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Evolutionary biology of ostracoda

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evolutionary biology of ostracoda its fundamentak and applications FURTHER TITLES IN THIS SERIES A.J Boucot EVOLUTION AND EXTINCTION RATE CONTROLS W.A Berggren and J.A van Couvering THE LATE NEOGENE-BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, GEOCHRONOLOGY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY OF THE LAST 15 MILLION YEARS IN MARINE AND CONTINENTAL SEQUENCES L.J Salop PRECAMBRIAN OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE J.L Wray CALCAREOUS ALGAE A Hallam (Editor) PATTERNS OF EVOLUTION, AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE FOSSIL RECORD F.M Swain (Editor) STRATIGRAPHIC MICROPALEONTOLOGY OF ATLANTIC BASIN AND BORDERLANDS W.C Mahaney (Editor) QUATERNARY DATING METHODS D Janossy PLEISTOCENE VERTEBRATE FAUNAS OF HUNGARY Ch Pomerol and I Premoli-Silva (Editors) TERMINAL EOCENE EVENTS 10 J.C Briggs BIOGEOGRAPHY AND PLATE TECTONICS 11 T Hanai, N lkeya and K lshizaki (Editors) EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF OSTRACODA, ITS FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 1 evolutionary biology of ostracoda I its fundamentals and applications Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Ostracoda, held in Shizuoka, Japan, 29 July-2 August 1985 edited by Tetsuro Hanai Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo, Japan Noriyuki lkeya Institute of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University Shizuoka,Japan and Kunihiro lshizaki Institute of Geology and Palaeontologty,Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan KODANSHA Tokyo 1988 ELSEVIER Amste rdam-0xford- NewYor k-Tokyo Copublished by KODANSHA LTD., Tokyo and ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V., Amsterdam exclusive sales rights in Japan KODANSHA LTD 12-21, Otowa 2chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan for the U.S.A and Canada ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 for the rest of the world ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V 25 Sara Burgerhartstraat, P.O Box 21 1, loo0 A E Amsterdam, The Netherlands L I B R A R Y OF CONGRESS L i b r a r y o f Congress C a t a l o g i n g - i n - P u b l i c a t i o n Data International Symposium on Ostracoda (9th : 1985 : Shizuoka-shi, Japan) Evolutionary biology of Ostracoda : Its fundanentals and applications : proceedings o f t h e Ninth International Symposium on Ostracoda held in Shizuoka Japan, 29 July-2 August 1985 / edited by Tetsuro Hanai Noriyuki Ikeya, and Kunihirc Ishizaki p c m (Developments in palaeontology and stratigraohy ; 11) Bibliography: p Includes index I S B N 0-444-98921-8 ( U S ) Ostracoda Fossil Congresses Paleontology Congresses O s t r a c o d a - - E v o l u t i o n - - C o n g r e s s e s I Hanai , Tetsuro, 192411 Ikeya, Noriyuki 111 Ishizaki, Kunihiro IV Title V Series 0~817.081571985 565'.33 dc19 88-7122 CIP ISBN 0-444-98921-8 (V0l.11) ISBN 0-444-41 142-9 (Series) ISBN4-06-203039-X(Japan) Copyright 01988 by Kodansha Ltd All rights reserved N o part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, retrieval system, or any other means, without the written permission of Kodansha Ltd (except in the case of brief quotation for criticism or review) PRINTED IN JAPAN Contents xi xiii xv Preface List of Contributors Participants and Non-attending Members I ADDRESSES AT THE OPENING SESSION NEALE, J W Ostracoda-A historical perspective HANAI,T A taxonomist’s view on classification 17 11 TAXONOMY MCKENZIE, K G A Recent Dutch microorganism(A J Keij), with the description of Jankeijcythere new genus (Crustacea, Ostracoda) 29 T M The North American genus Climacoidea Puri, 1956, HAZEL, J E.and CRONIN, and the tribe Campylocytherini (Neogene and Quaternary) 39 MALZ,H Morphological affinities in Ostracoda, misleading and revealing 57 MALZ,H.and LORD, A Recent ornate bairdiid Ostracoda: Origin and distribution 63 MALZ,H The Bairdia dynasty review-activities-aspects 75 NEALE,J W and SINGH,P Some problems associated with the genus Uroleberis 81 KHOSLA,S C Tertiary and Recent species of Miocyprideis from India 93 KHOSLA,S C and NAGORI, M L The genus Stigmatocythere from the Quilon Beds (Lower Miocene) of Kerala, India 105 CHOE,K.-L On ostracod biofacies and five new genera in Korean seas 121 OKUBO,I On the Recent Aurila species from Japan 135 LUNDIN,R F Function and significance of tubules: Tubulibairdia vs Microcheilinella 145 GRAMM, M N The free margin contact structures in some “palaeocopid” ostracods and their bearing on classification 159 V 111 MORPHOLOGY AND MORPHOGENESIS KEYsER, D A The origin of the “Xestoleberis-spot” 177 MYERS,J H and KONTROVITZ, M Geometrical optics of some ostracod eyes 187 SCHORNIKOV, E I The concept of cyclicity of morphogenesis 195 KAESLER,R L and FOSTER, D W Ontogeny of Bradleya normani (Brady): shape analysis of landmarks 207 MADDOCKS, R F Multivariate analysis of leg morphology of Macrocyprididae 219 Hou, Y.-T and ZHAO,Y.-H A preliminary study on ornamentation and ultrastructure of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Ostracoda in China 235 Som, I G and KORNICKER, L S Ultrastructure of myodocopid shells (Ostracoda) 243 JONES,P J Carapace sculpture in Amphissites (Kirkbyacea: Ostracoda) 259 ADAMCZAK, F.J Evolution of Amphicostella from the Middle Devonian in Europe (Metacopa, Ostracoda) 275 IV BIOLOGY MOGUILEVSKY, A and WHATLEY, R C Cytogenetic studies on marine myodocopid Ostracoda: The karyotypes of Gigantocypris dracontovalis Cannon, 1940 and Macrocypridina casranea (Brady, 1897) 293 V ECOLOGY -A, T Morphological and ethological adaptations of Ostracoda to microhabitats in Zostera beds 303 IKEYA, N and UEDA,H Morphological variations of Cytheromorpha acupunctata (Brady) in continuous populations at Hamana-ko bay, Japan 319 CARBONEL, P and T~LDERER-FARMER, M The ostracod carapace as a hydrochemical source of information at water/sediment interface 341 CARBONEL, P and HOIBIAN, T The impact of organic matter on ostracods from an equatorial deltaic area, the Mahakam delta-southeastern Kalimantan 353 ABE,K and CHOE, K.-L Variation of Pistocythereis and Kegella species in Gamagyang Bay, south coast of Korea 367 G.and DANIELOPOL, D L To see and not to be seen: The evolutionary BONADUCE, problems of the Ostracoda Xestoleberididae 375 R.C.and WATSON,K A A preliminary account of the distribution of WHATLEW, Ostracoda in Recent reef and reef associated environments in the Pulau-Seribuor Thousand Island group, Java Sea 399 Contents vii BODERGAT, A M and IKEYA, N Distribution of Recent Ostracoda in Ise and Mikawa bays, Pacific coast of central Japan 413 T Preliminary study on the ecology of ostracods from TABUKI, R and NOHARA, the moat of a coral reef off Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan 429 BENTLEY,C Podocopid ostracods of Brisbane Water, near Sydney, south-eastern Australia 439 BONADUCE, G., MASOLI, M and PUGLIESE, N Remarks of the benthic Ostracoda on the Tunisian Shelf 449 DIAS-BRITO, D., MOURA, J A and WORDIG,N Relationships between ecological models 467 based on ostracods and foraminifers from Sepetiba Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) DANIELOPOL, D L., GEIGER, W., TULDERER-FARMER, M., ORELLANA, C and TERRAT, M.