section 2.4.7 SH2 Concentration of H2 in the liquid phase ML−3 8.7 Si Concentration of constituent i Si Mol L−3 8.4 Inhibitory chemical concentration ML−3 3.42 S*i Inhibitor concentration that causes all microbial activity to cease ML−3 3.42 SI Soluble inert organic matter concentration ML −3 5.54 SIO Influent soluble inert organic matter concentration ML−3 5.54 SMeOH Methanol concentration ML−3 21.5 SMP Soluble microbial product concentration ML−3 Section 2.4.7 SN,a Influent nitrogen concentration available to the nitrifying bacteria ML−3 11.16 S′N,a Influent soluble nitrogen concentration available to the nitrifying bacteria Ammonia-N concentration ML−3 11.51 ML−3 3.51 ML−3 11.49 SNHO Ammonia-N concentration in the contact tank of a CSAS system Influent ammonia-N concentration ML−3 6.2 SNIO SNO SNH SNHC Influent soluble inert organic-N concentration ML −3 9.36 Nitrate-N concentration ML−3 3.48 SNOO Influent nitrate-N concentration ML−3 6.3 SNO2O Influent nitrite-N concentration ML−3 21.5 SNS Soluble organic-N concentration ML−3 3.78 SNSO Influent soluble organic-N concentration ML−3 9.23 SO Dissolved oxygen concentration ML−3 3.31 SOO Influent dissolved oxygen concentration ML−3 21.5 SS Readily biodegradable (soluble) substrate concentration ML−3 Section 2.4.7 S*S ML−3 3.41 SS1 Concentration of an inhibitory substrate giving μ* Complementary substrate No ML −3 3.46 SS2 Complementary substrate No ML−3 3.46 SSa Applied substrate concentration ML−3 17.1 SSb Bulk liquid phase substrate concentration S*Sb SSbi Dimensionless bulk liquid phase substrate concentration Bulk liquid phase concentration of the substrate being used by species i in a biofilm; Bulk liquid phase concentration of substrate in the ith CSTR in a chain of N CSTRs Dimensionless bulk liquid phase concentration of substrate in the ith CSTR in a chain of N CSTRs ML−3 — S*Sbi ML−3 — 16.1 16.39 Section 16.4; 17.2 16.39a in Section 17.1.2 (Continued) 952 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol SSbi−1 SSbmin S*Sbmin SSbmin2C SSCMAL SSe SSf SSF SSi SSLR SSmin SS,n SSN SSO Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used Bulk liquid phase concentration of substrate entering the ith CSTR in a chain of N CSTRs Minimum bulk substrate concentration required to maintain a steady-state biofilm Dimensionless minimum bulk substrate concentration required to maintain a steady-state biofilm Minimum bulk liquid concentration of substrate required to allow coexistence of two species in a biofilm Soluble substrate concentration leaving a CMAL Effluent substrate concentration Substrate concentration at the liquid-biofilm interface Readily biodegradable substrate concentration in a fictitious CSTR Readily biodegradable (soluble) substrate concentration in bioreactor i; Electron donor used by microbial species i in a biofilm Soluble substrate concentration in the liquid film on the aerated sector of an RDR at its point of return to the tank Minimum attainable soluble substrate concentration from a CSTR Soluble substrate concentration in stage N of a multistage RBC Soluble substrate concentration in the Nth cell of a multicell benthal stabilization basin Influent readily biodegradable substrate concentration ML−3 17.2 ML−3 16.22 — 16.33 ML−3 16.61 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 15.15 17.1 Figure 16.4 11.29 7.5; Section 16.4 ML−3 17.36 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 5.23 20.5 15.15 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 — 16.1 16.29 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 16.30a in Section 17.1.2 16.38a in Section 17.1.2 4.18 14.9 4.18 4.21 14.9 22.1 22.17 22.1 SK Concentration of readily biodegradable substrate entering bioreactor i Substrate concentration at the liquid-biofilm interface Dimensionless substrate concentration at the