Social Psychology This page intentionally left blank Third Edition Social Psychology Sociological Perspectives David E Rohall Western Illinois University Melissa A Milkie University of Maryland Jeffrey W Lucas University of Maryland Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editor in Chief: Ashley Dodge Publisher: Nancy Roberts Editorial Assistant: Molly White Director of Marketing: Brandy Dawson Executive Marketing Manager: Kelly May Marketing Coordinator: Courtney Stewart Managing Editor: Denise Forlow Program Manager: Mayda Bosco Senior Operations Supervisor: Mary Fischer Operations Specialist: Diane Peirano Art Director: Jayne Conte Cover photo: Ancil Nance Cover design: Suzanne Duda Director of Digital Media: Brian Hyland Digital Media Project Manager: Tina Gagliostro Full-Service Project Management and Composition: PreMediaGlobal/Anju Joshi Printer/Binder: Courier Corp Cover Printer: Courier Corp Text Font: TimesLtStd Roman 10/12 Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on page 364 Copyright © 2014, 2011, 2007, by Pearson Education, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290 Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rohall, David E Social psychology : sociological perspectives / David E Rohall, Western Illinois University, Melissa A Milkie, University of Maryland, Jeffrey W Lucas, University of Maryland.—Third edition pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN-13: 978-0-205-23500-1 ISBN-10: 0-205-23500-X Social psychology. I Milkie, Melissa A. II Lucas, Jeffrey W. III Title HM1033.R64 2013 302—dc23 2013009345 10 ISBN-10: 0-205-23500-X ISBN-13: 978-0-205-23500-1 Dedication To Molly, Michael, Jeremiah, Virginia, and Urlene —DR To Christopher, Aaron, Kathryn, Daniel, and Mom —MM To Marty, Quinn, and Henry —JL This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface xiii Part 1 Perspectives and Methods 1 Introduction to Sociological Social Psychology Sociology, Psychology, and Social Psychology Macrosociology and Microsociology Sociological and Psychological Social Psychology Historical Context of Sociological Social Psychology Section Summary 12 The Take-Away Message 12 Perspectives in Sociological Social Psychology 12 Symbolic Interactionism 13 Social Structure and Personality 13 Group Processes 14 Three Perspectives in One 15 Section Summary 15 The Take-Away Message 15 Your Social Psychological Toolkit 16 The Sociological Imagination 16 Other Tools in Your Kit 17 Section Summary 23 The Take-Away Message 23 Bringing It All Together 23 Summary 24 Key Terms and Concepts 24 Discussion Questions 25 Perspectives in Sociological Social Psychology 26 The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 27 Society and Agency 28 Basic Principles of Symbolic Interactionism 29 Two Schools of Symbolic Interactionism 36 Section Summary 38 The Take-Away Message 38 The Social Structure and Personality Perspective 38 The Components Principle 39 The Proximity Principle 42 The Psychology Principle 43 Section Summary 44 The Take-Away Message 45 The Group Processes Perspective 45 Studying Processes 46 Group Structures 48 Relationships among Groups 51 Section Summary 51 The Take-Away Message 51 Bringing It All Together 52 Summary 52 Key Terms and Concepts 53 Discussion Questions 54 Studying People 55 Basic Concepts and Issues 56 Theories and Hypotheses 56 Independent and Dependent Variables 58 vii viii Contents Sampling Issues 58 Reliability and Validity 59 Ethical Issues in Studying People 60 Section Summary 60 The Take-Away Message 61 Different Ways to Study People 61 Qualitative Methods 62 Quantitative Methods 68 Mixed-Method Approaches 74 Section Summary 76 The Take-Away Message 77 Steps in Developing Research Projects 77 Step 1: Assess the Theory and Literature 77 Step 2: Develop Research Questions or Hypotheses 78 Step 3: Choose Research Methods 78 Step 4: Conduct Data Analysis 79 Step 5: Report Results 79 Section Summary 80 The Take-Away Message 81 Bringing It All Together 81 Summary 82 Key Terms and Concepts 82 Discussion Questions 84 Part The Individual in Society 85 The Social Psychology of Stratification 86 Constructing Inequalities 87 Basic Stratification Processes 88 Othering 91 Doing Gender 91 Multiple Inequalities: “Doing Difference” and Intersectionality 92 Rigging—and Fixing—the Game 94 Section Summary 95 The Take-Away Message 95 Structures of Inequality 96 Micro-Foundations of Social Mobility 97 Networks and Social Capital 99 Social Status and Personality 101 Section Summary 103 The Take-Away Message 104 Stratification Processes in Groups 104 Status and Power in Social Exchange Processes 104 Status in Groups 106 Power in Networks 112 The Differences between Power and Status 115 Section Summary 116 The Take-Away Message 116 Bringing It All Together 116 Summary 117 Key Terms and Concepts 117 Discussion Questions 118 Self and Identity 119 The Self as a Process 120 The I, the Me, and Self Narratives 121 Identity Theory 123 Affect Control Theory 125 Dramaturgical Sociology 127 Situated and Multiple Selves 131 Section Summary 132 The Take-Away Message 132 Contents ix The Self and Social Structure 132 Evaluative Dimensions of the Self-Concept 133 Race, Class, Gender, and the Self 137 Social Statuses and Identities 138 Measuring the Self-Concept 139 Section Summary 142 The Take-Away Message 142 Identity and Group Processes 143 Social Identity Theory 143 Section Summary 145 The Take-Away Message 145 Bringing It All Together 146 Summary 146 Key Terms and Concepts 147 Discussion Questions 148 Socialization over the Life Course 149 Developing the Self 150 Stages of Development 150 The Role of the Other 151 Learning Race, Class, and Gender 153 Adult Socialization 155 The Sociology of Childhood 155 Section Summary 157 The Take-Away Message 157 Structural and Time Dimensions of Socialization 158 The Life Course 158 Agents of Socialization 167 Section Summary 175 The Take-Away Message 175 Group Processing and Socialization 175 Finding Socialization in Group Processes 175 Assessing the Effects of Socialization 177 Section Summary 181 The Take-Away Message 182 Bringing It All Together 182 Summary 182 Key Terms and Concepts 183 Discussion Questions 184 Part Areas of Social Life 185 The Social Psychology of Deviance 186 Interactionist Approaches to Deviance 187 Ethnomethodology and the Social Construction of Deviance 188 Labeling Theory of Deviance 190 Delabeling: Leaving the Deviant Identity 197 Section Summary 198 The Take-Away Message 198 Social Structure and Deviant Behavior 198 Anomie and Social Strain 199 Social and Self-Control Theories 201 Social Disorganization versus Genetics 204 Section Summary 205 The Take-Away Message 205 Group Relationships and Deviance 206 Index A Aboud, R., 264 Academic self-esteem, 133–135 ACT See Affect-control theory (ACT) Acting crowds, 303 Adair, R K., 233 Add Health See The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) Adler, P A., 188 sociological social