-N In search of Cypris and Cythere-A report of the evolutionary ecological project on limnic Ostracoda from Mondsee (Austria) 485 SCHARF, B W Living ostracods from the nature reserve “Hordter Rheinaue” (Germany) 501 YANG,F Distribution of the brackish-salt water ostracods in northwestern Qinghai Plateau and its geological significance 519 VI PALAEOECOLOGY SIDDIQW, Q A The Iperk sequence (Plio-Pleistocene)and its ostracod assemblages in the eastern Beaufort Sea 533 PAIK,K.-H and LEE,E.-H Plio-Pleistocene ostracods from the Sogwipo Formation, Cheju Island, Korea 541 HAYASHI,K Pliocene-Pleistocene palaeoenvironment and fossil ostracod fauna from the southwestern Hokkaido, Japan 557 MAYBURY, C and WHATLEY, R C The evolution of high diversity in the ostracod communities of the Upper Pliocene faunas of St Erth (Cornwall, England) and northwest France 569 STEINECK, P L., DEHLER, D., HWE, E M and MCCALLA, D Oligocene to Quaternary ostracods of the central equatorial Pacific (Leg 85, DSDP-IPOD) 597 SINGH,P Palaeobiogeography and palaeoecology of the Tertiary ostracods of northwestern India with palaeooceanographic remarks 619 MADDOCKS, R F One hundred million years of predation on ostracods: The fossil record in Texas 637 A., GERRY,E and HONIGSTEIN, A Jurassic-Cretaceous non-marine ROSENFELD, ostracods from Israel and palaeoenvironmental implications 659 KAESLER,R L and DENVER, L E Distribution and diversity of nearshore Ostracoda: Environmental control in the early Permian DEWEY,C P Lower Carboniferous ostracode assemblages from Nova Scotia 671 685 MI DEEP SEA OSTRACODA HARTMANN, G F and HARTMANN-SCHRODER, G Deep sea Ostracoda, taxonomy, distribution and morphology 699 NEALE, J W The anatomy of the ostracod Pelecocytherepurii sp nov and some features connected with the abyssal mode of life in this and some other deep water forms 709 VANHARTEN, D and DROSTE, H J Mediterranean deep-sea ostracods, the species poorness of the Eastern Basin, as a legacy of an early Holocene anoxic event 721 R C and AYRESP, M Pandemic and endemic distribution patterns in WHATLEY, Quaternary deep-sea Ostracoda 739 VIII BIOGEOGRAPHY AND PALAEOBIOGEOGRAPHY TITTERTON, R and WHATLEY, R C The provincial distribution of shallow-water IndoPacific marine Ostracoda: Origins, antiquity, dispersal routes and mechanisms 759 HARTMANN, G F Distribution and dispersal of littoral Pacific Island Ostracoda 787 Gou, Y and CHEN,D.-Q On the occurrence of Javanella and Saida from the Pliocene of Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong, China 797 ZHAO,Q.-H and WANG,P.-X Distribution of modern ostracods in the shelf seas off China 805 J F and COLIN,J P Palaeogeography of Tethyan Cretaceous marine BABINOT, ostracods 823 DINGLE, R V Marine ostracod distributions during the early breakup of southern Gondwanaland 841 LORD, A R Ostracoda of the early Jurassic Tethyan Ocean 855 IX SPECIATION CRONIN,T M Geographical isolation in marine species: Evolution and speciation in Ostracoda, I 871 IKEYA, N and TSUKAGOSHI, A The interspecific relations between three close species of the genus Cythere F Muller, 1785 891 ABE, K Speciation completed? in Keijella bisanensis species group 919 CRONN,T M and SCHMIDT,N Evolution and biogeography of Orwnina in the Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean: Evolution and speciation in Ostracoda, I1 927 P.O., Led, C and ROUSSELLE, L Polymorphism and speciation: Medoc DUCASSE, ostracods at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (Aquitaine, France) 939 Contents ix X EVOLUTION SCHORNIKOV, E I The pathways of morphological evolution of Bythocytheridae 951 KEEN, M C The evolution and distribution of cytherettine ostracods 967 REYMENT,R A Evolutionarily significant polymorphism in marine ostracods 987 PEYPOUQUET, J.-P., CARBONEL, P., DUCASSE, P O., T~LDERER-FARMER, M and LJ~TB,C Environmentally cued polymorphism of ostracods-A theoretical and practical approach A contribution to geology and to the understanding of ostracod evolution WHATLEY,R C Patterns and rates of evolution among Mesozoic Ostracoda 1003 1021 SCHALLREUTER, R E Homeomorphy, phylogeny and natural classification: Case studies involving Palaeozoic ostracods 1041 LUNDIN, R F Is Neckajatia an ancestor of the platycope ostracodes? 1051 XI BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND EXPLORATION KRSTI~, N Some Quaternary ostracods of the Pannonian Basin, with a review of a few neglectoida 1063 YAJIMA,M Preliminary notes on the Japanese Miocene Ostracoda 1073 BONADUCE,G., BISMUTH,H., RUGGIERI, G., Russo, A and MASCELLARO, P Marine ostracods of the Upper Miocene of the well Ashtart (Gulf of Gabbs, southeastern Tunisia) 1087 FINGER, K L Depositional paleoecology of Miocene ostracodes in the Monterey Formation, Laguna Hills, southern California, U.S.A 1101 KHALAF,S.K Middle Miocene Ostracoda from northern Iraq 1113 KIELBOWICZ,A A Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene ostracods from the YPF SCA ECa X-1 (El Campamento) borehole, Austral Basin, Argentina 1125 GUAN,S.-Z Palaeocene non-marine ostracods in China 1147 HE, J.-D., VAN NIEUWENHUISE, D S and SWAIN,F M Biostratigraphy of Paleogene non-marine Ostracoda from East China 1153 HAO,Y.-C Cretaceous and Palaeogene ostracod biostratigraphy in Xining and Minhe Basins of China 1163 LI, Y.-G., Su, D.-Y and ZHANG,L.-J The Cretaceous ostracod faunas from the Fuxin Basin, Liaoning Province 1173 ATHERSUCH, J The biostratigraphy of Cretaceous ostracods from Oman 1187 MOURA, J A Ostracods from non-marine early Cretaceous sediments of Campos Basin, Brazil 1207 1342 GENERAL A ND AUTHOR INDEX drifting history 597 drifting on aquatic plants 880 drifting on pumice rafts 880 Drillhole 637-657 Drin, B and Gerry, E 661 Drooger, C.W 30 Drooger, C.W., Kaasschieter, J.P.H and Keij, A.J 29 drying up waters 512 Duan, Y.R 1180 Ducasse, 89, 987, 993, 998 Ducasse, and Cirac, P 987, 998, 1088 Ducasse, and Coustillas, F 998 Ducasse, and Peypouguest, J.P 608 Ducasse, and Rousselle, L 942, 987, 998, 1003, 1004 Ducasse, et al 1003, 1014 Ducasse, O., Lete, C and Rousselle, L 939-947 ductus ejaculatorius 904 dumbbell isolation 874, 880 duplicature 19, 20, 146 Durazzi, J.T 342 Durham, J.W 610 Dussart, B 359 Dutta, P.M 96, 109, 111 E Early Jurassic 855-868 East Africa 68 East Asia Subregion 818 East China 1153- 1161 East China Sea 90, 138, 924 Eastern African Province 761 Eastern Mediterranean 64, 66, 68 East Indian province 763 East Pacific Barrier 792 East Pacific Rise 597 Echevarria, A 1127, 1130, 1134, 1136, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144 ecological models 467, 483 ecophenotypic variation 989 ecozone 598, 601, 605, 610 egg 12, 514, 517 Egorov, G.I 164 Ehrlich, R., et al 208 Eifelian 275, 952, 953 Einsele, G and Wiedmann, J 1014 ejaculatory duct 136 Ekman, S 791, 792 Eldredge, N and Cracraft, J 872, 885 Eldredge, N and Gould, S.J 209, 872, 880 Eldredge, N and Novacek, M.J 873 electron probe microanalysis 343 Ellis, B.F and Messina, A Elofson, 8, 311, 336, 693, 892 Emelyanov, E.M 734 Emery, K.O 55 Emsian 952, 953 encysted (double-walled) eggs 879 endemic species 744 endemism 761, 765 Endler, J.A 874 246, 248 endocuticle ( = procuticle) Engelman, L et aI 220 England 154, 1229-1244 entomodont hinge 1036 Entrerrian Stage 1129 environmental changes 874 environmentally cued polymorphism 988, 997, 1004, 1012, 1016 environmental parameters 1240 environmental stresses 1004 Eocene 621, 622, 624, 625, 626, 627, 983, 1153, 