II c • PEOPLE IN TROUBLE _ - - X People in Trouble , ALSO BY WILHELM REICH The Cancer Biopathy Character Analysis Ether, God and Devil I Cosmic Superimposition The Fu.nction of the Orgasm The Invasion of Compu.lsory Sex-Morality Listen, Little Man! The Mass Psychology of Fascism The Murder of Christ ReichSpeaks of Freud Selected W ritings The Sexual Revolution Early W ritings; V olume One ., ~ / \Vilhelm Reich in Switzerland, 1927 WILHELM REICH People in Trouble VOLUME TWO OF The Emotional Plague of Mankind Translated by Philip Schmitz FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX l\ E \V Y RK Copyright© 1976 by Mary Boyd Riggins as Trustee of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund Menschen im Staat, Teil I copyright © 1973 by Mary Boyd Riggins as Trustee of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund Earlier translation published under the title People in Trouble (The Emotional Plague of Mankind, Val II), copyright 1953 by the Orgone Institute Press, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First printing, 1976 Published simultaneously in Canada by McGraw-Rill Ryerson Ltd., Toronto Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Reich, Wilhelm, 1897-1957 People in trouble Includes index Reich, Wilhelm, 1897-1957 Orgonomy I Title [DNLM: Politics Psychoanalytic interpretation WM460 R347p] RC339.52.R44A313 1976 615'.85 76-39776 Love, work, and knowledge are the wellsprings of our life They should also govern it WILHELM REICH r 272 \V I L H E L ~I R E I C H found "in the air." Every effort to obtain protozoa from the air has failed in n1y laboratory, and there is no proof in the literature of classical biology that protozoa \Vere actually found in the air This clain1 is pure invention on the part of prejudiced scientists It serves to n1aintain a defunct view of life which sharply distinguishes the organic from the inorganic, in origin as weil as functi