psychologists for qualitative research projects, 63 study of elementary schoolchildren, 172–173 Adolescents and mattering, 136 Adult socialization, 155 Advances in Group Processes, 265 Affect, 272 See also Emotions Affect-control theory (ACT), 125 Website, 75 Affect theory of social exchange, 289 Agency, 28–29 See also Society Agents of social control, 193, 194 of socialization, 158, 167–174 Aggression and love in psychology, 289 Agnew, R., 200 Agnone, J., 311 Aguirre, B E., 305 Ajzen, I., 245 Aldredge, M impression management skills, 130 Alexander, K L., 171 Alienation, Allen, M., 171 Allport, G., 253 Almeida, D M., Altruism, 254 Alwin, D., 261, 262 Amato, P., 234, 235 Ambient hazards, 235 American Pie (1999), 171 American Psychological Association (APA), 221 American Sociological Association (ASA), 10, 11, 75, 79 Anderson, E study of poor African Americans in, 93 Aneshensel, C S., 218, 228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 283 Annual Review of Sociology, 307 Anomie, 199–201 conformists and innovators, 200 rebellion, 200 retreatists, 200 strain theory, 199 APA See American Psychological Association (APA) Aron, R., ASA See American Sociological Association (ASA) Asencio, E K., 192, 290 Ash, R., 310 Assembling phase, 311–312 Assembly-line techniques, 284 Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients, 224–225 Attachment, 202 Attitude, 241 across life course, 260–261 and agents of socialization, 255–257 and behavior, relationship between, 244–247 Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, 245 change in attitude over time, 261 cohort differences, 261 on social issues, 261 components of, 242–243 dimensions of, 242–243 group processes perspective on, 262–266 interactionist perspective on, 242–255 prejudicial attitudes changing of, 253–254 LaPiere’s study of prejudice, 250–252 subtle sexism, 252–253 theory of group position, 253 unconscious and institutional racism, 247–252 prosocial attitudes and behaviors, 254 social context of, 258–259 social identity theory and, 264–266 social status and identity gendered attitudes, 257 social status, effects of race/ethnicity and attitudes, 257–258 social structure and behavior, 255–262 sociological model of, 259–260 and status construction theory, 262–264 time use research, to study behavior, 246 Ausdale, D V., 153 children’s interaction, 153 Authenticity, 131 Autoethnography, 64 Avison, W., 233 Axinn, W G., 168 B Baby boomers, 161 Bail, C A., 266 Balance theory, 260 Bales, R interactions between groups of strangers, 106 Bales, R F., 288 Bandura, A and Skinner’s work, 29 social learning theory, 29 Barber, K sexuality and class, 93 Barton, B., 284 Becker, H., 194–195 Behavior during collective events, 311–314 Behm-Morawitz, E., 174 Beim, A., 314–315 Belief, 202 Bengsten, V L., 256 Bennett, C E., 168 Bergen, L., 174 365 366 Index Berger, J., 31, 36, 47, 107, 110, 177, 262 education, 110 expectation states theory, 110 New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory, 110 Sociological Theories in Progress, 110 Status Characteristics and Social Interaction, An ExpectationStates Approach, 110 Status, Network, and Structure, Theory Development in Group Processes, 110 status process and relations in groups, 110 Types of Formalization in Small-Group Research, 110 W E B DuBois Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award, 110 Berger, P The Social Construction of Reality, 31 Berg, J A., 161 Berns, N meaning of money in door-to-door sales company, 33 Bessett, D., 277 Bianchi, A consequences for status hierarchies, 282 Biddle, B J., 41 Bierman, A., 229, 232 Billig, M., 278 Birth cohort, 159 Blau, P exchange processes, 106 Blumer, H., 28, 30, 33, 34, 81, 253, 299, 303–305, 309 award for Career of Distinguished Scholarship, 30 and circular reaction, 303–304 Cooley-Mead Award, 30 self-indication, 121 symbolic interactionism, 29–30 Bobo, L., 253, 257 Bogardus social distance scale, 250 Bogle, K “hooking up” on college campuses, 174 Bolzendahl, C I., 261 Bonacich, P., 47 Boocock, S S., 155 Borderwork, 91 Bradburn, N M., 244 Brashears, M E., 263 Breaching experiments, 18 Brody, G H., 256 Brown, B., 174 Brunsma, D L., 249, 313 Burgess, E Introduction to the Science of Sociology, 299 Burke, P., 192 changes in self, 125 Burke, P J., 29, 47, 52, 111, 123–125 Burn, S., 264 C Cahill, S study of behavior in public bathroom, 129 study of emotional management among wheelchair users, 274 Cahill, S E., 155, 162 Calarco, J M., 166 California Gold Rush, 303 Carlos statement on mores and folkways, 186 Carr, D., 188, 224 Carroll, J., 258 Caspi, A., 254 Categorical (or nominal) variables, 69 Categorization, 144 Causal Analysis (Heise), 75 Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale, 233 Cernkovich, S A., 197 CES-D See Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale Chalmers, M C., 243 Chambliss, William, 194 Chetkovich, C., 310 Chicago School and symbolic interactionism, 36–37 Childhood sociology children’s culture, 156 Children in single-parent households, 167 Children of the Great Depression (Elder), 160, 162 Children’s cultural routines, 156 Christie-Mizell, C A effects of neighborhood conditions, 44 Chronic strains, 227–229, 232 Circular reaction, 303–304 Clark, C concept of feeling rules, 285 Clarke, L., 314–315 Class-based political mobilizations, 304 Clausen, J A., 165 Clay, C M., 168 Clay-Warner, J., 177 Closeness of supervision, 102 Cluster samples, 59 Coalition model, 317, 318 situations, 318 Cockerham, W C., 10, 230, 233 Coerced dispersals, 312 Cognitive development, Piaget’s model concrete operational stage, 152 formal operational stage, 152 preoperational stage, 152 sensorimotor stage, 152 Cognitive dissonance theory, 260 Cognitive sociology, 44 Cohen, L L., 252 Collective action, 299 Collective behavior, 51, 298–322 concerned participant, 306 constructing, 300–309 curiosity seeker, 306 determinants of action of social control, 308 generalized belief, 308 mobilization for action, 308 structural conduciveness, 308 structural strain, 308 ego-involved participant, 306 group processes and, 316–319 insecure participant, 306 phases assembling, 311–312 dispersal, 311–312 gathering, 311–312 rational choice in, 305–306 types of craze, 307–308 hostile outbursts, 307–308 Index 367 norm-oriented social movements, 307–308 panic, 307–308 value-oriented social movements, 307 Collective identity, 304 Collective memories, 314–316 College college environmentalists (CE), 28 college plans (CPs), 98 students, and stressors, 229 College Student Identity, 124 Collett, G., 263 Collins, P H., 93 micro-level interactions, 93 Collins, R., theory of interaction ritual chains, 274 Collins, R C., 94 Colonization, 225 Commitment, 202 Commodification of emotions, 284 The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (Spock), 167 Community and relationship, 286–287 Competitiveness concept, 57 Complexity, 102 Components principle person in group/society role of, 41 social networks, 