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unit 1- lítening

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Date of preparing:July 17th, 2008 Lesson 1: Revision of tenses Class 12A1: 12A2: Absent students I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson , SS will be better at using tenses of verbs II Teaching aids: Texbook /hand-outs III.Methods: Intergrated / mainly communicative IV Procedure Teacher’s Activitiess Activities Students’s Activities Activities -work individually and Activity 1: (25.m) - Give some sentences for ss choose the best answer to then in groups to compare the answers complete each of the following sentences I haven’s Activitiest met him since I .school a left b was leaving c had left d has left When you phoned me, I my homework a did b am doing c have done d was doing By the time Sheila got back , Chris a has gone b went c will go d had gone What you hope to when you school next year a leave b will leave c is leaving d.have left He .in London for two years , and then went to Paris to live a lived b has lived c lives d was living I .my wife ten years ago a has met b meet c would meet d met “ Have you seen his garden ?” “ I the house on Monday , but I the garden yet a saw / didn’s Activitiest see b saw / haven’s Activitiest seen c have seen / didn’s Activitiest see d have seen / haven’s Activitiest seen When my paretns got home , all of us to bed a went b were going c go d had gone Take an umbrella with you It a will rain b is raining c is going to rain d rains 10 “ I’s Activitiesm afraid I have to leave now.” “ If so , I you a lift” a am going to give b will give c am giving d give 11 Mary in Japan for two years She is working there and likes it very much a was b is c has been d had been 12 I suddently remembered that I my wallet on the bus a leave b had left c have left d would leave 13 Celine Deon to receive recognition for her talent in 1982 a had begun b begins c was beginning d began 14 It me 15 munites to get to school every morning a takes b took b has taken d had taken 15 I’s Activitiesm going to wait you until you your work - give the choices and opinions a finished b had finished c will finish d have finished - Call on some ss to give their choices and explanation - Feedback and give correct answers 1.a 4.a 7.b 10.b 13.d 2.d a 8.d 11.c 14.a - Ask ss to the task d 6.d 9.c 12.b 15.d Activity 2: (15.m) - Give ss some sentences for them to choose the option that needs correcting 1.She (a) was sad (b) after she (c) reads her (d) boyfriend’s Activitiess letter (a) After she (b) had had lunch , she (c) had taken (d) a nap (a) Since the (b) early 20th century , women (c) had a lot of chances (d) to pursue their interests I’s Activitiesd like (a) to see that (b) football match because we (c) didn’s Activitiest see one this year (d) yet I (a) have bought a new house last year , but I (b) haven’s Activitiest sold my old one yet , so (c) at the moment I (d) have two houses When Jimmy (a) returned to( b) the town, Sharah (c) has got married (d) to John for two years “ I (a) didn’s Activitiest see your aunt recently ” “ She (b) hasn’s Activitiest been out of her house (c) since she (d) bought a color TV.” (a) The scientists (b) will postpone the test if he (c) will anticipate(d) any problems - Call on some ss to give their answers and explanation - Feedback and give correct answers 1.c 3.c 5.a 7.a 2.c 4.c 6.c 8.c Activity 3:(3.m) Remind of the use of tenses of verbs in sentences Homework : (2.m) Ask ss to prepare for the next lesson of reading individually and then in groups to compare the answers - give the choices and opinions V Evaluation: Unit one: Home life (5 Periods) Date of preparing:July 18 th, 2008 Lesson 2( Period 1): Reading Class 12A1: 12A2: Absent students I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson , SS will be able to develop such micro-reading skills as guessing the meaning of the words or sentences from context , answering the questions and then talk about family life II.Teaching aids: Texbook III.Methods: Intergrated / mainly communicative IV Procedure Teacher’s Activitiess Activities Students’s Activities Activities Warm up(5.m) - Work individually and -Give some questions for ss to discuss How many people are there in your family? Who in your family earns money? Who in your family does the housework? Do you often help one another with the housework? - Call on some ss to give their answers then compare the answers with a partner - students’s Activities answers may vary Pre-reading (10.m) Discussion: - Ask ss to look at the picture in the book and answer the questions - Call on some ss to give their answers - work in groups to discuss the answers It is in the city The daughter is doing her homework , and the mother is helping her with the homework The father is playing with the son Yes , it is Because the members of the family can share responsibility with one another Preteaching vocabulary: - Introduce some new words with suitable techniques + shift (n) : ca, kÝp ( example) Work on a night shift + biologist (n) : nhµ sinh vËt häc ( sentence) + caring (adj) : quan tâm tới ngời khác( meaning) + obedient(adj) : biết lêi ( example) + surpotive (adj) : ñng (meaning) + secure (adj) : an toµn ( sentence) + household chore (n): việc vặt nhà ( example) + willing (adj) (+to st): sẵn sàng ( situation) - ask ss to repeat the words - Call on some ss to read the words again - Aks ss to make sentences with the words While – reading( reading(20.m) Task 1: Choose the sentence a, b or c that is nearest in meaning to the given sentence (p.14) - Ask ss to work in goups of or to the task - go round to provide help if necessary - Call on some ss to give their answers - get comment from the others – reading( then feedback and give correct answers B 2.C A B 5.A - let ss get the meanings of the words : join hands / mischievous / close-knit Task 2: Answer the questions: - Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - Go roung to offer help - call on some ss to give their answers - get comment from the others , then feedback and give correct answers They have to work long hours and they sometimes have to work at night In the morning ,she is always the first to get up to prepare brakfast and clothes for the family’s Activitiess members In the afternoon , after work , she rushes to the market , then hurried to home to prepare dinner The father always helps with cleaning the house - guess the meanings , repeat the words and write down the words - Repeat the words in chores , individually and then make the sentences with them -work in groups to read the text and choose the most suitable options - work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the book Sometimes he cooks some special meals.The daughter helps to wash the dishes , take out the gabage and look after the boys She is attempting to win a place at university Because they are very close-knit family and very suppotive of one another Post reading(7.m) - Ask ss to discuss the question: “What you think of a happy family?” - Call on some representatives to report their ideas - Get comments from the others and the feedback “ I think a happy family is a family where the members can share their joins and sorrow with one another They often help one another in doing anything such as in doing the housework , in studying ” - work in groups to discuss the questions - send a representative to report their idea in front of the class – reading( The other groups listen and give their comments Homework (3.m) Write a short paragraph about one’s Activitiess family IV Evaluation: ================================= Lesson 3( Period 2): Date of preparing:July 20th , 2008 Speaking Class 12A1 12a2 Absent students I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson , SS will be able to talk about their families by doing asking and answering the questions and reporting exercises II.Teaching aids: Texbook / hand-outs III Methods: Intergrated / mainly communicative IV Procedure Teacher’s Activitiess Activities Warm up(5.m) -Call on some ss to tell about their families - Get comments from the others - Feedback Pre- speaking(7.m) Discussion: -Ask ss to read the sentences in task 1(p15) and tick (v) the ons that apply to them and their families - Call on some ss to report what they have chosen , Beginning with “ In my family ” While – reading( Speaking(22.m) Task 1: Prepare a list of questions to ask aother st to find out the information.(task 2-p.15) - Ask ss to work in pairs to make questions -Call on some ss to give their questions - Get comments from other ss - Feedback and correct the questions if necessary Students’s Activities Activities - individually - students’s Activities answers may vary - work individually to the task - The students’s Activities choices and reports may vary - Pairwork to make questions , then compare the questions with the other pairs - suggested questions: Who works in your family? In your family , who does the household chores? What is your reasponsibility in the family? What is the interest you all share closely? Who in your family you often share your secrets with? To whom you talk before making an important decision? Task 2: Making a survey.