We use q u est ion t ags w hen we t hink t he ot her person agrees with us, or when we want t he ot her person t o agree with us. posit ive sen t en ce + ne g a t ive t a g : He’s nice, isn’t he? She looks tired, doesn’t she? They finished t he test, didn’t they? He has sung beau t ifully, hasn’ t he? A. M a t ch t he t w o p a rt s of t he sen t ence . 1. You don’t like program m es about sport s, ____ a) didn’t w e? 2. ‘Only Fools and Horses’ w as funny last week, ____ b) have w e? 3. We saw t hat film last m ont h, ____ c) can’t you? 4. Robin William s is a very good act or, ____ d) won’ t it ? 5. The program m e will be on TV again next w eek, ____ e) do you ? 6. We haven’t seen t his program m e before, ____ f) wasn’t it ? 7. You can g et a bet t er m ark than t hat , ____ g) isn’t he? C. Bu ild se nt e nce s a ccor d ing t o t he g ive n qu e st ion t a gs. 1. _____________________________, am I? 2. ___________________________, is she? 3. _______________________, don’ t they? 4. _________________________, does he? 5. _____________________, couldn’t you? 6. _______________________, won’ t they? 7. ___________________________, did we? 8. ______________________, d oesn’ t she? 9. __________________________, do you? 10. _________________________, aren’t I? 11. _________________________, isn’t he? 12. _______________________, were you? 13. __________________________, will he? 14. _________________________, can we? 15. ________________________, has she? B. W rit e que st ion t a g s f or t h e se sen t e nce s. 1. I’ve m et you before, _______? 2. The m irror w as heavy, _______? 3. Mary isn’ t very st rong, _______? 4. You could hear the m usic, _______? 5. You know about t he next speaker, _______? 6. I’m sit ting in m y place, _______? 7. They st ole your car last m ont h, _______? 8. She w ill send us t he t icket s by em ail, _______? 9. She runs really fast, _______? 10. You didn’t g o t o t he cinem a last week, _______? 11. He hasn’t found t he keys, _______? ne g a t ive se nt e n ce + posit ive t a g : Tom d oesn’t sm oke, does he? She isn’t going t o sleep, is she? I can’ t g o out , can I? We w on’t be w orried, w ill w e? We use the correct form of be, have, d o or a m odal verb in t he question t ag. but : I’m lat e, aren’t I? (not - am I not?) . ill w e? We use the correct form of be, have, d o or a m odal verb in t he question t ag. but : I’m lat e, aren’t I? (not - am I not?)