41–42 status as, 39–40 Comstock, G., 174 Comte, A society and individual, connection of, 9–10 sociology, defined, Conceit, 272 See also Emotions Conceiving the Self, 142 Concerned participant, 306 See also Collective behavior Concrete operational stage, 152 Condron, D J., 171 Conflict theory, See also Macrosociology Conformists, 200 Conger, R., 165 study of Depression, 165 Conrad, P., 220–221 Conscious racism, 247 Construct validity, 60 Contagious mental unity, 301–304 Content analysis, 66 validity, 60 Contextual dissonance, 172 “Contrast Sensitivity Ability,” 178–179 Control group, 72 Convenience sample, 59 Converse, J M., 243 Conversion, 225 Cook, K group processes, 114 Cook, K S., 29, 47, 104, 105 Cooley, C H., 191, 271 American Sociological Association (ASA) founder, 10 early life, 11 education, 11 Human Nature and the Social Order, 11 looking-glass self, 151 Personal Competition, 11 as professor of sociology, 11 Social Organization, 11 sociological social psychology, development of, 11 Cooley, M A., 75, 110, 142, 152, 291 Cooper, E., 171 Correa, M., 253 Correll, S “Contrast Sensitivity Ability,” 178–179 cultural stereotypes, 98 experiment with college students, 178 gender differences in career, 177 theory, 177–178 Corsaro, W children’s cultural routines, 156 Corsaro, W A., 149, 153, 156, 167, 172 Couch, C., 299 crowds, 299 Covering, 196 Craze, 307–308 See also Collective behavior Cress, D M., 310 Cressey, D., 207–209 Critiques of Research in the Social Sciences, An Appraisal of Thomas and Znaniecki’s “The Polish Peasant in Europe and America” (Blumer), 30 Crocker, J., Crosnoe, R., 149, 171 The Crowd, 299 Crowd madness, 301 structure and social movements, 309–316 Cuddy, A J C., 273 Cullen, F T., 258 Culture, 21 Cunningham, M parental characteristics and behaviors, 154 Curiosity seeker, 306 See also Collective behavior Cutler, S J., 161 Cuttino, L., 226 Cybernetic approach, 271 D Dahl, S A countries’ socioeconomic development and individual, 42 Dambrun, M., 248 Danigelis, N L., 161 Davis, J R., 161 DeGloma, T groups of survivors study, 122 De Graaf, N D religious beliefs, 169 Deluca, S complex relationship between social status and individual agency, 166 Denzin, N., 252 children interaction, 155 Depression, measures of, 229–230 Deqing, Wu., Deterrence certainty and severity, 210, 212 elements, 212 factors, 211 models, 211 Deviance, 186 agency, 197 anomie and social strain conformists and innovators, 200 rebellion, 200 368 Index Deviance (Continued) retreatists, 200 strain theory, 199 behavior and reactions, 193 Chambliss, W saints study, 194 conformity, studies, 202 covering, 196 criminologists, 206 differential association theory, 207–209 principles of, 207–209 and emotions, 197 and ethnomethodology, 188–190 reflexivity, 188 gender and culture of honor, 209 and group relationships, 206 interactionist approaches intimacy, 187 labeling theory, 190–192 Jim’s structural theories, 199 lab study certainty and severity, 210–212 deterrence models, 211 experimental approaches by Kalkhoff, W and Willer,R., 211–212 longitudinal studies, 211 Merton’s typology, 200 retrospective interpretations, 197 social control theory adult social bonds by Sampson, R and Laub, J., 203 attachment and commitment, 202 belief, 202 Causes of Delinquency, 203 by Hirschi, T., 201 involvement and belief, 202 modern statistical techniques by Greenberg, D., 203 study by Kreager, D., 203 social order, 193 social psychology of, 186 and social structure choices, 198 Communist governments of Eastern Bloc, 199 stigma and passing, 196–197 study by Becker, H., 194–195 subcultures, 194–195 marijuana laws and recreational use of drugs, 194–195 outsiders, 194–195 types agents of social control, 193 Lemert’s stages leading to secondary deviance, 192 primary deviance, 192–193 secondary deviance, 192–193 victimology, 213 white-collar crime study by, Cressey, D., 208 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-I), 221–222 Diekmann, A., Differential association theory, 207 gender and culture of honor, 209 principles of, 207–209 Differential expression, 305 Diffuse status characteristics, 108, 236–237 Dill, K E., 174 Direct exchanges, 105 Discrimination, and mental illness, 233 Dispersal phase, 311–312 Distributive justice, 290 Dizygotic (DZ) twins study, 98 Dotter, D L., 191 Dowd, J., 48 Doyle, J M., 161 Dramaturgy dramaturgical sociology and presentation of self, 127–128 front and back stage, 129–130 importance of, 130 impression management, 128–129 situated and multiple selves, 131 Driskell, J E., 180 Du Bois, W E B., 247 social psychological dimensions of racial discrimination, 10 Dunham, C C., 256 Durkheim, E mattering and well-being, 136 structural functionalist, 39 Durkheim, M structural functionalism, Dush, C M., 234 Dyad, 49–50 E Ecological fallacy, 72 Edgework, 284 Eggleston, R study of emotional management among wheelchair users, 274 Egocentric speech, 31 Ego-involved participant, 306 See also Collective behavior Eisenberg, N., 254 Eisner, H C., 249 Elder, G H., Jr., 149, 158–162, 164, 165, 171 Children of the Great Depression, 160, 162 Cooley-Mead Award, 162 Guggenheim Fellowship, 162 “life-course perspective,” 162 life-course sociology, 158–159 senior scholar awards, 162 Society for Research in Child Development, 162 Society for Study of Human Development, 162 study of Depression, 165 Elkin, F., 162 Ellison, C G., 254 Emergency dispersals, 312 Emergent norm theory, 305 Emerson, R group processes, 114 Emotional cues, 277 Emotional discrimination, 273 Emotional energy, 274 Emotional intelligence, 284 Emotional label, 272 Emotional scripts, 277 Emotion culture, 285–286 Emotions See also Identity and behavior, 123 commodification of, 284 constructing and using sentiment, 271–281 cues, 277 culture, 285–286 depression and, 283 Index 369 dimensions and components affect, 272 emotion label, 272 expressive gestures, 272 feelings, 272 guilt, 272 mood, 272 physiological changes, 272 primary emotions, 272 secondary emotions, 272 sentiments, 272 situational cues, 272 social emotions, 272 discrimination, 273 emotional arousal, 136 emotional energy, 274–275 and expressions, 276 Francis’ beliefs, 271 group processes and, 288–295 identity and interactions, 276–278 justice and, 289–290 meaning of, 275 microsocial orders and, 289 power, 282–283, 291–292 and status, 282–283 rationality and, 270 to relationship, 278–280 sense of embarrassment, 274 socialization in, 275–276 and society, 273–275 status and, 282–283, 290–291 structural conditions affecting, 281–287 symbolic interactionism and, 273 universal expression of, 273 work, 283–284 Emotion work, 283–284 Entwisle, D R., 171 Epidemiology of mental health class and race, relationship with, 233–234 community and neighborhood conditions, effects of, 235 gender, family, and well-being, 234–235 and marital status, 234–235 Equity theory of emotion, 290 Erickson, R effects of neighborhood conditions, 44 Erikson, E social development stages