liquid-biofilm interface Substrate concentration at the liquid-biofilm interface in the ith CSTR of a chain of N CSTRs Dimensionless substrate concentration at the liquid-biofilm interface in the ith CSTR of a chain of N CSTRs Tracer concentration Total alkalinity concentration Influent tracer concentration Tracer concentration leaving the Nth reactor Volatile fatty acid concentration Liquid phase concentration of an XOC Influent liquid phase concentration of an XOC Concentration of an XOC that would exist in the liquid phase if it were in equilibrium with the gas phase Spülkraft Figure 5.1 and Equation 5.24 7.5 L 19.4 t T Tmax Tmin TA Time Temperature Empirical temperature coefficient Empirical temperature coefficient Weekly average air temperature T °C, K °C °C °F 4.3 3.95 3.102 3.102 15.3 SSOi SSs S*Ss SSsi S*Ssi ST STAlk STO STN SVFA SXOC SXOC,O S*XOC — 953 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used Ti TL TO Weekly average influent wastewater temperature Weekly average lagoon temperature Rate of oxygen transfer °F °F MT−1 15.3 15.3 12.15 u U UANX Ui Us Temperature coefficient in the Arrhenius equation Process loading factor Process loading factor for the anoxic zone Process loading factor in bioreactor i Process loading factor in a selector kJMole−1 T−1 T−1 T−1 T−1 3.95 5.48 12.11 7.6 11.40 v vmf vt vtb vtp V Vaer VAER VANX VANX,2 LT−1 LT−1 LT−1 LT−1 LT−1 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 4.23 18.1 18.2 Figure 18.7 Figure 18.7 4.3 17.37 Example Example Example L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 7.12 11.59 11.45 11.30 7.1 Figure 10.6; Section 17.1.2 17.2 VL,FS VL,OT VM VMLSS Vnr VN Vs VS VT VU VWW Velocity Minimum fluidization velocity Terminal settling velocity Terminal settling velocity of a bioparticle Terminal settling velocity of a carrier particle Volume Volume of liquid in the aerated sector of an RDR Volume of aerobic zone in MLE system Volume of anoxic zone in MLE system Volume of second anoxic zone in a four-stage Bardenpho system Volume of biomass retained per cycle in an SBR Minimum possible volume of biomass retained per cycle in an SBR Volume of contact tank in CSAS system Volume of a fictitious CSTR Volume of bioreactor i Lower feasible bioreactor volume; Total liquid volume in a packed tower Liquid volume in the ith CSTR of a chain of N CSTRs used to represent a packed tower Lower feasible bioreactor volume based on floc shear Lower feasible bioreactor volume based on oxygen transfer Volume of media in a packed tower or trickling filter Volume of MLSS used in a batch test Volume of nitrate containing fluid retained per cycle in an SBR Volume of the last tank in a chain of CSTRs Volume of a selector Volume of the stabilization basin in a CSAS system Total volume of a chain of CSTRs Upper feasible bioreactor volume Volume of wastewater used in a batch test L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 11.4 11.5 Section 17.1.2 9.20 7.13 11.41 11.40 11.48 7.2 Figure 10.6 9.20 W WM,T Wtotal Wtotal,T Width of a suspended growth bioreactor Mass wastage rate of MLSS in TSS units Mass wastage rate of total biomass in COD units Mass wastage rate of total biomass in TSS units L MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 11.37 5.60 Example 5.39 Vbr Vbr,min VC VF Vi VL VLi (Continued) 954 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol x X XB XB,A XB,AA XB,A,T XB,A,V XB,H XB,Hb XB,He XB,Hf XB,Hi XB,HO XB,H,T XB,H,T,TFE XB,H,TO XB,H,V XB,H,VO XB,if XB,PAO XB,XOC,T X′B,XOC,T XBe XBf XC Xcomp XD XD,T XD,TO XD,V XD,VO XDf XFO XI XI,T XI,V XI,VO XIO XIO,T Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used Distance from a reference point Particulate constituent concentration Active biomass concentration Active autotrophic biomass concentration in COD units Amino acid consuming biomass