1154, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1170 Eocene/Oligocene Boundary 939 -947 epibolicfreemargin 160, 162, 163, 166, 170, 171 epicuticle 246, 248 epidermal cells 12 Equatorial Counter Current 781 Equatorial Currents 781 Equatorial Fracture Zone 849, 850 Equatorial Pacific 597 - 617 equivalent boron 1160 Esker, C.E 614 Estonian SSR 170, 171 Estrella, G.O et al 1215 Etcheber, H 359, 360 ethological adaptations 311 -317 euphotic zone 188 Europe 85, 974, 982, 983 European shelf sea 865 eustatic sea-level changes 1270, 1271, 1273, 1279 Evans Head, Australia 70 Evolution and Distribution 982 evolutionary cycle 1219 evolutionary ecology 485 evolutionary lineage 600 evolutionary trends 646, 1151 exocrine pore 25 explosion of genera 58 extinction 602, 611, 646, 1151 extinction rates of species 1027 Exton, J 859 Exton, J and Gradstein, F.M 859, 861, 868 extrinsic factors for speciation 872 - 874 eyecup 191, 192, 193 eyespot 188, 189, 190, 191, 192 eyespot-tapetum system 189, 191 eyestalk 193 F Famennian 171 Farinacci, A et al 861 Farmer M and Carbonel P 361 faunal transition 722 faunal turnover 611, 730 - 734 Fearnsides, W.G 1231 Fedden, F 619 General and Author Index 1343 Feist, R and Groos-Uffenorde, H 146 Ferguson, L 542, 693 fifth limb 224, 225, 226 filtering apparatus 964 Findenegg, I 486 fine granular component of endocuticle 246, 248, 250, 252, 256 Finger, K.L 1101-1111, 1109 Fiqa Formation 1195 first stratigraphical appearance 872 Fisher, P.H 638 Fisher, W.L 672, 673, 674, 675 Fittkau, E.J et al 510 Flores Sea 73 Florida 40, 44, 48, 46, 48, 52 fluctuation of species diversity 1024, 1027, 1031, 1032 fluvio-lacustrine deposits 1183 Fokin, N.A 166 food availability 734 Foraker Limestone 672 Forbes, E Ford, E.B 945 fore reef 402, 404, 405, 406, 407 Forester, R.M 54, 534 Forest Marble 61 fossilisation 156 fossil species 872 founder effect 946 Fourit, F 1088, 1093, 1094 Fowler, C.H and MacMahon, J 485 Fox, H.M 8, 376, 390 Framer, M 1008 France 85, 863 Frasnian 171 Freund, R 667 Froehlich, B 514 frontal organ 705 Frydl, P.M 139, 413, 549, 551 Fryer, G 515 funnel-type normal pore canals 899 furca 204, 229, 230 Fursich, F.T and Jablonski, D 638 Fuxin Basin 1173-1186 Fuxin Formation 1175, 1180, 1182 f value 190, 191, 192, 193 Fyan, E.C 770 G Gabilly, J 1261 Gagic, N 1063 Gailite, L.K 163, 168 Galeeva, L.I 1169 Gallois, R.W and Morter, A.A 1234, 1238 Gamagyang Bay 367 Gammers, P.A.M 621 Gansu 1293- 1302 Garbett, E.C and Maddocks, R.F 52, 54, 337, 638, 973 ~ ~~ ~ Garrison, R.E and Douglas, R, G 1111 gastropod drillhole 643, 645, 646 Gault 1229- 1244 Gayet, J 355 Gayet, J and Legigan, P 355 Gays River Formation 686 Geis, H.L 145, 154 Geldsetzer, H ef aL 688, 689 Geloina-bearing molluscan assemblages 1073 genealogical relationship 874 generic diversity 1028, 1029, 1035 generic extinction 1149 generic origination 1150 genetically determined polymorphism 1004, 1014, 1016 genetic cohesiveness 885 genome 1004, 1005 genotype 1004 geographical distribution 896 geographical isolation 871 -889, 932 geographical variation 923 Germany 171, 863 gerontomorphosis 195 Gerry, E Gerry, E and Rosenfeld, A 659, 665 Ge, Y.H 1176 Ghana 72 Ghetti, P.F and McKenzie, K 515 Giles, P 686 Giles, P et al 686 Gingerich, P.D 871, 872 Givetian 171, 276 glacial advances 610 Glen Rose Formation 643 Glintzboeckel, C and Magne, J 1188, 1192, 1193, 1200, 1203, 1204 Goldsmith, V.M 359 Gondwanaland breakup 841 - 854 Gordon, W.A 1270 Gotland 147, 149, 154, 1051 Gottwald, J 388, 389, 395 Gould, S.J 17, 195, 209, 497 Gould, S.J and Eldredge, N 871 Gou, Y.S and Chen,D.Q 797-803 Gou, Y.S., Chen, D.Q., Guan, S.Z., Zheng, S.Y and Huang, B.R 797 gradualistic evolution 1038, 1039 Graf, H 487 Gramann, F 85, 90, 978, 1117, 1261 Gramm,M.N 11, 146, 151, 152, 154, 159-174, 159, 161, 163, 164, 954, 955, 961, 1034, 1055 Greenland 85 Green Oaks Formation 686 Green, R 1296 Gregory, R.L 376, 377 Grekoff, N 6, 827, 846, 1169, 1204 Grigg, U.M 534, 535 Grosdidier, E 87, 88, 827, 829, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1200, 1203, 1204 Grossman, S 46 1344 GENERAL AND AUTHORINDEX Grundel, J 166, 798, 978, 980 Grundel, J and Kozur, H 951, 954, 957 Gruneberg, H 995 Guangdong 89, 1147 Guan, S.Z 1147-1152, 1147, 1149, 1151, 1154, 1155, 1170 Guardia, P et al 1088 Guatemala 85, 89 Guber, A.L and Jaanusson, V 1052, 1055 Guernet, C et al 1088 Guha, D.K 89, 96, 109, 111, 620, 621, 622, 623, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 770, 776, 827 109 96, 102, 109, 111, 620, 627 Guha, D.K et a1 96 Gujarat, India 72, 95 Gulf Coastal Plain 39 Gulf of Aqaba 70 Gulf of Mexico 46, 645 Gulf of Naples monograph Gulshan, A.L 719 Gunther, F.J and Swain, F.M 928, 931, 935 Gu, Z.W 1253 Guha D.K and Datta, P.M Guha, D.K and Rao, V.K H Haack, R.C and Kaesler, R.L 677 habitat segregation 371 Haeckel, E 195 Haga, H 1106 Haiti 89 Hallam, A 855, 1037, 1270 Hamana-Ko 139, 140, 320 hamus 1047 Hanai,T 17-26, 34, 235, 259, 320, 413, 558, 763, 892, 893, 896, 898, 904, 908, 911, 1073 Hanai, T., Ikeya, N and Yajima, M Hanai, T et al 6, 140, 320, 549, 558, 892 Hancock, J.M 1240 Hancock, J.M and Kaufmann, E.G 831, 837 Hanganu, E and Papaianopol, I 498 Hao, Y.C 1163-1171, 1169, 1176 Hao, Y.C and Guan, S.Z 1169 Hao, Y.C et al 1163, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169 Haq, B.U 825, 828, 831, Haraguchi, K 541 Harding, J.P 11, 19, 248 Harland, W.B et al 1023 Harlton, B.H 1298 harmonic distance analysis Hart, C.W and Hart, D.G Hartmann, G 6, 23, 33, 184, 394, 761, 876, 198, 395, 763, 877, 337, 443, 764, 885, 376, 447, 770, 951, 836 208 136 34, 58, 64, 70, 377, 378, 386, 388, 466, 530, 648, 707, 776, 787-795, 794, 985, 988, 989, 995, Hartmann, G and Hartmann-Schroder, G 707 Hartmann, G and Puri, H.S 6, 33, 79, 977, 978 Hart, M.B 1231 Hart, M.B and Bigg, P.J 1037 Hathaway, J.C 55 Hauterivian 827, 1180 Hawaiian Islands 935 Hayashi, K 557-568 Hayes, M.O 469 Hay, W.W 611 Hay, W.W et al 841, 850, 855 Hazel, J.E 9, 42, 46, 74, 540, 617, 820, 839, 853, 880, 894, 971, 973, 975, 976, 977, 978, 981, 985, 1084 Hazel, J.E and Brouwers, E.M 832 Hazel, J.E and Cronin, T.M 39-56, 931 Hazel, J.E and Paulson, O.L 617 Head, P.C 359 Healy-Williams, N and Williams, D.F 209 Heim, A 1245 He, J.D 1155, 1159, 1160 He, J.D and Zhang, X.J 1158 He, J., Van Nieuwenhuise, D.S and Swain, F.M 1153- 1161 Hekou Formation 1166, 1167 Helbig J et al 487 Hempel, C.G 17-19, 25 Henningsmoen, G 159, 261, 1041, 1042: 1045 Henning-Uffenorde, H 595, 596, 737, 1019 hepatopancreas 182 Heron Island, Australia 70 Herrig, E 85, 87, 763, 798 Herrig, S.I 198 Herzig, J 487 Hesjedal, A and Hamar, G.P 1270 Hessland, I 1041 heterochrony 919 Hettangian 1276 high extinction rates 1038 high species diversity 592 - 594 Himalayan region 624 Himalayas 862 Hinegardner, R 298, 299 hinge 1057 Hirsch, F et al 1191, 1192, 1193, 1196, 1203 Hiruta, S 413 Hispaniola 89 Hoffman, A 873 Hoibian, T 355, 356, 362, 365, 1012 Hokkaido, Japan 558 - 568 Holden, J.C 72, 74, 769, 776, 781, 791, 875, 876, 877, 883, 884, 928, 932, 935, 937 79, 393, 719, 875, 1003 699- holding plate of copulatory organ 136 holes made by predators 643 Holland 87 Holocene 645, 646 hologram 13 holoselenic contact 1051 Holy Cross Mountains 275, 276 Homeomorphy 168, 170, 832, 959, 976, 1041- 1049 General and Authr Index 1345 homogeneous component of endocuticle 248, 250 homogeneous free margin 160, 163, 164, 170, 171 homologous points 209, 211, 212, 213, 216 homoscedasticity 