autonomy vs shame/doubt, 164 ego integrity vs despair, 164 generativity vs stagnation, 164 identity vs role confusion, 164 industry vs inferiority, 164 initiative vs guilt, 164 intimacy vs isolation, 164 trust vs mistrust, 164 Ethical issues in studying people, 60 Ethnicity and individual identity, 138 Ethnograph software programs, 79 Ethnography, 63 Ethnomethodology, 18 Exchange processes, 104–106 Exchange theory, 292–295 Expectation states theory, 236, 265 Experimental group, 72 Expressive crowd, 303 Expressive gestures, 272 See also Emotions Expressive Order, 75 F Face-to-face interaction, 284 Face validity, 60 Face-work, 128 Families adults in, 169–170 class differences among, 169 structure and children, 167–169 Family Interaction, 307 Farrell, C R., 254 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), 170 Feagin, J., 153 children’s interaction, 153 Feedback loop, 101 Feeling rules and norms, 283–286 Feelings, 272 See also Emotions and social exchange, 288–292 Fender, S languages and cultural frameworks, 35 Ferguson, K symbolic interactionists, 89 Fettes, D L., 224 Field research, 63–64 Fine, G A., 33–34, 63, 157, 314–315 American subcultures study, 33 idiocultures, 157 “primitive art” world study of, 32 Fingerson, L., 149 Finney, M., 229 Fischer, C S., 235 Fishbein, M., 245 Fletcher, J F., 243 Focus groups, 66 Folkways, 186 Formal operational stage, 152 Foschi, M., 252 Foucault, M study on mental illness, 219 Frame analysis, 34–35 Framed by Gender (2011), 265 Franks, D D., 271, 273 Free-rider problem, 318 Free time, 246 French Revolution, 300 Freud, S., 301 Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 301 psychoanalytic explanation, 301 psychoanalytic method, 10 Friedman, M A., 188, 224 Friendship cliques, 172 middle friendship circles, 172 popular clique, 172 social isolates, 173 wannabes, 172 Funk, S J., 177 G Gallaher, M., 167–168 Gambetta, D., 195 Game stage, 151 Gamson, W., 311 370 Index Garfinkel, H., 18 breaching experiments, 18 ethnomethodology, 18 Studies in Ethnomethodology, 18 Garside, R B., 283 Gartner, S 9/11 or Iraq War casualties, 166 Gecas, V., 154, 167, 169, 170, 172, 173 peer-group socialization, 173 self-esteem, 134 Gemeinschaft, 286 Gender inequalities in society and interaction, 92 norms, 91–92 socialization, 154 and social support, 231–232 Gender, Interaction, and Inequality (1992), 265 Generalized other, 152–153 General Social Survey (GSS), 59 Generations, 159 and historical influences, 159, 160 Gergen, K technological advances in transportation, 131 Gesellschaft, 286 Gilleard, C., 161 Gillmore, M group processes, 114 Gimbel, C., 164 Giordano, P emotions, role in life, 276 Giordano, P C., 197 Glass, J., 256 parent-child attitudes, 169 Glei, D., 256 Godwyn, M., 284 Goffman, E., 34, 127–129, 196, 224, 225, 236, 274, 277 front and back stage, 129–130 impression formation, 277 impression management, 128–129 Goleman, D., 284 Goodrum, S series of in-depth interviews, 277 Gordon, H R., 36 Gorodzeisky, A., 266 Gotlib, I H., 229 GPA See Grade point averages (GPA) Grade point averages (GPA), 98, 181 Granberg, E individuals, agency and internal thought processes, 121 weight loss and, 121 Granovetter, M weak ties, 99–100 Great Depression, 160–161, 164 Greenberg, D., 203 Grigsby, M College Student Identity, 124 Grimes, T., 174 Group processes, 14–15, 45–46 and collective behavior, 316–319 justice perceptions, 47–48 legitimacy, 48 power, 46–47 relationships among, 51 status, 47 studying, 46–48 relationships among, 51 socialization in, 175–177 status, 106–107 hierarchies, 108 and power, difference between, 115–116 structure dyads and triads, 49–50 size, 48–49 types primary groups, 50 reference groups, 50 secondary groups, 50 Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 301 GSS See General Social Survey (GSS) Gubrium, J F., 150 Guilt, 272 See also Emotions H Hallett, T., 171 Handel, G., 162 Harding, D J., 261 Hardy, M., 161 Harkness, S K., 224, 226 Hartman, C., 313 Heath, S B ethnography of two separate communities-white and black working-class, 88 Hegtvedt, K A., 48, 290 Heilman, M gender processes, 92 Heimer, K., 197 Hein, J., 254 Heise, D., 291 Heise, D R., 13, 75, 126 American Sociological Association award for outstanding contributions to computing from sociology and computers section, 75 lifetime achievement award from Sociology of Emotions Section, 75 Causal Analysis, 75 central social psychological contribution for ACT, 75 Cooley-Mead Award, 75 education, 75 Expressive Order, 75 Self, Identities and Social Institutions, 75 Sociological Methodology, 75 Sociological Methods and Research, 75 Surveying Cultures, 75 Understanding Events, Affect and the Construction of Social Action, 75 Heritability, 98, 99 Herman-Kinney, N J., 28, 187 Hertz, R Boston-area middle-class women interview, 168–169 Hewitt, J P., 31 Hicks, A socialization, 155 Higgs, P., 161 High-status group members, 108 Hirschi, Travis, 201 Hochschild, A R feeling rules, 283 Hollander, J A., 36, 87, 88 Holstein, J A., 150 Index 371 Homans, G small warship, 105 sociological knowledge, 105 Homans, G C., 290 Homogeneity of mood and action, 301 See also Mass hysteria theory Homophily, 278 Hooking up, 174 Hopcroft, C., 177 Horne, C., 211 Horwitz, A., 220, 222 genetic influences on behavior, 98 Hostile outbursts, 307–308 See also Collective behavior House, J., 43, 81 study of individuals, 39 House, J S., 7, 13, 38, 39, 42 House, J S H., 81 Houser, J A., 290 Hughes, D., 153 Hughes, M happiness levels, 293 Huizinga, D., 197 Human agency, 166 Human Nature and the Social Order (Cooley), 11 Human Side of Social Planning (Blumer), 30 Hume, D symbolic interactionist, 29 Humor, 277–278 Humphrie, L study of “tearoom trade, 60 Hunt, M., 258 Hurh, W M., 151 Hurricane Katrina, 313 Hutchings, V., 253 HyperRESEARCH software programs, 79 Hypotheses, 56–58 I IAT See Implicit Association Test (IAT) Identity control theory, 125–127 emotions and behavior, 127–128 theory, 37, 123–125 symbolic interactionist principles, 123 Idiocultures, 157 Implicit Association Test (IAT), 248 Impression management, 128–129 See also Dramaturgy Inappropriate behavior, 277–278 Independent and dependent variables, 58 experiments as tool for determining causal relationships between, 72, 73, 74 In-depth interviews, 65–66 Indexicality, 188 Indices/scales, 70 Indirect or generalized exchanges, 105 Individual-level perceptions, In-groups, 264 Innovators, 200 Insecure participant, 306 See also Collective behavior Institutional racism, 247–252 Insurance companies, role in medicalization process, 221 Intellectual flexibility, 102 Intelligence Quotients (IQ) test, 165, 180 Intensity of behavior, 301 See also Mass hysteria theory Interactionist theory, 30 Interaction ritual, 274 Interaction ritual chains theory, 274 Inter-and intra-group behavior, 51 Internal Review Boards (IRBs) for universitie, 60 Interpersonal interaction and communication, 42 Interpretive phase to human interaction, 303 Intersectionality, 