concentration in COD units Active autotrophic biomass concentration in TSS units Active autotrophic biomass concentration in VSS units Active heterotrophic biomass concentration in COD units Active heterotrophic biomass concentration (in COD units) in the bulk liquid phase of a biofilm reactor Active heterotrophic biomass concentration (in COD units) in the effluent from a bioreactor Active heterotrophic biomass concentration (in COD units) in a biofilm Active heterotrophic biomass concentration (in COD units) in suspension in the ith reactor of a chain of N CSTRs Initial or influent active heterotrophic biomass concentration in COD units Active heterotrophic biomass concentration in TSS units Active heterotrophic biomass concentration in trickling filter effluent in TSS units Influent active heterotrophic biomass concentration in TSS units Active heterotrophic biomass concentration in VSS units Influent active heterotrophic biomass concentration in VSS units Density of species i (in COD units) at some point in a biofilm PAO biomass concentration Concentration of biomass capable of degrading an XOC Concentration of biomass capable of degrading an XOC that would be present in the absence of abiotic removal mechanisms Biomass concentration in the effluent from a packed tower Density of total biomass (in COD units) in a biofilm Composite particulate materials A specific biochemical component of particulate material Biomass debris concentration in COD units Biomass debris concentration in TSS units Influent biomass debris concentration in TSS units Biomass debris concentration in VSS units Influent biomass debris concentration in VSS units Density of biomass debris in a biofilm Influent fixed solids concentration Particulate inert organic matter concentration in COD units Particulate inert material concentration in TSS units Particulate, inert organic matter concentration in VSS units Influent particulate, inert organic matter concentration in VSS units Influent particulate inert organic matter concentration in COD units Influent particulate inert material concentration in TSS units L ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 4.7 Section 5.1.1 3.35 Table 6.1 8.11 11.15 13.3 3.31 16.17 ML−3 Figure 17.1 ML−3 16.6 ML−3 17.2 ML−3 Section 9.4.2 ML−3 ML−3 5.10 19.11 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 5.62 5.11 13.21 16.51 3.82 22.17 5.28 in Chapter 22 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 Figure 17.1 16.51 Section 8.1.1 8.6 Section 2.4.7 Section 5.1.4 5.65 Section 5.1.4 13.21 Section 16.4 Section 9.6 Section 5.2.2 5.55 13.3 13.21 Section 5.2.2 ML−3 5.55 955 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition Units Place or Equation Where First Used XM XM,F XM,FO XM,T XM,T,ANA MLSS concentration in COD units FSS concentration Influent concentration of FSS MLSS concentration in TSS units MLSS concentration in TSS units in the anaerobic zone of a BNR system MLSS concentration in TSS units in the anoxic zone of a BNR system MLSS concentration in TSS units in the contact tank of a CSAS system MLSS concentration in effluent stream in TSS units MLSS concentration in TSS units in a fictitious CSTR MLSS concentration in TSS units in tank i of a chain of CSTRs Lower limit on feasible MLSS concentrations in TSS units MLSS concentration in TSS units in the last tank of a chain of CSTRs MLSS concentration in biomass recycle stream in TSS units Maximum attainable MLSS concentration in biomass recycle stream in TSS units Upper limit on feasible MLSS concentrations in TSS units MLSS concentration in biomass wastage stream in TSS units MLSS concentration in VSS units Influent MLSS concentration in VSS units Biodegradable MLSS concentration in VSS units Influent biodegradable MLSS concentration in VSS units Nonbiodegradable MLSS concentration