(Task 3- page 15) - Ask ss to move round the class to find a partner to give the questions for information- then note down the answers on the table - Go round to observer and offer help Post- speaking( 8.m) Reporting: -Ask ss to report what they have had from the survey, beginning with “ I talked to .” - Get comments from the others - Feedback and give final comment Homework(3.m) Write a short paragraph about the family of the person questioned at the lesson, compared with one’s Activitiess family - Individually to find a partner to ask for information about his / her family -Whole class V Evaluation: ======================================== Date of preparing:July 23th , 2008 Lesson 4( Period 3): Listening Class 12A1 12a2 Absent students I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson , SS will be able to develop such listening micro-skill as listening for specific information and for details II Teaching aids: Texbook / tapescript III Methods: Intergrated / mainly communicative IV Procedure Teacher’s Activitiess Activities Students’s Activities Activities Warm up (5.m) -Ask ss to think of the statements to say whether: they live with their families or they live far from them they have eaten out at a restaurant they find their home life interesting Pre- listening Discussion: -Ask ss to look at the picture in book and describe what is hapenning in it - Call on some ss to give their ideas Pre-teaching vocabulary: - Introduce some words related to the tapescript + flight (n) : chuyÕn bay + reserve (v) : gi÷ tríc + coach (n) : xe khách + Spread out (v) : -spread- spread : trải qua + leftover(n) : thức ăn thừa + crowded(adj) : ®«ng - Read the words for the ss to repeat in chores - Call on some ss to read them again While – reading( Listening Task 1: Deciding whether the statements are true or false -Ask ss to read through the statements to make sure that they nearly understand them - Read the tapescript once for the ss to the task - get the information from the ss after the first time - read the tapescript the second time for the ss to check and complete the task - get correct answers from the ss and give final answers F F F T 5.T Task 2: Noting down(Task 2- page 17) - Read the tapescript again for the ss to note down two things that are different about Paul’s Activitiess and Andrea’s Activitiess families - Call on some ss to write down their notes - get comments from others and then give final comment Paul 1.His family members are not very close The family often eat at home - individually - students’s Activities statements may vary - groupwork.to discuss and then report their ideas - Listen – reading(repeat and then write down - Repeat in chores - Individually -Whole class -Individual work - pairwork to compare the ideas Andrea Her family is a close-knit family The family often go out to eat when they get together Post- listening Descussing: -Ask ss discuss the importance of family in a person’s Activitiess life + Whether family is important + the reasons - Call on some ss to report - Get comments from others and then give final comment Homework Write a short paragraph , saying how important family is to one’s Activitiess life - groupwork V Evaluation: ======================================== Date of preparing:July 25th , 2008 Lesson 5( Period 4): Writing Class 12A1 12a2 Absent students I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson , SS will be able to write a short paragraph within 120- 130 words about family rules II Teaching aids: Texbook / hand-outs III Methods: Intergrated / mainly communicative IV Procedure Teacher’s Activitiess Activities Students’s Activities Activities Warm up (5.m) -groupwork , then whole -Ask ss to match verbs in A with a word in B to make a class phrase One verb can go with more than one word A B go meals TV talk shopping use dinners clean household chores watch out with friends wash on the phone cook the family motorbike prepare the house the dishes homework - Correct as a whole class go shopping go out with friends shopping household chores homework talk on the phone use the family phone clean the house watch TV wash the dishes cook dinners prepare meals Pre- writing (8.m) -Whole class Introduce some structures: Let sb+ V -infinitive Allow sb +to + V -infinitive Permit sb + to + V -infinitive Have to + V -infinitive Discussion: -Ask ss to look at the verbs and expressions in warm-up and say about their family rules, Beginning with “ During the school year, I’s Activitiesm not .” or “In my family everybody has to ” - Call on some ss to give their ideas - Get comments from the others , and then give final comment