92–94 Interval variables, 69 Intransigence, 225 Introduction to the Science of Sociology (1921), 299 Involvement, 202 Iowa and Indiana Schools, symbolic interactionism, 37 IQ See Intelligence Quotients (IQ) test IRBs See Internal Review Boards (IRBs) Irrational behavior, 301 See also Mass hysteria theory Ivie, R L., 164 J Jackson, P B., 229 Jacobs, D., 311 Jacobson, L Pygmalion in the Classroom, 171 James, W social psychology, study of, Jary, D., 20 Jary, J., 20 Jasper, J M., 304–305 Jasso, G., 48, 289 Jencks, C., 155, 172, 261 Jenkins, J C., 311 Johnson, D., 153, 291 Johnson, M K., 48, 171 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 64 Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 80 Joyce, A., 40 Justice and emotions, 289–290 Justice, studying processes, 47–48 K Kalkhoff, W., 211–212 Kao, G., 161 Kaufman, P ethnographic study of homeless children, 64 Kehily, M J., 155 Kelley, J religious beliefs, 169 Kemper, T., 282, 290 power-status approach to emotions, 282 types of emotions, 272 Kessler, R C., 228, 233 Killian, C., 290 Killian, L Collective Behavior, 305 Kitzinger, C., 277 Klimes-Dougan, B., 283 Kohn, M model of status attainment, 103 personality characteristics and occupational outcomes, 103 research project on social class positions on values, 101 Kopacz, M A., 174 Kopiec, K., 228 Kouri, K M., 254 Kraus, S J., 244 372 Index Kreager, D A., 197 Kroska, A., 226 Kruttschnitt, C., 197 Kuhn, M sociological and psychological research, 37 TST, 139 Kuipers, G traditional jokes, 278 Kunreuther, F., 310 L Labeling theory, 190 labeling in medical science, 220 roots of, 191 Laboratory experiments for social psychology, 72 Lachenbruch, P A., 228, 232, 234, 283 Lancianese, D consequences for status hierarchies, 282 Language fluency and jobs, 32 of symbols, 30 Lantz, P M., 229 LaPiere, R T., 250–252 Laub, J., 165 turning points in people’s lives, 165 Lawler, E J., 289, 292, 294 Layard, R., 293 “big seven” factors affecting happiness, 293 Leal, D L., 254 LeBlanc, A mattering and depression, 136 LeBon, G contagious mental unity, 301 The Crowd, 303 mass hysteria theory, 301 Lee, J gender identity, 177 Lee, N., 254 Lee, Su H., 304 Legitimacy processes, 48 Lemert, E., 192–193 Lenski, G., Leyens, J P., 273 primary and secondary emotions, 272 Liebow, E society’s formal rules, 18 Tally’s Corner, 19 Life course, 158 agents of socialization, 167–174 families, 167–170 human agency, 166 linked lives, 165–166 peer culture, 172–174 role of media, 174 school contexts, 170–172 social timing and life stages, 162–165 sociology, 159 historical and social context, 159–162 human agency, 159, 166 linked lives, 159, 165–166 timing and life stages, 159, 162–165 Life events, 158 Life satisfaction scores, 71 Link, B., 226, 233 Link, B G., 254 Linked lives, 159, 165–166 Lio, S., 315 Lipsky, M., 311 Little, C B., 263 Lively, K J., 42, 43, 235, 283, 290 Lloyd, D A., 232, 234, 283 Loe, M., 226 Lofland, L cultural conception, 285 Lofland, L H., 51, 285 Lois, J., 284 study of rescue volunteers, 284 Looking-glass self, 151 Lovaglia, M samples of European American and African American students, 181 socialization processes, 181 status characteristics theory, 180 Lovaglia, M J., 52, 115, 180–181, 211, 290 Low-status group members, 108 Lucas, J., 290 study on women in leadership positions, 111 Luckmann, T The Social Construction of Reality, 31 Lyng, S., 284 routine of society, 284 M Mackay, C., 299, 301 Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, 299 MacLeod, J study of aspirations of poor teenage African American, 71 Macrosociology large-scale social processes analysis, rates of divorce study, societies and cultures, studies on, structural functionalism and conflict theory, understanding interactions between individuals, Macy, M W., 318 Madson, L., 252 Maio, G R., 242 Malaise, 235 Maliepaard, M., 254 The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales (Sacks), 31 Marijuana laws and recreational use of drugs in deviance, 194–195 Marketing expert, 284 Markovsky, B., 47, 48, 114, 145 Martino, S C., 174 Marwan, K., 311 Marx, K alienation concept, conflict theory, economic systems and, 39 Mass, 303 Mass hysteria theory, 51, 301 case of Stairway of Stars Concert, 302 ingredients of homogeneity of mood and action, 301 intensity of behavior, 301 irrational behavior, 301 Mastery class and self-esteem, 142–143 importance of, 136 Index 373 scale, 70 self-efficacy and locus of control, 135 Mastro, D E., 174 Matsueda, R L., 197 Mattering, 136 May, R A B., McBride, B identity theory, 123 McCabe, D L., 208 McCarthy, J D., 312–314 McCullough, C mattering and well-being, 136 McDermott, M., 252 participant-observation study of working-class white men, 130 McDonaldization concept, 284 McFarland, D service-related extracurricular activities, study, 166 McFaul, T R., 249 McKinnon, J D., 168 McLaughlin, P., 311 McLeod, J D., 42, 43, 224, 235 McPartland, T TST, 139 McPhail, C., 305, 308–309, 311–314 multimedia data-collection techniques, 299 Mead, G H., 11, 30, 151–152, 191 American school of social psychology, early life, 11 education, 11 father of symbolic interactionism, 11 I and Me attitudes, 121–122 Mind, Self, & Society, 11, 13 social psychology, study of, symbolic interactionism and, 36 Meadows, S O., 229, 230, 234 Mean Girls (2004), 171 Meaning-making power struggles during interactions, 89 Media role in socialization, 174 Mediators, 231 Medicalization of deviance, 220–223 Melzer, S., 315 Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay), 299 Mental health and illness defining, 219 social construction of, 218–219 career of mental patient, 224–226 madness and civilization, history of, 219–220 medicalization of deviance, and social problems, 220–223 mental health, and selfhood, 223–226 modified labeling theory, 226–277 stigma, and mental illness, 223–224 sociological social psychology on study of, 218 group processes scholars perspectives, 218, 237 social structure and personality perspective, 218, 227–228 symbolic interactionists perspective, 218 as status characteristics, 236–237 stress, social causes of epidemiology of mental health, 232–236 mediating and moderating resources, 230–232 stressors, and outcomes, 228–230 stress process model, 228 Merton, R K., 34, 199–200, 301 psychoanalytic explanation, 301 Merton, Robert, 199 Metzger, P L., 224 Micro-level interactions, 93 Microsociology divorces and study, effects of larger society on social psychological processes, mental health consequences, understanding interactions between individuals, Middle-class families, 169 Middle friendship circles, 172 Milkie, M., 154, 165, 170 good-looking, study, 91 interacting partners, 90 older African American and white parents, study, 165 Milkie, M A., 9, 134, 174, 229, 232 Miller, D L., 51, 299, 302, 305, 307, 312–314 Milling behavior, 303 Mills, C W conflict theory, sociological imagination, 16–17 traced patterns of change in American economy, 4–6 