in VSS units Influent nonbiodegradable MLSS concentration in VSS units Influent inert organic-N concentration in COD units Particulate organic-N concentration Particulate organic-N concentration in wastewater Photosynthetic microorganism concentration in Nth tank Photosynthetic microorganism concentration in influent Polyphosphate concentration in biomass PHA concentration in biomass Slowly biodegradable (particulate) substrate concentration in COD units Slowly biodegradable (particulate) substrate concentration in wastewater in COD units Slowly biodegradable (particulate) substrate concentration in VSS units Total biomass concentration in COD units Total biomass concentration in COD units in effluent Total biomass concentration in COD units in influent Total biomass concentration in TSS units Total biomass concentration in TSS units in effluent ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 Section 5.2.2 13.15 13.16 5.58 12.19 ML−3 12.19 ML−3 11.45 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 9.1 11.31 7.1 ML−3 ML−3 Example 11.41 ML−3 ML−3 5.81 11.58 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 Example 5.81 13.1 13.4 13.1 13.5 13.1 13.4 9.36 3.66 9.23 15.14 15.14 3.82 3.85 Section 2.4.7 ML−3 9.21 ML−3 13.3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 Section 5.1.5 17.16 17.16 5.34 Section 9.2.1 XM,T,ANX XM,T,C XM,T,e XM,T,F XM,T,i XM,T,L XM,T,N XM,T,r XM,T,r,max XM,T,U XM,T,w XM,V XM,VO XM,V,b XM,V,bO XM,V,n XM,V,nO XNIO XNS XNSO XPN XPO XPP XPHA XS XSO XS,V Xtotal Xtotal,e Xtotal,O Xtotal,T Xtotal,Te (Continued) 956 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition Xtotal,Tw Xw Total biomass concentration in TSS units in wastage stream Particulate constituent concentration in the wastage stream Y YA YAA YAOB True growth yield YO2,TF YPAO YPHA YPO4 YXOC,T True growth yield for autotrophs (AOB + NOB) on COD/N basis True growth yield of amino acid consuming bacteria on COD basis True growth yield for ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) on COD/N basis True growth yield for autotrophs on TSS/N basis True growth yield for heterotrophs on COD/COD basis True growth yield for heterotrophs on TSS/COD basis Observed yield for heterotrophs on COD/COD basis Observed yield for heterotrophs on TSS/COD basis True growth yield for heterotrophs on VSS/COD basis Microbial product yield True growth yield for nitrite oxidizing bacteria on COD/N basis Net process yield on TSS/COD basis Net process yield on VSS/COD basis Observed yield Process oxygen stoichiometric coefficient Oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for decay Oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for synthesis Oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for the suspended growth bioreactor in a TF/AS system Oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for a trickling filter True growth yield for PAOs PHA requirement for Poly-P storage Poly-P requirement (SPO4 release) for PHA storage True growth yield for biomass degrading an XOC z Dimensionless length YA,T YH YH,T YHobs YHobs,T YH,V YMP YNOB Yn,T Yn,V Yobs YO2 YO2,d YO2,s YO2,SG Units Place or Equation Where First Used ML−3 ML−3 Section 9.2.1 5.1 MCODMCOD−1 MCODMN−1 MCODMCOD−1 MCODMN−1 Section 2.4.1 3.27 8.11 3.25 MTSSMN−1 MCODMCOD−1 MTSSMCOD−1 MCODMCOD−1 MTSSMCOD−1 MVSSMCOD−1 MCODMCOD−1 MCODMN−1 MTSSMCOD−1 MVSSMCOD−1 MCODMCOD−1 MO2MBOD5−1 MO2MVSS−1 MO2MBOD5−1 MO2MBOD5−1 6.2 3.16 5.14 16.6 5.37 5.14 Section 2.4.3 3.26 10.2 Section 10.4.1 Section 2.4.2 10.4 19.12 19.12 19.14 MO2MBOD5−1 MCODMCOD−1 MCODMP−1 MPMCOD−1 MTSSMCOD−1 19.13 3.86 3.88 3.84 22.17 — 4.23 957 Appendix B: Symbols Units Section or Equation Where First Used — — — — Figure 5.2 16.35 22.19 3.94 αs αv Biomass recycle or recirculation ratio Empirical parameter in pseudoanalytical approach to biofilms