223 Ho, M.W 495 Honggou Formation 1167 Hong Kong 140 Honigstein, A 659, 1206 Honigstein, A and Rosenfeld, A 659, 665 Honigstein, A., Raab, M and Rosenfeld, A 1206 Honolulu 66 Hordter Rheinaue, Upper Rhine Valley 501- 515 Hornibrook, N de B 31, 89, 447, 763, 798 Hottinger, L 621 Hou, T.P and Wang, H.H 1245 Hou, Y.C et al 1170 Hou, Y.T 10, 85, 911, 1151, 1176 Hou, Y.T and Zhao, Y.H 235-242 Hou, Y.T et al 1148, 1156, 1158, 1159, 1160 Howe, H.V Howe, H.V et al 40 Howe, R.C and Howe, H.J 798 Huanghai Cold Water Mass 808, 810 Huang, R.J 1170 Huang, T 66 Hu, C.H 90, 763, 876, 877, 978 Hughes, G.W 770, 776 Hull, D.L 885 hydrophobic substance 23 hypersaline condition 665, 667 hypertrophy 962 -964 hypothetico-deductive method 17 I Ichikawa, W et al 565 ichnophena (see predation ichnophena) Ikeya, N 3, 340 Ikeya,N andHanai, T 139, 140, 320, 413, 549 Ikeya, N and Handa, T 320 Ikeya, N and Hayashi, K 558 Ikeya, N and Tsukagoshi, A 891-917, 874 Ikeya, N and Ueda, H 319-340, 871 Ikeya, N., Ohishi, M and Ueda, H 321, 322 Imanishi, S 138 Imbrie, J 324 Imperial Formation 879 Indeli of species diversity 676 India 70, 81, 87, 88, 90, 93, 110, 619-636 Indiana 154 Indian Ocean 740, 744, 746, 748 Indonesian-Malay Subregion 819 Indo-Pacific Ostracoda 759-786 industrialization 424 Ingle, J.C.Jr 1109 Inland Sea 136, 140 inter-specific competition 690 interspecific variation 929, 931 interstitial habitats 395 intertidal mangrove 404, 405, 406, 407, 408 intertidal zone 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 431 intraspecific stasis 880 intraspecific variation 971 ionic composition of water 347 ionic relationship of Mg/Ca 1240 IPED 1170 Iperk Sequence (Plio -Pleistocene) , Canada 533- 540 Iran 87, 88 Iraq 1113-1124 Ireland 75 Irlweck, K and Danielopol, D.L 487 Ise and Mikawa Bays 413-428 Ishizaki, K 10, 11, 90, 136, 138, 140, 320, 336, 337, 413, 420, 423, 424, 549, 551, 558, 763, 781, 805, 820, 904, 908, 911, 1073, 1080, 1081 Ishizaki, K and Matoba, Y 908 island-hopping dispersal 791 Island of Rugen 87 isolation 940 isoplatic inner lamella 161, 164 Israel 659-669 IsthmusofPanama 874, 877, 880, 883, 881, 932, 935 Italy 861 Itoigawa, J 1077 Iwaki, T et al 425 Iwasaki, Y 893 J Jaanusson, V 1041, 1051, 1052, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058 Jaanusson, V and Martinsson, A 1045, 1046 Jaber, A S 1200 Jager, P 490 Jagsch, A and Megay, K 486, 487 Jain, S.P 770, 776, 829, 832, 835 Jamaica 72, 85, 90 James, G.A and Wynd, J.G 1114 Japan 135 Japanese approaches to speciation 873 Japanese province 763 Japan Sea 1081, 1082, 1084 Japonic Realm 413 Jauhari, A.K 622, 623 Jauhari, A.K and Vimal K.P 622 Jenkins, D.G 592, 594 Jenkins, F.A and White, H.E 188, 189, 190 Jenkyns, H.C 857 Jenkyns, H.C and Haq, B.U 831 Jingjishi 1258 Jiquia stage 1209, 1213, 1215 Jiufotang Formation 1173, 1178, 1182 Joint, I.R et al 492 Jones, P.J 259-273, 1045 Jones, T.R 4, Jones, T.R and Hinde, G.J 1231 Jones, T.R and Holl, H.B 1058 Jordan, H 952 1346 GENERAL AND AUTHOR INDEX Jouirou, M 343 Joy, J.A 693 Jdrgensen, N.O 11, 150, 1279 Judea Group 665 Jukes-Browne, A.J 1229 Junk, W.J 510 Jurassic 1168, 1290 Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary 1038, 1256- 1259, 1253, 1258 Jurine, L K Kachchh 95, 96, 98, 99, 106, 111, 114, 118 Kaesler, R.L 157, 186, 234, 272, 336, 683, 691, 786 Kaesler, R.L and Denver, L.E 671-683 Kaesler, R.L and Foster, D.W 207-218 Kaesler, R.L and Lohmann, K.C 337, 608 Kaesler, R.L and Maddocks, R.F 208 Kaesler, R.L and Mulvany, P.S 676 Kaesler, R.L and Waters, J.A 208 Kaesler, R.L Smith, S and Whatley, R.C 426 Kaesler, R.L et al 691 Kaijyama, E 138, 413 Kamiya, T 23, 303-318, 873, 893 Karakoram 862 karyotypes 293-300, 1005 Kaufmann, A 487 Kaye, P 1233 Keeler, N.P 770 Keen, M.C 9, 336, 337, 839, 942, 967-986, 968, 987, 993, 997, 998, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1124 Keigwin, L.D 880 Keij, A.J 29-31, 33, 34, 64, 68, 70, 72, 73, 79, 80, 356, 381, 389, 392, 399, 408, 763, 770, 776, 797, 1141 Keller, G and Barron, J.A 597, 610 Kemper, E 1232, 1234 Kempf, E.K Kempf, E.K and Scharf, B.W 512 Kemp, M 376, 395 Kennedy, W.J and Klinger, H.C 846 Kennett, J.P 855 Kenya 66, 68 Kerala 95, 96, 100, 102, 111, 106, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119 Kesling, R.V 3-15, 336 Key, A.J 30 Key, J 63, 79 Keyser, D.A 12, 23, 40, 48, 103, 144, 151, 156, 177-186, 193, 235, 258, 318, 340, 366, 515, 516 Khalaf, S.K 1113-1124 Kharaib Fomation 1190 Khosla, S.C 72, 89, 93-103, 109, 111, 118, 96, 98, 105, 620, 622, 623, 625, 626, 627 Khosla, S.C and Nagori, M.L 105-120 Khosla, S.C and Pant, P.C 620, 621, 622, 623, 625, 626, 627, 628 Khymerian province 763 Kidd, R.B et al 725 Kiegwin, L and Keller, G 597, 610 Kielbowicz, A.A 1125-1145 Kilenyi, T.I 8, 9, 337, 338 Kilenyi, T.I and Neale, J.W 1178 Kim, A.I., Erina, M.V., Apekina, L.S and Lesovaya, A.I 951 Kim, B.K 541, 551 Kim, K 121 Kimmeridgian 1254, 1278 Kimphores-type sieve pores 260 King, C.E and Kornicker, L.S 40, 46 Kingma, J.T 31, 99, 763, 770, 776, 797 Kinzelbach, R 501, 502 Kirtlington 57, 61, 62 Kitamori, R 425 Kitazato, H 893 Kitchell, J.A 638, 645, 873 Kitchell, J.A et al 645 Klie, W 30, 182, 780 Kluth, C.F and Coney, P.J 672 Knitter, H 863 Knitter, H and Ohmert, W 863 Knitter, H and Riegraf, W 863, 1266 Kniipfar, J 160, 954 Kollmann, K 58, 64, 79, 93, 100, 1063 Kontrovitz, M 188, 423, 607 Kontrovitz, M and Myers, J.H 188, 192 Kontrovitz, M and Nicolich, M.J 423 Korean Peninsula 121, 122 Kornicker, L.S 19, 20, 164, 246, 248, 334, 408, 691, 705, 706 Kornicker, L.S and Sohn, I.G 637, 643 Kozur, H 963 Kristian-Tollmann, E 863-865, 868, 963 Kristian-Tollmann, E et al 409 Krommelbein, K 7, 10, 829, 832, 841, 846, 1199, 1257 Krommelbein, K and Wenger, R 841 KrstiE, N 120, 157, 736, 1063-1072 Kruskal, J.B 210 Krutak, P.R 41, 42, 408, 409 Krutak, P.R and Rickles, S.E 408 Kuhl, CHR 706 Kumar, P 622, 623, 624 Kurnub Group 662 Kuroshio Current 10, 121, 122, 123, 413, 429, 541, 551, 781, 805 Kutch 85, 89 Kutch Basin 620, 621, 622, 623, 624 Kuttner, 514 Kuznetsava, Z.V 827 Kyansep-Romashkina, N.P 1169 L laboratory culture 495 Labutis, V 439, 447 Lack, D 485 General and Author Index 1341 lacustrine deposits 1180, 1182, 1273 lacustrine-swamp deposits 1182 lagoon 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408 Laguna Hills 1104, 1109 Lake Baikal 498 Lake Qinghai, China 529 Lalou, C 360, 1008 laminate component of endocuticle 246, 248, 250, 252, 256 Lamotte, M and GCnermont, J 943 Land, M.F 188, 192, 392 Lang, B and Mimran, Y 662 Langer, W 235, 260 Lasnier, J 861 late Cretaceous transgressions 849 lateral eyes 377, 386, 388, 705 lateral ornament 962-964, 995 latitudinal corridor 768 latitudinal distribution 809, 810 La Touche, T.H.D 620 Latreille, P.A Leckie, R.M and Webb, P.