Mind, Self, and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist, 11, 13 Mirowsky, J., 276, 283 education on sense of mastery, 159 Mitchell, G., 248 Mixed method approaches, 74–76 Moderators, 231 Modified labeling theory, 226–227 Moghaddam, F M., 249 Molder, te H., 36 Molinsky, A., 32 Molm, L., 288 Social Psychology Quarterly, 291 Molm, L D., 13, 14, 104–105 Mondillon, L., 282 Monozygotic (MZ) twins study, 98 Mood, 272 See also Emotions Moore, C D., 254, 256–257 Moral emotions, 275 Mores, 186 Mortimer, J T., 149 Movies and Conduct (Blumer), 30 Movies, Delinquency, and Crime (Blumer), 30 Moyles, C., 264 Multimedia data-collection techniques, 299 “Multiphrenia,”, 131 Musolf, G R., 28, 36, 37 Myers, D J., 261 Myers, K., 252 N Nagel, J U.S census data, 138 Narrative analysis, 67 Narratives use, 121–122 Nash, J E., Nath, L., 283 The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), 59 Natural or field experiments, 72 Negative life events, 228–229, 232, 236 Neighbors, H W., 234 Networking effect between individuals, 99 New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory (Berger and Zelditch), 110 Newport, F., 21 374 Index New social movements, 304 Nielson, F genetic and familial data, analysis, 98 Nolan, P., Nomaguchi, K., 170 Nonattitude, 243 Norm-oriented social movements, 307–308 See also Collective behavior Norton, W W., 273 O Occupational attainment, 97 Oceanic self, 139 Oldmeadow, J A., 263 Olsen, K countries’ socioeconomic development and individual, 42 “Operant conditioning,”, 29 Operationalizing concept in social sciences, 57 Opinion, 242 Opinion and attitude, distinction between, 242–243 Opportunity theory, 311 Ordinal variables, 69 Organizations and Institutions, 20–21 Othering, 91 Out-groups, 264 Outsiders, 195 Overfelt, D., 249, 313 Owen, C A., 249 P Paik, L study of drug treatment program, 277 Paladino, P M., 273 Pampel, F C., Panic, 307–308 Panina, N., 249 Paolucci, P., 278 Pape, R A., 197 Park, E., Park, R Introduction to the Science of Sociology, 299 Parsons, analysis of sick role, 223 Parsons, T structural functionalism, Participant observation, 64 Passing, 196 Patton, T., 47, 114 Paules, G symbolic interactionism, 89 Pearlin, L mattering and depression, 136 sense of mastery, 135–136 Pearlin, L I., 228–229, 230, 231 Peer cultures socialization processes, 173–174 structures, 172–173 Perception control theory, 309 independent instructions, 309 interdependent instruction, 309 organizational instruction, 309 Percheski, C., 161 Perry, P., 253 “Persistent patterns of behavior,”, 38 Personal accomplishments, 136 Personal characteristics, 123 Personal Competition (Cooley), 11 Personality perspective and social structure, 38–39 and social structure, 21 Personal resources, 230–231 Personal ties, 100 Pfohl, S J., 188 Phalet, K., 254 Pharmaceutical companies, role in medicalization process, 221–222 Phase of interaction, 303 Phelan, J C., 218, 222, 233, 237 The Philosophy of Money (Simmel), 286 Physical attractiveness, 278 Physical self, 139 Physiological changes, 272 See also Emotions Piaget, J cognitive development concrete operational stage, 152 formal operational stage, 152 preoperational stage, 152 sensorimotor stage, 152 Picou, J S., 249, 313 Planned behavior theory, 245 Play stage, 151 The Polish Peasant in Europe and America, 10 Political process theory, 311 Pollack, L H dimensions of emotion learning process, 275 Polletta, F., 304–305, 315 Pollock, M., 36, 252 Polls, use for predicting election results, 244 Popular clique, 172 Population, 58 Positive psychology, 293 Positive self-esteem, 145 Positivism, Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), medicalization of, 220–221 Potter, D., 220, 313 Potter, J., 36, 313 Power distribution model, 317 and emotions, 291–292 in networks, 112–115 Power–status approach, 282 Power, studying processes, 46–47 Prager, J., 44 Prejudice in Western cultures, 247 Preoperational stage, 152 Preparatory stage, 151 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959), 225 Presser, S., 243 Pretest-posttest designs, 73 Price, P J C., 194 Pride, 272 See also Emotions Primacy effect, 243 Primary deviance, 192–193 Primary emotions, 272 Primary groups, 50 Prince, S H., 299 collective behavior, 299 Probability samples, 59 Procedure justice, 290 Productive time, 246 Prosocial behavior, 254 Protests, size and media coverage, 312–314 Index 375 Proximity, 278 Proximity principle, 42–43 PsychINFO, 78 Psychological centrality, 134 Psychology, 8–9 aggression and love in, 289 language and consciousness, 31 principle, 39, 43–44 psychoanalysis and, 10 psychology principle, 43–44 social behaviorist perspective in, 29 thinking processes associated with self-esteem, Public, 303 Pudrovska, T., Pugliesi, K., 232 Pygmalion effect and children’s social statuses, 171–172 Q Qualitative research methods, 62 field research, 63–65 in-depth interviews, 65–66 Quantitative methods experiments, 72–74 survey research, 71–72 Quantitative research methods, 68 Quinney, R., 36 R Racial socialization, 153 Racial stratification, Raden, D., 245 Raijman, R., 266 Raisborough, J., 174 Ramifications of Pygmalion study, 171 of social identity processes, 145 Random assignment, 73 Random sample, 59 Rane, T identity theory, 123 Rational choice, 305–306 See also Collective behavior Ratio variables, 69 Rats as experimental subjects, 74 Reasoned action theory See Planned behavior theory Reay, D working-and middle-class children in England study, 88 Rebellion, 200 Reciprocal liking, 278 “Red Power” movement, 138 Reese, E., 315 Reference groups, 50 Referential beliefs, 177 Reflected appraisals, 134 Reflective self, 139 Reflexivity, 188 Relationship changing nature of, 278–279 community and, 286–287 emotion to, 278–280 social construction of, 278–280 Reliability, 59–60 Research project paper format appendix, 80 discussion, 80 methods, 80 references, 80 results, 80 theory and literature review, 80 step in developing assess theory and literature, 77–78 conduct data analysis, 79 report results, 79–80 research methods, 78–79 research questions or hypotheses, 78 Resource mobilization theory, 310–311 Retreatists, 200 Retrospective interpretations, 197 Reynolds, J., 166 role of mastery, 166 Reynolds, L T., 28, 29, 135 Richardson, M., 278 Richetin, J., 248 Ridgeway, C Ridgeway’s study, 112 status characteristics theory, 111 Ridgeway, C L., 48, 108, 111, 112, 143, 263, 265, 291 Ritualists, 200 Rituals, 280 Ritzer, G., 18, 284 Robbers’ cave experiment, 263 Robert Park on Social Control and Collective Behavior (Turner), 307 Rock, M S., 273 Rohall, D., 258–259 Rohlinger, D A., 298, 304, 306 Role identities, 123 Role theory, 41 Roschelle, A ethnographic study of homeless children, 64 Rosenbaum, J complex relationship between social status and individual agency, 166 Rosenberg, M 9, 13, 71, 119, 132, 133–137, 141–142, 172, 276 Conceiving the Self, 142 Cooley-Mead Award, 142 mattering and well-being, 136 Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, 71, 141, 142 