Dimensionless abiotic loss coefficient for an XOC Coefficient in COD mass balance to account for the type of nitrogen source Dimensionless sorption coefficient for an XOC Dimensionless volatilization coefficient for an XOC — — 22.20 22.20 β β′ Mixed liquor recirculation ratio Empirical parameter in pseudoanalytical approach to biofilms — — 7.13 16.35 γ γ ML−2T−2 — 11.6 22.18 γi γi,j Liquid specific weight Fraction of XOC removal from a CMAS system attributable to abiotic removal mechanisms COD-based stoichiometric coefficient for reactant Ai COD-based stoichiometric coefficient for reactant Ai in reaction j MM−1 MM−1 3.4 Section 3.1.3 ΓA,S ΓA,XB ΓV,S Areal organic loading rate Areal loading rate for biodegradable suspended solids Volumetric organic loading rate ML−2T−1 ML−2T−1 ML−3T−1 15.1 15.12 14.1 δ ΔEO′ Δ(F∙SN)a,TS Δ(F∙SNHO) Δ(F∙SNSO) Δ(F∙SSO) Δ(F∙XNSO) Δ(F∙XSO) ΔG0′ ΔN ΔNSS Anoxic mixed liquor recirculation ratio Standard oxidation reduction potential Transient increase in available ammonia-N Transient increase in ammonia-N loading Transient increase in soluble organic-N loading Transient increase in the loading of readily biodegradable substrate Transient increase in particulate organic-N loading Transient increase in the loading of slowly biodegradable substrate Gibbs free energy change Mass rate of nitrate-N removal by denitrification Mass rate of nitrate-N removal associated with biomass synthesis from readily biodegradable substrate Mass rate of nitrate-N removal associated with biomass decay Mass rate of nitrate-N removal associated with slowly biodegradable substrate utilization and decay Amount of nitrate-N required to serve as electron acceptor for a unit of substrate COD Phosphorus removed in a BPR system Mass rate of COD removal Amount of substrate COD required to remove a unit of nitrate-N by denitrification Infinitesimal volume Length of infinitesimal volume Decrease in the concentration of biomass degrading an XOC — mV MT−1 MT−1 12.19 Section 2.4.1 11.13 11.14 11.14 11.12 11.14 11.12 Section 2.4.1 Section 6.4.2 12.10 MT−1 MT−1 Example Example MNMCOD−1 12.6 MPMBOD5−1 MT−1 MCODMN−1 12.4 Section 6.4.2 6.4 L3 L Figure 4.2 4.7 22.18 Symbol α α′ αa αN ΔNXB ΔNXS ΔN/ΔS ΔP ΔS ΔS/ΔN ΔV Δx ΔXB,XOC,T Definition MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 MT−1 kJ ML−3 (Continued) 958 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol Definition ε εM εR ΕXMV Porosity Porosity at incipient fluidization Porosity associated with the reference bed height VSS destruction efficiency ζ ζ ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 ζ4 Fraction of a cycle in an SBR devoted to fill plus react Empirical coefficient Empirical coefficient Empirical coefficient Empirical coefficient Empirical exponent ηe ηeE ηeI ηeO ηeOa ηeOs ηeZ ηe1 ηg ηg,POA ηh ηP ηQ Effectiveness factor for biofilms External effectiveness factor Internal effectiveness factor Overall effectiveness factor Overall effectiveness factor in the aerated sector of an RDR Overall effectiveness factor in the submerged sector of an RDR Zero-order effectiveness factor First-order effectiveness factor Anoxic growth factor Anoxic PAO growth factor Anoxic hydrolysis factor In-process energy efficiency for mechanical aeration systems Field oxygen transfer efficiency for diffused aeration systems θ θ θ θA Θc Θc,AER Θc,AER,eq Θc,ANA Θc,ANX Θce Θcmin Units Section or Equation Where First Used — — — % 17.13 18.1 18.3 13.4 — L0.333T0.667 LT0.667 L 7.8 17.31 17.33 17.34 17.34 17.34 LTζ4 — T2L−2 — 16.6 Section 16.2.2 Section 16.2.2 Section 16.2.2 17.47 17.46 18.20 18.22 Table 6.1 3.90 Table 6.1 11.1 11.2 Temperature coefficient Dimensionless time Circumferential angle in an RDR Angle transcribed by the aerated sector of an RDR Solids retention time Aerobic solids retention time Equivalent aerobic solids