-N 610 Leizhou Peninsula 797 - 803 Leman, C.A and Freeman, P.W 988 lens-mirror system 189 Leonard0 da Vinci 376, 395, 396 Leonian Stage 1129 LeRoy, D.O and Levinson, S.A 607 LeRoy, L.W 776, 1106 Lesser Antilles 71 LCtC, c 945 Lethiers, F et al 1046, 1047 Levinson, S.A et al 166 Levins, R 1014 Levinton, J.S 690 Lewontin, R.C 1014 Lewy, Z 665 Liaoning Province 1173-1186 Lias 1261 Libya 88 Li, C.K 1170 Li, C.K and Ting, S.Y 1158, 1159 Liebau, A 11, 259, 260, 261, 266, 272, 277, 327, 981, 997, 1003 Liepolt, R 486, 487 life cycle 322 Limnoria lignorum 377 Limski Kana1 70 Linnaeus 17, 18 lithostratigraphical boundary 1249, 1258, 1259 Lively, C.M 997 Li, W.H 1180 1173-1186 Li, Y.G., Su, D.I and Zhang, L.J., Li, Y.W 1245-1260, 1253 Ljubimova, P.S and Sanchez- Arango, J.R 833 local extinction 485, 492, 495, 598, 600, 734 locular dimorphism 1046 loculi 977 locus of origin 886 Lamer, H 487, 489, 490, 492, 498, 514, 517 Loffler, H and Danielopol, D.L 497 Lohmann, G.P 209, 989 Lord, A.R 855-868 Lower Cretaceous/Upper Cretaceous boundary 1038 Lower Fars Formation 1113-1124 Lower Jurassic/Middle Jurassic boundary 1038 low oxygen water mass 417 1042 L-S sculptures (lobal - sulcal sculptures) Lubimova, P.S 1169, 1178 Lubimova, P.S., Guha, D.K and Mohan, M 96, 109, 111 Lubimova, P.S el al 620, 621, 622, 623, 626, 627, 628 Lucas, J 1015 Ludlovian 170, 171, 172, 952, 953 Lundin, R.F 120, 142- 157, 147, 288, 1051 - 1060 Lundin, R.F and Scott, H.W 147, 149 Luterbacher, H.P 621 Lutetian 81, 89, 645 Liittig, G 498 Lythgoe, J.N 187, 188 M Maastrichtian 82, 85, 87, 88, 644, 833, 1195, 1197, 1199, 1279 MacDonald Road Formation 686 Macgregor, H.C and Varley, J.M 299 Machain-Castillo, M.L 883 Maddocks, R.F 34, 35, 64, 74, 77, 79, 219234, 393, 408, 637-657, 707, 718, 719, 770, 776 Maddocks, R.F and Locklin, J.A.C 424 Maddocks, R.F and Ross, J.E 638 Magallanes Formation 1127, 1131 Mahakam delta 354, 355 Mahalagou Formation 1167 Mallwitz, J 507 MalumiBn, N 1129, 1130 MalumiBn, N and Palma, M 1129 Malz, H 4, 57-62, 75-80, 82, 356, 381, 389, 390, 392, 763, 863, 864, 978 Malz, H and Lord, A.R 63-74, 859 Mamet, B.L 686 mandibular palp 718 mangroves 35 Manheim, F.T et al 1015 Marcotte, B.M 377 Margerel, J.-P 570, 592, 596 marginal infold 20 marginal marine ostracods 1154, 1159, 1160 Marionnaud, J.M 940 Maritime Basin of Canada 688 Marshall, N.B 393, 751 Martin, A.K 848, 849 Martin, J.L 345, 1005 Masiuk, V and Ronchi, D.I 1130 mathematical taxonomy 10 Mathur,L.P and Kohli, G 619 1348 GENERAL AND AUTHOR INDEX Mathur, L.P et al 619 Mathur, Y.K and Chowdhary, L.R 624 Matthews, R.K and Poore, R.Z 610 maturity 920 Maupin, C 861, 1261 Maupin, C and Vila, J.-M 861 maxilla 204 Maxwell, W.G.H 400 Maybury, C 570, 593, 596 Maybury, C and Whatley, R.C 569-596 Mayer, L et al 597, 601 Maync, W 659 Mayr,E 17, 18, 871, 872, 874, 923, 946, 1004, 1014 McCoy, F 75 McGill, D.A 734 McGregor, D.L and Kesling, R.V 303, 311, 317 McKenzie, K.G 6, 9, 29-37, 82, 89, 90, 177, 183, 377, 395, 439, 445, 447, 517, 530, 719, 768, 770, 776, 795, 824, 836, 868, 958, 986, 1041, 1123, 1143 Mckenzie, K.G and Hussainy, S.U 780 McKenzie, K.G and Keij, A.J 64, 68, 73, 74, 80, 776 McKenzie, K.G and Peypouquet, J.P 394, 447, 1011 McKenzie, K.G and Pickett, J.W 34, 70, 439 McKenzie, K.G and Sudijono 33, 34 McNeil, D.H 533, 534 McNulty, C.L 850 Mechanical Aurila 11 mechanoreceptive sensillia 23, 151 Medd, A.W 1232 median (nauplius) eye 377, 386, 388, 705 Mediterranean 70, 85, 449, 466, 717-737, 744, 752, 983, 1088, 1095 Mediterranean province 833 Mediterranean trough 1123 Medoc ostracods 939 -947 Mehnert, E 195 Mehnert's law 201 Mehra, S 96, 106, 109, 111, 118 Meisch 514 Melchert, G.D 677 Melnikova, L.M 166 Melqart Carbonates Formation 1094 Menzel, R 128 Mertiny, A 513 meshes (see also reticulum) 277, 278, 280, 282, 284, 287 Mesogea 824 mesoplatic inner lamella 161 Mesozoic 980 Mesozoic Ostracoda 1021- 1040 Messinian 1088, 1094, 1095, 1098 Mexico 71, 72 Mg++ ions 1005, 1008, 1009 Michelsen, 855, 1276 Micro-scale distribution 491 Midcontinent of North American 672, 676 MiddleEast 81, 90, 1188, 1190, 1192, 1193, 1197 middle Miocene oceanographic events 611 Midway atoll 72 Midway Group 644 Miehlkella-type sieve pores 260 migration routes 768-780 migrations 740, 744, 746, 748 Mikhailova, E.D 951 Miller, K.G and Thomas, E 597, 610 Mill, J.S 18 Milow, E.D 1106 Minhe Basin 1163- 1171 Miocene 105-120, 611, 623, 624, 629, 983, 1073- 1085, 1087-1099, 1101-1111, 1113-1124 Misaki 138, 140 Mississippian 686, 688 Mitchell, G.F et al 594, 596 Mitra, P et al 619 Moguilevsky, A 293, 297 Moguilevsky, A and Gooday, A.J 297 Moguilevsky, A and Whatley, R 293-300 Mohan, M and Chatterji, A.K 623 Mohan, M and Singh, P 623 Mohan, M and Soodan, K.S 622 Mohan, M et a[ 619, 624 Mondsee, Austria 485- 490 Moniez, R monomorphic speciation 946 Monte Leon Formation 1129 Monterey Formation 1101-1111 Montian 982 Moore, R.C 648, 672, 1023, 1131 Moore, R.G 690 Moorley, A 863 Morocco 860 morphological adaptations 309 morphological divergences 881 morphological stability 605, 872, 876, 886 morphological variation 326 -328, 336 -338 morphology and basin size 1224 morphotypes 927, 931 morphs 940, 942, 988, 989, 997 mortality 638, 644, 645, 646 Mortq, A.A 1232, 1234 Morter, A.A and Wood, C.J 1234, '1236 mosaic morphogenesis 195 Mostafawi, N 583 Moura, J.A 474, 478, 483, 1207-1216 Moura, J.A and Preaca, U.M 1208 Moura, J.A et a[ 467, 473 Mouterde, R 1261 Moyes, J 29, 582, 981 Moysey, D.G and Maddocks, R.F 638, 829 Muller, G.W 4, 23, 30, 151, 177, 182, 183, 378, 382, 386, 389, 486, 968, 972, 981 Miiller, H 183 Miiller, K.J 12 Muller, O.F Mullineaux, L.S and Lohmann, G.P 733 multivariate discriminant function analysis 213 General and Author Index 1349 multivariate morphometrics 208, 210, 216 multivariate shape-analysis 991 Murray, J.W 621, 1123 Muschelkalk 1273 Myers, J.H and Kontrovitz, M 187-193 N Nachite, D 381, 394 Nahr Umr Formtion 1190 Nakamura, S 430 Nakanoumi Estuary 138 Nanxiong Basin 1147 Naticid drillhole 643, 644, 645, 646 Natih Formation 1190 natural systematics 1042 nauplius-eye 178, 705 Navarro Group 644 Neale, J.W 3-15, 10, 58, 87, 336, 498, 709- 720, 798, 824, 829, 832, 836, 839, 841, 848, 868, 971, 972, 1035, 1059, 1085, 1240, 1244, 1279 Neale, J.W and Singh, P 81-92 N.E.Atlantic 295 Neckaja, A.I 1051, 1056 Nelson, G and Rosen, D.E 871 Nelson, P.C 645 Nenjiang Formation 1217-1227 Nenjiang transgression 1218 Neocomian 1214 Neocomian/Aptian boundary 1038 neoteny 197 Neotethys 857 neritic ostracode assemblage 1110 Neufville, E.M.M 1119 Neumayr, M and Suess, E 857 Neuquen Basin, Argentina 849 Neville, A.C 250 Newfoundland 688 Newrkla, P 487, 490, 498 Newton, C.R and Bottjer, D.J 880 New York 149 New Zealand 89 New Zealand province 763 Niehuis, M 514 Nigeria 42, 72 Nikolaeva, LA 975 nodose-spiny-nodose-nodose pattern 1221 Nohara, T 805 Nohara, T and Tabuki, R 429-438, 877 Nohara,T and Tomoyose,N 805 Nongshan Formation 1147 non-marine ostracods 659-669, 1147- 1152, 1153-1161,1155-1163,1173-1186,1207-1216, 1245- 1260 Non-Mendelian sex-ratio 989 nonmetric multidimensional scaling 214 Norian 1273, 1274 Norling, E 1276 normal pore canals 898 Norman, A.M North Africa 1188, 1190, 1192, 1193, 1197 North African and Middle Eastern province 833 North America 975, 983 North Atlantic 740, 744, ,748 Northern and Central Pacific Province 764 North European province 833 North Korean cold water 121 Northrop, F.S.C 17 NorthSea 1270, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1276, 1278, 1279 North Sea-Arctic Seaway 1270, 1276, 1279 North West France 569-596 Norton, 1.0 and Sclater, J.G 845 Noskova, M.N 164 Nosy BE, Malagasy 35 Nova Scotia 685, 688 Novgorod region 164 Novikoff 376, 386 Obisafit beds 951-953, 957 ocellus 377, 386, 388,, 392 ocular structure 386, 388, 390, 392, 394, 396 Odin, G.S 841, 843 Oertli, H.J 4, 9, 29, 30, 449, 648, 661, 665, 827, 829, 846, 997, 1109, 1178, 1255 Oertli, H.J and Keij, A.S 30 Ohmert, W von 764 Okada,Y 12, 23, 149, 150, 151, 209, 235, 259, 272, 345, 372, 558, 873, 905, 908, 911, 997, 1005 Oklahoma 147 Okubo, I 132-144, 320, 413, 