self-concept, 119 self-esteem, 137 Social Psychology, Sociological Perspectives, 142 Society and the Adolescent Self-Image, 142 Rosenfield, S., 226 Rosenholtz, S J., 47, 109 Rosenthal, R Pygmalion in the Classroom, 171 Ross, C education on sense of mastery, 159 Ross, C E., 276, 283 Roszell, P., 230 Routine dispersal, 312 Routinization of emotional lives, 284 of work, 102 Rural children “tied to the land,” 165 Ruscher, J B., 224 Russell, B., 317 Rutter, C M., 228, 232, 234, 283 Rysavy, D., 249 376 Index S Saad, L., 257 Sacks, O The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales, 31 research on meaning and language, 32 Saeed, A., 174 Sample, 59 Sampling frame, 59 Sampson, R J., 165 turning points in people’s lives, 165 Santuzzi, A M., 224 Sarason, I G., 230 SAS See Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) Scheff, T negative emotions, 276 Scheff, T J., 226 Schieman, S., 9, 138, 229, 232 Schmidheiny, K., Schnittker, J paradox study, 293 Schooler, C., 230 model of status attainment, 103 personality characteristics and occupational outcomes, 103 research project on social class positions on values, 101 Schools classroom structure and socialization processes, 170–171 Pygmalion effect and children’s social statuses, 171–172 Schroeder, R D., 197 Schuman, H., 241, 243, 245 Schussman, A., 312 Schwarz, N., 244 Schweingruber, D meaning of money in door-to-door sales company, 33 Science of happiness, 293 Scott, K A., 155 Scott, M., 221, 226 Secondary data analysis, 69 Secondary deviance, 192 Secondary emotions, 272 Secondary groups, 50 Self as process, 120–121 learning race, class, and gender, 153–155 and narratives, 121–122 positive or negative evaluations of, 134 role of other, 151–153 social class and race, 137 stages of development, 150–151 Self-concept dimensions evaluation self-consistency motive, 134 self-esteem, 133–135 self-esteem motive, 134 Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, 141 Twenty Statements Test for assessing, 37, 139–140 Self-control theory, 204 Self-directed orientation, 102 Self-enhancement, 145 Self-esteem, 133–135 levels of racial and ethnic groups, motive, 134 Self-evaluations, 120 Self-fulfilling prophecy, 135 Self-identities, 119, 120 Self, Identities and Social Institutions (Heise), 75 Self-indication, 121 Self narratives, 121–122 Self-perceptions, 134 Self presentation and dramaturgical sociology, 127–128 front and back stages, 129–130 importance of, 130 impression management, 128–129 situated and postmodern self, 131 Seligman, M 293 Sell, J., 318 Semyonov, M., 266 Sense of embarrassment, 274 See also Emotions Sensorimotor stage, 152 Sentiments, 272 See also Emotions Serido, J., 228 Serpe, R identity theory, 124 Sewell Wisconsin Model of Status Attainment, 97 Shackelford, S Ridgeway’s study and, 112 Shame and society, 275 Sharp, S F., 201 Sherman, R study of service workers at luxury hotels, 89 Shin, H., 254 Shoda, J., 252 Shook, S L., 232 Shriver, T E., 223–224 Sigelman, L., 254 Signals, hand, 31 Silverstein, M study on prisoner, 92 Similarity, 278 Simmel, G society as complex network of dyads and triads, 10 sociological social psychology, development of, 10 Simmons, R G., 149 Simon, R., 283 Simons, G L., 201, 204 Simons, R L., 201, 204 Simpson, B., 254, 318–319 Simpson, E W., 43 Sirotzki, T., 161 Situated self, 131 Situational cues, 272 See also Emotions Situation, defined, 34 Skinner, B F behaviorism and, 29 “Skinner box,”, 74 Small groups, 48–49 Small warship and Homans, G., 105 Smelser, N value-added theory, 307 Smith, A symbolic interactionist, 29 Smith, L., 257, 261 Smith-Lovin, L., 13, 14, 104, 125, 131, 272, 286, 290–291 Cooley Mead award, 291 Social Psychology Quarterly, 291 Smith, R T emotional labor, 284 Snowball sample, 59 Snow, D A., 298, 304, 306, 310 Social behaviorism and social learning theory, 29 Index 377 Social capital, 99–101 Social categories, 123 Social class, 96 Social comparisons, 134 Social construction of reality, 30 The Social Construction of Reality (Berger and Luckmann), 31 Social contact hypothesis, 253, 262 Social control theory, 201 The Social Context of Ambition (Turner), 307 adult social bonds by Sampson, R and Laub, J., 203 attachment and commitment, 202 belief, 202 Causes of Delinquency (Hirschi), 203 by Hirschi, T., 201 involvement and belief, 202 modern statistical techniques by Greenberg, D., 203 study by Kreager, D., 203 Social development stages autonomy vs shame/doubt, 164 ego integrity vs despair, 164 generativity vs stagnation, 164 identity vs role confusion, 164 industry vs inferiority, 164 initiative vs guilt, 164 intimacy vs isolation, 164 trust vs mistrust, 164 Social dilemma, 318 Social disorganization theory, 204 Social distance scale, 249–250 Social emotions, 272 See also Emotions Social exchange theory status and power in, 104–105 Social exchange, theory of intimate relationships, 292–295 Social forces, 43 Social identity theory social identities, 143–145 Social institution, 20 Social isolates, 173 Socialization processes, 149, 155–158 assessing effects of, 177–181 of emotions, 275–276 values and beliefs, 169 Social mobility, 97–99 Social movement organizations, 311 Social networks, individuals and groups in society connection in, 41 Social norms and values, 18–19 Social Organization (Cooley), 11 Social psychology define, psychologists, 186 sociological historical context of, 9–11 perspective in, 12–16 and psychological, merging, 8–9 Social Psychology Quarterly, 75, 80, 291 Social Psychology, Sociological Perspectives, 142, 307 Social scripts, 34 Social self, 139 Social statuses and identities, 138–139 Social strain conformists and innovators, 200 rebellion, 200 retreatists, 200 strain theory, 199 Social stratification, 86 Social structure and personality, 13–14 and social movements, 310–316 Social support/social resources, 230 Social theories, 56 components of, 56–57 and hypotheses, relationship between, 56–58 independent and dependent variables, 58 reliability and validity, 59–60 sampling issues, 58–59 Societal-level factors, Society and agency, 28, 29 as complex network of dyads and triads, 10 culture elements of, 21 defined, 4–5 and emotions, 273–275 institutions in, 20 organizations and, 20–21 and shame, 275 and social forces, 43 Society and the Adolescent Self-Image (Rosenberg), 142 Society for Research in Child Development, 162 Society for Study of Human Development, 162 Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 79 Sociocentric model of emotional socialization, 275 Socioeconomic status (SES), 97 Socioemotional economy, 285 rules of sympathy etiquette, 285 Sociological Abstracts, 78 Sociological imagination, 16–17 Sociological Methodology, 75 Sociological Methods and Research, 75 Sociological Theories in Progress (Berger), 110 Sociology defined, 4–5 of mental health, 218 social science research methods, 62 sociological imagination, 16–17 Sociometry, 307 Soule, S., 310–311 patriot/militia movement, 310–311 Specific status