retention time Anaerobic solids retention time Anoxic solids retention time Effective solids retention time in an SBR Minimum solids retention time at which biomass can grow on a given influent substrate concentration Solids retention time required to obtain a desired effluent quality Solids retention time required to degrade slowly biodegradable substrate — — ° ° T T T T T T T 3.99 4.22 Section 17.2.1 17.49 5.1 12.1 12.18 12.3 12.2 7.9 5.25 T T 11.10 11.28 κ Parameter depicting the deviation of the Thiele modulus from first-order kinetics — 16.13 λN λNH Surface total nitrogen loading to an attached growth bioreactor Surface ammonia-N loading to an attached growth bioreactor ML−2T−1 ML−2T−1 Section 19.2.1 Section 19.2.1 Θc,r Θc/XS — — — — — — — — — — — 959 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Units Section or Equation Where First Used ML−2T−1 LT−1 LT−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 ML−3T−1 19.2 14.5 20.2 Section 19.1.2 Section 19.1.2 19.3 19.1 Specific growth rate coefficient Specific growth rate coefficient for autotrophs Specific growth rate coefficient for autotrophs in the contact tank of a CSAS system Specific growth rate coefficient for heterotrophs T−1 T−1 T−1 3.35 Section 9.5.3 11.49 T−1 T−1 T−1 T−1 T−1 11.29 7.5 11.41 T−1 5.24 T−1 T−1 16.53 16.59 T−1 MT−1 L−1 MT−1 L−1 T−1 T−1 T−1 15.14 11.6 13.10 3.36 3.50 3.50 μˆ H μˆ PAO μˆ XOC Specific growth rate coefficient for heterotrophs in the contact tank of a CSAS system Specific growth rate coefficient for heterotrophs in a fictitious CSTR Specific growth rate coefficient for heterotrophs in bioreactor i Specific growth rate coefficient for heterotrophs in the last equivalent tank of an SFAS system Maximum specific heterotrophic growth rate associated with a given influent substrate concentration Specific growth rate of species i in a biofilm Specific growth rate of species i at the attachment surface of a biofilm Specific growth rate coefficient for photosynthetic microorganisms Absolute viscosity of water Absolute viscosity of water in centipoise Maximum specific growth rate coefficient Maximum specific growth rate coefficient for autotrophs Maximum specific growth rate coefficient for autotrophs at optimum pH Maximum specific growth rate coefficient for heterotrophs Maximum specific growth rate coefficient for PAOs Maximum specific growth rate coefficient for degradation of an XOC 3.35a in Section 5.1.3 11.45 T−1 T−1 T−1 μ* Maximum observed specific growth rate T−1 Section 3.2.10 3.85 5.22 in Chapter 22 3.40 ξ — 16.31 Ξ Parameter relating the dimensionless substrate flux to the dimensionless flux to a deep biofilm Fraction of substrate aerobically stabilized — 15.10 Π Volumetric power input Section 11.2.5 ΠL Lower limit on volumetric power input T−1 or ML−1T−3 T−1 or ML−1T−3 Symbol Definition λS ΛH ΛH,RBC ΛN ΛNH ΛOR ΛS Surface organic loading to an attached growth bioreactor Total hydraulic loading to a bioreactor; superficial velocity Total hydraulic loading on an RBC Total nitrogen loading to an attached growth bioreactor Total ammonia-N loading to an attached growth bioreactor Oxidation rate in a trickling filter Total organic loading to an attached growth bioreactor μ μA μA,C μH μH,C μH,F μH,i μH,N μHmax μi μias μP μw μwc μˆ μˆ A μˆ Am Figure 10.6 (Continued) 960 Appendix B: Symbols (Continued) Symbol ΠL,P ΠL,Q ΠU ΠU,P Definition Lower limit on volumetric power input for mechanical aeration systems Lower limit on volumetric power input for diffused aeration systems Upper limit on volumetric power input Units Section or Equation Where First Used ML−1T−3 11.3 T−1 or LT−1 T−1 or ML−1T−3 ML−1T−3 11.3 Figure 10.6 T−1 or LT−1 11.4 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 ML−3 18.8 18.9 18.8 18.1 Section 16.2.1 ΠU,Q Upper limit on volumetric power input for mechanical