While – reading( writing(20.m) -Ask ss to use the ideas they have discussed to write a letter to penpal about their family rules , beginning with “ Every family has its rules Mine has a few First ” -Go round to observe ,offer help if necessaryand collect typical mistakes Post- writing (10.m) Correcting: - Ask ss to exchange their writings for peer correction - Ask ss to look at the mistakes collected and correct them -Collect some writings and then ask ss to look at them and give their comments - correct mistakes if necessary Homework(2.m) Write the letter again after being corrected by friends and the whole class -groupwork -Individual work - pair work , and then the whole class V Evaluation: ================================== Date of preparing:July 28th , 2008 Lesson 6( Period 5): Language focus Class 12A1 12a2 Absent students I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson , SS will be able to pronounce the ending ‘S’s Activitiescorrectly and use the tenses of the verbs properly II Teaching aids: Texbook / hand-outs III Methods: Intergrated / mainly communicative IV Procedure Teacher’s Activitiess Activities Students’s Activities Activities Warm-up ( 5.m) -Aks ss to complete the table with the correct form of words -groupwork , then whole class verb Past form Past participle came had given enjoyed met read went leave 10 be - correct the task as a whole class Pronunciation(6.m) -Whole class -Introduce the pronunciation of the ending ‘s’s Activities:It is pronounced as +/s/ when ‘s’s Activities goes with voiceless consonants +/z/ when ‘s’s Activities goes with voiced consonants or vowels -read the words as model and ask ss to repeat -Call on some ss to read the words again -correct if necessary - ask ss to read the sentences in group -groupwork - go round to help - Ask ss to tick the correct column with the words containing the sound /s/ and /z/ /s/ /z/ mats runs banks 4.brothers beats rose reads laughs plays 10 sings -Call on one st to go to the board and tick the table -Get comments from other and then give final comment /s/ /z/ mats X runs X banks X 4.brothers X beats X rose X reads X laughs X plays X 10 sings X Grammar (25.m) Presentation: Ask ss to match each sentence in column A with a line in column B A B 1.I lost my key yesterday morning a continuous action in the past Sorry I haven’s Activitiest done my b plan for a future homework yet action Tomorrow we are having an c action completed -pair work English test What were you doing at 7p.m yesterday? I like playing badminton at a specified timein the past d factual information e past action happening at unknown time Practice : Task 1: Choosing the most suitable tense form in each -individual work- pair sentence work 1.Everything is going well We didn’s Activitiest have / haven’s Activitiest had any problems so far Lisa din’s Activitiest go / hasn’s Activitiest gone to work yesterday She wasn’s Activitiest feeling well I still don’s Activitiest know what to I didn’s Activitiest decide / haven’s Activitiest decided yet This book is very interesting I read / have read it three times When you phoned me last night I was doing / did my homework we didn’s Activitiest meet / haven’s Activitiest met him since he has left / left school - Call on some ss to give their answers and get the comments from the others - feedback and give final comment 1.haven’s Activitiest had have read didn’s Activitiest go was doing 3.haven’s Activitiest decided haven’s Activitiest met / left Task 2: Decide which answer ( A,B or C) best fits each -group work space.(p.19) -Ask ss to work in groups to the task -Go round to offer help if necessary -Call on some ss to give their answers and get comments from the others -Feedback and give final comment B B 11 B C B 12 C A C 13 C A B 14 A A 10 C 15 B Production ( 7.m) -Ask ss to work in groups to make sentences with different tense forms -go round to observe and provide help if necessary - Call on some ss to write their sentences on the board – reading( get comments from the others - feedback and give final comment Homework(2.m) Ask ss to exercise 4/ task V Evaluation: 10 ... opinions V Evaluation: Unit one: Home life (5 Periods) Date of preparing:July 18 th, 2008 Lesson 2( Period 1): Reading... =============================================================== Unit two: Cultural diversity Lesson 7( Period 1): (5 Periods) Date of preparing:July 30 th, 2008... =============================================================== Unit three: Ways of socializing (5 Periods) Date of preparing:August 9th 2008 Lesson 12( Period

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