characteristics, 108 SPSS See Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Squires, G D., 313 SSSI See Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI) Standard ability tests, 52 Staples, B meaning-making an, 90 Statistical Analysis Software (SAS), 79 Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 79 Statistical significance, 68 Status and emotions, 290–291 in groups, 106–107 society, 19–20 Status Characteristics and Social Interaction, An ExpectationStates Approach (Berger), 110 Status characteristics theory, 107–110 status hierarchies, 108 Status construction theory, 262–264 Status hierarchies, 108 Status, Network, and Structure, Theory Development in Group Processes (Berger), 110 Stearns, E., 285 Stearns, P N., 285 378 Index Steele, C influence of gender and race on aptitude tests, 93 Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, 289 Stern, D N., 151 Stets, J identities, 124 Stets, J E., 52, 110, 271–272, 275–277, 290 Stigma, 196–197 and mental illness, 223–224 Stolte, J languages and cultural framework, 35 Story telling process, 122 Strain theory, 199 Stratification processes and ability to define situation, 90–91 doing gender, 91–92 gender, race and network processes, 100–101 interaction, 88 and role of status during, 89 multiple inequalities, 92–94 networks and social capital, 99–101 strength of weak ties, 99–100 Stressors, 228–230 Stress process model, 228, 230, 232, 236 Strong ties, 99 Structural functionalism, See also Macrosociology Stryker, S., 28, 29, 33, 37, 88, 123, 124, 133, 149–150 identity theory, 123 research on self, 37 Studies in Ethnomethodology (Garfinkel), 18 Substantive complexity, 102 Subtle sexism, 252–253 Sudman, S., 244 Sunshine, J social identity processes, 145 Surveying Cultures, 75 Survey research, 69 See also Quantitative methods Sutherland, E H., 207–209 Swidler, A Americans conceive of love and relationships, 286 Swim, J K., 252 “Swimmer” identity, 146 Symbolic Interaction, 64, 80 Symbolic interactionism, 13 Blumer, H., 30 development of, 29 implication of pragmatism for, 30 principles of, 29–30 interpretations and, 34–36 meaning of, 30 value of interaction process, 33–34 schools of Chicago School, 36–37 Iowa and Indiana Schools, 37 Symbolic Interaction, Perspective and Method (Blumer), 30 Symbols, 30 Sympathy account, 285 Szasz, T S., 220 T Taboos, 186 Takeuchi, D T., 233 Tally’s Corner (Liebow), 19 Tannenbaum, F., 192 Taylor, J., 228 “Tearoom” behavior, 60 Tetlock, P E., 248 Theory of group position, 253 Theory of interaction ritual chains, 274 Theory of reasoned action See Planned behavior theory Thill, K P., 174 Thoits, P., 136, 272, 275–276 dimensions of emotion learning process, 275 emotions and sentiment, 272 identity theory, 57, 58 Thomas, R service-related extracurricular activities, study, 166 Thomas theorem, 34 Thomas, W., 9, 37 American school of social psychology, Thompson, M S., 171 Thorne, B gender processes, 91 Thornton, A., 168 Thrill-seeking behaviors, 284 Thye, S R., 47, 115, 289, 292, 294 Time and place, 159 use research, 246 Timing and life stages, 159, 162–165 Total institutions, 224 Traditional norms, 92 Triads, 49–50 Troyer, L., 45, 47, 177 TST See Twenty-Statements Test (TST) Tuch, S A., 257 Tucker, C W., 311–314 Turner, J., 228, 230–232, 233, 234 Turner, R., 283, 284 Collective Behavior, 305, 306 Family Interaction, 307 Robert Park on Social Control and Collective Behavior, 307 The Social Context of Ambition, 307 Social Psychology, Sociological Perspectives, 307 Sociometry and Annual Review of Sociology, 307 Waiting for Disaster, Earthquake Watch in California, 307 Turning point in life stages, 164 Twenty-Statements Test (TST), 139 Tyler, T social identity processes, 145 Types of Formalization in Small-Group Research (Berger), 110 U Ulbrich, P M., 233 Umberson, D J., 228, 232, 234 Unconscious racism, 247–252 Understanding Events, Affect and the Construction of Social Action, 75 United States American Indian in, 138 changes in U.S household composition, 168 Kohn and Schooler’s project in, 101 large-scale surveys of, 59 occupations by sex, race and ethnicity, 100 permitted and reported demonstration in, 314 race and poverty, intersection of, 96 racial interactions and, 93 research on sexual behavior in, 59 society and culture, effect on, ethnicity in, 138 Temperance Movement in, 308 Index 379 U.S Census Bureau, Universal expression of emotions, 273 Unnever, J D., 258 V Value-added theory, 307–309 Value-oriented social movements, 307 See also Collective behavior Values and beliefs, 242 Van Dyke, N patriot/militia movement, 310–311 Van Gundy, K., 228 Verbal IQ (VIQ) scores, 98 Verbal persuasion, 136 Verkuyten, M., 254 Vicarious experience, 136 Victimology, 213 Vigo, G., 305 Villate, M., 248 VIQ See Verbal IQ (VIQ) scores Voci, A., 266 Vryan, K D., 28, 33, 36 Vygotsky, L importance of language, 31 W Wagner, D., 237 Wagner, D G., 177 WAIN See “Who Am I Not” (WAIN) test Waite, L J., 167–168 Waiting for Disaster, Earthquake Watch in California (Turner), 307 Walker, H A., 48 Wallace, L E., 204 Wannabes, 172 Warheit, G J., 233 Waskul, D., 223–224 Waters, M ethnicity and, 139 Weak ties, 99–100 Webster, M., Jr., 47, 48, 108, 109, 180 Weighted average model, 243 Weinfurt, K P., 249 Welch, S., 254 Wenger, D., 305 Wen, M proximity principle, 42 West, C gender stratification, 91 Wethington, E., 228 Wheaton, B., 229, 232, 234, 283 Wheelchair users and stand-up people, 274 White-collar crime study by, Cressey, D., 208 Whitmeyer, J M., 47 “Who Am I Not” (WAIN) test, 139 Wilde, M J., Wilkinson, S., 277 Willer, R., 47, 114, 211–212, 254, 264 Williams, D R., 253 Wisconsin model and education role of genetics in social status, 103 social background characteristics and ability on long-term status attainment, 103 Wisconsin Model of Status Attainment, 97, 103 Withdrawal, 225 Wolf, A., 257–258 Wolfinger, N H., 168 Wood, W Ridgeway’s study, 112 Worchel, S Ridgeway’s study, 112 Working-class children interaction, 88 World Bank, Wortman, C B., 228 Wu, Z., 233 X Xie, Yu, 168 Y Yamagishi, T., 47 group processes, 114 Yang, Y happiness levels, 293 Yi, Z., Yodanis, C., Yoon, J., 289, 292, 294 Yuan, A., 233 Z Zald, M N., 310 Zelditch, M., 47, 48, 107, 109, 110, 262 Zelizer, V., 284, 286 Zimmerman, D gender stratification, 91 Zimmerman, R S., 233 Znaniecki, F., Zurcher, L., 277 UPLOADED BY [STORMRG] ... informational meeting The students have similar experiences—they meet the same people, participate in the same activities, and see the same literature about the club However, on leaving the meeting, one student... apparent between societies We use different words and symbols to represent some of the same objects and ideas Even subtle differences in everyday practices between cultures can have large implications... differences in mental health across genders Group processes researchers are more likely to use experiments to test theories about how men and women may be treated differently in the workplace even