aeration systems Upper limit on volumetric power input for diffused aeration systems 11.4 ρb ρfd ρfw ρp ρw Density of a bioparticle Dry density of the biofilm on an FBBR bioparticle Wet density of the biofilm on an FBBR bioparticle Density of a carrier particle Density of water ςDO ςPL ςU Dissolved oxygen safety factor Peak load safety factor Safety factor for uncertainty — — — 11.9 11.8 11.10 τ τe τmin τn Hydraulic residence time Effective hydraulic residence time in an SBR Minimum allowable hydraulic residence time Hydraulic residence time in stage N of an RBC system T T T T 4.15 7.8 Example 20.5 υ Fraction of CSAS system volume in the contact tank — 11.47 ϕ ϕf ϕZm ϕlm ΦXOC Thiele modulus Modified Thiele modulus Modified zero-order Thiele modulus Modified first-order Thiele modulus Proportionality factor relating the mass transfer coefficient for an XOC to the mass transfer coefficient for oxygen — — — — — 16.12 16.14 18.19 18.21 22.8 Ψi Ψi,j Mass-based stoichiometric coefficient for reactant Ai Mass-based stoichiometric coefficient for reactant Ai in reaction j MM−1 MM−1 3.2 3.11 ω ωd Ω Rotational speed of an RDR Rotational speed of a rotary distributor on a trickling filter SSmin in a CSTR receiving active biomass in the influent expressed as a fraction of SSmin in absence of such biomass RevT−1 RevT−1 — 17.29 19.4 5.68 Appendix C: Unit Conversions U.S Units to Metric Units Multiply U.S Units ac ac BTU BTU BTU degrees F ft ft/hp ft2 ft2/ft3 ft3 ft3/(min ⋅ ft2) gal gal/(day ⋅ ac) gal/(day ⋅ ft2) gal/(min ⋅ ft2) gal/(min ⋅ ft2) gal/min gal/min gal/(min ⋅ hp) hp hp/(1000 ft3) hp/(106 gal) lb (mass) lb/(ac ⋅ day) lb/(ac ⋅ day) lb/(1000 ft2 ⋅ day) lb/(1000 ft2 ⋅ day) lb/(1000 ft3 ⋅ day) lb/(hp ⋅ hr) Mgd Mgd By To Obtain Metric Units 4.047 × 10 0.4047 0.2520 1.055 2.931 × 10−4 0.5556 (°F − 32) 0.3048 0.4087 9.290 × 10−2 3.281 2.832 × 10−2 0.3048 −3 3.785 × 10 9.357 × 10−7 4.074 × 10−2 58.674 6.791 × 10−4 5.451 6.308 × 10−5 8.460 × 10−5 0.7457 26.334 0.1973 0.4536 1.121 1.121 × 10−4 4.882 4.882 × 10−3 1.602 × 10−2 0.6083 3.785 × 103 4.381 × 10−2 m2 kcal kJ kW∙hr degrees C m m/kW m2 m2/m3 m3 m3/(min ⋅ m2) m3 m3/(day ⋅ m2) m3/(day ⋅ m2) m3/(day ⋅ m2) m3/(sec ⋅ m2) m3/day m3/sec m3/(sec ⋅ kW) kW kW/(1000 m3) kW/(1000 m3) kg kg/(ha ⋅ day) kg/(m2 ⋅ day) g/(m2 ⋅ day) kg/(m2 ⋅ day) kg/(m3 ⋅ day) kg/(kW ⋅ hr) m3/day m3/sec 961 962 Appendix C: Unit Conversions Metric Units to U.S Units Multiply Metric Units degrees C g/(m2 ⋅ day) kcal kg kg/(ha ⋅ day) kg/(kW ⋅ hr) kg/(m2 ⋅ day) kg/(m2 ⋅ day) kg/(m3 ⋅ day) kJ kW kW ⋅ hr kW/(1000 m3) kW/(1000 m3) m m/kW m2 m2 m2/m3 m3 m3 m3/day m3/day m3/(day ⋅ m2) m3/(day ⋅ m2) m3/(day ⋅ m2) m3/(min ⋅ m2) m3/(sec ⋅ m2) m3/sec m3/sec m3/(sec ⋅ kW) By 1.800 (°C + 32) 0.2048 2.471 3.968 2.205 0.8922 1.644 8922 204.8 62.428 0.9478 1.341 3412 3.797 × 10−2 5.068 3.281 2.447 2.471 × 10−4 10.76 0.3048 35.31 264.2 0.1835 2.642 × 10−4 1.069 × 106 24.55 1.704 × 10−2 3.281 1472 1.585 × 104 22.83 1.182 × 104 To Obtain U.S Units degrees F lb/(1000 ft2 ⋅ day) ac BTU lb (mass) lb/(ac ⋅ day) lb/(hp ⋅ hr) lb/(ac ⋅ day) lb/(1000 ft2 ⋅ day) lb/(1000 ft3 ⋅ day) BTU hp BTU hp/(1000 ft3) hp/(106 gal) ft ft/hp ac ft2 ft2/ft3 ft3 gal gal/min Mgd gal/(day ⋅ ac) gal/(day ⋅ ft2) gal/(min ⋅ ft2) ft3/(min ⋅ ft2) gal/(min ⋅ ft2) gal/min Mgd gal/(min ⋅ hp) ... Transport and Reaction: Pseudoanalytical Approach 669 Pseudoanalytical Approach 669 Application of Pseudoanalytical Approach 672 Normalized Loading Curves ... the publishers For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http:// www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center,... biochemical operations has increased in the past decade, our application of those operations in practice has continued to evolve All of the application chapters have been updated to reflect that

Ngày đăng: 15/05/2019, 16:51