892, 893, 896, 897, 904, 911 Oldham, R.D 620 Oligocene 610, 611, 622, 624, 983, 1154, 1160, 1170 Olteanu 498 Oman 1187- 1206 Omatsola, M.E 42 Omi Island 140 Omma-Manganji fauna 557, 558 Onotoa 73 Opik, A 1041 opportunistic eurytopic species 690 optical system 188 Ordos Basin 1283 Ordovician 953 organicmatter 359, 360, 361, 362, 366, 1008, 1011 organic matter effect 360, 361, 362 organ of Bellonci 705 origination rates of species 1025, 1027, 1037, 1038 ornamental evolution 1220, 1221, 1222 ornamental pattern analysis 275-289 ornamental polymorphism 987, 988, 991 -998, 1005 ornamental variability 998 1350 GENERAL AND AUTHOR INDEX ornamentation and depositional characteristies 1223 ornate bairdiids 863 Osnovy paleontologii 63, 79, 161 ostracod abundance 806 ostracod assemblages 440 -443, 450 - 465, 1147- 1149,1153-1161,1163-1171,1176-1180,12611266, 1286-1290 ostracod diversity 806 ostracod migration 848 ostracod zones 1233, 1253-1256, 1266, 12721279 Oued be1 Khedim Formation 1094 Owen, H.G 1231, 1238 Oxfordian 1276 Oxfordshire 61 oxidizing environment 1185 oxygenation 362, 366 Oyashio Cold Current 413, 904 P Pacific 597-617, 746, 875 Pacific atoll populations 874, 880 Pacific islands 787 - 791 Pacific Ostracod Province 866 paedomorphosis 195, 196, 198, 201, 204, 495, 497 Paik, K.H 356, 669, 770 Paik, K.H and Lee, E.H 541-556 Pakistan 85, 88, 105, 110 Palacios, Fest, M and Gio-Arg5ez, R 72, 408 Palaeocene 982, 1147-1152, 1153, 1154, 1170 palaeodepths 394, 395, 396 palaeofertility 612 Palaeogene 609, 1163 Palaeogene-Miocene hiatuses 610 palaeogeography 1195 Palaeo-Inland Sea 1082 palaeosalinity 659 Palaeo-Setouchi Sea 1074, 1077 Palaeozoic Ostracods 1041- 1049 Paleocene 1155 paleogeographical reconstruction 835 palingenesis 204 pandemic species 744 Pandey, J and Guha, D.K 622, 623 Pandey, J and Nath, D 621, 622, 624 Pan Gondwana Fauna 846-848 Pannonian basin 1063- 1072 pan-oceanic distribution 744 Pant, P.C 114 Pant, P.C and Gergan, J.T 862 Pant, P.C and Khosla, S.C 620, 621, 622, 625, 626 parallelisms 197, 204 parallel reduction 961 Paratethys 498 Pareek, H.S 620 Paris Basin 81, 85, 89, 1261-1267 Parisi, E and Cita, M.B 733, 734 Parker, G.G et al 54 parthenogenetic reproduction 512, 516 Patterson, C 871 Peake, N.B and Hancock, J.M 1229 Peck, R.E 1169 Pegrum, R.M 1270 pelagic larval stages 751 Penning, W.H and Jukes-Browne, A.J 1229 Pennsylvnaian 1294 perimarginal dimorphic structures 170 peripatric speciation 872, 874 peripheral isolate 924 Perissoratis, C 733 permanent ornamental change 997 Permian crisis 953 Petersen, L.E 147 Peterson, R.M and Kaesler, R.L 210, 672, 677 Peypouquet, J.P 11, 362, 608, 730, 734, 736, 947, 1003, 1240 Peypouquet, J.P and LeblC, S 1006 Peypouquet, J.P., Carbonel, G and De Heinzelin, J 11 Peypouquet, J.P., Carbonel, P., Ducasse, O., T.olderer-Farmer, M and Lete, C 1003-1019 Peypouquet, J.P et al 341, 343, 361, 1004, 1005, 1007, 1011, 1015, 1240 phenotype 1004 Philip, J 824 Phillipine Islands 68, 70 Phillips, 347 photic zone 396, 730 photoreceptors 377 phylogenetic analysis 873, 874 physiological stress 1238 phytal fauna 306 Piaget, J 375 Pianka, E.R 594 Pielou, E.C 681 Pierantoni, R 375 Pietrzeniuk, E 798 pioneer-species 512 planktotrophic larval stage 875, 879 pleiochroism 987 Pleistocene 984 Pliensbachian 1276 Pliocene 569-596, 797-803, 601, 611, 983, 1098 Pliocene-Pleistocene 381, 394 Plumhoff, F 1266 Plusquellec, P.L and Sandberg, P.A 40-42, 44, 50, 931 Podolia 171, 172 Pokornp, V 9, 64, 68, 71, 79, 159, 161, 168, 259, 277, 381, 395, 408, 409, 600, 608, 614, 730, 880, 1055 Poland 87, 171, 275 Polenova, E.N 163, 164, 166, 963 Polish-German Basin 1276 pollution 414, 424, 425 polymorphism 939, 940, 942, 945, 987-1001, General and Author Index 1351 1011, 1013, 1016 polyploidy 923 Pomerol, C 593, 942 Ponte, F.C and Asmus, H.E 1207, 1208 Poore, R.Z and Matthews, R.K 610 population density 510 population dynamics 324 population paleoecology 209 pore canal distribution pattern 906, 907 pore cones 266, 270 pore distribution 266 -270 Porter, C 744, 748 Portlandian 1022, 1255, 1278 Portugal 64, 859 posterior spine 993 Poulsen, E.M 705 Powell, S 490, 492 Power, R.W et al 1114 Pranskevichius, A 146, 1051 precocious sexual dimorphism 334, 336 predation 7, 9, 637-657 predation ichnophena 641 -642, 646 predation intensity 644, 646 Prestat, B and Riche, P 1199 Preuss, G 515 primary productivity 612 principal component analysis 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233 Pritchard, H 472 probability of failing to find species 680 production of nodes 495 prolongation of extremities 705 proto-Atlantic Ocean 824, 858 proto-North Pacific Ocean 839 Puerto Rico 46, 89 Pujos, M 359 Pulau Seribu (Thousand Island Group) , Java Sea 399 - 411 punctate-reticulate pattern 1220 punctuated equilibrium 1038, 1039 Purbeckian 7, 1022, 1255, 1256 Puri, H.S 5, 40-42, 79, 408, 709, 770, 780, 928, 978 Puri, H.S and Dickau, B.E 151, 235 Puri, H.S and Hulings, N.C 82, 408, 607 Puri, H.S and Vanstrum, V.V 46 Puri, H.S., Bonaduce, G and Gervasio, A.M Puri, H.S et aL 730 pyritisation Q Qaidam Basin, China 529 Qinghai Plateau, China 519 Qiqusi Formation 1257, 1258 Quaternary 739 - 755, 1063- 1072, 611 Quaternary-Q technique 676 Quilon Beds 95, 99, 100, 102, 105-120 Quinn, H.A and Cronin, T.M 880, 881 584 R Rabinowitz, P.D et al 848 radial pore canals 898 Raf-Raf Clays Formation 1095 rafting on floating weed 781 Rajasthan Basin 89, 620, 621, 624 Raju, A.T.R 619 Raju, A.T.R and Srinivasan, S 619 Raju, D.S.N 621 Raju, D.S.N et al 622, 623, 624 Ralph, I.J 584, 586, 592 Rao, K.L.N 619 Rao, R.P and Talukdar, S.N 619, 624 Rao, V.K and Datta, P.M 111 Rashevsky, N 187 rates of deposition 1225 ratio of carapace height to length 920 Rechcavo-Tucano Basin 1208, 1209, 1210 Redonian transgression (late Pliocene) 593 Red Queen hypothesis 871, 1039 Red Sea 66 red tides 417 reduction 705, 959, 962-964, 1042, 1045 Reed, F.R.C 1229 reef flat 403, 405, 406, 407, 408 reef slope 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, Rees, C.B Rehman, H 625, 626, 627, 628, 629 Reif, W, -E 272 Reis$ F 510 relation between biostratigraphical and lithostratigraphical units 1253 Rendel, J.M 995 resistance morphs 945 reticulation patterns 261 -265, 264, 997 reticulations 278, 285, 951, 993, 995, 1007 Reuss, A.E reversal of hinge structure 114 reversal of overlap 114 Reyment,R.A 9, 10, 88, 373, 638, 648, 829, 841, 850, 854, 873, 874, 889, 925, 940, 979, 986, 987-1001, 1003, 1004, 1014, 1015, 1206 Reyment, R.A and Aranki, J 998 Reyment, R.A and Bengtson, P 848, 849 Reyment, R.A and Van Valen, L 987, 993, 995 Reyment, R.A et al 208, 224 Reynolds, E.S 149, 178 Reynolds, L 951, 957, 1046, 1047 rheophile species 1065 Richthofen, F von 1245 Riegraf, W 863 rifting of the North Atlantic 1270 Ringeade, M 945 Rioult, M 1261 Ristvet, B.L el al 885 River Aral, Qinghai 525, 526, 527, 530 River Bayin, Qinghai 525, 526 River Buh, Qinghai 527 1352 GENERAL AND AUTHOR INDEX Robertson, A.H.F and Dixon, J.E 857 Robertson, D Robertsonian fusion 299 Robinson, E 690 robust regression analysis 209, 212, 213, 214, 216 Roeder, M.A 1105 Roe, H.S.J et al 293 Roemer, F.A Rohr, W.M 336 Rome, D Roseboom, E.R 246 Rose, J.F 978, 979, 1127, 1130, 1134 Rosen, D.E 873 Rosenfeld, A 150, 151, 272, 426, 899 Rosenfeld, A and Ortal, R 426 Rosenfeld, A and Raab, M 659, 827, 1187, 1192, 1193, 1200, 1203, 1204, 1238 Rosenfeld, A and Vesper, B 11, 23, 235, 336 Rosenfeld, A., Gerry, E and Honigstein, A 659- 669 rosette 277 Rossi de Garcia, E.R 978, 979, 1123, 1128, 1134 Ross, J.E and Maddocks, R.F 638 Roth, R 693 Rousselle, L 940, 1003 Rozhdestvenskaja, A.A 164, 166, 1045 rudimentation 196, 197 Ruget, C.H 1261 Ruggieri, G 898, 908, 979 Russo, A et al 1127 Ryan, W.B.F 726 S sae-floor spreding 835 Sahay, B 619 Sahul Shelf 90 Saijo, Y 414 Saint-Marc, P 1190 Salahi, D 89 salinity 343, 356, 520, 521, 522, 524, 1240 salinity crisis 1095, 1098 salinity ranges 810, 812 Salvini-Plaven, V.L and Mayr, E 375, 377 Samanta, B.K 622 Sanchez de Posada, L.C 1301 San Clemente Island 1109 Sandberg, P.A 8,' 23, 320, 328, 337, 338, 879 sand bottom fauna 306 Sanders, H.L 1238 San Fernando 68 Sanguinetti, Y 1130, 1136, 1140, 1142 Santa Ana Embayment 1110 Santonian 82, 87, 832, 1119, 1197 sapropel S-1 725, 726, 730 Sargassum 307 Sars, G.O 4, 75, 182, 693 Sarv, L 1055, 1057 Saudi Arabia 82, 85, 87, 88 Saunders, J.B et al 610 95, 96, 98, 105, 111, 114, 118, 620, 623, 624 Sayyab,A.S 1187, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1197, 1200, 1203 Schafer, W 418 Schaller, H 1209 Schallreuter, R.E 151, 160, 161, 260, 949, 955, 1041-1049, 1042, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1058, 1060 SaurashtraBasin Schallreuter, R.E., Siveter, D.J and Kruta, M 1047 Scharf, B.W 340, 501-517, 516 Scharf, B.W and Kinzelbach, R 502 Scheltema, R.S 875 Schiebnerova, V 850 Schindel, D.E 872 Schindewolf, O.H 196 Schlanger, S.O and Jenkyns, H.C 1037 Schmidt, E.A 1041 Schmidt, R et al 487 Schneider, G.F 763 Schopf, T.J.M 871, 872, 874 Schornikov, E.I 11, 195-205, 198, 201, 413, 892, 893, 895, 904, 908, 913 Schultze, E 487 Schweitzer, P.N 186, 234, 272, 288, 373, 683, 737 Scott, H.W 8, 159, 160, 857 Scrutton, M.E 400, 403, 409 seasonal change 434, 437 seasonal migration seasonal variation 330, 332, 334 sedimentary facies 418 Seeley, H.G 1231 Seguenza, G Seilacher, A 272, 390, 497 Sekiguchi, H 417, 418 Seki, H 492 selection 945, 946 Senegal continental shelf 1008 Sengor, A.M.C 857 Sengor, A.M.C., Yilmaz, Y and Sungurlu, 857 Sen Gupta, B.K 622 Senonian 832 sensillum pores 151, 154 Sepetiba Bay 467-472 SergipeAlagoas Basin 1208, 1209, 1210 Sesoko Island, Okinawa 429-438 Setana Formation (Plio -Pleistocene) 558 -568 seventh limb 228 Severtzov, A.N 195, 196, 197 Sexton, J.V 798 sexual dimorphism 213 Shaanxi, China 1283, 1285, 1286 Shackleton, N.J et al 611 shallow shelf 1123 Shanghu Formation 1147 shape analysis 207-218 shape polymorphism 989, 995 Shaver, R.H 146, 154, 163, 1301 Shaw, H.F and Evans, G 733 General and Author Index 1353 shell architecture 11 shell ornamentation 235-240 Shi, C.G and He, J.D 1169, 1254, 1259 Shi, C.G and Li, Z.W 1293-1302 Shiquan 1258 Shornikov, E.I 951-965, 958, 959, 961, 962, 964 Shu’aiba Formation 1190 Sibuet, J.-C et al 850 Sichuan Basin 1245- 1260 Sicilian Ridge 734, 735 Sicily 381, 394, 861 Sidaravitchene, N.V 168 Siddiqui, Q.A 103, 105, 109, 533-540, 832 Siddiqui, Q.A and Al-Furaih, A.A.F 1189, 1192, 1193 Siegel, A.F and Benson, R.H 209, 210 sieve-type normal pore canals 270, 899, 900, 902 Silurian 147, 154, 157, 170, 171, 172, 1053 Simpson, G.G 18, 768 Simpson index Simpson’s metheds of dispersal 768 Simsima Formation 1199 Sinemurian 1280 Singh, N.P 624 Singh, P 556, 619-636, 947 Singh, P and Singh, M.P 620, 621 Singh, S.N 620, 622, 624 Singh, S.N and Misra, P.C 620, 621, 622, 625, 626 single-type pore canals 897 Sinian Subregion 819 Sissingh, W 7, 798, 975, 1088 Siveter, D.J 258, 259 Sivhed, U 1276 sixth limb 227 size difference 734, 736 size reduction 993 size variation 989, 1004 Skaumal, U 429 Skogsberg, T 978 Slobodkin, L.B and Sanders, H.L 1238 Smather, K.M 946 Smith, A.G 856, 857 Smith, P.D 583, 744 Smith, T.M and Bate, R.H 12 Sneath, P.H.A 10 Sneath, P.H.A and Sokal, R.R 208, 224 Sogwipo Formation (Plio - Pleistocene) , Korea 541- 556 Sohl, N.F 638 Sohn, I.G 9, 146, 154, 160, 161, 166, 244, 260, 342, 659, 690, 693, 707, 880, 1056, 1059 Sohn, I.G and Kornicker, L.S 12, 243-258, 250 SokaC, A 498, 693, 1063, 1065 Sokal, R.R 10 Sokal, R.R and Rohlf, F.J 209, 224 Sokal, R.R and Sneath, P.H.A 208, 209, 210 Sollas, W.J 1229, 1231 Solomon Islands 73, 770, 776 solution holes 643, 646 Somas Sands Formation 1094 somatic cells 1004 Songliao Basin 1217-1227 Sorgenfrei, T and Buch, A 1273 South American 978 South Atlantic 748 South Atlantic separation 849 South China Sea 70, 87 Southern and Southwestern Pacific Province 763 Southern Ocean 748 South Gondwana Fauna 842 South India 87 South Sea Branch of Petroleum Corporation of the People’s Republic of China 1159, 1160 Southwest European province 833 Southwest Pacific 740, 744, 748 Soviet Union 154 Spain 87, 859 Spath, L.F 1229 spatial distribution 703 spatial variability 1238 speciation 598, 871-889, 921, 923, 924, 927, 935, 940, 942, 997 species diversity 471, 478, 681, 682, 690, 693 species richness 681 spinning gland 182, 183, 184, 185, 186 spinosity 995 Spjeldnaes, N 259 Spurr, A.R 178 stabilizers 957 Stadum, C.J 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106 stagnophile species 1065 Standring, A.J 1190 Stanley, D.J 732 Stanley, D.J and Maldonado, A 726 Stanley, D.J et al 732 Stanley, S.M 209, 873, 946 Stanton, R.J and Nelson, P.C 645, 648 stasis 998 stationary model 871, 1039 statistic test for normality 222 Steineck, P.L 394, 600, 605, 610, 614 Steineck, P.L., Dehler, D., Hoose, E.M and McCalla, D 597-617 Steineck, P.L et al 605, 608, 609, 610, 614, 740 Stemperaud, J.C and Ward, R.T 178 Stenseth, N.C and Maynard-Smith, J 1039 Stenseth, N.C and Smith, J.M 871, 873 Stephanides, T 515 Stephenson, M.B 79 Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 5, 17 St.Erth, England 569-596 St.Marc, P 1195, 1197 stoppegs 1046 Stow, D.A.V and Dean, W.E 843 straguloid process 1055, 1057 Strait of Gibraltar 85, 90 Strait of Magellan 210 1354 GENERAL AND AUTHOR INDEX Straits of Malacca 90 Straits of Panama 744 stratigraphical ranges 1188, 1189, 1190, 1192, tecnomorphs 1046, 1047 Teeter, J.W 408, 409, 770, 780, 791, 875, 876, 1193, 1197 Strauss, H.E 4, temperate-cold waters 1131 temperature 523 temperature adaptation 810 Templeton, A.R 871, 872 tendon-like fibre-bundles 181, 183, 185 tensor analysis 209, 212, 213, 216 Terquem, M.O terrestrial influences 424 Tertiary 974 - 976 test of normality 234 Tetart, J 298, 299, 1004, 1005 Tethyan carbonate environments 1033 Tethyan realm 833, 835 Tethys 9, 68, 610, 620, 624, 752, 768, 769, 783, Strauss, R.E and Bookstein, F.L 210 stromatolites 1225, 1226 subsidence of oceanic plateaus 614 substrate 423 subtidal zone 431 Suda, A and Ishigaki, T 1072 Sudan 85, 87, 88 Sudhakar, S and Basu, D.N 619, 621, 624 Sudre, J 945 Su, D.Y et al 1176, 1288 Sue, M et al 426 Suess, E 824, 857, 1008 Sulaiman Range 105 Sumatra 73, 80 Sunjiawan Formation 1175, 1180, 1183, 1185 Sun, Z.C 523 supratidal zone 404, 405, 406, 407 Susuki, T and Stadum, C.J 1109 Swain, F.M 8, 40, 46, 147, 827, 829, 880, 928, 931, 937, 971, 978, 1156 Swain, F.M and Brown, P.M 829 Swain, F.M and Gilby, J.M 928, 978, 1140 Swain, F.M and Kraft, J.C 693 Swain, F.M et al 880, 931, 1155 Swanson, K.M 770 Swartz, F.M 145, 147, 147, 149, 1041 Swartz, F.M and Oriel, S.S 147 sweepstakes route 769, 783 Sykes, L.R et al 610 Sylvester-Bradley, P.C 5, 7, 17 Sylvester-Bradley, P.C and Benson, R.H 327 Sywula, T 513 Szczechura, J 85, 87, 198, 336, 337, 798, 976, 1006, 1156 Sze H.C et al 1245 Szeles, M 1063 T Tabuki, R 558 Taiwan 87, 90 Taiwan Strait 66 Tambareau,Y 10, 824, 835, 836, 837, 841, 842 Tamilnadu 85 Tandon, K.K 622 Tan, H.C et al 1237 Tanzania 87 tapetum 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 taphocoenose 524, 528, 722 taphonomic history 594, 646 Tarfaya Basin 1014 Tateyama Bay 139, 140 taxonomic explosion Taylor Group 643 Taylor, J.D et al 637, 638 877, 879, 880, 883, 932, 935 823-839, 850, 855-868, 967, 983, 1195, 1197 Tewari, B.S 622 Tewari, B.S and Bhargava 620 Tewari, B.S and Tandon, K.K 620, 622, 623, 626, 627 Texas 260, 637-657 Texas bays 46 Thaler, B 512 Theisen, B.T 429 “The Ostracodologist” thermal requirements 498 Theyer, F et al 597, 598, 601, 610, 611, 612, 613 thickness of valves 706 Thiell, H 612 Thompson, D’Arcy W 288 thoracopods 204 Tibet 85 Timor 862 Titterton, R 585, 760, 786 Titterton, R and Whatley, R.C 746, 759-786 Toarcian 857, 1261-1267, 1276 Tobago, West Indies 71 Tolderer-Farmer, M 347, 495, 497 Tolderer-Farmer, M and Carbonel, P 341, 343, 347 Torrens, H.S and Wright, 1266 Tortonian 1088, 1098 Tortonian/Messinian boundary 1095 Tournaisian 164 trace-element analysis 1177- 1179, 1184 tranditional pattern of distribution 788 transportation 515, 780, 781 trans-Saharan marine passage 1195 Travis, D.F 150 Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology 63, 79, 161 Tressler, W.L 408 Tressler, W.L and Smith, E.M Triassic 863, 865, 1288, 1290 Triassic/Jurassic boundary 1036 Triassic/Liassic boundary 1025, 1038 Trichet, J 1008 Triebel, E 5, 30, 63, 79, 81, 90, 159, 168, 177, General and Author Index 1355 182, 183, 259, 389, 495, 497, 770, 967, 980, 1041 Triebel, E and Malz, H 977, 978, 980 Trinidad 72 trophic levels 347, 350 Tschizhova, V.A 166 Tsuchi, R et al 1067 Tsushima Strait 124, 1082, 1084 Tsushima Warm Current 896, 908 tubercles 997 tubules 142-157 Tunisia 70, 861, 1087-1099 Tunisian Shelf 449-466 turbidite sequence 1110 Turkey 70, 862, 1123 Turner, I? 399, 404 Turonian 665, 831, 1190, 1199, 1203 Turpen, J.B and Angel, R.W 341, 1005 types of ornamentation 238, 239, 240 types of pores 240, 241 Tyson, R.V 856, 860 U Ueda, H 340 Ueno, M and Hanai, T 896, 908 Uffenorde, H 70, 275, 289, 617, 975, 1001 Ulrich, E.D and Bassler, R.S 928 Ulrich, E.O and Bassler, R.S 1041 Ulrich, V.H 1051 Ultrastructure 235, 243 -258 undulating inner margin 972 Unoki, S 415, 417 Upper Oligocene-lower Miocene strata 1125- 1145 Upson, M.E 1296 upwelling 1008, 1011, 1012, 1015 Uranouchi Bay 138, 140 Urbaczewski, V 439, 447 Urlichs, M 336, 337, 863, 865 Utting, J 686 V Vail, P.R and Todd, R.G 1037, 1271 Vail, P.R., Hardenbol, J and Todd, R.G 857 Vail, P.R et al 1041 Valanginian 827, 849, 1178, 1279 Valentine, J.W 817, 873, 1238 Valentine, J.W and Jablonski, D 872, 880, 935 Valentine, P.C 896, 898, 928, 1000 vallate healdiids 864 Van Amerom, H.W.J et al 10, 691 Van Andel, T.J and Postma, H 29 Van der Zwaan, G.J 722, 733 Van Harten, D 336, 733, 734, 736, 737 Van Harten, D and Droste, H.J 721-737 Van Harten, D and Van Hinte, J.E 857 Van Hinte, J.E et al 1088 Van Morkhoven, F.P.C.M 6, 79, 334, 336, 337, 730, 898, 977, 978 Van Straaten, L.M.J.U 722, 726, 733, 734 Van Valen L 871, 880, 886, 1039 Van Veen, J.E 87, 177 Vavra, V Vedder, J.G and Howell, D.G 1109 Vedder, J.G and Moore, E.J 1109 velate structure 163, 170 ventral flattening 706 vesicle 181, 184, 185 Vesper, B 337 vestibule 161, 993 Vianna, C.F et al 1209 Viaud, J 1261 vicariance biogeography 873 vicariant events 880 vicariant theories 871 Vietnam 85, 89 Vine, G.R 1229, 1231 Virgilian 260 Virginian faunal province 46 Visean 164, 260, 261, 686 vitta 160, 163 Viviere, J.L 832, 835, 1206 Volgian 1278 Voronezh region 171 Vrba, E.S 873, 880 W Wagner, C.W 5, 8, 177, 183, 424 Walker, C.T and Price, N.B 1160 Wall, D.R 584 Walnut Formation 643 Walton index Walton, W.R 474 Walvis-Rio barrier 848, 849, 850 Wang, D.F 1178 Wang, P.X 523, 820 Wang, P.X and Bian,Y 805, 812 Wang, P.X and Zhao, Q 805, 810, 812 Wang, P.X., Lu, P and Cheng, X, 805 Wang, P.X., Min, Q and Bian, Y 805 Wang, P.X., Min, Q and Gao, J 805, 810, 812 Wang, P.X et al 810 Wang, S.Q 166 Wang, Z 1170 Ware, M 582, 593 Ware, M and Whatley, R.C 57, 61, 593 Warkalli beds 107 Warren, A.D 1106 Warshauer, S.M and Smosns, R 399 Watson, D.F 211 Wealden 7, 1022, 1033, 1256 Wealden facies event 662 Weaver, P.P.E 1231, 1232, 1238, 1240, 1242, 1243, 1244 Wegener, 824 Weiss, R.H 974 Welsh Borderland 1051 Wenlockian 147, 149 1356 GENERAL AND AUTHOR INDEX West Africa 68, 72, 88, 979 Western North and Central American Province 764 Western South American Province 764 Wetzel, R 510 Weymouth, F.W 376 Whatley, R.C 74, 337, 404, 583, 594, 608, 614, 719, 739, 748, 781, 803, 979, 1021-1040, 1038 R.C and Ayress, M 739-755, 781 R.C and Coles, G 740, 748, 754 R.C and Downing, S 583, 964, 980 R.C and Kaye, P 583 R.C and Maybury, C 592 R.C and Stephens, J.M 334, 377, 849, 1021, 1022, 1028, 1031, 1037, 1039 Whatley, R.C and Titterton, R 776 Whatley, R.C and Wall, D.R 303, 429, 437, 894 Whatley, R.C and Watson, R 399-411 Whatley, R.C., Frame, P and Whittaker, J.E 748 Whatley, R.C., Trier, and Dingwall, 272 Whatley, R.C et a/ 210, 600, 605, 607, 614, 739, 740, 748, 781 White, M.J.D 871, 1004 Whittaker, J.E 183, 388, 584 Whittaker, J.E and Carlton 592 Wienholz, E 1176, 1255 Wilkinson, I.P 340, 583, 596, 1229-1244, 1278 Wilkinson, I.P and Morter, A.A 1231, 1232, 1234, 1236, 1279 Will, H.-J 1273, 1274 Williams, E.U 769, 770, 776 Williams, G.C and Mitton, J.B 1005 Williams, R 303, 429 Wiman, S.K 1093 Windsor Group 685, 686 Wolburg, J 1178, 1256 Wolfcampian 672 Wolff, T 612 Wolf, J.P 514 Wood, K.C et a/ 610 Woodruff, F 597, 610 Woodruff, F and Douglas, R.G 597, 610 Worssam, B.C and Taylor, J.H 1229 Wouters, K 93, 95, 975, 981 Wynne, A.B 619 Whatley, Whatley, Whatley, Whatley, Whatley, Whatley, X X chromosome 295 Xestoleberididae 90 Xestoleberis-spot 84, 177 - 186, 377, 388, 390, 393, 394, 395, 396 Xining Basin 1163-1171 X-ray diffraction analysis 1181- 1183 XU, M.Y 1283-1291 Y Yajima, M 551, 979, 1073-1085 Yang, F 519-530 Yaojia regression 1218 Yassini, 68, 70, 343, 584 Ye, C.H et a/ 1169, 1259 Ye, D.Q 1217- 1227 Yellow Sea 121, 124, 125, 541 Yixian Formation 1173, 1176, 1180 Yokoyama, M 541 Yoshimura, S 414 Young, C.C 1245 Young, G.C 871, 872, 874 Yucatan Peninsula 54 z Zabert, L 1136, 1142 Zabert, L and Herbst, R 1142 Zagora, I 1047 Zaninetti, L et al 467 Zeller, D.N 674 Zenker, W 193 Zenkova, G.G 146, 147 Zera, A.J 988 Zhang, J.F et a/ 1170 Zhang, L.J 1176 Zhao, Q.H 805, 812 Zhao, Q.H and Wang, P.X 805-821 Zhao, Q.H., Wang, P.X and Zhang, Q 805, 810, 812 Zhao, X.L 528 Zhongjiang 1258 Zhong, X.C 1283 Zhu, X.L 1182 Zhu, Z.H 528 Zihor Formation 665 zoogeographical provinces 759 - 786, 817 zoological systematics 58 Zosteru beds 303, 304, 306, 307, 308 Zschokke F 497 ... and K lshizaki (Editors) EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF OSTRACODA, ITS FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 1 evolutionary biology of ostracoda I its fundamentals... possibility of using the chemistry of the shell to determine certain characteristics of the palaeoenvironment Another aspect of recent work has been the examination of the form and function of the soft... Distribution of Recent Ostracoda in Ise and Mikawa bays, Pacific coast of central Japan 413 T Preliminary study on the ecology of ostracods from TABUKI, R and NOHARA, the moat of a coral reef off Sesoko

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